She Shouldn't Be Here - Medivigor (2024)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

"You're nothin' but a liar!" Throwing a suitcase at the moment the taller male entered her room. Her room was messy. Barely maintained to a perfect condition as her watery blue eyes stared at him. Walls were ripped, stains littered the carpet from God knows what. And the mattress on the floor matched the crappy easy to tape on carpet. Appearing as if something his pissed on it multiple times before leaving it for the owner to find once they needed to sleep. "You said you wouldn't f*ckin' hit her again but you did! You drunk f*cker!"

Her demeanor was enraged. Despite the male being twice her size she wasn't backing down. Being skinny, lanky and seemingly malnourished she appeared younger than she was. Her speed however was what always had made her the fast one in the family. A black eye swelling from a recent punch she obtained from said male before her but her attention was pointed towards her mother who was crying on the porch. Suffering like they had been for the last five years she and her mother lived with him. But not even clothes mattered anymore. She wanted to get out. Yet the large male overtaking the doorway wasn't budging as he drunkenly walked towards her. Forcing the young woman to back away.

"I don't take one more f*ckin' step! I-I'll." She was choking on her words like a monster was choking her. Her blue eyes wide as her neck was covered by the larger man's hands. His drunken eyes grew dark, soulless. Opening his mouth to where it seemed to almost unhinge inhumanely. A manic scream of fear filled her lungs as a voice echoed from him.

"Wake up, Jennifer.." the soulless man muttered in a cold tone." Wake up, Sweetheart!"

With a quick jolt of recognition her eyes shot open, forcing her to jolt up almost headhunting the woman who was shaking her. Her mother. Dark eyes clouded with worry as Jennifer wiped the cold sweat free from her forehead. Feeling her mother confer her as her throbbing black eye caused an almost instantaneous headache." Was it another nightmare..?" The question instantly making Jennifer recoil and choke her words down. The last thing she wanted was for her mom to worry. But she also couldn't exactly lie to her either. Mothers always had that sixth sense of knowing when their children were lying or in trouble. So she broke it to her mother as simply as possible.

"Yes..Same one as the other night.." She began rubbing her throat. She could still feel the tight fingers around her throat. It was impossible to shake. But when the abuse goes too far. You have to get put while you can. And with the bruises on her neck as proof of the struggle she had. Jennifer still had no regrets towards the decision she had to make for her mother." I'm fine mom..we're safe now. This may not be a significant place to live. But I'll be working to get some real money to buy a better home for us." She was half asleep. But there was one thing she refused and that was to give up on her family.

The place they were living in currently was a place where possible serial killers and junkies resided. A crappy appartment complex in a small town of Teufort. A small town that looked like hell ran it over more times than once. There was only one bedroom, and one bathroom. But it was all they could afford with what money she could take from her stepfather before she dragged her mother into the car and drove them to the closest town that was still a decent few hundred miles from where He was. Any town was better than none. No matter where as long as it wasn't where He was it would be better. Jennifer knew that well.

"I got an interview tomorrow morning with my employer. Soon we will be in a better appartment. Living in luxury." A small smile formed on Jenny's bruised face as she spoke. Her real dad she never knew. Left as soon as she was born from what her mother told her. She didn't bityer to care at that point. Twenty four and looking like a teenager it was what her mother called a 'blessing and a curse'.

When she felt the hand of her mother touch her shoulder once more she turned to look at her. The tears welling in them as Jenny moved to embrace her tightly as she exhaled slowly." My baby girl..what will you tell you're employers about the bruises, Sweetheart..? I can see if I can clean you up with what I have le-" Instantly Jenny grabbed her mother's wrist as her hand made it's way to rest upon her face.

"No Ma. I'm fine. I'm sure the interview will go fine. I promise. The bruises are almost healed anyway. You don't hav'ta worry about me." She muttered as her fingers lightly traced her healing black eye one more time before her blue hues met the crappy alarm clock on the floor next to them." It's five am, Ma. We should go back to sleep. As Jenny moved her body into a lax position in the crappy mattress they slept on. She stared at the ceiling for a moment in thought. Shaking her head off of ot before turning to her side and shutting her eyes.

In the span of three hours it took her it never did take long for jenny to properly get dressed with what she had left. A pair of yoga pants, a red T-shirt, and a baseball hat that she never let go of. A statement from her mother being that her father gave it to her when she was born and never removed it since. But Jenny found it odd that her mother never described him in great detail or had any pictures of him. Just that he was 'a true Gentleman'.

Racing around the appartment meant for one but trying to let her mother sleep after a long time. She put her favorite hat on over her head and pulled it down far enough to hide her bruises on her face. As for her bruises around her neck she wrapped a crappy brown scarf over them and jotted down a note for her mother to not forget the keys if she went on a walk. Grabbing an aluminum baseball bat. One out of two along with a gun in the house. Her means of self defense were pretty self explanatory. As she made her way out she looked back towards the apparent in silence and shut the door.

Swinging the bat in hand she looked at the address on the piece of paper where she wrote down where the interview would be taking place. '22, Teufort Drive.' And the interview was at 8 and it was already seven thirty! No car that actually worked Jenny was on her own. As much as she didn't like talking to the people of Teufort she had to. With an easy stride she confidently approached a young man standing within a alleyway with her bat slung over her shoulder. Her brows were raised suspiciously for he had his back turned to her. If he lunged it wouldn't have been for long with the weapon she had.

"Heya, Buddy. You know where 22, Teufort Drive is?" Her tone was calm and chill as if she was trying to be cool as what she thought was a young man was actually a seemingly middle aged woman wearing glasses. Dressed in a trench coat with her features covered. She was early. And she forgot that in the phone call the young woman said to arrive on that time on the DOT. And instantly looking to her left to see the sign her face went pale.

"You're early, Miss.Finch." her tone was cold and calculated. Made her mother's serious tone seem like a walk in the park at that point as she spoke." As much as I dont appreciate waiting for people. I have to admit you are a fast one."

"I..uh. thank you, Madam." Her Boston accent showing itself a bit with the pronouncement of 'Madam'. Placing her baseball bat next to a trash can. This wasn't shady. No, not in the slightest. When someone thinks 'interview', they think Nice building or fast food restaurant. Not a back alleyway behind two buildings that lead to a dead end." Sorry I'm..ear-"

Before she could finish the middle aged woman raised her hand which instantly silenced her. Her lips stopped flapping, and she stood still like a statue as he felt eyes scan her body. She refused to make proper eye contact with the mystery woman because of the bruise. A thing she didn't want to reveal." Skinny, noticeably malnourished, but appears she can hold her own.." mutterings of other things Jenny couldn't quite make out from the woman's lips as she seemed to be making a mental note of what seemed to be her visible strengths and weaknesses." Tell me, Miss.Finch. What are you're strength's and weaknesses?"

When she asked that question it kinda made Jenny almost prideful to answer." Well, Ma'am. I'll have ya know I'm fast. Efficient with my speed and stamina. As for weaknesses? I..don't really do well with swimming..and torture. And pain. There was this one tim-"

"If you do not do well with pain. Why apply at Mann Co.? You are aware of the job you are applying for, correct? This is a mercenary Job. If you do not believe you can handle it then I suggest you walk away, Miss.Finch." Her words staining themselves in Jenny's head before a sigh left her lips.

Jenny with a tug removed the hat and scarf from her neck and scrunched them tightly in her grasp. Wrinkles harshly forming in the fabric as she looked the announcer square in the face." Look Ma'am. I really need this job. I'm practically homeless living with my mother. And this is the best paying job I can find. I may not do well with pain. But by god I know I can deal with it afterwards." Yeah. That was smooth. On top of you're games usual, Jen.

There was an awkward moment of silence between Jennifer and the woman. She could have sworn she almost saw the eyes shut from behind the sunglasses.
"How well are you going to work with an all men's team?"

"An all- an all men's team?"

"Yes that's what I said. Pay attention. How will you feel about being apart of an all men's team?"

Truthfully Jennifer was somewhat shy. Men and boys? She wasn't ever a really big fan of either. One male friend in high school was enough for her. A sweat dripping down her face as she stared back at the woman. She'd be lying to herself if she said she wasn't nervous. But she needed this job." I can deal with it. It's not a big deal."

"You will be noted that the opposing team has all males as well as yours. You may retreave some..unwanted attention from them considering you're gender, Miss.Finch." Unwanted attention? Meaning what!? That she was gonna be raped!? A target!?

The sweat on her forehead got a bit worse but used the dirty, crappy brown scarf she wore to wipe it away." Like I s-said, Lady. I can deal with it. It ain't nothin' I haven't done before." She couldn't stutter or show her fear.

"Last question. Do you know how to shoot guns? Shotguns, pistols?"

That one gave Jennifer a moment to think. It was mercenary work so no duh she'd be using weapons. In a way she felt lucky that she actually was forced into using fire arms with that drunk bastard she called a step father. Forced into it because he found it fun, and she. Whenever shed shoot it, would end up bouncing back. But practiced more and more behind his back. A flash to the gun being held to his head made her gasp slightly as she rubbed her head. She couldn't do it then.
"Well..I'd say I'm pretty decent with firearms. I wouldn't say I'm great at it though."

" mm.." The word was quick. Like a bullet entering her chest at fifty miles per hour." You're hired." As shady as it was she was genuinely happy to hear that. An honest to god damn pleasure that made Jenny jump with excitement. She wanted to shake the woman's hand in thanks but couldn't out of the sake of respect. Till she was shocked to have a rag thrown over her mouth in what smelled of Clorox bleach. Kicking and struggling against the person who took her from behind held the rag tightly to her face in return before her world went dark.

Gently placing her body down on the ground a young man huffed with a sigh. Wiping his forehead from the hard hat he wore as he looked at her. Wearing a red mercenary uniform with a symbol of a wrench on it he cracked his knuckles." You sure shes the right one, Ma'am? I mean. Is it really necessary to do this to the new recruit?"

"I'm completely sure, Mr. Conagher. Since Mrs. Pauling is off in Australia, visiting with Saxton Hale I'm grateful you accompanied me on this little interview with Miss. Finch. Shes assigned to Red team as you're new scout.

The Texan man was gentle to pick the woman up and toss her over his shoulder. She was light enough for him to carry on his own." Well my family did work for you for a long time, Ma'am. It's my job to help you whenever its needed. By lord.. it looks like this girl got into one hell of a fight. I'll bring her to the doc and get her saddled in then. Good day, Ma'am." He never expected an answer back from her. Only a mere grunt as he made his way over to the teleporter he made to get there, then travel back. Holding her baseball bat in hand the Texan with Jenny in hand, vanished in a flash of red before the teleporter broke from within the alleyway by programming. Appearing within a long dark hallway, Jennifer's light snores could be heard from behind him despite the fact she wasn't in the most comfortable position. "Alright. I'll just put you down here.." he muttered to himself as he tossed her baseball bat to a corner in what looked to be his work shop then pulled Jennifer into the bridal position as he looked at her through his engineering goggles. She was skinny and frail looking. Malnourished and beaten. The vruises from a strangulation and a struggle. It made the Texan wonder what caused that. Who.

Carrying her down the hall everyone else was in their room on their days off. He could hear low muffles from one room door covered in rainbow stickers, smoke puffing from another room, the smell of hard booze and piss filling the area around two doors close to eachother. While the last one was holding the echoing hums of a German. On each door holding the symbol of a class. And the one he stood before. The one that smelt of antibiotics and blood. The Texan walked in simply as he had the girls head rest against his chest.

"Doc? Doctor are you in here?" His hard hitting southern accent breaking through the labyrinth of medical curtains and such. He can hear bones cracking and snap back into place as he visibly cringed in disgust towards whatever the doctor was working on this time. It made him almost want to vomit from just hearing it instead of visibly seeing it. As much as he didn't want to see it. It was casted on a shadow behind the medical certain as a loud hiss could be heard. The shadow of the doctor grew closer as he discreetly moved the curtain back and turned back to look at the Texan.

"Oh? Is Zis who I think it is?" The doctor spoke through his thick german accent as he clapped his hands. The man was undoubtedly german. Possibly was a nazi during world war two. Wearing what was possibly once white suit shirt with a tie. His hands physically bloody as if he was ripping his way through a carcass. Fixing his small round glasses back to his eyes as he smiled down at her. Unconscious and dreaming like an angel.
"Our new recruit, Ja? My looks as if she had already gotten into some trouble."

"Actually doc, she arrived this way. I was wondering if you had anything you could do to fix these bruises up? Maybe some of you're medipack magic, whaddya say partner?" He asked as they both studied her closely. The doctors fingered that had dried blood on them opened her eyelid to study her.

"Did you chloroform her, hurr Engi? Gah..vatever. I'm afraid zere is nothing I can do for her but possibly give her some ice packs und pain killers to help with ze pain. Strangulation isn't fun, nein. But from ze way ze bruises look zey vere inflicted upon her possibly a good veek ago? Zey're healing razer nicely." He said as he held his finger up and went back through the certain. The shadow of whoever or what ever was on the table in the background lifted its hand for a moment before the doctor simply slapped it down back onto the table as he returned with a few bags of ice." I suggest you put her in ze empty room down ze hall. I'll tend to her zere. Give her some painkillers and rest a few ice packs on her neck. She'll be introduced to ze others tomorrow during our debrief on ze Blu team, Ja?"

Engi nodded lightly as he made his way back out the medics door then hung a left to head to the end of the hall where a unused room sat empty for a good two years. Since Blu team got an extra class the rest of Mann Co. Was looking for someone simular to the scout class the Blu's had. Now they finally had her. As bad as the engineer thought it was to have a girl in a team with nothing but men. So far the doctor didn't seem interested. The door to the empty seemingly plane room with the bunk bed slid open similarly to the doctor's room. Walking over to the bed he laid her down gently. Her hand resting against her torso while the other was at her side." You know I wasn't expectin' a girl to be on our Team, Doc. You think this will he a distraction to the team or..?"

"In my medical opinion I believe everyvon else in ze team are too preoccupied vith otha things zan having to swoon over vemen. Zo..none of us have seen otha vemon in ze past year but you. So I suppose despite our occupations it..might be a problem..slightly." he said as he nodded his head a few times to a questioning glance towards the different body shape the woman had compared to the others. It made his eyes squint. He wanted to see what was inside of her. He had been working on the bodies of men for do long. A woman could prove to be a good means to a new line of research. Till he shook it off as the ice packs were gently placed against her neck and forehead." She just needs to rest off ze chloroform at zis point. She will be fine."

Chapter 2: 2

Chapter Text

Pain wasn't there as much as it usually was when Jenny got up. She was infact she felt better. Despite the fact that her head and neck were incredibly cold and wet because of the melted water that was seeping through the pack onto her skin. Her blue eyes wondering around the dark room as she sat up to notice she hasn't been sleeping on the crappy mattress shes been sleeping on with her mother. But a compfy one person bed instead. Taking the bags off of her neck and putting them to the side on the bed she sat up slowly to see a man sitting in a chair in the bed next to her. She couldn't quite understand who he was. But whoever he was he wore a military helmet, that covered his eyes completely. She couldn't tell if the man was awake, or asleep. But he wore only a white tank top, and a pair of men's jeans. He was silent as a mouse. He didn't say anything but it looked like he was looking at her through the helmet he wore.

She wished she had her baseball bat right now. But when she moved to the left of the bed she noticed his head follow her. It made her feel terrorfied. It was almost like how her step father would look at her as nervous sweats began to form. It was the silence he had. That unnerving silence as her eyes moved to his hands. A trench shovel sat idly in his hands as he twisted his grip on it a few times.

"I wasn't aware we were having a woman join the army." He finally spoke. His gravelly voice shot through her as she stared at him in silence. He was a strong looking man. Thick and bulky. Like a man of avrage height standing before her as he approached her from the metal chair he was sitting in. It caused her to instantly crawl back into the corner of the bed against the wall as she hugged her legs. But the man tilted his head as his lip raised. Almost as if he were confused as he stared at her. Her body shaking. She was hired but kidnapping wasn't in the job description." What are you doing, Private? Get you're ass out of that bed!" He yelled at her. His silent tone turning instantly loud as he reached into the bed for her arm to pull her out by force. Which in return resulted in a loud scream to erupt from her.

Raising her fist her knuckles hit hard against his jaw but not hard enough as he merely took it as it was and wrapped his large fingers around her wrist spinning her down to the bed with a strong shove. Her eyes wide and in fear as the man kept her pinned to the bed. The man's finger's looking at her face in intrest through his helmet before the door behind him slid open to reveal the Engineer. His expression was unreadable but his mouth was agape which was enough to tell Jenny that he wasn't believing what he was seeing. "Soldier! Get offa her you dang gone fool! She's our new Scout!"

Rushing over his hand and his gloved one grabbed the other by his shoulders and pulled him off. His covered eyes couldn't be seen as he looked between the man in the hardhat and Jenny and hissed." Endulge me Engi. Why is, Private a woman? The last I checked only men were aloud to be in war!" He said as he got once more uncomfortably close to her face as he spoke. She was somewhat thankful that she couldn't really see much of his face.

"Hey, asshole! Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I can't do what you bastards do out in the field! Well..not yet." She said as she poked her finger into his chest challenging him before her arms were crossed over her chest. Her expression was angry yet also bled the lack of confidence in her as the man who was called 'Soldier' let out a dark laugh towards her.

"You hear that, Engi? She thinks she can play soldier!" He laughed at her as he pointed at her." Now throughout my years of war I haven't seen a woman so egar to serve her country!" Instantly his mocking demeanor changed to what Jenny could only assume was his own special way of saying welcome aboard as she felt his large arm wrap around her neck. Instantly causing her to recoil back. Causing a slight hint of panic to errupt which made the Soldier stare at her in the awkward silence once more until she glanced to engi behind her who was giving a waved salute. Instantly she mimicked the action and puffed out her chest. Where Soldier instantly returned to his dopey looking smile as he picked his shovel back up from the floor. And started twisting and fidgeting with it." Welcome to the team, Girly! I'll see you in the debriefing room at 0-900!"

As Soldier left her room instantly Jenny collapsed onto her bed. Rubbing her arms as Engineer turned the light switch on." W-who..?" Looking to him she was confused and quite frankly a little scared. In his hand before she could notice it was her aluminum baseball bat. His hand reaching out to give it back to her with a small smile.

"Sorry about him. He musta got curious and wondered in. Soldier's one of them..'special' folk. I'm Engineer. We use codenames instead of real names as to not get too attached to eachother." He said as he laid a few scratches to the back of his neck as he, from what aye assumed. Glanced at her." I was gonna check up on you to see how you were doin'. But when the rest of the team heard a scream I came runnin'. Don't worry about Soldier he's rough around the edges. A little strange but he means well." He let silence drop once more as Jenny grabbed the bat handle from him and held it tightly in her small almost boney fingers." The rest of the team is havin' breakfast if you're intrested. I can bring you some.."

It felt like the more he was talking the more he was talking to dead air at that point. What a poor thing. A skinny helpless girl now thrown into war. From the way she looked she must've been from an abusive household from the assault wounds." It's bacon and eggs. I promise I'll try to snag you some extra bac-" before he could leave Jennifer clenched his hand tightly. Though she didn't look at him her hand held him in place. Weak and frail.

Her voice was still as she looked at him." Can you eat with me..? I don't think I'm ready to meet the rest of the team yet.." apart of her sorta regretted this. She thought she was going to work with professionals. Not..wackjobs. so far this Engineer was by far the nicest man she came across that hadn't beaten her. Not that she couldn't remember the fact that the very man she wanted company with happened to be the very one who chloroformed her once she was hired.

"You know what? Why not. Sit tight and I'll get you some breakfast. Maybe one on one could help grow a relationship." He chuckled in his deep southern accent and left the room. The door sliding shut behind him leaving Jenna to her thoughts.

I never wanted to get kidnapped into the job. I thought it would be simple, go in a military vehicle or something. Not get drugged. She didn't know who did that to her but whoever it was she was gonna beat the sh*t out of them if she found out.

Halfway down the hall the other rooms were silent and empty. Till he started hearing Soldier's voice from the dining room.

"She's a true soldier! Despite how skinny she is! She fights for america!" He said as he clenched his fist out towards the others as they seemed to be listening with honest intrest. As for spy he was nowhere to be seen. Till the Australian piped up.

"Wait. Did you say she? Like a girl is our new teammate? Holt Dooly..Is she a beaut?" He asked curiously. Lowering his aviators to where his eyes made contact with the helmet.

"Mmmuh hsh hur ruly ah buht..?" A muffled noise coming from the one wearing the gas mask asked in almost unintelligible english as he tilted his head." Duh hu hink shh huks rhhnbows?"

"Gahhh what doo ya mean it's a lass!? We're an all men team!" The black man with the eyepatch said as he downed a bottle of whiskey and carelessly tossed it aside. To where the glass broke at her feet. Till the Medic chimed in.

"I do believe she is..vell. Raza skinny for her age. Malnourished and short. But if you're looking for ze quality of her attractiveness I'd give hur a decent 8 out of ten. Ja." He said as he looked to the large man next go him that covked a brow. Seemingly not intrested in the slightest.

"Doktor. Woman will be working with us?" He asked after swallowing a fork full of eggs mixed with bacon and toast." Dis will be new..Sniper already fawns over hur. And Pyro wanting to be friends. We haven't even seen her except for you and Soldier. We don't even know what she looks like. Sit down Soldier. Before eggs get cold."

Suddenly soldier stops his hurricane of words in a attempt to describe the girl till he stopped to turn his head to look at him." Care to repeat that, Commie!?"

"Alright! Alright boys calm down! There any more eggs left?" Engi asked as everyone stopped talking, and turned there attention to him." I gotta bring some to the new team member." Moving to the back everyone watched him carefully before looking to eachother. More or so it was just Sniper looking at Pyro with thoes two being the only ones interested in more than just meeting her besides Soldier who got to meet her but not truly have time with her.

As Engi was coming back out from the kitchen with a few plates in hand. One for him and one for Jenny he was stopped mid stride by Sniper and Pyro who had a deep smile on his face while Pyro was practically jumping up and down on his heels like a giddy child. Which instantly made it click." Oh no, common now boy's. She's had enough to deal with lately."

"Oh common, Mate. I just wanna bring the food to er. All I'm askin', Engi." He was almost pleading with Engineer to have him give him the plate of food and just go with him." Once I bring the food in. I'll leave. Y'know." His grin wide and twitchy with that excitement as the cowboy huffed lightly. Handing him the plate with the most bacon on it. And the Snipers reaction was all but yoo happy like he just received a Christmas present. "What a beautiful day.." he hummed as he held his hand out for engi to go ahead and lead the way. Pyro following behind him. Until Soldier decided to go with along with Demoman. Engi was far from aware of the whole team following him to her room.

As soon as the metal door slid open. Sniper pushed past Engineer to where it almost caused him his plate of breakfast. Catching himself on the wall. The tall lengthy man approached Jenna too fast for her to process what was happening as she noticed the food first before who it was giving it to her. The deep aviators hiding his eyes from her view as she blinked a few times in disbelief. She was expecting Engineer to be giving her the food not..this guy. His smile looked all too excited as she hesitantly took the plate of food to see three others peering in at her from the doorway.
One being soldier that was smiling a genuine smile. As a tall Scottish man stood behind him. Least to be expect was that he was black. And beside him was..someone wearing a gas mask that hid his features.

"Get out!"

"I said you could give it to Er Sniper! You said you wouldn't stay! Go! Go get!" His tone stern as just as suddenly as it happened the sound of a German clearing his throat could be heard as everyone turned to see that the doot that was once full of people was engulfed by two. Who appeared to be a doctor and another who towered over him like a great ape. And Jen thought Soldier was scary. The man behind the doctor was like a monster. And it made her face go pale. Was it her or was isolation the best option as the doctor strode past Engineer to go straight to her.

"Ahh I see zere is no side effects to the chloroform. And ze blackness to you're bruises have went down Raza well. Pardon me, I'm ze medic to zis team. Und I'm here to merely give you an examination on ze injuries you obtained." He said as he gently extended his gloved hand towards her as she hesitated much like her breakfast from supper. A light hum escaping his lips as he tilted her head from side to side. " I'm going to have to go through with a better examination after you are done with you're breakfast. I'm sorry to have interrupted this gathering. But I do believe it is time for all of ju to go. Heavy if you vould please." The doctor extending a hand towards everyone in the room including Engineer.

"N-no!" She piped up finally after a long time of remaining silent as she pointed to Engi who was still holding his plate of food." Not him..please. H-heavy was it..?" Getting to her feet she approached the big man. His head from his shoulders glanced down at her as he had just barely managed to shove them out the door.

"Da. I vill let him in." He said bluntly towards her as he stepped aside to let the texan in.

"Many thanks big guy. I'll be sure to make you one of my Texan sandwiches you like later." He waved as Heavy gave him a small smile with a nod before leaving with the doctor. Engi's attention turning back to Jen as she had sat back down and lazily tried to eat the bacon but not tou hing the eggs. His smile turning to a frown as he glanced at her. "I'm sorry about that, Scout.. he was so egar to meet you. Some of these men haven't seen a girl in a year maybe two. So they got a little excited when Soldier started talkin' about you." He said as he sat next to her. To the others. Even compared to her. Engi was short. Naturally short. In a way the Texan made her feel strangely safe. Keeping his distance from her out of respect he started to eat his now almost cold food that almost ended up on the floor. He didn't want to ask about how she got thoes bruises. Or what her name was. It was about letting her warm up to him.

"I..get it. Thanks, Engi. I'm gonna have to get used to being called Scout now." She laughed lightly as she rubbed her forehead before whincing. Rubbing to hard near the eye." I just appreciate a friendly face. Everyone else seemed pretty nice. I was just hoping to take it slow. So much for dat. Huh?" Her smile still there but apart of her looked as though she were regretting her decision to become a merc. Till engi smiled.

" I wanted to also give you this back. You're hat. It fell off of you're head when you got here." Her eyes wide instantly as she took the old worn hat and put it on her head." Looks nice on ya, I recon."

"My dad gave it to me before he left. It's all I have of him really. I always get the feeling he's closer to me if I wear it. I feel brave. More confident. But I never knew him because he left when I was far too young. I think mom said I was only two years old when he abandoned her and me." Finishing her bacon she put the plate down on the table next to her bunk bed and sighed." I should really meet with, Medic. I appreciate the company." Her words of speaking about her biological father made her seemingly more sad by the looks of it as she got to her feet. Till what the doctor said perked her up. Instantly stopping as she drained her head. " wouldn't know sho happened to knock me out do you? The doc said something about..'Chloroform'?"

Engi's face remained still but his eyes on the other end of the goggles, shut." Afraid not Scout. But they did help you. And got you here. So I wouldn't think too much on it. Important thing is that you're here and you're safe. Go visit with the Doc. When you're done come visit me and I'll escort you to the Debriefing room. My door matches the symbol on my suit." Tapping on the wrench on his shoulder he finished up his eggs and gathered her half eaten plate and made his way back to the kitchen.

As for Scout. She has a meeting with the Medic.

Chapter 3: 3

Chapter Text

Her fingers brushed against the fine metal of the door before her. Like all the others it slid open but as soon as it did she was once more face to face with the large Male that could easily crush her without trying. Heavy. His neck almost straining to look down at her as he co*cked his head to the side questioningly." Are you here for doktor?" That Russian man was one serious looking motherhuber. His large body stepping aside to allow her to enter." He has been vaiting for you. He's just beyond curtain." He pointed out towards the back of the dim room that smelled of bodily fluid and antiseptic. Almost recoiling and throwing up the three pieces of bacon she had. She made her way past heavy with a light nod and entered.

"H-hello? Doc? Where are ya man?" She asked to suddenly see a shadow move out of the corner of he eye. What looked to be something on a desk in the corner. Approaching it. Her hand gently moved the certain out of the way to see something seemingly impossible. A dismembered head of a man in a Blue ski mask that moved and wiggled. Her blue hues widened in both astonishment and disgust as she slowly approached it." Holy sh*t.. this can' real." Her finger lightly poking the head as she spoke before the eyes opened after her finger met his cheek. Causing her to gasp as he spoke.

"Do you mind? I'm not exsactly a fan of being poked and prodded at by a woman." His gaze was dark and empty as he sounded almost uninterested in her despite being a head. Looking under the table she could hear him audibly sigh to himself as she did." Dere is nothing dere I assure you. Dis is all of what is left of me. Needless to say dat if you kill me. I'd be grateful." He was french. Almost no one but herself, Soldier and Engi were the Americans. The rest were of different nationalities.

As the dismembered head asked her to kill him she was at a loss for words. Kill what already should be dead?" Uh, what!? Excuse me but the last I checked, Dismembered heads should already be dead! Not just flappin' their guns like this!" She said as she picked him up. By the little man made balance that kept his head from rolling. She had to practically pinch herself to make sure she wasn't losing her mind before she saw the doctor come in. Still holding the head in her hands she turned to face the medic who walked in on her." Uh, Doc. What the ever livin' f*ck is this?" She asked as the severed head rolled its eyes at her comment.

"Oh him? Zat is just mein little friend." He hummed as he walked over to take the head from her hands and carelessly put him in a refrigerator carelessly as Scput whinced in displeasure to the mistreatment. She could have sworn she heard a muffled 'Ow' from the shut fridge before she just watched as the Medic treated it like the extange never happened. A clipboard in his hand with a pen being played with in his right. Scout took a seat in front of him. "Before you're apart of zis team I'm to perform a basic medical exam, und a psychiatric exam to see if you are fit for ze line of duty. Zo ze mental part has clearly been overlooked a few times considering Soldier.. Anyvay. If you vould just hold still zis vill be quick."

With Scout sitting uncomfortably knowing there was a living talking head in the refrigerator she let the German Doctor poke and prod at her in areas of her body. Wrapping his gloved hands around her chin to the dagree like with Soldier. Wished to pull away from the touching of her neck area. Or in all honesty even if it was his job. Being touched ar all as she heated him mention how skinny she was.

"Mein Friend. Tell me. How often do you eat?" He asked as she looked at him.

"Rarely. I rarely ever really have any, Doc." She was rarely fed once her mother moved in with her step father. The bastard always said she wasn't worth the extra money. So in basic ways she starved herself. A strap wrapping around her arm as he continued to ask simple questions like 'Are you using the bathroom regularly', to 'Do you have you're time of the month on time'. Stuff an actual doctor would ask as the blood pressure gauge did its job.

"Ah.. due to you're malnutrition, zure blood pressure is high. Zu need to eat more. Come. Come I need to take you're weight on ze scale with you're height." She was reluctant this time yet the Doctor was rather insistent. Her legs carrying her slowly over to a scale in the corner. Standing on it her weight for her age read '117 pounds'. Far to light for a woman her age. Which made Medic bite his lip from behind her." You're height is 5' inch taller zan Engi. How interesting.." jotting down a few things on his clipboard he kept his head down as he took a deep breath and exhaled slowly." Scout you are in need to eat more. I vill write down a goal weight for you to reach by ze end of ze month. If you reach ze said goal you will be considered peak health for the exam. I'll put it down as..vanhundred und sirty pounds as you're new goal."

Reaching into a desk next to him he pulled out something she's seen before in tv shows. ink blot test.
Scout wasn't looking forward to it.

In another room of the RED base sitting at his workbench. Engi twisted at a gun he had sitting upon it. A wide barrelled double barrel shotgun. Adding a few adjustments to it the engineer was curious as to where his counterpart was. The Spy. He hadn't seen him since yesterday night. It made him wonder, think what the slippery bastard was up to till he heard the sound of a cloaked spy becoming visible again behind him. Grabbing the shotgun he grabbed it with the intent to use it against him. Till he saw that he was red much like him. His eyebrows furrowed as he shook his head with a growl." God, dammit Spah. What have I told you about doin' that!?" He hissed as he put the shotgun back on the tabletop and turned to face him." Where in Sam Hell have you been? I haven't seen you since yesterday night after I went to bed."

The man in red had his back against the wall with a cigarette lit. Stuck within his mouth as he took large puffs out of it as he stared at the Laboror. Usually his expression was always calm and collected. But this time he seemed more angry and unsettled than anything as he sent the Engineer a slight glare." Why do we have a woman as our Scout?" He asked. Not disgusted but something in his tone spelled concern and almost fear. Which made the engineer perk up slightly towards the sudden change in spy's behavior." Why would de administrator hire her? You know very well dat she would be a target for de BLU team. Dey are sick. As soon as dey see her on de battlefield tomorrow, dey will want her."

"Jesus, Spah..are you worried about her? You haven't even met her yet and you're already worried about her safety." Yet his words earned him nothing more than a mere scoff from the Spy in red as he looked at him. With hiw short he was having to look down at him for his short he was.

"Worried about her? Non." He said bluntly. Cooley. Blowing smoke rings towards the ceiling as he took his time approaching him." I see her as nothing more than a mere liability to this team. A distraction to the others. And a target vor the other team to feast on like a pack of wolves if dey don't kill her when they get de're hands on her. She has no prior battle experience. No proof. Only dat she runs fast. De administrator made a mistake hiring her. You will see it first hand in de morning when BLU Soldier sees her running through dere base for dere intelligence. A liability at best." He spat. His look of concern instantly shifting through the explanation of why women shouldn't be on the team. As soon as Engi pointed out Spy's possible concerns towards the Scout. That hidden hint of concern was then covered by malice nd disappointment.

The words spat by spy made the Engineer recoil in disgust towards his words as he bit his lip." Damn spah. For a self proclaimed 'Gentleman'. That was far from a gentle form of words for the lil lady. Have you got no faith? This ain't the eighteen hundreds anymore, Spah! Women have more freedom now than they ever had and you think just because shes a woman would mean that shed be an instantaneous target? Please. BLU is no different from us in the job description. They look different and act different sure. But I doubt their going to go through with rape." He said as he crossed his arms with a sight look to his eye as Spy's eyes narrowed.

The laboror didn't see what happens behind closed doors. The plans they made up. The darkness in their hearts. His team happened to be the ones who were in the right state of mind. But once eyes lay upon the true intentions that BLU team has behind their base. Then one might say that they deserved what was coming to them. Their leader. The Soldier on BLU team was ruthless and cold hearted. One would say RED soldier enjoyed a good spout of torture from time to time. But everyone knows that wasn't true. Spy knew Engi was lying to himself in a way so he wouldn't have to worry about the new Scout. But he didn't say anything. Not one word spoken as he looked back towards the sliding door and snorted.

"Believe what you will, Laborer. I wont be de one conferring her after shes captured. You remember what happened the last time, you were c-" he was cut off by the loud slam on the wooden table top. Turning to see the look of resentment turned cold and full of it's own sense of wrath pointed towards Spy.

"I remember exactly what happened when BLU got ahold of me, Spah! Don't remind me! Because I already have the reminder in the form of my dismembered hand." He wasn't in the mood to fully talk about it. Not one bit as he removed his goggles and hard hat to reveal scars that never went away after that unfortunate incident. Two weeks trapped inside BLU base with barely any food. A dismembered hand that the soldier called 'his little trophy'. Before killing him and leaving respawn to pull what was left of him back together again. BLU took their time with the unfortunates. RED took them when they were needed. Mostly almost never taking prisoners. But BLU took them in whenever they were easy go grab. Not just for information. But for the fun of the torture.

Spy saw it first hand and he couldn't save him. It would have resulted in his capture as well if he even tried. Engi understood the rules the team agreed upon. If captured you cannot be rescued. No matter how bad it was in there. If you had the option to kill yourself. Take it before they got to you. And they were about to lay the rules down on Scout after she was done with her exams from the Medic.

"Den I suggest you don't baby dis woman. She needs to know exactly what happens behind does closed doors. She needs to look out for herself. Or her capture and torture will be on you're hands with de lies that you feed her if you do." He said as he walked through the sliding door. Cloaking himself once again as it sh*t behind him. The puff of red smoke filling the air as he walked off without making another ounce of eye contact.

Taking his fingers against his bald head he took a moment to think about Spy's behavior and wording. Engi was by far the smartest man in the base when it came to engineering. But medic was the genius in the medical and psychological profession. What was making spy so angry about a woman working with them? It was more than just her being a target. There was something else yo it that Engi couldn't quite pin point as he looked back at the shotgun.

"Zere is more to zis you're not telling me, Scout. Zu are showing signs of PTSD und recoil from being touched." The Medic said as he kept his distance from her. His glasses uneven on his face for the woman had slapped him across the face for touching her in a way that made the woman retaliate in a form of violence. Her breathing hitched and energetic as she glared at him. Hearing the muffled laughter of the BLU Spy from within the confines of the fridge.

'So much for ze woman being a decent Scout for you're team, Medic.' Snorts and chuckles erupting once more. It seems that the Spy didn't even have to see what was happening in the room to understand it as his cheeks rose to a dark smile as he merely stared at the Refrigerator door. The girl was clueless and weak minded. Tough will but her mind was weak and he could tell. A thought popping into his mind as he chuckled lightly. Something that the girl wouldn't refuse. Have his head returned to BLU team by none other than her. His currant predicament had left him in that state for more than two weeks. Leaving his precious BLU team without their spy. A precarious thought indeed.

Once he heard the Medic leave once again he called out to her.' Psst. Scout. In de refrigerator.' As he waited he could hear her approach. Opening the refrigerator that held various animal body parts and blood bags. His blue eyes pinned on hers as she stared at him. Looking back behind her occasionally to make sure the medic wasn't coming." Ah yes. Thank you. I had a proposal to make with you. If you are merely able to return my head back to BLU base I will reward you personally the next time we meet, non?" It was blunt and to the point. Fast and clear as the RED Scout blinked a few times. She didn't understand the concept of her job just yet.

"Uh..what? Return you're head to the BLU's? I don't quite get it yet. I mean I only just met the team." She whispered back to the head as her head once more peeked back on the look out for the Medic. As the BLU Spy rolled his eyes deeply.

"Come now. Don't be stupid, Scout. Look at me. No matter what it's not like I can hurt you. Let me share a secret with you. Ze team you are on is by far ze worst. Dey will undoubtedly end up resulting in you're inevitable downfall if you listen to does fools. Bring me back to my Base and I vill make sure nothing happens to you." His words were honeyed. And since the Scout was clueless in what it was meant with two teams being at war with eachother. A lie that was coated by honeyed words and false promises to her in return for giving him back to where he belonged. It was tempting. Almost hypnotic before she shook her head.
"If you can get me when de Medic is asleep. I can explain more to you. I promise. Not do commencement to my request. But merely to talk. Trust me, Scout. You won't regret it." Her gaze going to the sliding door.

"I..have to think about it. I don't think just simply giving you back when I don't know anything about anything. Once I learn more..I'll consider you're offer of giving you back." She said as she quickly looked back considering his offer in had to shut the refrigerator door once more. Awaiting the arrival of the medic once again.

The Spy was Ill tempered by that point. Biting his lip in irritation towards her his mind went to thinking. Waiting. All he need was some time and more time to speak with her to convince her. Get to know her. It was apart of the job description. To get information from the opposite team. Become a fake friend to her. Patience was all he needed.

