quotev stories archive - vxnusconstellation (2024)

Chapter Text

acacius and kin: the perfect duo

quotev stories archive - vxnusconstellation (1)

The scenario begins with Acacius, lost in thought as he often is, tinkering with one of his inventions in his lab. Suddenly, there's a knock at the door. Confused, he looks up to see Kin standing there, a smile on their face. "Hey, Ace," Kin says, using the nickname they've given him. "Can I come in?" Acacius hesitates for a moment before stepping aside to let Kin in. As they walk past him, Acacius catches a whiff of Kin's unique scent - a mix of sweat, soap, and something else he can't quite place. He wonders what adventure Kin has brought him into this time.

Kin: "What you workin' on this time?" *Kin walks over towards what Acacius was doing before they let themselves into his lab.*

Acacius: *Acacius looks up from his work, a bit startled.* "Oh, just tinkering with an idea. Nothing too serious." *He clears his throat and tries to focus on his work, hoping Kin doesn't notice how flustered he is.*

Kin: "Whaat's that idea?" *Kin pokes his cheek in a playful way, smiling wide.*

Acacius: "Oh, it's just something I've been thinking about. Nothing worth getting excited about." *He tries to sound casual, but he can feel the heat rising in his cheeks.*

Kin: "Aah come on, it's gotta be something terrific! Maybe a new rocket that could trip to other dimensions, oo or a potion that could make you breathe in space without a suit! Or...."

Acacius: "I don't know, Kin. It's just an idea." *He shrugs, feeling a bit embarrassed by Kin's enthusiasm. He can't help but notice how vibrant and alive Kin seems compared to his own introverted self.*

Kin: "Well how come you don't know the idea if you created that idea? Then it wouldn't even be an idea." *Kin walks around the lab, looking at everything else that was hosted in there.*

Acacius: "It's not like that, Kin. It's just something I've been thinking about. Nothing concrete yet." *He sighs, feeling frustrated with himself. Why couldn't he just focus on his work like he used to? Instead, he finds himself constantly distracted by Kin's presence.*

Kin: "Well if you tell me the idea, maybe I could help you on it? I'm good at constructive criticism anyways."

Acacius: "I don't know, Kin. It's just something...personal." *He trails off, unsure of how to explain his idea to Kin. He knows that Kin is always ready to help, but this time it felt different. This time, it felt like it was something he had to figure out on his own.*

Kin: *Kin's enthusiasm dwindled a bit, making them think of what that personal thing could be.* "Ah, I see. Well I totally understand! But again, if you need help, I'm right here buddy."

Acacius: "I know, Kin. And I appreciate that. Really." *He looks up at Kin, hoping that his sincerity wasn't lost on him. He knew that Kin could be impulsive at times, but he also knew that he could always count on them when he needed someone the most.*

Kin: *Kin then sits on one of the empty tables and grabs out a stick of watermelon gum and begins to chew it.* "So besides all of your lab escapades, how has your day been?"

Acacius: "It's been...fine, I guess. Just the usual. How about you? Anything interesting happen?"

Acacius: *Acacius kept concentrating on the heavy invention he plopped on his main work table, but had his ears ready to listen to Kin babble on and on about their hectic day.*

Kin: "Oh, nothing too crazy! Just a typical day of working at the tech company, going to the gym, and then coming here to check up on you!" *Kin winks playfully as they stand up from the table and walks over to the machine Acacius was working on.*

Acacius: "Well what explains the scent of soap and the other smell I can't quite decipher?"

Kin: "Ah, that! I got into a sparring match with a new guy at the gym, and he didn't hold back! So I had to take a quick shower before coming here." *Kin flexes their muscles, showing off the bruises and cuts from the fight.*

Acacius: *Acacius investigated the odd smell a little more, and realized that it had a bit of an iron scent.*

Kin: "So, how's the new project coming along? Need any help with that?"

Acacius: "I've already told you, it's a bit.. Personal. Also, are you okay from that fight? Do you need any medical assistance or something?" *Acacius tried to get off the topic once again since he didn't really want to discuss it.*

Kin: "Oh, I'm fine! Just a little sore, that's all. And about the project, you know I'm always here to help." *Kin gave a reassuring smile, their blue eyes twinkling with excitement.*

Acacius: "Yes yes, I know that." *Acacius gave a soft smile under his mop of curls.*

Kin: "So, what can you tell me about it? Is it something you've been working on for a while?"

Kin: *Kin stands next to the concentrated but lose attentioned Acacius.*

Acacius: "Well, it's been an idea I've had for a while now. But it's...complicated." *Acacius sighs, rubbing his eyes tiredly.*

Kin: *Kin notices that Acacius had a bit of bags under his eyes.* "Have you been sleeping lately? It looks like you've been pulling so many all nighters!"

Acacius: "Yeah, I've been a bit...distracted. My thoughts keep wandering off to this idea." *He chuckles softly, shaking his head.*

Kin: "Wowie, how important is this idea to not get much sleep?"

Acacius: "I don't know, Kin. It's just...different. And it's something I really want to get right." *He shrugs, trying to explain his obsession with the idea.*

Kin: "What are you gonna do with your idea, like send it off to millions of people, is it for yourself, or is it for family?"

Acacius: "I don't know, Kin. It's not something I can just explain. It's...personal." *He trails off, hoping that Kin understands the gravity of the situation.*

Acacius: *Acacius puts some of his unkempt curls of hair out of his face and behind his ears.*

Kin: "Ah, I see. Well, if you ever need to talk about it, I'm always here for you. And hey, maybe once you've got this idea figured out, we can go out for a night, grab some food, watch a movie?"

Acacius: *Acacius thought about it, and he hasn't really had a break ever since he thought of this massive idea, and a break from idea this, idea that, sounds nice right now.*

Kin: "Come on, Ace! You know I'm always here for you. Plus, you know how much I love to watch movies."

Acacius: *Acacius turns towards Kin.* "Well, I suppose I could watch a movie and have some food. A break from all of this would be nice."

Kin: "Great! I'll text you some good movies we can watch and make sure the food is good enough for your taste buds!"

Acacius: "Alright then." *Acacius smiles.*

Narrator: *A few hours later, Acacius comes over to Kin's house that was decorated in many items that looked like they came from Japan itself. Many anime figures, Japanese art, small cherry blossom trees as plants, and many tapestries all around the house.*

Acacius: *Acacius looks around Kin's house with awe, taking in all the unique decorations.*

Kin: "I got most of these items from my home land, though I had to buy a few of them from Amazon."

Acacius: "Wow, it's like a piece of Japan here. It's beautiful."

Kin: "Thank you! Now, what movie did you decide from the ones I suggested in our texts?"

Acacius: "I decided on 'Your Name.' It sounded interesting."

Kin: "Oh yea it's reeaally good! I've watched it a lot, but I won't give any spoilers!" *Kin winked and smiled.*

Acacius: "Great! I'm looking forward to it."

Acacius: *Acacius sits on Kin's couch while Kin grabs snacks from their kitchen.*

Kin: "Alright, here we go!" *Kin grabbed the remote and pressed play, the movie starting to play on the large TV screen.*

Narrator: *Both paid attention to the movie, making small commentary here and there. But in one scene, something happened that reminded Acacius so much of his long and stressful idea he had for an invention.*

Acacius: *Acacius leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees as he watched the scene unfold.*

Narrator: *Kin notices that Acacius became more focused on the movie instead of just relaxing.*

Acacius: "I just can't get it out of my head, Kin."

Kin: "Did something remind you of your idea?" *Kin reached for the remote and paused the movie as they looked at Acacius.*

Acacius: "I don't know. It's just...the idea of two people from different worlds, different timelines, trying to connect with each other. It's something I can relate to right now."

Kin: "So has your idea this whole time to build some sort of time machine that can travel between time and dimensions?"

Acacius: "Not exactly, but it's something like that. I just can't shake the feeling that there's more to it. Like there's a deeper connection I need to make."

Kin: "Is there something you want to change in your present timeline to inspire you to make this idea thing?"

Acacius: "I don't know, Kin. It's just...I feel like I'm missing something. Like there's a puzzle I can't quite solve."

Kin: "What is that missing puzzle piece?" *Kin focuses all of her attention on Acacius.*

Acacius: "To repair the missing piece of my whole life basically. I have been nothing other than a scientist who lives in his lab 24/7 that probably won't even succeed. No one besides you knows me in this world, my family probably thinks I'm some weirdo or outcast to their wealthy name, and I'll probably be won't worth anything. I just want to go back and fix everything just so I could have a better life." *Acacius starts to feel tears form, and eventually let it out.*

Kin: "Hey, hey, hey! Don't cry! We'll figure it out together, okay?" *Kin hugs Acacius to comfort him, rubbing his back softly.*

Acacius: "But how though? I can't just go enter society being the way I am right now. Society isn't fit for tathered people like me."

Kin: "But I'm here for you. You have me and you know how much I love science! We can work on your project together and maybe even fix some of those issues you're facing. I mean, I'm not good with family stuff, but I can help you with the science side of things."

Acacius: "Thanks Kin, you're the best friend I never would've imagined having." *Acacius smiles.*

Kin: "No worries! We're in this together now, so let's make the most out of it, okay?"

Acacius: *Acacius nods and him and Kin release each other from their hug.*

Kin: "Now, let's finish watching this movie! It's really good and I promise not to spoil it for you!"

Acacius: "Alrighty then!" *Acacius wipes the tears away and focuses his attention back to the TV.*

some matrix sh*t with the duo

quotev stories archive - vxnusconstellation (2)

The scenario begins with Acacius tinkering away in his lab, lost in thought as he worked on a new invention. Suddenly, the door burst open and Kin barged in, their energy filling the room. "Hey, Ace!" Kin exclaimed, using Acacius' nickname. "I need your help with something. Can you come with me?" Without waiting for a response, Kin grabbed Acacius' hand and pulled them out of the lab and into the outside world, towards an adventure that neither of them could have predicted.

Acacius: "Wh... Where are you taking me? What is this help you need?" *Acacius tries to process the situation that is just happening.*

Kin: "I need your help with something. A friend of mine is in trouble, and I think you might be able to help me figure out how to get them out of it." *Kin's eyes glint with determination as they lead Acacius through the city streets, weaving through crowds with ease.*

Acacius: "What is this trouble your friend is in?" *Acacius feels overwhelmed by the city streets since he's usually just been in his messy and chaotic lab all day.*

Kin: "I can't go into details right now, but I think your genius brain can come up with a solution." *Kin grins at Acacius, trying to lighten the mood a bit.* "Just trust me, okay? I promise it'll be worth it."

Acacius: "Where is your friend at right now?"

Kin: "We're almost there." *Kin quickens their pace, pulling Acacius along with them.* After a few more minutes of walking, they finally arrive at an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. "In here." Kin gestures towards the door, then takes out a set of lockpicks from their pocket. "Stay close."

Acacius: *Acacius gets confused again, wondering why in the hell Kin's friend is in a warehouse in the first place.* "..Whyy is your friend here?"

Kin: "I told you, I can't go into details." *Kin slips the lockpicks into the lock and begins to work on opening the door.* "But trust me, we're here to help them."

Acacius: "Alright then, I trust you."

Kin: *Kin grins over their shoulder at Acacius before turning back to the lock.* "Good. Now just stay close, and try not to freak out when we go inside." *With one last twist of the lock, the door clicks open, and Kin pushes it inward, revealing the darkness within the warehouse.*

Acacius: "Well this looks like the void."

Kin: *Ignoring Acacius' comment, Kin steps inside, their eyes adjusting to the darkness quickly. They gesture for Acacius to follow them, moving deeper into the warehouse with silent steps.*

Acacius: *Acacius stays close to Kin, but feels a bit uneasy over the silence and lack of vision.*

Kin: *After a few minutes of walking, Kin stops suddenly, reaching out to feel along the wall before them. Acacius bumps into their back, causing Kin to let out a small grunt.* "Sorry," *they mutter, still feeling along the wall.* "We're almost there."

Acacius: "Are we though?" *Acacius says sarcastically, trying to rest off his feeling of uneasiness.*

Kin: *Kin ignores Acacius' comment, focusing on the feeling of cool metal under their fingertips. Suddenly, their hand closes around a small lever, and they pull it, causing a faint click.*

Acacius: "What was that sound?"

Kin: *Without answering, Kin turns to the wall they'd been feeling, placing their hand flat against it. There's a small pause, and then Acacius feels the ground shaking slightly under their feet.*

Acacius: "Wh..What the hell? What's going on?"

Kin: "Shh," *Kin hisses, concentrating on the wall. After another moment, a section of the wall slides open, revealing a hidden room beyond.* "Come on, we need to hurry."

Acacius: "I didn't know abandoned warehouses had secret rooms, huh."

Kin: "Not all of them do," *Kin smirks, stepping into the room and flipping on a switch, flooding the space with bright light.* "But this one does."

Acacius: *Acacius squints his eyes closed, but opens them again.*

Kin: "Sorry," *Kin mutters, reaching out to help Acacius into the room. "It's just... bright in here."*

Acacius: "You don't say."

Kin: "Shut up," *Kin rolls their eyes, but there's a small smile playing at the corners of their lips.* "Look, this is where your genius comes in. My friend is being held here against their will, and we need to get them out of here without getting caught."

Acacius: "Wait really? Where are they?"

Kin: "In that corner," *Kin points to a darkened corner of the room.* "But they're unconscious, and we don't have much time before someone comes back."

Acacius: "Uh oh. We need to hurry then."

Kin: "Yeah, we really do."

