The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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HOLYOKE WARE PALMER CQ URGE'S UNERAL TO DAY at HATIELD 'DE A A AH A I NG three Atty MAINE GOVERNOR VISITS HOLYOKE OBITUARY AMHERST DAMES MALTA ELECT Aids EASTHAMPTON WILBRAHAM reported yesterday She is a graduate vf LINOLEUM GRANBY LAID Benevolent society of REE 10 DAY'S WEST BROOKIELD ONLY CUT WHEN CAR SKIDS Hrs son of Mr ana money SOUTHAMPTON HUNTINGTON STOVE CLUB Ly AQ MAKES YOU A MEMBER nra WILLIAMSBURG 3 CHHOPEE BRIES garage 4 the the 0 days as all can The few have re of Ham laid the Sunday school Read given by Mrs Harry funeral yester held and Rei will mass of 9 a Chicopee an im BaL res Lidnel public works a traffic baht North Bridge Wanes Darterwood Charles Hoadstrand a rank II lrtloa is a gas coal or range it will be while to compare on the Bourne be as th cost property TWO AUTOMOBILES SMASHED URGES JEWISH BODIES UNITE OR EICIENCY by Aiderman for traffic light Miss Isaura Graves who has been spending the summer with har mother Mirs Thaddeus Graves of Alain street has returned to New York Robert Byrne son of Dr and Mrs A Byrne has resumed his studies at Dartmouth medical school Chhrles Byrne who has been spend ing the summer with his parents JOr and Mrs A Byrne has returned to Miami university Oxford Miss Cecilia Ryan has returned to Cedar Crest college Allentown where she is a member of the faculty 3tearns Belden son of Mr and Mrs Oscar Belden of Bradstreet has rgr sumed his studies at Massachusetts Agricultural college in Amherst Also Delay Action on Garage Permit Opposed by Mons saves you the house of correction for Antoni Zabek of East Duprey appealed but was on revocation of suspen soon as the was at One Brarlv driven by Martin Summer street who had with him Stanley Koritoski of 5 65 ederal street both of Northampton and the other was owned and driven by An ton Sevelins of Moore Hill road Athol They were going in opposite directions Lyons going south In spector James Malcolm of the detec tive bureau investigated TROLLY LINE DROPS VETERAN INSPECTORS Ceremony Performed at St Joseph's Church by Rev Donohue Hatfield Sept Miss Margaret daughter of Mrs Barbara O'Dea of Main street and John Callahan ol lorence were married this mornirg at 10 at St Joseph's church Rev Donohue the pas tor performed the ceremony using the single ring service The maid of honor was Miss Helen O'Dea sister of the bride and the best man was Thomas Callahan the brother The ushers were Ed ward Callahan and Thomas O'Dea The bride wore a gown of white transparent velvet and a cap shaped veil of tulle and lace She car ried a shower bouquet of gardenias and bourvadia Her maid of honor wore pink taffeta with a black rench felt picture hat and carried rapture roses ollowing the church service i a wedding breakfast was served at in Northampton with about 70 guests present After a tripthrough New York state and Canada Mr and Mrs Callahan will make their horns at 185 North Maple lorence The bride is a graduate of Smith' academy and of Northampton C0mT mcrcial school The groom was gract uated from Northampton High school and is at present auditor at the United States veterans' hospital Northampton OUND DEAD ON BENCH IN ELMWOOD PARK uneral Chapel 87 Howard St 1U17S Invalid Ambulance (34 Hour Service) COUNCIL sh*tS TO IRE DEPARTMENT Calls on Paul Sargent ormer State Highway Engineer Palmer Sept 17 While returning from the Eastern States exposition this morning in their ocial car Gov and Mrs William Gardiner of Maine stopped here to visit Mr and Mrs Paul Sargent former chief engineer of the Maine state highway department and a ei lend of Gov Gar diner who is recuperating from Illness His condition is greatly proved After paying their respects at home of Mr and Mrs Sargent governor and his wife continued on to Augusta Mr Sargent resigned as chief engineer of the Maine state highway department to become iated with the New England Metal Culvert company of Palmer TWO JAIL SENTENCES OLLOW LIQUOR RAID and turning north into Pearl street Joseph Marx ran from behind an Ice wagon and hit the front left mud guard' of her car He jumped up from the roadway and ran home An examination of the boy' showed' that lie had an abrasion of the right leg above the knee SAYS BOURNE STREET RESIDENTS WILL PAY 45 Algonquin street oft Casino six room modern in every respect Telephone 5 9137 aiLIUMl'MWU' VL1! Riles for Christopher Callahan Holy Cross Church Holyoke Sept 17 Justice James Carroll of the state supreme judicial court superior court judges and mem bers of the Bar association will attend the funeral tomorrow of Judge Christo pher Callahan The funeral is to be held at the home 33 airfield avenue followed by high mass of re quiem at Holy Cross church Burial will be in St cemetery knight William Larrijw Huntington Sept 17 A social for members of St Thomas's circle Daughters of Isabella was held at their rooms last evening A penny sale was held and refreshments served At the meeting the members of the social committee for October were appoint er as follows: Miss Olive