The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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TIIESPRINGIELD DULYRERUBL1CAN: MONDAYAUGUST 3 X8G8 LAKE WILLOUGHBY The Gcbi ot Watering Place in 1 eruiont r0 ondence of The Republican Willoughby Lake House A Jtuy oO rarlt publican: Have you ever visited loudiby the most delightful of all the Hg 'unimer resorts of green and breezy A er mont? That is not unlikely but some of your lreworn readers have not roth Springfield to Brattleboro Bellows alls White River and yewport is a familiar ride But just twenty miles before you would have reached the latter place the conductor snouts nest a conspicuous sign upon the south end of what purports to be the depot informs you that here i ts he stage for Willoughby 1 here it stands three seated vehicle as it was yesterday the lank driver with his hands clasped laziy over hi right knee having possession of the front seat and a mail bag of the second all ready a moment ne rousua err aboard' and we are off Ihe rule is a little rough but exhilarating Repeated once a div for a'weekit would make damaging inroads upon the most stubborn dyspepsia YY pass very small stores with very large signs rude saw mills with dry mill dams and waiting logs of cedar and hemlock prim farm houses some of them white and some of them wood colored ti'i women in gingham sun bonners picking raspberries by the dusty road side and rosy faced maidens in clean calico peering throughthe windows a spireless but immaculately white church and just as the speech makers tell us it used to be in good old puritan times the house by its side" or a little beyond Al hat more could oue desire to sec in a short ride of six miles But we are1 at Willoughby lhe driver has rounded a short corner and the glory ot this choice spot bursts upon us all at once AA'as there ever such a glassy clear lake with two such mouiitams for its guards right and left and such silence and beauty and grandeur found before? And lest something should be wanting for a joy Bemis with a generous face stands ready to give the newcomer a true welcome flie fashionable world yet here Blessed sot! May they never find it I warn them off It is not suited to their tastes It is a resort for those who have brains in their heads and souls that have some compass That mountain upon the left is more than 2000 feet high And that bolder craggier in some places that magnificent mountain facing it upon the ri ht is more than 2600 feet high Its elevation above the sea is 3800 feet And the mirror of a lake that nestles between them six miles in leiw th and from one half to two miles in breadth is'a depth which for aught man knows cor re ponds to the high! of the mountains Doubt less it has a bottom though a line of six hun dred feet has failed to find it where the water is supposed to be the deepest The mountain upon the right I said is very steep or many hun died feet it rises up a perpendicular wall down which huge fragme its of rock separated from the rest sometimes come tumbling with thundering noise An old who was getting the boats in readiness for a picnic party bound three miles up the entertained me this moraiug with some stories of fading masses from the highest point which von would probably not believe if I should repeat'them I understand however that the lake's serpent story did not originate with him and will add for the reassurance of the timid that the man who grappled with him and the reported monster himself must have haunts bv other waters They have never been seen here But mv letter is already unite as long as your readers will wish to have it Bring along your fishing tackle if you are a disciple of Walton and your rifle also if your ambition can be satisfied with such small game as partridges squirrels and rabbits Your daughter will find a croquet green and good players to match her And Mr Bemis will give you good quarters and leave enough in your purse for a visit to that next best lake which draws the crowd to the northern Newport ROM WASHING TOH (ten Dyer to Have a The Demo Bcrat in a Huff with the JUr Seward for Grant By Telegraph to The Republican MURDER AT SHRE WSBURY VT AN fXOENDlAG CITIZEN SHOT IVE HEN ARRESTED OR IHE CRIME A SINGULAR AND SHOCKING AAIR Special Dispatch to The Republican Rutland A't Sunday August 2 A long standing feud between the families of Seiba Plumley and Isaac Baleh of Shrews bury in this county resulted fatally yesterday afternoon Plumley had impounded two of horses for depredations in his graiu field and the appraisal cf damages was left to outside parties who were on the spot for the purpose of deciding the matter Plumley with two sons Horace and rederick and a son in law named George Butterfly were present as was also Balch with two hired men and John Gilman a neighbor Both parties were armed John Gilman Jr a respectable and peaceable citizen of Little alls was on the ground as a spectator unarmed He was ordered from the field by Horace Plumley who pointed a gun at him whieh Gilman seized by the barrel and turned aside but being at tacked in the tear by rederick Plumley with a pitchfork he turned to meet this new assailant and was shot and instantly killed by Horace Plumley receiving four buck shot through the heart Shots were then exchanged by the par ties