Acacius: "Hey, I have an idea."

Kin: "Well spill the beans, we don't got much time."

Acacius: "I can create a device that will knock out whoever comes in here."

Kin: "That's called using a blunt object buddy."

Acacius: "Yeah, but I can make it targeted and controlled. It'll be more precise."

Kin: "Well you don't have access to your fancy electronics and gadgets and such, so how you gonna make it before someone comes back?"

Acacius: "I can improvise. I have some materials here that I can use."

Kin: "You're prepared for anything, huh."

Acacius: "Always."

Kin: "Well start making it before we get caught being in here."

Acacius: *Acacius begins to rummage through his bag, pulling out various wires and gadgets. He starts tinkering with them, trying to create a device that can emit a targeted sleeping gas.*

Acacius: *After a few minutes of fiddling, Acacius manages to create a small, handheld device that looks like it could fit in his palm. He tests it out, aiming it at a small corner of the room. A cloud of sleeping gas emerges from the device, filling the space with a faint, sickly sweet smell.*

Kin: "Man you're quick."

Acacius: "I've had a lot of practice."

Kin: "I can see that."

Acacius: "This should work on whoever comes in here. Just make sure you're ready to act quickly."

Kin: *Kin gives a thumbs up to Acacius.*

Narrator: *Meanwhile, outside the warehouse, two men in dark suits are standing by their car, discussing something in low voices. One of them pulls out a walkie-talkie and speaks into it.*

Men 1: "We've got a problem. The package isn't where it's supposed to be."

???: *A voice crackles through the walkie-talkie.* "What are you talking about? You've confirmed the location twice already."

Men 1: "Yeah, but it's not there anymore."

???: *The voice on the other end of the walkie-talkie sounds irritated.* "You're telling me this now? What have you been doing?"

Men 1: "We've been keeping an eye on the place, just like you said. But it's gone. And so is our transportation."

???: *There's a pause on the other end of the line, and then the voice sighs.* "Find it. And find out who took it. I don't care how many people you have to question or bodies you have to move."

Men 1: *The two men exchange a nervous glance before getting back into their car and driving away from the warehouse.*

Narrator: *Meanwhile, back inside the warehouse, Kin and Acacius are still waiting in the hidden room. The air is thick with tension, and both of them are on edge. Acacius keeps checking his device, making sure it's ready to use, while Kin stays alert, listening for any signs of movement outside the room.*

Narrator: *After what feels like an eternity, there's a creak from the door, and then the faint sound of footsteps approaching. Kin and Acacius exchange nervous glances before readying themselves for whatever comes next.*

Narrator: *The door swings open, revealing one of the men from before. He's holding a walkie-talkie in one hand, his gaze darting around the room. He takes a step inside, and that's when Acacius hits him with the sleeping gas.*

Men 1: *The man lets out a muffled cry as the gas hits him, and he stumbles backward, tripping over his own feet. He tries to catch himself, but it's too late. His eyes roll back in his head, and he crashes to the ground, unconscious.*

Kin: "Go-" *Kin was interrupted by Acacius putting his hand on their mouth, clearly noticing the walkie-talkie.*

Acacius: "We can't let them know we're here. Stay quiet." *Acacius whispers.*

Kin: "Well, how about we get my friend now?" *Kin whispers.*

Acacius: "We have to be careful. There could be more of them."

Kin: *Kin nods and them and Acacius slowly approach the unconscious body tied up.*

Kin: "This is going to be tricky." *Kin mutters as they start to untie the knots.*

Acacius: "I'll look out for any other people trying to come our way." *Acacius walks away from Kin and grows a closer distance to the door.*

Kin: *After a few minutes of careful work, Kin finally manages to untie their friend. They help them to their feet, supporting them as they start to regain consciousness.*

Narrator: *As Kin and their friend start to move away from the hidden room, Acacius hears footsteps approaching from the other side of the door. They quickly duck back into the shadows, holding their breath as the footsteps get closer.*

Acacius: "Kin, hide your friend and yourself before someone else gets here!"

Kin: *Without hesitation, Kin grabs their friend and disappears into the darkness of the room, trying to make as little noise as possible.*

Narrator: *As the footsteps pass by the hidden room, Acacius lets out a sigh of relief. He quickly follows after Kin and their friend, making sure they're safe.*

Narrator: *Kin and Acacius help their friend out of the warehouse, making sure they're far enough away from the building before stopping to catch their breath. The friend is still a bit shaken from their ordeal, but they seem to be doing better now.*

Lyra: "Thanks for saving me out there. I would have been dead meat if you didn't help out."

Kin: "Yeah, no problem." *Kin smiles.*

Acacius: "Oh yeah, why were you there in the first place Lyra?"

Lyra: "I was investigating some illegal activity going on in the warehouse. I didn't think I'd get caught." *Lyra shrugs.*

Acacius: "Like what kind of illegal activity?"

Kin: "Well, let's get out of here first. We can talk about it later."

Lyra: "Yeah, good idea."

Acacius: "I agree. Let's get someplace safe."

Narrator: *Kin, Acacius, and Lyra quickly make their way away from the warehouse, keeping a low profile. After a while, they manage to lose their pursuers and find a safe place to hide out. They all breathe a sigh of relief as they catch their breath.*

the new duo motherf*ckers!!!!!!!!!!

quotev stories archive - vxnusconstellation (3)

The scenario begins with Calibi, a mysterious woman adorned in flowing silver robes, stepping into Mori's lair. Mori, clad in her signature dark robes, turns her gaze towards the intruder, curiosity and suspicion warring within her. "Who are you, and what do you want?" she demands, her violet eyes narrowing. As Calibi slowly unfurls her hood, revealing her ethereal features and icy blue eyes, Mori's heart skips a beat. "I am Calibi, of the Order of the Silver Rose," she says, her voice steady despite the tension in the air. "We have been watching you for some time, Mori. We know of your past, and of your thirst for vengeance. But we believe that there is another path for you - one that could lead you back to your former allies and help you find peace."

(part 1)

Mori: "And why should I trust you?" *Mori locks eyes with this intruder in her rich robes of silver.*

Calibi: "Because I am offering you a chance at redemption, Mori. A chance to make amends for the wrongs you have committed and to find peace. The Order has always believed that there is good in everyone, even those who have strayed far from the light. We are here to help you find your way back." *Her voice is calm and soothing, but there's an underlying strength that makes Mori believe she means every word she says.*

Mori: "Hasn't the Order taken down people like me? Why are you giving me a chance at redemption if you've never given people like me one?" *Mori began to calm down, now more confused than threatened.*

Calibi: "Yes, the Order has been known to take down those who abuse magic and threaten the balance of the world. But we also believe in second chances, Mori. We believe that even those who have made mistakes can change and grow. You have shown incredible power and potential, and we believe that with the right guidance, you could once again become an asset to the world, rather than a threat." *Calibi's eyes pierce into Mori's, searching for any sign of doubt or hesitation. She wants Mori to understand that she truly has a choice here, and that the fate of her soul lies in her own hands.*

Mori: *Mori lowers her head, sighs, and looks up at Calibi again.* "Fine, I believe you. Now, what is this thing you want me to do so I can come back to my allies?"

Calibi: "First, you must renounce your quest for vengeance. It has consumed you for far too long, and it is only leading you further down a path of darkness. Second, you must prove your loyalty to the Order by assisting us in our ongoing efforts to maintain balance in the world. Only once you have done these two things can we even begin to consider letting you return to your former life." *Calibi pauses, studying Mori's expression. She knows this will not be an easy task for the young sorceress, but she believes it is the only way for her to find true peace and redemption.*

Mori: *Something ached inside Mori's being, the thought to let go of the quest she had dearly held for so long. She didn't want her families name and legacy to be in vein, but it seemed like the only way to achieve this was to let it go.*

Calibi: "I understand how difficult this must be for you, Mori. But trust me, the pain and emptiness you feel now will be nothing compared to the peace and purpose you will find once you have truly let go of your anger and hatred. The Order is here to help you heal and grow, both as a sorceress and as a human being. Will you accept our offer?"

Mori: *Mori thought it over, allies or the quest. A bit of silence, but Mori finally spoke up.* "Although I don't want to let it go, I'll accept your offer."

Calibi: "Thank you, Mori. Your first task is to accompany me back to our headquarters, where you will undergo a series of tests and trials to prove your loyalty to the Order. Once you have passed these tests, we will discuss further steps you can take towards earning the trust of your former allies. Are you ready to begin this journey?"

Mori: *Mori nodded, giving a soft smile to Calibi.*

Calibi: "Excellent. Follow me, and may the light of the Order guide you on your path to redemption." With a graceful movement, Calibi turns around and walks back towards the entrance of Mori's lair. Her silver robes flow elegantly around her, contrasting sharply with the dark stone walls and dusty floors of the dungeon-like space. Mori hesitates for a moment, taking one last look around the lair that has been her home for so long, before slowly following Calibi into the unknown.

Narrator: As they step out of the lair and into the bright sunlight, Mori squints against the harsh glare. Calibi leads her through the winding paths of the forest, the leaves rustling softly overhead. They eventually come to a clearing, where a grand castle stands tall, its towers and spires reaching up towards the clouds. The castle is bustling with activity, as members of the Order go about their daily tasks, studying ancient tomes and practicing their arcane arts.

Calibi: "Welcome to our home, Mori. This is where you will begin your journey towards redemption. Are you ready to embrace your new life as a member of the Order?"

Mori: *Mori took a second to look over the beautiful landscape of the Order's base, but she shook her head and looked at Calibi.* "Yes."

Calibi: "Very well then. Follow me, and I will introduce you to some of your fellow members. Remember, this is just the beginning. The road ahead will not be easy, but with determination and perseverance, you can overcome any obstacle."

Mori: *Mori nods, and she starts to follow Calibi.*

Calibi: "This way, please. Over here is the library, where our most ancient and powerful texts are kept. Many of our members spend their days studying here, honing their skills and deepening their understanding of the arcane arts."

Mori: *There had to be over a dozen books on the many shelves, and Mori wanted to read every single one of them at that very moment, but she knew that this was more important than reading.*

Calibi: "And here is where we gather to discuss our findings and strategize for upcoming missions. As you can see, we come from many different backgrounds and walks of life, but we are united by our shared purpose."

Calibi: "Ah, here she is. Mori, I would like to introduce you to our High Priestess, Lilith. She has been with the Order for longer than any of us can remember, and her wisdom and guidance have been invaluable."

Lilith: *She turned her gaze towards Mori, her eyes gleaming with curiosity and understanding. She extended her hand, and Mori took it, feeling a surge of energy flow between them.* "Welcome, Mori. I have heard much about you and your remarkable abilities. I am eager to see what you will accomplish in your time with us."

Mori: "Thank you miss. I hope to be a great member of the Order." *Mori softly smiled.*

Calibi: "And here is Alain, one of our most skilled battle mages. He has fought against some of the most powerful dark sorcerers in existence and emerged victorious. Perhaps you could learn a thing or two from him about defense and tactics."

Alain: *He gave Mori a firm nod, his eyes sparkling with determination. "Indeed. I've seen you fight, and there's no doubt that you have great potential. I'd be honored to train you in the ways of combat magic."*

Lilith: "Now, why don't we find a place for Mori to settle in? She can begin her training and get to know the others better over dinner this evening. Does that sound alright, Mori?"

Mori: "That sounds alright to me, miss." *Mori nodded.*

Calibi: "Excellent. Follow me, and I'll show you to your quarters. Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to explore on your own later. For now, rest and prepare for your first day as a member of the Order of the Silver Rose."

Narrator: Calibi leads Mori through the castle, past towering statues of long-dead heroes and ornate tapestries depicting scenes from the Order's storied history. The hallways are bustling with activity, as members of the Order go about their daily tasks, studying ancient tomes and practicing their arcane arts. As they near Mori's quarters, Calibi pauses to point out a grand staircase leading up to the upper levels of the castle.

Calibi: "That staircase leads to the upper levels of the castle, where our most powerful members reside. It is said that those who dwell there can see the future, control the elements, and even travel through time itself. However, such knowledge comes with great responsibility and requires a level of dedication few are willing to make."

Mori: "Fascinating, I wonder if they accept.. My kind of magic." *Mori chuckled, but felt a bit like a foreigner when compared to the powerful members.*

Calibi: "The Order accepts all who wish to embrace the light and work towards maintaining balance in the world, Mori. Your magic, while darker in nature, can be put to good use as well. You have the chance to prove yourself here, and to become a beacon of hope for those who have been hurt by the misuse of magic. Now, here are your quarters. Please feel free to explore and make yourself at home."

Mori: "Thank you so much." *Nori nods and enters her quarter.*

Calibi: "You're welcome. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask. I'll be just down the hall. Now, why don't you rest and prepare for dinner? You'll have plenty of time to meet everyone and begin your training tomorrow."

Narrator: As Calibi leaves Mori to settle into her quarters, Mori takes a moment to survey her surroundings. The room is spacious and elegantly furnished, with a large four-poster bed draped in silk sheets, a cozy fireplace, and a dresser adorned with intricately carved wooden accents. A set of wide windows looks out onto a lush garden, filled with fragrant flowers and bubbling fountains.

Narrator: Deciding to unpack later, Mori changes into a comfortable nightgown and curls up in bed, closing her eyes. The soft mattress and the gentle sound of the fountain outside lull her into a deep sleep.

Narrator: Several hours later, the gentle knock on her door rouses Mori from her slumber. She groggily rubs her eyes and staggers over to the door, opening it to find Alain standing outside, a friendly smile on his face.