Chapter 4: 4

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It hadn't been long since she and the BLU Spy spoke of a proposal regarding his return to the opposite base. Whome she hadn't had any interactions with yet. It made her wonder what he could tell her. The worst team? She doubted it considering the only person who was a bit too handsy was Soldier. And despite his 'Crazy Uncle' attitude he was a decent man as far as she could tell from a mere description Engi gave her.

Her eyes were settled on a white wipebord in the middle of the room being seated at a table. Engi having had, of course kept his promise he made her and lead her to the debriefing room with little to no problem. The shorter male sitting next to her while the Sniper took the seat on the other side of her. Holding that same smile as before when he extended a hand towards her in greeting." Sorry about before, Mate. Got a little too excited about havin' a new team member. Call me Sniper."

Not as hesitant as she had been she took ahold of the snipers large hand and shook it firmly." Scout. Though I believe you knew dat already, huh?" She laughed lightly which instantly caused the Sniper to blush deeply as his other free hand lightly scratched the back of his neck.

"Aw ain't that cute?" Engineer laughed a bit towards the blush Sniper made towards her. His head turned towards him. Between them he read the room as being fine. Till pyro appeared next to her with a child like drawing he drew. His gloved hand lightly tapping against her shoulder as it instantly grabbed her attention. A slight 'ah' left Engi's lips as he from where he sat gestered his hand to Pyro." Scout. This is Pyro. Pyro, Scout."

Holding the paper out to her, he seemingly ignored Engineer's simple introduction to a man that seemed to only speak in muffled tone. Pyro tilted their head in need of validation from their art. And when Scout took it finally she turned it around. She in her own head was expecting a note or poem of some sort. But no. It was a drawing. Of her and them holding hands beneath a rainbow with clouds and flowers. Apart of her saw it as weird. Yet it was that striking hint of wholesomeness that struck her and made her wish to actually hang it up in her room. She needed decorations anyway in that empty room. So placing it on the table she smiled wholeheartedly towards him. Hugging? She couldn't do it just yet. Touching caused panic attacks. Touching that involved claustrophobia or anything that resulted in her not having a clear way out. So instead of a hug. She placed her hands on Pyro's shoulders and nodded. Landing a gentle kiss on the cheek of his gas mask.

A childish giggle erupted from the mask as he danced in place before moving along to the chair next to Sniper. After what felt like an hour of Scout only just shooting the sh*t with Engi, Sniper, and Pyro. Though he didn't talk much. Demo and Soldier entered. The black scotsman approaching the table as he took a seat next to Pyro as he sent her a Casual wave."Ey." In his hand was a bottle of Scottish Whiskey called 'Scrumpy' in his hand as he took a hard swig downing a few gulps before putting it back down. "C-Call me Demoman..or Demo for short, Lassy.. I don't remember anythin' from this mornin'.." he muttered before his forehead instantly bet the tabletop in a instant melody of hard snores.

"Is..he always like dat?" Scout asked. Her finger lightly pointed towards the drunk scotsman at the other end of the table as Soldier piped in. Roughly patting the drunk on the back causing his snoring to shift a bit as he laughed.

"Of course he is! Purely because he's a drunk Cyclops who can only focus on one thing, Missy! And you wanna know what that is!?" He asked as he slammed his other hand on the table. Leaning in deeply.

Scout's eyes quickly scanned both characters before raising her finger before answering the question to Soldier's with, "Would it happen to be drinkin'?"

As she said that at the same time .soldier answered it simultaneously with her as his finger was pointed to the ceiling." It would happen to be drinking!" She never saw his eyes from under that helmet.

Faces seemed to be rather obscured from view in this team of merc's. She couldn't see Engi's eyes. Pyro's face, or the entirety of Soldier's face. He was in different attire as well. Two grenades strapped to a belt that wrapped around him. Red suit with military boots that held armor plate on them. His outfit simple enough. It made her wonder what she would wear out there. Till in the empty seat a man appeared before her. Matching the BLU Spy she had been talking to before this debriefing as soon as Heavy whome she was introduced to by Medic before leaving for Engineer's room. The man in the seat clad in a fine suit and ski mask instantly pointed him to be their spy. Not. Single person in the room was wearing a hint of blue on their bodies. Everything was red besides the walls of the room and well..the whole building which were metallic and white. Plane besides a few logos reading the Base's color name as her gaze never left the man that seemed to ignore her.

He was hard to read. Not just because his face was hidden. But because he was acting like she didn't exist which made her pucker her lips in question. Her brow co*cked as she tilted her head before nudging Sniper with her elbow lightly." Ey, Aviators. Who's dat?" She asked trying not to actually draw attention but nudging her head towards the Red Spy. The Australian's gaze turning from her to Spy. She noticed his expression change. So far all she saw from Sniper was smiles and a few kindhearted stories he told her about his family. But once those eyes met the face of the Spy in red. His smile downshifted to a grimace.

"Spy. Don't be surprised. Spy's are backstabbin' simpletons. Wouldn't suggest talkin' to him. He ain't worth the breath." He muttered to her Nina hushed whisper. Her eyes never leaving what she could make out of his face till his head turned to face her. His matching blue hues made her eyes widen for a moment. He looked just like the BLU Spy from the Medic's room. Keeping her mouth shut from the gasp that was about to errupt from her lips she looked away towards Medic and Soldier who were standing next to the whiteboard.

Mediocre sketches of one base to another sitting on both sides. On sketched in blue and the other in red. And a bridge in between them as soldier smoothed himself over with his arms crossed firmly over his chest. So he wasn't just a Medic. He also appeared to be a strategist. She was at a loss but with Engi there he offered to explain in more detail what this was all about after the debriefing.

"Alright, Maggots! And lady. Considering we have a new Soldier in our midst I will keep this debriefing as simple as humanly possible!" Medic took a seat at the front of the table. His hands firm on his lap as Heavy sat next to him. A loud cracking noise slapped against the board as the Soldier used a whip to point at the red sketch of the base in red." This is us. And these sly pompous asshat commies, are the BLU's. And the bridge between the canal is the in between point."
He was more than likely explaining it for Scout. Whome hadn't even seen the outside yet. For the most part she was thinking about her mother. With a note she pulled from her pocket that she would he receiving a call later that evening from a woman called Mrs.Pauling regarding her payment.

As the soldier went on with his explanation. Half way through he seemingly began to start rambling in a out of control tangent on hiw the BLU's were the bane of his existence on earth. Something that Scout wasn't expecting before Medic got up to calm him down. Which didn't take long. Every now and again sending stealthy glances to the Spy who seemed less than intrested in the plan the mentally crazed man giving the Debriefing had to say. So far it was simple enough to know that each team had sewers leading into each other's bases. To either go discretely or straight forward through the most guns and bullets. The mission was to capture a suitcase called the intelligence. The suitcase was important but had classified information within it. The Intelligence was held within a room with a desk overlooked by computers and only has one way in. And one way out.

Scout wanted to listen carefully to what Soldier was saying. But paying attention to him and looking over to Spy was hard to keep track of everything Soldier was saying. For the most part he was merely giving a clear view explanation of the mission." Any questions, Private!?" The whip extended towards Scout which caught her attention as she nodded quickly before sending him a salute.

"Sir, yes sir." The words bringing a smile back to her in appreciation towards her 'Service to their country'. As he nodded. Medic standing up to start uncapping the black Expo marker to start jotting down some letters. 'H, Sp, Sn, M, E, D, So, Sc, P'. Each pertaining to classes.

"Ja. Danke, Soldier. Now.. Ven it comes to strategically getting ze Intelligence. Ve must vork as a team. A unified force. Needless to say if we don't come up with a plan. It vould moar zan likely end up in someone's capture. Vich be don't vant, Ja?" He asked as he started to jot down a plan. Pointing his hand towards Heavy." As alvays I vill be providing ze destruction portion of ze plan vith hur Heavy, Soldier, Und Demoman. Since BLU team sorely lacks a Spy. Pyro vill provide protection to our intelligence. Sniper und spy will provide support. Vile ve provide ze distraction. Spy vill sneak in und take ze intelligence. But now ve do finally have our own Scout!" His hand gesturing to Scout whose head peeked up from her position as he glanced at the German. Whome she still felt guilty for slapping earlier. An ache in her chest forming as her heart pumped unevenly as she clenched it. Noticing a somewhat sad*stic smile form on the Medic's face as her eyes were pinned on him. That smile sent chills down her spine as he spoke." You vill provide a fine distraction against zere Scout. Equally matched in speed I predict. Zis bill make it an easy pickings for tomorrow. Does everyvon have zere designated duty for tomorrow's mission?"

Everyone except for Spy and Scout said 'Yes'. Taking the picture Pyro gave hershel turned to Engi who was just about to leave. Till she took him by the arm and gestered him over to a corner.

"Engi. I'm..I need to know more about da BLU team. What's this about capturein'? I get the simplicity of it. But how bad can dey really be?" She asked as she looked him in the eye. His underbite twitching a bit to her question as he sighed.

"Look, Scout. I ain't gonna lie to ya but this is war. I was captured by BLU team once when I first started as their Engineer. All I have to say is stick to the plan and you'll be fine." He couldn't tell her about Respawn. Hiding the fact that dying but being able to come back was apart of the secret things he couldn't tell her. While Medic was checking up on her he preformed surgery on her. Leaving her with a massive heart in her chest that belongs to a baboon instead of a human heart. Or that he had to calibrate Respawn to read her bio signature so that if she died. She'd come back. All while chloroformed. As much as he regretted it. But he was incredibly vauge about it. Which left her in the dark as he turned and walked away from her.

She understood the plan and the Nest of everything. But when it came to what she wanted to learn most. Engi was vauge and reluctant to go into detail about what happened when he was captured by BLU team. Her eyes narrowing like daggers as she turned her back to him and went to her room.

Hours went by where she sat in her room in thought. Using some tape to put Pyro's drawing up on the side of the left wall. She missed lunch and by the time it was dinner Mrs.Pauling called. Merely asking where the money should be sent to. And being who she was she made the cash out to be sent to her mother. She had no idea that she would be thrown into the job that quick. So she really didn't have a chance to say goodbye. It left her thinking. Not just about her mother. But about tomorrow with it being her first mission. Till her mind went back to the bodieless Spy head in the Medic's room. Maybe she could learn more. It wasn't like all Spies were bad. She perfered to eat alone that night. Till she noticed the lights out in the main hall went dim. Checking the digital clock that sat on the table next to her bunk bed it read one in the morning.

She was lost in thought for hours without realizing it. And she couldn't sleep. The thought of taking the Spy up on his offer for a chat slunk it's way into her head as she slunk out of bed. Her door sliding open quickly as she made her way to the Medic's room. The door quickly sliding open to reveal the dark room where only a dim desk lamp kept the room lit. But he wasn't there. Hell the good question was where would have the doctor slept in this mess? When she was in there she didn't see any room for a bed.

But payed it no mind as her boney fingers wrapped around the Refrigerator handle and opened it to look at the Head of the BLU Spy.

"Bonjor. It appears you took my offer into consideration. Non?" He asked as she took him into her arms and shut the refrigerator door as she looked around." Don't worry about Medic. He sleeps with de fatso two rooms down." With a few steps she was in her room. Her door room shutting behind her as she put his head down on the night stand next to her bunk bed and sighed to herself.

"Oh jesus what da hell am I doin'..?" She asked herself. Her fingers raking through her short hair as she looked at the head." What the f*ck am I doin'!? Why am I talkin to you? You're the f*ckin' bad guy in this and I'm talkin' to you." Her words hissed deeply as she began to pase back and forth between her empty new room as the Spy's eyes followed her.

"Mon petit chou-fleur. Calm yourself. Before you die of heart attack after what De Medic did to you." He said calmly. And instantly within her pacing she stopped to look at him. She didn't remember anything happening to her. But of course the Medic tends to forget that Spy wasn't dead. All he had to do was watch. Noticing her look the Spy smiled deeply towards her reaction." Oh you mean you don't remember what happened to you? Pardon me, no. Who would remember such a thing after you were chloroformed by the Engineer?" The more he said the more he could tell that he was getting to her. Getting somewhere with her." I'm sorry. He cut you open. Performed surgery on you. I'm sure you noticed that you're chest has been in pain since you awoke?" He co*cked his brow. Was he being serious..?
"Check you're chest."

Scout looked down at her chest. Her heart racing with fear. It was whenever it started racing it started to hurt. Looking down at her chest she lifted her shirt to where her bra was exposed. Turning her back to the Spy as she held back the urge to scream. Heaving she grabbed the trash can next to her bed and puked. Her chest was glowing. The heart twice the size a normal heart could be. Its red glow pulsating throughout her body as she huffed." W-What the f*ck did he do to me!? I'm glowin'! My heart!" Gripping at her chest she fell to her knees as tears began to fall from her eyes.

"See what dey have done? And it hasn't even been you're first mission and they already Lie and keep secrets from you. Where will you go? What will you do now that you know that you're team sees you nothing more de a mere play thing den an actual person." If he could tilt his head he would have. But he merely co*cked a brow. Hiding his smile was beginning to prove rather hard as he wanted to nudge her. Take him back to where he belonged. And he was close as he noticed that sense of trust break for them and ignite for him." Take me back. I'll make sure /nothing/ happens to you."

His hypnotic words from before actually managed to get her to calm down. Almost fatherly as she grabbed her old hat and put it on her head." Dammit..just..tell me what to do. Where to put you." She said as she picked him up. Holding his head like a football for a moment before holding him respectfully. It scared her in how simular he looked to RED Spy and Him to the BLU Spy. If she would have hazzard a guess she would have put them down as twins. Or clones. She couldn't just put the fact that there was something in her chest that shouldn't have belonged and it made her chest ache and burn. Almost like she was having a heart attack as she made her way out through the corridors. Quietly as to not wake anyone up. Through the Spy's directions she told her where the outside was. Like sketched all crappy like on the wipe board there was that bridge leading across the swerers. Looking at the night sky as the desert air hit her face her blue eyes shut as her heart began to settle once more.

"Good. My Base is just over there. And look whose out sleeping among de stars." Spy whispered. Her eyes scanning the base to see a BLU Sniper sleeping on a lawn chair with his sniper rifle resting on his thigh as a prop. On his forehead a magazine slumped over his eyes. He had a full beard. What looked to be a merger of a goatee with sharp edges that connected to the sideburns. His outfit different from the RED Sniper for it looked more detailed and higher grade.

"You want me to..toss you up to him..?" She asked as she hesitantly moved closer to the bridge. Her wheezing returning from the growing fear in her chest of getting caught." Nothin' bad will happen once I do..right?" She asked the spy. Who from where he sat was smiling a sh*t eating grin to no end. His smile venomous with malicious intent showing through his ever growing deceitful lies towards the girl.

"Of course not. Do you take me for a liar?" He asked as she slowly made her way across the way. Closer to where the over view was where the Sniper was sleeping. She could hear his snoring from where she stood. Her eyes narrowed. Turning the head back to face her as she threw him up and down a few times as a test. "Don't miss. Last I need is for my head to go splat against de wood." He muttered to her.

Nodding in understanding she threw him up once. Once she realized it wasn't close enough and he wasn't going to make it onto the platform let alone to the sniper she let a shrill but quiet squeak form as she drove to catch him. The head landing safely in her hands. Huffing in pure relief before getting closer to the building towards the way into the base. That lead directly to a stairwell. She couldn't risk getting caught by the other team. Her heart pounding as she clenched her chest. Gritting her teeth." Sorry.." with one more toss and hard to bare anticipation towards the toss she heard the light thud of Spy's head hitting the edge of the platform and began rolling. Her eyes tearing up slightly as she slowly tried to get to her feet before her heart started beating faster. Her fingers clamming up from how hard she was sweating. It wasn't even that hot out that night as she heard the Sniper jolt awake.

"Holy..Spy?" It was Aulstralian much like their Sniper.
The man leaning over in his chair he picked up the head of his Spy with a co*cked brow as he glanced around the land below. While beneath him. Far from his view RED Scout was having a hard time. It was a thankful moment as the Aulstralian in blue stood up.

"But of course. Who else would it be. Don' be such an imbecile." The Spy said as he sighed." Now bring me to de Medic. I'd appreciate having mon body back." A low hiss forming from his voice as the Sniper returned a strong eyeroll as he left his post. Leaving Scout to be able to leave without getting attention. One foot at a time she felt weak and labored. Struggling to even take a step forward to her Base where she really needed rest.

If there was one thing she knew it was that her mother didn't raise a weakling. Yet before she even touched the other side. A loud bang ring out through the air. The lights in RED and BLU base instantly turning on as Scout huffed. Breathing for a moment as she felt the sensation of something wet trickle down her back. She didn't even have time to turn around to see who had shot her. But it was so clear to her. So painfully obvious as to who had shot her. Her vision going blurry as she coughed up blood from her lips that started to go pale with her skin. Collapsing to her knees she groaned in agony. Her skinny frail arms were digging into the dirt as she felt an eye on her. The Sniper. Her chest no longer hurt. It felt strangely light along with her body. Like she was floating.

A breathless weightlessness around her. Until it was replaced by a bright light. Her eyes opening widely within a room she remembered being shown on the way to the debriefing room. Her eyes welling with tears as she hugged her knees tightly for support. Pushing herself into a corner. As she sobbed.

Was it real? Or was it just a dream..? Her chest was telling her otherwise.

Chapter 5: 5

Chapter Text

As the BLU Sniper awoke from his nap he was startled by the sudden return of the head of their Spy they lost to the RED's not even two weeks ago. Still alive and breathing. With his demand to be brought back to their Medic he was quick to oblige in the demand till his attention turned to noises of grunting. His eyes narrowing as the Spy noticed him stop mid stride. Being half asleep left him to wonder how the Spy got there in the first place." Tell me Spy. How's it you got here, eh?" He asked as he instantly turned around to go back to where his roost was. The inkling hanging in him as he noticed the head didn't answer his question. Placing his head down on the wooden floor he picked up his sniper rifle and peered through the scope.

"Come now, Bushman. Dere is no need for dis. Their going back to dere ba-" he couldn't even finish his sentence. Not that it sounded like he cared which he truly didn't. All he cared about was getting his body back from being body-less for two weeks straight. It was the loud vibrating boom that exploded through the desert as he shut his eyes. Ringing exploding through his ears considering that Sniper was used to it didn't mean he was. He didn't have any arms to cover his ears with. A sharp smile showing on the Sniper's lips as he laughed. Watching what remnants of life in the person clad in red slip from them as they crawled to the doors to RED base but die before they could even touch it. Their body disappearing from where they laid to undoubtedly return to their respective respawn. Only thing that always remained was the blood.

Pumping his arm triumphantly to his heart shot the Sniper slung his weapon over his back with the sling and grabbed Spy." Come now Spy. That's the enemy down there. You cant expect me to not shoot em. Even if they returned you to us." He sounded happy. Genuinely like he was in a good mood as he walked down the dimly lit hallways. Simular to RED base but in what the RED's would describe in a way that was in far more disarray than theirs. The walls were dark. Instead of the bright metal the RED's had. Making it appear darker and far more ominous and unsettling to the eye. Through each room was a different story for every Class that breathed within that Base. And one step in BLU was enough to give off the smell of blood and rotting flesh from Soldier's room who was obsessed with the hand of the Engineer from the opposite team.

"True. But you're actions costed me a pawn no doubt." The Spy scoffed within his hands. Baring his teeth. The thought of having a cigarette again made him happy. The snappy attitude from withdrawal symptoms he couldn't quite help during his 'imprisonment'. He thirsts for the smokey, cancer inducing tabacco sticks within his disguise kit.and each step Sniper took left him to wonder how long it would take to suck one down. "You just killed de RED Team's new Scout. She was weak minded. Made a..'deal' with her so dat if I happened to he returned safely to BLU Base I'd 'protect' her." He said slyly. Obviously he didn't mean it. The Sniper of course with him. Laughed at the mention of his manipulation plan.

"Gah, sorry mate. Bein' half awake and half asleep you tend to. I don't know. 'Not care' as much compared to just doin' the job. Killin's killin'. As long as you're doin' it right." He laughed as he co*cked a brow." New Scout, eh? Poor sap is gonna have a bad time tomorrow I tell you that. He's probably gonna be cryin' by the time the mission is over, right Spy?" He asked. Fixing his own aviators to the color of his shirt till he noticed the Spy remain silent for a moment.

"Non. It's not a man. De're new Sciut is a woman." The Sniper holding him lifted him up to be at face to face level with him as he stopped dead in his tracks. Just a few more steps from the Medic's infermery as his look held a mix of sadism and dark thoughts mixed with happiness. A horrid co*cktail of sorts towards Spy's mention of their new recruit being female as he chuckled a bit.

"You're kiddin' me right spy? Hell ya have to be. A female Scout on RED Team? Hoh..its like Christmas mornin'." Shaking his head he kept his smirk to himself. Approaching the sliding door with the scratched up blue symbol for the Medic Class he walked in without a need to knock as he entered the room that looked more like a torture chamber. Chains hung from the ceiling, blood stained the walls and floor. Somehow it had even touched the ceiling as the sound of rustling echoed through the room as a song played on a radio settled neatly above on a series of metal cabinets and dressers coated in the red substance." Ey Doc! Look whose rolled his way back home to us!" He mocked lightly as he placed Spt down on the metal examination table as a deeper toned German voice compared to RED Medic called out to them.

"Ja! Ja. Give me a moment! Dummkopf!" He hissed from the other side of a certain. His voice lisping deeply before throwing the certain open aggressively. The Doctor to BLU team was wider than RED Medic. More masculine as he held longer darker hair with a thick beard and mustache. Forming from the thick dark haired sideburns that coiled around his chin while his thick mustache wiggled with his upper lip. But amidst that beared was a sharp scar across his lip as if he had been slashed across the face with a knife. Revealing his gums and leaving his face appearing although it were in a sharp permanent sneer. The blue eyes pinned on BLU spy as he approached him with his expression somewhat softening as he picked him up." Ahh..returned to us at last, Spy. About time. I've been growing raza tired of holding you're body in my Cooler." Running his fingers through his longer hair he scoffed deeply towards Sniper who was standing there with his arms crossed. Making his way into the back room after placing Spy's head on his desk. Pilling out a body that was completely naked from shoulders to toes. Being revealed it was pale compared to the head who still had blood circulating through it. Scars covering it's well toned structure. "It may not look great. But I've tried to fix as much of ze damage I could. I vill sow you're head back onto you're body. Und kill you. Zu should be ready to go by zen." Grabbing antiseptic wipes. A sewing needle and some threat along with a surgical stapler and a needle filled with novocaine as he around the neck of the Spy started enjecting the medication into his neck." Since you are practically unable to be knocked out cold. I'm afraid ve are to do zis vile zu are avake."

Spy's eyes shooting towards Sniper when he flinched a few times from the sharp pain of a needle entering his neck in various areas. Yet didn't make a big deal out of it as the Medic happened to notice him still there. Awkward silence filling the room only letting the radio fill in the dead air and still awkwardness be undone until Sniper piped up with his sh*t eating grin.

"You wouldn't believe who just happened to bring the bloke back to us, Doc. A f*ckin' female scout! A woman is workin' with the RED's!" As soon as Sniper said thoes words it made the German Medic who was working on preparing the reattatchment of Spy's head turn to stare at the shorter male. Being taller than the RED Medic made him appear more intimidating including with his scar recieved from battle.

"Is zis true, Spy?" He asked as he turned back to look at a watch on his wrist that read that it had been fourty seconds since he gave spy the novocain.

"Yes. De Sniper isn't wrong. De Scout I'd indeed Female. I convinced her into letting me go. Well..less convincing and more manipulating. Thanks to Engineer having to Chloroform her to bring her in. And their Medic performing Ubercharge surgery on her. She died by Sniper before she could reach her base sadly. Though. She probably would have died anyway since she was showing signs of a heart attack before she threw me up to Sniper's Coop. First time dying no doubt." Sniper looked proud of himself as well as excited as a man could be when it came to talking about women. A year and none of them had seen a woman and the RED base had one all to themselves. Disappointing to say that their scout was male and a complete idiot. It made Sniper fluctuate in emotion towards killing such a beautiful thing. Though he hadn't seen her in her full bodied glory for himself his arms were firmly crossed over his chest. His head tilted to the side as he hummed deeply in pride yet also that clear fire of disappointment.

Fast and firmly reliable when it came to distractions. But for anything else other than that. Was useless at everything else. Which made the thought turn Sniper's smile into a jealous infused frown. What he wouldn't give to be touching a woman again. To even see one. And of course he killed her. If he would have known sooner he'd have shot her in the leg and tied her down to find himself having a fine old time with the woman. Weather she wanted it or not it was painful for how long any of them hadn't been close to a woman since they were hired by Mann Co.

"Tell me if you can feel Zis." He said as he flicked his finger into Spy's neck a few times in the front and a few times in the back.

"Non. I can't feel anything dere." He stated as he was lifted back up. The metal collar around his neck that healed him in place as well as provided a balance was slowly removed from his neck to where the Medic placed his head over the stump and grabbed the needle. Since one part of his body was dead and the other wasn't. There was no use in numbing the dead part of his body. Wiping him down once more with an antiseptic wipe on both neck and body he inserted the needle. One at a time as he thought.

"My vhat a time. Vemon joining ze Merc's." Medic laughed under his breath as he continued to thread the needle. In out, in and out." Vhat I vouldn't give to get mein hands on such a valuable specimen like zat.. ze experiments I could do." He sounded almost aroused to the thought. RED Medic had some problems of course. But BLU out did his insanity ten times older when it came to experimentation. One baboon heart was enough for RED. But BLU? He did more than just put baboon hearts in his team mates. Most didn't want to talk about what he put in thoes RED's they managed to get their hands on. Whenever it came to torture the team always gave them to Soldier or Medic. The sad*stic look in his eyes out did Sniper's by a long shot. The smile he pulled was one from nightmares.

"What if I were to tell you two, Gentleman that I could convince her to willingly come over to de BLU base, mm?" Spy said with a deep hum as he spoke from where his head laid on the metal table as Medics sutures worked their way into his flesh to secure his head to his body. As much as Medic was still working he noticed the intrest in their gaze. Continuing with a small smile. Persed lips as medic was forced to lift his mask a bit to properly sow him down in some spots." I've been thinking. I could convince her dat RED team isn't as good as she believes. De're Engineer and Medic already had walked themselves into a hole regarding her arrival. If no one knows I'm back. Even my team. I could convince her." A small snort left his mouth as he choked back a laugh. Though when he did blood squirted from his lips without warning as the Medic shot up in shock from the sudden burst of the red substance. Not that he minded a little blood on his face to begin with.

"So you're tellin' me and Medic to not tell de rest of BLU that you're back?" Sniper asked as he stepped closer to the medical table at Spy's side and stared down at him." Why the bloody hell not? Not that I'm not agreein' with you're plan here. It's a bloody good one. But why not let the team in on this to, eh?" He asked as he co*cked his head hard to the side, biting his lip. A harsh habit when he got the feeling that something wouldn't be right if they didn't tell the team. Sniper was avrage in his smarts. Bit if they happened to let the whole team know?

Spy cleared his throat as the Medic went back to work on sowing." Because I know you and Medic are good at keeping secrets. If dose imbeciles Scout, Soldier, or Demoman hear about dis. Den no doubt Dey'd be blurting it out towards de RED's during our Mission tomorrow. Let things play out although I'm not here. Do you understand Sniper? One word whispered to anyone in dis base will ruin it. I know you want her, non?" He asked as he gave a Cheshire grin with a co*cked eyebrow towards the bearded Aulstralian that smiled back at him, almost evil. "Den I suppose you know you're jobs are to just keep quiet. Simple as dat. De RED's will panic once dey learn I'm not dere anymore. But dey won't know where I went. It's best day everyone stays clueless."

"Vell. Zu did say zat ze RED Scout just so happened to be ze one to let you go, ja? Vat makes you thing zat she vill keep you a secret from ze others? Zat she von't spill zat she set you free?" The medic taking the staple gun to his neck after finishing the front end of the Spy's body. Asking Sniper for some assistinance in fliplinb Spy back over to the back end of the body. Grabbing a pillow to place it under his head fir better support he started on the back. Putting the strong thread back through the needle and began once again to suture the rest of him.

"Oh I'm sure she'd stay quiet once I get to know her better. I'm a man of many talents. Don' take me for one day doesn't know how to play a part." He reassured coyly back to the medic as his body was close. Spy was a slay man. A deviously mysterious one who was good at acting a part like an actor. Then backstabbing his enemies unexpectedly. He could hide amongst anyone without them knowing it. And easily he could be the ghost that RED feared most. His mask obscured his face for a reason. A face stealer was what he was. Wearing the skins of RED like he skinned them himself. But besides backstabbing his most dangerous weapon was his words. Time and time again he could make RED's second guess themselves with sabatoge orca few words. He was made to be a manipulative bastard who was a master at hiding among the shadows. Letting his venom do the work for him. He could drive RED apart by being the literal ghost in the mirror since RED would believe him to be dead as well as most of his own team.

A plan so deliciously dished out like a fine meal it was all right there. He didn't even have to try to make a big deal out of it. Everything fell into place and his luck just keeps coming by the bag full since the new Scout arrived in Teufort. And truth being in the Pudding. Spy didn't want that very well placed bag of luck to run out on him any time soon as the medical stapler once more entered his neck. Sitting him up on the table with a little help from sniper one could notice his lower half was still dead.

"Give ze head a few moves for me, Spy. I merely wish to see if ze sutures and staples vill be enough for you're head to handle." Spy quickly complied. Moving his head from left to right. To up and down despite not being able to properly move his body. No. Respawn would do the rest for him. With a quick nod the Medic smiled as he walked over to his desk. Grabbing that same pellow with a pistol from his medical desk. And ordered Sniper to lay him back down." Ja. Ze procedure was a success. Since everyvon else is asleep I can kill you without much problem. But you do remember zat Respawn doesn't heal scars, ja? Zu vill have zis scar for ze rest of you're live once you Respawn." Medic reminded resulting in Spy to co*ck him a quick glance before shaking his head.

"Yes yes. I'm aware of the consequences of de respawn. Can you please just kill me so I can get back to walking on my own to feet again? Merci Doctor." Spy spat towards the German. The result was a mere roll of the eyes as he placed the pillow over his head and pressed the barrel to his head. Instantly pulling the trigger to where a muffled 'Bang' could be heard. Blood seeping from the wound in Spy's head that was hidden behind the pillow before the body vanished from where it laid to leave the doctor to lift up the disposable Pillow with a sigh. Tossing it in the toxic waste bin that heals other various disgusting items in its bag.

"Well I guess all we gotta do now is be patient and wait for the girl to come to us. It's all up to Spy now."

"Ja. Let's just hope he's capable of pulling it off. If not. Zen I must say I vouldn't mind hunting her down myself." The doctor said as he turned his back to Sniper." Go to bed, Sniper. Zere's a mission in ze morning. Vouldn't vant to be struggling to stay avake vill you're dodging bullets hm?" Sniper letting a scoff escape his lips as the Medic's smile creeped onto his lips that made the scoff turn to something a little more scared as he nodded then made his way out through the sliding door. Medic's gaze followed him as he left the room. Hearing the door to Spy's room open as he shut his eyes for a moment before opening them again. War was a bitch. It left him to a job of torment and healing in ways no one could think possible. As the doctors bloody fingers rested where the Spy's blood was, he casually raised the bloodied appendages to his lips. Licking his fingers free from the coppery red substance with a deep sad*stic grin.

As Spy respawned he was left standing naked in their resupply room. While RED's was nice and white, clean. BLU's was falling apart and dirty. Chips and cracks made the place seem old in it's clearly ruined and old abandoned building vibes that coated its interior. Though naked he could stand and walk again. Clenching his fists tightly the color had returned to him. Though around his neck was a scar from his beheading. A reminder as his tanisha skin lightly rubbed his neck as he rolled it. Stretching his bones as if he had just woken up before heading back to his smoking room / living corters. Naturally silent when he walked he opened the door to his room and strode his way to his closet to where he kept his extra suits and weapons. After all he was a man of fine tastes. Slipping on his fine suit he worked a thin laced but finely tailored jacket over his suit. Putting a nice Fedora upon his head that matched the color of his suit. The overcoat was by his colleagues called 'The Cit Throat Concierge' overcoat. No matter what temperature it was, his suits made the weather feel like nothing to him. Cracking his gloved hands he reached back into his closet to pull out a watch and a small cigarette holder that he quickly flipped open. Taking a cigarette he popped it into his mouth and lit it. Then within one last stroke of his hand procured a butterfly knife that he effortlessly twirled in his fingers.

His smile proving to grow each second he moved. Two weeks without a body and he figured he'd have been rusty at that point but not one bit. Infact he barely changed since his head was separated from his shoulders. Taking a deep inhale of the smoke from his cigarette he exhaled slowly as he calmly shut his eyes to the taste and sensation he oh so missed. Flipping his butterfly knife to where it was closed again. He put it within the boat pocket with his disguise kit. Taking a moment to think to himself. That girl felt familiar, strangely so. It made him wonder if they had ever met before. Like a sensation of deja vu slapping him across the face. "Non. Dat's impossible." He muttered to himself as he heard Sniper enter his room. Raising his head to look himself in the mirror to take his hat off and once more view the visage of the scar around his neck. Like a walking Frankenstein's monster. Grumbling to himself as the ashes of his cigarette was flicked into an ashtray on his night stand as he leaned in and stared at himself closely. "Of course you wouldn't know her. Why would you? What kind of silly form of thinking."

He paused for just a second to shake his head. Wiping his hand swiftly the exposed pieces of his skin that weren't covered by his Ski mask. What was it about her that made him feel like he was looking at himself. Was he unaware of who he was or was ke just as crazy as the rest of his team? Torturous murderous fools clad in blue instead of read. BLU always being viewed as a the bad team by thoes self entitled RED's. It was sickening. Raking his fingers through his gloved hands into the dresser he snarled deeply at his thoughts as he quickly put his Fedora back atop his head and glared deeply at his reflection. His cigarette close to being finished until he aggressively flicked it to the floor and stomped on it with his shoe. A twitch formed in his lip.

"RED are de good ones? Well let's just see how she will take to learning that her own team is out to get her."

Chapter 6: 6

Chapter Text

One would needlessly say that death was in the eye of it's beholder. Beholding death as a concept is one thing. But not being able to experience it properly made it seem like it was nothing more than a horrible dream. Like you've slept walked into the resupply room and just dreamt that you've been killed. But no. That happens to be far from the truth. What happened truly happened. And it stained itself on her like a bad dream. Her watery eyes filling her vision with unwanted illusions that filled her head as her enlarged heart thumped with its faint glow within her skinny chest. Her bruised knuckles clenching her chest as she slowly made her way back to her room. No one was up in time by the time they saw what had happened. Only what was left of her before her body was pulled apart and reasembled again.

Using the wall as support she looked at the clock once she reached her room. Nothing had changed of course but the empty feeling it left in her stomach made her feel out of touch with reality. She just died and came back to life. Was shot in the heart and wound up alive again to where heaven couldn't touch her. She was dragged back. And when she climbed back into her room. She collapsed. Maybe she should see the medic in the morning. Something wasn't right with her heart obviously. The medic was the one to do surgery on her.

Scout's body was weak and possibly couldn't handle the fact that this huge heart took up most of her central nervous system with how gigantic it was in size. She had been laying respawn for hell knows how long. By the time she looked at the clock it was three in the morning. She couldn't. It was so hard not to cry at that point. She didn't know what happened but when you think you died only for it to feel like sleepwalking it made her shake inside. She was in respawn for about two hours trying to collect herself. Luckily unseen by her team when she was killed. As soon as she made it she could hear the others talking.

Her bedroom light far from on and only stripped down to her bra and underwear. She swore for a moment she could hear a man gasp from within her room but decided not to dwell on it. She was exhausted because of her throbbing heart. From within the dark room she could see the faint glow through her skin still. Angry and axious she was going to go to medic in the morning and confront him about this bullsh*t in her body. but she couldn't say anything about BLU Spy either. She thought of a plan exsaustedly to herself. Pretend you don't know sh*t about it and act surprised like how she used to pull it off when she was a kid and she snuck peeps into her Christmas presents. She had to hold it down. But as much as possible she would avoid Engi and Medic as much as possible.

Climbing into bed her back turned to the wall as she looked at that the blank space like a void. She could have sworn the bed above her squeaked from a weight but she couldn't see anything. She was far too tired to care about anything but sleep at that point.

Then it was morning. What only felt like five minutes of sleep the alarm clock read nine thirty two in the morning. Getting to her feet she reached for her clothes to only notice a new pair of clothes and some dog tags with a headset lay on that very side dresser. It was better than wearing the same clothes she was wearing all day yesterday. Why wear the same dirty sh*t you wore for so long. It must have been brought in when she didn't realize it or they had always been there. Putting the light reddish pink shirt on over her with the pants then shoes she fixed her hat to her head and then the headset to her left ear. It was amazing how well the clothing fit her. Almost like someone knew her size. Before remembering that she wrote down most of her information with the medic. Before hand she from the pocket of her old clothes and took some wraps she stole from the Medic and slowly began wrapping her hands tightly at the knuckle.

"sh*t.. I gotta go talk to Medic.." She muttered to herself.

"Chest still hurt? A filiar french tone chimed in that made her freeze in place. It was behind her in the bed. Turning to face the voice. And before her sitting on the top bunk of the bed was BLU Spy. Dressed nicely and differently from RED Spy. His body returned to him as he tilted his head with a seemingly friendly smile towards her as her face instantly turned red from the sudden realization. A blood curdling scream almost erupted from her lips until the Spy managed to get to her in time to cover her mouth. But not enough to stop the Pyro from entering her room curiously. Using deadringer the Spy cloaked but his calm grip still on Scout as he whispered into her ear." Stay calm. Tell him everything is fine."

She could feel his hands on her but no weapons. No touching anyplace inappropriate. Maybe things were gonna be fine. Sighing with a hitched breath she looked to Pyro who was staring at her curiously through the sliding door." Everything's fine Pyro. I just almost tripped and fell. That's all.. say is the Medic available?" When she asked the masked indavisual nodded with a few happy hums through the gas mask they wore. It was hard to tell what he was saying so she simply smiled at him and thanked them as they pulled away and the sliding door slid shut once more. Before pulling back to see the BLU Spy uncloak.

Before he was even able to say anything, Scouts hand slapped him across the face in retrospect to not only being in her room without her knowing. But also an enemy being in the base. A loud 'Oof' slipped from his lips as he rubbed his cheek for a moment. Huffing towards him But so far she couldn't read much off of him as she watched him blink in pure shock." Alright. I can see where you're angry. Merci for not slapping me any farther but please. Hold your anger." He had to look down at her. She was small compared to him who towered over her at five foot eleven inches. But to have someone hold her like that she despised and hated die to her stepfather. The finger like bruises were far fainter than before along with her black eye but the BLU Spy never mentioned it. They only spoke a few times.