Horace 2 receiving a shot in the thigh and another through the scalp and Gilman senior one through the leg Hostilities closed bv the opportune appearance of Sheriff Sanderson who arrested Seiba stud Plumley George Butterfly Abraham Wain and Napoleon Quartier the two latter being workmen for Balch and committed them to Rut land jail red Plumley will be delivered up by his friends to morrow morning OM THE SOUTH By Telegraph to The Republican Homicide nt Columbia A WHITE MAN KILLED BY NEGROES An affray occurred at midnight Saturday night in Columbia between a party of ten or twelve negroes members of the state Legisla ture and five whites which resulted in the mortal wounding of one of the latter by a pistol shot through the head The whites entered a board ing house in a disicputable portion of the town by mistake supposing it to be a brothel and were struck by one of the negroes The stick be ing wrenched from his hand the whole party ran in front of the house and commenced firing Twentv or thirty shots were discharged and the whites retreated except the wounded man who was too drunk and remaining on the sidewalk was shot down The author of the crime is un known and no arrests have been made The whites are said to have been unarmed and no weapons were found on the body of the wounded man Matter in the Alabanin legislature The Alabama Senate on Saturday passed a bill authorizing the governor to organize the militia when he sees proper to do so The disa bility removal bill was hotly discussed Pen nington and other republicans strongly urge the removal of all disabilities The native republi cans generally favor it but the northern repub licans oppose it In the House Mr McCraw the speaker brought up a bill removing disabilities from the people of Chambers county This it is hoped will be the entering wedge for a general bill The common carrier bill introduced by a negro from Mobile is a bone of contention and is causing much hard feeling The negroes are clamorous for its passage and the mover of the bill says if it does not pass it will cause a serious disturbance in Mobile The bill punishes rail road and steamboat men who do not treat blacks as well as they treat whites rom Our Special Correspondent Washington Sunday night August 2 The Richmond Examiner of Saturday reads ex confederate officers a severe lecture for their late speeches and says their only effect will be to sup ply their enemies at the North with excellent am munition Gen Dyer writes officially to Gen Schofield asking that Judge Holt may be instructed to ex amine the Logan Butler report and prepare charges against him The treatment which the ordnance committee gave to respectful re quest is the subject of criticism in all official cir cles The secretary of war will grant the court of inquiry The democrats are not pleased with the presi action in tendering Mr place to Gov Cox of Ohio The say it shows a want of interest on his part in rendering aid to the de mocracy in the coming campaign Mr Chase lately informed some of his legal friends that if the supreme court had been al lowed by Congress to pass upon the reconstruc tion laws last winter they would have been pro nounced constitutional Secretary Seward before starting for Auburn told his confidential friends that he would short ly declare himself publicly for Grant It is understood that Reverdy in structions to England were such as can but se cure very cordial relations between the two coun tries concerning all questions the settlement of which is now pending mA an It is expected that 300 clerks in the war and treasury departments at Washington will 1 dis charged this week A draft for 87200000 in coin to pay for Alaska was transmitted on Saturday to Baron de Stueckl the Russian minister who gave his receipt there for Gen Steedmail left Washington on Sunday for New Orleans to resume his duties as collector ot internal revenue A Washington dispatch says that the state ments recently published respecting financial af fairs in the Dost office department are unreliable The exhibit will not be completed till September or October and the greater part of whatever deficiency may be found will be owing ta the establishment of expensive mail routes in the new western territories Sc ctary Schofield has gone north to remain a few days at Newport It I Rear Admiral Dahlgreen chief of the bureau of ordnance has arrived in Washington and will take active charge of the navy department on Mondav The weekly treasury statement contains the following items: ractional currency received from the printing division 8395000 shipped to the assistant treasury at Boston 8100000 to national banks and others 8398778 issue of national bank notes 8123500 notes sent to national banks 8115466 amount held to secure circulation of national banks 834161 1800 securi ties tor the deposit of public money 838037950 total issue of national currency 8309106116 Deducting mutilated bills returned and the notes of insolvent banks redeemed and burned the actual circulation is left at 8299907218 Six of the robbers who stole 8225000 from old Mr Benninghoff's house in Venango county some months ago have been arrested George Miller was nabbed at Saegertown Ba Louis Welde and Jake Shopbitt at Akron two others in Philadelphia and one quite recently in Montreal