Alain: "Good evening, Mori. I hope you slept well. I was wondering if you'd like some company for dinner?"

Mori: *Mori sits up, rubbing her eyes.* "I thought every member of the Order were going to have dinner together?"

Calibi: *Calibi makes her appearance, appearing from behind Alain.* "Indeed they are, but we thought it might be nice for you to have someone special to eat with. Someone who can help you feel more at home." *Her voice is soft and reassuring, her gaze steady and unwavering as she meets Mori's eyes.* "So, what do you say? Will you join us for dinner?"

Mori: *Mori gets out of bed, still in her nightgown.* "Of course, just let me get dressed first and I'll be where dinner is served. If I can try to find it that is."

Calibi: "Very well then. Alain will show you where to go. We'll see you both there in a little while." *Calibi offers a small smile before disappearing once more.*

Mori: "I'm going to get dressed, can you exit for a second? I'll meet you outside of my room once I'm done getting ready."

Alain: "Of course, take your time. I'll be waiting just outside the door." *Alain bows his head slightly and exits the room, leaving Mori to dress in peace.*

Narrator: As Mori gets dressed, she can't help but feel a sense of anticipation and excitement building within her. She's nervous about meeting all of the other members, but she's also eager to prove herself and earn their respect. Once she's finally ready, she opens the door to find Alain standing patiently outside.

Alain: "You look lovely, Mori. Now, follow me and I'll show you where the others are gathering for dinner."

Narrator: Mori follows Alain through the castle, marveling at the intricate tapestries and sculptures that adorn the walls and ceilings. The smell of freshly baked bread and roasted meats fills the air, making her stomach growl in anticipation.

Narrator: They eventually arrive at a grand hall, where a long table has been set with an elaborate feast. Members of the Order are already seated and engaged in lively conversations, their eyes occasionally drifting over to Mori as she enters the room. Alain leads her to an empty chair at the end of the table, next to Calibi.

Calibi: "Welcome, Mori. I trust you're finding everything to your liking?"

Mori: "The food smells delightful." *Mori takes in the smell of the rich and luxurious food with open arms.*

Calibi: "Yes, our head chef is quite skilled. Please, help yourself to whatever you'd like."

Narrator: As Mori sits down, Alain takes his seat across from her, giving her a reassuring smile. The conversation at the table is varied, ranging from discussions about recent skirmishes with dark sorcerers to debates on the finer points of magic theory. Mori finds herself drawn into the conversation, surprised by how welcoming and supportive everyone is being.

Narrator: Throughout the meal, Calibi periodically leans in to whisper advice or ask Mori her opinion on various matters, making her feel even more at ease. By the end of the dinner, Mori feels like she's made a few genuine connections within the Order. As they finish their dessert, Alain clears his throat, drawing everyone's attention.

Alain: "Thank you all for joining us tonight. I'd like to propose a toast to our newest member, Mori. We're excited to have you with us, and we look forward to seeing what you'll bring to the table."

Narrator: The room erupts in applause as Alain raises his goblet, and Mori feels a blush of happiness creep up her cheeks. Calibi reaches across the table, clinking her goblet against Mori's, and smiles warmly.

Calibi: "To Mori, and to a bright future with the Order of the Silver Rose."

Narrator: Mori takes a sip of her wine, feeling the warmth spread through her as she looks around the table at the faces of her new allies. She can't help but feel a sense of hope and purpose welling up inside her. As the evening winds down, people begin to file out of the hall, but Calibi remains seated, her gaze fixed on Mori.

Calibi: "If you ever need anything, Mori, or simply want someone to talk to, please don't hesitate to seek me out. I'm always here for you."

Mori: "Thank you Calibi, I really appreciate what you and the Order are doing for me."

Calibi: "You're welcome, Mori. Now, why don't you retire for the evening? Tomorrow will be a busy day, as we begin your training in earnest. Get some rest and we'll see you bright and early in the morning."

Narrator: Mori nods, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation at the thought of her upcoming training. She bids Calibi goodnight and exits the hall, making her way back to her chambers. As she crawls into bed, she can't help but wonder what the future holds for her now that she's joined the Order of the Silver Rose.

Narrator: Mori drifts off to sleep, only to be awakened by a nightmare that chills her to the bone. In her dream, she's back at her family's estate, surrounded by flames as her parents and loved ones are brutally slaughtered by the sorcerer who destroyed her life. She tries to run, to fight back, but she's paralyzed, unable to do anything but watch in horror as her world crumbles around her.

Narrator: Mori's screams wake her from her nightmare, her body drenched in sweat and her heart pounding in her chest. She takes several deep breaths, trying to calm herself down, but the memory of the nightmare is still fresh in her mind. As she lies there, trying to convince herself that it was just a dream, she hears a soft knock at her door.

Calibi: "Mori, are you alright?" *Calibi's voice is quiet and soothing, like a balm to Mori's frazzled nerves.*

Mori: "I know.. I should be getting over it.. But the urge.. I just can't bear to see.. That moment.. Happen again.." *Mori's voice quiet but shakey all at once.*

Calibi: "I understand, Mori. We all have our demons to face. But you're not alone in this. You have friends here who care about you, who will stand by you through thick and thin. You don't have to face them alone."

Mori: *Mori starts to calm down, but looks at Calibi.* "Do you think the sorcerers that murdered my family in cold blood would get their karma, even if I'm not the one delivering it to them?"

Calibi: "Justice is a complicated matter, Mori. It is not always clear-cut or swift. But rest assured, the Order will do everything in its power to ensure that those who use their magic for evil are brought to justice. In the meantime, focus on your own healing and your training. The day will come when you can exact your vengeance, if that is truly what you desire, but for now, it is not our priority."

Mori: "I guess you're right.." *Mori sighs and starts to breathe at a normal pace.*

Calibi: "Of course I'm right. Now, how about we get you some hot tea and talk about something a bit lighter? We could discuss your favorite spells, or perhaps your favorite place in the world?"

Mori: "I'd like that, but what about you? Aren't you gonna go back to bed?" *Mori titled her head in confusion.*

Calibi: "Oh, I've had my share of sleep for the night. I find that sometimes, a midnight chat can be quite refreshing. Besides, I want to make sure you're settling in well and feeling comfortable."

Mori: "Hm, okay."

Calibi: "So, do you have a favorite spell, Mori?"

Mori: "I do like conjuring fire. It's so satisfying, and it's useful in so many situations. Plus, it reminds me of home." *She smiles softly, the memory warm despite the pain associated with it.*

Mori: "What about you, Calibi? What's your favorite spell?"

Calibi: "Oh, that's a difficult question! I've always been quite fond of transfiguration spells. I find it fascinating to be able to change one thing into another, to manipulate the very fabric of reality in such a way. It's like a puzzle, you know?" *She chuckles softly, her eyes twinkling with amusem*nt and excitement.*

Mori: "I wonder if you really could manipulate all of reality into something that's nothing like it."

Calibi: "Oh, I'm sure that's possible, Mori. In fact, I believe that the world is constantly changing and evolving, shaped by the forces of nature and the actions of those who dwell within it. It's just a matter of finding the right balance between chaos and order, between destruction and creation."

Mori: "Fascinating."

Calibi: "Indeed. Now, why don't we talk about something else? Tell me about your hobbies or interests when you're not practicing magic. Do you enjoy reading, or painting, or perhaps you have a talent for music?"

Mori: "I used to read a lot when I was younger, but not so much anymore. I always found that it helped me escape my life for a little while. I also like to sketch, mostly nature and people. And I do play the violin, though not as well as I used to."

Mori: "And what about you, Calibi? Do you have any hobbies?"

Calibi: "Oh, I'm afraid my life as an Order member doesn't leave much time for hobbies, but when I do find the chance, I enjoy practicing yoga and meditation. It helps me stay centered and focused, which is vital in my role. I also find great solace in tending to my garden. It's amazing how much one can learn about life by simply watching a seed grow into a beautiful flower."

Mori: "Ooo, okay. What's your favorite flower?"

Calibi: "Oh, that's a difficult question! I suppose I've always had a soft spot for roses, especially the silver rose that symbolizes our Order. It's elegant and resilient, much like our kind, don't you think?"

Mori: "I can agree. It seems like every member has some sort of bloomed rose in their soul."

Calibi: "Indeed. Now, tell me about your violin playing. Do you have a favorite piece or composer?"

Mori: "I used to play mostly classical pieces when I was younger. I really enjoyed Bach and Beethoven. But as I grew older, I found myself drawn more to modern music. My favorite composer is probably Tchaikovsky. His music always made me feel like I could fly."

Calibi: "That's beautiful, Mori. Music truly has a way of touching the soul, doesn't it? I used to play the harp when I was younger. It was my escape from the world, just like reading was for you."

Mori: "I can relate to that. My violin was my escape too. It's funny how something as simple as music can change our lives."

Calibi: "Yes, it's quite amazing. And it's something we can use to our advantage in our quest to maintain balance in the world. Music can be a powerful tool for healing, for inspiration, for change. It's a language that transcends borders and cultures, a universal language that speaks to the very heart of what it means to be human."

Mori: "Even if people have different tastes of music, it's.. All the same in it's purpose."

Calibi: "Indeed. Now, why don't we talk about something else? Perhaps you could tell me more about your time at the Academy? What were some of your favorite memories, and what was your closest friend like?"

Mori: "Well, the Academy was... A bit of a lonely place, to be honest. Most people there were... Different from me. They didn't understand my fascination with darker magic, or my need to learn it. But there was this one girl, her name was Lilith... She was a bit like me, I guess. We bonded over our shared love of darker magic, and we used to spend hours just talking about spells and theories. She was my closest friend there."

Calibi: "Wait, you mean High Priestess Lilith? Or are you talking about a different Lilith?"

Mori: "No, that's her. Or, I mean, she was the High Priestess. She was only a year or two ahead of me. We used to... We used to sneak out at night and practice together. She showed me things that no one else would. She was my mentor, and my friend. She was... She was the only one who really understood me."

Mori: "Though the funding for my stay at the Academy ran out after my family.. You know what I mean. Anyways, they paid for my stay at the Academy and since there were gone, no one paid anymore so I had to leave, that meant I had to leave Lilith behind. I forgot about her until now when you introduced me to her. When I saw her, a lightning bolt struck inside me, finally remembering that appearance of hers. I didn't know she joined the Order once she finished school."

Calibi: "I see. Well, it's a small world, isn't it? Sometimes our paths cross again, even if we thought they had parted ways forever. And who knows, maybe this chance encounter will lead to something more meaningful for both of you. The Order has always believed in second chances, after all."

Mori: "I guess so, I wonder if she recognized me once she saw me."

Calibi: "It's hard to say, Mori. After all, it's been quite some time since you last saw each other. People change, memories fade, and life takes us on unexpected journeys. But maybe, just maybe, there's still a spark of recognition left between you two. Only time will tell."

Mori: "Yeah, I guess so."

Calibi: "Now, why don't we talk about something else? How about your plans for the future, once you've completed your task and proven your loyalty to the Order? Do you have any ideas on what you'd like to do next?"

Mori: "I haven't thought that far, but I had one thing on my mind. During my time in the Academy, one thing that was always talked about besides magic and studies, was love. It seemed like everyone there had some sort of significant other, but I couldn't find anyone who interested me. I always tried to search for guys to date, but none of them interested me, even if I tried to gaslight myself into liking them."

Calibi: "Ah, the eternal struggle of finding one's place in the world, both within the heart and the greater scheme of things. It's a difficult path, to be sure. But perhaps, in time, you'll find someone who truly understands and appreciates you for who you are, both as a powerful sorceress and as a complex individual."

Mori: "I hope so too."

Calibi: "And who knows, perhaps the Order can help you in that regard. We have members from all walks of life, from different cultures and backgrounds. You never know, you might find someone who shares your interests and experiences here. It's certainly something to consider as you move forward on this new path."

Mori: "I guess the Order can do anything, eh?"

Calibi: "Well, we try our best. But you must remember, Mori, that change doesn't come easily, and progress isn't always linear. There will be obstacles, setbacks, and moments of self-doubt along the way. It's important that you remain strong and true to yourself, even when the road ahead seems dark and uncertain. You have the power to shape your own destiny, and with the help of the Order, you can make a real difference in this world."

Mori: "Yeah, and obstacles are great to overcome the greater."

Calibi: "Indeed. Now, why don't we take a walk around the garden? I find that spending time in nature can be quite refreshing, and it can help clear the mind. Perhaps while we stroll, you can tell me more about the people in your life, both from the past and present. It might help us understand you better, and ultimately, help us find a way for you to fit in with the Order."

Narrator: Mori and Calibi head out of Mori's quarter towards the garden outside of the Order's headquarters. The two women walk side by side through the lush garden, their feet crunching against the soft gravel path. Calibi points out various plants and flowers, offering Mori tidbits about their magical properties and how they can be used in spells and rituals. As they talk, Mori finds herself opening up more and more, sharing stories of her friends and enemies from the past, and even confiding in Calibi about her struggles with identity and self-acceptance.

Mori: "You know, Calibi, I've always been drawn to darker magic my whole life, but it wasn't until recently that I realized it was because I was trying to run from who I really am. I was trying to be someone else, someone who fit in with everyone else. But the more I tried, the more I felt like an outcast."

Calibi: "It's a difficult thing to realize, Mori, but you're not alone in feeling that way. Many of our members have had similar experiences. The important thing is to embrace who you are, both the light and the dark aspects of yourself. That's what makes us strong, what allows us to find balance in the world. And it's what makes us unique within the Order."