DeMara Mrs Emma Carrington Miss Blanch La ortune Mrs idelia Nelson Mrs Edith McLean MrA Mary McLean' Mrs Catherine Nelson Mrs Nora Dowd Mrs Alice Kirby and Mrs Catherine Roche Miss Catherine Donohue daughter of Mr and Mrs John Donohue hasbeen elected president of the junior class nt the Westfield Normal school Miss Oranicr Diamond leaves on Thursday to enter her sophom*ore year at Our Lady of the Elms collegi In Chicopee Tho first Masonic 'ntectlng this fall will be held levelling in the Masonic temple' when the regular monthly meeting will be held and de grees conferred and Theodore LaMontagne and Albert ortier and Nelson Roland Provost grandsons of Vincellette Burial was in St Bridget's cemetery Miss' Kathleen daughter of Mr and Mrs has entered the Academy of Our Lady of the Elms at Chicopee Members of Leonard Dalton post of the American Legion and of the auxiliary will attend a district coun cil meeting at Greenfield tomorrow night The commander of the Legion state department John will be present and District Adjutant Wil liam McBain of Easthampton will be a member of the state commander's escort The harvest sale of the Methodist women's society will be held riday afternoon The annual outing of the Ira club will be held Tuesday October 1 at Look Memorial park at lorence The committee comprises Mrs Pome roy (chairman) Mrs James McCullum and Mrs Otis Allen CARD Off THANKS wish to express' our appreciation and thanks to the employes of the isk Rubber company Chicopee ire department Bel mont Laundry friends and relatives for the kindness and sympathy shown us during our bereavement In the loss of our father Her man II Osborne THE OSBORNE AMILY Holyoke Sept 17 Tme aldermen tonight pledged themselves to sup port the navigation of the Connecticut river program and 'also to provide terminals for the benefit of the city Public hearings were granted on petitions for storage of gasoline and erection of garages Several were granted and two were referred to the garage committee A petition for a garage to house five cars at the rear ot 198 Lyman street by Samuel Greenman was opposed by Atty Thomas O'Connor who appeared in opposition for Rt Rev Mons John agan of St Jerome's parish The board referred the petition to the ga of Holyoke Sept 17 Two automobiles were practically' demolished tonight Roovcvelt avenue 32 Lower tenement modern' Telephone W32 1 Advertisem*nt by a solemn high masH of chapel at 9 Bur Calvary cemetery this city 15th John Spring Savoy avenue uneral from i state street High mass at St Burial In St Mlcb GIugras Major Wedding Miss Valyda Gingras daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Gingras of Myr tle street and LeRoy Major son of Mr and Mrs rederick Major of State street were married at Sacred Heart church yesterday morning by Rev ernand Roy Nuptial mass was cele brated by Rev Stanislaus Guillet as sisted by Rev George Trotticr of East hampton and ather Roy The wed ding marches were played by Joseph Vailancourt violin solos were played by Arthur Mongeon cousin of the bride and a solo was sung by Mrs The attendants Louis Douville sister ot the a gown of and bouffant with orange shower bou nties of the LINT BRICKETT CO MAIN STREET opposite court square William Harrow Is Elccfed Grand Knight Jnstalation Ucto'jec 1 South Hadley alls Sept South Hadley council Knights of Columbus tonight elected officers as Grand deputy grand knight Timothy Palyj treasurer Joseph Lynch ward mi Patrick Early recording secretary John Qurk chancellor Joseph Lynch advocate Clifton White In side guard Wilfred itzgerald out side guard Michael Mitchell trustee for three years Stephen delegates to the state convention Al fred Recce Alfred Landry tion of officers will be held October 1 Mr and Mie Charles Dy of Hlgn street entertained last night In hoa Sr ot Mr and Raymond Peters were married Saturday morning Alovsius church Newark and Mrs Joseph Kuchnlr of brother and sister in law of the bride were the attendants Mount Olivet Unit Picks Mrs Mary Williams As Queen Holyoke sept 11 The annual elec tion of officers of Mt Olivet sister tonight at the Oak lodge of Odd el hall and was followed by a bridge party The new officers are to be installed October 1 by Miss Emma Johnson supreme deputy protector of New Bedford These are the new officers: Queen Mrs Mary Williams Ruth Mrs Celia Peterson Naomi Miss Mildred Peter sen: herald Mrs lorence Cleland deputy herald Mrs Alice Bennett assistant keeper of archives Cather ine Malcolm: first color bearer Mrs Mrs Josenhine Bramham: second Emma Moffitt first messenger Mrs Eileen Brainham second Mrs Miry McCurry first guerd Mrs Minnie Baldwin second Mrs Esther Bradley Julia Sullivan of North Dakota several nieces and nephews In city The funeral will be held Money Transferred to or est ire Account as Result i of West arms Blaze Northampton Sept 17 The trans fer to the forest fire account of the'ifiro department chiefly on ac count'ot the widespread fire In the vicinity of West farms was one of the ltms'of business attended to at a special meeting of the city council to nightjjj Transfers to other accounts