The principal one Jim Saeger is not yet been captured and it is supposed that he is in Europe Some of the stolen funds have been recovered and certificates of deposit se cured The robbers had invested a great deal of the money in real estate and other property Welde had purchased a hotel at Akron paying $24000 for it and another had purchased a large farm The reward offered for the arrest of these fel vs was 850 000 and the Benninhoff boys say the will be satis led if there is eaou recovered to pay the reward Gov Warmouth nominated and the Louisiana Senate confirmed five judges of the supreme court on Saturday John Ladling the chief justice was a prominent conservative member of the convention and refused to sign and publish ed a protest against the constitution Tali ferro one of the associate justices was president of the convention has been latterly a conserva tive republican and was a candidate for govern or at the recent election Two of the others were already on the bench But two deaths have occurred from yellow fever in New Orleans during the whole season and both were sporadic cases The city was never healthier Gens Cheatham orrest Quarles Palmer and others had a conference at Nashville Saturday with a committee of the Tennessee Legislature upon the political troubles in that state the re sult of whieh has not transpired The chance of a satisfactory solution of the difficulties is good The inclination to call out the military is abating though strong efforts will be made by some re publican members to pass a resolution for that purpose through the Legislature The paitics charged with the murder of MrDill in airfield county 8 who were recently turned over to the civil authorities by the mili tary have had a hearing on a writ of habeas corpus and been released on bail REVERDY DEPARTURE A Handsome Good bye from HIS MISSION AN AMICABLE ONE By Telegraph to The Republican Reverdy Johnson minister to England and his family sailed for Southampton from Baltimore Saturday afternoon in the steamship Baltimore of the Baltimore and Bremen line Mrs Abra ham Lincoln who intended to accompany him was prevented from doing so by sudden illness He was escorted down the river by a large num ber of personal friends on the steamer Chesa peake and about a dozen steamers and tugboats crowded with passengers Ihe Baltimore was decorated from deck to top gallant mast with ti e's and signals and her railings fore and aft wirti evergreens and the entrance to the ship from the gangway was arched with flowers and evergreens Among those who escorted Mr Johnson down the river were Baron Von Gerolt the Prussian minister Senator Van Winkle of West Virginia Gen Van Vliet of the quarter master's department Gen Brooke commandant at ort McHenry Cox commissioner of patents and many members of the press from Washington and Baltimore On passing ort Mclleiirv a salute of 13 guns was tired and flairs were dipped on board the ship Mayor ink of Baltimore toasted Mr Johnson in be half of the people of the city and wished him a pleasant voyage Mr Johnson responded in ap propriate terms and said in the course of his re marks 1 go to England as a minister of peace My in truc'ions look to peace and if I am able to carry them out in the spirit in which they are given me peace will be the result 8o obviously is this the intent of the two nations that the good ineiof both will strive to make more firm and enduring than ever the peace now existing We are the same people descended the same stock and no matter how much we mar have differed in the past nnd have met on sea or land we are no satisfied that it does not pay us to betit We ought to stand together and maintain the principles of political liberty There is another government which has stood by us the past and whose interests and ours are the same I ask you to ioin me in toast to the king of Prussia and the able representative of that monarch who is always a con sistent friend of the United States and endeared to us i tl who have known him during the many years he has represented his government in this country Baron Von Gerolt expressed gratitude for this kind recognition by Mr Johnson and reiterated a firm and friendship to the government and people of America in behalf of himself and his government In response to a toast to the state ot Maryland and her minister to England ex Gov Bradford responded iu eloquent and appro priate language The ovation to Mr Johnson was a magnificent testimonial of the respect of his fellow eilUons regardless of political feelings nnd a fitting Indorsem*nt of his unanimous con firmation the Senate LATE NEWS ITEMS I By Telegraph to The Republican The recorder of Hamilton Ont has been held fortrial on the charge of fraudulently appro printing $2000 One of the masts of the London packet ship Yorktown was shivered by lightning at New York Saturday' evening The latest news from Alaska is thatr the troops are aUfwell and that coal of excellent quality has been discovered near Sitka The great eight hour movement at New York shows signs of failure orty five bosses are already working ten hour Carson Sethman was found murdered in a canal boat at the foot of Bergen street Sunday morning The murderer has not been arrested The ernando Wood lease case so long pend ing at New York has