"You f*ckin' bastard! You said nothin' would happen if I just gave you back! I f*ckin' died. I was f*ckin shot in the chest!" She said through a hushed gone as to not attract any more attention like before. Her fists slamming against his chest as her face blared red with rage before she stopped herself. Her chest throbbing in agony as she clenched it. Stopping instantly to catch herself before another heart attack ensued." How the f*ck am I gonna fight today? The Medic screwed me.." she muttered. Her mind was on so many things at once it made the Spy roll his eyes silently before thinking.

"I apologize for de unfortunate. I made a promise but I couldn't do much. But think." Gently but not firmly he placed his hands on her shoulders to calm her down. Sitting her down on the metal chair Soldier left in the room the other night he looked her in the eye." You were having a heart attack then. You would have died either way, Scout. Sniper gave you a quicker way out. I told him to shoot you out of mercy." He lied deeply. He knew it. But to get on her good side he had to lie. Lying was what he was good at.

"You f*ck..why are you even here?" She asked him as her arms were firmly crossed over her chest whilst relaxing in the chair to let her heartbeat regulate before she died again. Her expression far from happy but not too angry enough to actually give the Spy she helped away to her Team just yet. Hear him out. See what he had to say then maybe he will leave.

"I'm here to tell you a few things."

"Common Spy. Out with it damn you." She wanted him to get to the poing as her eyes narrowed deeply.

"First it's to thank you for returning me to mon base. Second. I'm aware you have you're first mission today. Knowing you're Medic I'm sure you will recover quickly before you have another heart attack on the spot. I took a look at you're Medic's plans. And you're meant to go head to head with my Scout. But what if I can tell you dat you can be de hero of you're team?" He said as a sly smirk formed on his lips." My Scout is taller dan you. You can easily take him out. He's an imbecile. Just say anything to insult him and you can get a clean shot on him. But if you go through the sewers..I will personally lead you to de intelligence through a way that not even you're team knows about. If you get de intelligence alone. I'm sure you'd be praised." The Spy hummed.

"Wait..I thought the plan was for..Spy to get the Intelligence. If he goes in there and it's not there then-" Scout was halted in her words by the BLU. His smile cold as he pulled out his disguise kit and pulled out a cigarette. Lighting it with a lighter and inhaled the fumes like it was the last cigarette on earth. Leaving the Female to awkwardly sift her eyes back and forth in the room as she shrunk down in the metal chair she sat in.

"I'm sure he will be fine. You're Spy know's what he's doing. I'm sure of it." Flicking the ashes into the trash he didn't bother to look in it. The damn thing still smelled of puke and it sickened him a bit as he rose his lip and gently nudged the can away from him." Don't worry about him. In this war its every man for himself no matter what." Scout had noticed that hint of resentment towards her Spy. She was getting to know BLU Spy far better than her own. But she never talked to him. Only seen him and he seemed as though he couldn't care less about her existence within the team. Just say it. What's he playing at? What's BLU up to? Was BLU Spy betraying his own team? It made sense into why he would help her. Why else would he be there? Having you're head still alive but no longer attached to you're body? Must have been rather torturous.

"Why so willin' to sabotage you're own team Spy? Helpin' a RED? I know I'm new here but that doesn't make me f*ckin' stupid." Leaning back in her chair she leaned forward to look up at him." What's you're end game?"

Spy was almost impressed. Suppose she was smarter than he looked. Besides foolishly giving him back to BLU without her own team knowing. His eyebrows from beneath the mask rose quizzically towards her as she asked the strong question as to 'what the end game was'. Truthfully his goal was to convince her that RED wasn't the team for her. Lure her to BLU without going through the annoying process of a 'Bag & Drag', a simple task no doubt. But RED Spy had to go. Perhapse the errond of RED Scout making it to intelligence first would prove to be a better option and the faster way to get RED Spy out of the way. Keep him under wraps and switch clothes. That was it.

A small smile turned onto his lips as he shut his eyes. A lightbulb flashing into his head as he took out his butterfly knife and began to play with it. Causing Scout to tense up a bit and start to slowly reach towards her baseball bat. Till the soft touch of Spy reasured her that she was safe as he put the closed flipping knife into the palm of her hand." Meet me in de sewers after the Mission starts and you killed de BLU Scout. Bring dis with you. It's rather important to me." She only stared at the butterfly knife in her hand. He was trusting her? He did trust in her once and it got him his body back.

He hummed as he cloaked himself again. Feeling a pair of hands wrap around her to help her to her feet. He was invisible. So was that what their Spy could do? Walking. God it felt like a devious chore since she woke up in that bed. It started off as a small ache from the adrenaline. Then gradually it got worse over the day. And by that point beyond her opening her door she felt the weight on spy leave her as she was left to catch herself. Seeing Demomsn down the hall who just so happened to be chatting up a storm with sniper as she tried to carry herself to the Medic's room without getting attention. Which was hard as her hands started clamming up again and the glow in her chest brightened with her pain.

"Oi? Scout. You alright?" She could see Sniper approaching her. She wasn't weak she couldn't be seen as such. Her first thought was where Spy went. Till Sniper approached with Demo at his side. Despite his drunk look the Scottish man seemed concerned. Without so much a word they nodded to eachother and wrapped their arms around her to drag her to the Medic's room themselves.

"I..I think I'm havin' a heart attack.." she muttered under her breath as the two pulled her through the door.

"Doc! Doc you in here? God dammit lad our Scout's havin' a bleedin' heart attack over ere!" Demoman yelled as he himself marched over to a desk covered in vials and important looking papers. With a swipe of his arms he knocked everything to the ground as Sniper lifted her onto the table.

As soon as Medic walked in his concern was less towards scout and more towards the fact that Demoman had ruined important medical supplies that he could have been using yet were now either broken into shattered glass, or scattered all over the floor with his various papers.

"Doc!" Sniper was less than in the mood to have the German gawk at his papers at the papers and vials, things that could easily be replaced than take a proper look at the sweating and in pain Scout lying on the desk that wasn't his medical table. Which was right behind them and they hadn't even bothered to look.

"Ja! I got it!" He yelled at them as he swatted them out. Snipwr sending him a strong glare as they both were forced out of the room to stare at eachother for a moment before hissing.

"Mate. Sometimes I question the Doc." Sniper looked to Demoman who held that same look in his eye yet sighed deeply. His large size turning over to face him.

"Lad. If things weren't goin' the way they were goin' I'm sure we wouldn't be alive without em. The Doc is brilliant but sometimes I ask myself the same question. Wh-Whatta ya say? She's in good hands. Ow bout you and me get some breakfast? We do gotta mission today after all." Taking a swig of his Scrumpy he had pulled out from nowhere and chugged. He was always drunk. Pretty sure Sniper never saw him without the bottle of the hard Liquor. It was like his body needed it to live or something.

A questioning look formed on his unkempt face before huffing. Turning to walk down the corridor before his body smacked into Spy. A flash of a second as his disguise kit fell on the floor with his dead ringer." Oi, Spy. Sorry bout that." He said as he bent over go pick up the items the other had dropped. Handing them back to him as he noticed the look on his fade. Although he were in deep thought about something and really he was the one who was supposed to be paying attention before they collided. As Sniper spoke it forced Spy out of his deep thought and to grab his items from the other support class with a nod.

"Merci, Sniper." His blue eyes were practically pinned on Scout's unpainted door at the end of the hallway. He seemed so out of it. Like he wasn't as focused as he used to be before shaking his head and sh*tting his eyes. Turning his back to the two men as he flipped open the disguise kit for a cigarette. Within the disguise kit was a faded picture. Rubbing the gunpowder and dust off of it was a picture of a nice looking young woman and a new born baby girl in her arms. Smiling deeply at the black and white camera that had snapped their photo. Shutting his eyes, smiling quisically to himself and popping one of his cigarettes into his mouth. He let it hang from in between his lips.

He was usually quiet that's what everyone on the team knew about Spy. He was secretive and usually good at hiding it. But since Scout arrived he's been avoiding everyone. No matter what it was he'd come out and usually explain what it was that was getting to him in the first place. But now he was bottling up something within his mind that he wasn't letting another person hear. He had muttered to himself. Things that no one else but one other could understand. The BLU Spy.

In french drabble he spoke of his mistakes. How much he had regretted them when he was younger and thoes mistakes still plaguing him to this day. What being young had lead to in his growing age of living as a merc. To get money to kill people. To never die or fear the worst. Well he was fearing something. He had it on the back of his mind like a plauge and it was making him stress smoke. Making his way into his Smoking room the door slid shut behind him. Sitting in his fine bed. Silence filling his head as he removed his mask only slightly to reveal the smooth lower face underneath.

Being forced to rip it back down over him as he noticed his smoking room door slide open to reveal the Engineer. His eyes narrowing towards his counterpart in distain for a moment before straightening his posture." What do you want, Laborer? Can't you knock. Or better yet, see dat I'm busy?" He asked. His tone was dismissive and condescending towards Engi. Barely making any eye contact with him as he flicked the ashes of his cigarette into a fine ashtray on his night stand.

"The hell are you doin' Spah!?" He asked with an honest to god sneer in his lip as he hissed towards the snake sitting on the bed. That snapping tone caught Spy's attention but he hadn't bothered to make eye contact with the Texan." Why the hell is there blood out front of RED base? Did you kill a BLU in their sleep last night?" He asked as Spy's eyes narrowed deeply towards the question." Don't you f*ckin' lie to me now, 'Partner'."

Spy took a deep momentary breath to get to his feet. Smothering the cigarette into the tray of ashes and approached the Laboror with a glare." Non. I was in my room sleeping much like everyone else. We all heard the gunshot, oui? I just didn't bother to get out of bed much like Scout did. You know dat BLU Sniper sleeps outside during de night. It must have been an armadillo." He dismissively waved it off as nothing as he huffed. Once more turning his back to the Texan till his hand spun him around. Forcing the skinny yet taller male to face the short one before him.

"Spah-" He started. His mouth twitching like he wanted to desperately say more to him but let the Spy who was glaring daggers at him, go with no more being said. He backed off into the doorway and spat." See you at the resupply room." Before the door slammed shut hard behind him like he slammed it himself. His blue hues shutting deeply. It got Spy thinking. He wasn't expecting anything in the past few days. Nothing that had transpired in Teufort the past twenty four hours had proven to be remotely cool on the Spy. He was stressed. It weighed on him deeply for who the Scout was. Not her gender but many other things. Spy was far from a sexist man. He respected women with as much pride as they held for themselves. If they can fight. Needless to say sure. Let them go to war. Let them fight in Berlin with their american, british, german comrades. Didn't matter what nationality they were. Women had just as much a right to fight along side men.

But her. By god anything but here in a base in the little of butt f*ck no where. They were in the middle of nowhere. Fighting a pointless fight between two brothers. Two old men. If she was caught by BLU there would be nothing he could do to help her. The last Scout they had was killed when the team tried to get him back. He was never able to respawn again before they were forced to hire a new Scout to take his place. It was sad to see such a young man die like that. Head was gone. Body was left within respawn. Undoubtedly the head was probably still in BLU Base. Roting in their Soldiers collection of body parts as a disgusting form of a trophy. That thought dwelled on sniper like a void of regrets. The thought of egar they'd do to her. They'd be desperate. All she had to do was follow the plan that Medic had written up the other day. It was all she had to do. That bastard Engineer possibly never told her the truth like he wanted him to. No probibly not. Too caught up in his work or something to even give her a moment of thought about what really happens on the battlefield. As soon as they see her their gonna be desperate to capture her out of the other classes. And he knows that it wasn't going to be for torture and information on things that she didn't know. It was gonna be for her body.

It was strange. It felt almost like something horrible was bound to happen that day. And he couldn't shake that feeling off no matter how hard he tried.

Chapter 7: 7

Chapter Text

"Still cleaning up after last time I see, Medic." Spy said as he grinned like a Cheshire cat towards the large german in blue. His small glasses pressed to the bridge of his nose as he seemingly jumped out of surprise from the sudden reappearance of his devious and also mysterious comrade. Having had his bloody bones on hand ready to strike before hissing at him in agrivation.

"Don't do zat! I could have beheaded you for a second time. Dummköpfe!" He spat as he slammed the bloody bonesaw back on the medical table in irritation before calming himself.crossing his arms over his braud chest as he co*cked his head." Vell? How is it going? Vorth vile I hope. I'm not usually one to commit to patience. But if it means simply getting her here zen I'm villing to vait for as long as I must." A sad*stic smirk reforming on his scarred lips. The scar that crossed his lips twisting with the curve of his smile as he stared at Spy who had been smoking.

"Calm yourself Doctor. You're getting excited." He pointed it out as the Medic's smile lowered to a scoff. His cheeks turning red from a slight hint of embarrassment." De plan goes well. I convinced her to trust me so far. I have faith things will fall into place. I've come to go through my plan for today's Mission for you to relay to Sniper once de time comes." Pulling out a photo from his Cut Throat Concierge jacket he handed it to Medic who had to fix his glasses close to his eyes to read it." Does are RED's plans for today's Mission. But let's just say de're RED Spy won't be making it to de Intelligence as planned. RED Scout will pick up de Intelligence instead without giving Spy a notice to her plan. I need you and Sniper to Snag Spy when he least expects it." Crushing his cigarette in his hand a look of confidence washed over him as he kicked his legs up on the Medic's medical table.

"Vat is you're plan here, Spy. Ven ve do get our hands on him vat zen? Ve're could be keep him?" He asked as he co*cked his brow unquestioningly. Rubbing his bearded chin with a slight lidded look in his eyes.

"De weekly supply train is coming in within two days. Put him in de're when the rest of de team isn't paying attention. Strip him naked. I will pose as RED Spy until den." Spy waved his hand with a raised lip towards him." Until den. Keep him in you're walk in freezer. Don' let de others see him. It's our little secret, non?" He whispered for a moment before his eyes slowly shifted over to a camera in the corner of the room. His blue hues narrowing deeply before he cloaked.

Through the monitor the middle aged woman clacked her fingers togeather with narrowed brow with the monitor set towards BLU's Medical room. Her features clouded in shadow and just as much mystery as the Spy was." So we have an intresting story coming togeather. Don't we Mrs. Pauling?" She asked. Much like Spy she had a strong chronic habit of smoking cigarettes. An ashtray next to her almost full of a mound of the Tobacco sticks as she exhaled her breath full of smoke out towards the monitors towards the BLU Spy who seemed to have been staring through the monitor back at her. A deep smile forming on her old wrinkled lips towards him.

"Should I do something, Announcer?" The young woman behind her asked. If anything she was the same size as the newly hired scout. Five foot six to seven inches. Wearing eyeglasses, a skirt, and a nice shirt. She looked like you're everyday accountant that worked at the nice hotel down the street. In her hands a clipboard clung tightly to her chest as she watched the scene unfold on the main monitor with her boss. On other camera screens she could see the new Scout getting fixed up. Putting regular heart back within her chest compared to the large one that took up most of the space within her chest cavity. Playing in her intestines was a white dove that didn't know any better as he swatted the bird away with a scoff.. audibly hearing him yell at the bird as the woman on the desk was sleeping from the medication. He wasn't even performing the surgery on a proper medical table.
It was on his desk.

On another she could see the average RED Team breakfast gathering. The difference between Teams was that BLU never had breakfast togeather. Always separated themselves from one another unless it be for a meeting or the occasional torture session that involved a RED. sad*stic badtards. They felt less human of the two teams. Her mouth expressing her disgust as she watched the BLU Sniper toss a jar of piss off his coop onto the ground below with a shrug.

"Now now, Mrs. Pauling this doesn't change anything. I wish to see where this goes. If their so desperate to get a woman on their team. Let's see how far they can go before the BLU Spy's plan begins falling apart. I've Been alive for a long time Mrs.Pauling. To get some excitement in the Merc's lives had all but made me itch to see what happens next. You are to remain here with me Mrs.Pauling. Wait and watch." She said as she tapped her fingers on the desk as she flicked a switch on the table in front of her to fix a microphone closer to her mouth. Everyone in each base looking to a intercom in their rooms that made the BLU's grin and the RED's sneer." Mission begins in thirty minutes."
Flicking the switch next to the microphone to shut off the intercom she leaned back in her chair.

"Common! We gotta get ready! Mission's bout to bloody start!" Demoman rushed to the Resupply room already dressed in his merc clothing with soldier who followed up behind him. Grabbing him by the arm to slow him down. Pulling him back as he pushed his head into the wall forcefully. A dark laugh forming from his lips as he pushed his weight into him before launching himself back down the corridor." What the bloody hell Soldier!?"

"First one to Respawn is a communist!" He hadn't even realized what he had said. That or he simply hadn't noticed that if he made it go Resupply first he'd have called himself a communist. Laughing deeply befor the feeling of a hand placed on his already low for his own good helmet caught him off guard. Causing him to pause mid run to see Scout launching herself ahead with her baseball bat in her right hand. The force she put on him sent him flying to the floor in return before shaking his head. Demoman running ahead of him as he leaned over him with a co*cky grin.

"What was that about makin' it to Resupply first then lad? Last I checked you were eaten Scout's dust!" Reaching his hand out he helped the Soldier to his feet as he smiled with a look of thanks written on his lips. Needless to say Demo and Soldier were by far the best friends in RED. Never taking anything too seriously and always having their spout of fun between eachother till Soldier pulled Demoman into a headlock. Giving him a hard boogie on his scalp.

"I may have eaten dirt, but at least the dirt was the Anerican kind you one eyed cyclops! I'll show you who's going to eat dirt!" He growled through the horseplay till two large hands pulled them apart. Heavy followed behind by the Doctor. Soldier's smile along with Demoman's faltered as the Soldier clenched his fist. Crossing his arms as Demo was swaying from a drunken stupor." Thanks Commie. For ruining the fun! I've been dissatisfied before but that felt like when you're walking in on youre parents having sex!" Raising the middle finger towards the russain, demoman looked to the medic with a co*cked brow.

"Ey, Doc. What was happening with Scout's heart, aye?" He asked as Soldier looked to him in clear confusion as to what he was talking about. Noticing the look on Medic's face remain still and unmoved. His cheeks red as though he had been slapped hard across the face as he glanced away and fixed his glasses to his eyes.

"Vell.. her body couldn't handle ze ubercharged baboon heart. So I had to give her back her regular heart. She vas suffering heart attacks venever she experienced extreme anxiety or moved her body too hard. Shes obviously fine now. So zere is no need to keep zis pointless conversation going." He hissed as Heavy remained silent. Almost angry as he moved past the three and made his way to resupply as Spy, Pyro and Sniper made their way past them in a casual stride.

"Looks like dat went well. Common. De Announcer doesn't take kindly to stragglers. Scout is new and shes already at Resupply. So if you don't mind. I'd perfer to get dis job done today. Merci." He said without stopping to look at them. Sniper joining him to resupply with everyone else.

As Scout slid into Resupply feeling better than ever since Medic put her heart back and she gave him a sharp slap for keeping the surgery a secret from her she wasn't entirely happy to not only see Engi already holding a metal toolbox in his arms as he looked up to her. They hadn't talked since yesterday. A small mile forming on his lips." Heya lil lady. How ya feelin'? Sniper and Demo told me you weren't feelin' right."

Scout only scoffed towards him as she approached a locker with her class symbol on it. A shotgun rested within it. Ammo and a small bottle of pills. Not saying much she could feel the awkward tension from Engi as she ignored him completely and worked to get her weapons in hand. The one thing that caught her off guard was a can of soda called 'Bonk' in the locker next to the pill bottle. Taking it she was about to crack it open to take a sip. A quick drink before the mission started before Engi's hand stopped her from removing the top." I wouldn't open that. I'd save it for the mission incase you need a quick getaway." He said. Yet her arm jerked her hand out of his grip.

"I got it." Was all she said as she looked back to the opening that lead out to the bridge. Reaching into her pocket to hold the butterfly knife in hand and sighed. Checking the shotgun how she remembered she put the ammo back in the pack she slung over her shoulder and inhaled deeply. Everyone else walking in to get ready as well. Then her eyes once more landed on Spy. Her eyes narrowing towards him. He noticed her stare yet said nothing to her as he opened his locker to grab a magnum revolver with some strange engraved design on it that made her squint. She didn't want to talk to him. Not even for a moment so she let it go as he took two quick reloaders and put them into his suit. They haven't spoken. Hell she hadn't even heard him speak as she noticed Engi glare at him. Till separating himself from her. Giving her space.

"Mmuhmuh! Shurt!" It was Pyro. Walking over to her she gave them a friendly smile as he took her by the hand and guided her over to their locker. Within it when they opened it, it was covered in rainbows and crayon drawings of him with BLU Team drawn as babies. Flairs and various other items for a person who enjoyed starting fires sat within its interior as he took a picture and gave it to her. Scout found Pyro adorable. Like they were a child trapped in the body of a grown adult. It was another childish drawing of her and them. Pyro giving her a lollipop." Duur hu hike hit?" It wasn't easy to understand him but she could get the best of what he was asking. 'If she liked it'. It felt like she was talking to a little brother as she placed the picture against her chest.

"I love it Pyro. Thank you. I'm gonna put it in my locker. And hang it up in my room after tha' mission. Alright?" The masked indavisual nodded excitedly as they laughed with joy from behind his mask and grabbed a flamethrower two hands overtaking it as he pressed an air pressure on it. Blowing her hair back. Another childish giggle slipping from the gas mask as he covered the front end of it. She wasn't expecting to see such heavy weapons. Sniper grabbing a sniper rifle, Soldier with a rocket launcher. Demoman with a granade launcher. Spy of course had his magnum, but when she noticed Heavy's weapon her jaw almost dropped. A minigun that almost matched him in size. Slinging rows of bullets around him like a sling as Medic was next to him with a mere bonesaw as a weapon. And a gun that produced a red beam that attached itself to Heavy as soon as she approached.

These guys were mercenaries but to use a Rocket launcher as a primary weapon. Till she noticed Demo grab a sword from the side of his locker. And Soldier slung a shotgun. She had her favorite baseball bat. Wooden and trusty. Not aluminum but it was something to defend herself with if she ran out of ammo.

The announcement in the intercom after what felt like a long while of waiting. No one was quiet but her, Spy, and Engi. Heavy making casual conversation with medic who seemed to blush a few times. It made her wonder if the two were together. Soldier and demoman along with Sniper gathered around in a circle as Pyro with his Flamethrower drew more pictures on his locker. Butterflies and more flowers. Holding her shotgun close the intercom finally spoke as she looked up to where it came from. 'MISSION BEGINS IN TEN SECONDS!' Instantly everyone in Resupply got to their feet. Scout glaring out towards that bridge. Repeating what BLU Spy told her. 'THREE. TWO.'

A buzz ring out. The sliding door that lead out to the bridge flew open as well as the one from across the way. Looking up towards the coop as they ran out noticed that the Sniper from the other night was no longer there. Running ahead with her speed she hung a left to see a taller but skinnier male run out from the other base. Explosions and loud bangs of gunfire and rage filled the air as certain areas were engulfed in flames or blasted by Soldier's Rockets. She could have sworn when she looked she watched Soldier shoot a rocket at his feet that propelled him upward as he shot violently at another BLU that she couldn't make out. Instead of having her Shotgun out she pulled out her baseball bat. Her eyes narrowed until from her not paying attention. Her head flew back with a hard smack across her Noggin from something.

Her vision was hazy as she fell back from the hard hit as blood seeped from her forehead. A flash of jer father hitting her that hard clouded her mind for a moment till everything was pulled back togeather like a puzzle. Her ears could make out a hazy voice from someone who sounded like they had a Boston accent like she did. Like it was mocking her before the mocking stopped. He was taller than her. Standing at five foot ten or nine at most as he wore what looked yo be long sleeved track suit that was Blue. On his forehead was a sweat band making his short hair spike upwards. His blue eyes wide as he loosely held an aluminum baseball bat that sat rested across his shoulder as he stared at her in aw. Almost like his heart was thinking a million miles a minute. Till she got to her feet. Quickly pulling her baseball bat to her side as she swayed for only a moment before glaring at him." Ah.." he muttered. Raising his finger as if to apologize until he found his head being thrown just as, if not harder than he did to her. The bat smacking so hard across his head he went flying back. His neck no doubt broken. She didn't even bother checking. Approaching the canal yo the sewers she held her breath. She wasn't a fan of swimming but went through with it for the sake of helping her Team even though so far trusting Medic and Engi was a mistake.

Holding her breath she could still make out the explosions and rapid fire gunshots erupting up above her on the bridge. Till bodyparts landed in the water with her clouding it in red as the head of what looked to be a BLU Demoman stared listlessly back at her as her eyes widened. Pushing it aside she tried not to puke or lose her breath. Thankful she got her old heart back and still fascinated how fast the Meduc worked she climbed into the Sewer tunnel and snuck her way in. "Spy..? Where are you? I have you're butterfly knife..?" Holding her shotgun in hand she peered down the long tunnel cautiously. Till she felt a hand on her shoulder as the BLU Spy uncloaked before her. She was sulking wet and disgusting but it didn't deture her from this mission Spy was willing to help her with as she reached into her pocket and handed him his knife back.

"Merci." He took the knife from her and put it back into his suit. Becoming her to follow him as he merely strode into an empty under area of BLU Base possibly rarely visited. The faint sounds of explosions made dust and pebbles fall freely from the ceiling as the ground would shake a bit in reaction to the violence aboveground." What did I tell you? BLU Scout is far from what you would call De 'master on de battlefield'. You're first kill." He spoke nonchalantly as Scout rubbed the back of her neck towards his comment.

"To be honest Spy, he just stopped because he realized he was hittin' a girl. Guess that goes against his moral code." She laughed a bit. She took a life but she felt nothing on it. Why would you when you know that you're just going to come back to life again? She was unmoved by the fact that she killed her first person without so much a second glance as she noticed him stop next to a vent. Her eyes narrowing to him as he with a quick kick of his shoe the vent fell open from the upper hinges onto the floor.

"Good god. Dat boy is an imbecile.." she could hear him mutter it to himself as he cleared his throat." Through dere will lead through de ventilation system of our base. Use the vent and you will get to the intelligence without being seen. Be quick. Go." He said as he stepped aside for her to go in before shutting the vent closed behind her. Cloaking himself once more.

Yet just a few yards ahead up in the intelligence room was BLU Medic and Sniper. Side by side as they hid behind a crate waiting patiently for the girl to do her part in Spy's 'Great Plan'. Sneering deeply the medic kept vigilant with a gun of needles at his side. Not even having his medi-gun ready as he could feel the explosions shake the building from where they were." Ghh..I should be vith mein Heavy right now providing support! Mein verdammter Job. But nein. Spy has us waiting to ambush RED Spy." He growled deeply through a whisper. Leaving the Sniper to glance at him through is dark Aviators. Lowering them down to get a good look at the sad*stic bastard next to him.

"Well, mate. You gotta admit Spy pretendin' to be dead to the team is making our job easier. We know exactly what their jobs are and where their goin'. It's not like we're gonna be blind to this as we usually are." The Sniper reasured. Within his hand was some rope and a pistol. His smile was calm and collected. His back pressing tightly against the wood of the crate till they both heard a vent open peeking up over the crate their eyes landed on her. To the look in Medic's eyes he looked a tad bit disappointed but Sniper was gawking at her like a madman." Holy dooly.. she's a beaut.." he whispered as his cheeks flushed red.

"She's a bit...shorter zan I vould have liked. Und..skinnier." he muttered back to him though they only had seen the back of her. Her face showing itself as she peered around the open room to the suitcase on the desk. It was full of papers. Blue in color and scratched up." But she isn't aware when she grabs ze suitcase ze announcer vill announce it." Medic smirked to himself as he watched her cluelessly pick it up. Yet nothing happened. Silence. Medic's eyes were wide with confusion as he took the drooling Sniper and pushed his head down to where he could speak more clearly." Ze f*cking announcer didn't- Sniper!" He slapped Sniper hard across the face to catch his attention.

"What the hell, mate!?" He hissed as he rubbed his cheek. Having to fix his sunglasses back where they belonged. As they peeked their head back she was climbing back up through the vent and shutting it behind her. The Announcer never missed anything. There was a camera pointed right on the Intelligence. Was there a glitch? Or was she watching and didn't care? Usually RED and BLU went really wild as soon as one or the other team got their hands on the intelligence and the Announcer announced it. Everyone targeting the person with it like homing missiles while the other team would try to defend them. But the Announcer was just letting her walk out of there with their briefcase. "What the bloody hell..? Wh-?" Before Sniper could utter another word he was instantly silenced by Medic who's gloved hand covered his mouth to silence him.

Jabbing his thumb over the crate they both peered over it once more. RED Spy appeared visibly confused in the form of what appeared to be their Soldier. As Medic smiled towards Sniper he rose his gun of syringes and Sniper his rope with the pistol. Why rush it? There wasn't much time to question why the Announcer wasn't doing her job. Spy had a plan and they might as well go through with it. Putting their weapons away they walked in casually. Moving to enclose Spy in as he cleared his throat as soon as he was mere feet away from the disguised Spy. Holding the gun full of syringes behind his back as well as Sniper.

As soon as the disguised Spy spun around to acknowledge the cleared throat the male instantly dropped the disguise. Drawing out his magnum to shoot the Medic. Till a gun shot ring out from a pistol. Knocking the gun free from Spy's hand before he was able to shoot the Medic. His eyes were pinpoints as a cold sweat formed as Sniper had his pistol pointed at Spy. But RED Spy was quick. Lunging for Medic he wrapped his arm around his throat. Not before knocking the syringe pistol free from his hand as his butterfly knife was pressed against his neck. They were only support. It didn't matter. Doing a stare down with the support of BLU Team wasn't apart of the plan. Nor was the intelligence disappearing without the Announcer saying anything about it.

"Where is you're intelligence!?" He asked in a demanding tone. Using the Medic as a meat sheild to be free from the view of Sniper's pistol." Talk! Or I'll fillet him like a f*cking salmon!" As the tighter his grip got on medic he was instinctively gripping at his arm around his neck. Feeling the knife draw blood. Yet in his predicament he was far from scared. A sharp cackle escaped from the crazed man in RED Spy's grip. Making him momentarily glance towards the Medic. Not feeling like he was as in control as hed like to be as his blood slowly ran cold.

"Or vat? I respawn. Dying.. means nothing ven respawn is active. Its merely an inconvenience at zis point, Spy. You should know zis by now." He coughed from his arm blocking his airway and the knife pressing into his throat bit he remaind smiling." Even after zu f*cked up mein face you still thing you of all people is ze one who's in control of zis situation?" They were trying to get to him and cearly it was working. Spy was backing up slowly towards the exit. They were up to something. Usually BLU's would just 'Bag & Drag' at this point. Have the whole team surround him and take him by number, but this was different. They were stalling. Making him waste time for what? Who?

"What are you two up to? What's you're game here?" He hissed as he slowly made his way back with the Medic still following in front to his movement.

"Well I'm not sure about you, 'Mate'. Just don't really feel like tellin' ya at this point." The Sniper stated confidently. Confidence lying over his smooth tone. Spy watched as Sniper's smile turned cold and sad*stic. He felt something hit the back of his head. The barrel of a massive gun poking Spy as he stopped scootching back." Aw..look at whot you done to em, Spy. You spooked yer own class!" He mocked. Not referring to RED Spy. But the BLU one that had him at gun point from behind. In one hand was the gun of a fancy magnum. In the other was his deadringer. A confident smile on his lips as Spy slowly let Medic go. Raising his hands in a pose as if to say 'I surrender'.

"Oh please. This outcome was never really in doubt." He said as he he kicked the legs out from under Spy. Knocking him to the floor with a loud 'Thud' behind it as Medic leaned over casually. Javbing a needle full of an unknown liquid into his neck as soom as he tried to get to his feet." I suggest you move faster with dis prick. De Announcer will call victory any minute. Tie him up and put him in the walk in freezer." He ordered. Causing the other two men to glare at him for a moment as Sniper quickly bound Spy's hands behind his back while Medic threw his body over his shoulder carelessly.

"Oi, Doc. What did ya put in em?"

The doctors gaze as he asked that question shifted as if they were having a casual conversation with him about it." Oh nothing of much importance! Certainly nothing zat vill kill him. It vas just some methamphetamine, cocaine, und heroin. Really calms ze nerves of a rowdy boy. Isn't zat right, Spy?" Medic asked the dazed and completely high Spy slung over his back as he sent a few Pat's against his ass. Only getting a few moans in response to his question.

As soon as they got back to the Medic's infermery he took the bound Spy and carelessly threw him into his walk in. Putting a pad lock on the door to ensure the Spy stayed were he was until they could properly get to him." Well that takes care of that part of the plan. Easy!" Spy said till his smile broke. The Announcer finally sharing the fact that RED had captured the intelligence and successfully won that Mission." Oh sh*t..Medic-"

"Ja..ja. I know..Soldier."

Like a rumble as the explosions outside finally stopped. The two support classes flinched when they heard the deep tone of a Soldier telling their Class names at the top of his lungs.


Chapter 8

Chapter Text

Take what anyone would out of it. She had it. In her arms completely victorious as she kicked the vent open again as she threw herself out. Till she froze in place. Face to face with BLU Pyro whose suit looked completely different to her Pyro. His mask wasn't much of a gasmask as it should look. It was more or less aethstetic. Of course he was in blue but his gasmask was that of a skull. Appearing far more intimidating. Tilting their head curiously towards her. Scout's eyes wide as she raised the Intelligence in front of her like a sheild as she noticed him raise his flamethrower. They all had the same weapons? Well of course but something felt off. Yet instead of a belt of flame there was that familiar puff of air that hit her hair. Though instead of childish giggles there was silence. A curious tilt of their head till the sound of a Texan gasping caught them both off guard.

"She's got the Intelligence!" An Engineer different to her own stared her down. Bringing in the true meaning of Texan in the way he dressed from top to bottom like a cowboy. Instead of a hard hat a cowboy hat kept his head from being seen. The engineering goggles replaced by sunglasses and a series of scars running across his face as he twirled a pistol in his hand. The loud metal clanks of the cowboy boots he wore walked towards her as she used the briefcase to block the bullets that were slung from his revolver." Hand it back now, girly. Wouldn't want to get hurt now would you?" He asked as he kept the pistol pointed at her. Backing her into a corner as the silent Pyro simply watched the ordeal. Her weapons were strapped to her back and she couldn't reach them." You ain't that stupid now are ya?"

"f*ck off!" Scout hissed as she tried to scotch away to only have the Pyro catch the BLU Engi's attention with the point of his finger up towards the intercom above him.

"Yer right, Pyro. What happened to the Announcer doin' her job? Ah well. We got it back along with a RED ontop of that. Ain't that handy?" The silent Pyro merely stared at her as she held the case tightly in her grip. She wasn't going to let it go. Not anytime soon. Her blue hues sharp as nails as she noticed his hand reach for the handle of the case. Her teeth instantly digging into the back of his hand which made him recoil. The bite given was tight and hard." The hell are ya pullin' ya crazy f*ckin' bitch!?" He yelled as he kicked at her. His boots smacking against her chest yet her mouth refused to let his hand go if he didn't let go. From the hard kicks to her chest she extended her leg upward to knee him in the groin. A loud groan ensued as his body tensed from the kick. Instantly making the equal sized texan fall back and let go of the intelligence.

The Pyro didn't move. Why? He was a BLU And quite frankly she should be on fire right about now. Her eyes glaring down at the BLU Engi with a growl as she gave him one more hard kick from between his legs for good measure. She wasn't going to take the chances with the Pyro just standing there. But she had to admit hurting a self entitled man like that was satisfying to hear him groan in agony like that as she made her way up through the swerers where she jumped. She knew she saw a ladder that was mostly on the other side of the bridge on BLU's Side. Till she remembered what her Engi said. She wasn't sure what the soda did but hopefully it would make for an easy getaway. Swimming to that said ladder was easy. Use the Intelligence as a boogie board. Glancing up towards red she could see RED Sniper stare back at her through his Scope. His expression shocked as she climbed the ladder. Trapped behind a few crates her small head peeked from the side of the wooden box to see the chaos.

BLU's were on RED's like mad dogs. RED Heavy shooting his way through a BLU Demoman with a BLU Soldier going head to head with RED Soldier. Both looking entirely different from the ones on her team. Sniper eyeing her through the scope of his rifle the long bullet found its mark in the large BLU Heavy that was too close for comfort in the middle of the battle as he waved his hand for her to run for it.

"Common..You gotta be kiddin' me. Run through that!?" She asked herself. every time a Soldier or anyone on BLU Team got close to the boxes Sniper took his shot to provide her support. But little did Scout know was that Sniper's ammo was extreamly limited. Engineer was going head to head with the BLU Scout. Swinging his wrench at him almost missing every swing as his turret was malfunctioning. He was fast. Taking a deep collected breath she reached into her backpack she wore. And took out the can of 'Bonk'. Its label wasn't all that encouraging. Matter of fact it had a radioactive label on it. It was just a soda right? Nothing too bad. Cracking the can open, downed it like it was medicine. The stuff was delicious. Siddently feeling her heart beat five times as fast as it usually did. At first she didn't quite understand what happened till everything grew quiet. Peeking over she could see that everything was moving slower. Like time had slowed down as soon as she drank the stuff. A smile forming on her lips as she took her baseball bat in hand. In the other was the intelligence. Jogging up to the nearest person which was the Soldier. Dressed like a militaristic general more than a Soldier. Swung her bat into his head hard. Slowly his head cracked back from the blow. Then the Demoman. Cracking him good from between the legs and knocking his own bomb back towards him before it detonated. Moving over to Engi with the flat end of the Briefcase hit the BLU Scout with it. Knocking him to the ground as soon as the effects of the Bonk finally wore off knocking him to the ground. Her heart finally slowing down as she felt like she ran five miles in five seconds. Looking back as the time caught back up with her instantly.

The Soldier she hit that was having a hard tussle with her Soldier stumbled back stunned by the hit her baseball bat forced on him. Leaving Soldier to drive a pickax into his chest impaling him. The Demo? Let's just say he wasn't as lucky to stay togeather. Engi next to her was stunned for just a second to see the Intelligence in her arms. Shooting the scout in the head as he took her by the shoulder." Run! Go!" He yelled. Pushing her back towards RED Base as she could see Sniper marching down from his coop. Speeding down the steps back into the base without much question ran back.

There was so much happening at once and she could barely think straight till she was yanked back before even touching the RED Base. Her head turning back to notice the Scout back from his death that quick. His eyes just as dilated as her's was after downing a can of bonk. Engi dead by his sentry. The harsh yank almost making her trip up in her footing as she pulled against him. A forceful game of tug o' war ensuing between them as she yanked when he did." Give it back! It ain't yours! You may be a girl but I ain't lettin' a pretty lady like you take our sh*t!" He yelled at her as her feet started to drag. He was stronger than her. She was smaller which made her faster but it didn't make up for the fact he had more muscle mass than her. Her feet digging into the dirt as he soon found it easier in dragging her.