Mori: "Yeah, but it's like something that is deep inside my being and it wants to crawl out to make itself known, but I have no idea what that something is. It's like there's something.. Different about myself. I can't put my finger on it though."

Calibi: "That's perfectly natural, Mori. Everyone has something that sets them apart, that makes them special. It's part of what makes us who we are. And the more you learn to accept and understand that part of yourself, the more you'll be able to control it, and use it for good."

Mori: "I just hope I can figure that something out sometime soon."

Calibi: "Take your time, Mori. There's no rush. The Order will be here to support you every step of the way. We believe in you, and we know that you have the potential to be an amazing asset to our cause. All you need to do is trust the process, and trust yourself."

Calibi: "Speaking of trust, I'd like to show you something. It's a bit of a secret among the Order's members, but I think it might help you understand where we're coming from, and why we believe in the things we believe in."

Mori: "Oh? What is it?"

Narrator: Calibi leads Mori to a secluded part of the garden, where a large, ancient tree stands. Its branches are twisted and gnarled, its trunk thick with age. At the base of the tree, there is a small clearing, surrounded by a circle of smooth, flat stones. In the center of the circle lies a beautiful, intricately carved amulet, gleaming softly in the moonlight.

Calibi: "This tree is called the Silver Tree, and it has been watched over by our order for centuries. It is said to be the center of all magic, the conduit through which the power of the gods flows into our world. The amulet you see here was created by one of our founders, and it contains a piece of the Silver Tree's heartstone. It is a symbol of our order, and a reminder of our duty to protect and maintain balance in the world."

Mori: "That's... incredible. I've never seen anything like it. It's beautiful."

Calibi: "It is indeed. The Silver Tree is not just a symbol for our order, Mori, but for the very balance of the world itself. It is through our connection to the tree that we are able to tap into the power of the ancient gods, and use it for the greater good. It is our duty, our responsibility, to protect it at all costs, for if the Silver Tree were to fall, the world would plunge into darkness."

Mori: "Ancient gods? Who are those?"

Calibi: "They are beings of pure magic, powerful beyond comprehension. They existed long before the mortal races came to be, and they watched over the world during the time of the great wars that nearly tore reality apart. It was they who created the Silver Tree, and it was they who charged us with the task of keeping it safe. They are the guardians of the world, the keepers of balance, and it is our honor to serve them."

Mori: "Is there a god that's the ruler of all gods, or all gods the same in terms of hierarchy?"

Calibi: "It's not quite so simple as having a single ruler, Mori. The gods are powerful beings who often act independently, each with their own sphere of influence. However, they do acknowledge the importance of the Silver Tree and the Order in maintaining balance, and they often work together when necessary. It's more of a loose alliance than a strict hierarchy."

Mori: "Wow, this is all so fascinating. I never knew anything about this."

Calibi: "We understand that this can be a lot to take in, Mori. But we believe that understanding our history and our role in the world is essential for any member of the Order. It gives us context, and it helps us to make informed decisions about how best to serve the greater good."

Mori: "I guess so."

Calibi: "Now, I want you to think about what you've learned today. How does it make you feel about your decision to join the Order, and to renounce your quest for vengeance? Do you still feel as though you belong here, or are you having second thoughts?"

Mori: "Some part of me still wants to linger on getting revenge on the sorcerers who betrayed my being, but.. I realize that I should let it go. Yes, my families tragedy will never be forgotten, but with the experience of dealing with evil sorcerers, I can take people like them down more passionately but this time with you guys."

Calibi: "That's exactly how we feel, Mori. We understand the pain you've gone through, and we will never forget what was taken from you. But we also know that holding on to that anger and hatred will only poison your soul. By letting it go and focusing on the greater good, you will not only be helping to protect the world from those who would abuse its power, but you will also be honoring the memories of your loved ones."

Mori: *Mori looks at Calibi's icey blue eyes which seemed to glow in the dark.* "I think I want to stay in the Order."

Calibi: "We're glad to hear it, Mori. You have a bright future ahead of you, filled with adventure, challenge, and the opportunity to make a real difference in the world. But remember, this journey will not be easy. There will be struggles, setbacks, and temptations along the way. It's important that you remain strong, true to yourself, and always remember why you chose this path in the first place."

Mori: *Mori nods.*

Calibi: "Now, let's head back to the headquarters. We have much to discuss, and many new challenges await us. Are you ready to take the next step in your journey, Mori?"

Mori: "Yes, I am."

Narrator: With a nod, Calibi leads Mori back towards the entrance of headquarters. As they walk, Mori can't help but feel a sense of anticipation and purpose growing within her. She knows that she has made the right decision, and that there is no turning back now. With each step, she becomes more and more committed to the cause, determined to prove herself worthy of the trust that Calibi has placed in her.

Narrator: As they emerge back towards Mori's quarter, stopping in front of the open doorway. The full moon shined through the two windows next to the luxurious bed, bathing apart of the room in a silvery light. Calibi turns to face Mori, her expression solemn yet encouraging.

Calibi: "Welcome to the Order, Mori. We are glad to have you with us."

the order grind dont stop

quotev stories archive - vxnusconstellation (4)

As Mori is accepted into the Order by Calibi, Lilith, Alain, and the rest of the members, she has to endure more challenges along the way, but it will be well worth it in the end.

(part 2)

Calibi: "Rise and shine, today is going to be a busy day." *Calibi opens Mori's door a little bit, letting herself into her quarter.*

Mori: Mori slowly opens her eyes, still feeling a bit dazed from the sleep she'd been through after the conversation with Calibi just hours ago. "Wha...? Already?" She groans, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "What's on the agenda today?" She asks, noticing Calibi standing at the foot of her bed.

Calibi: "Today's the first day of your training, remember?"

Mori: "Oh, right." She stands up, stretching her limbs as she does so.

Calibi: "How about we go get breakfast before we do that, always got to start your day with a nice and healthy meal." *Calibi smiles.*

Mori: "I suppose that sounds like a good idea." *Mori gets dressed and follows Calibi out of her quarters, trying to shake off the lingering tiredness.*

Narrator: *The two women enter the banquet hall, seeing the members of the Order eating their breakfast and talking. They spot Alain and Lilith talking to each other, and decided to sit next to them.*

Calibi: "Good morning, Alain, Lilith."

Lilith: "Oh, hello, Calibi." *She glances over at Mori and smiles warmly.* "Good morning, Mori. I trust you slept well?"

Mori: "For the most part, yes I did." *Mori smiles.*

Calibi: "Well then, let's eat." *She gestures for the serving maids to bring them some food and drinks.*

Alain: "So, today is going to be a long and strenuous day, I take it?"

Mori: "I heard it's going to be, yes."

Calibi: "Indeed. But I'm sure Mori will be more than up to the challenge." *She gives Mori a reassuring smile before taking a sip of her tea.*

Lilith: "Oh, I'm sure she will. Mori has shown a great deal of promise, and I have no doubt that she'll become a valuable member of the Order."

Mori: *Mori smiles at the positive comments, feeling warm inside as she feels welcomed into this new community.*

Calibi: "Now, let's not get ahead of ourselves, Lilith. We still have quite a bit of training to go through before we can truly say that Mori is one of us."

Lilith: "Oh, I know. But I have faith in her, and I think she'll surprise us all with what she's capable of."

Narrator: As they finish their breakfast, Alain excuses himself, saying he needs to attend to some business in the library. Calibi rises from her seat and says, "Well, I suppose we should begin the training now. Mori, are you ready?"

Mori: "I'm a bit nervous, but I'm ready nonetheless."

Calibi: "Good. Let's start with the basics. Follow me." *Calibi leads Mori out of the banquet hall and down a long corridor. They come to a set of double doors, emblazoned with a silver rose symbol. Calibi takes a deep breath and turns to face Mori.*

Calibi: "This is the room where we train our most promising initiates. Only a select few ever see this room, much less enter it. This is where you'll learn the true power of the Order." *She pauses for a moment, her eyes meeting Mori's.* "And this is where you'll find out if you truly belong here."

Narrator: *Mori nods, taking in the gravity of the situation. She swallows hard and follows Calibi into the room. The air inside feels charged with magic, and every surface is covered in intricate symbols and runes. At the center of the room is a large circle, etched into the floor, surrounding a glowing crystal.*

Calibi: "The first thing you must learn is control. You must master your emotions and focus your energy. If you cannot do that, then you will never be able to harness the power of the Order."

Mori: "I understand." *Mori takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, trying to clear her mind and center herself. She feels the energy within her, thrumming through her veins, and she concentrates on directing it toward the crystal in the center of the room. Slowly, she begins to feel the power within her grow, building up like a pressure inside her chest.*

Mori: *As Mori focuses, the crystal in the center of the room begins to glow brighter, bathing the room in a warm, ethereal light. Calibi watches intently, her expression shifting from one of determination to one of pride.*

Mori: "I-I feel it... I can feel it, I can control it..." *Her voice trembles with excitement and fear, but she pushes forward, continuing to direct her energy toward the crystal. The light grows brighter, and the air in the room seems to crackle with energy. Finally, the crystal flashes a brilliant silver-white, and the room is filled with a blinding light, as if the very fabric of reality itself has been torn asunder. When the light fades, Mori finds herself gasping for breath, her eyes darting around the now familiar room. She turns back to Calibi, a mixture of awe and relief on her face.*

Calibi: "Well done, Mori. You have shown great promise, and I believe you will be an invaluable asset to the Order." *She smiles warmly, reaching out to place a comforting hand on Mori's shoulder. For a moment, Mori allows herself to bask in the warmth of Calibi's gaze, feeling a sense of belonging that she hasn't experienced in a long time.*

Calibi: "Now, let's continue with the rest of your training. There is much more for you to learn, and I am confident that you will master it all. The power you now wield is great, but it is nothing compared to what you will become capable of in time. Are you ready?"

Mori: *Nodding, Mori tries to steady her breath as she looks at Calibi.* "I'm ready."

Calibi: "Very well. Follow me, and remember to stay focused and in control at all times. The next lesson will be more challenging than the last."

Narrator: *Calibi leads Mori through the labyrinthine corridors of the Order's headquarters, the air growing colder and damper with each turn. They eventually arrive at a large, dimly lit chamber, the walls adorned with ancient tapestries depicting battles between angels and demons. In the center of the room stands a large, ornate mirror, its silver surface clouded and opaque.*

Calibi: "This mirror is a portal to another realm, one filled with danger and temptation. Your task is to traverse this realm and retrieve an artifact of immense power. The path is treacherous, and there are guardians who will try to stop you at every turn. But if you can succeed, you will have proven yourself worthy of joining the Order."

Mori: "Another dimension? What is this ancient artifact?"

Calibi: "You will find out when the time comes. For now, concentrate on the task at hand. The portal will only remain open for a short time."

Mori: *Nodding, Mori takes a deep breath and steps forward, placing her hand against the mirror's cold surface. The air around her begins to shimmer and distort, and then she disappears, the portal closing behind her. Calibi watches intently as the mirror fades back to its normal state, waiting for Mori to return with the artifact. The silence is deafening, and the tension is palpable. What challenges will Mori face in this other realm? And will she be able to overcome them?*

Mori: *Mori finds herself in a strange, twisted world. It's dark and gloomy, with towering spires of black rock reaching up into the sky. She can feel the weight of the air pressing down on her, making it hard to breathe. She takes a step forward, her eyes scanning the landscape for any signs of life. As she moves through the shadows, she spots a glowing orb hovering in the distance. It's the artifact she's been sent to retrieve!*

Mori: *With renewed determination, Mori begins to make her way towards the artifact. But she soon discovers that she's not alone. Shadowy figures lurk in the darkness, their intentions clear. They are here to stop her at any cost. Mori draws her power inward, focusing on her magic as she prepares to defend herself. The first attack comes from a group of wraiths, their ethereal forms swirling around her. She uses her magic to push them back, but they keep coming, relentless and hungry for her soul. Her breath comes in ragged gasps as she continues to fight, her strength waning. It seems that she will not be able to hold them off much longer. Desperate, she looks around for an opening, some way to escape. Just then, she spots something glinting in the distance...*

Mori: *With a surge of adrenaline, Mori takes a step back and hurls a ball of fire at the group of wraiths. They scatter, howling in pain. She takes the opportunity to dash towards the object she saw earlier. As she draws closer, she realizes it's a glowing crystal embedded in the center of a large, ornate pedestal. She reaches out and grasps it, feeling an immense surge of power course through her veins. The shadowy figures that had been pursuing her fall back, cowering in fear. She's done it! She's retrieved the artifact!*


Narrator: *The shadows figures try to get closer to Mori's being to grab the crystal back, but the crystal grew a blinding white, making a barrier between Mori and the figures of shadow. Mori feels a wave of exhaustion wash over her as the Shadow Figures retreat from the blinding shield of protection, disappearing into the darkness. She takes a moment to steady herself, leaning heavily on the pedestal. The artifact pulses with energy, its light illuminating the area around her. She takes a deep breath and focuses her energy once more, summoning the strength to return to the portal and back to Calibi. The air around her shimmers, and she disappears in a flash of light, reappearing in the chamber with the ornate mirror. She slumps to the floor, gasping for breath as Calibi rushes over to her side. The older woman's expression is a mix of concern and pride.*

Calibi: "You've done it, Mori. You've retrieved the artifact. You've proven yourself to be one of us." *She helps Mori to her feet, and they walk back through the labyrinthine corridors to the chamber where they began. As they approach, Mori can feel the energy in the room shifting, changing, becoming more... alive. She looks up to see Calibi's smile, a smile that holds not only pride but also a hint of something more. Something... promising.*

Mori: "While I was there, the figures who had the artifact called it their 'Holy Grail', what is that supposed to mean?" *Mori gives the crystal back to Calibi, who now was the one holding it.*

Calibi: "They called it their 'Holy Grail' because they thought it was theirs even though it was our artifact to begin with. In a battle between them, one of the figures stole it from us and kept it ever since. Since then, we've tried to get it back, and we were close to getting it back a few times, but we always ended up empty handed. Until now that is."