been finally decided judg ment having been given against the city for 813500 The steamship Golden Age which sailed from San rancisco to Panama on Thursday took 8848000 in treasure of which $833000 goes to New York The Chinese embassy will leave New York for Auburn to day On Saturday they inspected the Herald building throughout and were greatly interested in what they saw Eight of the crew of the United States war steamer Suwanee wrecked on Isl and arrived in San rancisco Saturday They report the Suwanee a total loss Nearly $15000 has been raised for the sufferers by the flowl in Baltimore Md S360O of which was collected by the Hebrew benevolent society Benjamin Ullman gives $1500 Over 80 miles of streets at New York have leen sprinkled with disinfectants and the public health is much improved There were 51 less deaths iu the city last week than the week be fore Gas from a still in Rockfeller Andrews la gar1 oil retineryat Cleveland exploded on Sun day One man was badly scalded The loss by the burning of oil and buildings is from 87000 to $10000 Advices from St Domingo state that 1500 of the troops of President Baez have been badly beaten by the revolutionists and their command er Gen Brigham killed The reported English loan is a myth Heinrich Schafer lias been arrested at Pater son charged with the murder of his mas ter mistress and two children in the grand duchy of Hesse Darmstadt He will be transferred to the German authorities Joseph Coyne a dramatic writer of consid erable eminence died recently in London Be sides making many plays wrote for Punch and was for many veins the dramatic critic of the London Sunday Times Henry Rough a Mr Vankirk and a son of Rev Hosea Ballou all of Philadelphia were drowned at Atlantic City on Saturday while bathing These make six eases of drown ing that have' occurred at that place within a few days A call has been issued for a social reunion of the ex otliecrs of the army of the James viz the 10th 19th 24th and 25th arniv corps to meet at Boston September 2 The call is signed bv Gens Hawley Turner oster Osborne anil Shepley Hostile Indian at M'ork SOME THE SAVAGES CAPTURED IN IDAHO By Telegraph to The Republican Late Arizona advices say the Indians recently attacked the mail escort between camps Reno and McDonald and killed four soldiers of the Eighth avalry The mountains are full of Indians sig nal fires are seen in every direction and the sav ages continue their depredations Late intelligence from Idaho states' that a scout' ing part? of troops hud succeeded in capturing a great part of the Winnemikcuos band numbering some seventy or eighty savages Owing to their strong position in the mountains it was deemed inexpedient to make a strike at them but some prisoners recently captured were ordered to bold a council at which the chiefs agreed to go with their entire band to Camp Harney Those Old Books which are scattered about every house should not be destroyed They are valuable and if preserved in handsome covers such as are made at the Republican Office Book Bindery will last a life time and prove to be a never falling source of pleasure and profit New SViimtitKmrnte An experienced Cook by Mrs 8TEBB1NS Crescent Hill au3 GENTLEMEN and LADIES can be ac VJT commodated with Table Board at 52 East Bridge street au3 3d fNE RONT ROOM to RENT at No 9 Vr ort st famished or unthrnished as desired Possession given immediately au3 3d DOG OUND A black and tan Terrier slu*t came to the house of the subscriber about five weeks ago oi3 3i A STREET Holyoke A VAN A Partner with $150 one who is willing to work can clear $125 every month legitimate business can prove ii before buying Ad dress 15 Marshall st Room 4 Boston au3 3dlw AVAN A competent American woman to do general housework Highest wages paid for first class help Address Lock Box 91 Spring tield au33d REGULAR ASSEMBLY of SPRING Xt IELD ENCAMPMENT of this (Mon day) evening at 7 o'clock iiu3 Id Per order 1V0W Look in at No 9 State st Ax We have spread out 1000 pairs Boots and Shoos some of which are slightly out of style Summer Goods marked at prices which will rush them off within a few days to make room for all Stock aul Id MARSH CO RHE DESK MEMORANDUM 0 A 1 ST Now Ready Sent to anv address on receipt of 20 cents SAMUEL BOWLES CO au3 Springfield Mass YOU CANNOT SWERVE the PEOPLE ROM THEIR DUTY Neither can you sell so good a Tea and pure a Coflee for such low figures as ROURKE BROS Main street corner Worthington au31d CITY TEA STORE jyGHT LIGHT LIGHT M'liy sit in darkness when you ean buy Cas ix The Ward brothers have challenged any four men in America or England to row a match in either country distance five or six miles for $5000 a side and offer to pay 81000 for expenses to anv crew willing to visit the United States or take that amount and row in England The races will begin to morrow and betting men from all parts of the country already throng the town Among the horses which wiil run arc Gilroy and Victory both relatives of the famous Kentucky unny Cheatham Privateer Stonewall Jackson and William and Simon Reno the express robbers have been safely transferred to the Jail at New Albany Ind Some di position to mob them was manifested by men from Jackson connty but it amounted to nothing The Renos will have their trial in Scott County