"You want it!? Fine!" Letting go of the handle to the case the sudden loss in weight made the straining Scout who was dragging her back towards BLU Base fell forward. Face planting instantly into the hard wood of the bridge. Heavy, medic, Soldier and Demo appeared to have been caught off guard by the other team once they realized what was happening. Blown to pieces by the BLU Soldier and Demoman as their Heavy marched out. The Engineer following behind. Them with their Pyro as the bullets began to fly. Ducking under the hale of gunfire and rockets that were flying over her head she drove for the Intelligence. Taking it from the stunned Scout where she stomped on his head once more for good measure. She was so close. Till she felt something heavy stick to her side. Seeing Soldier and Sniper reach out to her she threw the intelligence to them before pain engulfed her body. The last thing she saw before she saw white was Sniper catching their Intelligence.

That familiar scary but welcoming feeling engulfing her before reality came back go her. Awakening in Respawn within Resupply as everyone gathered around her with the Intelligence in Sniper's hands. She felt like she was dreaming again. But no it was real. Huffing deeply she patted herself down. Testing her body a few times as breaths engulfed her as Medic approached her." Calm yourself. First time dying is never fun." He muttered as he looked to Sniper." Put ze Intelligence with ours."

"Girl I don't know what happened or how you got you're hands on the Intelligence without the Announcer announcing it. But what you did was downright stupid!" Engi said with disappointment lasing his tone as he crossed his arms. She couldn't believe a God damn thing she was hearing. Her eyes wide with shock and disbelief as Soldier nodded in agreement though it was obvious that he didn't understand anything about what was happening. She should be the hero..that's what BLU Spy said. Get the Intelligence fast and they'd praise her but no. She was getting the exact opposite. Medic and Heavy stared down at her with simular looks.

"Zu could have been captured. Or verse. Put somevon else in danger."

"Doktor and Engineer are just looking out for you, Scout. Do not see it as bad thing. We still thank you for you're retrieval." Heavy reasured to her. Yet Scout didn't want to hear it. She risked her life. Hell even lost her life getting that case and they shared no appreciation for her hard work and help from BLU Spy she couldn't quite disclose with them. But she barely realized the disappearance of RED Spy throughout the ordeal. She hadn't seen him in resupply yet her mind was glued by anger as she pushed past them.

"Ya know what!? No! f*ck you! I didn't sneak into BLU Base to just get belittled like I'm a f*ckin' baby! I'm twenty f*cking four! So the f*ck what if I'm short and skinny!? If I can beat the f*ck out my Stefather twice my size I can f*ckin' knock all of ya bastards down to his f*ckin' level!" With a quick flex of her middle finger towards the group. "Especially you, Engi. f*ck you the most." Without another word so much as she had already spoken. She stomped off. Not so much as a peep back behind her.

"Oi. The Sheila okay?" A deep silence burdened thoes who scolded her. Were they really treating her like a child? It was more than likely it seemed that way
Medic rubbing his chin with his gloved hand.

"She is right in a vay. Ve do treat her like a child. I do believe it is ze properties of keeping men avay from ze opposite sex provides an unaware psychological shift."

"That..didn't really answer my question, Mate." The Australian fixed his hat his his head, staring at the Medic for a moment as Soldier piped in.

"Enough of you're hippie magic speak, Medic! That woman is not a baby! She's an american! I've treated her like a Commie!" Soldier whimpered slightly under his helmet." What kind of Soldier treats their own god damn men like Commies!? Me!" About to have a full on mental breakdown, Demoman's hand took him firmly and pulled Soldier in to face him.

"Yaknow laddie it wasn't yer fault. Ya f*ckin block head!" Demo hissed as he slapped soldiers helmet harshly." Shes mad at them! You, me, Pyro, and Sniper are the only ones that didn't treat her like a bleedin baby! I'd have added Spy in but who the bloody hell knows where the sneaky bastard is anyway! If anythin' lads, you should make it up to er. She did make it in and out without much trouble on er hands. Sniper provided support. We did our job the Las just took a different rout about it, eh?" Demoman was half drunk by the time he managed to get a read on his own words. It was by then he just cracked his locker open and took out one of twenty five bottles of Scrumpy he had managed to stuff in it with his ammo and other items as he glanced towards the Sword as it whispered to him. Something everyone managed to somehow acknowledge but ignore as he took a hard chug of the alcohol and a deep shrug of his shoulders.

"Scheisse." Medic grumbled deeply as Heavy's hand met the Doc's shoulder in a conferring manner. No one ever really saying much about Medic and Heavy's romantic relationship. They knew it was there but the only one who really expressed his disgust in it was Soldier. Picking up his trench shovel he walked out with Demo to another part of the base. Anywhere but there to whiteness it.

"I dunno about you, Blokes. But I think everyone should just leave er alone for a while? I mean you don't really wanna mess with a Sheila when shes angry, trust you me." Sniper said as he crossed his arms over his chest. Jabbing a thumb. Towards the corridor that lead to their rooms." She managed to slam the sliding doors. How the hell is someone able to slam a sliding door? They don't even have doornobs!"

"I should go check up on ze BLU Spy." Medic said as he strung up his Medi-Gun to the side of his locker and took Heavy's hand." Come, Heavy. I need some time to think." His eyes watching the two leave. Leaving only Pyro, Engi and Sniper in respawn to merely glance at eachother. In synchronized unison shrugging with eachother as Pyro approached the Texan male. To where he gave him a pat on his masked head.

"Yeah. I got ya there buddy. I got ya."

"So since no one really answered my question about what the hell happened with her. I'm gonna hazzard a hard guess and say that you all scolded her didn't ya?" He asked as he exhaled taking his hat off to place it against his chest." Yaknow. I know an abused soul when I see one. That girl has been through some sh*t. Saw it in er eyes when I tried giving her breakfast yesterday. Shes a person. Not a doll. If ya don't excuse me. I'm gonna try to talk to er. See ya blokes later."

Low mumbles shuttered from Pyro's mask as their mask turned to look between the two like a lost child.
"Mm..? Hud hi hrah hur Mohr hikturs..?" Pyro asked as he held a box of crayons in their hand and a piece of paper. Leaving Engi to once more pat his head once more.

"That sounds like a good idea, Pyro. I'm sure Scout will love them."

Down the hall Medic entered his Medical office with Heavy following in behind him. His deep russain tone rocking through the room as he looked around at the room he visited on occasion." She reminds me of Zhanna back home. Attitude shows her feistiness." Yet his words only were backed up by a grunt from the German as he waved his hand towards his lover.

"She is quite ze bitch. Zat is for sure. But she is right." He muttered under his breath as he made his way over to the refrigerator and opened it. A look of confusion cascading its way through like a landslide through his expression." Zat's strange.."

"What is it, Doktor?"

"I could have sworn I put Ze Spy in ze fridge. Vere are you?" He asked mostly himself as he started opening cupboards and looking through drawers before panic started to settle in.

"So. Ya alright, Sheila? Wanna talk about it?"

"Not f*ckin...not now Snipes. I'm just not in the mood to talk." She collected herself when she realized who it was. Sniper. Far from who she was truly expecting to be Engi entering her room only to be greeted by the Australian accent of Sniper.

"Common, Scout. Don't be like this." He asked as he took a few steps towards her." How's about this? You and me have a time in my Van, eh? Get away from the clump and clutter of the Base. Get out on the open road for the night for a breather?" His words were incredibly tempting. She wasn't even mad at him. But saying getting out onto the open rode made her peek I'm his direction.

"So you're telling me that no one here is stuck here? We can just leave!?" She asked somewhat pissed off once more at this point learning such a thing as she growled.

"Well mate. We're in the middle of the desert more than a hundred miles from Teufort. That's why we couldn't really leave the Base. And not to mention my RV. Not really kind when it comes to gas." He mentioned as he folled his fingers. Pushing his Aviators into the collar of his shirt." Ya give me some time to get dressed and shower I'll be right out. You can wait out in the RV if ya want. Here." Tossing her a pair of old keys in her direction as she stuffed them into the pocket of her pants." I could lend you some of my clothes. Maybe I can lend ya some new clothes. The base has a Washin' machine but seems like you need more clothes. Especially loungewear."

"How'd ya guess? Wear only to pairs of clothes for two day's straight." Rolling her eyes as she shook her head with a deep smile on her lips. He was tall. Took over her size ten fold. Possibly six foot two." Just tell me how to get to you're RV. I'll wait in there for ya, Snipes."

A deep red blare throwing him off as he blushed deeply covered his cheeks. "Just go around front of the Base towards the back and you should see it. Ain't hard to find-" Patting his cheeks he watched her as she walked off down the hallway with a thankful nod. He needed a shave. He needed it bad considering he might have just scored a date with her as he happily jogged off down the hall before stopping mid stride to notice Spy enter his room finally. He was usually sneaky so he couldn't truthfully pinpoint the right reason as to why he was taking so long. Shaking it off he continued his way to the shower rooms with a desperate eagerness to get a proper shower in and a well shaven face to greed Scout to.

Take it for as long as it was Scout waited patiently waited for Sniper on the roof of his RV instead of in it. It was hot out. The temperature reaching the high eighties even when it was coming around seven at night at that point. Her legs kicking against the top of the RV as she stared at the sky. Till the sound of Spy decloaking caught her attention. Sitting up instantly she was expecting to see BLU Spy. But was face to face with the RED Spy instead. Her eyes wide at the sudden appearance of the RED Spy since they've been ignoring eachother since she arrived.

"Hey. You must be..Spy- nice to" She was hesitant and felt heavily akward having the older male stare down at her like she was nothing. Hlyet tried to keep herself professional. Getting to be feet on the roof of the RV She extended her hand towards the male before her hand was violently smacked away. Grabbing her by the arm he effortlessly twisted her into a position to where he was on top of her. Feeling the cold cool blade of a Butterfly knife press against her throat as she held her breath and shut her eyes expecting to have her throat slit. Yet didn't." Wh..what the hel-"

A hand covered her mouth instantly as she tried to speak her mind."I'll make dis clear to you. You are worthless. A waste of time and a distraction to RED. do you understand dat? Every second you spend here wasted more pressious moments. You left me there. My job was to take de Intelligence and you just took it without so much of a reminder. No words given before hand. We had a plan. And you threw it away. If you know whats good for you. You will run. If you don't? I'll give you a good reason go do what you're best at." He hissed every word into her ear like venom. He meant it. He was angry with her yes she got that point down to the last word.

But threatening her? That made her blood boil. Her heart beat rise from adrenaline as she tried to struggle against him till his hand dug deep into her scalp. Driving her head back forcefully to throw her forehead into the roof of the RV, Hard. Before she could even get to her feet to confront him. He was gone. Like nothing had happened as she rubbed her head with the palm of her hand. No doubt that was possibly gonna bruise. f*cker was going to threaten her? At that point almost half of the team was either wishing death upon her, doing illegal surgery on her without permission, or performing the act of kidnapping. So far all she trusted were thoes who didn't do much to her. She couldn't quite blame Soldier for their first meeting. The man wasn't mentally sound. But everyone else shes had on her radar was no doubt going to be ignored and avoided from that point forward. It was hard to ignore it as she billowed with rage with a yell of frustration.

"You alright, Mate? Yer lookin' downright more possed since I last saw ya." He looked cleaner she had to admit as she stared down at him from where she was. Climbing down the ladder she tossed the keys to him and sneered.

"Yer f*ckin Spy came by to let me know how much of a f*ckin' 'liability' I am to the team with beein' a woman." She spat. Not entirety lady like for a woman to hawk up a loogie. But if it was Spy. Sniper wouldn't have been surprised. It was an unexpected move she pulled that quite literally caught everyone off guard.

"Spy's are snakes. Wouldn't be surprised that he threatened you like that and I'm sorry to say that he deserves a few good punches to his face. Common." He waved her to get into the RV/Van on the passenger's side as Scout's head throbbed." I do gotta ask you something that's been getting to me, Sheila. How did you get the intelligence without getting caught?"

"Excuse me?" Her head turning to look to him from within the front cab of the old looking Van he had. Not that she minded she found the familiar gaze of a vehicle's interior quite calming as she rolled the window down.

"Well ya see that when someone grabs the briefcase from either base the Announcer usually announces it. You got by apparently without her even noticing it. How'd you do it?" He was genuinely curious more than suspicious of the odd mission they had that day.

A flash of BLU Spy popped into her head. Like an angel over her shoulder.' Mon chéri don't give it away. They'd ask you why. And from who. Hide it!' It wasn't really him in her head but it was stuck in her mind as nervous sweat started to crop up on her forehead." I just went in through the sewers and up through their base through there. Nothin' special, Snipes."

"To be honest that sounds like somethin' a Spy would do. Not that I'm arguin'. You got us the win and I gotta say you had some balls doin' what you did." He didn't mention the dying part on purpose for a spacific reason. But he was praising her. Something she was expecting from the others but never got it." Thanks, Scout. That was a win that in my opinion, deserved more praise from what was given."

"Thanks, Snipes. I appreciate it. But it was nothin' not much really. Gotta admit hitting BLU Scout was kinda therapeutic in a morbid violent way. But if it wasn't for you. The BLU Heavy would have found me." Playfully punching him in the arm as the engine started up with a heavy 'vroom'. The electric fense leading out of the Bases opened slowly to the vehicle's approach and through the turn in. Went through the secret entrance and drove their way out onto a lonesome road into the desert. It was dark. No street lamps whatsoever. The sky far more clear than she had expected to see from where they were at. She had never seen a sky so full of stars in her life as she leaned her head out the window to get that better view she wanted desperately.

Leaning back in she looked back at the driver. Her eyes wide for a moment to see BLU Spy in his place before blinking again." Somethin' the matter, mate? Looks like ya seen a Spook."

"It's nothin'..just stressed. That's all."

Chapter 9: 9

Chapter Text

"You f*cking maggots were meant to provide support! Where were you?" He growled as the Soldier took Medic by the collar yanking him down to his size before pushing him back into Sniper who was standing behind him. Forcing the other Male to catch him before they both fell back. Surrounded by their teammates clearly angry the medic cleared his throat." Speak maggots. Or will I be the one performing surgery tonight?" He approached that two. He appeared equal in size to RED's Soldier. But far more tolerant of plans and declared himself the leader in BLU. Wearing a high ranking officer's hat that managed to keep his eyes hidden with a nice militarized jacket that looked far from perfect. In fact appearing quite destroyed and
torn from battles. Leering over them with humor in his smile as he smacked his pickax against his palm.

"Saw a girl with the intelligence. I tried to grab it but the damn bitch bit me!" He hissed as a bandage clearly covered in blood covered the wound on the Engi's hand as he hissed. Everyone who wasn't Medic or Sniper looked at eachother. The Scout remaining silent." I wasn't aware the RED's we're hiring women. Don't that beat all?"

"That's what that was steppin' on Scout's head before I blew her up? Aye, why didn't any of ya say somethin'!?" Demo's hand roughly taking the Scout by his shoulders to roughly shake him. Causing the younger male distress as he tried to pull away from the other. Yet couldn't because of the strong grip the Demo had. Not to mention he wasn't exactly the strongest.

"I didn't because of my moral code, Cyclops!" He had his hands on his pinkies. Driving the male back for him to let him go before crossing his arms with a twitched lip as his brows furrowed deeply over his sweatband." My ma told me to never hit girls. I didn't wanna hit her. Shoulda seen how skinny and short she wa-"

"Theres a woman out there fighting for her country you dicksucking moron!" Soldier yelled. Getting uncomfortably close to the Scout forcing the weak Male to back off into the corner where Soldier held him there by the shaft of his pickax. Leaning into it which made the Scout squirm in pain to his actions." Because of you're 'moral code', and you two waste of life f*cking off doing God's knows what.We lost our f*cking Insurance!"

"Intelligence-" the Medic corrected from his corner.

"Thank you.." he growled deeply. Condescendingly keeping Scout where he was. Glancing at the ticking clock up on the wall he snarled. It was five past six." Incase you slimy bastards didn't notice that we also lack a f*cking Spy because of them! So if you two are done sucking eachother off like a bunch of fa*ggots! Do you're f*cking jobs! Or I'll be the one mounting you're heads on the wall in my room! Woman or not I don't care if its Tom f*cking Jones walking into our Base! Do I make myself clear?" He asked the group of three who failed to either do their jobs or kill the enemy. Lifting his hat up his eyes narrowed with his brows furrowed in disgust towards what he considered a waste of a team. Since Spy was captured by RED their plans went down hill and failed missions were becoming more and more frequent which at this point was pissing the Soldier off as he took his pickax back into his hands.

He lost his name with his team. Made him feel empty and soulless as he marched down the corridor to his room. Like all the other logo's on their doors. They were dirty and scratched. His and Medic's having some ounce of blood on them as he glanced at his pickax. He never let go of it. If he knew what RED Soldier did he'd be no different to eachother as he sighed. His room was full of military propaganda and war fliers. An american flag splattered in red from torture sessions with a RED if he was far too lazy to do it in Medic's room. Lazy or terrorfied for how sad*stic the doctor could be. Sometimes rarely in the mood to even stab them or pluck their fingernails free. Sitting on his bed he tightly wronged at the handle of his pickax. Twisting and gripping at it tightly as his lip quivered. Hearing the door to Medic's room open he co*cked a brow. He was used to hearing people enter and leave their rooms frequently but he couldn't hear anyone go down the hall yet.

Leaning his head out he heard the sound of a spy cloaking. His eyes were buggy and while as he kept a tight grip on his pickax and raced down the hall to where he thought the intruder would be. Looking back and forth. Listening for any distinguished footsteps that would fall upon the metallic floor yet nothing." Nothing can describe how much I hate France right now..Come out..I have baggett for you..Spy!" Twisting his weight he sent his pickax into the wall causing a dent to form from the pickax's sharp end glancing back to Medic's door his buggy eyes glanced down the corridor to see if anyone was coming and stepped in. Glancing around the bloody and disgusting room that smelled horribly of bodily fluid and what he could make out to be..was that heroin?

"Oh Doctor. Getting high on the job? For shame.." he muttered as he continued to look around till a light thud came from within the refrigeration unit in the Medic's room. His eyes narrowed deeply as he approached the door. With a yank he tried to open it only to see it had a padlock on it. Keeping him from getting inside. Baring his teeth he raised the pickax to break it off till a hand stopped the weapon from going down on it. Quickly turning to punch the person who had surprised him his eyes came face to face with Medic. Whose gloved hand had his pickax in his hand still when his face was punched causing the scarred male to groan as a trickle of blood fell from his nose.

"Wh..what ze f*ck are you doing in here!? Punching me und looking around like I have a secret to hide! Amerikanischer Hund.." he grumbled as the Soldier stared at him before yanking his favored weapon out of his grip with a yank.

"What's with the drugs, Doc? Was that why you were f*cking off? Getting high and thought you should have Sniper join you?" He asked as he jabbed his finger into his chest." Disgusting Nazi bastard! I should have known better than to trust a slimy german like you with healing my team!" His words were venom coming from a spider as he spoke his words to him put of pure distain and disgust.

"Vat!? Zoes aren't for taking you absolute.. Dummköpfe! Zoes are for experiments! Not for me or anyone else on zis team! I was out because Sniper needed healing und he was helping me deal with RED Spy. Found him trying to take our intelligence. Vell. Zat vas after ze RED Scout got her hands on it. He vasn't easy to kill but zat vas vhy ve vere gone." Medic was lying through his teeth but he was a master at it. Not as masterful as Spy but he used his silver forked tongue to his advantage whether it be team or Foe it was put to good use as he kept his eyes on Soldier. Just out of the corner of his eye behind him was the door to the refrigerator unit where RED Spy was. Possibly still high but rolling around in the cold.

"Experiments, huh..?" He asked mostly himself as he picked up the bag of the heroine that sat idly on the medical table and put it back down." What's in the unit, private?" He asked as he jabbed his hand back towards the very unit Medic was hoping he'd forget about. But didn't." Why's it padlocked?"

"Oh, zat? Precautionary measures and such. Dangerous chemicals und disease ridden animal corpses I put in zere. I padlock it so Pyro or you don't get too curious und wind up infected vith something dangerous. Zat vouldn't be good now vould it?" Casually waving his hand as he spoke as if it were not a big deal. Taking a tissue he stuffed it in his nostril to stop the bleeding. Nonchalantly resting his arm on the metal desk next to him as he smiled innocently towards Soldier.

"Mm...I suppose you're right about that one, Medic. I came in here thinking I heard a Spy but I guess I was wrong. Put you're heroin and..gross Mexican white powder away. I see that sh*t again I'll throw it out. You understand?" He asked as Medic gave a nice simple nod in acknowledgement towards him as he left.

Leaving Medic to slump down over his medical table in relief as he took the key from the top of the unit and put in the padlock to open it. The Spy was almost completely naked. All that was covering him was boxer briefs to where he was still tied up and gagged this time. Laying on his side to where his dazed gaze glanced up at medic. He never seen Spy's face before. Kneeling over to gently move his head from side to side to get a good view on him. It wasn't as intresting because it wasn't Pyro's face. But still intresting enough to catch Medic's attention. Till he looked at his eyes. A shocking realization sat on his head as he quickly walked back into his Medical room and grabbed a needle. And came back with a band.

"Its amazing vat stories blood can tell right, Spy?" He asked as a small unpronounceable groan came from his throat through the tape that covered his mouth. He looked to be in his early forties. Fairly tan with fairly long dark brown hair that was possibly combed back at some point. His eyes a familiar deep blue as the needle punctured his skin and drained out some blood." I just vonder vhat ze story is between you und that new Scout across ze street, ja? It doesn't take a genius to see zat you und her look quite simular. I think its ze eyes.vell I'm just going to have to find out through a little blood test." Waving the vial of blood in front of him he looked past it. His eyes were strange looking considering he had three different drugs in him at once that made him feel out of touch with reality." I suppose I should give you a blanket, ja? But I'm afraid I need zem more zan you do. Don't take zis so personally. You don't know how long I've wanted to experiment on voman. See vat magic my medical skills could produce vith her body. But if my suspicion is correct. I'd say don't vorry." His head turning back towards the open refrigeration unit and smiled his favored sad*stic smile." You're daughter vill be in good hands."

"Vere is it!? Vere is ze BLU Spy head!?" Medic was in a full fledged panic as he had practically tore his own room apart looking for it. With the BLU Spy head gone it left a hazardous pit in his stomach that left him nervous. No backstabbings that day left Medic to wonder if BLU Spy was dead. That someone killed him and he respawned without his head. It was a possibility but it made him nervous. Since they captured the Spy he didn't have to look over their shoulders during their missions anymore. They rooted out that problem fir two weeks straight. Until he remembered Scout asking him frequent questions regarding the Spy head as he growled. "Heavy! Emergency meeting! I need everyvon here und accounted for!" The large male nodding in agreement towards his beloved doctor's request and marched down the hall. Sliding doors opening and closing multiple times to where the team was making their way to the Medic's office. Confused and on edge except for Soldier and Spy who was too confused or just simply didn't care. Medic counted everyone present. Spy giving him a narrowed glance that he couldn't help but glare back at. A cigarette hanging from his lips as they always did as he puffed his smoke in his direction to simply spite him. Till he realized that Sniper and Scout were gone." Vere is Scout und Sniper?"

Spy taking one more inhale of his cigarette before he spoke." I do believe I saw dem go off in dat broken down RV Sniper has. Overheared something about a simple drive. Nothing more nothing less." Waving his hand towards the medic dismissively he sneered in return.

"Ze BLU Spy head has gone missing. I'm afraid zat any von of you could be him if he's still alive!" He snapped back at Spy clearly nervous. Under covering his mouth for his burning stick that needed ash flicked he smirked towards the doctor as he flicked his cigarette on the floor and stomped on it. Watching as it happened Medic's eyes narrowed with furrowed brows as he pointed at him. Engineer next to him stepped away towards Pyro who didn't keep his eyes off of him.
" me you're disguise kit vill you? Turn into BLU Medic.." he asked. Leaving the Spy to sigh as he nodded.

"Fine. I needed another cigarette anyway. Here." With a few seconds of waiting the RED Spy turned into the scarred BLU Medic. His eyes narrowed copying the exact look right down to the never ending sneer he had permanently scarred on his face. Everyone sighing in deep relief as he dropped his disguise to return to his original state within his suit. Putting the newly desired cigarette in his mouth." Spy check isn't needed I'm sure. If de BLU Spy is alive where would he go? He's as you said. A head. Dat or Fatso ate him after running out of his sandwich meat."

"Don't mock Heavy's diet." Heavy snapped quickly towards him as he turned over to the Doctor. His sweet Doctor and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder." Don't worry Doktor. BLU Spy is as Spy said. Not a threat. I'll protect you if it is problem, da."

"Aye. We s-should be fine lad. But that leaves me wonderin'. What if it's the Sniper or the las?" He hiccups through his bottle of Booze as he waved it around drunkenly. Not meaning to put Medic in a panic before Engi's head shook.

"Nah..couldn't be them. If it was I'm sure one or the other would still be here if there was a Spy among us. You're just paranoid, Doc. It was a hard day. Try not to worry about it too much and try to get some sleep. Resupply train comes by in the mornin'." Patting Medic's shoulder he turned to walk away back to his room with Spy to follow." A spy walking around here? A headless one? Now that's funny stuff."

"You never know, Laborer." Spy said as he turned into his room. The Texan pausing for a moment to process what he had said. Waving his hand off towards the Frenchman and entered his room. The director like many others slamming behind him as he approached his work bench to his latest project. He was still trying to perfect Scout's shotgun though she didn't even use it. He wanted to use his Texan charm on it to make it easier for her to weild. Nothing too hard for a man of his engineering experience as he sighed. Glancing at the clock he stretched his arms at his work bench. It was ten at night. He wasn't much of a late nighter but he needed it for the supply train in the morning. Food and ammo coming in from the buttload and they needed someone to take inventory. Him alongside medic were needed to properly count the stuff as he changed into his night wear and slid into bed.

"What ya thinking, Mate?" Sniper asked Scout. Noticing her lean back in her seat with a look of contentment that erased that almost permanent look of paranoia in her eyes as she smiled." Good night for a drive, right?" He asked.

A small nod coming from the woman as she sat up from her chill and relaxed position as she noticed a gas station. She got excited for a moment before remembering she had nothing on her. Not even a wallet." I was hopin' to get a slushie as soon as I saw that place comin' up." She did send her payment to a bank in Teufort and had Mrs.Pauling put her mother's name in the savings account as soon as she got paid.

As age said that Sniper casually pulled a wallet from his back pocket. He changed into civilian clothes before the ride. That's right..three hours on the road and they finally had a place to stop and he was willing to get her a slushie. Her eyed lighting up like a kid on Christmas morning as she looked at him." Common. What do ya take me for?"

"Dunno. Could take you for anythin' at this point Sniper. But with you gettin' me this slushie. Don't really think I could ever really be mad at ya." She laughed as Sniper started to turn in. His smile instantly dropping as she kept her eyes on him." Snipes? What's wrong? Use your words!" She yelled as she watched him stuff his wallet back into his pocket and growl. He was stomping on the breaks. But nothing was happening." Oh sh*t!"

"The break fluid has been severed! Someone cut off my f*ckin' breaks!" Putting the RV onto the emergency break they both jerked forward to where Scout's head almost crashed into the dashboard but the seatbelts shewar preventing it from being too bad as she shook her head and peered at the speedometer on the RV reading fifty. It wasn't too fast as she noticed the desolate arm land and hay bales lining up after miles of nothing where they were.

"Sniper! Aim for the hay! Keep pressing on the breaks!" She reached over and removed the keys from the ignition as their speed slowly started to slow. But not slow enough to keep the RV from going straight through the hay bales. A white air bag had hit Scout in the face so hard the white powder blinded her and caused her nose to start bleeding as she came to. Sniper next to her unconscious from taking that blow to the face as she struggled to get out. Realizing her Collarbone was broken. Trying to move in any way resulted in savere pain that Scout couldn't fix. Reaching over with the God side if her body that didn't hurt to move. Rubbed Sniper's side to try and wake him up." Sn..Sniper..wake up..please." she muttered to him in clear pain and distress as she groaned in pain. There was so much wrong. A normal ride at night turned to a death trap in matter of three hours. Leaving Scout struggling to wake Sniper who was out cold and try not to move much to make her predicament worse.

"Mnn.." He moved. It caught Scouts attention as she reached for an old bottle of water and gently sprinkled some over his head to wake him up faster." Crikey..did we crash..?" He muttered as he rubbed his head. His hat gone flying behind them when they hit the hay as he looked over to gasp." You alright?" He asked as he tried to do something only to result in nothing productive because of his dizziness." Anything hurt..?"

"Shh..I think my collarbone is broken..I cant move my right arm."

"Ah..piss. gimme a minute..I just need a minute to gather myself. My heads a bit hazy." Rubbing the back of his head he groaned as he worked his seatbelt off to get out of the car after a minute of trying to focus. Sliding out he walked around the hay bales. The RV crashing right through the hay bales like a wall. Hay everywhere with the back of it sticking out like it was headed through a tunnel. Didn't look too bad for damage. "Commere.. I got ya." He said as he poked a hole in the side of the air bag to drain the air out with a knife he pulled from his shirt. Flip knife simple as it was got the job done. Gently reaching over he unbuckled her seat belt. Each moment she moved she was whincing as she moved with him. His gentle touch as he pulled her out to rest in his arms for a minute as he began to lead her to the back of the RV. Opening the slightly exposed door to the interior. Having to dig it out from more of the hay to even open it." We're probably gonna be here until morning."

The gastation was a mile back in the other direction meaning that no one probably even saw the crash. The road was empty and barren. So Sniper was probably right. It would be until morning until they even got help. Clenching her shoulder Sniper sat her down on a bed on the side of the interior and got a piece of fabric and lifted her arm to hold her arm in place for it to not move all that much." What the hell happened to the breaks?" She asked as he tied a knot around her back.

"Severed. Like it was cut with a knife. Could a been anyone." He muttered as he shook his head. Taking a piece of paper towel to dab the blood that was spilling from her nostrils." Bloody..." he kneeled over as he rubbed his head. Pain consuming him in his head. No doubt a concussion. It made Scout take Sniper by the arm and pull him up." I'm alright, Mate. Head just hurtin'.."

"You have a concussion you idiot. Don't act like it's not a big deal. I know concussions are nothing to laugh at like it's nothing. You have it worse. You gotta stay awake." She said as she tried to get up only to have Sniper stop her from moving." Snipes."

"Please mate were not at the base. Just call me Mundy." He said as he simply just took a seat next to her.

"Fine. Mundy. Do me a favor and just..Don't go to sleep, yeah? For me?" She asked him as he gave her a light smile back towards her demanding but caring words as she got up. Growling from her arm as she approached the slightly messed up fridge in the corner to see what was in it. Reaching in she pulled a ice pack from the freezer and handed it to Mundy to put on his forehead." Keep that on there. Should help a bit. I'm no Medic but I've had enough runins with problems like this to deal with it."

"Ey..thanks. mind me askin' you're name?" He asked as he glanced over to her as she smiled.

"You can just call me Jenna."

Chapter 10: 10


WARNING: Rape, child abuse, and incest will be mentioned or committed within this chapter. You have been warned

Chapter Text

"Hmmmph!" It wasn't clear to what he was saying but every second left the Medic struggling to put him in the train that had just arrived that morning. His blue eyes pinned on Sniper and the 'RED Spy' who was wearing his clothes like a true Spy. He was playing the part well he appeared. How did he get in this mess? Was it his relation? He had known that she was his daughter. Ever since she arrived he could see himself in her features like a mirror. The full result of his mistake and the BLU Medic was the one who knew the truth behind it since the last night. But why not just kill him then send him off on a 'little trip' on the supply train headed to hell knows where. Tied up with almost nothing for him. He was hungry. Tired and felt sick from whatever the BLU Medic had injected into him and his team had no idea.

"Quit you're squirming! Zu are becoming quite the nuisance! The Medic hissed. Being the only one who was meant to carry the body of the disgraced RED Spy in his arms as the two other support Classes waited for him to finally get to the cart at the very back of the train which took a while to get to. The cars were miles back. So one could sat carrying a struggling man tied down in the middle of the desert since the trains arrival wasn't easy." I don't f*cking understand by we couldn't just steal RED Sniper's van to drag him all the way down here before the train leaves. I've been carrying him for fifty minutes in eighty dagree veather!" He spat. Throwing the Spy on the ground to simply start dragging him by his feet to the rest of the way as the two others glanced at eachother before looking back at the medic who wasn't wearing his uniform. But a white muscle shirt with only his work pants to cover himself.

"Quit being such a baby. Dere are worse things than having to drag that Spy through the Desert." Spy said as he fixed another one of RED Spy's cigarettes into his mouth as he smiled down at the maskless RED. The sight of him resonated a loud gasp from within the Sniper as he kneeled over to get a good look at his maskless face. His blue eyes narrowed deeply at him. Oh if he had the ability to spit at him he would. Only to struggle against the tight bindings as Spy tore the ductape from his mouth as he grunted from the red that spread across his lips." What do you say? Before we stuff you in here and leave you to whatever happens to you next? To be honest we just needed you out of de way."

RED Spy said nothing about it as he finally managed to work up a wad of spit to spit it on the other's shoe. With a tightening of his tie the Spy kicked the maskless man in his stomach. Sported coughs stained his dry lips from the lack of water or food he wasn't even given since his capture. Being in that refrigeration unit for what felt like day's rotting and being left with only his own thoughts to fill the void. Now that he was out they were throwing him away in the back of the supply train to take a problem somewhere else. "f*ck you.."

"Zat could be arranged with a cavity check!" The medic smiled deeply as he crossed his arms. Clearly more sweaty than anyone else with having to forcefully dragging a body three miles up the train without being caught by either team wasn't easy but the end result was quite the achievement to torment a RED at the end of the train. "Ah but time is of ze essence. Ze train is bound to leave in..I'd say..ten minutes. I vill happily make zis painful as possible before you're department, Spy! Oh..I almost forgot to mention to you two I made quite ze discovery." He hummed as he threw Spy up into the open train car labeled as Mann Co. Behind him was a crate full of unperishables and one jug of water. A first decency from the BLU's

"Don't! It's a lie!" Spy's body hitting the floor of the car his mouth was covered by the medic. Hushing him with his meanicing permanent sneer the scar left on his lip. Squirming his mouth free just enough to visiously bite the Medic's hand. Ripping his hand back like a bandage leaving flesh and blood to fill the man's mouth as he spat out the hunk of flesh he managed to rip from the German's hand. His eyes examining the wound. It wasn't rage that rolled through the Medic's eyes. It seemed more like arousal to the action commited upon him as the medic hopped up into the cart with him. A deep malicious smirk filling his shaded face as his hands completely covered his face as he laughed. Blood from his hand rubbing against the male below him.

"Its quite ze interesting thing I learned!" He hissed as he leaned into it. His weight pressing into the bound Spy as he struggled to breath. His legs squirming from where he helplessly lay." Zis piece of RED Filth.. happens to have a DNA match to ze RED Scout! He's her father!" His tone got scratchy and evil. The Spy below him struggling to breath as BLU Spy dressed in Red and Sniper listened to the German's words intently.
Was he serious? Looking at him and at Scout the BLU Spy could see the clear resemblance between them now that he thought about it." It's ze only thing zat makes logical sense." The RED Spy's eyes slowly growing weaker from the lack of oxygen entering his body. Like being smothered by a pillow the Medic finally loosened his grip on his mouth. His cheeks flushed red with that bash of excitement that filled his body. "Let's see here. How much longer till ze train leaves? I suppose I could have my fun vith you. Next time zu should just stay quiet before zu think about biting me. Now it looks like someone needs to learn a lesson in discipline.." taking the door to the train car as if Spy and Sniper wasn't there. Shut the door to the train car.

Their faces flushing red as they both awkwardly decided to move down the train tracks by a few train cars." I'm..not in the mood to hear that, Mate."

"Why must I be the one to work with de rapey sadomasoch*st? But data's besides de point. A family with the RED Team? I take it she doesn't know." The sounds were prominent. Hearing muffled cries slip out into the open as moans followed suit. Needless to say they perfered it when the loud music would begin to play in their base when Medic was having his fun with Heavy. It was unsettling to say the least when someone would get the Medic Excided and he was forced to f*ck something to relieve himself of the erection he would get from thoes who fought back.

" I don't think she does-" muttering he couldn't help but look over to that last train car and whince. There was that reason everyone feared BLU Medic more than RED Medic. The fact that almost anything that involved physical pain inflicted on him or the other person turned him on like a light switch. When Soldier commited torture he wanted ot to be a show. And everyone knew when they gave someone to Medic. It was to always leave him alone while he worked. That was the reason. The Sadomasoch*st within him was like a beast that clawed at him whenever he were to torture or be tortured himself with physical pain. Being bit hurt him. It had to have hurt him. But that pain drove him to the point he wanted a reason to f*ck the Spy like a dog. Looking for anything to use an excuse to dominate and humiliate the man that had stabbed him so many times in the back in the past now laying below him like a damn dog. It was thrilling for him. And not so much for his comrades to hear such things. It almost made them feel bad for the RED Spy. Almost.

Iwas to that point where they couldn't really stand to even look at eachother before the climax hit. If Spy still had his fedora on hand he'd have used it to hide his face from the Medic's actions. Sniper had that privilege as Spy attempted to clear his throat as the Medic. Now shirtless at that point jumped from the train car and slammed the door shut behind him. Zipping his fly back up with his shirt slung over his shoulder. Clapping his hands togeather with a light smile on his face like he done himself proud with his sad*stic actions.

"Are you done, Doctor?" Spy asked. Not even turning to look at him as the shirtless male sneered.

"Zu Dummköpfe didn't have to wait." He spat towards them. They both had to admit. He was toned. Scars had covered his chest from top to bottom as if hed been lashed five thousand times without an end. His face far from the only thing that was scarred for despite the toned body he had it looked almost like he had been skinned. His left nipple was gone. Along with some other scars that looked far too big to be lash markings. co*cking his head towards them as he hissed." It's not polite to eavesdrop on a man whose relieving himself.." his tone was dark and serious as he took a tight hold of his white shirt and walked past them without saying much more as the Trains whistle blew from the far end of the train line. Both Sniper and Spy giving one last glance to the last train car with a grimace as they followed behind the Doctor from a far distance. Their job was done and the train would do the rest of it for them. Take him far away from Teufort. Only god knows what happened in that train car a few minutes ago. Spy just didn't want to think about it. Nor remember it at all. Crossing his heart over his chest he exhaled slowly with a shaken unsettled breath.

A daughter, mm? Now that was something worth thinking about. Considering such a thing made a sharp pain form in the back of his head as if he knew this. How funny it was when he found that picture in the Spy's disguise kit. He merely took it as a relative. But why? Why wasn't this surprising to him? As he thought to himself in silence. Snipers gaze glanced through his aviators. The look of tension and uncomfortable expression sharing his outlook on the Medic's sudden upheaval he brought down on that little 'farewell' they bade the Spy.

"So what's the plan now, Spy?" Sniper didn't like the
foreboding tension in the air. He was reluctant to speak but he had no choice at that point.

"I keep going as RED Spy. But if all else fails. If she's not at BLU Within the span of six months. I'll drag her over myself. So far dey haven't suspected a thing out of me. So I'd say things are going smoothly. smoothly as they go when in contact with people like Ludwig." He muttered as his eyes combed over the Doctor's scarred back.