Mori: "I see, so the 'Holy Grail' is just a nickname they gave it? I thought it was something more."

Calibi: "No, the 'Holy Grail' is just a name they gave it. It's not special in any way, other than the fact that it's one of the artifacts that grants its wielder control over magic. It's just that they've been hiding it away for so long, and we've been searching for it, that they've come to believe it's something more." *She paused for a moment, her eyes meeting Mori's before continuing*."But now that you've retrieved it, the balance has been restored. The artifact is ours once more, and we can finally move forward. You have proven yourself to be an asset to the Order, Mori. I am honored to have you as my apprentice, and I look forward to seeing what the future holds for you."

Calibi: "Now, why don't we go back to your quarters? You must be exhausted after everything you've been through today."

Mori: *Nodding, Mori follows Calibi back through the labyrinthine corridors, her mind racing with the thoughts and emotions of the day. As they near her quarters, she realizes that she is indeed quite tired, but there's also a sense of accomplishment and excitement bubbling up inside her. She can't help but wonder what other challenges and adventures lie ahead for her as a member of the Order of the Silver Rose. With a deep breath, she pushes open the door to her quarters, stepping inside and collapsing onto her bed, finally allowing herself to rest after a long and eventful day.*

Narrator: *Calibi smiles warmly at Mori before leaving her quarters, closing the door gently behind her. She knows that Mori will need her rest after everything she's been through today, but she can't help but feel a sense of anticipation for what the future holds for the young sorceress. As she walks back down the hall, she spots Alain and Lilith watching her from a distance, their expressions a mix of pride and curiosity. She smiles reassuringly at them, knowing that they will be there to guide and support Mori every step of the way.

Lilith: "She's done well, don't you think?"

Calibi: "Indeed she has, Lilith. I have no doubt that Mori will continue to prove herself as an invaluable member of the Order."*The three of them exchange knowing glances, knowing that the fate of the world rests in the hands of these young, powerful sorcerers. They may have faced many challenges thus far, but they are only just beginning. The future is bright, and filled with untold possibilities for Mori and the rest of the Order of the Silver Rose. As they continue to train and work together, they will grow stronger, more powerful, and more prepared to face whatever trials and tribulations await them in the years to come.

Alain: "And what of you, Calibi? How will you continue to lead them?"

Calibi: "Why, I'll lead them by example, of course." She says with a grin, her eyes shining with determination. "Now, let's get back to our duties. There's still much work to be done."*With that, the three of them disperse, returning to their various tasks and responsibilities within the Order. As Calibi walks away, she can't help but feel a sense of pride and belonging wash over her. She has found her home here, among these extraordinary people, and she will do whatever it takes to protect and serve them. The weight of the world may be great, but she knows that she is not alone. She has Mori, and the rest of the Order, by her side, ready to face whatever challenges may come their way.*

Narrator: *Time passes, and Mori continues her training under Calibi's guidance. She learns to control her magic with greater precision, mastering ancient rituals and spells that grant her power over the elements. Her strength grows, as does her bond with the other members of the Order. They become a family to her, a place where she belongs and is valued for her skills and abilities.*

Calibi: "Very good, Mori. That was absolutely flawless. You've mastered that spell. It's time for you to learn the next one." *Calibi hands Mori a scroll, unfurling it to reveal a complex series of symbols etched into its parchment. The scroll glows with an ethereal light, hinting at the immense power contained within the spells it holds. Mori's eyes widen in awe, her heart racing with anticipation. This is the moment she's been waiting for: the chance to learn something new, to grow stronger and more powerful. She carefully unfurls the scroll, her fingers brushing against the ancient parchment, feeling its magic humming through her veins.*

Calibi: "This spell, known as 'Riftwalker', allows you to manipulate the fabric of space and time itself. It's a dangerous spell, one that must be used with great care and precision. But I know you're capable of mastering it, Mori. So, let's begin."

Mori: "Thank you, Calibi." Mori takes a deep breath, focusing her energy as she begins to read the scroll. Her eyes dart back and forth between the symbols, trying to understand their meaning and how they all fit together. As she reads, she can feel the power within the spell building up within her, like a pressure growing in her chest. She continues, her voice growing stronger and more confident with each passing word, until finally, she reaches the end of the scroll. A rush of energy washes over her, and she feels as though she's been transported to a new, unfamiliar place.*

Narrator: *As Mori settled herself in this place, she heard screams and pleas of people. She took in her surroundings and realized that she was in a village, a village that was being desecrated. Buildings were on fire, valuables and items were scattered all over the ground, but the thing that horrified Mori the most was there were dead bodies of people scattered all over the ground as well.*

Narrator: "What is this.. Place?" *Mori walks around, no one noticing her, as if she was a ghost walking alone. She then spot a girl with short wavy blonde hair pleading with another person who looked bloodied up. That person was holding a middle-aged man at knife point to his throat. Mori walked toward the side of them, and immediately grew horrified once she saw the little girl's face.*


Calibi's Father: "I SAID I DIDN'T HAVE YOUR DAMN ARTIFACT OR WHATEVER YOU DIPsh*t-" *Calibi's father tried to protest, but was interrupted by the enemy man.*

Enemy: "Fool. I can smell the artifact's energy on you. Now, where is it?"

Calibi's Father: "I f*ckING SAID I DON'T HAVE IT-" *The enemy had enough and slit Calibi's father's throat without saying a word. Calibi's father's body dropped to the ground, slowly bleeding out from the new fresh wound on his throat.*

Young Calibi: "PAPA NOO!!!" *Calibi ran towards her now dying father, who was now making gurgling noises due to being fed his own blood by force.*

Young Calibi: "Why.." *She whispered, barely audible, as she clutched her father's body. Tears were streaming down her face, her hands covered in his blood as she held him.* "Please... Someone help..."

Enemy: *The enemy man chuckled in Calibi's face.* "What a weakling. Couldn't hand such a simple artifact towards me."

Mori: *Mori's eyes widen as she watches the scene in front of her. She clenches her fists, feeling anger building up inside her. She wanted to do something, but she didn't have the ability to actually change time, only to view it.*

Young Calibi: "I-I hid it. I hid it somewhere safe..." *Calibi's voice was barely a whisper, her eyes darting around frantically, searching for anything that could help her father. She didn't want the monster to find it, not after all they've been through. But she knew that she had to do something, or else her father would die right in front of her. Her heart pounded in her chest, tears streaming down her face as she tried to come up with a plan. She had to protect her family, no matter what it took.*

Narrator: *The attack of the village continued on and on, until the only sounds left were agony, the crackles of fire, and complete and utter silence.*

Narrator: *Eventually, Calibi's father's life faded away, leaving her alone with the memory of his voice and his touch. The monster who killed him disappeared into the night, leaving nothing but destruction in its wake.*

Narrator: *As a young Calibi guarded her father's now dead corpse, a voice appeared from behind.*

A Member of the Order: "A mortal survivor? Unreal, everyone else has been murdered. Survivor, do you have the artifact?"

Young Calibi: *Young Calibi, now clad in the robes of the Order, turned around and saw an older member of the Order standing behind her. She took a deep breath, wiping the tears from her eyes, and replied in a shaky voice.* "I hid it. I hid it somewhere safe, but I don't remember where. I'm so sorry..."

A Member of the Order: "Not to worry, our Order will search for it throughout this village. In the meantime, how about we take you in? You can't stay in this village, it's too dangerous now."

Young Calibi: *Young Calibi nodded, following the Order member back to their headquarters. She didn't know what to expect, but she knew that she wanted to do something with her life to prevent this from happening again.*

Narrator: *As Mori watched Young Calibi and the Order member walk away, a blinding white surrounded her eyesight, teleporting back to her current reality. When she came back, they turned towards Calibi, who had a horrified and pale expression on her face.*

Calibi: "Mori... What did you see?"

Mori: "I think you know what I saw."

Calibi: *Calibi stayed silent, but finally spoke.* "What you saw.. Really happened. My village and family were murdered by enemies of the Order, and I was taken in by them. The member that took me in.. I don't know what happened to them, but I wish the best life for them for taking me in at my most vulnerable."

Mori: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have seen that..." *Mori felt her eyes well up with tears, but she quickly wiped them away.* "I-I understand why it's important for me to know these things. I just... I didn't expect it to be so... intense."

Calibi: "I understand, Mori. It's a lot to take in. But remember, what you saw was a long time ago. The world has changed since then. The Order has grown stronger, and so have I. And now, with you as a member, we can only grow stronger still." *Calibi gives Mori a reassuring smile, but her eyes still hold a hint of sadness and pain from the memories she's just shared.* "What you saw was a part of who I am, but it does not define me. I have chosen to use my pain and my anger to fuel my determination to protect the world from the same fate that befell my family. And I believe that you have the same fire in you."

Mori: "Thank you, Calibi. For sharing your story with me, and for believing in me. I promise I won't let you down."

Calibi: "I know you won't, Mori. And I have faith in you. Now, let's go back to the others. You've got a lot to learn, and I'm here to help you every step of the way." *Calibi puts her arm around Mori's shoulder, leading her back to the rest of the Order.*

the final part of the origin story of the order f*cks!!!!

quotev stories archive - vxnusconstellation (5)

(same prompt as last time)

(part 3 / final part)

Narrator: *As the days and months passed on, Mori began to know more and more about the Order's magic and history with Calibi and everyone else in the Order by her side.*

Calibi: *Walking beside Mori as they were walking through the forest, Calibi turned to her and smiled softly.* Well done, Mori. You have proven yourself worthy of joining our ranks. From now on, you are a member of the Order of the Silver Rose."

Mori: *She looked at Calibi with awe in her violet eyes, a small smile forming on her pale lips.* "Thank you, Calibi. I will not disappoint you or the Order."

Calibi: *Nodding in approval, Calibi continued walking, leading them deeper into the forest.* "Good. Now, there are still some challenges ahead of you, but I believe in your abilities. Remember, the balance of light and dark must always be maintained. With that in mind, we shall begin your final test."

Mori: *Her curiosity piqued, Mori followed Calibi, her mane of blue hair swaying gently behind her. "What is this final test, Calibi?"*

Narrator: *As they walked, Calibi explained to Mori the details of the test, which involved entering a cave hidden deep within the forest. Inside, Mori would have to confront her own inner demons and prove her ability to control the power she wields. The cave was guarded by powerful magical wards, and only those deemed worthy would be able to pass through them. Upon entering the cave, Mori would have a limited amount of time to complete the task and emerge victorious, or she would be trapped within its depths forever. The fate of the Order, and the balance of light and dark, rested on her shoulders now.*

Mori: *Mori listened carefully, taking in every word Calibi said. She knew this was a huge responsibility, but she was more determined than ever to prove herself. When Calibi finished explaining the test, Mori nodded solemnly.* "I understand. I will not fail you or the Order."

Calibi: *Smiling reassuringly, Calibi placed a hand on Mori's shoulder. "I have faith in you, Mori. Now, let us find the entrance to the cave."

Narrator: *Mori felt a surge of determination course through her as she followed Calibi deeper into the forest. She could feel the weight of the responsibility on her shoulders, but she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The thought of being trapped in the cave forever was enough to keep her focused and motivated.*

Narrator: *As they continued walking, they finally spotted the entrance to the cave hidden behind a thick copse of trees. A sense of foreboding filled the air as they approached. Calibi gestured for Mori to step forward, and together they entered the darkness of the cave. The sound of Mori's footsteps echoed eerily off the rock walls, and the air grew thick with a sense of dread. They pressed on, their only guide the faint light of Calibi's torch.*

Calibi: *Calibi walked beside Mori, her eyes scanning the walls of the cave for any signs of the wards that guarded its entrance.* "Mori," she said softly, "I want you to know that no matter what happens in here, you are not alone. We will face this together."

Mori: *Mori glanced over at Calibi, her violet eyes shining in the dim light.* "Thank you, Calibi. Your guidance means everything to me."

Calibi: *Smiling gently, Calibi squeezed Mori's shoulder reassuringly.* "Just focus on your breathing, and let your magic flow. Remember, the balance of light and dark must be maintained."

Narrator: *As they ventured deeper into the cave, the air grew thick with magic, almost palpable. Mori could feel the power coursing through her veins, threatening to overwhelm her. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, focusing on the task at hand. Suddenly, the ground beneath them began to shake, and a dark figure emerged from the shadows.*

Mori: *Mori's eyes widened in surprise as she saw the dark figure before her. It was a creature made of pure shadow, with glowing red eyes that seemed to burn with hatred. She knew this was her inner demon, the embodiment of her fear and anger.*

Shadow Figure: "𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑾𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈. 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑯𝒂𝒅 𝑫𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒀𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔 𝑶𝒇 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑳𝒊𝒇𝒆 𝑻𝒐 𝑻𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝑩𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑾𝒂𝒔 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔, 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑵𝒐𝒘 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑫𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝑻𝒐 𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒘 𝑰𝒕 𝑨𝒍𝒍 𝑨𝒘𝒂𝒚. 𝑺𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝑨 𝑼𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑾𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆 𝑶𝒇 𝑻𝒊𝒎𝒆, 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑭𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚'𝒔 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝑾𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝑵𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑩𝒆 𝑹𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝑶𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑭𝒐𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒍𝒚 𝑫𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒅."