Ind September 7 The insurance companies have deposited about a million dollars in eash a million in Canadian and British securities and three quarters of a million in United States securities all in the treasury at Ottawa in compliance with the new' law designed to protect the insured in Canada Charles Pickering formerly a banker in Buffa lo was arrested at tnat place Saturday on a requisition from the governor of Michigan charged with grand larceny in relation to the sale of cattle taken from an island in the upper lakes He will be taken to Michigan for trial The long pending controversy between the Nrw York board of health and the butchers has resulted in a compromise the board giving the butchers until the 1st of January next to remove their slaughter houses from the city and the butchers agreeing to comply with the edicts of the board hereafter Gen Sheridan was arrested at Leavenworth Kansas on Saturday on complaint of Mr Dunn for assault and battery Mr Dunn is post master at ort Leavenworth but was ordered otf the reservation a few days ago for alleged mis conduct and refusing to obey was forcibly ejected Hence the action for assault (ires at such low prices mid the latest styles at au3 Id No 3 Shaw's Block A DAY MADE BY ANY OE withir my patent Stencil Tools I prepay samples free Beware of infringers My circulars will ex plain Address A ULLAM Springfield Ver mont au3 eod3md rjIHE CLOCK STRIKES 1 Which means A A an3 1 PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE Id ANTED To give in exchange for titty vards of Sand fifty yards of black Loam in front of the State st Baptist Church Apply this day to an3 Id BRIGHAM YVILLISTON SEMINARY EASTHAM1WON MASS The all Term commences Wednesday Ang 26th and continues 13 weeks or Catalogues apply to MARSHALL HENSHAW Principal Easthampton Aug 1st 1868 nn3 cod3wd EARIt! CHANCE OR BUSINESS Wishing to change his business the subscriber offers for sale his entire stock in ixtures Ac in Saloon and Lodging House doing a thriving trado mid in one of the nesi locations in tho state for business and known as the ''Charlfs Warner located at West Meriden Ct Address MERRICK BARNES West Meriden Ct au36il AS IXTURES BEST QUALITY NEW PATTERNS or Sale at the Office ot the SPRINGIELD GAS LIGHT CO au3 Id Corner Main and State sts A dispatch from Halifax says that Mr Howe has published a letter rebuking the violent ar ticles recently published in the anti union news papers at Nova Scotia He advises the people to give the Canadian ministers now on their way to Halifax a courteous reception and tlie remedial measures a fair hearing It is reported that Dr Tupper will retire from the ministry and that Mr Howe will have a seat in the cabinet LO'SES DY IRE rpO PRESERVE YOUR RUIT Berries Tomatoes get tho DEXTER JAR With glass cover as by its use no metal conies in contact with your preserves They are to be found at A SPOONER'S House urnishing Store opposite the Armory nu3 Id DiHnMrau Conflagration nt New York LOSS 8300009 INSURANCE $150000 By Telegraph to The Republican ire broke out on Saturday evening in the ex tensive cotton oil manufactory of Oppenheim Co situated on the East river between 11 7tli and 118th streets Harlem Notwithstanding a drenching rain and the efforts of the firemen the whole establishment was quickly' burned There were 30000 gallons of manufactured oil in the factory and it made while burning an illumination of a brilliancy rarely seen There had just: been placed in the building $130000 worth of new machinery which was destroyed with everything else The entire loss is $300000 insurance" 8 150000 divided among sixteen com panies mostlv in New York John morocco dressing factory adjoining was damaged $4000 by water insured Afire on Thursday station Cal on the Central Pacific railroad destroyed fifty buildings There were no insurances The turning mill of Henry Warner on Scherm erhorn tivet" Brooklyn was destroyed by fire on Saturday night several adjoining buildings Doing damaged Loss 835000 of which $26000 Warner partially insured The Utility works owned by McLean Slater at Alleghany Citv were destroyed by tire Saturday night loss $25000 insured 810000 THE WITCH TOWER Near Colmar stood in days of yore A tower so somber and so hoar Of aspect which the land appalled And it was the witch tower called There carried on their work The wizards and the witches With besom and with fork With gold and magic switches Th tower long since has disappeared Nor are the witches now much feared Yet oft when for dear sake The calm full moon awake There rises on the strand A rushing ami a rattling A trampling on the sand A bustling and a prattling And lo! anon like rocket fire The tower starts up and the wild choir With hurried dance surrounds the fort music song and maddening sport Thev ride upon their brooms ast helter skelter prancing Clattering like mills or ooms Humming as advancing And ever louder swells their song And ever madder leaps the throng Throughout the whole of livelong night Until the sun shows bread daylight Then thev litish up anon Diving and disappearing A'i'l are now seen by none Till the next full nearing Of every description at low prices At tlie popular Headquarters No 2 Bkck au31d A KENDALL gHIRTS SHIRTS SHIRTS Of the best quality and warranted to fit by LEE Agent