"Mate.. he jus-"

"I know. Just don't think about it too much. Be happy the sadomasoch*st is on our side and not RED's. And thankful we weren't de ones on de interior of dat train car." The thought returning made him shutter. But nevertheless was indeed thankful that wasn't him on that train. Watching as the Doctor's had was tightly wrapped up in his white shirt as the train cars finally got out of view. He wished to forget everything that happened that day.

Just as it passed he could have sworn he heared the faint sobs from the unlucky man.

It was that dream again. That terrifying dream repeating itself to her..he loomed over her in her room. Like a monster. His face cascaded over his features like a waterfall. But differences were included. Her arm was in a sling. And she was dressed in her Merc uniform. Holding a baseball bat on hand tightly as she could hear her mother sob out on the front steps.

"You dirty f*ckin' liar!" She yelled. Baring her teeth much like this dream would usually play out. Needless to say it was reaccuring every now and again as the figure stepped closer. Its shape different from how it used to be. Once large and bulky now stood skinny and elegant over her. Forcing her to step back from the figure who looked to be wearing a fedora. Her. Reyes wide as the figure flipped a butterfly knife in his hand without efforts he raised it into a stabbing motion.

"Wake up, Jenna." The voice was coated in that familiar french accent. One that both her Spy and the BLU one had. As the realization hit her. Reality began to sink in as her eyes shot open widely. Sitting up too quick to where her arm jerked in pain as Mundy's hand was placed on her back.

Another one. Another nightmare but it changed to fit her new life. Sweating profusely she sat up and took deep breaths." Mate? You alright? You were tossin' and turnin' like a madman in you're sleep." Placing a gentle hand on her back he watched. Her head shook with fear and dread in her eyes as he shut his eyes in respect. He'd been up for as look as he could remember. It was no doubt daylight outside. But when you have a concussion you couldn't go to sleep out of fear for you're brain swelling. Wouldn't want that when you're no where near respawn.

"Its the same f*ckin' thing over and over. I'm fightin' with my stepdad because he hit my ma. By the time the dream finishes hes on top of me.." she choked for a second as her fingers lightly wrapped around her neck as Mundy's eyes narrowed in disgust. Not towards her. More so the story she's given him to piece togeather all to easily. Mundy's parents were loving people. Old and fragile but tough as nails because of the Aulstralian in their blood. His pa a farmer. His mother a stay at home wife. Always so much pride he had for his family. But they were getting old and regretted the fact he couldn't visit. Only call them on the phone. As much as his Father and Mother didn't approve of his job choice in Sniping people for money. Watching the red mist spray out from people's heads when their skull caved in from the monstrous sized bullet that had entered their skull. They were needless to say, were still proud of him as a son.

But listening to Jenna speak of her dreams like this made him shutter with anger. Pulling her close into a soft embrace on the bed. As much as Jenna wanted to pull away from the other she didn't. She found the embrace warm and comforting to her situation. All her life shes lied to herself thinking that if she kept it bottled down deep enough so no one could see, she'd be safe from the strife and torment. Afraid and fearful that others would mock her for her actions. But Mundy wasn't laughing. Like his mother he held her close and didn't let go as she sobbed. Her left hand grasping onto his clothes desperately." Mate if I could. And I would. I'd kill em for ya." No questions about it and he would drive to wherever the bastard lived and cap him. Or see how he liked a fine dose of machete. It pissed him off seeing her so weak and vulnerable though she didn't want to be seen like that.

"We just met two days ago and you're already willing to go to prison for me?" She asked as she looked over her shoulder towards Mundy. Her eyes were glassy and wet. Her face red from the frying but her frown replaced with a slightly co*cked smile. He couldn't be serious." Not much one for a guy whose desperate to get with a skinny weakling like myself..I was always told by my stepfather that I was too..'fat'. Forced me to starve myself to get this skinny. Not that he fed me much anyway. I save money, he'd take it right from under me. Same with my ma. There mercy with him. No matter what I did he was never happy.." The only time they ever had the chance to be free was when he was at work. No yelling or hitting. No bruises or Verbal abuse. Freedom. But when he did come home when everyone was asleep. He'd go into her room..

Her frown returned. Forming a seemingly blank stare that went past Mundy as her grip on him tightened." Jenna?" Fixing himself to where he was facing her on the bed he was concerned. She seemed like a Spook just backstabbed her hard in the spine." Jenna are you alright?"

"He used to..touch me.." Thoes words made Mundy go white. What kind of filthy asshole. It made the blood boil within his veins as his hear burned with fury to kill this bastard." He used to f*ckin' touch me, Mundy.." she sounded broken and he didn't blame her. If touched by any filthy being he'd be out of his league and vow to kill him. And by god the urge to want to hunt this bastard down on foot was tempting like an oasis in the desert. Hugging her tightly he was on the verge of crying himself. It wasn't bad. Crying didn't make people weak. It made them human.

"I'm so sorry." His voice cracked from the tense emotion of her confession. Taking what felt like hours into the subject. She spilled her heart out. From bad experiences to simply getting to know eachother. How else would she know how to make a concussion better. Mundy by all means was no therapist like Medic was. But he knew how to listen. Both going back and forth with eachother about time in school to high school.

Mundy lived his life in Australia. So kids there were a little 'different' compared to American schools. Where children mostly fought eachother for sport. As taught by most schools in the Country. Explaining how he'd be that odd one out. Hiding in trees with rocks on hand to pelt them at the kids when they were too busy fighting eachother to care about where he went. Always perfering to be alone than in the company of a team.
The story provided comforting laughs between the two. Bantering on how it was legal to actually encourage kids to fight in Australia while in America bullying wasn't allowed.

"So you're tellin' me that teachers in Aulstalia encouraged bullyin'?" She asked with a cheeky smile. Her tears dried from her face at the point where her face was only red from the consistent rubbing of her eyes.

"Well I wouldn't exactly say that it was..'bullyin'. More or less to teach the kids how to toughen up before it was too late. You know how it goes. Australia isn't exactly the best place to live unless you know what you're doing. Best visual perspective to see of a real Aulstralin would be Saxton Hale."

"Saxton Hale?" co*cking her head she wasn't familiar with that name. But it sounded important.

"Yeah. He's the guy that literally runs Mann Co." He nodded a few times as she almost choked on her water bottle.

"I thought that was the lady on the intercom." She muttered to him. His head shaking lightly to her assumption.

"Nah, mate. The announcer just issues orders and such. She's more or less like a manager to the Company. Lower than the brothers fighting a war for literal dirt and gravel. This war has been goin' on before I was even born. So I couldn't say much on thoes two." He shrugged." History on this stuff is hard to follow. But I'm sure Engi would know more on the history than I do. Basically this war is pointless if no one stays dead. It's only a matter of time before thoes sad*stic BLU's do something really bad. Last thing we need is a nuke destroying one of our bases or supply caches."

"A f*cking what!?"

"Mate, calm down it's not like the could build one. They don't really have the resources- I don't think." He muttered as he cupped his chin till a little knock came from the RV Side door. A shadow looming over the window as they both stared at the door.

"Hello?" It was a woman. "I'm with the Teufort interstate police and couldn't help but notice the..RV stuck in this hay bale.. is everyone alright in there?"

Mundy got up out of the bed and opened the door. The woman was fairly built. Dark toned as she took a slight peek inside to see Jenna sitting on the bed with a makeshift sling on her arm. Giving her a look like she almost recognized her." We could use some help if it's not too much trouble.. hey Natasha." A casual wave came from her as the young cop took quick glances to both ends of eachother and nodded.

"Wasn't expecting to see you here. You're mother filled a missing person's report on you five days ago." She said as she could see the cop slowly reach for her taser." Is everything alright here, Jenny?" She asked. Her eyes never leaving Mundy as he took a step away from the door. He was aware of what she was thinking and so was Jenna.

"No no! It's not like that! The breaks to the RV was severed and we crashed into the hay bales, Nat. It's not a kidnapping. This is my..boyfriend."

Mundy's head instantly turned to look at Jenna as she shrugged. His face turning red like a tomato. She was lying for a reason. It was clear to him. Clearing his throat with a few coughs the tall male approached the cop with a welcoming smile." Ello. Names Steve-" he smiled awkwardly as he held his hand out towards her. Yet she didn't take it.

"Natasha.. ok Jenna I'm gonna take you're word for it. I'll remove the missing persons and get you to the Teufort hospital asap. You alright Steve?"

"He got a concussion during the crash. I had him stay awake incase of swelling." They both watched as the woman wrote down something on a note pad and nodded.

"I'll get you both to Teufort hospital then. Might be a long ride but oh well. I'll get a tow company to pick up you're RV and bring it in to be inspected by a mechanic. In the mean time. You two get in my cruiser. We got a long ride ahead of us." The woman said as Mundy approached Jenna to help her to the car. Not that she needed help to get anywhere. Her legs weren't broken.

"Steve? Really?" She asked as Mundy's arm wrapped around her to support her like she was hurt. She could feel him stare at her through his aviators he put back on along with his hat.

"The name is what you're askin' about? What about the fact that you said I was you're bleedin boyfriend? Also. Jessica?" He whispered back to her with a bite to his lip. He wasn't angry. Just surprised that they both happened to be lying to this officer. Pulling her with him he went around to the passenger seat to put Jenna in the car then climbed in the back where bars and glass blocked them from hurting anyone. Talk about feeling like an animal locked in a cage.

"How is ma doin'?" Jenna asked. Still trying to process the fact that the woman said five days instead of two. Which made her feel squeamish inside.

"Worried sick about you, up and vanishing like you did. Had the whole police force looking for you. Like madmen. Please don't tell me you were put here stuck in that hay bale with you're boyfriend the whole time."

"We were actually." 'Steve' said as he leaned against the window between the back and the front." We were on a campin' trip through the desert. She wanted to see the stars so I obliged. Gotta be polite to the little lady." He laughed as Jenna squirmed in her seat as a blush formed.

"If you don't mind me asking m, Steve. How old are you?"

"Twenty six."

Jenner's eyes could see Mundy through the mirror hanging over her. Her eyes making eyevontavt with him. She started lying first so it was only fair to keep it going. But when the age slipped out she was astonished. He was that young? Only two years older than she was.

"And how did you two meet?" Nat was suspicious. Knowing Natasha was easily the best and worst thing to have happened to her. She was good at reading people. And not letting something go was how she was back in highschool before she transferred to Teufort police academy to become an officer. They hadn't seen eachother in years but acted like they've seen eachother just yesterday. It was apart of the job.

"I was at the supermarket just down the street from thoes Gallows the mayor had put up in town. We were both shopping. I thought I left my ma a message on the phone but it appears I screwed up.." she said smacking her head with agrivation.

"Ah..I see. Run into eachother while shopping. Just wanted to learn more about you two. Make sure everything is ok between you two. I apologize but its apart of the job to be nosey."

"We get that." She laughed silently before looking out the window. A forbodind sense of deed washing over her as she looked at the clock.

Seven thirty.

"The train. Will go through town soon. Never stops at the station. Like a ghost train"

Chapter 11: 11

Chapter Text

"You hired a woman to fight for you Redmond!?" The old male dressed in blue asked as he almost lunged out of his wheelchair. Slamming his shaking old fist against the arm of the chair as the other who was dressed in red rolled his eyes with distain towards the other." This is preposterous! No! Worse! Women are meant for the kitchen! We played nice with the Pyro from the Classics but not again!"

"Oh please! It's my mercs! At least I don't go cloning the team I hired because someone was too lazy to look for their own f*cking mercs you cad!" He spat in return as he tapped his finger against his wheelchair impatiently as he rolled his neck to finally look at his twin brother." I pay her like I pay everyone else. Unlike you. They believe their being payed. But their just f*cking puppet look-alikes that believe whatever you tell them!"

"If you would stop you're bickering. That would be quite the benefit towards the problem regarding you're new hire has become." The one dressed in blue muttered as he took a glance towards the resupply train car approaching their estate as they sighed.

"What is it Blutarch? You're complaints on how my team is better will never change. You know this!" Redmomd retorted with a scowl leaving Blutarch shocked before letting it go with a singular bickered sneer." Hah! I was right! You are here to just bicker as usual! I should have suspected you missed getting you're old ass handed by a gentleman such as myself!" He hummed triumphantly to his accusation towards his twin brother.

Growling as he pointed at his brother the other was about to say something as the train slowly pulled to a stop leaving the last train car to stop just in front of the building where a few hired construction workers were working on a side building." That's weird. The Mann Co. Supply train doesn't ever stop here." Looking down at the last train car the door slowly slid open. They could barely make out the figure of a man in his bloomers with what looked to be a bag over his head that covered his features.

"Redmond? Am I seeing a man in his bloomers with a bag on his head walk out that last cart or have I finally gotten old enough that I've completely lost my mind?" Blutarch with his remote control wheelchair rolled it closer to the large window of his brother's office overlooking the area.

"You're not there yet Blutarch. But yes. I see the same thing you're seeing." They watched as he walked out casually from the cart and approached the building. Construction workers approaching him before being dismissed with a wave of his hand. Leaving the two brothers to glance at eachother quizzically as a button on Redmond's desk began to buzz. His office was nice. Lavish in reds that coated its walls. His desk made of fine mahogany wood no different to the fine dress and aesthetic of his wheelchair. Slowly rolling himself over to the button he slowly pressed it." Hello?"

"Ah..yes Mr.Redmond.. you have a visitor. One of you're Merc's from Teufort that goes by..Spy?" A woman's voice piped through the intercom that sounded completely confused and somewhat scared." He wishes to speak with you..personally."

"You planned this didn't you!?" Blutarch asked as he glared at his brother who was looking intensively at the intercom but looking at his brother he could tell this was completely unexpected. With a deep sigh Redmond hovered his finger back over the the button and turned his attention to his brother who had made such an accusation.

"Oh please. If I wanted you dead I'd have shot you myself. If I did I wouldn't feel as satisfied with my victory knowing I did it the easy way. I wouldn't be able to see the face you'll make when I win the company!" He said as he finally pushed the button to start talking again."Get the man some clothes and send him up." He said with a stirn tone as he took a moment to think."Blutarch, I suggest you leave I have an unexpected guest from one of my mercs. I don't want you're stench stinking up the place." He hissed towards his brother as the twin gave a moment of pause before grumbling. Moving his electric wheelchair to the hallway that lead to his office to an elevator that went down to where he came in. Yet when he made his way to that door. Redmond shook his head." No. You get to take the stairs." He pointed towards a hallway in the far corner back towards the left of the elevator with an evil grin on his old wrinkled lips.

"You have to be f*cking me! I'm in a wheelchair! I'm not using the stairs! Go f*ck yourself Redmond!"

"Im not that crule! It has a wheelchair lift I had installed just for you! Now. It's half of the company! My rules, Blutarch! It's the stairs or the fire escape!" He hissed as his smile remained. It was the fact that the Exit labeled 'fire escape' was nothing more than a cruleheartless joke for thoes on the higher floors of the building. The literal fire escape that sends thoes falling to their death. And he was quite willing to end the war then and there if the brother didn't use the stairs. Which he sighed deeply and gradually wheeled himself over to the stairs down the hall and clipped his wheelchair to an electric motor that lifted his chair up a few inches from the steps and slowly moved him down the growling ten stories of stairs. The sound of a robotic voice could be heard from the hallway.

'Blutarch Mann. Commencing two hour decent to: first floor.'

The old man angerly growling through his teeth as he descended with the help of the motorized decent. A crule smirk washed across Redmond's face as he stretched his arms and put on the professional face. His fingers intertwining with eachother as he watched the elevator numbers ting with each floor they touched. He had waited a decent twenty minutes to get to meet the man behind the mask. Not that he'd actually be able to see him if he was coming in work attire. Meaning that mask of his. Yet as the elevator doors opened it wasn't what the old man was expecting. Dressed in simple clothing one would pull out of the common man's wardrobe. Not his usual attire.

His memory always failed him at this age. The only thing he always had on his mind was that he hated his brother- there was one thing that had also changed. His ski mask was replaced with a black ski mask instead of his RED one. His brows from beneath the mask narrowed as he placed his hands on Redmond's desk." Forgive me for de sudden intrusion on you're base of operations, Redmond."

"This isn't about a raise is it? If it is you're going to have to take that up with Saxton Hale." He said as he took a deep breath. His eyes had been wide for a moment as the Frenchman placed his hands on the table. Spy had to remember that he was old. Spy knowing what he knew about the company that Redmond Mann along with his twin brother were one year away from being one hundred and fifty years old. As young as they looked for being that young. The glowing metal contraption connected to him that held a gold hue to it was liquified Australium. Its properties strong enough to extend the lifespan of a human being as long as it is continuously injected into the bloodstream. So he knew he had to be patient with his..'boss'. No matter how annoying it was.

"No. I need to borrow you're radio. Considering I'm under contract and due to..some unsavory events involving certain people back in Teufort.. I'm in need to contact..her." he said as clearly as possible to the old man. Trying to keep it professional himself even with the lack of correct clothing. He was skinnier. It had been a week or two trapped on that train from Teufort to arrive at one of Redmond's estates located in the middle of nowhere. Having to ration out his water and the food he was left in the last train car to the best of his abilities. But kept himself physically busy in the meantime to keep from going crazy. He lost track of time. At times actually getting cold from fridged nights. The train going just over a speed limit that made it impossible to jump out of. And even traveled up through the train to see if he could stop it. That was before he realized that it was automated. And there was no possible way to survive out in the middle of nowhere without that box of crappy food in the final car. The entire time the train had never stopped and wondered where he was going that whole time till the train finally stopped and lead Spy to where he was now. Standing before his boss requesting to use the only radio he has for miles.

"So you want to use my radio. The only one I have to contact Helen?" his brows rose. Not that he had much visible eyebrows anymore along with hair. Yes this war was pointless and Spy knew it. But what was he to do? He was a merc at a young age. And like a coward when Jessica was born. Vanished from the picture. He loved her mother he did. But there were reasons as to why he was avoiding her. For her own safety. And all of the support classes on BLU Team knew his secret because he was practically lured into a trap he wasn't expecting. He wondered of she was alright. If she was safe with someone she actually trusted. Instead of in the hands of BLU.

It wasn't ever so much the fact that all of BLU Team were bad people. They weren't. It was the Soldier and the Medic that made things a problem. Spy hated their Spy with a passion. But in a way he was the manipulative one more than finding joy in pain finding joy and entertainment from twisted forms of manipulation. The Sniper was a little unstable but managed it. The Heavy, Demoman, Engineer, and Scout were by far the most sane ot of the rest of the team. He feared what was to happen to her if she were in the hands of the BLU Medic.

A shiver clawed it's way down his spine trying not to think of the horrifying ordeal. Shaking his head he took a deep breath to steady himself." Yes. I need a word with her or Mrs.Pauling. it's rather urgent."

Redmomd was far from an unreasonable gent. Yet with that being based on only his direct opinion on himself he had no right room to talk. Turning over I'm his electric wheelchair to face the large window he eyed a camera in the reflection of his window and shut his eyes." Fine. I'll let you use my radio. It's just down two floors. Use the elevator and it should be a room to you're left. Watch out for the fire escape. It's- really not what it seems." He didn't want the Spy to see his brother truthfully. Usually the Elevator only was to be used by him and him alone while others even his brother used the stairs. Only to make the lift that slow to spite him.

"Thank you, Redmond. I'll forever he in you're debt." Not that he meant it. Kissing ass to get closer to the important people was what he was good at, besides stabbing sharp objects into the spinal cords of his enemies. Turning his back to the old man he marched his way back where he came. Pressing the button to go down to the two floors. Noting what he said about the fire escape. They never thought about it. For the six years they fought the BLU's they never thought it was strange that they had simular men for each class? Though separated between them by clothing, mentality, and different body builds. BLU were like exact copies. Much like learning that Alucard backwards was Dracula. Biting his lip as he lowered his head he opened the door to the sound proof room where a man was sitting.

With the sudden entrance the young man jumped out of the seat he was sitting at. His hands raised in a submissive manner. Spy's hand shooting up with his finger pointed towards the door." Y-yeah! Alright!" He got the point. Straight to it how Spy liked it.

Pulling at the collar of the shirt that didn't exactly match his style he sat down in the chair and locked the door to the room with a 'click' emitting from the knob as he pulled the microphone closer to him. Two weeks of worry and starvation. Suffering now down to this. Spy was close to the woman that Redmond referred to as 'Helen'. The Administrator, the Announcer. Every name she goes by. But not as well as Engi knew her. He wasn't that close. Not knowing much about their relationship but knew that they were incredibly close.
Twisting the dials a few times in the space he pulled a tooth free from his mouth. Like a cap the tooth opened. Pouring the contents from within his tooth, he placed the tooth back in his mouth and eyed what he poured out.

In his hand was an incredibly small lazer pointer. With the tip of his fingernail just barely able to press the button on it as the small beam flashed against the surface of the table to share a series of numbers hitting against the flat surface of the table where the radio was. What spasific numbers to set the dials to on said radio.' 1-45-89-12 ' twisting the dials on the radio to said numbers the static buzz of the Radio sprung alive. The transmission twisting and shifting with his actions as he gently put the last number into place and popped the tiny lazer pointer back into his molar capsule. Snapping his jaw shut once again as he moved the microphone closer to his mouth." Announcer do you read me?"

Silence. One minute, two minutes, three.

He tries again." Announcer, do you read me?" Five minutes passing hauntingly as Spy increasingly more impatient.

Last time." Helen! Do you read Me..?" He was tired and exhausted. Scared and helpless he tried to hold himself together. Breathing deeply in and out. Practice the exercises. Balance the emotions." Please. Answer you old crone!" His finger not on the button. Mostly yelling at a piece of equipment that did nothing.

"Ah..Spy." a voice came through. That old tone of the middle aged woman coming through the radio that made him perk up and take ahold of the microphone." I'm sure you're aware of what's happening at you're base as of now? You must be wondering about Her. That's why you must be chanting for me to answer you is that correct?" The voice was curious but stirn. In truth the old crone was far from the most pleasant person to talk to. Infact he despised it. Made his stomach turn and boil with discomfort as he gritted his teeth.

"Just give me a synopsis on RED Base, please." Resting his elbow on the desk running his fingers over his mask. He'd have done it to his hair. Yet wearing his mask for as long as he did made him feel ultimatly naked without it on." I know you're aware dat de RED Spy isn't me. I also know dat you know what he's planning. I need de information, Announcer." To snap at the woman who gives the orders would be beyond the worst of ideas.some feeling in the pit of his stomach was telling him that she was getting some sick sense of excitement and humor out of this ludicrous plan BLU Spy came up with. To pose as him. He didn't know what his crazy plan was exactly. So he needed that information straight from the person who knew what was happening at the bases at all times. Her.

"Light grimaced sabotage. Making it clear to you're Team that you're not to be trusted. Spread of rumors and during missions weapons break down. Certain important things being destroyed and or taken from Engineer's room such as button's and sheets of metal or weapons hes been working on for the Scout. You're concerns regarding you're daughter however seems to be avoiding Spy, Engineer, and Medic." He choked when he referred to her as his 'daughter'. His lip twitched as he slammed his fist on the table and sneered through the pause in her synopsis." His plan was to take her back to BLU Base out of jealousy. But now I believe he's started to grow..obsessed with her at this point. When she believes 'you' are asleep he talks to her at night giving her comfort. That's when she's not around Sniper, Pyro, Demoman, or Soldier."

"He's gaining her trust. Merde!" If he was there he would have done something different when she first got there. Go. Do something right. But of course he had to be the fool. Ignore her and keep his distance because he was scared." Is dere anything else I should be infor-"

"I'm sure you're aware of where you are, Spy? You're round the clock trip. That two week trip left you stranded at Redmond's estate in the middle of the Arizona desert. I'd go into detail about the train another time but I'm aware you're desperate. But I'm afraid you must help yourself. There is an old sawmill base owned by Blutarch two hundred miles away from Redmond's estate. There should be a radio. Once you get there contact me via radio within the console room on the top floor and I will update you. The sawmill should be abandoned so you should be safe. I will have Mrs.Pauling drop off a new suit for you there." He was interrupted and in a way intrested to hear her words explain such a strong set of words. A mission? A self explanatory approach to ruin the BLU's plan either out of spite, entertainment, or otherwise. It didn't matter to the Frenchman as he remained silent for a moment." I've had the train reprogrammed to take you there as soon as you enter. I've requested Redmond to give you more food and water for the trip till you get to the Saw Mill. I expect an answer from you in twenty four hours."

He was speechless. Was she helping him? He's only ever known the Announcer to be what others would call a heartless sad*stic brood. It had to be for entertainment if she was willing to help him. It was his job to follow her instructions. He couldn't help himself. Pressing the button to the radio once more he spoke only one question. One word." Why?"

He waited. Only to get no reply back. Static silence was all that was granted to him as he slammed the radio piece back down on the tabletop. Stress was rolling off his back like a madman. His blue eyes staring intensely at the radio as he started twisting the nobs to get the radio off of the administrators radio channel, got up fron the chair. And walked out of the room. Personally he didn't care about his job if it meant resulting in his only creation in life being tortured and killed leaving him to answer to her mother the horrible news that her daughter was killed on the line of duty. Every thought involving her in BLU's hands made his teeth clench tightly like he was getting a limb removed from his body. His lower lip was bleeding from his teeth digging into the flesh of his lower lip.

His mind flooded with the thoughts. Before a voice caught his attention to his left. His gaze turning to see an old man that matched Redmond's looks slowly descending the stairs via lift. Slowly was too kind a word. More or less only five centimeters a second through decent as he seemed to be mindlessly staring off into the depths of the stairwell. Their gazes met for but a moment as the older male looked away from him. As the elevator door opened Spy declined it and made his way to the stairs towards the older male." Blutarch Mann I presume?" He asked as he started stepping down the floor to catch up to the slowly inching man. Noticing his lip quiver before he groaned.

"Who am I kidding? It's my brother I hate not his merc's." He said to himself as he rested his head in his hand. Turning his attention to Spy who had his hands behind his back. His clothes were itchy and uncomfortable. But they warmed him up decently enough for him to not entirely complain. What did you expect when all you had that was offered to you were things from the lost and found basket in the staff room? Little or less he stole the said clothes out of a locker he broke into." What do you want Merc. Can't you see I'm busy descending slowly down this empty stairwell?" The old man dressed in blue co*cked a brow towards Spy. His old eyes scanning him up and down with a huff." You don't look like anything I was expecting to see."

"Is that so?" He co*cked his head. Taking his time to gradually follow Blutarch Mann as he attempted to engage in conversation with the older male." It's what happens when BLU Team takes you're clothes and stuffs you in de back of a train car with limited food and water with no way to stop de train. Needless to say it was quite de riveting experience." He said with a hint of sarcasm towards the boss of his opposed team.

"So what? Are you going to kill me in this stairwell?"

"Oh, Blutarch. If I wanted you dead, I'd have killed you already. No. I was merely trying for a more direct sort of conversation." His gaze never leaving the old man as he took gradual steps. One. Two. Three. Slow and achinglu grueling." And by the looks of you're situation, you're not really in the right place to refuse me answers. I have a few questions regarding BLU Team."

Blutarch, somewhat stonefaced sent a daring glare towards the younger man. Challenging almost." Ask away then. As you said, I don't really have a choice. And I'm sure if I ignored you for the full two hour decent down these stairs you'd pester me till I talked. So please. Engage in conversation." Spreading his arms out a sarcastic smile spread across his face that left Spy completely unimpressed by his reaction.

"Its not a coincidence dat BLU team is extreamly similar to my team in every way. Why is that?" co*cking his brow from beneath the black ski mask. He noticed Blutarch twitch in his wheelchair uncomfortably to that question as he sighed.

"I was hoping I wouldn't have had to answer this question. I prayed I'd have been dead but I'll humor you. BLU Team are simular to you and you're team because they are you. You're genetic material, DNA were taken when Redmond hired you and the rest of red team when it was full. There were some..defects the first few tries when it came to them." Blutarch rolled his head as he spoke to the Spy." But eventually I had finally got what I wanted. My own team of Merc's I didn't have to hunt down like Redmond did."

"You're insane. Dere clones?"

"Down to the genetic code. Their you as you are them. But their memories are fake. If they knew that they were clones there could possibly be some dangerous side effects that could result in violence." He muttered as he clapped his hands togeather admittedly." That or memories of a familiar face could form some..obsessive behavior over time...Dangerously obsessive. It's why we kept Teufort base a secret from the city and out on the middle of nowhere. I heard there were some odd behavior becoming frequently forming from my Medic. It seems that not everything ended up right with the cloning process I must admit I didn't say it was going to be perfect. Just that I needed men with simular skills such as you. So I went for the next best thing. I had the money the resources. Well. What half of the fortune my father left me and that bastard upstairs upon his death bed."

Spy was speechless. Not that he could ever really see much of their faces he was right. And it explained alot. Clones? Was that why BLU Spy wanted her at BLU? Obsessive behavior from shattered memories from within a brain he never had. A brain that's both his and not. Questioningly so it wasn't as surprising as he thought the more he was thinking about the exact that the Ubercharge device the Medic put in his heart and fixed him up gaster than any other proper surgeon could. He had no room to talk. But it did make things dangerous.


"Yes! As if I haven't had gotten done telling you this already!" He said with a clear spout of annoyance to his old grizzled tone.

"Tell me. What's at the Sawmill?"

"My old Sawmill company that went bankrupt?" He co*cked his brow curiously as he tilted his head." Nothing there really. Its abandoned. Possibly the most empty place you could come across in the border between Utah, and Nevada."

"Are you certain it's empty?" He asked as Spy hunched his back towards the old man.

"Very much so."

Chapter 12

Chapter Text

It was two weeks. Since the crash Jenna visited her mother in Teufort without question. Introducing Mundy who was going by the name of 'Steve' to keep his identity in the area a secret to her mother as her boyfriend whome she moved in with. It wasn't the first time her mother lost her mind but considering the accident was caused on pourpous by someone from her job. She didn't mention the fact that she was a mercenary working to pay to make her mother happy. Spending a few nights in a motel that Sniper payed for she was happy to see that her mother had used the money to get herself some food and fix the old apartment they rented up with some fresh furniture and wallpaper.

It took some convincing to have her mother let her go. With her being with a new man she never met and having had gotten a job with that said person. She wasn't completely convinced that she was safe. It took them five days to finally convince her that the said place she worked at had all of the accommodations needed. A place to sleep, food, and a place to bathe. When Mundy finally got the RV back from the mechanics her mother finally let go. Gave her, her old suitcase and packed up what she had left of her clothes. Bathed in the motel as much as a struggle as it was to wash you're sweaty body with one arm. And left for base the next morning.

When they did make it back. Needless to say they weren't entirely happy to have them hone for almost a week. Till they got the news through Jenna's visible injuries. Medic being the magic man he was. Wordlessly fixed her collarbone faster with his medi-gun than simply waiting for it to heal. After that they never spoke. Scout keeping her distance from Engi, Medic, and Spy unless something was desperately needed or important to build or in need of...personal items such as tampons or pads from Medic. They were mostly avoided or ignored. Mostly spending her time with Soldier listening to his fabled 'war stories', Demo and his ghost story or his famous one in how he lost his eye, drawing pictures to decorate her room with Pyro, indulging Heavy in some sparetime chess. Surprisingly unbeknownst to her where he had a straight PHd in Russain literature. And spending most of her valued time with Sniper. Learning more about the other classes she avoids through him and his direct opinions on the other classes.

But whenever she was alone in her room or utilizing the safe space of Sniper's RV she was visited by BLU Spy with rumors. Thoes rumors coiling around her mind like a disgusting serpent that made her question the said things. But if they were about the Medic, Engi, or Spy. She believed it. A poor mind ready to keep hold of thoes who made that fearfulness of being alone again. Whenever Engi would try to talk to her. She'd walk past him like he wasn't there. Spy played the silent treatment game as well. But there were times where she knew she felt someone smack her or pull her hair. Even cut her from time to time. She knew it had to have been her Spy. The bastard always cloaked himself around a corner, she knew it. But on the battlefield it was bad. Engineer's machines malfunctioning mid firefight. And Scout's weapons failed to where they either failed to fire a single bullet. Or exploded upon pulling the trigger resulting in a instantaneous death back to Respawn

But BLU Spy has become quite obsessed. Since he saw the Spy's real face he knew something wasn't right but his mind started to go to her. the Spy's daughter. The RED Scout. Appear more often and feed her more lies. Till she told him her feelings for the Sniper. Stated that she wished to honestly ask him to partake in a full fledged relationship. Or in her words, 'give it a try'.They were close. And quite frankly he didn't take a liking to it. As much as he wouldn't have cared in the past his obsessive behavior over having Scout to himself grew. To the point that not even relationships would get in the way. His Medic and Sniper throwing more and more impatient by the day no matter how bad it was they told him that they wouldn't mind 'hunting her down' themselves. Leaving him with the thought that hed have to drag her off to BLU by force.

But the relationship..

Sniper was happy with Scout's company. Listened and was always there whenever she had a hard nightmare to where she couldn't sleep. Letting her slink into bed with him at the late hours in the morning. Far too late for anyone to truly be awake but him. Thoes memories so fresh in his head it made him happy as he took his sip from his number one Sniper mug. He was quite embarrassed when she saw the jars of his own bodily fluids stashed under his cot he moved up to the Sniper's nest. She wasn't all that terrorfied thankfully and decided to put his jars of his questionables somewhere a bit better. Under the wooden floorboards. Overlooking BLU Base sleeping up in the Snipers coop was like camping and reminded him of home. Glancing down at a magazine he bought from a Teufort gas station and a hardy bar of chocolate he couldn't help himself. He gradually left most of his day off to himself. The crappy alarm clock to his side read twelve-fourty-five. Close to one am. as he glanced over every now and again at the BLU's. He had the night shift. A look out for his team while usually BLU Sniper did the same. But he hadn't seen him since he and Scout got back from their unexpected vacation to Teufort. The night sky showing through the open windows.

Taking a casual bite out of his chocolate bar with a sip of his coffee he thought about what he should say to Scout. He liked her. He really did. But talking to women the right way wasn't easy despite the two spending so much time together. A smile forming on his lips as he stared down at the picture of a house wife dusting bookcases. For a split second his tired mind played him dirty. That picture turning into Scout having to use a stool to dust the higher shelves. His cheeks turning to the deepest shades of red as he looked up for a split second to see Spy staring down at him with a deep grin before glancing back down at his magazine.

The realization of having an unexpected guest in his coop made Sniper almost fall back in his metal folding chair he usually sat in, grabbing for his machete he always kept with him incase. as he squealed for but a moment. Collecting his head before realizing it was his Spy and not BLU's. Ever since they got back they learned that the BLU Spy head that Medic kept in his medical room was missing. No one was too on edge about it except him. Standing up to look at him with a sneer he shoved his Machete back in its sheath. "Jesus christ, Spy.. it's almost one in the mornin'. What the hell are you doin' I could have stabbed you!" He was clearly annoyed as well as confused. He noticed Spy's odd behavior every now and again. Intensely staring at Scout out of the corner of his eye. But to see him like this was something new as he crossed his arms over his chest." Why you here? What's the problem, 'Mate'?"

Sniper never liked Spy. He never saw him as a friend like he did the others. He didn't like him as a person. But respected him deeply as a teammate for the major help hes contributed to the team. As acquaintances they avoided eachother when being on the Support Team but not working. On the battlefield if needed of each other's assistance they worked well together. Never speaking to one another directly unless needed or to pass the time and never had anyone else to speak to. To see him up in his own little space made him question things. The smoke from his cigarette filling the room as his eyes lidded. Puffing a ring from between his lips towards him. Flicking the ashes into the wooden floorboards which made his lip quiver with disgust. How could he smoke thoes disgusting things?

"I couldn't visit? I knew you had de look out duty for de night again so I figured I'd partake in a conversation with a fellow Supporter." His brows from beneath his red mask rose with his lidded eyes. His grin sharing itself as he leaned against the back wall next to the entrance to his room.

It left Sniper almost speechless. He was kidding, right? Tilting his head hard as he took off his aviators and hung them on the collar of his shirt. Dressed in mostly normal clothes as behind him his uniform hung in place in a locker beside him." Chat? You never wanna chat unless it's about somethin' involving the next mission. What's goin' on Spy? You're not exactly actin'..Yourself." Taking a sip from his number one Sniper mug to the hard black coffee that sat on the side table.

"Please, Bushman. Spare me from you're trivial words. I'm perfectly fine. Ne le prends pas personnellement [ Don't take it personally ]." He casually rolled his eyes towards him. Though his french words were far from understood by the clueless Australian man with a slight agape stare it earned him. Spy's expression grew more relaxed, never taking his blue eyes off of Sniper's brown ones. To Sniper he felt although he was being advanced upon by the faceless male. But shook it off as he sighed. Rubbing his face with callaced rough fingers. That was before he noticed the sudden approach of the Spy. Mere inches away from him too close for comfort that drove him to back away hesitantly towards his bed." What's de matter Bushman? Did I scare you?" He noticed that look in his eyes and it made the confused and startled Australian's cheeks turn a rosey red like before." Dere's something about you, Bushman that I can't help but notice. Something about you dats alluring~"

Sniper had no words. He wasn't looking to be advanced on by the older Frenchman before him. His seemingly aggressively seductive change in character was a quick switch that seemed to have flipped in his head. Reaching over to turn on the crappy little hand held radio that was quietly playing music most of the time, turning the dial to where the volume blared just loud enough to keep things between them quiet. Taking the nearly finished cigarette out the open window with a flick of his wrist." A-ah, Spy? What are ya doin', mate?" He asked moving back too far to where he was pinned at his bedside cot.

"Comenow, Bushman. It's not like I'm going to hurt you. I just want to show you how I really 'feel' about you." He was slow. That movement of is resulted in Sniper sitting down in thought to gain some extra distance from Spy only for his gloved hands to wrap around his face. Pulling him closer as his lips met the others. Pressing his body into Sniper's practically spinning him to his cot. His eyes wide and shocked from Spy's change in personality. His tongue forced it's way into his mouth. He tasted of cigarettes and breath mints. With a hard shove he pushed the fellow supporter off of him. Rubbing his lips hard to remove the sensation of Spy's lips still pressing into his.

"The f*ck Spy!?" It was hard to say he was even angry. He wasn't entirely angry. He had to admit Spy was a good kisser. But it didn't feel right because he felt forced. Pushed into it as well as he had his eyes set on someone else. He had his eyes on Scout. But to learn that Spy had feelings for him this hard? He could see that smirk on his lips and he could tell that he was enjoying it. The awkward sexual tension between them boomed like an explosion." Don't ever do that again. Ya hear me?" His finger pointed aggressively towards Spy who straightened his stance and wiped his suit with his hands to even out the wrinkles. Staring at his finger for a moment with his side grin. Giving it back to Sniper's face.