were jnade as follows: relief ambulance $250 improvement in heating equipment at Masonic street' engine house $46 A feature of the meeting 'was the presentation of a large number of ap plications for licenses for garages that 1 have been built for several years TheseJ petitions were presented be cause'of a recent change in the law nnd Uta total number of stjch peti tions will reach about 125 about four times the number presented tonight it is said As a matter of form these petitions were referred to the license committao And hearings were set for Ocob'et 17 The usual places were fortha Republican caucuses ofotambor 18 to be helij in antici pltionfot the city election Polling caucuses to be 'November 14 had been assigned pr Jvloilsly George Riley of Hartford Ct prjs joted a claim of $75 because of a dama 5 hts automobile alleged to BOSCH EMERSON Chairman A Shaw of Road Board Denies Side walk Abutters Untaxed allmer Sept 17In a statement this afternoon Homer A Shaw chairman ot' the road commission declared that owners of property abutting sidewalk being constructed onstreet at Three Rivers will sessed the Same percentag of of the improvement that owners un the south side of North Main street at Palmer will pay for a new sidewalk here Chairman Shaw's statement was in contradiction of a statement attribut ed to Thomas Moran a fellow member of the road commission con tending that the commission had tak en steps to collect a percentage of the construction costs in the case of North Main street owners but had not done so in authorizing the in stalation of a new sidewalk on Bourne street Chairman Shaw said to Bourne street the abutters will pay There is no cause for alarm" ranciszek Goias Appeals But' is Committed as Earlier Term is Invoked Northampton Sept ranciszek Goias of Church avenue was and sentenced to three months in the house of correction in district A court this morning on a charge of having liquor to sfell On a charge of maintaining a liquor nuisance he was fined $30 and sentenced to three months in the house ot correction He appealed but was committed on a pre vious suspended sentence or months imposed after he hud plead ed guilty to similar charges Stephen Vanderllck appeared for Goias cases resulted from a raid by the city police 7 Harold Robbins attendant at the veterans' hospital was fined a total ot $215 on charges ot drunkenness driving when under the influence of liquor and going away after an acci dent without making himself known A car driven by Robbins was in a col losion on Maple street last Tuesday i Alex Kadlubokski of South Hadley pleaded guilty to a charge ot going away aftpr an accident at Easthamp ton without making himself known and paid a fine ot $100 Joseph Daide and Louis Duprey of Easthampton were sentenced to three months in assault on hampton committed slou ot a previous sentence tor drunk enness It Was alleged that Zabek was attacked by the two men near his home on Clinton street Easthampton and that one of his legs was broken Atty appeared for the prosecution and Atty Joseph Don als ot Easthampton for the defend ants about 830 when they crashed headon while traveling about 30 miles an hour on' the Northampton highway north of the Dobbs illirig station The occupants escaped without in jury Each man claimed the other fault machine owned by Louis of 57 King street was being Lyons or la Thompson of Newport Ky drove his automobile Into the side 0 a moving passenger train at Circle ville but came out of the accident with nothing more serious than a bloody nose His wife escaped without a scratch The car was demolished Whether it combination worth your our prices and to inquire about our stove club plan BRIMIELD Brimfield Sept Mrs Mabl (Prouty) Landis of Riverside Cai spent Saturday night at the Brimfielo inn and attended church and renewed old associations in town Mrs girlhood was spent in Brimfield and she graduated from Hitchco*ck ree academy in the class ot 1881 She is the daughter of the late Albert Prouty who lived on the Brookfield road "Mrs Landis was accompanied in attendance at the historic church yes terday by brother Charles A Proutv and Mrs Prouty of Holyoke Miss Agues Sullivan daughter of Mr and Mrs Daniel Sullivan of the Brimfield inn a freshman in Massachusetts Agricul tural college Hitchco*ck ree academy in the class of 1927 and is the first girl from the academy to attend Massachusetts Agricultural college She will take the four year course and major in horn economics rederick Lawrence a junior at Massachusetts Agricultural college returned to Amherst yesterday Miss Marie Maddocks has returned to the University of Vermont for her sophom*ore year Lawrence Spooner Hillcrest Park Cemetery lots tnaxbe purchaiel on payment plan Most mfxrn cemetery In Sew England TntXCREST OR BORATION Bridge St Rhone 3 JS5JT Daniel Sheehan Daniel Sheehan a resident of Holyoke for 50 years died this morn ing at the home 101 Elm street after a ehort illness or many years Mr Sheehan was a tool maker for the Baush Tool and Machine company of Springfield or the paet few years he was employed by the Holyoke