Wheeler Wilson Sewing Machine au3 Id 279 MAIN ST fllHE MEMBERS ST JOHN BAPTIST JL SOCIETY Invite all rench Canadians residing in this city and vicinity whether members of tlie order or not to be present at a special meetng of the Society at No 11 Mass Mutual Life Insurance Block Saturday veil ing August Sth to make arrangements to hold tlie ourth Annual Convention of rench Canadians of the United States in this city in October order au3 MW DESCHAMPS Cor Sec JL THIS OPPORTUNITY And attend the Auction Sale of tlie Ives Corner Lot in Westfield which will be upon tlie premises Satur day August 29111 at 3 in Tlie lot is covered by a substantial 3 story Brick Building about 50 feet fronton by SO feet fronting on Main street and witli slight alter ations and improvements would be one of the most eligible business places in this thriving village If desired payment of two thirds the purchase may be deferred for oip ami two years Sale positive and no postponement on account of weather A RAND Auctioneer Westfield Aug 1 1868 au3 8 15 22 29 COMMONWEALTH MASSAUHU Hampden ss PROBATE COURT To all Persons interested in tlie estate of Curtis Black late of Russell in said county deceased Greet ing: Whereas Betsey A Parks and ranklin Knox the administrators of the estate of said de ceased have presented for allowance tlie final ac count of their administration upon tlie estate of said deceased: 1 ou are cited to appear at a probate court to be liolden nt Springfield in said county on tlie first Tuesday of September next at nine in tlie torenoon to show cause if any you have why tin same should not be allowed And said administra tors are ordered to serve this citation by publishing the same once a week in the Springfield Republican a newspaper printed at Springfield three weeks suc cessively the last publication to be two days at least belore said court Witness WILLIAM SIURTEE Es judge of said court this first day of August in tlie ye ir thousand eieht hundred nnl eight m3 3M SAMUEL SOONEE Register Neto tHiatisem*nls llHE UNDERSIGNED have formed a co JL partnership under the name and firm of Worthy Co as manufacturers and dealers in Hour teed and grain Saul copartnership was entered into ou the first day of April 1867 1 WORTHY ANDERSON Springfield Aug 3 1868 au3 Id QUR YOUNG MAGAZINE OR 1865 1866 1867 Bound in handsome muslin covers can be had at THE REPUBLICAN OICE Price only $3 These volumes are filled with choice instructive and entertaining reading matter adapted to the wants anff tastes of Young olks and are very appro priate for birthday ox holiday presents jy29 piNE TONED MUSICAL INSTRU MENTS from the celebrated makers Messrs Stein way Sons Hazelton Bros GM Guild Co McCammon Co New York Union Piano orte Co and others always on hand and for sale at man lowest prices wholesale and retail by ST1MPSON CO Jy23x 1 Westfield Mass yiTH CASH IN HAND Our customers can get a large return for their money during the next 20 DAYS II BRIGHAM CO au3 Id Wholesale and Retail Clothiers QOAL! COAL! COAL! BEMIS PHILLIPS CO Are now prepare ive and fill orders for deliv ery in any part ot of Hazleton Suoar Loaf Lkiiigh Lackawanna Scranton Pittston Lvkhns Valley And other COALS EG6 STOVE ami CHESTNUT sizes ibr Domestic use iu such quantities as may be desired and ou the most favorable terms Orders left at our office near corner Slain and Tay lor sts or to our address in Post office will receive prompt attention fjyllSMWx BEMIS PHILLIPS CO OTEL BUYERS EVERYBODY AT TENTION I Neto QLD NEWSPAPERS Can be had at i jy28 THE REPUBLICAN OICE 0 EEATLY REDUCED PRICES or PHOTOGRAPH At 1 i jy21 THE REPUBLICAN OICE pATEST STYLES IN URNISHINGSGOODS 80 AND 82 MAIN STREET Massasoit House au31d MILLER ALLEN 4 CO Q0 TO CHAPIN TO BUY YOUR Prints Ginghams Brown and Bleached Cottons White Goods Hoop $kirts Corsets A few black Luce Prints Cheap to close CHAPIN BUSHNELL aul 3a5x Opposite Post Office PRESS NEW INTERNAL REVENUE GUIDE Containing an Annotated Edition of THE NEW INTERNAL REVENUE ACT ImpopiSO taxes on Distilled Spirits Snd Tobacco and for other purposes Passed july 1868 Als( the Act exempting certain manufactures Internal Tax together with a Guide and lland B'ook to all the Internal Revenue Laws now in force Edited and Annotated bv CHARLES EMERSON Counselor at Law and Assessor 10th Mass District Medium (tetavo Paper Covers Price 50 cents Sent by mail post paid on receipt of price PUBLISHED BY SAMUEL CWLES COMPANY SeniOiKLD Mas jyOW READY 1 THE SPRINGIELD DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS ADVERTISER roil 1 868 THE GRUNDLER HOUSE IN WEST SUIELD CONTAINING rilO the Honorable the JUSTICES of the JUDICIAL COURT began and holden ut Springfield within and for the county of Hampden on the third Monday utter the first Tues day of September A 1868 Humbly shows Irene Kelton of Holyoke in said county that she wns lawftilly married to Barnard Kelton late of said Holyoke uut now of Mont ielier in the state of Vermont at Enfield in the state of Connecticut on or about the fifteenth day of April A I) 1849 that thev have since lived together as husband and wife in Chicopee in said county and in said Holyoke and she has ever conducted towards him as a faithful chaste ami affectionate wife yet the said Barnard Kelton regardless of his marriage vows and obligations