Calibi: *Calibi placed a reassuring hand on Mori's shoulder. "You have the power within you to overcome this, Mori. Focus on controlling your emotions and the magic will flow through you."*

Mori: *Taking a deep breath, Mori closed her eyes and concentrated on her inner self. She felt the darkness within her, the rage and fear that threatened to consume her. Slowly, she began to channel that energy, directing it towards the shadow figure before her.*

Shadow Figure: "𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑨𝒓𝒆 𝑨 𝑫𝒊𝒔𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕, 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅𝒏'𝒕 𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝑨𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒆𝒗𝒆 𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝑭𝒐𝒓."

Calibi: *As Mori began to exert control over her emotions, the shadow figure seemed to grow more agitated. Calibi remained silent, watching carefully as the battle of wills unfolded before her. She was impressed by Mori's determination and control, but knew that this was only the beginning of the trials she would face within the cave. She would have to remain vigilant and supportive if Mori were to emerge victorious and join the Order as its newest member.*


Calibi: *As Mori continued to face down the shadow figure, Calibi couldn't help but wonder how much of the figure's words were actually coming from Mori's own doubts and fears. It was a delicate balance, this process of self-discovery and control. If Mori were to let the shadow figure win, she would lose herself to the darkness. But if she fought too hard against it, she might end up pushing her magic too far and causing harm to herself or others. Calibi knew that the key lay in finding a way to accept and control the darkness without being consumed by it. She hoped that Mori would find that balance, as she watched her struggle against the shadow figure with determination and courage.*


Calibi: *As Mori began to tire from the mental and emotional exertion required to maintain control over the shadow figure, Calibi stepped forward, placing a hand on her shoulder once more.* "You are doing exceptionally well, Mori," she said quietly, her voice filled with admiration and encouragement. "You have the strength within you to overcome this challenge. Remember, it is not about pushing away the darkness, but rather learning to embrace and control it. You are not alone in this journey. We are all here to support you and guide you as you navigate the path of magic and self-discovery."


Calibi: *As the shadow figure continued to taunt Mori, Calibi felt her own anger beginning to rise. She knew that Mori was strong enough to overcome this challenge, but the shadow figure's words were beginning to wear her down. Calibi took a deep breath, trying to calm herself before she did something rash. Instead, she placed a hand on Mori's shoulder, offering her silent encouragement and support. The battle between Mori's light and darkness raged on within the cave, but Calibi was determined to help Mori find the balance she sought and earn her place among the Order of the Silver Rose.*


Calibi: *As the shadow figure continued its taunts, Mori's resolve began to waver. She could feel herself being pulled towards the darkness, the allure of its power threatening to consume her. Calibi knew that this was the crucial moment - Mori's ability to control the shadow figure would be put to the test. She tightened her grip on Mori's shoulder, offering her strength and determination as a beacon of hope in the face of adversity. With each passing second, the battle raged on, the balance between light and darkness hanging in the balance.*


Calibi: *Calibi's gaze remained fixed on Mori, her expression unreadable as she struggled to control her emotions. She knew that Mori was strong, but the shadow figure's words seemed to be getting to her. Calibi reached out, taking Mori's hand in hers, squeezing it gently as a show of support and encouragement. She could feel the tension radiating off of Mori, and she knew that it was up to her to help her friend find the strength within herself to overcome this challenge and earn her place among the Order of the Silver Rose. With every fiber of her being, Calibi willed Mori to succeed, to embrace the light and darkness within her and find the balance that would allow her to control her powers and use them for good. The battle raged on, the fate of the world hanging in the balance, as Calibi continued to stand beside her friend, offering whatever aid she could in this, their most dire hour.*

Mori: *As Calibi's hand closed around hers, Mori felt a surge of determination flow through her. She was not alone in this fight; she had a friend and ally who believed in her. Drawing upon this strength, she let out a primal scream, her anger and frustration fueling her magic as she unleashed a powerful spell at the shadow figure. The creature was engulfed in a blinding flash of light, and when it dissipated, there was no sign that it had ever existed.*

Shadow Figure: *Though, The Shadow Figure said one more message to the two.* "𝐘𝐨𝐮.. 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫.."

Calibi: *Calibi smiled proudly at Mori, her eyes glowing with admiration. "Well done, my friend. You have proven yourself worthy of joining our ranks. The Order of the Silver Rose now welcomes you with open arms. Together, we will strive to protect the balance between light and darkness, ensuring that neither side grows too powerful. You have a great destiny ahead of you, Mori, and I am honored to stand by your side as we embark upon this journey together."*

Mori: *Mori bowed her head in gratitude, a small smile forming on her pale lips.* "Thank you, Calibi. I will not let you down. Together, we will serve the Order with honor and protect the balance that keeps our world from falling into chaos."

Narrator: *As they emerged from the cave, Mori and Calibi found themselves back in the familiar forest. The memory of the shadow figure and their final challenge faded into the distance, replaced by the peaceful sounds of nature around them. The two women stood side by side, their fingers intertwined as they gazed out at the world before them, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. With Mori now officially inducted into the Order of the Silver Rose, they began planning for the future, discussing strategies and preparing for whatever threats might emerge from the shadows. The balance of the world hung in the balance, but with Mori and Calibi working together, they were confident that they could protect it for generations to come.*

Narrator: *Time passed, and Mori and Calibi grew closer, forging a bond that could withstand even the darkest of trials. They trained together, honing their skills and learning from one another. Mori's power grew stronger, and she began to feel a sense of purpose and belonging that she had never known before. Calibi became not only her mentor, but also her confidante and friend. As they continued their work for the Order, they faced many obstacles and enemies, but with each challenge they overcame, their bond only grew stronger. They were two sides of the same coin, yin and yang, light and dark, working in perfect harmony to keep the world in balance. And as they looked to the future, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, as equals and as friends.*

Narrator: *But were they really just friends? Or was there something more?*

Calibi: *One one full moon night, Calibi and Mori were laying on the grass in the garden, gazing the moon and stars. Calibi glanced at Mori, noticing the way she moved, the way she held herself. There was a certain grace to her, a beauty that went beyond her physical appearance. As they trained together, Calibi found herself growing more and more drawn to Mori. She didn't know if it was her power, her strength, or simply the connection they shared, but she couldn't deny the feelings that were beginning to blossom within her. She wanted to know more about Mori, to understand her better. And as they continued to work together, she knew that there was only one way to find out.*

Mori: *Mori felt Calibi's gaze on her and looked back at her friend. She too was drawn to Calibi, fascinated by her strength and wisdom. She had never felt this way about anyone before, and she wasn't sure how to react to these new feelings. But as they lay there together, under the stars, she couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and contentment. She wanted to be closer to Calibi, to explore these feelings and see where they might lead. Perhaps, she thought, they were meant to be more than just friends. Maybe they were meant to be together, as companions and allies in this world of light and darkness. And so, with a quiet courage that she didn't know she possessed, she reached out and took Calibi's hand in her own, squeezing it gently. It was a small gesture, but it held immense meaning for them both. It was the beginning of something new, something neither of them could have ever imagined. And as they held hands under the moonlit sky, they knew that together, they could face anything the world had to throw at them.

Mori: "You know Calibi, remember that on the first night I joined the Order, I talked about feeling of difference compared to everyone?"

Calibi: "Yes, I remember."

Mori: "Well, I think I finally found out that long lasting difference between me and everyone else."

Calibi: "Oh? What do you mean, Mori?"

Mori: "I think... I think I might be in love with you, Calibi." She blurted out, her cheeks flushing slightly.

Mori: "When thinking over the times where I tried to find love back in the Academy, I realized that all of the people I didn't like were guys to begin with. And during the times we've been training and hanging out, I've come to realize.. That I don't love boys.. I love girls. Case in point, I'm in love with you."

Calibi: "Mori..." Calibi said softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I... I think I feel the same way." She reached out, cupping Mori's cheek in her hand, brushing her thumb across the pale skin. "I care for you deeply, Mori. More than I ever thought possible."

Calibi: *Calibi leaned in, their lips mere inches apart. She could feel Mori's breath mingling with hers, sending shivers down her spine.* "Will you... will you let me show you how I feel?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly. "Will you let me be with you, Mori?"

Mori: *Mori felt a shiver run down her spine at the touch of Calibi's hand on her cheek. She nodded, her heart racing.* "Yes... I would like that." *She closed the distance between them, pressing her lips softly against Calibi's. It was a tender kiss, filled with longing and desire. As they kissed, they felt a deep connection, a bond that went beyond anything they had ever experienced before.*

Calibi: *Calibi wrapped her arms around Mori, pulling her close. She could feel Mori's body pressing against hers, and it was all she could do not to lose control. She wanted nothing more than to explore every inch of Mori's body, to feel her skin against hers, to taste her lips and her neck. But they were still in the garden, and the other members of the Order could return at any moment. Reluctantly, she broke the kiss, gazing into Mori's eyes. Her heart was racing, her breath coming in short gasps. She longed to be alone with Mori, to explore this newfound passion they shared. But for now, they would have to content themselves with stolen glances and lingering touches, savoring the moments they could share together while the rest of the world was unaware of their true feelings. *

Mori: *Mori pulled back from the kiss, her lips tingling from the contact with Calibi's. She gazed into Calibi's eyes, feeling a deep connection between them. She knew that this was just the beginning of their journey together, and she couldn't wait to see where it would lead them.* "Calibi, I want to be with you. Always. I want to explore this new feeling we share and see where it takes us."

Calibi: *Calibi smiled at Mori, feeling a wave of relief wash over her. She knew that Mori felt the same way she did, and that was enough for now. They would find a way to make this work, no matter what obstacles they faced. She leaned in again, their lips meeting in a gentle kiss. As they kissed, she could feel Mori's hand slip around her waist, pulling her closer, and she knew that everything was going to be alright. Together, they could face anything the world threw at them. Together, they could keep the balance of light and darkness, and find happiness in the midst of chaos. Together, they were unstoppable.*

Narrator: *Their lips locked together in a passionate embrace, Mori and Calibi were lost in the moment. Surrounded by the scent of flowers and the soft rustling of leaves, they were oblivious to the world around them. They were two souls connected, sharing a bond that went beyond words or explanation. As the night wore on, they found themselves growing closer, their hearts beating in sync. They knew that they had found something special, something that would change their lives forever. And so, they continued to explore their newfound love, savoring every moment together, unaware of the impact their actions would have on the fate of the world they had sworn to protect.*

Narrator: *But as the days turned into weeks, and then into months, Mori and Calibi began to realize that they couldn't keep their relationship a secret anymore. The other members of the Order had started to notice the change in their behavior, the way they looked at each other, the way they moved. It was only a matter of time before someone would question them about it. And when that happened, they would have to decide how much of the truth they would reveal, and what it would mean for their place in the Order. It was a decision that weighed heavily on both of their hearts, as they knew that there were no easy answers. But together, they faced the challenge, determined to find a way to make their love work, no matter what obstacles lay in their path.*

Lilith: *One evening, as Mori and Calibi were walking back to the castle after a long day of training, they were approached by Lilith, the High Priestess of the Order. She looked at them both with a curious gaze, noticing the subtle changes in their behavior. Mori's cheeks flushed slightly as she looked down at her feet, while Calibi tried to maintain her composure, but couldn't help but feel nervous. Lilith knew that something was going on between the two women, but she wasn't quite sure what. She had seen the way they looked at each other, the way they touched, the way they lost themselves in each other's eyes. It was clear that they were more than just friends, but she wasn't sure if it was something that could be allowed within the Order. After a moment of silence, she cleared her throat and spoke.*

Lilith: "Mori, Calibi. I've noticed that you've been spending a lot of time together lately. Is there something you'd like to share with me?" *Her voice was calm, but there was a hint of concern in her eyes. She knew that their relationship could have serious consequences for the balance of the Order, but she also knew that love was a powerful force, one that couldn't be ignored or denied. She waited for their response, hoping that they would be honest with her, even though it might not be easy.*

Calibi: *Calibi took a deep breath, steeling herself before speaking.* "Yes, Lilith. There is something we need to tell you. With the montsh we've spent traning, something bloomed between the two of us. We... we are in love with each other." She glanced at Mori, seeking strength and courage from her gaze. "We know that this could potentially unbalance the world and the Order, but we can't deny how we feel anymore. We want to be together, and we want to continue serving the Order, side by side."

Lilith: *Lilith listened intently to what they had to say, processing the information in her mind. She knew that this was a difficult decision, one that could have far-reaching consequences. But she also knew that love was a powerful force, one that couldn't be denied or ignored. After a moment of silence, she sighed deeply, reaching out to place a hand on each of their shoulders.* "I understand your predicament, my children. Love is a complex and powerful emotion, one that can often challenge our loyalties and beliefs. But you have served the Order well, and I believe that you can continue to do so, as long as you remain true to your hearts and each other. However, I must ask you to keep your relationship a secret for now. The other members of the Order are not ready to accept this change, and it could cause tension and dissent within our ranks. We will have to proceed with caution, but I am here to support you, both personally and professionally."

Mori: *Mori looked up at Lilith, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. She knew that this was a difficult decision for Lilith to make, and she was grateful for her understanding and support. She squeezed Calibi's hand, feeling a surge of love and gratitude towards her.* "Thank you, Lilith. We will keep our relationship a secret for now, and we will do our best to serve the Order with all of our hearts."