Water department He was a member of the Holy Name society of the St church Besides his widow who was formerly Miss Abbie Moran he leaves a daughter Mary A at home: two sons rank at Los GGatos Cal and Daniel at home one sister Mrs and thia at the Dillon funeral parlors Thurs day morning at 830 followed by a solemn high mass requiem in St chapel at 9 Burial will be in Calvary cemetery Christina Ramnse Miss Christina Ramage died last night at the home 6 Stanford street She was born at Paterson the daughter of John alid Agnes (Bryce) Ramage and came to Holyoke with her parents in 1878 or some years she taught in thj East Dwight street school but for the last decade has been retired from active duties She was a member of the Second Congre gational church and the Holyoke club She leaves two sis ters the Misses Lucy and Helen both at home and several cousins in this city The tunerai win oe at the home tomorrow afternoon will be private Rev Dr Clarence denbach will officiate and burial be in orestdale cemetery Mrs Marcella Crowson Mrs Marcella Crowson 78 of tlmnre Md a former well known ident of Holyoke died at the home of Mr and Mis Eulric Rainaud of Washington avenue South Hadley alls this morning as the result of a shock suffered a few days ago Mrs Crowson had come to visit the home of Mr and Mrs Rainaud a week ago She was a nurse and her profession had taken her to many cities through out the United States She also spent some time in Cuba She lived in Hol yoke for a number of ybars She leaves no relatives in this vicinity but is survived by two stepsons Edward Crowson of West itchburg and Ela dio Crowson of Baltimore Md The funeral will be held at Alger's funeral parlors and burial will be in orest dale cemetery Lef Aubrey Jr Leo Aubrey Jr son of Mr an Mrs Leo Aubrey died this morning at the home 7 Piney place Springfield He is survived by his parents and a sister Exilda Aubrey The family for merly lived in Holyoke The funeral will be held at the home tomorrowafternoon at 230 Burial will be in St Rose's cemetery Aldenville Rev Andrew Krzywda of Three Rivers Rev Joseph Pisczalka of Nashua Rev Oswald Loretan of Bonds vjlle Rev Teter Jaworski Rev Michael Her but and Rev rancis Slusarz of St the rector of Granby seminary his assistants and others Tho program at the hall included greetings to ather Kolbuch from the various organizations of the parish in song and speech and from the parish people as a whole with speaking by visiting clergymen and town officials who welcomed the pastor back to his duties A one act play also featured the program with Siarklewicz Milos Ciejka Jerz Lachut Satnbor Milos and taking part COURT ACTS 05 CASES Arms Academy Enters Schoolboy Track Meet Amherst Sept 17 Twelve men from Arms academy have been enter ed by' Coach Leo Duffy in the Western Massachusetts small high school track and field championships to be h'eld at A Saturday it was announced today The Shelburne alls team took first honors at the Charlemont fair and have several men who should score well Capt Ernest Kinsman is entered In both the broad and high jumps as well as the weights Other entries in clude Hale winner of the shot put at the Greenfield fair in the weight events Thieringer and Purinton in the dashes and hurdles Harmer in the 440 and Coombs in the 800 yard runs Southampton Sept 17 man reports that all of the dog taxes have been collected The selectmen have drawn for juror for the October sitting of the traverse jury Lyman The food sale to be held riday will be in charge of the Women's oreign Missionary society of the Congrega tional church their clubroom under Monday evening Rev Reidenbach pastor ot Congregational church was the speaker and gave a very In teresting talk on his life experiences He has traveled in every state In the Union and in many ot the countries in Europe and described in a graphic way many of the things he saw A rising vote of thanks was given him for the fine address The club also voted to send a vote of thanks to the Massachusetts highway commission for their excellent work on the road side at the north park and to Charles Gallup for the generous clambake he prepared for the club at lake After the business refresh ments were served Mr and Mrs George Eastman have been in Springfield taking in the Eastern States exposition and visiting ith Mrs brother and sister Mr and Mrs Cornelius McGillicuddy of Maple street Mason Matthews of Tuylor street is at Springfield this week for the ex position and to visit relatives in the city Patrick Curran Stricken With Heart Attack Left Home to Take Walk Holyoke Sept Patrick Cur ran of 96 Beed? street was stricken with a heart attack here early to while seated on a bench at Elm wood park and had been dead for at least an hourd before Tils body was discovered by Walter and Oscar Ellert of 705 Calumet road who were pass ing through the park about 750 Dr Stanley Cox associate medical ex aminer heart trouble was the cause of death Curran had eveidently become faint and seated himself on the bench for his opened umbrella was found near the body He had left his home only a short time