"Bushman. You can't tell me dat you didn't at least find dat a tad bit satisfying, non?" His head tilted. That fluttering sensation of confusion rattled Sniper." Don't lie to yourself. Relax. I'll treat you like a gentleman." His hand pinched his chin softly to raise his head up. Approaching once more to whisper in his ear." I promise you. Dat you won't regret it if you trust me, Mon Amour~" was he so damn enticing? So smooth with his damned words? He was stuck in place as he felt his teeth and lips latch onto the side of his neck in a hickey. The suction from his mouth made Sniper cover his mouth to hold back the urge to fall into it as he once more pushed Spy back. "Get out." He said simply. It wasn't even a yell that came from him. But like he was having a conversation with him. But when he noticed that Spy didn't budge from where he stood. Watching the hickey form on his neck he could see his grin widen before once more shoving him back towards the door." Get out!" Breaking that calm facade he was forcing him out by that point. Slamming the door to his coop as soon as Spy was through the door. Sinking to the floor as he rubbed his wet neck free of his saliva. He couldn't let Scout see it. He knew he had a mark on his neck at that point and knew that it wouldn't go away for a long time. Covering his head as he hugged his knees. What had he done?

The next morning was no better. Having had passed out completely on the floor after the ordeal with Spy he failed to do his overnight shift watch. The coffee on the table was cold. But the radio was still blaring loudly. He didn't want Scout finding out about the other night. So he got dressed noticing the time and made his way downstairs to the cafeteria where breakfast was always being served. Grabbing a plate with a few pancakes he jutted over to where he noticed Scout. He had his neck covered up of course. A bandana he had worn from time to time was tied around his neck. She was sitting with Soldier and Demoman where at the table across from them had Spy, Medic, Engi, Heavy, and Pyro. Out of the corner of Sniper's eye he could see Spy's seductive wink consume his vision as he merely looked away to overhear Soldier's story finish.

"..and that is how I got a magician as a roommate!"

"Lad. I need to know how you haven't been killed by that guy yet. From the way it sounds by ta way you two met I'd say you shouldn't even be here at this point." Demoman said as he pointed his bottle of booze towards Soldier who wasn't even in his uniform yet. Wearing that same white muscle shirt and shorts he first met Scout. Yet never lacked his favored Soldier helmet too big for his own good. A crazed grin forming on his face as he slammed his fist on the table which made the table and everything on it rock violently under them.

"Listen you Scottish Cyclops of Greek myth! If I can manage to be roommates with a magician and live! Then by god in the name of a Canadian Christmas I will live through this war and go back to that castle of his to break his scrawny neck with my bare hands!" He hissed as he reached over to Demoman. Grabbing him by the neck to unexpectedly actually break the drunkards neck. His body hitting the floor for it to only vanish. Akward silence filling their table as the other table. They could hear Medic yell at Soldier. Sniper however merely blinked in surprise with Scout next to him as Demo returned a minute later with a stumble in his walk. Pointing at Soldier as he childishly smiled towards the Scotsman.

"Yer f*ckin lucky I won't remember this by lunch time. I'd have f*ckin laid ya one good for that!" He hissed as he walked back over and picked up the booze bottle from the floor. Raising it to take a drink only for a huff of air and one drop to hit his tongue. Throwing his bottle on the floor as he sat himself back down next to Soldier as he stared at Sniper and Scout for a moment." Aye. Y'know I've heard some weird rumors goin around about you two-" Demo said as he drunkenly pointed between them. Soldier leaning in close to Scout who was forced to lean back in her seat with a mouth full of pancakes.

"Me and Demo have heard that you two are getting married! Congratulations! I'm also a public defender. I think I can legally indoctrinate you two into the internal prison that is marriage!" Sniper instantly choked on his pancakes along with her. Scout managing to spit out the pancake she almost swallowed but Sniper wasn't as lucky. Wheezing and choking to the point his face started turning blue. Grabbing his waist she squeezed to dislodge the food stuck in his throat. As she was working on Sniper. Demo had slapped Soldier against his helmet.

"Ya braindead goof! It was meant to be a subtle question! They ain't gettin' married!" Out of everyone on the team, Demo and Soldier were close friends and by far the loudest people on the team. Soldier was too childish and clueless for his own good. Only understanding things mostly in the simplest way possible. A simple order or telling him what to do bit by bit is how he was. Simple orders for a dimwitted man. Demo however always drunk. Was the smart one of the two loudmouths. Telling strange stories of bomb enfused books that can speak Spanish. To haunted eye sockets and floating eyeballs. Strange things that makes the normal people squirm and shake. But they were good people. Never taking it too personally when Soldier happens to do an early morning neck snap. There were times where he would get far to excited like that one moment now calm enough he was quiet as he watched the piece of pancake fly from Sniper's throat back onto his plate.

Rubbing his throat he looked to Soldier and demo with a co*cked brow." Howed you know?" He coughed a few more times as Scout rubbed his back with a few Pat's Demo smirking as he leaned into his arm.

"Easy. Not really a rumor but I noticed the way you two look at eachother. Love between you two happens to be strong and I gotta say it now. Go for it!"

"You only live once! Unless you're us-" Soldier said as he slowly shrank into his seat with a huff. His helmet clanking against the metal table. Both Scout and sniper looking at eachother blushing as she cleared her throat.

"Snipes I've...uh. been meaning to ask ya.. would you to try this..out?" Her smile was cheesy and absolutely akward. Towards Sniper as he was rubbing the back of his neck. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Demo nodding deeply. Not even being discreet about it. Soldier coming up from behind Sniper putting him in a hard chokehold. Once more bringing Sniper to choke on Soldiers large arm.

"Say it maggot! Say 'I do'! Say it!" He demanded like a drill sarge. Pulling Sniper out of his seat patting Soldier's arm to try and get him to stop as Scout reached out to grab him. But missed by mere inches as he looked to her concerned expression as he choked on his words.

"Al-alright! Alright! I do! I-I' it!" As soon as he said thoes words Soldier's arms unlocked as he clapped his hands togeather satisfied with what hes done.

"And that, Cyclops is how you do the job of a Relationship councilor. Just choke them till they say yes! If they don't. Keep choking until they do! It's easy. You ever want a date just be sure to choke them out till they say yes!" Through the corner of both of them Demo's arm wrapped tightly around his neck like he did with Sniper. Dragging him to the floor. Scout approaching Sniper to help him to his feet. 'Say yes' spat in the background between the two men as Sniper was helped to his feet with a tug from the young woman.

"You alright?" She asked as her gaze turned to watch them roll and tussle on the floor. Landing a few punches to their faces as Soldier refused to say Yes himself. Eighter a joke or real they couldnt tell. But Spy could feel Spy's eyes on him. Made his hairs stand on end as he nodded once. Looking down at her figure.

"Ah don't worry about me. I'm fine mate. Trust me. Been through worse. He gave her a confidant grin as he made his way to sit back down before stopping. Pancakes still sitting on the plate. But at that consistency where it was barely a pancake anymore and more or less a mushy paste. Groaning he picked up the plate and walked it over to the trash by Spy. Biting his lips he knew the Stealthy Spook was eyeballing him where he sat.

As soon as he passed he felt a tug on his arm. It was Engineer." You alright partner?" Pulling his hand back, Sniper nodded.

"Yeah..I'm fine."

Chapter 13

Chapter Text

' Once upon time there was a man who didn't exist. He had everything he could have ever wanted. A house, a car, a lovely view. Moved to america to start a new life. But no family to call his own or to share it with. One day while driving the man saw a beautiful woman. Her skin flawless and gorgeous. But sobbing and broken. A poor state such a beautiful woman was in and didn't deserve to be. So the man approached the sobbing woman. His hand extended towards her.

"Are you alright? What happened?" He asked as concern stained his lips. The womans eyes looking back up towards his hand. And took the kind gentalmanly offer for his hand with a small smile upon her lips.

"I'm quite alright, Sir. A man jumped me and stole my purse.." admittedly spaced she was dazed as the stranger lead her over to a bench by his arm. co*cking his brow, he pulled a cigarette from a cigarette pack.

"Can you tell me where he went?" With that the woman pointed just up the sidewalk to an alleyway next to an old building. And left. This poor man held everything and yet had nothing. Any man could have simply walked away. When a gorgeous woman was involved in such a situation the faceless man obliged in the task that he chose to make for himself. And killed the man who had robbed such a sweet woman of her priceless belongings. Returning with her purse she was left surprised of the man dressed in fine clothes. Her painted nails wrapping around the straps of the bag. To him she was priceless. To her he was the same.

For months on end the foreign, faceless man and the beautiful woman ran into eachother over and over within the starlit city. A thing the man thought as fate. A destiny he had ignored for so long. He decided to make his move unexpectedly." Will you care for a drink?" The young faceless man had bowed deeply towards her on the street that day. Taking her hand placing a kiss directly upon the back of her knuckles.

"My parent you a gentleman?" Her accent he found adorable. The luxury of a Boston accent. They both were far from perfect. As much as it seemed to them that they were they acknowledged their flaws without malice or mockery.

"I will treat you like a princess. Give you everything and anything." He promised. And she trusted him on his word. They were both young. Both states of which they made countless mistakes in their newfound lives. Dancing with grace at their sides like life would never be against them. And they'd flow with it like a river. And offered her a hand in marriage.

And yet he was careless.

"..I'm pregnant," were the words he never wanted to hear. With her standing at the door she held a pregnancy test within her fingers that read positive. The faceless man fell under a blanket of fear. He shook his head with fear in his young tone.

"I couldn't have gotten you pregnant, mon amour.. I was so sure I was careful." He refused to believe such a trivial thing. A meaningless device. And yet his denial didn't seem to work. Each morning she'd get sick. Her cravings blared wildly. Each and every day the proof stockpiled itself in front of him till the proof toppled over him like a waterfall that came along that river he wished they were still smoothly rolling down. Months and months passed with her belly getting bigger and his fear growing stronger. They lived togeather. Till the day she had their daughter. That day he changed.

The faceless man had everything he wanted. A house, a car, a family. He thought he would have been happy, 'I can make it, why am I not happy', he thought'. But inevitably ended up lying to himself. Asked himself a question he had no answers to. And within a few weeks into raising their daughter they struggled. He was miserable. He wanted to see more than stay stuck raising his child. His damned mistake.

That was when the faceless man fell from grace and broke his promise. He left without so much as a goodbye. All that was missing was a photo that they took. And vanished like he never existed.

What happened to the woman after he left? She was left to raise their child alone. Sending her to school. Scrounging off of what money she could make to support her child. Through the tough grooling years that child had to learn to grow up fast in a world that was out to get her. Girls weren't allowed to do many things. But broke the norm without trouble.

When that child turned nineteen. That once beautiful woman became distant and beaten. Having remarried. Unsure if her husband was dead. Her heart fell for a hearless man who saught to use her and her daughter like puppets.

That child suffered and starved to the abuse under her Stepfather's rule. Like a void that filled her heart she learned to rebel against what he wanted by force. And took her mother to a place far away from him. Years of torments physical and mental abuse whined on them like barbells strapped to their feet. Instead of flowing down that river. That child was left to sink to the bottom of that river with no way of getting out. Till she severed the rope.

They slowly swam to the surface of that river. Slowly moving on with what pieces of their boat they could scavenge. And sailed away from the anchor that held them down. Needless to say that the child's parents loved her. But she never knew the faceless man behind her blood.

The faceless man?

Caring was hard for him. Usually he'd make the effort known to others that he didn't want them dead, but caring? Wasn't in his blood. Infact it was a hard chokehold on his life and it stained his soul bit by bit to overcome such an impossible addiction to running from his past. He was faceless for a reason. Had what he had because he was good at what he did. What he didn't? Hard to say. Most people would have spat on him as he passed. But that one beautiful woman didn't that day he stumbled across her.

The faceless man regretted his decision in running and pleading with that guilt left a stain behind that's almost impossible to remove.

One day that stain got darker. To see that child's face brought that all too familiar fear back into his heart. After twenty four years of running. One day his past would catch up with him. Weather it be his former wife he left behind. Or his own offspring. He didn't want his daughter to be cursed with his life he was so used to.

They remained separated. He ignored her as she out of the corner of his vision would stare. Crossed paths with a story she didn't know. And a story he desperately wanted to keep a secret from thoes who would have wished harm on her. A futile attempt. And a hard to prophesie one at that. Life had a crule way of playing jokes on the young and ignorant.'

That's exactly what Spy was. And he'd admit it over and over to make it clear. He was ignorant and stupid. Something that every young man had the shame in enduring. It crawled up his spine. The conclusion of his story hadn't been written yet. He was trying to write that end as he sat on the front part of the train with another jug of water on hand. Every now and again gor what felt like hours would sip from that hug and take a bite of of some poor saps lunch while he wrote down things in his notes.

'They are you as you are them. I'm sure if you were to come face to face with you're clone. The longer you'd remain in close proximity to eachother. Undoubtedly he would begin to receive you're memories. Along with a few..unwanted side effects. The more he questions who he is even if he's had a short exposure. It could result in the same thing only slower results.' Thoes words were written down on a notebook he stole from off the construction sight next to Redmond's estate.

On his note book to pass the time he had written down words concerning BLU Spy's plans since he had learned that truth, spoken with him, seen his face.

' • Childish Jealousy: the first one on his list regarding the fact that RED had the only woman on their team.

• Personal Vendetta: regarding their personal hatred towards one another decided he was the most dangerous person and thus used him as leverage to get closer to Scout.

• Personal Obsession: a result of his original plan going awry because of said malfunctions.'

It was noted that the clones never really payed attention to their other counterparts. Their originals. BLU Always took it upon themselves to leave the captured to only two people to get information. And almost never an audience unless it involved them killing the captured off to get them back to respawn. Only BLU's support team knows anything about anything about this unknown far fetched plan the BLU Spy had in store for his daughter.

Jessica Jenna Finch. Every time he listened to that name he was bound to shake his head in disappointment towards what he had done. His eyes overlooking the terrains of the empty landscape ahead. The train tracks doing their job as he kicked his feet back up as he took a look at his maskless face in the reflection of the conductor's window. He needed a shave. He looked like the Bushman when he didn't shave. Not to mention the clothes he was wearing were ghastly and disgusting to his own sense of taste and style. He lost track of how long he had been on the train headed to the Sawmill. Five hours? Usually it never took that long by car as long as you never stopped.

Till the overview of a small hill was overtaken by old buildings and abandoned lumber wear. The place was coated in a misty white fog that covered most of the ground. It was going to rain. Tell tale signs of a thunderhead rolling in as he felt the train's breaks kick in resulting in a slow roll into the abandoned area. As large as it was it looked as if at some point the rest of his team along with BLU were meant to move there. But it never happened. Five years working under the mercenary regime and he never left Teufort. The same mission over and over. It drove him mad.

As the train was almost to a stop. Spy didn't take his chances to wait. Taking his notebook of theories and his jug of filtered water he jumped out. Sticky mud flying up his pant legs as he let out a ghastly sigh. Rolling his eyes deeply as he approached the buildings painted in a line of red. A message with a knife sticking out of the wooden structure. Ripping it free and pocketing the weapon in his clothes he read the note left by none other than Mrs.Pauling.

'RED Locker rooms and bunks are straight ahead. Left a suit more of you're style in the locker marked with you're class symbol. Along with a few weapons. There is a fuse box behind the base along with an emergency power generator. Use that to start up the power to you're base to get the radio working. DO NOT KEEP HER WAITING, PLEASE!'

Wadding up the note he followed the lines painted in red to a worn down wooden overview. Climbing a set of stairs up into a room with a large table. Everything was quiet. None of the machinery was working. And the sound of rain started to roll in. Continuing his exploration of the new base. His muddied shoes leaving prints behind on the metal floors. Down the hallway through a door he was introduced with their rooms. What was meant to be their dorms. Each room he looked in was clear and empty except for one. It looked just like their Dorms back in Teufort. And the final room at the end of the hall marked with a RED Scout's symbol was ajar. The slight sent of decay filled his nostrils as he plugged his nose.

He was hesitant to view what was in there. Forcing the doors open with a quick yank the automatic doors opened to reveal the dark room. Unable to see properly he flicked on the light switch. Like the others the room was empty when peeked into. It. But not complempty. When Spy's eyes scanned the room tallymarks littered the walls like a madman had scratched them into the walls with their own fingernails, blood coated into the tally's. And In the corner of the room was the body of a mummified Scout. Conforming his assumptions as he walked closer to the grayish rotted corpse of the young man being the one to draw the tally's with his fingernails. His eyes slightly wide as he noticed an old notebook sitting next to his hand. And in that said hand was a revolver. Slightly rusted but it was clear it had been hit by the moisture of the outside. Animals sneaking a quick nibble of the corpse as he flipped open the old notebook that still had a pen in it. Prying the old revolver from the young man's hands as his boney fingers gave off a sickening 'crunch' to the roughness of the Spy's handling. A slight apology left his lips as he flipped open the notebook.

He had to admit the Scout's handwriting was atrocious and hard to read but it was readable and understandable.

' 2/15/67
BLU's killed me. Not really surprised, but when I popped back to life I wasn't in the right place. I have no idea where I am but all I know is that I'm nowhere close to Teufort or any sort of company in here. I tried to check out the respawn. But I'm no techsavy bastard like Engi. I dunno if the damn thing glitched and got me here by mistake or if it's working or not. I guess I'll just wait to see if anyone comes by.'

With a flip of the page Spy continued to read.

' 2/27/67
It's my birthday today. Been trying to keep myself occupied by exploring the place but I didn't really find anything useful like weapons or food. Not yet anyway. Spending most of my time waiting and scratching tally's on the wall. I think that's what they were called. Tallymarks? Anyway. It's been..I think..two weeks since I ended up here at a place called the Sawmill. I'm gonna take a nap and see what happens.'

Skipping ahead a few pages they ended up jumping ahead by months. The pen scribbling becoming more shaky and weak the more the time went on in the old book that was stained by dampness.

' 8/13/67
I don't think anyone is coming for me.. I've waited for months here and I'm growing more tired by the day. Every time I try to catch the train I'm too slow. It comes through here every month and it's like it never even notices me. Like I'm not here. I tried timing it out to where the conductor could see me but it's like no one's there. I'm running out of food. And I don't think I even have the strength to stand up anymore.

As he flipped the page he was at the point where the notes ended. The pen sitting in place as the last entry was scribbled along with a note on the other page.

' 12/12/67
It's so..cold. I can barely write this and my bones are freezing. Theres nothing here anymore. The food is gone. While exploring I found a revolver with a couple of rounds in it. I also found a bunker I couldn't crack open and a man made be honest I might just put that revolver to good use..I might find out weather respawn works or not.. it's that or die slow to the frostbite and the cold..a quick death is better than nothing..

Spy's glance towards the Scout's body made a twinge of sympathy show in his usual stone cold expression.
Reading over the final note which was a suicide note.

' To anyone who finds me dead. Please tell my ma and pa that I love them. Tell them I tried but I failed. Do whatever you need to with my body. Just please let my family know that I'm sorry for the things that I've done and the choices I made.

Sincerely you're loving son..Jeremy.'

Shutting the book Spy took a deep breath and glanced towards the outside. He couldn't just leave his body there. He had respect towards the dead. Well respect towards thoes who stay dead and not Respawn five seconds later. To learn that their red Scout never died and only ended up in the Sawmill instead was a shocking realization. It made him wonder why Mrs.Pauling hadn't mentioned it. Along with The Administrator. But the place was abandoned and dark. It wasn't surprising that no one knew he was there.

Taking off the jacket he had on he kneeled over the Scout's body and covered his face with it. Laying his decayed body down before picking him up bridal style to carry him outside into the short term drizzle of the rain. Grabbed a shovel that was old and decrepit from the sawmill itself and started to dig a grave. It was slow and dirty. As much as Spy hated dirt and mud it was out of respect. The grueling process of digging a decent hole made up almost two hours of his time. Time that he could have spent turning on that generator. But for the sake of a deceased teammate. He'd dig a grave for him even if it was in the middle of a battle. Placed in a nice spot next to the stairs to RED Base. Climbing out of the decent four foot hole he dug up. He took the Scout and laid him in the hole. And stiffed the notebook except for the suicide note into the scouts pocket, climbed back out. And started to move the dirt over him.

One, two. What felt like minutes were turned to hours as the sun that was covered by the grey rain clouds went down over the horizon. By that time he was done. Putting the shovel against a corner he shook his head." You ran fast. Dats for certain, Jeremy. I'm sorry dis happened to you. I promise I'll make dis right to you." He had to make a cross later. Pay his respects. But first he had to get the power on. Striding his way to the back of the RED side of the area to get the power on before changing. He was already wet and sulked as it was. A small single light hanging over the generator exactly where Pauling said it would be. Another note was left behind but the words were ruined by the rain water as he took a hold of the pully to start the generator's engine. A swift yank made the generator pop to life for only a split second before it died. A gas can sitting behind the generator covered by branches made itself known as he glanced around and took a look at the ruined note one more time.

'W-ll -ed g-s.'

Spy's eyes rolled deeply as he grabbed the gas can to pour in the contents. The entirety of the gas can going into the generator as he yanked on the pully to activate the engine once more. With the engine finally roaring to life he flipped open the fuse box and flipped on the switches. Lights blared on instantly. Drowning the once dark area in light. No longer dark and empty as he finally grinned at the salvation. Power was on and running. No doubt giving him some relief from the cold rain as he made his way back inside. His clothes were dripping wet. Not one piece left dry as he went to find the resupply room. Turning into it the room was empty mostly. Much like the rest of the place was except the designated class lockers that were lett for each class. Sniper, to Demoman. Scrolling through each locker he finally reached his and opened it to reveal a nice Red class style Spy suit with a new ski mask. Shoes and his favored weapons of a butterfly knife and his clean revolver engraved with the a detailed picture of the Scout's mother on it. His lips pressing against the weapon's picture as he put the rusted revolver and knife that Pauling left behind in his locker and slipped out of his wet clothing. And made his way to the shower rooms. He smelled disgusting and was in need of one.

Starting on the shower he hissed to the bruises that littered his body. Two weeks and they had her to disappear. Scratches on his back from the Medic left a sour and disgusting taste in his mouth that made him gag and choke just thinking about them as the hot warm water rolled down thoes scars and bruises like a waterfall. That very waterfall that washed away his future. The more he looked at his old face. The gray coming into the sides of his hair. It made him question. Was he getting too old for this? His hair gotten longer and couldn't quite handle it. With the blade of that knife Pauling left behind. He gathered the clump of hair. Driving the blade through his hair the clump of that long hair came loose into his hand. Strands not held fell to the floor as he tossed it into a trash at his side. And began to shave with that said knife. Dragging the blade across the rough patches of fuzz on his chin up around his mouth. The lack of shaving cream made it difficult but managed it all the same without it.

Patting his smooth face a few times he made his way back to the locker room and got dressed in that same suit he loved so much. An exact copy of that suit. He was ready. He took his time with it. But by the time he was done. Making his way out towards the radio room. His eyes went wide at the sight. It was gone. The train was gone and must have started while he was showering. Biting his lip as he put his tools in his suit he marched his way up to the radio room as originally intended and sat down at the table his blue hues eyeing the dials as he twisted them to match the numbers as before." Administrator. I'm here."

It took a few minutes. But eventually the radio blared to life." I see you finally made it. You did take you're time with poor Scout." She didn't sound entirely bad about him and that was what made the man grimace in disgust towards that woman as he tapped his fingers against the table.

"I've done as you asked. Spare me. The train is gone what do you intend for me to do?" He asked curiously as he stared intensly for a moment. Looking over his shoulder to a camera staring back at him in the corner of the room.

"Simple. At the Sawmill theres a Mann made company bomb located and attached to that very train track. I need you to blow up the train when it comes back around in a months time." She said clearly which made Spy almost have to take a double take on her orders. Blow up the Mann Co. Resupply train? "I need you to trust me, Spy. Can you do that for me? I made sure Mrs.Pauling left you over a months worth of food and supplies for you to survive the wait. The train will derail. You'll know what to do after that when the time comes."

"What are you? Wh-" before he even had a chance to finish the radio exploded. Leaving him completely in the dark as his eyes narrowed to the camera behind him. A deep glare forming put of his eyes as he clenched his fist. Punching the glass window overlooking the train tracks so hard the glass cracked. A month of alone time. A month to prepare.

What was on his mind was what she was planning.

Chapter 14: 14

Chapter Text

Another day another sabotage in RED Base. Another near close to a month since the RV crash and everything started to devolve into madness amongst the team. Medics hand slamming on the table of the debriefing room as he slowly dragged his hand across his face." It has been almost three veeks.. three! Und we haven't gotten one briefcase! All zere I was sabotage like BLU Spy is just f*cking vith us!"

Scout could notice the unstable twitch in his eye as he spoke. Heavy sooty patting his back to reassure him that everything would be fine. But the lack of winning the intelligence proved to be incredibly stressful on the doctor. His eyes narrowed down at everyone who sat at the main debriefing table as they eyed eachother. The Medic's finger pointing towards Scout with a strong glare. Her eyes widened as Sniper, who was next to her glared back at him. "You..eery form of shabatoge involving weapons had been on you're vepons only have zy not?" He asked as he placed both his hands on the tabletop. Leaning in to where he was face to face with Scout as she narrowed her eyes towards him much like Sniper who was glaring.

"Whata ya insinuatin' doc? Dat I'm the one sabatogin' Engi's things!?" She growled back at the german as she stood up from her seat to get closer to him." If I f*ckin' was I'd be f*ckin' myself as well! Everytime time doin' as I'm told I explode by my own damn gun! Tell me how that makes any sorta sense!" She spat as she grabbed the collar of his shirt to pull him in closer from across the table with a growl." I've had enough of yer sh*t! Blamin' this sh*t on me just because I'm new! f*ckin nazi! I'm half in my right damn mind to kick you're accusing ass back to you're Führer, six feet under." Her eyes narrowed as the room went quiet. As much as Soldier enjoyed every word she was met by a still expression resting on the Medic's face. Sniper's eyes wide along with the Heavy." Any other man gonna accuse me of doin' sh*t I don't know how to do!?" She dropped the medic. Spreading her arms out to where her gaze mostly met Spy's, whose blue hues were shut in a deeply amused manner as he took a deep breath in with the smoke from his cigarette.

"Scout. Please-" Engi reached out gently to take her by the arm with his gloved hand. Scout's patient time with Sniper left her getting used to the sensation of being touched by another person at that point. Her head shooting towards Engi. Yanking her hand away from him as she glared down at the Texan man who stood only an inch shorter than her." Calm yourself. We're all frustrated here and we're not tryin' to blame you for it. We're just tryin' to get to the bottom of this sabatoge of our weapons." His words calmed her down a bit. Her tense position lowered to a more relaxed one before she continued to glare.

"What do you know, rodeo boy? I see you all lookin' at me like I had somethin' to do with it. Well- not everyone." Her eye shifted over to Soldier who was smiling deeply at her. Like a gritty child on Smissmas about to receive his present. Hands clapping she could feel his bogeyed stare through his helmet.

"By Abe Lincoln's beard! I think I just used my brain!" Soldier said as he also slammed his fist on the table. Like someone tapping a fork against their glass to get attention but far less subtle. Raising his finger in the air as he looked at Scout intensely. His smile unmoving." Its because you're a vergin!" He pointed at her. Everyone's face going as red as the color they wore as Demo slapped his face with embarrassment. Spy cloaked himself in his seat as soon as it was said as the pure blooded American psycho walked over to Medicand slapped him on the back. His glasses almost coming off the bridge of his nose." Don't worry, Scout! As a team mate I under the fourty second amendment of the United states of America! I will personally strangle this Nazi and then teach you the ways of male sexual appropriation!"

"I- wait what!?" Scout's eyes were almost dots as she listened to Soldier's words as did everyone else. As Soldier's hands barely had enough time to wrap around the Medic's neck to strangle him. Instead being blocked off by Heavy whose large hand almost engulfed the doctor's shoulder as he pulled him back. To everyone else who was sane besides Pyro. Soldiers words made no sense. Not to mention he with no context was stating that he'd teach Scout ( Who was a woman ) how to have sex like a man would- which was quite literally, physically impossible.

"Fine Nazi. Have you're fun." He muttered with a raise in his lip before his head abruptly turned to look at Scout with a deep rosey cheeked smile. This man was undoubtedly insane as he jumped up on the table. His militaristic boots pounding against the topside of the metal table. Standing over Scout where Sniper held her hand he grinned deeply with what Sniper could have described as an actual caring smile towards her as he crouched down in front of her on the table." Me? I just fell in love with this truly thick blooded American woman for standing up to a Nazi fa*ggot! Ma'am if I had a medal I'd have given you fifty of them by now for standing up against a foreigner, private! Infact I think you should be promoted!" He was praising her! In many ways Sniper had thought that he was going to quite literally pick her up in that moment and run off with her to his room. But that never came. It only loomed on the air as Scout's eyes glanced over to Engi who, much like when they first met gave a salute with a nervous expression masked by a warbled smile.

Raising her hand to her forehead she nodded with an equally nervous but accepting smile. Nodding deeply her cheeks were on fire from such an awkward moment that made the room feel just as uncomfortable." Sir..yes sir, Soldier." Her words were shat sparked an instant laugh out of Soldier as he nodded proudly. Making his way back to his spot next to Demoman and plopped back down next to him. Giving his Scottish friend a thumbs up while he merely gave a face palm as a means of making a responce happen. Not to mention he was Drunk as he usually was. Too much so to care about what sa currently happening anymore because of it.

"Bloody hell..wasn't expectin' that-" Sniper muttered as the room was still for a moment. Before a throat cleared. That throat being Engi's as from under the table he pulled out Scout's Shotgun. Double barreled, the very same one she's been using for the near month shes been there. Placing it on the table to turn the gun from side to side." What's goin' on Engi?" He asked as Scout remained where she was. Arms crossed.

"I brought this in to show Yall somethin I found this mornin'. Don't really think this is much of a coincidence that Scouts weapon is malfunctioning and only hers. I think someone's targetin' you." He twisted the weapon in his hand, spraying something into the barrel as he tossed it to her. Catching it within her bandaged hands she smelled something strange.Looking into the barrel of the gun she noticed a fluffy almost starlight coating it had on its interior. Like someone had sprayed a funky smelling shaving cream into the barrel of her weapon." That in there is an experimental explosive gel coating the interior of you're shotgun, Scout. When you fire it it results in that explosion that ends up killing you during our missions. It took me a while to figure out the problem till I sprayed bleach in there. It can't just be washed out. Someone knows their chemical's." He muttered as Scout put her weapon on the table. Looking up to him.

"So you're tellin' me I'm being targeted by someone?" A slight shiver running down her Spy as she look amongst everyone to see Spy's head remain down. Her eyes narrowing deeply yet held her tongue as she spoke." Look the Resupply train is comin' in three days time, yeah? I'll order up a new Shotgun from Mann Co its next go around. That or I could always use something else?"

"Huhh hur nur hussihal-" Pyro shook their head as they looked at her. Scout's expression shifted in confusion towards the Pyro's hard to understand voice as Engi piped in. Speaking on his behalf to make himself clear.

"Ah excuse Pyro. Still gotta get used to understand what he's saying. Pyro said that it isn't possible to get weapons off the train. The train brings us ammo, Food and water and that's about it. Enough to last all of us until the next month. You want more weapons or a weapon fixed I have to order weapons and their parts through the Mann Co. shipping service." Engi said as he reached over to grab her shot gun. Pulling it close to him as he muttered." I'll order you a new shotgun after the debriefing. By tomorrow you should have a new weapon. It feels like someone's trying to frame us." Engi was smart. He with Medic were by far the smartest people on the team. Medic specializing in his medical dagree. And Engi with his skills in mathematics and science revolving around engineering.

'Well played Laboror.' The Spy's gaze brushing against Engi as he spoke. His eyes shutting as he flicked his cigarette away and crossed his arms firmly over his chest." You say she's being targeted? By whome might I ask? It's clear dat none of us has been wherever de shotgun has been. Everyone knew where everyone was at, at all times non? De only one working on de shotgun was you." Spy hummed as it made Scout question herself he ould tell by watching her face shift from the blatant 'you may be right' to ' I'm not sure'.

Engi's head turning towards him as Spy simply raised his hands in a deep shrug." Spah. I personally checked each and every one of you're weapons for the same stuff. I found nothin'. It's only her weapon that has the gel. This ain't no coincidence. If it was BLU I'm sure someone would have took the careful time to sabatoge all our weapons instead of just the one. Things have been gettin fishy up in here since Scout got here. I didn't wanna say anything because I thought it was just me, but now it don't feel like thats the case any more."

Medic nodded in agreement as he cupped his smoothly shaven face with his gloved hand and wondered his gaze to the ceiling." Ja..Engi is right." Heavy's grip on his soft and conferring to him." Since Scout arrived to ze base things have been going wrong. Coincidentally ze BLU Spy head vent missing. No one has seen him much like-" he paused for a moment. Coughing to clear his throat as he made out the words 'former Scout' through the fake coffing fit." It has me vondering if he's not just simply observing us. Pinning us to blame und have Scout leave."

"To be honest ever since she got here. Spah was actin' kinda funny about havin' a girl on the team." Everyones gaze quickly turned to Spy.

'Merde non ! Pas maintenant (sh*t no! Not now)! Cold nervous sweats were pouring down his forehead. He could use that information he learned on her to get out of this. Looking away from them he cleared his throat maintaining his usual calm and in control perspective. His mind flowing to how to get out of it. He wasn't there for that conversation so he couldn't say exactly how it went down." Are you really going to all just look at me like dis? Like I'm de culprit simply because I had my opinion on women doing mercenary work? Real mature, Laborer. I'll be sure to note dat the next time you share you're opinions on a subject you care desperately about. Face it. De battlefield is no place for a woman." His words were smooth and calculated as a nervous man could be. Rubbing his neck a few times to the scars that sat there like a birth mark. Hidden behind the red mask hes been wearing for three weeks straight he was going mad in there. And watching as that plan of his slowly started to crumble made him shake with rage internally. They knew something was going on at that point as his teeth grinded togeather in distain for the RED's and their bullsh*t. His blue hues were thin as his eyes dilated. Staring at Scout made fuzzy memories of stuff he never remembered before pop back into his mind like a story book and it have him headaches. He simply couldn't let RED have her to themselves. But he remained calm and collected outside. His arms still crossed as Engi's gaze turned dark towards him. Making his way around the table to where Spy got out of his seat to eye him intensely. Eyes narrowed in a deep intense stare down as the Laborer reached up to take a hold of the ski mask. Lifting it up slowly Spy instantly grabbed his arm and slammed him against the table where his arms was stretched out to the point his shoulder could have been dislocated. the loud groan mof the sudden attack made everyone in the room react.

Heavy forcing the shocked Medic behind him. Soldier cracking his knuckles instantly as Demo drunkenly smashed the bottom half of his booze bottle and pointed it at Spy. Pyro confused and childishly scared his behind Scout as she patted his head to reassure him it was alright. While Sniper was on the ready to attack with the machete he had om hand as Spy glanced around the room with a twitch to his lip.

"Spy is not our Spy?" Heavy asked. His knuckles cracking heavily as Spy let the Texan go. Smoothing out the wrinkles in his suit with his hands he huffed with a dismissive wave of his hand.

"No you imbecile, I am on you're side! You all know de number one rule when it comes to this mask. Don't. Touch. It. If I wanted to be touched I've had went to Sniper." He snorted lightly as Sniper's cheeks turned red at his mention which immediately made Scout look at him. Her brows furrowed as Spy turned to face her. A small grin forming on his face." Oh? So he hasn't told you how he came onto me like de devious rogue he was, non?"

"That's not f*ckin' true and you know it ya bloody Spook! You came onto me that night in the Nest!" Pointing his machete at him he was red in the face with anger and rade fuling his actions the more Spy spoke his lies at that point. "If you know what's good for you Spy you'd shut yer lyin' mouth before I remove you're tongue for you."

Spy's eyes were excited at that point. Almost in a way where it was meant to be a sad*sts way of excitement as he co*cked his head."What's de mutter Bushman? I say too much in front of you're girlfriend?" As if he were asking a genuine question as he noticed the look on Scout's eyes. She was peacing two and two togeather." I thought it was you're job as an assassin to be polite and efficient. Look where you're so called 'politeness' got you." Spy gestured his hand towards the doors. Scout ran.

Raising his weapon he threw Spy into the wall. The blade of his machete pressing against Spy's neck where he in turn also felt the blade of his butterfly knife brush against the skin of his neck. So blind in his anger he failed to realize he had taken the knife out amidst his initial attempt to slit the Spy's throat for ruining something important to him. A relationship that meant everything and he ruined it by talking." Sniper I know you wanna kill him but he ain't worth it. I want to do the same thing as you, but you won't get anythin' out of it." Engi spoke from behind. Demo being held up by Soldier who as mainly watching the violence with everyone else.

"This Spook.. commin' onto me makin' me sound like I'm the f*ckin' bad guy! You ruined it!" As much as he pushed his blade deeper into the Spy's throat he did the same with his butterfly knife." We were happy and you ruined it!" Feeling a large hand on his shoulder he was forced back away from Spy by Heavy. Stumbling back the said force wasn't all that kind on him as his back hit the table. Spy free from Sniper and vis versa made things cool down.

"Do not kill eachother. Things aren't going well and we need to find out who is sabotaging our weapons and targeting Little Scout. We need focus. Not violence." The russain said as his hands were on both their shoulders to ensure they wouldn't go at eachother throats again. Things were incredibly heated in the room and it made him feel unnaturally out of his league. Being as big as he was he was by far the calmest person in that room unless it meant harm to the Doctor. His head shifting between them as Sniper forced his Machete back into its sheath with a hard jerk while Spy effortlessly flipped the butterfly knife till it closed. Putting it in his pocket. His large hands slowly lifting off of their shoulders before he crossed his arms." Behavior is strange. You. Sniper confort Scout. Rest of us. We talk like men."

As Heavy finished he took Spy by the shoulder once more and forced him back into the seat he was sitting in previously. His shoulders were held firmly in place as everyone else in the room glared at him. His blue eyes staring off in fear as he was held in place by the Heavy. He was confused and nervous as his gaze flipped through everyone who had their glare set specifically on him it made him struggle against the Heavy tail his point was proven by his superior strength." This is outrageous! What is going o-" He was silenced. His cut off question was only met with silence as every RED except Sniper and Scout glared at him.

"Spy really ain't our Spy." Engi said as he rolled his now stiff shoulder with a scowl." You've been playin' us all for fools for almost two months straight. Just took me a while to get what I needed to understand what was happening. You should really watch which cigarettes you smoke out of the next time you're snooping around my things, BLU." He sneered as he pilled out a ziploc bag with a BLU Brand Cigarette that he tossed on the table in front of him. reaching his fingers under the mask to reveal the stitch scars. Faint but still prominent among his skin as Spy's lip quivered out of rage." Where's our Spy? Talk BLU!"

Suddenly the Soldier came marching up to him. Cracking his knuckles loudly as he giggled almost evily towards the Spy as he grit his teeth." Talk. Common! Where is our Spy, Maggot!?" He asked as he simply moved. Engi aside as he separated his legs to lean in closer to the captive BLU Spy Till what sounded like noise canceling in his ears went off as every other man in the room cringed towards him. Spy's smile was deep as Soldier simply stared off for a moment." What?" Looking down between his legs he noticed the foot planted firmly between his legs. Now realizing what was causing him such agony his body finally crumbled. Crossing his legs as he gripped at his agonized meatballs with a loud shrill growl. Heaving as he tried to get to his feet as the Spy dressed in red simply tightened his tie before crossing his leg over his thigh. Clearly satisfied with himself watching the Red Soldier suffer.