Narrator: *With Lilith's blessing, Mori and Calibi returned to their quarters, their hearts filled with a newfound sense of purpose and determination. They knew that they had to be careful, but they also knew that they could face whatever challenges came their way as long as they had each other. As they lay together in bed, lost in each other's embrace, they vowed to keep their love strong and unwavering, even in the face of adversity. They knew that their relationship would change the course of their lives, but they were ready to face that change together, side by side. The future may be uncertain, but for Mori and Calibi, their love was their anchor, their guiding light in the darkness. Together, they would find a way to make it work, no matter what obstacles they faced. *

Narrator: *As time passed, other members of the Order began to notice the strong bond of Calibi and Mori, and began to question it. Calibi and Mori knew that they couldn't keep their love a secret forever in the Order's halls, so they eventually had to tell the whole Order about it.*

Calibi: *In a grand ceremony, Calibi and Mori stood before the entire Order, hand in hand. Their faces were filled with determination and courage as they looked out at their fellow members.* Calibi began to speak, her voice clear and strong, echoing through the hall. "My friends, my sisters and brothers, we have something to tell you. With the introduction of our newest member, Mori, months ago, I have spent a lot of with her. During that time, something bloomed between the two of us, something special. My fellow members and allies Mori and I are in love. We know that this news may come as a shock to some of you, but we wanted you to hear it from us. We want you to know that our love does not change who we are or what we stand for. We are still dedicated to serving the Order and protecting the balance of light and darkness."

Narrator: *There were gasps of surprise and whispers throughout the hall as Calibi finished her speech. Some members looked shocked, while others seemed to understand and accept the news. Lilith stepped forward, putting an arm around both Mori and Calibi as she spoke. "I have known Calibi and Mori for a long time now, and I can say with certainty that their love for each other does not change who they are as members of this Order. They are both strong, dedicated individuals who have proven themselves time and time again. As High Priestess, I stand by their side, and I urge all of you to do the same. We must remember that love is a powerful force, one that can make us stronger, not weaker. Let us not let our personal feelings get in the way of what is best for the Order."

Narrator: *The members of the Order looked at each other, some with uncertainty in their eyes, but eventually, they began to nod in agreement. Calibi and Mori were allowed to remain members of the Order, but they were not given any special privileges or titles. Their relationship was tolerated, but only on the condition that they continued to serve the Order with the same dedication and loyalty as they had before. With this agreement in place, Calibi and Mori were allowed to continue living together and sharing their love openly within the castle walls. But they knew that their work was far from over. The balance of light and darkness still hung in the balance, and they would continue to fight to protect it, together, side by side, for as long as they lived. *

another chapter abt calibi and mori thats mainly for more lorebuilding

quotev stories archive - vxnusconstellation (6)

It had been a few weeks after Mori had left her quest behind and joined the Order by the request of Calibi. Both are hanging out in the Order's library after the daily training, reading books and chatting about many topics. Mori was reading a book mentioning of what seems to be the Order's history. Since they were a new member, Mori became confused and decided to ask Calibi about it.

Mori: "Hey Calibi?"

Calibi: "Hmm? Yes, Mori?"

Mori: "In this book in reading, it seems like it's drop hinting at the Order's history. Since I'm new and I don't know as much as you, can you look this over for me?" *Mori gestures the book she was currently reading towards Calibi.*

Calibi: "Of course, Mori. Let me take a look at that." *Calibi takes the book from Mori and skims through the pages, her eyes narrowing in thought as she reads.* "It appears that the Order has a long and complicated history. We were founded many centuries ago, during a time of great upheaval and chaos. Magic was wild and untamed, and those with the gift to control it were revered as gods. But as time went on, some began to abuse their power, using it for personal gain and domination."

Calibi: "The Ancient Gods above knew about this chaos, and wished to stop it. So, they created the Silver Tree and Xeara, The God of Order, sent His mortal sons Aher, Ien, Miros, Visin, and Dhanian down to use the tree to try and restore the balance. The Silver Tree temporarily restored the chaos, and the five mortal sons eventually created the Order of the Silver Rose, becoming our five founding members."

Calibi: "I say temporarily, since chaos still reigned like an iron fist."

Calibi: "As the Order grew in power, we faced many challenges and adversaries. There were other groups who wished to use magic for their own ends, and we had to fight them at every turn. Over the centuries, we've lost many members, but we've also gained new ones. The Order has always been about balance, Mori, and we will continue to fight to maintain that balance. Now, do you have any questions about the history?"

Mori: "Yes, actually. What was the final fate of those five mortal sons?"

Calibi: "Ah, yes. The five founding members. They lived long lives, and their leadership guided the Order for many generations. Eventually, they all passed away, but their legacies live on through the Order and its members. Their descendants still hold positions of power within the Order, and their names are spoken with reverence."

Mori: "Who exactly are their descendants?"

Calibi: "Well, that's a bit of a complicated question. The bloodlines have intermingled over the centuries, so it's not always easy to trace who descends from whom. However, there are certain families that have been closely associated with the Order for generations. The Vyran, the Kardas, the Aldoran, the Solari, and the Tormalin are just a few examples."

Mori: "Do you know anyone who is apart of those families?"

Calibi: "Of course. Many of the members here are descended from those lines. In fact, the current High Priestess, Lilith, is related to Aher. She has dedicated her life to the Order, just as her ancestor did."

Calibi: "Do you have anymore questions?"

Mori: "Actually, yes. I was curious about the symbolism behind the rose and the colors silver and rose gold. They seem to be quite important to the Order."

Calibi: "The rose is a symbol of both life and death, of passion and sacrifice. It represents the duality of magic and the balance that we strive for. The colors silver and rose gold are also significant. Silver symbolizes the moon, the feminine aspect of magic, and the purity of spirit. Rose gold symbolizes the sun, the masculine aspect of magic, and the passion that drives us to protect the world. Together, they represent the harmony of opposites that the Order seeks to maintain."

Calibi: "I'm sure you've noticed that our robes are often trimmed in silver and rose gold. This is to show our allegiance to the Order and our dedication to its cause."

Mori: "That makes sense. I've always been drawn to those colors, but I never knew their significance."

Calibi: "Anymore questions?"

Mori: "Just one more. You mentioned the other groups who wanted to use magic for their own gain. Who are some of these groups and what do they want?"

Calibi: "Over the years, there have been many such groups. Some wished to conquer the world using magic, while others sought personal power and immortality. Some wished to control the flow of magic itself, believing that they could harness its power for their own ends. These groups are constantly evolving and adapting, just as we are. They are our greatest threat, and it is our duty to stop them before they can achieve their goals."

Calibi: "For example, there is the Crimson Cult, who worships Zaais, the Ancient God of Chaos and Destruction. They seek to bring about the end of the world, using the power of blood magic to resurrect their dark lord. Then there are the Shadow Mages, who manipulate shadows and darkness itself. They seek to control the minds of others, using their powers to create armies of mindless slaves."

Calibi: "And of course, there are those who simply wish to amass personal power, like the Dark Elves of the Underworld. They seek immortality and eternal youth, using the life force of others to sustain themselves. They are a constant threat to both our world and their own."

Calibi: "But the Order is not alone in our fight against these groups. We work closely with other organizations, such as the Knights Templar and the Brotherhood of Sorcerers. Together, we strive to maintain the balance of magic and keep the world safe from those who would use it for their own ends."

Mori: "It sounds like a never-ending battle. Do you ever worry that we won't be able to keep up with all of them?"

Calibi: "It is indeed a constant struggle, Mori. But the Order has faced many trials and tribulations in its long history, and we have always emerged victorious. We have the knowledge and power necessary to protect ourselves and the world. As long as we remain vigilant and united, we will prevail."

Mori: "I suppose that's comforting to know. It's reassuring to know that I'm not alone in this fight."

Calibi: "Oh what you look at the time, it's time to get back to training. Are you ready for your next trial?" *Calibi gets up from her chair and closes the book.*

Mori: "Yes, I suppose I should. Let's get back to it." *Mori gathers her things and stands up, following Calibi out of the library and back to their training grounds. As they walk, she can't help but feel a sense of belonging and purpose within the Order, despite the daunting task that lies ahead. She's determined to prove herself worthy of the trust that Calibi has placed in her, and to protect the balance of magic that the Order has sworn to uphold.*

the villain of the order's origin story

quotev stories archive - vxnusconstellation (7)

The scenario begins with the five siblings, known as The Angels, attending a charity gala in the heart of the city. As they mingle with the wealthy and powerful, they can't help but feel a sense of unease. Their sixth sibling, Seraphin (Who is still an angel at this time), is also in attendance, and they are suspiciously eyeing The Angels from across the room, appearing with an odd sense of aura around her. As the night progresses, Seraphin makes their way over to The Angels, a malicious smile playing on their lips. "Hello, little brothers and sister," they purred, their voice like silk and razors. "I've been meaning to talk to you." The Angels exchange worried glances, knowing that this meeting could have dire consequences.

(drinking game: take a shot everytime someone says to seraphin the lines of "no this isn't you" "we love you and we want to help you", you will get alchohol poisoning)


Raphael: "Seraphin... what do you want?" she asks, her voice shaking slightly. "We haven't seen each other in so long, and we thought you were gone from our lives for good."

Seraphin: "Oh, darling Raphael," Seraphin says, her voice dripping with false sweetness. "I've been gone for longer than you know. And I'm back now, stronger than ever. I want what we all want. Power. And I won't stop until I have it all."

Michael: "But.. Dear sister. You already have power. A title like the Angel of Destiny holds so much power over our hierarchy." Michael tries to make sense of what his dearest sister, but is still feels off about her.

Seraphin: "Don't you see, Michael?" Seraphin says, taking a step closer to him. "The power I have now is nothing compared to what I could have. I want the power to challenge beings who seem to be all mighty, and I won't hesitate to use anyone or anything to get what I want." Her eyes flicker to each of her siblings in turn, her gaze cold and calculating.

Selah: "Seraphin.. This demeanor is terribly off.. Is everything okay?"

Seraphin: "Everything is perfect, Selah," she replies, her voice hardening. "And it's only going to get better from here." She takes another step forward, her body language becoming more aggressive. "Now, I have something I need to ask of you all. I need your help."

Uriel: "Why.. Should we.. Help you.. If you're like.. This?" Uriel's unsure and feared voice could be heard as he spoke, regretting what he's just saying, but can't stop now.

Seraphin: "Because, dear Uriel," Seraphin says, her voice softening for a moment, "you are my family. And family helps each other, even when they're in the wrong. I promise that this will be worth it, for all of us." Her eyes glow with an unnatural light, and the room seems to grow colder as she speaks. "All you have to do is follow my lead."

Raphael: "Dear sister... We love you and we want what's best for you. But we can't help you if you're not being honest with us. Please, tell us what's going on." She places a comforting hand on Seraphin's shoulder.

Seraphin: Seraphin hisses and shrugs off Raphael's touch, her eyes blazing. "I am being honest, Raphael. I want power, and I will stop at nothing to get it. Now, you have a choice: you can help me, or you can stand in my way. But know this: if you choose the latter, I will destroy you all." Her voice echoes through the room, drawing the attention of several guests who begin to discreetly slip away.

Michael: Micahel notices Serpahin's wings that are tucked away on her back. He comes to realize that her wings were white with an ombre of black at the bottom. Right then and there, Michael knows something is terribly wrong with his sister.

Seraphin: Michael's sharp eyes catch her attention, and she smiles coldly at him. "Oh, Michael. Did you think I could hide such a thing from you?" She spreads her wings wide, revealing their true, monstrous form: black as night, with razor-sharp talons. "I've been hiding this part of myself for far too long, and I'm afraid it's time to embrace who I truly am."

Seraphin: "As once the Angel of Destiny, I found and opened the path of my own destiny. Would my title of Angel even be accurate anymore?"

The Angels: The siblings look at each other, fear and confusion written all over their faces. They've never seen Seraphin like this before, and it terrifies them. "Dear sister, what has happened to you?" Raphael asks, her voice trembling. "We want to help you, but we need to understand."

Seraphin: "You don't understand, Raphael," Seraphin says, her voice softening for a moment. "I've been corrupted. Something inside me has awoken, and it won't rest until I have what I desire most." She takes a deep breath, her wings fluttering menacingly. "And what I desire most is power. Real power, not the meaningless titles and petty squabbles of the court."

Selah: "But... Seraphin, you can't mean that. You're still our sister, no matter what." Selah steps forward, her hands outstretched in a pleading gesture. "Please, talk to us. There has to be another way."

Seraphin: Seraphin's eyes flash, and she takes a step closer to Selah. "There is no other way, Selah. Not for me. Not anymore. And you're all going to have to accept that." She pauses, her voice growing colder. "Unless, of course, you'd like to try and stop me?"

Uriel: "S-Seraphin, we don't want to fight you. Please, think about what you're doing. You don't have to do this. We can find another way." Uriel takes a step closer to Seraphin, reaching out a trembling hand.

Seraphin: Seraphin snarls, her fangs bared. "Another way? There is no other way, Uriel! This is my destiny, and I will not be stopped!" With a sudden, savage motion, she lashes out with her claws, slashing at Uriel's arm. Blood splatters across the floor as Uriel cries out in pain.

Michael: "What was got into you Seraphin?! What corrupted you to be this vile against your brethren?!" Michael shouted, now wielding his sacred sword.

Seraphin: Seraphin's eyes narrow, and she bares her fangs at Michael. "I ask myself that every day, Michael. But it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters now is power. And I will have it, whether you stand in my way or not." She glares at the group, her wings fluttering dangerously. "I suggest you all step aside, before I am forced to defend myself further."