before to take a walk The Ellert boys notified Capt rank Metcalf of the finding of the body and he at once dispatchced Officers ran cis Conway and Patrick Manning to the spot Curran is survived his widow Ellen (Corridon) Curran two sons Maurice and John and two daughters Helen and Mary all at home three sisters Mrs Mary Kennedy of this city "Mrs Julia Moynihan of Spring field and Mrs John Kennedy in Ire land He as a member of the Holy Name society at St Jerome church The body was taken in charge by Undertaker John Shea and the fu neral will be held at his parlors ri day morning followed by a solemn high mass of requiem at St chapel Burial will be In St cemetery Boy elled by Automobile Elizabeth Clark of 139 Madison avenue reported to the police that as she was driving west on Allyn street SOUTH HADLEY ALtS HOLDS ELECTION rage committee The petition Abraham Stein to store gasoline at 7 61 High street was also referred to the garage committee The following petitions were grant ed: Clifford A Henry and Earl A Smith to store gasoline itt Smiths erry Bibcau Coal Oil company to tore gasoline at 61 Commercial street Puritaq Gasoline company to store gasoline at Maple and High streets and also on the southeast cor ner ot Shawmut avenue and North ampton street! Wicenty Guzik ga rage and gasoline storage in the rear of 132 Center street Ducharme Poitras to store gasoline at 88 Ely street The board named November 5 as the date for public hearings on ac cepting as public highways the fol lowing streets: Queen street West Glen street St James avenue and Keefe avenue Th city solicitor was instructed to draft an order to con form with the state law regulating compensation for firemen for injuries received in the line of duty An ordinance creating the position of assistant superintendent of out door work was passed to its first reading Canby street was accepted as a public street after the ordinance regulating the acceptance of streets less than 50 feet wide had been waived A number of and licenses were granted and the following transferred adopted: rom school salaries $2500 state aided schools $1500 and vocational school salaries $2000 all to the school survey account: city engineer sala ries to city engineer maintenance 87889 relief department salaries to city homes salaries 5100 On order of Aiderman Boucher the board of was instructed to instal signal at Mosher and streets A norder introduced Josenh Griffin calling signals on Suffolk street and Dwight street was adopted Th signals will be placed at intervals along both streets have been caused by a large stone on Maple street The accident happened the night of August 17 John Boudo of Vernon street presented a claim of $50 because of Injury suffer ed by his son Henry when the boy fell from his bicycle at Elm nnd Ver pon streets August 28 It was alleg ed that the fall was caused by uneven ness in the roadway ot Elm street where a new water pipe had been These claims were referred to committee on claims The Pater and Paul cemetery poratlon presented a petition for lo cation of a cemetery comprising two acres at Mountain steret and the ground The petitioners were repre sented by Atty Alvertus Morse Gasoline licenses at the following lo cations were asked for and the peti tions were referred to the licensfe com mittee and hearings set for October 17: Kazinskl Main street lorence Mis Mary Mountplaisir King street: A Gillett Spring street lorence Ernest Graves Pleasant street The following jurors were drawn for the October sitting ot the superior court: James Hennessey of Leeds Bradley of New South street: Henry Ashlaw of Hatfield street rederick Shea of Winthrop street Walter Wallace of Prospect street Herman A Cohn of Pomeroy terrace and rank Hinds of Lincoln ave nue Wilbraham Sept The of Albert North was held day afternoon at 23) at the home Stony Hill road Wilbraham S' A 'Leitch pastor of Hie tlnlied church Wilbraham officiated jJurigl was in Island Tona cemetery XAtd low Amherst Sept 17 The A club have elected the following officers for the year: President Barbara Keedy vice president Anna Kosakowski treasurer Gertrude Davis secretary Betty Barton The first get together social meet ing of the Baptist church will be held tomorrow evening ollowing supper at 630 the entertainment will be in charge ot the Ings will be Miner The the Baptist church has set the dates December 3 and 4 for the annual thurch fair The two graduate students who re ceived acid burns in yesterday's mis hap at the chemistry laboratory are expected to be able to leave the in firmary today 69c Sq Yd elt Base Plenty of new fall patterns from which to choose Order yours now $139 Sq Yd Inlaids Maids wear better A good quality of Arm strong at this price DIED At Ellington Ct 16th Theodore Berr 78 'uneral service Rt the home Thursday at 3 aianaaru time Burial 'In EUfngtonj Gt uneral arrange ments in charge of Graham corpora In this city 16th Louisa Bolan! 