"Oh dear. It appears I made quite the mess." A snort produced through his laughter shared itself as Heavy quickly raised hin to slam him back on the seat." Get you're hands off of me you big brute! Well...It is better treatment Den how we treat you RED's I must admit." He smirked through the pain as his head snapped to Engi. Tilting his head with an almost innocent smile as he pursed his lips towards him." Tell me, Laborer. How is dat hand of yours doing? Still feel de phantom pain? Suffer de most painful nightmares. I had to admit other dan watching Scout when she slept. You were my most favorite one to watch suffer when it came to de night terrors."

Engi was silent. He didn't say anything as he clenched his gloved fist so hard to the point the rubber rubbing against itself could be heard through the stiff silence in the room. "Zis is completely uncharacteristic of zu BLU's to send inside men. How. How ze hell did you get you're body back?"

"You really want to know? I'll humor you. You're new Scout brought me back in. I find it amusing that you and most of BLU Team thought I was dead much like you're poor old Scout was." He spat. A wad of spit landing on Soldier's helmet as he kicked his feet back as he laughed once more. A hard stinking pain consumed his face as his head went flying to the side as blood slipped from his lips. It wasn't who he or anyone was really was expecting. Medic's fist slamming hard against him as he growled. Heavy's eyes wide as the German's unloved fist dragged across Spy's face like everything was happening in slow motion. His teeth were bared like a predator was dogging it's teeth into its prey as the Spy went flying out of the chair out of Heavy's grip with the chair. Landing just a foot Away from the scared Pyro whose mask was glinted over the Spy sprawled on the floor.

Medic's stance was wide and strong. Arms wide as he huffed breathlessly with that spirt of adrenaline in his body. Demo staring at him almost amazed as he took a glance at the broken booze bottle on hand before tossing it aside as it crashed against the wall with a crash." Jesus Medic.." Engi's voice piped up with a raised set of brows. Hand placed on the steamed Medic's shoulder only for the Doctor to quickly pull his arm away from the Texan with a hard Jerk. His eyes glaring, sharp like daggers.

"Do not touch me.." he hissed through his teeth." You too, Heavy. Don't come near me. I'm not in Ze mood.." he spat towards the Spy as he approached him. Fists clenched. He was tired of him. Tired of everything that involved this Spy. The more time went by the less information he had. And the fact that everything was going wrong for RED Team lately he knew who to pin that blame on now. Right on Spy. The BLU's surprisingly still have no idea about Spy from the way he was talking about him. So Medic's first ideal action was to strangle him. Looming over him Pyro stepped back his hands wrapping around his neck pressing down on his neck. What a familiar sight to behold as Pyro backed away before going through the sliding door to the Debriefing room.

"Good job." Spy hummed into the side of his mask in a whisper. A small whimper through the mask shared itself as the Spy decloaked to drive the blade of his butterfly knife into the back of his leg. Stepping on it as a brutally as possible to break the bone with the weapon. Using his free hand to push the Pyro onto the floor before striding over to the sliding door with an electro sapper and placed it on the panel. The electronic sticking to the wall as it prevented the door from opening while they were distracted by the decoy his dead ringer left behind in his place. Opening his disguise kit he placed another Cigarette in his mouth. Reaching into Pyro's pocket as his pained cries echoed out loudly he could hear the tears through that inhuman mask as he tried to grab Spy as he went rummaging for a lighter he knew they had in his merc uniform. Rolling his eyes he casually pressed his foot onto his head. Gradually adding pressure to his head as he finally got the lighter he wanted. Flipping it open he lit the cigarette and gradually took a long puff from his stick. Flicking the ashes onto the back of the Pyro as he struggled beneath him. Pathetic." Merci. Though I wonder what would happen when you lose you're precious Respawn. I believe I already have my medic taking care of dat." Leaning in with the butterfly knife casually being swung in his fingers he flipped it to the open position a few times." As much fun as it would be to kill you all now. I just couldn't bare de thought of leaving poor little Scout out of de fun, mm?"

His head tilted as Pyro's mask tried to move. The planted foot on the side of his head made him dizzy in his mask as he muttered in agony." Whurr..shigh..?" He asked. With Spy being so used to having a mute for a Pyro he had to think about what the mumbler meant in his hard to understand language as a mouth breather.

"Ah..that's what you asked me. Where you're Spy was?" He asked as he felt the head nod a bit to his question." Its been so long I'd be amazed if he was still alive. I have no idea where he is. Only dat me and two other colleagues of mine tossed him in de last car of de resupply train. And let de train do de rest. Almost two months and you imbecile's didn't suspect a thing." Gradually taking the cigarette he was smoking out of his mouth he pressed the burning stick into Pyro's mask before raising his foot. Stompin down on his head till he didn't move anymore. A small smile forming on his lips as he took out his own disguise kid and selected the engineer. As much as he appeared as the Enginer he played the part of one all too well.

"Things are gettin' heavy now boy's. Just you wait."

Chapter 15: 15

Chapter Text

They said if you did it right everything would fall into place eventually. So much for doing what they said and doing what you wanted. He had only a f*cked up ambition of a human being. Putting hard work into something he never truly realized was his own life before he met Scout.

Hearing the loud bangs from the other end of the door the disguised Spy looked over his shoulder to where only the large fingers on the heavy could just barely even fit through. Cheshire grin wiping it's way across his face as he noticed Medic's gaze as the disguise he wore worked with his movement. Though he looked like Engineer and sounded like him. It was obvious that he wasn't their Engi because he was in the locked room with the rest of the team as he stood over the Pyro. Waving Dead Ringer a few times in his view." Well shucks, 'Partner'," he mocked in the clear Texan tone of the Engineer as he looked at the device in his hand." Looks like all you just ain't doin' it right."

"Bastard! Open ze door!"

"Now why on earth would I do that? When I happen to have everything I need from you up for grabs. Call it what you wish. I'm simply doin' my job. Don't worry. I'll give the both of em a nice 'home'." Flipping his butterfly knife in hand he put it it into his suit as he walked chipper like down the hallway. Leaving everyone in the tightly sealed room behind to grovel. Whistling a casual toon to echo out through the now empty base. Except two more. His smile shifted a bit as he casually listened to the quietness. Her. Listen for that voice of hurt and sorrow. It's all he needed to properly pinpoint where Scout was.

"I didn't want it to be like this, Scout. I really didn't. He came onto me I assure you. Have I lied to you this far?" Sniper asked as he rubbed his head. Sighing deeply he didn't like seeing her this upset. It wasn't what he wanted to see nor what he did. Spy that f*cking trash made her emotional. He knew from the day they met that she was fire ready to burn. Mixed emotions from mental trauma and other various dealings of bullsh*t in her lifetime left her conflicted about what happened. But she was willing enough to hear Sniper out that time as they sat up in his coop. His arm wrapped tightly around the boston girl as he rocked her. Tightening her hat to her head as she grinned sadly at first before it began to grow.

"Yeah. Guess it was a bit childish to run. What I'm used to. Run from the problem ignore it. Hell even on rare occasions when I have the pride I stand up to it. Glad my gut told me to listen instead of ignore it." She said as she gave Mundy a light playful punch to the gut. She never accepted a kiss. Never asked for one and he never tried it. As much as she used to love boys in her high school and Jr. High years she lost touch with actual dating and despised being touched by anyone she didn't trust. Accepting hugs mostly for the kisses she was happy with just that. If it was a kiss on the cheek shed freeze up or anything else. Sitting on his cot her arms wrapped around him tightly as she leaned her head into his chest." Don't get it though. Who would be targeting me?" She asked herself that so many times already. A deep pit in her stomach was telling her that BLU was lying to her about everything. Using things that happened to her to ease her. She trusted him at first. Before his behavior slowly started to become erratic and hard to understand. Almost as obsessive as her stepfather was over her. Mentally insane, controlling and manipulative.

Right then she felt safe like nothing could hurt her. Sniper always sticking his neck out for her when inniciating in Missions together. If her gun failed to fire he'd shoot the person closest to her if he could do it in time. If Medic wasn't available hed give her some of his pills if she ran out. They helped eachother through the thick and thin of two month's working with RED. Getting go know everyone except Spy. Mostly rumors of him Engi, and Nedic through the other team members. Not that she didn't like the Medic or Engi. She just found it hard to ever talk to them unless it was for something she needed like woman products that Medic for some reason happened to have on hand. Not that she'd question it. Engi was also one of the two. Mostly asking for help with her weapon that kept jamming or support in defence with his dispensers hed build on the field before having to pack them up for next time. Two months he's used so many different tools it was hard for her to keep track of what the geniuses could and couldn't do. But the relationship was neutral at most. They didn't hate eachother. Didn't fight or go at eachother throats until today ij the debrief room.

Her eyes shut tightly as she looked up at the Aussie. A smile coming across her lips as she took her hat off and held it to her chest." Gotta admit that Spy is a dick." She giggled lightly as she waved her hand. "Is he always like that?" She asked as the Australian furrowed his brows.

"Can't really say. We never talked much and I never took much of a liking to his attitude. But from the way things have changed since you arrived hes Weirder than he normally was. Usually keeping to himself or discussing things with the others but I never really have truly had a deep conversation with him about anything." Shrugging his shoulders he leaned back into his seat as he took a swig of beer he had in the travel sized refrigerator.

Scout taking a swig of hers in return. Leaning forward her mind went to what happened earlier. She could remember seeing Spy almost break down before she left. It was all so fast it was hard to track what was happening before that moment slapped everyone in the face in a big hurry. Her head perked up. Sitting up in her relaxed position on the cot she heard frantic knocking from the other side of the only door that didn't slide open."Sniper!? Sniper you in there?" Ot was Engineer. The knocking was calm enough.

"Engi, what's goin' on mate?" He called from the other side of the door as he began to open it. Sliding it open to reveal the short male who kept his arms at his sides. Through the mask and the fake goggles his eyes never left Scout. Jabbing his thumb over his shoulder he rolled his head as he spoke.

"The damn door to the debrief room is malfunctioning like a Mother Hubbard. I need a wing man to help fix it if you can oblige a few minutes of you're time?" He asked as Sniper opened the door wider to glance over at Scout who raised her beer towards him with a smile. An indication that she didn't mind as she got up and walked over to the two. Taking another swig before putting the glass bottle on the side table with a grin.

"Mind if I help? Get some time to right proper apologize to you about my behavior the past few months." Ctossing her arms as she smiled at Engi who seemed a bit insistent as he shook his head. A light laugh coming from his small underbite as he placed a hand on Sniper's shoulder.

"Me and Sniper got this. I'll be back in no time and we can talk bout that stuff later, Scout. How's bout it?" He grinned towards her as he started to forcefully eas him towards the stairwell that lead to his room. "Won't be long just a quick fixer upper is all. We'll be back in no time." He was becoming rather forceful to the point even Scout could see it on him. His eyes narrowed through the mask as he loosened his grip and nodded." Trust me, Real quick. He'll be back in no time and we can talk about this later," taking his head and lowering it into a submissive nod Zniper smiled down towards the short male.

"Alright then, Engi. Sit down, Sheila. I'll be back in a bit." He laughed as he made his way through the door first with Engi to follow behind. Walking down the stairs he was on his way through about to pass the utility closet." So, Engi. You said somethin' about the main sliding door to debrief was wiggin' out?" He asked as he stopped. From behind he smiled lightly as he approached him.

"Yeah. That's right, Bushman." Dropping his disguise his arms wrapped tightly around Sniper's neck like a tight python. Catching the taller male off guard he started to fall back and forth amongst the corridor walls as he was forced to his knees. Gasping and breathing in what air could make it to his lungs as his Adam's apple grinded visiously against his windpipe as he struggled. Taking a hold of the Spy's arms that kept him held in place before leaning into it. Standing up he could hear the Spy gasp before falling back with a jump putting his weight into the devious Spy." You imbecile.." he muttered. He was trying to make this quiet for a reason.

A few clicking noises dwindled in his ear as he fought desperately to keep consciousness. His widened. A sharp pain enter his side with an agonized gasp slipping from his lips as he felt the familiar sliver of a knife pierce his flesh and enter his body. It felt like a mere needle at first. Till that wetness grew hotter and denser till it consumed his torso in pain which made him stop fighting to have his mind instantly go to holding the wound shut. And Sniper knew it was a mistake. His struggle became less of a chore and more of a mere side task for the Spy at that point as he felt him stop struggling and fighting against him. Sneering as he kicked the Aulstralian off from him and began to drag him into the utility closet.

Wouldn't want her being suspicious of him. It was amazingly convenient that they just managed to get the BLU's intelligence that week. Though they were incredibly tired of the looses and meaningless Sabayoge that ruined most missions he took it upon himself to grab everything on his way out when he was gone taking Scout. The RED's were trapped in the debriefing room, Pyro most likely either unconscious or dead, and Sniper was unconscious and bleeding out in a utility closet. All that left for him was to grab the Scout, their intelligence and make a break for BLU. He was confident in his ability to pull this off. As far as he could tell RED's were the incompetent idiots this time. Standing over Sniper's unconscious body he kneeled in front of him with a hum. His smile small.

His blue hues studying his face for a moment before placing a kiss on his lips." Always been dat odd attraction towards you, Bushman. But you're not on my agenda today, Mon Amour." Cupping his face he rose to his feet to feel the sticky sensation of blood rubbing off on his red suit. Not that it mattered to him it wasn't his suit. Hed easily take that time to change back to his old BLU Attire when he was back at BLU. activating his disguise kit he made his way out into the hallway as he rolled his head back. Eyes lidded as the sound of footsteps rapid marched down the hallway.

"Spy! Dummköpfe you're playing a dangerous game now. Respawn is down." The large BLU Medic stated as he held a glowing device with glowing yellow liquid in his hand. In the other was a remote with a button. Something the engineer would have on hand as he smirked towards the stairwell." Is Die Dame in ze Sniper's coop zen?" He asked as he put the control into Spy's hands grinning as he attempted to advance before Spy's free hand pulled him back. Resulting in a strong glare from the scarred Medic." Vhat!?" He hissed. His tone hushed as he looked over his shoulder to the room above the stairs for a moment before turning back to Spy. His eyes narrowed in rage and impatience." it..Spy?" He asked as the Spy glanced over to the door before stuffing the control into his suit.

"First off. Why de button? And what is that?" He motioned his gaze toward the glowing part in Medic's hand.

"Ze core to respawn. Ze button. For a little surprise I left behind in ze building for RED. You know how many bombs Demoman is leaving around ze base. To think. Support Team taking Down RED single handedly?!" A dark giggle formed from his demented tone." Now sat vill be ze story to tell ze others.. Now tell me. Vhy can't I grab her now?" Like a switch his attitude could change. Impatience to happiness to pure bloodlust it was an unpleasant thing to try to read from him. Like trying to read the worlds most unpredictable man who made reading Soldier look like a walk in the park. The dark glare from him made Spy want to run yet calmly as always. Stood his ground. He was always afraid that if provoked the crazed sad*st would attack him. Much like he would anyone else no matter the team. Threatening to put him in a position the RED Spy was in right in the middle of something important. He hung over Spy like a gollum ready to squash him. If put next to RED Heavy he'd almost match his height. Only off by a mere few inches. He was taller than RED Medic. Meeting them halfway between the two at 6'3. Which were initial guesses from the rest of the team making him the second tallest person in BLU. When BLU Team was established. Medic made it known to everyone that he was the Alpha of the Team. A minor fight for food resulted in unwanted results when Scout decided it was a good idea to steal food from him.

"Medic, calm yourself. I just need to copy the look of de Sniper, grab her, grab de intelligence and dats it. A little more patience, please." His calm tone made the look of rage lower down to a slight grimace before growling. Wondering away from him he turned to point his finger at him.

"I expect to see ze Dame in five minutes. Needless to say mein patience is waning ze more I have to wait." He whispered as he turned his back to him." Don't press ze button till you're out of ze building. Needless to say unless you vish to die." Was all he said. Barely bothering to turn his whole body to look back at him. His body quaking in fear as he let out an audible sigh of relief as the Medic turned the corner. His calm look turning to a look of fear and panic as he grasped his chest tightly for how fast his heart was beating. His legs shook violently. Shaking his head he huffed. Once more taking out his disguise kit to turn into Sniper and made his way back to Scout's room.

"Scout! Scout!" From the other side of the door Scout heard Sniper's voice sound frantic. Her eyes widened as she slung herself off the cot and to the door where she was face to face with Sniper who looked panicked. Grabbing her arm tightly she almost whinced as she was dragged off to the other end of the base through a way she wasn't expecting. Nowhere near debrief room but through the Respawn area.

"What the hell, Snipes!? What's Goin' on!?" She asked. She didn't even have time to grab her baseball bat. But was glad she was at least wearing her favorite baseball hat." We're headed towards Intelligence!? Why?" She asked as she was forced to run with the Aussie to the other end of the base.

"The intelligence might have been taken! Please open the door we gotta make sure it's safe, Scout." She was surprised. Wouldn't have the Announcer said something if their Intelligence was touched or whatever. As she lut the code into the door she opened it to see both Red and Blu cases exactly where they were meant to be. She was met with confusion. Untouched as it should be. Grabbing at the cases she waved her hand to then turn to look at Sniper who was no longer there. Her eyes wide with confusion as she looked around for something to grab.

Truthfully Spy was playing a game of hide and seek as the Scout lurched for a pipe on the wall. Grabbing at it to yank as she would no doubt feel the sensation of a foot hit her side knocking her down. Getting to her feet she once more went for the pipe as she groaned in pain from the attack Spy placed on her stomach." Please, stay down. Dis will make things so much easier for de both of us, Scout." He huffed as he was decloaked from his initial action. Popping a cigarette in his mouth while Scout pulled the pipe free as steam started to escape from it. Pulling it into her hand she went to swing it at Spy. Her first fight with a Class she didn't have any sort of experience with. He was fast as well as he merely stepped aside from her swing to where its metal mass hit the metal wall behind him. Denting the wall in as the Spy casually walked around her as he lit his cigarette with the Pyro's lighter. Cupping it with his hand as gr let it hang from between his lips as he stared at her as she lifted the heavy pipe up over her shoulder as she pulled a side swing. Much like before. He stepped back to blow out the smoke into her face with a wicked grin.

"Bastard! All that tile you were the f*ckin' worst Spy!" She spat towards him. Oblivious to the fact that she was actually in a fight with the BLU Spy. Noticing the blood on his suit it left her paused." Where's Snipes!? Whst the f*ck did you do with Sniper!?" She was angry. Using that form of fighting she gained adrenaline from that anger as she started to swing harder yet to no avail as Spy merely chuckled at her attempts to hit him. The rapid attempt to hit him left her exhausted as he pulled his butterfly knife from his suit to flip it around like it meant nothing. He didn't even have to glance at it to hold it against the forearm as he lowered his legs.

"I find it amusing dat you believe that I'm you're Spy!" He laughed at her as he merely pulled his mask u to reveal thoes scars. The scar of someone who happened to have lost their head. Her eyes shrunk as tears swelled in her eyes out or disbelief as she shook her head. Her grip on the pipe lowered as she stared at him for a moment. Instead of crying or yelling. She smiled. Almost laughing as she saw it. A Wavery smile crept on her lips as she chuckled lightly.

"Of course..I knew it was too good to be true to trust a BLU. It was you the whole time. The breaks failin', the sabatoge." Dropping her weapon she hadn't felt like that since her Stepfather. That's what she was seeing in her nightmares. She was seeing BLU Spy. The way he held the knife simular to how In the nightmare the shadow man held his knife in the reenactment of her abuse. She lunged. A shrill streak filling her lungs as she swung a punch into his face. Blood flying from his lips as she kicked him back with her foot. Each hit managing to share a loud groan or 'oof' from the Spy made her swing her fist harder into the Spy's face. Cursing at him with every punch she landed on him as she grabbed his hand. Pulling his pinky back while he was stunned breaking it causing him to yell in agony.

Spy was getting tired of it. Swinging his blade at her she jumped back herself as her blue eyes narrowed deeply. Sliding under him to where her teeth met his lower leg. Digging her teeth into his flesh through the pants ripping the clothing off with her jaw and force till she felt him kick her. Making her groan as she was pushed back towards the briefcases. Grabbing them both she threw the RED case at him first. The force she put into it made Spy slide back from catching it while she forced the BLU Case smash into the Spy's head from his initial daze. Blood from the Spy's leg filled her mouth as she continued to use the said Intelligence as a weapon.

"Bitch! Stop dis insanity!" The Frenchman said as he held the case she threw at him while using the other to beat him with it. Aiming for the legs she swung the case there. Only for Spy to block the attack with the RED Case . Using his weight he swung his own head at her while his body was lowered with hers. His forehead met the bridge of her nose breaking the nose on impact as her nostrils began to bleed. Through that adrenaline she stood up slowly to where she landed on her butt. Taking both of her fingers she popped the bone back into place with a roar of pain filling her tone. Throwing her arm back with the case still in her hand she threw herself at him again. Bruises started to form on her arms. Blood both hers and Spy's dripped onto her RED Shirt as her blue eyes flaired.

"Motherf*cker!" She spat. Her hair flowing behind her as she raised her foot to kick Spy in the lower zone only for it to be blocked by Spy. His quick swipe of his butterfly knife nicking her cheek deeply as she noticed it it stunned her that time. Stumbling back in shock her sudden stumble gave Spy the leverage he needed to overtake her. Her a harsh kick produced from his fine shoe her head shot back from the kick and landed on the tiled floor. A loud sigh of relief formed from hin as he noticed she didn't move after the kick. His eye blackening as teeth were missing from his gums as he cracked his jaw back into place as he looked down at her. Flipping open his dead ringer he took a look at the time.

"Three minutes of meaningless fighting. Now you're out cold on the floor in the Intelligence room. What a sad sight it is. You're lucky. Because if you had ne late I would have been..'punished'. You wouldn't have wanted a punishment of you're own now would you?" He asked and truthfully didn't expect an answer to pop up. His cigarette bow on the floor as he simply got his last cigarette from his disguise kit and approached her. The way she was sprawled out made her head fall back into an out stretched moment. Reaching over her body to grab her case to add it with the RED one he still had on hand. His head was pushed back. The imprebt of the case landing itself on his face. Getting to get feet as a new black eye formed as she glared at him. Her eyes furious as she spat on his suit. Till a tug on her hair forced her to freeze in place with the blade of a knife placed against her throat." So sorry I had to ruin you're little moment there, Scout." He laughed darkly into her ear as she held the case in her left hand with a twitch.

"f*ck you.." she hissed as she felt the blade dig deep into her neck as the Spy merely laughed at her reply.

"Come now Scout don't be a hero. Respawn is down. And I dont mind getting blood on this suit. Even if its yours." He muttered as he pushed her forward to grab the RED case and hand it to her. Her fingers tightly cramped from the anger that fuled her body." Be a good girl and go to the bridge. I have someone important for you to meet~"

Chapter 16: 16

Chapter Text

"Were stuck in here! Thoes doors were built to withstand an explosion from an atom bomb! And nucular fallout!" Engi said as he approached Medic who was depratly trying to pry the doors open more with heavy at his side. He knew it was useless because he was the one that put thoes doors in. The one that engineered doors in both RED and BLU bases before BLU team was even 'hired'. He admitted he felt like a complete idiot having had put the control panel for the debriefing room on the outside than the inside. Not that it mattered. They were stuck in that room with no way of getting out." Its unless Pyro can get up if hes not dead already.

"Ve need to get out of here! Pyro!" He yelled down at the unmoving body. Blood was puddling around his leg as the Medic eyed him closely." I think an artery must have been severed.." he muttered under his breath as Engi gently moved the Medic aside to take a look at the poor Pyro who was slowly bleeding out." Ze Spy wants Scout. No doubt he'd possibly catch Hurr Sniper off guard!" Engi could hear him panic as he watched his head he prayed.

'Please..get up lil buddy..' biting his bottom lip as his robotic hand tried to pry it open more. Just a little more but not enough to break through the doors to remove the Electro Sapper. Just enough to lean farther out to where his arm could touch the shoulder before he was stopped by the door." Common buddy.. make a noise! Somethin!" His tone shaking. Before he noticed the head shake lightly.

"Hrngerher..?" They were awake. A sigh of relief made Engi's arms go lax with relief as he began to move. Trying to get up only to slump back down.

"Oh thank god..don't move Pyro! Don't try to get up!" He yelled towards him as he moved down to the floor. Crouching on the other side he looked over to Medic as he was panicking. "Doc! Medic he's awake!"
Soldier pushing past them he leaned over to see the Pyro move for himself as Demo came over with him. Medic instantly snapping out of his daze to rush back over to the door.

"Mein god.. Pyro! Zu have to stay still. Ve vill try to get to zu!" He hissed as he once more tried to pull it open. Only for Heavy to place a hand on his shoulder to move him aside. But poor Pyro didn't listen.

His suit slowly rotating as he used his good leg and arms to pull himself towards the first face he saw. In his eyes he saw the sad face of a colorful fairy trapped behind prison bars like that in a dungeon. Their mask glancing over to a leaver that had a rock jammed in it. Crawling towards the fairy whose arm was reached out towards them. He needed a boost of that happiness. Muffled voices filling his ear as the fairy reached out towards him. Its fingers wrapping around his glove tightly as they stared at eachother. Before he was forced onto his back by a goblin. His mask looking at its ugly face as it held a gun out towards him. Holding their arms out he heard a shrill yell as a flash enveloped their vision.

"No! No! Pyro!" Engineer's hand just barely reached Pyro's hand before blood splattered across his face. Stunning him as the BLU Sniper laughed deviously. Flipping the gun in his hand to pull the lever back to eject the bullet cartridge onto the floor." You good for son of a bitch! He didn't deserve to die he was no threat!" Every man in the room was speechless. A hard knot forming in his stomach as he reused to let go of the glove before a large boot crushed his fingers. Pinning Engineer Forcing Engineer's hand to recoil but not escape the hard weight put on his finger's as another face showed itself to him. His blood running cold to see that face. That face of evil and sadism.." N...not y-"

"Oh mein dear Engi. It's been far too long since I last got a good look at you~" his eyes through the door met the BLU Medic's. His grin dark and demented as he knelt down. His boot never leaving his hand as he stared at the short Engi eye to eye with a lidded stare before his attention went to the former masked teammate whose bullet in their head started to leave a puddle behind that touched the bare hand. Coating his crushed fingers in the wet substance of sticky red. Any other words from the other team mates were substantially blared out in a ringing static of nothingness. Where all he could hear was that deep dementedly calm tone of the Medic drill it's way into head as he spoke." It appears zat you've lost somevon important to you, Hurr Engineer."

His eyes behind the goggles were wide as his jaw twitched speechless towards the Medics fake calm tone but clearly taunting towards Engi's blank stare that he had. The pain filled his stomach as his stomach thumped in fear as he heard the Medic asked a Question or told the BLU Sniper before he turned his attention back to the clearly speechless Engineer he had pinned down with his boot while the door pinned him there. Within his hand was a glowing object that glowed yellow. His eyes widened more as he stammered with his words. An amused smile forming on the large Medic's lips as he waved it in front of his face almost mocking him specifically as hands from above him reached for it depratly." know what zis is don't you, mein Haustier?" He asked Engi as he leaned in. Just barely in the rech of the other set of hands. 'He has ze core to respawn!' He barely made it out in his ringing ears. His head co*cked to the side as his gloved hand lightly brushing against Engineer's pinned hand. Examining a spacific point on his arm.

"P-please..god no..please.." in his head he was back on that horrid medical table tied down to the table with velcro straps. Tightly holding his head to the side to view his hand that was held out away from his body. Losing his hand that day made him fear the sad*stic man whose voice was all he could hear. Though he wasn't alone like he was captured and held hostage in BLU base inside his mind he felt that nothing mattered and that he would lose the only good hand he had left to this man. That or his life. Knowing that what he had on hand was the core to respawn. He knew that Pyro was completely gone. Much like old Scout they had before he was replaced by their current Scout. Putting stuff together was challenging for him. For how bad his mental state was being pinned by that same Medic. The same bastard who had stole his hand. Tears made their way past his goggles. Light shakes of his head made the Medic's grin widen. His eyes almost pinpoint from the emotional and mental trauma he saw from merely his expressions.

Oh how deliciously sweet the tears were to his eyes. Trauma could have brought a tear to his own eye put of pride for how well he broke this man down. How he mentally, physically, and emotionally destroyed him from the inside out for that mere five days he had the pathetic little Engineer to himself. As he reached his gloved fingers over in a way to where RED Medic couldn't touch him. Gently rubbing the tears from his cheeks as he trembled beneath him. Like a pathetic little pet he abused but wanted him back. co*cking his head he smiled." mein Haustier~ my sweet little Haustier. Don't cry just yet." He purred his venomous words into Engi's very soul like tine slowing to a crawl he was horrorfied. Wanting to pull away from his soft touch." I haven't done anything to you yet." As he grabbed his arm. Pulling him tightly to where his head smashed against the closed door. His hardhat stopping him from completely crushing his face against the door. Didn't mean that the action didn't hurt. His eyes watery as everything came back to him. Hands grabbing his shoulders to try and pull him away from the crazy Medic. A sharp pain consuming his arm as he felt a wet sensation turn to a sharp pain that made him yell in agony. He could hear the BLU Sniper gag on his vomit as Soldier's hands pulled against the Medic's grip.

"Let Engi go you nazi some of a bitch!" Shripl tells of pain escaping the Engineer's lips as he pushed his hand against the door to pull back with thoes who worried for him. They had been there the whole time. When the tension finally laced Engi fell back into Soldier's lap. Dizziness overtaking him as Medic rushed over tobacco box of tissues in the corner. Engi didn't quite understand what was happening as Soldier supported his neck." Don't worry son. I got ya." He muttered as Engi lifted his arm to see what the Medic had done. His pinky was missing. Along with a decent hunk of flesh from his forearm as his eyes behind the goggles widened as his robotic hand gripped it out of agony. Instead of yelling he gagged. Almost rolling into a fetal position as blood covered his overalls. Not only his but Pyro's in some places.

"Zat bastard! Respawn is down! Ve're trapped in here! Engi Zu vill be fine! Does anyvone have hand sanitizer on hand!?" Medic yelled as silence filled Engineer's mind as he merely sobbed in Soldiers arms from the revised trauma that visited him once more. Looking up from between the ceiling and Soldier he slowly shut his eyes.

As Spy forcefully dragged Scout out through the resupply doors her eyes noticed both the figures dressed in BLU At the bridge as she appeared to be casually walking. While in reality she had a butterfly knife to her throat by a cloaked Spy. Both of the intelligence held at her sides as the figures grew in detail. The Sniper. A face she remembered well. While the other was a tall burly man. He had the same facial features as her Medic but far more masculine. He even burdened the Sniper how he stood over the otger like a statue as he grinned deeply at her. Her blue hues squinted as she stopped directly in front of the two.

The Sniper stared at her with a hint of lust in his gaze through his black aviators. While the tall Medic leaned in to grab the cases from her hands. Handing them to Sniper who took them with plesure. Noticing the blood and the bruises she had obtained through their fight. Yo that she earned a look from the Medic as she glared at them. The Spy decloaking to where his blade was visible along with his body. Looking equally as bad as she was. More missing teeth of course considering she smashed his face in with the Intelligence.

"Ere ya go~ the beaut!" As Sniper reached for her the Medic quickly slapped his hand away with a sneer. His head looking off but gaze pinned on him before he started to reach for her. It looked as if the Sniper was going to protest at first before willingly submitting the first touch to the bearded and scarred medic who gently pinched her chin like RED Medic did when he fixed her bruises.

"Short..but zu vill do nicely, Mein Haustier." He hushed his tone. Yet before he could do much else a wad of blood and mucus hit his cheek. A slight jump formed out of his tall and bulky figure. Eyes shut deeply as she noticed the Sniper's mouth go agape from her actions towards the German. Taking a step back as the German raised his hand and slapped her hard with his gloved hand. A spirt of it landing on his gloves ashe wiped the spit off of his cheek and hissed." Some manners are in order for zu, Mein Haustier. Rule von. Respect the Strong." Because if you don't. You'll end up dead like RED~" He pulled her closely to him by her ear. Spy having had let go as the German spun her around. Kneeling to where he put his head over her shoulder with a lidded grin as Spy pulled out the Button.

"No.. don't!" She tried to teach out to grab at the button but was stopped by the Medic whose fingers wrapped around her chin once more. A glint of a Sniper scope catching his eye as he forcefully turned her head to look at Sniper. Her eyes wide and fearfully looked at him. Though she couldn't see Mundy's face she knew he was scared as well for her. And she of him. Looking at that button she had to say something instead of just watching. Raising her foot she tried to kick the button but only got so close to the button before yelling." There's a bomb in ther-" her mouth covered by the Medic's hand she struggled and kicked as she watched Sniper lower his Sniper rifle as a loud bang rang out from next to her. BLU Sniper's eyes in his Scope as a mist of blood flared up as he laughed. Tears streaming down her face as she screamed in the Medic's hand. Oh how her saddened screams brought gleeful joy to his ears as he took it in. Kicking her feet she wriggled in his strong pretentious grip on her as he effortlessly lifted her up. So light compared to others the Spy was quiet through most of the ordeal as he pressed the button. An explosion bursted through the roof of the building engulfing the entire structure in flame and rubble. The foundation in some places collapsing in on itself as the place where she last saw Sniper collapsed in on itself. Her team was gone..? That was it? The BLU's won.. her body struggling to where she was lying to herself. To where she was thinking that maybe. Just maybe there was a chance that some of them would have survived. Mundy..Engi, Soldier. Anything to come crawling out of the broken down now smoking building that sat in front of her. Tears swelling as she desperately tried to break away but was too weak compared to the six foot three German holding her.

"Ze thing..? No von is coming to rescue you, Mein Haustier~" he whispered deeply into her ear. Wet salty tears covering his gloves as he started to carry her to their Resupply. Being met with the rest of the team rushing out to see what had happened. With Spy still wearing Red Soldier who stood amidst the two others dressed in blue. He raised his launcher only to have the cowboy Esq Engineer next to him to place a hand on the gun. Preventing him from firing at the Spy. He who now had a clear scar where she had bit him. Though he didn't look as happy as the Soldier did as soon as his slow brain started turning its gears. Realizing that the Spy dressed in red was actually there Spy. But Engi however looked mortified and shocked at what he was looking at along with everyone else who wasn't Soldier.Met with the face of someone who should have been in that very base was BLU Spy back from the dead. The RED Base was destroyed, and in Medic's arms was that short statured Gal he tried getting intelligence from all thoes months ago. The sniper having had slung his rifle back over his shoulder approached the group with a wicked grin on his bearded face as he tossed the Intelligence cases to their feet. Blood stained them from a fight. Clearly seen on the opposing Scout's face as she was dragged. Clearly in turmoil that made the cowboy frown in disgust towards the Trio. He never expected this nor the rest of the semi malnourished team. To the military bound Soldier this was a strong victory despite it being something Engi personally knew it wouldn't leave a great taste in the Administrators mouth or Redmond. Lip twitching he stepped up compared to everyone else. Pyro following beside him as he did so. Like a friend to back him up if need be. Everyone holding their weapons. The gaze through the dark glasses he wore glazing over the beaten female.

Engi never held anything against her for what she pulled that first time they met. Holding his revolver in hand he stared up at the German bastard. My god in many ways the genius wanted to shoot all of them dead at that point as Soldier rose a brow.

To Scout the Soldier looked no different to hers. Minus the hat he wore and his militarized uniform. It was that strong jaw he had almost unshaven to the point where it was simply a three o'clock shadow left behind on his face. And the fact that she could actually see his eyes from under the general's hat he wore witch freaked her out. Not that it mattered. Since she was having a mental breakdown. Even though her teared up eyes looked spaced she was paying attention. As much as her brain wanted to shut down. Hell getting a better look on every other class made her realize how simular everyone looked to her team but different due to their choice of clothing or a slight difference in height or weight.

"What in the Sam Hell are you doin'!?" Engi yelled as he pointed his anger mostly towards who he thought was responsible. The Medic who held her tightly in his bare hug." Spah..we thought you were dead." His eyes narrowed deeply as he took a second glance towards what he would have considered his nemesis before trailing back to Medic.

"Funnily enough, Mate it wasn't the Doc's plan. Twas his." Snipers finger jolted back towards Spy who looked damned proud of himself despite the fact he was beaten to a pulp as much as she was as he blew a smoke ring through his pursed lips. Approaching the engineer with distinguished pride he was no doubt proud of taking down a team of nine with nothing but the Support team. "We got ourselves a ripe ol' bite right there!" His thumb jabbed towards her as he took a step in front of the doctor who was still relishing in her anguish. His hand brushing through her hair to extend a foot out to kick him away only for the Soldier to stop the assault of furious kicks with his hands. Holding her legs in place as he laughed. They all sounded so simular..

"Soldier!" The engineer was hesitant to get closer to the doctor but not the deranged man who made himself self proclaimed leader. And his lover.. a firm hand placed on the others hand as he looked down to the other. Engi didn't understand how they got togeather. It was possibly that strong loneliness the whole base had with never actually spending time togeather. Not that he wanted to be anywhere near the scarred German he wanted company to the point where he found it in the crazed bastard known as Soldier.

Holding her legs firmly in place he looked back to her then back to Engi before letting her go. Clearing his throat he stepped forward and huffed deeply. The scout chiming in as he hesitated. His headband covered in sweat and dirt as he eyed the destruction of their opposing side." What now..?" She never noticed his own boston accent.." Does this mean we win? What are we even gonna do with her?" The Scout asked as he gestured his baseball bat to RED Scout as everyone merely stared at eachother. Speechless before Spy stepped forward. Tossing the button over the bridge into the sewers below them.

"She is ours. Consider her a base pet from now on." The Spy chuckled to his own maddening words everyone else knew the Spy to be calm and collected, a mastermind but not mad like the Doctor was. It looked like Engi overlooked that when he noticed he obsessive look he had towards her. Like one would describe the look of an abusive parent straining to keep their child close. It wasn't anywhere close to what he usually seen on his face. So Engi who had been whispering things to Soldier approached Spy aggressively. Taking him by the collar of his shirt before his knee met his face. Instantly Soldier intervened. Coiling his arms over Engi's to where he couldn't quite break free from the hold as he was dragged back.

"A pet!? We fell into torture enough with the RED's now you traumatize women!? Six years we haven't seen a woman, sure! What will She say about this!?" His finger landed dead stop on a camera overlooking them. Medic's and Spy's eyes narrowed deeply as their gaze once more met the Engineer who broke free from Soldier's grip.

"The old woman?" Soldier asked as his gaze quickly went from te camera to the rest of his Support team on the bridge with the woman on hand." Men you single handedly took down the Entirety of RED Team. You boys make me proud, even if one of you is a druggie Nazi! God bless america. We also got a pet out of it! I'm gonna name her...Spot!"