ou or about the fifteenth day of June in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and sixty seven committed the crime of adultery at said Holyoke with one Catharine Hagerty and there afterwards to wit on or about the first day of August in tlie year of our Lord eighteen hundred and sixty seven committed tlie crime of adultery with some person or persons to your libellant un known at said Holyoke Wherefore she prays that the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing between tier and tlie said Barnnrd Kelton may be dissolved: that tlie custody of the minor children of herself and hersatd husband may be decreed to her during the pendency of this libel and afterwards that she may be allowed to resume her maiden name and for sucli further orders and decn es in tlie premises as to law and justice may ap pertain lUENE KELTON COMMONWEALTH MASSACHUSETTS Hambden fs Supremo Judicial Court at Springfield office August 1 A 1868 (hi tho libel aforesaid it is ordered that tlie libel ant notify the said Barnard Kelton to appear at the next term of this court to be holden at Springfield aforesaid on the third Monday after the first Tues day of September next by publishing an attested copy of said libel and this order once a week in the Springfield Daily Republican a newspaper printed in Springfield three weeks successively the last pub lication to be thirty days nt least before the sitting of said court and by sending him a copy of said paper containing said notice at his last known place of abode as soon as may be that he may then and there show cause why the prayer of said libel should not be granted Attest GEO MORRIS Clerk A copy of the libel and order of notice nu3 3M Attest GEO MORRIS Clerk AT AUCTION Will be sold on the premises on Thursday Angust 6 at 10 a ni the popular and well known Tavern Stand iu the beautiful and busy vllage of West Suffield now owned and kept by Grundler Bros wlio are about making change in business and will sell thus opening one ot the rarest of chances fora prosperous and profitable Hotel trade the repu tation of which is already established and first class The House lias all the lirrnngements to do a large successful business having some 14 sleeping rooms largo and commodious kitchens and larders ample dining rooms a well appointed liar a large ballroom a billiard room with billiard tables besides prtvat? rooms parlors ee Tlie barns and sheds are large and well arranged capable of sheltering some 40 horses with stalls for 17 Ice house tobacco stieds Tlie lot contains some 10 acres ot splendid land an acre of fine looking tobacco now growing on it and to go with tlie property also capable of produc ing all Hie hav vegetables Ac necessary for the use of the besides a young and thrifty orchard Also directly after tlie of real estate will lie sold a very tine pair of bay hlifes 3 cows 5 hogs lot poul try 1 open buggy 1 business wagon 1 spring farm wagon single and double harnesses robes blankets rielyhs barn tools Also all the furniture of the House consisting of everything necessary for ihe car rving on of a thriving Hotel reserving only the bed ding and a few iecea of furniture Tho sale will com mence with the real estate and continuing witli the fiirniture till all is sold or sure money making operation we think tlie above its equal GRUNDLER BROS BEACH ts MWSx irO the Honorable the JUSTICES of the I JUDICIAL COURT begun and holden at Springfield within and for the county of Hampden on the third Monday after the first Tues day of September A Humbly shows Elizabeth Whittemore of (hico pee in said county that she was lawfully married to Joel Whittemore lately of Springfield in said countv but whose residence now to your libellant is unknown at Ware in Massachusetts by Bey Mr Dadmun on or about tlie twenty fourth da of No vember A 1849 that they have since lived to gether as husband and wife in said Chicopee in said Springfield and in West Springfield in said county and she has ever conducted towards him as a faith tul chaste and affectionate wife yet tlie said Joel Whittemore regardless of his marriage vows and obligations was guilty of extreme cruelty to her and did grossly and cruelly neglect to provide suita ble maintenance for her lie said Joel being (f sufficient ability so to do and because thereof she deserted him in ebruary in tlie year of our Lord ei'diteen hundred and sixty one at said Sjiringtield and such desertion because of extreme cruelty as aforesaid and gross mid cruel neglect to provide maintenance as aforesaid lias been continued ever since said date to the time of tiling this libel Wherefore she prays that the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing between her nnd the said Joel may be dissolved that she may be allow ed to resume tier maiden name and for such tiu tlier orders and decrees in tlie premises as to law and justice may appertain ELIZABETH Will ITEMORE COMMONWEALTH MASSACHUSETTS Hampden ss Supreme Judicial Court nt Springfield Office August 1 A On the libel aiun'said is ordered that the libel laut uotify the said Joel hittemore to appear at the next term of thi court to be holden at pnng field aforesaid on the third Monday after the first Tuesday of Sep ember next by publishing an attested copv of sail libel and thi order once a