51 wife of Angelo Boianl uneral from the home 419 Taylor street Wednesday at 1030 a Burial in Oak Grove cemetery A Byron funeral director At HolyokS 16th Chrlsto Inher Callahan uneral at the home 39 airfield avenu Wednesday at 815 a High mass of requiem In Holy Cross church at 9 am Burial in St Jerome cemetery indiv emit nowera riends may view tne ody from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 In this cltv 17th Miss Mary LPeasy uneral at the home of her sister I 'lrp allies XjreiiuHH iua iiui anaur avenue Thursday at 815 a Requiem high mass fnliowlnr at Holy amily church at 9 a riends Invited In this cttv '16th Thomas Donnelly of 25 Willard avenue uneral service at funeral home 68 1 State street Wednesday at 1 Burial in Stafford 'Springs cemetery Stafford Springs Ct At Chicopee alls 16th Mrs MarySullivan Leary uneral from her home 71 Montgomery street Thursday a at bou lonowea ny a solemn nign requiem at St church at burial in St cemetery alls At Holyoke 17th Mrs Granby Sept The He club had a very interesting meeting at tne library Dr Clarence the Second at Holyoke David Suprenant were Mr and Mrs brother in law and groom The bride wore white satin princess linestyle and veil fastened blossoms She carried a ouet of bride roses and valley The matron of honor wore anorchid gown with hat to match and carried Butterfly roses The ceremony was followed by a reception at the home of the bride After tne wedding trip Mr and Mrs Major will jive at 10 Maple street The executive committee ot the merchants' division of the Chamber of Commerce voted today to recommend that the stores be closed Columbus day Saturday October 12 A conference was held yesterday by County Commissioner Hodgkins the selectmen ot Cummington and an engineer of the state highway depart ment concerning the gravel road to be constructed from the Bryant library to the Bryant homestead at Cumming ton Work will be started soon The fire department was called at noon today for a blaze in a rubbish can in a hallway of the Masonic block A gift shower was extended last night at the home ot Mrs Helen In Montagne on Chestnut street lor ence to Miss Mary oley who is soon to be married to rancis McKel ligotu The hostesses at the country club tomorrow will be Miss Margaret Mc Connell Mrs Joseph Collins Mrs Colby and Mrs Charles Morton The Girls City club will hold a pic nic Sunday at Wish Kum Tru at Del ham ATHER KOLBUCH GUEST PRIESTS AND PARISH St Pastor Back rom Pilgrimage eted After noon and Night Ware Sept 17 Rev Michael Kol buch pastor of church who has been absent for the past two months in charge of the La Salette pil grimage was tendered a rousing re ception at the parish residence this afternoon by clergymen from Ware and other places and tonight he was feted at St Mary's hall by more than 1000 ot his parishioners and friends in Ware being presented with a sub stantial remembrance from his parish ioners in honor of his return to take over the duties of his parish once more The visiting clergymen passed the afternoon jwith ather Kolbuch and who had dinner with him before the reception at night included Rev Anthony Cyram and Rev John Klo kotka of Webster Rev Joseph Rarnis zewski of New London Ct Rev Va lerian ligier and Rev Stanley Koko cinski of Northampton Rev John Lan gow of North Deerfield Rev Martin Hanys of Southbridge Rev Lawrence Cynan and assistants of Chicopee Rev Theodore Kaczmarek and assistants of Holyoke Also Rey rancis Jablonski of West field Rev Celestine Rozewicz of WiJH mansett Rev James Kirby of Gil bertville and Rev John Szymez of Gil bertville Mons John Sheehan Rev' A Lussier Rev A Dwyer and Rev John Kenney of Ware Probation Officer Genest leaves tomorrow for a two vacation to be spent in Vermont Dur ing his absence Teiesphore Bourrassa will perform his duties A false alarm was sounded from Box 313 at Sargeant street and Jcrom avenue at 343 this afternoon Many Are Taking Advantage of the has returned to Massachusetts 'Agri cultural college tor his senior year and Raymond Spooner left yesterday for Montreal where he is a junior lr the medical department McGill uni versity Miss Margaret Dinsmore left yes terday on an automobile trip with friends to the White mountains to be gone a week orty or more pupils including 4 club members attended the Eastern States exposition Tht were conveyed in school trucks by Clarence Brown and Asa Adams At a meeting of the Brimfield Im provement society held at the Brim field inn last night it was voted to supplement the balance of the appropriation for the care of the com mon if necessary so that some im provements may be made this fall Miss Gladys Day Mrs Stanley Dar ker and Mrs red Lawrence left today by automobile for Truro where they will spend several days at the Lawrence summer cottage slant period only 'e will cut and lay your linoleum free of charge Take advantage of this offer i Ea'ahampton Sept 17 Tne funeral of Agapite Vincellette was held yes terday morning at Notre Dame church solemn high mass of requiem being celebrated by Rev Ambrose Buisson assisted by Rev George Trottier as deacon and ather Routy as subdeacon The bearers were Henry Arthur and Mr W1! VP 1 A NOR I HAMK 1 (JIN William and George Greenwood Are Let Go in Economy Move Holyoke Sept The management of