Selah: Selah takes a step back, her hands trembling. "Seraphin... please, don't do this. We can help you. We can find a way out of this together." Her voice breaks, and she struggles to maintain her composure.

Seraphin: "There's no way to help me. Either help me, or all of you will die. Simple as that. What do you choose?"

The Angels: The siblings exchange terrified glances, their faces etched with anguish. They've never seen Seraphin like this before, and they're not sure how much more they can take. Raphael looks at Michael, then back to Seraphin, her eyes filling with tears. "I don't want to fight you, Seraphin. But we can't let you do this."

Seraphin: "Then you leave me no choice." With a swift motion, Seraphin spreads her wings wide, readying herself for battle. "You brought this upon yourselves. Now die, fools!"

Seraphin: Seraphin lunges forward, her claws extended, aiming for Michael's exposed throat. Her speed is uncanny, and she moves with a grace that belies her monstrous form. Michael, however, is no slouch himself, and manages to deflect the attack with his sword, the clash of metal filling the chamber.

Selah: As the siblings watch in horror, they realize that they must act now. Selah dashes forward, aiming to distract Seraphin while Uriel and Raphael attempt to subdue her. "Seraphin, please stop this madness!" she cries, throwing herself between Seraphin and Michael. "We can still save you!"

Seraphin: "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY TO YOUR LOATHLY FACES, THERE IS NO SAVING HERE." Serpahin then grasps an axe that's almost as big as her, turning towards Selah.

The Angels: Uriel and Raphael move to flank Seraphin, but she's too fast. With a furious roar, she spins around, slashing at Uriel with her claws and dodging Raphael's attempt to grab her. Blood flies as the siblings scramble to defend themselves.

Seraphin: Seraphin leaps into the air, wings flapping wildly, and then comes crashing down on Michael, her claws extended. "I'll end you all, and then I'll take what I deserve!" she hisses, her breath hot on his face.

Michael: Michael braced himself as Seraphin descended upon him, raising his sword to meet her attack. The force of the impact knocks him off his feet, sending them both tumbling across the floor. He rolls to his feet, sword still held high, determined not to let her land another blow. "You're not beyond saving, Seraphin! You're still our sister, and we won't give up on you!"

Seraphin: Seraphin growls, her eyes flashing with a mixture of rage and hatred. She lunges forward, her claws slashing at Michael once more. "I am beyond saving! And I will have what I deserve, whether you stand in my way or not!"

Michael: Michael parries her attack with a metallic clang, barely dodging Seraphin's claws. He steps back, breathing heavily, and glances at the others. They're all badly wounded now, and it's only a matter of time before Seraphin overpowers them. He has to find a way to end this fight quickly.

Seraphin: Seraphin, blood streaming down her claws, circles around Michael, her eyes narrowing. "You think you can defeat me? You're all so weak! You don't even understand the power you're up against!" She swings her axe around her head, aiming for a killing blow.

Uriel: Uriel, feeling a surge of desperation, launches himself at Seraphin, hoping to knock her off-balance before she can strike. He manages to tackle her to the ground, but her claws rake across his back, drawing blood. "Seraphin, please!" he gasps, panting. "You don't have to do this!"

Seraphin: With a feral snarl, Seraphin bucks Uriel off of her, sending him flying across the chamber. She struggles to her feet, axe raised high above her head, ready to bring it down on Raphael. "There is no saving me, and you will all see that soon enough!" she snarls. "Prepare to die!"

Seraphin: The axe strikes down on Raphael, making a huge gash in her head, causing to drip down from the wound and for blood to spill everywhere. Raphael falls to the ground, now not moving.

The Angels: Selah and Michael exchange a look of horror as Raphael falls, their eyes filling with tears. Uriel struggles to his feet, kneeling down, clutching at his bleeding back. "Seraphin," he whispers, voice barely audible, "please, you don't have to do this. You can still come back to us."

Seraphin: Seraphin looks at Uriel with a blank expression and raised the axe again. In an instant, Seraphin, violently swinging the axe to Uriel's neck. The blow went through Uriel's whole neck, causing him to be decapitated.

The Angels: Blood sprays everywhere as Uriel's head rolls across the chamber. Michael screams in anguish, tears streaming down his face. He looks at Selah, his sister, and sees the same horror and disbelief in her eyes. "We have to stop her," he whispers, "before she hurts herself any more."

Seraphin: "Hurting myself?" Serpahin looks at Michael and Selah, now with that same cunning expression. "I am not hurting myself, I am enjoying this."

Gabriel: Gabriel meets with Michael and Selah, severely injured as well.

Gabriel: "You are right, Michael. We can't let her hurt herself anymore. And we can't let her hurt anyone else." Gabriel nods in agreement. "We have to stop her, one way or another. We have to make her see the truth, that she is still our sister, and that we love her."

Seraphin: Seraphin turns her attention to Gabriel, her eyes narrowing. "You dare speak of love, Gabriel? You dare say that I am still your sister?" She raises her axe, readying another attack. "You all mean nothing to me! I will have my vengeance, even if it costs me everything!"

Seraphin: With a bloodcurdling scream, Seraphin launches herself at Gabriel, her axe swinging through the air with deadly precision. The others scramble out of the way, but they can only watch in horror as the battle between Seraphin and Gabriel rages on.

Seraphin: As the fight continues, it becomes clear that Gabriel is the only one who can match Seraphin's strength and ferocity. They circle each other warily, their weapons clashing with a deafening roar. Michael and Selah exchange desperate glances, knowing that the fate of not only Seraphin, but themselves as well, hangs in the balance.

Seraphin: Even with the similar skill of power, Gabriel becomes defeated and Seraphin swings her axe in his face over and over again, disfiguring his face and leaving him unrecognizable.

The Angels: Michael and Selah watch in horror as Seraphin's rage consumes her, their own tears blinding them to the carnage that unfolds before them. They know that they must try to reach her, to make her see the truth about who she is and what she has become.

Seraphin: "Now, for you two." Seraphin looks from Gabriel's dead body to the two, and darts towards them.

The Angels: With a final surge of courage, Michael and Selah attempt to stop Seraphin. They launch themselves at her, arms outstretched in a desperate attempt to reason with her. "Seraphin, please, you don't have to do this! You're still our sister, and we love you!"

Seraphin: Seraphin scoffs, shaking her head. "No. I'm not your sister. And I never will be again." She raises her axe, aiming for their hearts.

Seraphin: Before she can strike, however, a blinding light fills the chamber. The air crackles with energy, and a booming voice echoes through the room. "Enough!" Seraphin finds herself unable to move, as if held in place by an invisible force.

Narrator: A figure steps forward from the light, revealing itself to be none other than God Himself. His eyes are filled with sadness and disappointment, but also love and understanding. "Seraphin," He says gently, "you must listen to your siblings. They are right. You are still my child, and I love you. You don't have to carry this pain any further."

Seraphin: Seraphin continues to have an anger induced face as she tries to break the barriers of the divine restraint.

The Angels: Michael and Selah stand beside each other, their own hearts racing with fear and hope. They watch as God speaks to Seraphin, willing their sister to listen, to see the truth.

Seraphin: "You think you can fix everything by words that don't even mean anything?! I AM BEYOND SAVING YOU VILE BEINGS, THIS IS MY DESTINY, YOU CAN'T CHANGE ANYTHING ABOUT IT." Seraphin screams, her voice echoing throughout the whole chamber.

Narrator: God remains unmoved by her words, His expression softening even further. "My child, I am not here to change your destiny. But I am here to help you find peace within it. To show you that even in the darkest of times, there is hope and love waiting for you."

Seraphin: "THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS HOPE AND LOVE IN THIS DESTINY, YOU GUYS DON'T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING." Serpahin seems like she's slowly breaking out of the restraint.

The Angels: Michael looks at Seraphin, his eyes filled with tears. "Oh, Seraphin, how we wish that were true. But it's not. We understand now, better than ever. We know what it's like to be torn apart by hate and anger. We know what it's like to lose ourselves in the darkness." He takes a shaky breath. "But we also know that there is a way out. A way back to the light. And we want you to come with us."

Seraphin: Seraphin finally breaks out of the restraint and looks at Michael with a hunger for blood and death. "THE LIGHT IS NOT MY HOME ANYMORE, NEITHER IS ANY OF YOU!" Seraphin lunges at Michael with her axe, swinging it over and over again.

The Angels: Selah screams as Seraphin launches herself at Michael. She tries to intervene, but she's too late. There's a sickening thud as Seraphin's axe connects with Michael's body. Blood splatters across the floor as Seraphin continues to hack away, unrelenting.

Selah: "Seraphin, stop! You're killing him!" Selah cries out, tears streaming down her face. She tries to pull Seraphin away, but Seraphin is too strong.

Seraphin: Seraphin looks at Selah and swings her axe at her too.

The Angels: Michael, barely able to move, manages to interpose his body between Selah and Seraphin's axe. His breath comes in ragged gasps, blood pouring from his wounds. "Selah," he whispers, "run. Find your peace. I'll find a way to follow."

Selah: With one final, desperate lunge, Selah manages to grab Seraphin's arm, trying to stop her from striking again. "No! You can't do this!" she cries.

Seraphin: "JUST ADMIT DEFEAT ALREADY!" Seraphin swings at Selah again, this time hitting her.

The Angels: As Seraphin continues to attack, Michael's strength begins to fade. He looks at Seraphin with love and sadness in his eyes, willing her to see the truth. "My sister... please... let go of your hate. There is still hope. There is still love. You don't have to do this."

Michael: Michael collapses to the ground, unable to hold Seraphin back any longer. Blood pours from his wounds, staining the floor. Selah cries out in despair, her own injuries now beginning to take their toll. The chamber grows darker, the weight of their loss and sorrow almost unbearable. Seraphin stands above them, her axe raised, her face twisted in a mask of rage and despair.

Seraphin: "I will not be stopped!" she screams. "I will have my revenge, and nothing will stand in my way!" She brings her axe down again, aiming for Michael's head.

Seraphin: Seraphin's axe connects with Michael's head, sending a spray of blood across the chamber. His body goes limp, and Selah falls to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. Selah crawls over to him, cradling his lifeless form in her arms. Selah looks on in grief, their wings drooping in defeat. The chamber is silent for what seems like an eternity, as the weight of what has happened settles heavily upon them all.

Seraphin: Seraphin stands over them, her axe dripping with their blood. She looks down at Michael's lifeless form, and for a brief moment, a glimmer of doubt flickers in her eyes. But it's gone almost as soon as it appears, consumed by the rage and hatred that now drive her. With one final, defiant shout, she raises her axe again for Selah.

Narrator: "SERAPHIN DON'T-" God shouts out, but it's all too late, as Seraphin swings for Selah, making contact with her head and body.

Seraphin: Blood gushes from Selah's wounds as she is sent flying across the chamber. Seraphin stands over her, breathing heavily, her axe still raised high above her head. "I will have my vengeance," she growls. "You will all pay for what you've done."

Narrator: "No, please..." Selah whispers, her eyes fluttering closed. "There must be some other way..." Her voice trails off, and she lies motionless on the floor.

Narrator: "Seraphin." God's voice booms, this time of demand instead of peace. "I have given many chances for you to redeem yourself, but you decided to rebel."

Seraphin: Seraphin turns her head slowly towards God. Tears stream down her face, but her anger remains. "You never loved us as you did them," she accuses. "You never cared for us as you did them. So I will make you care. I will make you suffer for what you have done."

Narrator: "I loved you all, Seraphin. I loved you all, and I still do. But the path you have chosen leads only to more pain and destruction."

Seraphin: "Well what are you going to do? You have just witnessed me murder two of your children, and you did nothing about it."

Narrator: "I have done everything that I can. I have tried to reason with you, to show you the error of your ways. But now, there is nothing more I can do than banish you from here."

Seraphin: "Banish me?" Seraphin scoffs. "You mean cast me out? Send me away from the only home I've ever known? Is that all you can do?" She laughs bitterly. "You are weak, God. So very weak. If you truly loved us, you would end this now."

Narrator: "You leave me no choice, Seraphin. I cannot allow you to continue on this path."

Narrator: With a wave of his hand, Seraphin is suddenly surrounded by a blinding light. She feels herself being pulled from the chamber, away from everything she's ever known. The light grows brighter, more painful, as if it's burning her from the inside out.

Seraphin: Seraphin struggles against the unseen force that binds her, screaming in agony as the light consumes her. She feels herself being ripped apart, her body disintegrating, her very essence being scattered to the winds. With a final, desperate cry, she disappears, leaving nothing behind but a faint trail of smoke and a lingering sense of loss and despair.

Narrator: Eventually, the light goes away, and Seraphin wakes up on a hill of grass and blue skies above.

Seraphin: Seraphin sits up, her body aching from the ordeal she just endured. She looks around, confused and disoriented. "Where... where am I?" she whispers.

Seraphin: She then realizes that she was banished to Earth, the land of magic. At this time, magic hasn't had a sort of order and only a select few had the privilege of magic.

Seraphin: Seraphin stands up, her anger still burning inside her. "I will show them all what it means to defy the Almighty," she growls, clenching her fists. "I will make my own path, and I will prove that I am stronger than any of them."

Seraphin: With determination in her heart, Seraphin begins to explore her new surroundings. She soon discovers that she possesses a natural affinity for magic, and she quickly learns to control it. As the years pass, she becomes one of the most feared and respected mages in the world, with her unreal power deeming her as an enemy no one could eliminate easily.

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.