Aeek in the Springfield ihiily liepub hcan a newspaper printed in Snrinefiehi thee weeks successively he last publication to be thirty days at least before the sitting of said court that he may then and there show cause why the prayer of said libel should not be granted GEQ MvRRls clerk A ennv of the libel and order of notice 1 Attest GEU JIGBRIS Clerk A new Map of the City made up from recent and reliable surveys prepared expressly for this work A Calendar from July lSt8 to July' 1869 Springfield City Government Registry of Officers for Hampden County Banks in Springfield and their Officers Insurance Companies and their Officers Religious Societies when formed location of Church edifices and the names of the present Clergy men Schools and names ofTcachers Schools where and by whom conduct! Masonic Orders IO ofO Sons of Temperance Militia Companies Stage Routes xprfSi City Library Association Springfield Museum ot Natural History Public Halls' Places Worthy of Note in Springfield JI Christian Association The Hack Ordinance Boundary Line A Business Directory in which all the Trades and Professions in tlie City and the Men and irms rep resenting them are systematically arranged and properly classified Post Office Directory Names of Business People Housekeepers Advcrtisem*ntvS Business Cards PRICE ONE DOLLAR SAMUEL BOWLES A CO au3 Publish Ea AUCTION SPLENDID COUNTRY SEAT AND A ARM IN PITTSIELD MASS On TUESDAY' August 4 at 4 Will be sold he splendid country seat on West street in Pittsfield owned and occupied by Martin Dress er Esq 'lliis charming seat is OR ParHuing largely of tlie rural and is unsurpassed for gentility and retirement The land embraces about 10 acres on which there are a large number of choice fruit trees and tlie grounds upon the street are flank ed for more than 1200 feet with a line of the most beautifal sugar maples to be found in New England The house was built by the day having a spacious and beautiful drawing room finished in fresco large dining and sitting rooms library eight sleeping apartments marble mantels numerous closets bath room hot audcold water water closet large kitchen with range and force pump laundry stationary tubs excellent collar ftirnace and in every part of tlie house there is a display of order and symmetry combined with appropriate dimensions There Is also upon tho premises the purest water large cis tern ice home The entrance to this charming abode which stands on a gentle eminence is by a circular drive way and from thence over white marble steps to the verandah which Is embellished witli roses jessamine and run ning vines while the neat flower garden imparts a freshness and a rich perfume to this delightful spot The location is extremely fine amid an amphithea ter of beauties Where mountains tra'id array" AmMhSwrTudSperseTwfflrerergreeusSut trees and gay flowers The farm adjoius the above seat and is in a high state of cultivation containing about tiftv acres consisting of tillage mowing and pasture land There is a brick farm house having ten apartments good cellar pure water cistern 4c Ti barn is large having five stalls and in the base ment there is a root cellur and stalls tor fourteen head of cattle There is also a green house and a horse barn with five stalls SC About sixty tons of hay have been gathered in a season besides gram vegetables and a large quantity of choice fruit which finds ready market at Pit tsfield This estate is about 1200 feet above the level of the sea and but a short ride fn the railroad station ami about five miles from the celebrated Lebanon Pittsfield is a splendid town and conveys the idea of nil that is beautiful and grand in Nature and is visited bv manv from Boston New York and else where in summer to invigorate and ii hale the cool breezes from the Ii ill tops of old Berkshire The nei'diborhood is good tlie schools excellent and tliere are churches of all The surrounding scenery on every side is diversi fied and magnificent embracing the laconic hills and numerous snelling hights crowned with a pro fusion of foliage rilli that gush from hill sides green trickling to the verdant base" While in tlie rear of the grounds there is a grove of hemlock and the beiintifui Quota Lake which is about six miles in circumference and bordi rs on the premises about one thousand teet affording the grat ification of bathing fishing and sailing at pleasure upon its smooth and glassy surface The grounds are luxuriant where every note ot the song bird is softened into uielony and Nature has spread her charms them tcil'i her oirn magic hues" Until even green hill and fountain every fresh mead ow nnd even flower is full of story and of song Those desirous securing a country seat or a valu able farm or both which it united would nue oiilendid retreat tor a gentleman are invited toexu ne I premises The house and 10 acres XiM ghinc the purchaser the privilege ot taking the farm adjoining with or ithout the jveu sum or the whole property 11 1 10 parcel as the company pnseut shall dt 0 tv paid on the house and 10 acre ofU nd on the farm nt the time ot sale vbanvVdi Cars leave Boston via the Osh road at and 8V o'clock ucjoneJ further information rpply to the Auctlv ee SAMUEL A WALKER Auctioneer au3 2d Office No.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.