the' Holyoke street railway com pany announces that owing to an economy policy two inspectors of the road have been let go They are Wil liam who has worked foi the company 31 years and George Greenwood an employe for 20 years But one inspector will be kept by the company Talk of putting into service one man cars is all' based on rumor nothing being considered by the company in the nature of one man car service Mr for the last quarter of a centry has done duty at Mountain park during the summer season and as an inspector has an swered more than a million questions There is hardly any pne in the two counties who does not know O'Brien and his absence will be felt by the trolly passengers Mass Aggie Gridmen Hold Indoor Drill Amherst Sept 17 A heavy rain drove the Mass Aggie 'varsity foot ball men indoors this afternoon for their practice session With the open ing of college due tomorrow and sev eral more candidates reporting the squad now numbers approximately 40 men Johnny lunten guard as pirant and Ossie Holmberg member of the backfield squad are nursing minor injuries Johanna of616 Worthington street Springfield uneral at the funeral home of Samp son Sons of Springfield Thursday at 815 a Requiem high mass In St cathedral iC 9 a in riends Invited At Nobla hospital Westfield 1Gth Richard Meier 22 of 1G3 Alden street Springfield uneral service at fu neral home 684 State street Thursday at nn Burial In Oak Grove cemetery At Salem 16th Mrs George Noyes formerly Grace White of Sprlrrfield uneral at Salem ThunMay Tn this city 17th Martha Russell at her home 210 High street uneral serviced at funeralchapel Thursday at 1030 a Burial in Springfield cemetery At Holyoke 17th Daniel Sheehan of lOVElm street uneral at theIjTlon funeral parlors Thursday morning at louowen requiem at St iar will be in In Jr H4 of 239 Byron's funeral home Wednesday at 713 a 4 church at 8 cemetery lYiuusuii mo seven soccer games this fan rv I YY 1 UlLU rWv nn hft 27th the i (ho it fl boa to wn irtnu nnt footer football on sports slate and Coach Paul Johnson ha? a large squad out working tq make regular berths Much of the material Is veteran and Monson fans look for a strong team The Central booters will be played in this city on October 10' Two games are pending with iccn and Hopkins academy and Coach Johnson hopwi fill in more dates 1 a ttrioLr WtUUU L41V schedule is filled it State Eastern Star Official and Confer Degrees Ware Sept Mrs lorence Richardson grand conductress and deputy grand matron of the grand chapter of Eastern Star of Massachu setts paid an official visit to Ctar ot Eden chapter at Masonic hall las night to inspect the chapter She was accompanied by Miss Elizabeth I Davis deputy grand marshal Harry Childs associate grand patron of Massachusetts Mrs Helen reeman deputy grand matron and Edwin Davis past grand patron Degrees were conferred Supper was served at East parish house fol lowed by instruction at Masonic hall Visitors were present from Worcester Springfield Holyoke Dalton Enfield Warren Barre Lawrence Winthrop Palmer Belchertown Indian Orchard Westfield Chicopee and Ludlow TWO ADMIT LIQUOR GUILT Michael Sullivan nnd Stanley Mikus zewskl ined $150 Each Holyoke Sept 17 Michael Sullivan of 412 Maple street and Stanley Mikuszewski of 24 Oliver street were arraigned in district court this morn ing charged with liquor keeping On their pleas of guilty the court assessed each $150 which fines were paid The premises of both men were raided re cently and some liquor and beer found Martin 'Bozck of Lyman street ap peared in district court with two high ly colored optics wnlch he alleged rank Baran presented him with for the nonpayment cr some money bor rowed within the last few months Baran admitted chastising Bozek for his failure to return the loan and the court fined him $50 Thomas Stewert denied a charge of operating an automobile in a manner to endanger the lives and safety of the public and will be tried the 27th Louis Peterson will be tried the 20th on a charge of driving an automobile with out registration plates a charge he denied this morning Two were assessed $15 each Vickers of Atlantic Hurlea Against Windshield West Brookfield Sept 17 Mrs David Vickers of Atlantic received cuts about the face and bruises on the arms when the car driven by her husband skidded today and threw het against the broken windshield The cur was on its way from Atlantic to Palmer and failed to make the curve at corner it crossed the road and dug through the bank on' the op posite side but did not tip over iting nslied into which stopped suddenly Bedford home oresters leet Officers All court of oresters elect ed the following officers at a meeting last night: Chief ranger Mrs Jennie I McMahon vice chief ranger John Sullivan recording secretary Mary Healey financial secretary Mary Dugan treasurer Andrew Cam pion senior conductor Doris Norton junior conductor Daniel Campion in side sentinel Mrs Mary A Shea but side sentinel Mrs Grace Klara: trus tees Mrs Sadie Miner Miss Anna Car roll Mrs A Shea: delegates tu state convention Harold Thresher Daniel Campion alternates Andrew Campion Mrs A Shea Invitations to the wedding of Miss Yvonne ournier of 12 Dale stree and Clofford Harper son of Mr ano Mrs Albert Harper of Maple strrt have been sent out The wedding wi be held the 30th at Mount Caimel church at 730 a Avith a reception following at St Jean hall The heavy growth of brush bebia the Enfield road in the Longhill sec tion is causing considerable criticism by automobile drivers This is a man route and is used by hundreds of au tomobiles daily The brush at the cor ners provides a danger because th vision of the driver is obscured to some extent it is contended The women ot the Methodist church will serve a peach supper at th church parlors riday night from a to 6 SO Monson Opens Soccer Season With Central Monson High is to play more than with Central High of this ame to uc Mon its Three Cut In Auto Wreck Joseph libbert of East street his daughter lorida and Miss Eulalle Lussier of 58 Church street were in jured In an automobile accident a New Bedford Sunday night and were treated in that city and then by Dr Dionne on arrival here The in jured were cut about the face and head and also received body contu sions Mrs libbert was not injured The party had started home after vis pArtfnra and relatives at the rear oi iujuci oi wrecked and was left at New Relatives prougnt inc Williamsburg Sept 17 Mrs Phil bert Burdeau and children are spend ing a month at the home ot her par ents in Altoona Dr Reginald Man well left riday on a motor trip to Baltimore Md where lie will take up his new duties as instructor and research worker in the School of Hygiene of Johns Hop kins university Mrs Alvah Shumway pf North street has sold her home to Prof Collins of I Smith college who has taken up his residence there Mrs Shumway is with friends at Laurel park 3 rnrr nntxvi A A a'tt DDOTTmTCAM CPPTMCIRT ASS WDNSn A SRPTRMRKR 1R 1929 i ci ruDivrr iihL iA xnixuxt ivxux We take great pride in announcing the addition of a Springfield product to our radio lines The new Bosch line is beautiful Your inspection is invited Join the Radio Club! $000 MAKES YOU A MEMBER Make Tour Selection rom RADIOLA MAJESTIC $225 Sq Yd Inlaids A little more a longer wearing quality Many new Armstrong pat terns uneral birectorsr Personal Service And Now BOSCH RADIOS AMHERST GRID SQUAD PRACTICES IN MUD Amherst Sept 17 Signal practice on a muddy field was all that Coach Al Wheeler asked of the Amherst col lege football squad today when a heavy rain forced cancelation of long er workouts that have marked the training period of the Jeffmen so far Tho squad is expected to reach its full strength witbin a few college opens Thursday and didates will report at once that suffered slight injuries turned with the exception Moses and the squad continued today without injury the only change being the shifting of Ham Tener from half back to end where he paired with Harold angboner on the temporary first string outfit A Secretary Ad dresses Annual Meeting Paul Jed Named President Holyoke Sept 17 The annual meet ing of the AV and A took place tonight and was followed by the report of the permanent secretary Louis Berman in which he urged that the work of Jewish organizaitons of the city be consolidated under the leadership of the Yk and A He said there is too much du plication of effort under the present arrangement Secretary Berman outlined the de velopment of the organizations since he began his work in 1928 The satu ration point as far os membership is concerned has been reached here he said and he urged that the Jewish people lend their best efforts now in making the is ideal in social and educational organization The following officers were elected: President Atty Paul Jed first vice president Philip Houscn recording secretary William Grosnick treas urer Abraham Cohen Directors will be elected at a special meeting Tuesday The following meeting was appoint ed to have charge of the special meet ing: Harry Berman Dr Israel Green span and Atty Jed Instalation of offi cers will be in charge of Abraham Saltman Philip Housen and Bernard Caplan ALDERMEN PLEDGE AID TO WATER NAVIGATION Hardwick Girls Arraigned on btalu tory Charges Hear Decisions Ware Sept 17 The cases of Jean nette and Anna Krasnecky of Hard wick arraigned on statutory charges yesterday at district court were dis posed of today the court The vounger girl Jeannette had her case filed after it was announced shewoula enter an institution The older gm was sentenced to the women reform atory at SherboMn and may appeal th sentence William Labarge of est Main street who rceived a sentence of a month in the house of correcalon on similar charges had his case contin ued and he was placed on probation for a year John Ciejka also sen tenced to a month decided to appeal his sentence and filed bonds for ap pearance in superior court at North ampton next month VISITS EDEN CHAPTER I i iji A fl 1 I fl I I I fl John ag 1 9 fl Jr A I i in 1 fl 1 I i JH fl 1 I fl a (K 9 iH 3 Sj ss? Jjj S3 TivuTiiriTiiWk ks Ioffes a A i T2 ill illaa i jr this I I I i a.

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.