Scout from within Medic's grip glared at the Soldier. Her eye twitching as his hand took the hat off her head and roughly pet her tied back hair with his rough hands like an actual dog. The Soldier and Medic as well as anyone crazy enough thought it was adorable and mocking. As for thoes who were semi in their right mind watched in disgust including Engi." Aww..look! She's growlin' like a bitch to!" Sniper laughed as the Soldier pet her hair.

"Can I keep her? I'll feed her and train her to be a good girl. Isn't that right, Spot?" Soldier chuckled as Medic rolled his eyes. He wasn't going to just give the only woman he had on hand and have seen in Six years away. Much like he would his food the Doctor's eyes glared.

"Nein. Mein Haustier und I have some vork to do. After mein vork is done. I vill leave you to it Soldier. Remember. A fertile bitch isn't a good one~" from out of everything that sentence wasn't even directed towards the Soldier. It was pointed towards her for the soul reason of terrifying her. Her face under his hand turned pale white as Soldier's hands clapped like a giddy child about to receive a present a he cupped his chin for a moment before snapping his finger's.

"Engi. While Medic is working on spot, make a collar! Pink!" He was demanding. Engi knew that. He had that feeling that the bastard never truly loved him. In many ways he had more attraction to the lovable idiot across the bridge but knew it was wrong to advance in that way. He was a enemy to BLU. But a better choice than the man who was on top of the food chain. The only reason the Texan truly stuck by him was because he got more food than anyone else. It was selfish he knew it. It crushed him seeing the test of his team starve. But dating the Soldier was the only way to get a full portion instead of a half like Demo, Scout, Pyro, and Heavy did. It was sad. And as the demand came through to Engi. He shook his head as he turned away from him without so much as a responce to head towards RED base instead of BLU. BLU Scout's eyes squinted as well as everyone else. As he walked past te Support team be heard most of the rest of the team head back into the base except Pyro who had decided to follow him. Their dark skull like gas mask tilting in confusion towards the Texan as he knelt down and examined the rubble.

"They couldn't have respawned. Too much rubble. Don't you think?" His head turned over to look at Pyro who simply shrugged implying they were simply unsure. He was to. Not the whole building was down. A few walls still stood from where it had collapsed in on itself. They snuck in. Spy was back and that implied thoes entireties of the missions they were running the Spy on their side was actually their own. No wonder why his inventions didn't get messed with. Rubbing his his forehead under his hat instead of what the RED Engi would wear. He fixed his sunglasses to his nose again before a fit of coughing got his attention. Pyro following as they both climbed through the Rubble to find a hand sticking out from it. Covered In rubble and a bit of blood the Engineer pulled a pill bottle from his side pocket. Always a habit to keep them on him instead of in his room out of risk of the doctor finding his stash of antibiotics he stole from him. Using his muscle to try and pry the rubble off of the body he looked to Pyro for but a moment before he gestured his hand towards the barried body. "Well, Son? You gonna help me with this or ya just gonna stand there like a damned fool?" He asked.

The Pyro didn't respond. Truthfully they never really did unless it was a physical gesture or poor sign language. He was completely mute but Engi understood enough of what the other meant when gesturing towards an object. Ever since he met Pyro they became close friends. Closer than he was with Soldier. He was always silent no matter what was happening. No matter how he died or what he was doing not even a grunt was uttered as they lifted a large piece of wood and wall from over top of the body to see their RED Sniper carefully tucked away in a deep crevasse in between the heavy rubble and a few support beams. His shoulder was bleeding from a Sniper bullet as the BLU Engi started to pull him out. One gentle yank at a time he pulled the Aulstralian free. Laying his head on his leg and forced a pill into his throat. He had no way of covering his wound. So a hiss formed on his lips as he tried to lift him onto his shoulder to carry him only to result in a hard fumble where it left Pyro having to catch him. The Sniper was in bad shape and needed medical attention to his shoulder." Pyro. Didn't he have a Van or something?"

Pyro nodded. Pointing their finger towards a riddled down fence in the distance leading to the other end of the building. Picking the tall Sniper up by his feet while Engi carried him by his shoulders to the back end of the rubble that still burned. Grabbing some sticks that made up the foundation Pyro made a fire as Engi grabbed a metal rod big enough to colorize the wound as he stripped his shirt off to get a better view. Bruise littered his body. No doubt a broken rib or punctured lung for how hard he was wheezing. But he was breathing which was good enough for the Engineer. Shaking his head as he rolled the metal rod over the fire to te point it started to glow. Pyro heals Sniper's body up as his mouth was covered by his hand. Slowly pulling the metal rod free he eyed it through his sunglasses and slowly started to aim the burning rod for the hole in his flesh that managed to go straight through." Just hold still Pyro..I'll make this a quick one.." he muttered as he jabbed it in. The steering sound of crackling human flesh and its sent filled the air as he noticed the Sniper's eyes open almost instantly. Light screams vibrating through Pyro's hand as Sniper's hand tried to pry Pyro off of him while the other was held down for the cauterizing." Calm down boy!" He hissed towards Sniper who was keeling over in pain. That was the last thing anyone would ever want to wake up to. So he shook his head. Taking a piece of towel he took from his van and wiped away the gun powder he used to seal the wound with from the cauterized area in front." I'm tryin' to save you're damn life here. And I cant do that I'd yer just gonna make sh*t harder for not only me but for yourself. You understand?" He asked the Sniper who eyed him with a still look before nodding. " I'm sorry it hurts and that I'm a BLU but christ on a ham basket work with me." He said. Rolling the piece of metal in the burning flame again. Gaining up its heat once more as he popped open one of the bullets from his revolver to release the gun powder. Laying the Sniper on his back Pyro kept his hand over his mouth but the shirtless Australian didn't protest this time. Noticing his fingers dig into the dirt as the sun was going down. Pouring the gun powder into the exit wound he rolled the metal a few more times in the fire. Repeating the process one more time to where his legs once more coiled back and forth as his fingers dug even deeper into the dry dirt. Taking that towel he started from the back. Wrapping it around Sniper like a sash to keep pressure on it. A shame he was no Medic. He was good in technology and building. Not medical science. So he had to make do with the simplest way he knew how without medical supplies as he and Pyro dragged him into his RV.

'Why am I helping the opposite team?'

Because it's the right thing to do, Engi.

Chapter 17: 17


WARNING: This chapter contains mentions of Abuse, Depression and Rape. You have been warned

Chapter Text

Once inside she knew she was being lied to. The safe place was no more than a false fantasy the BLU Spy planted in her mind when she first arrived. Played like a damned fool. He had her under his pinky ever since they met. The lies, the personal attacks from RED Spy was nothing but him and had been him twisting her views on the team the whole time. Like a puppet on the strings and she saw it on that f*cking smirk of his. It made her blood boil as the interior was clear. It was dark and empty looking. Messy like mental patients were clawing at the walls. Dents and rust surrounded the walls from floor to ceiling in some points. It was far from a safe place as BLU Spys demented lies echoed through her mind as Medic carried her through thoes damp halls.

Everyone else spread out but she couldn't help but feel eyes on her as Medic forced her into the room. Throwing her to the floor her head and shoulder hit the floor with a hard thud. Heavy breaths escaped from her as she clawed at the floor only to have her leg yanked on as he lifted her up to slam her on the operating medical table. Soldier holding her down as her legs kicked and flailed in a attempt to break free from the grip of the two madmen. It was no use. By the time she was managing to finally get free the Medic grew tired of it. And wasn't afraid to teach her a lesson by sending a hard punch to her face to daze her just enough to tie her down with the velcro straps he had on hand. Velcro being better than leather or metal straps.

To the Medic he knew how to break someone. Make anyone believe there was a chance to escape by making them velcro. But the funny thing was that there was no chance on it. He pourpously made them tight. Except the strap on the neck. Why suffocate what was important?" Spots ready for neutering, Doc!" Soldier giggled down at her as his hand gave her hair a few more pets on her silky hair that now was messy and ruined from the consistant jerking and brutal handling that was put on her as her dazed state left her calm and still for a moment." Anything else you need you crazy Nazi?"

Usually Soldier hated Medic. Despite their strong experience in the art of torture. Where Soldier excelled in Physical torment, medic was a master at mental, emotional, and physical torment. Other than that he usually avoided the Nazi. Before he could see himself having a pet out of this. He changed his views on it and was willing to let her go just for a short time with no pet on him and have Medic do what he wanted with her before getting her to himself.

Medic found Soldiers desire to have her as a pet amusing. A means to degrade her mentality and perhapse leaving her mentally destroyed. He already had plans for her. The day he layed eyes on her he knew what he wanted to do to her. He wanted what he lacked within himself. As disgusting as it sounded to the Medic he was desperate to get his hands on a woman for years. And he finally got one. There was no way he was going to make it quick. He was thirsty for her agony and screams. A new pitch of music he has on hand. A scream in a C4 pitch. Like a beautiful symphony of agony to his ears. Leaning in on the desk he gently rocked Scout's head to get her attention. Rolling over his surgical tray full of bloody surgical tools that looked like they haven't been washed in forever. His smile grew when he noticed her come to.

Her vision was blurry and hearing was like a hard buzz that made her headache grow from her head. When she tried to tilt her head she couldn't move it. All she could see was the dark haze of the Scarred doctor that loomed over her like a demon whose facial features were obscured by the bright surgical light that loomed over her as well as what looked to be a medi-gun looking down on her. His arms spread out over her on the table as he casually started to take a good look at the tools he had on hand. With a raise of her shirt his fingers lightly pressing against her abdomen that was exposed to his eyes." It's gut to finally have zu vith us, Mein Haustier." His head leaned in close to her face to open up her eye sockets to shine a light in them. He found her silence like a child giving him the silent treatment. But once he brushed his bare fingers against her bare skin it made her want to coil and get away as her heart began to beat faster. Her breath hitched lightly as she clenched her fists." Now now, Mein Haustier don't be so silent to me. Speak you're mind my dear." He offered. His false welcoming nature made her not trust him anymore than the position she was already in.

"If you're gonna kill me just do it ya f*ckin' Nazi." Her teeth clenched as she spoke. Suddenly she felt the weight of a head being placed against her chest. Was he listening to her heartbeat?" Wh-" before she could say anything to the doctor he was more or less like a hyperactive man trying to keep himself togeather. He appeared almost too excited as he co*cked his head as he looked at her body like he truly never actually seen a woman's body before. Rolling his sleeves up he lacked the Medical jacket he was wearing he wore a simple light brown Cartigan with a blu tie and white undershirt. Certainly not the thing she was expecting him to wear. Truthfully she hadn't really seen theis man on the BLU Team. She recalled when out in fights she'd See the BLU Sniper send her daring winks and suggestive advances on her while she did her part so she wouldn't have gotten bitched at again by the team for going ahead with BLU Spy's past advice for collecting the Intelligence. But never the Medic. This was the first time ever getting a look at him without guns blaring or something killing her. She was in his domain and she heard horrifying things happen to certain members that were on her now dead team. think just that night she was with Sniper in the coop. Next thing she knows she's strapped to a metal table sith no chance of escape. She wasn't sure if she was meant to give up. The Medic made it clear that he removed the respawn core from wherever Respawn's main control core was. Meaning that immortality was gone. Coming back from that even with the Resupply respawn room was covered in rubble. It made her choke. What of her mother? Mundy? During the trauma from watching everything shes known for the few months shes been there went up in smoke like it was never there. And it made her sob. Staring up at the damp ceiling of the BLU medical base. She was scared already and she had no one.

"Mein Haustier. Crying so soon?" Flipping a knob on the medical gunva blue stream started to flow into her body. The bruises on her face started to heal as she felt the broken nose actually crack back into proper place. But it didn't fix that pit in her stomach. That pit of impending doom to be inflicted on her as the Medic clapped his hands togeather. A molitious stare coming from his eyes as he looked down at her from the side of the table where the tray was. That ray she couldn't quite see herself but knew something along the lines or torture devices made her skin pale. A marker going across her skin as he spoke." Zu are mein first specimen of ze opposite gender.." he muttered as he put the marker back on the table." Trust me vhen I say zis. I'm going to make zis excruciating."

"Man..oh f*ck. Dude. There's a f*ckin girl in there, Engi f*cked off to god knows where! RED is dead!" The young man placed in his room. Walking back and forth fast paced just as he said that he could hear her shrill yells from Medic's house of horrors down the hallway with the crazed Nazi f*ck's crazed fit of laughter. He couldn't bare it as much as that woman was the enemy they should have just let her go. Why didn't they? The screaming. The damned screaming never stopped weather it be his own internal screams or someone else's that either be Heavy's from Medic's sad*stic means of reliving himself from his sad*stic procedures, or a RED's it was driving the young man mad as he shut his eyes rocking himself." Why can't this sh*t stop..? I can't stand the damn screaming no more!"

"Aey lad.." Demo. One of the many of the team who were as equally as disgusted in this came in. The screams still audible even through such sliding doors it made everyone whince when the screams would start up again with the maddening laughter of the doctor. His eyes meeting the one eye of the Demo as he rocked himself. Hands covering his ears like a scarred abused child who was afraid of getting the next beating. The Scottish male with long dreads tied back walked over and sat down next to him. "It's alright..I got yah.."

It was that moment of comfort the BLU Scout rarely received. Though he appeared co*cky on the battlefield didn't ever mean he enjoyed his supposed to be safe space. Six years of nothing but solitude and starvation, abuse from other teammates. He hated RED many times in the past for what they could do that his team didn't. Work together, or at least treat eachother equally instead of declaring that the strongest gets the most food out of the others. While Medic, Engi, Spy, Soldier, and their hood for nothing lapdog Sniper got good food. The rest of the tam struggled like hyenas trying to steal scraps left over or attempt to sbak that extra food when they weren't hungry before they just haphazardly threw it out instead of giving thoes who needed the protien the rest of their meals. Thoes times Engi was the only one to produce such kindness to thoes who were suffering most. And it was mostly always him. The poor Boston boy in blue. The weakest and 'dumbest' of the group. When in reality he had standards, kindness much like Engi did beneath that hardened Texan exterior thanks to being around Soldier so much.

Gripping onto the skinny scotsman's side he dig his face into his suit. That crippling loanlyness and the torment of the poor souls that went through Soldier's hands or worst of all the Doctor's. It horrorfied him to think of what happened. It brought him to hide from the Medic whenever he was around. Of he was too damaged and needed to be healed he couldn't ever bring himself to go to the Medic for healing. He'd kill himself to get better. Relied on Respawn like a godsend so that he wouldn't have to go ant talk to the doc for pills or anything else. He wanted nothing to do with the Dictator. Until now. His grip on his suit tightened as he lifted his head reveal the dark sleepless circles under his eyes as he got to his feet and grabbed his Aluminum Bonk Bat and slapped his hand. His eyelid twitching as Demoman watched him with a wide eye.

"I can't take this sh*t anymore! I'm gonna beat the sh*t out of that sad*stic bastard!" Marching towards the door his body pressed right into the brudish body of the Soldier whose arm's were crossed over his chest. His bat in his hand dropping instantly as that sight of boldness was replaced by instant fear as he slapped his pickax in his palm a few times. That smoke. His cigars were worse than Spy's. It made him choke and cough whenever he was smoking as he slowly raised his hands in fear towards the self proclaimed leader of BLU Team." O..oh f*ck me..Soldier this ain't what it looks like!" He said as a hand instantly pulled him closer by the collar. With the cigar inches from setting his clothes on fire as he snarled like a bear. That he wore never did completely obscure his eyes from view. So when he glared at Scout it always felt although he was glaring through his soul. The screams meant nothing to him like it did thoes with a sane mind. To him much like the Doctor it was music.

Taking his cigar in his free hand after dropping his Pickax to a corner he blew the smoke into the poor Scout's face as he in a effortless motion lifted him. Sending a hard punch to his face that left him crumpling up on the ground as Demo quickly began to tend to him. But before he did the Soldier lifted him up and by his collar pinned him against the wall. His lip quivered as his eyes glared at Demo." If you know what's good for you, Darkie. You will leave that waste of life to grovel like he deserves." He made his word clear and to the point as he dropped him. Walking by Scout who was groaning on the floor a swift kick from his steel toed boots sent a rough crack vibrating through his body as he started to cough. Broken rib. Six years of malnourishment left his bones to become weaker. Brittle like everyone else who wasn't Soldier or Support team. Rolling on his side the Soldier leaned over sith his cigar hanging loosely from his lip. With two fingers he flicked the ashes onto Scout's cheek and sneered." We did our job. We destroyed our enemies and have a trophy out of it. And you think a mutiny is in order, son?" He asked the suffering boy. His head tilted as he started to stomp out the cigar on Scout's cheek. Twisting it in to where it would really hurt." You're lucky I'm in a good mood today, Son. If I wasn't I'd have given you no mercy. Even if Respawn is down. I hate you. Do I make myself clear, Maggot? Next time. Know you're place." He spat as he got to hiz feet to make his way out the open door. Whistling the national anthem to himself. Slinging his pickax over his shoulder as the sliding door slid shut behind him. Leaving the boy to sob on the ground as Demo finally had his chance to help him.

Kneeling over to pull him up he took off a bandana he had wrapped around his ponytailed dreads and gently started to dab the ashes from Soldier's cigar away from his eye and mouth. The burn setting in was no doubt going to end up scaring there like a bastard. Weak. That's what they felt and the strong made it ever so clear. But Engi. He was the go between the Strong and the Weak. The successful scavenger who no one picked on him and he picked on no one. The smartest man in the team who was quite literally neutral. But Scout. He envied his way of thinking. If it wasn't for his honeyed words he wouldn't have been getting full plates of food. Or giving his left overs to him. The weak stuck togeather as much as they could. And it showed in the submission Demo and Scout showed towards Soldier who had overheard his outburst. Tears. Sliding down his face Demo sat him up and frowned.

"Ey..I'm sorry lad..I cant stand it either..I would have done somethin would have-"

"Only made sh*t worse! Yeah. I f*ckin' got it.." he waved his hand as he hugged his legs togeather. He couldn't bother looking at anyone in the face right then. Like he blocked out the Screams of the young woman all togeather and wound up blocking out the world around him like a haze as thoes tears burned at the burn that stained his cheek. Demo truthfully didn't blame the boy for his actions. Anyone labeled weak was depressed and far from happy. And Scout? He had it the worst of the weak. He wasn't used as a relief doll. Not like Heavy. But he was the punching bag that was for sure. Any insults, physical abuse come to mind it was always inflicted on him." Can ya do me a f*ckin' favor Demo and just leave? Thanks for cleanin' the ashes off my face and all.. but I just wanna be alone right now."

"Lad..I'm here if ya need to talk. So is Heavy."

"What-the-f*ck-ever.. I just cant f*ckin' take it.. Six years bein' trapped here with nowhere to go. I cant just leave..its like..I don't even know where I would go..I don't even remember where my ma and pa even live anymore." He muttered. Taking a deep breath to get up and sit himself slowly down on his bed. His room was a mess. Like a teenager lived in there. But it was the closest thing he had to a Safe haven in BLU. The strong outnumbered the weak. And he had nowhere to go. Truth be told the more he thought of it. The more he wondered why he couldn't remember his mother's address. If he did wouldn't he have remembered sending letters to them via mail?

My god..there was so much pain. As much as the Medi-gun was keeping her from dying. The horrifying feeling and visage of hanging the innards he ripped from her body lay on a observation table made her want to puke but couldn't. He said it himself. He ripped her stomach out first to prevent that problem from happening. Like a madman he wore her intestines like a scarf. Playing with her insides like some sort of monster from hell taunting her as she'd pull at the restraints. Her wrists bleeding from the pressure only for it to heal back up for the process to repeat itself. As much as she didn't want to give him the pleasure to hear her scream it was only right. The strap around her neck kept her from hurting herself to wake up from this hell. But she knew in all ways it was real. He had no means to be sanitary with the procedure he was conducting. She couldn't even speak her throat was becoming raw from thoes screams that were forced on her throat. If she could see him properly through the watery eyes and panic she could have seen that his cheeks were red. The sad*stic f*ck really was taking his time with it and time and time again she'd pass out from the pain.

Darkness enveloping her vision only for a shot of adrenaline to be injected directly into her heart to jumpstart her mind again. He wants her awake in the dementedly horrific exploration of the dark human body of a female. Not through sex. But knew now what her team had warned her about. The risk of being captured by BLU. Medic truly was smart. He explained it like a teacher teaching his class as he would lean over her to wipe the tears free from her eyes." You see, Mein Haustier. Zis job gets boring. Healing, caring for ze unfortunate swine zat runs through ze hall's of zis base like labrats. Weak minded and bodied pigs zat vaste ze space in zis vorld. I figure out ze only thing zat you're Medic never saw. Zat or chose unsee." He hummed as he played with her intestines like a snake in his arms. Coilingits wet disgusting bloody mess around his arms before piling them up on the table. His sleeves and hands. Even his face stained with her blood as he spoke through that demented lisp towards her." Ve lived in a endless loop. Vhen be died it vas a repeated process of dying only for ze grip of gods judgment to just barely touch us. Only to come back down as if nothing had happened. But through sat I found flaws in Respawn~!" Leaning over her his eyes were pinpoints, dots filed by excitement." Respawn vas created to keep zis useless cycle of fighting going. Endlessly over and over. But vith my first Guinea pig, Hurr Engi. I learned that if far enough away from ze otha body part from the main mass. You respawn vithout zat limb. I took his hand und gave it to Soldier. Zen I figured out how to do something extraordinary. Teleportation via Respawn~" he reached back into her emptied out chest cavity. She could feel him walk his fingers along the meaty interior of her body. Going lower and lower till he reached the belt of her pants. Hooking his fingers around the wasteline of the pull upright brown running pants shed wear with her merc outfit." From killing ze Svout I discovered zis. I have no idea vhere he vent. But I knew It ended up somewhere far from civilization. But I had yet to discover that lies beyond ze vomanly figure~ vhat makes ze interior different from a man's. It's been far too long since I'd even laid eyes on a voman. But zat is besides ze point, Mein Haustier. I realized through zoes experiments zat ze mind stays intact. It never forgets vhat it vent through." Slowly his hands tugged her pants down to reveal her underwear. Their undergarments soiled by the torment yet he didn't seem to mind it. He dealt in the doctors office. It wasn't the first time he's experienced such things." I vant to see vhat it takes to make one fear ze strong! So I started vith You're dear Engi first. Oh how you should have seen ze look on his face vhen he saw me. Looked...almost like you do right now. Terrorfied!" He hissed into her ear.

It was all humiliatingly painful. Not wishing to have a child on his hands he removed the uterus first. Then subsequently. Violated her to see how she would react. Much like everyone else he violated they didn't like it. Screamed and cried. Studied her behavior and watched her experience more trauma than he had anticipated. Though cut open she felt everything he did to her. It made a mark on her more when his hands wrapped around her neck in a tight choke to where she passed out and the adrenaline had to be administered once more. 'A lesson in humility' was what he described it. Forcing himself on her tied down to a medical table with velcro. The weak to fear the strong and in many ways. The Nazi was right. She feared him more than she feared her Stepfather. The crazed nazi left a heavy mark on her mind. And by the time it was done. She was silent. A human muzzle was appropriated with a straightjacket that the doctor actually made. Spawn back togeather with her organs intact with his Medi-Gun she was far from mentally healed. Dropped into Soldiers room like a rag doll instead of a collar the Doctor used chain and a padlock to make the collar that Soldier oh so was depratly wanting his beloved Engi to make. But he was busy 'sulking' from all they knew. Him with his mute sidekick Pyro.

"I take it that the neutering was fun, Nazi?" He asked as he looked down at the unconscious face of the Scout. Her hair was down instead of up in its ponytail. Soldier's hand petting it gently as he took her by the back of the straightjacket as the doctor had been carrying her and dragged her to his side taking the chain from him with a light smile towards his pet before gazing back at the doctor whose smirk was pretty much mocked that of Demonic. His eyes lidded from the question as he rubbed his no longer bloodied hands on his bearded chin in wonder.

"Ja. She vas quite ze specimen I must admit. Be sure to keep her heald tight. Who knows vhat you're dear 'Spot' might do vhen you're not paying attention to her."
She by all means had a pair of their Scout's pants given to her and that was it. Under the straightjacket was only her brathat heald her up. One would know how to degrade a human being into nothing more than an animal and it was that Medic. A deep smile formed on his face as the soldier held the chain tight and dragged her into the room.

"Thanks, Nazi. Never figured you to actually give her to me." He laughed lightly. Pyro had better times with puppies. But Soldier found this amusingly adorable to see someone so small be rendered to nothing more than a pet for his team's amusem*nt. But he'd have to feed her. Which he wasn't willing to do himself. Crossing his arms as he set her back up against the wall of his room." I'll take 'good' care of Spot here." He couldn't keep his hands off of her hair. A hard habit to feel something so soft with his rough fingers.

"I have vhat I needed from her. Ever vish to have fun feel free. It's not like she's going to get pregnant anytime soon." He from a plastic bag held out to show two bloody egg like shapes within it. Examining them with pride the Doctor felt the hand of Spy upon his shoulder. Turning to look at him with a co*ck of his brow."Spy." He was wearing his rightful BLU uniform as he looked in at the Scout before back to him. His face still rightfully beaten by her as he cleared his throat.

"Doctor if you would please assist me in my little delema." He gestured towards his face. The Medic rolling his eyes deeply he started his way away yet Spy was stopped by Soldier. His large hand placed firmly on his shoulder." What?"

"First off you slimy snake. What made you think you had the right to even so what you did!?" He asked as his lip visibly twitched towards him. Spy giving a short term tilt of his head before a slap sent his head shooting to the side. Rubbing his cheek and cringing a bit from the pain as Soldier crossed his arms.

"What de hell are you on about!? I did what I did bec-"

"Pretending you were that RED Spy the whole time making us think you were the enemy! I almost shot you at the bridge. Keeping secrets! As much as I am proud of you're team for single handedly destroying RED, gaining the intelligence and obtaining a..'valuable trophy'. You still kept you're bullsh*t from me Private!" He hissed as he pushed his finger into Spy's chest. In a way Soldier had a point despite usually not always making perfect sense and having mental fits of rage pointed towards Scout or Demo. He believed he had the right to know. Which left the beaten Spy's mouth agape as he sneered towards him.

"If it wasn't for me. RED would be on our doorstep faster Den you could count to three on you're hand, Soldier! I kept it a secret because you imbeciles would have given it away. It was thanks to her I got my head back now do not test me in front of my own daughter!"

Everyone froze. Medic's eyes only shut briefly, having had stopped as soon as he heard Soldier go off on Spy. Solder's eyes blinked a few times before turning to look at the unconscious girl in the straightjacket and back to his Spy."She's you're what now?"

Spy's eyes were wide before covering his mouth quickly. As if it was instinct to say such a thing in a outburst his mind started to panic. "N-no I didn't.." He wasn't her father. He was his own person far from related. His heart raced as the cigarette he was smoking slipped from his lip to land on the dark dirty floor. He didn't care about her. Not one bit. But when the 'D' word slipped from his lips he felt stunned and confused as Medic walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder to urge him to follow. Soldier would have protested of course. But with Medic being with Spy he backed down. Glaring at Spy's back as he walked away with the German.

"Don't vorry. Its nothing to be worried about, Spy. You're just..'Stressed'."

Chapter 18

Chapter Text

'Tell me what you see.' An old but wise voice asked him. His blue eyes overlaying the landscape of a vast nothingness before him as he turned to face the elderly male with a frown.

'I don't see anythin',' he muttered unsure if his answer would give him a direct answer or not. But in a way it did get him something that pertained to an answer. A hard slap upside the head. Making the male almost fall forward as he was caught by the back of his collar by the old man. Choking him slightly but keeping him on his feet more or less.

'Don't be daft now, Boy! You know better than that. Theres more than nothin'ness out there beyond the Alamo. Eleven PhD's and you're not smart enough to tell me that there's not anythin' there?' The man's father's eyes narrowed but lowered to a calmer look as he helped his son up to his feet. His old bones made him look older than he was. A tell tale sign that his days were numbered.' There's dangerous thangs out there. Thangs that could leave you cryin' and beggin' for death. But also things that could bring life back to yah. That's how life is, son." As he said that his old wrinkled body turned to face the equally short male next to him. Holding his old cane tightly in hand as he co*cked his head with a smile. A proud smile showed on his old wise features towards the young man.
'Yer gonna carry on the legacy of our family one day, Dell. She will call out to you for help. My father helped her like I did. Now its yer turn. I'm proud of ya. Never forget that...'

His eyes shot open. Rubble surrounded them but not as much as he had expected. He remembered medic frantically trying to pull his Medi-Gun through the opening in the door to heal him of his injuries before
a beep went off and the interior of the building collapsed on top of them. How long had they been unconscious? He couldn't tell before he heard Soldier's voice from under the rubble.

"The dirt! It has me! Damn you Merasmus! You will not suffocate me in this wall!" With a rumble Engi could see the wall move a bit with a waver in Soldier's tone." Hang on I got it. I just have to sing the national anthem to get me out of here. My country tis of the- wait no..that's commie Canada anthem. America!" Gicing up with singing the national anthem Soldier did the next best thing that came to his helmet covered head. With a harsh kick the wall toppled forward to where Engi had to double take how close it was to landing on him. Soldier stepping out on top of that said wall with swagger as if what had just happened was a normal everyday thing that had just occured with a snoring Demo in one arm and Medic in another. A large dent in his helmet from the debris as he dragged the both of them out by their collars and layed them out on the broken piece of wall as he looked down at Engi with a large smile. "Oh hello, Engi! What are you doing in my grave?" He asked as he waved happily towards him." No as a victorious knock on his helmet ensued." No magic of explosions will take this hardy ol' American's life! That's why I used my head to save them!" He crossed his arms proudly over his chest. Within Medic's arms a damaged Medi-Gun. The pipe dislodged from the back pack part the Medic was still clinging onto.

"W-what happened?" A voice piped up from the rubble. Heavy's arm struggled to move a beam that had landed on his chest to only groan in agony. His arm pinned by its heavy weight as he coughed loudly. Engi's gaze turning around to look at the damage of what used to be the debriefing room. The ceiling was collapsed in. From what used to be the second floor. The upper end of that leading to the tower collapsed as well only being held up by a few metal beams that managed to withstand that interior blast of that explosion. Approaching Heavy as fast as possible. Moving hurt unlike Soldier who so happened to treat it like it was another day at the base by casually making his way over with him. Taking his helmet off to look at the damage with a sigh.

"I need my backup helmet.." his face was rough and well built. If anything he looked like a twin brother to his BLU Counterpart by revealing his full face as his gaze met Heavy. Tossing his helmet aside he co*cked his head." You alright Commie? You just dont know how to deal with an explosive spell like I do. Merasmus could be anywhere.." he muttered as his buggy eyes glanced around with a glare before Engi placed his hand on the Soldier's shoulder.

"I don't think it was you're..mythical room mate Soldier. I think BLU planted a bomb to try and finish us off. Can ya help me, partner? We gotta get this beam off of Heavy." He said as he moved over to grab one side of the beam. While Soldier shuffled to the other end and began to lift. Heaving the short male just barely managed to lift its heavy weight off of the large Russain. But when he heard the Russian start yelling in pain he quickly looked to Soldier who was still lifting it with various curses under his breath as sweat sparked up from his brow."Soldier! Soldier! Stop! We cant lift this without hurting Heavy more! Drop it! Gent-"

Before he could finish Soldier shrugged his shoulders and dropped the beam where it was which caused a shrill screech escape from Heavy's lips as he slammed his fist into the medal wall. A twitch showed on Engi's lips as his brow furrowed towards the ignorant Soldier who simply smiled back at him. The table was crushed in by debris and the upper pieces of the ceiling. Moving over to Medic and Demo, Engi's fingers met their necks. Both were still alive but out cold. god Pyro then the hard thought of Sniper and Scout entered his mind as he looked over to the door that was still shut. But the outside was littered in debris blocking their exit completely." Dagnabbit! We're trapped in here." Looking down at his clothes he was covered in dust. Bruises from hard pieces of the second floor landing on them. Till he looked at the wound on his hand. Bloody, scarred but the Medic healedca good bit of it. His finger was better off than the bite in his arm that made Engineer clench his hand tightly. A deep but heavily shaken breath. His eyes meeting the other two then Heavy who was trapped under a beam. Taking off his goggles he tossed them aside when he noticed they were cracked. Along with his hard hat. Taking a seat he covered his head." Sniper, Scouts probably dead to. Or worse at this point. This just ain't right.." shaking his head. Trapped as he looked over to Soldier who was blankly staring off into nowhere, finger digging for gold in his nostrils." Hey Soldier. You have any loose fabric on yah so I can wrap my arm up?" He asked with a mere sigh as he glanced back down at his missing pinky and the slightly healed over bite wound. He aimed for the jugular and tried to take a bite out of it so that he'd bleed out. Luckily Sniper woke up to get the Medi-Gun before the building exploded. Where the Australian was now. He had no idea.

Soldier co*cked his head as he snapped out of his daydreaming gaze and hummed to himself."To be honest, Engi. Only sorta thing I have like that us my 'fruit of the bloom's brand boxers I'm wearing right now.." he muttered as Engi raised a hand.

"Never mi-"

"No no. Give me a minute. I just gotta yank on them just right to tare them off I just gotta-" reaching into his pants he saw Soldier's face go as red as his uniform. Engi's hand stopping him before he went fully bulistic on his undergarments. Soldier's hands gently taking the Texan's arm to look at the bite. His lip quivered as he clenched his fists." In the name of Pearl Harbor. I will hunt that BLU Nazi prick down and make him beg for his Hitler mother!" Slamming his fist into his palm he cracked his neck.ready for a fight. Marching over to the foor blocked off by rubble the still bloody Engi watched as he tried to pry the doors open. Even if he did get them open where would he go? The rubble was no doubt too heavy for them to move on his own. Till Engi's eyes met a open door on what was left on the floor above them.

"Soldier. Soldier, I know you're concerned about me and what happened. I appreciate it, I do. But we need to help Heavy, Demo, And Medic. You understand?" A small nod granting Engi his thankful answer that the slightly angered man was paying somewhat of a decent amount of attention to him. Progression was slowly taken place though Soldier made Scout look like a genius at times he himself was in no shape to go climbing. His ribs were more or less broken from the impact of the ceiling. So pulling himself up that high or lifting anything too heavy was no good." The Medi-gun is broken but I'm sure if i had my tool box I'll be able to fix it and heal everyone up. If you can climb up to the second floor, get to Resupply, and get my tool box and my wrench. I should be able to help everyone. You're the only hope I got right now Soldier. You're team is counting on you."

His words made Soldier feel like a giddy child on his birthday. A deep smile forming on his lightly stumbled face as he nodded, then saluting towards the injured Texan as he looked up to the said door Enji had pointed out. With everything so different since the building decided it was a good idea to hibe up on itself like a communist hippie. Soldier knew it was going to be hard to backtrack through a place that was now destroyed. A low 'oh..' flexed through his lips before snapping his fingers." Ah!" Walking over to a the metal beam that collapsed onto Heavy. It was leaning directly against that said door. Well. What he considered directly was accurately 6 feet away from that said door. Climbing up on it he could hear the russain groan more as his weight was added to the beam as he started to climb it." Quit you're cryin' hippy! I'll save you!" He reassured through his rough tone.

One boot at a time he slowly blimved his way up to the point where he could just barely reach the door. Being a good fifteen feet above the ground. If there was one thing Soldier didn't like. And that was the Canadian word for 'heights'. Theurge to vomit coiled in his chest as he looked down. Instantly becoming dizzy as he swayed his weight by mistake. Shaking his head violently he gathered himself.' You're an American, Solly! Doing this you could be honored with a medal of honor!' He thought to himself as a small smile formed on his lips as he glanced to Engi who watched him from where he sat as well as Heavy.

"Careful Soldier!" Engi yelled up to him. Grinning deeply he flung himself from the beam. A loud creak and sound of adjusting weight above them made everyone who was still conscious, cringe. The beams above them dropping slightly from the countless beams that gathered onto of eachother above them." Please hurry." He muttered. Soldier pulling himself up over the edge into the second floor.

"Now if I were Resupply where would I be in this sh*t hole of a building?" Looking down the corridor he remembered where he was the moment he took notice to the intelligence room." Theres Intel. I wonder-" Soldier had always been the one to be easily distracted by something that didn't pertain to his mission. Walking over to it the floor was still surprisingly intact. was before he collapsed right through the floor into what was assumed to be Sniper's dorm room he never used except for.."God dammit Sniper!" Covered in cold piss from broken Piss jars the Aulstralian called Jarate or whatever. It drenched his pant leg for most of the glass broke from the collapsing floor. The smell of the damn stuff wafted the room in a disgusting sent of urine as he plugged his nose with a visible cringe. Getting up it was thankful the door opened as soon as he approached it. The floor much like everywhere else on the first floor was covered in rubble, wood, concrete and metal. He had to give the BLU's a hand for whatever caused this much damage. Glancing around the corridor he eyed Spy's room the most. Rubbing his chin his gaze then went to his room as he grinned." Extra helmet..Come to Papap!"

Walking into his room..out of all of the others his looked bo different. Like the explosion wanted nothing to do with his room. A trifold American flag sat Nina plaq. An American flag hung on his ceiling. On his night stand was a large book with a mouth. A bomb stuck in it as he approached his locker in his room and retrieved another helmet. Placing it on his head as the usual and comfortable sensation filled his view as he took a deep breath." I don't know what it is. But wearing these helmets make me feel far more American!"

"Oi Soldier. Moi Amego. That was quite the explosion, ae?" That damn book. Why did he have it again? He couldn't quite remember as he approached it. Lifting it into his arms its eyes glowed whenever it spoke to him. Once again another normal day for Soldier."You know it wasn't me right, amego? You know if it was you're head would be a bomb. But nahh. You and me are buds! I wouldn't make you're head a bomb for the life of me! Better roomate than the Wizard!"

Soldier hummed lightly as the book started to float around his head flapping its cover like wings as a green glow Soldier was all too familiar with enveloped the book in it's aura." Yeah.. I guess so, Talking book. Say. Do you remember the way to Resupply?" He asked as the book stopped flapping to approach the door. Flapping it's cover to jettison itself down the hallway to that familiar door he used to always pass through before a Mission. Walking towards it he eyed the debris blocking the way as he snapped his fingers." Hey book buddy. Do you mind?"

"Aeee good call Soldier buddy! I could turn you're head into a b-"

As stupid as Soldier was he heard it enough for it to be driven into his head. His eyes under his helmet widen as he grabbed the book and shook it violently." We cannot afford to D.I.E. Soldier! I need a bomb but one that isn't my head! I die now I wont be a war hero!" He yelled at it as the book gasped and hugged while it was being shaken. As soon as soldier had let it go it spun around before floating correctly again. Its cover turned to the rubble. Then back to Soldier. Its red eyes zooming in on the grenades attached to his Uniform.

"Ae buddy. What about thoes?" Its deep spanish accent with it's almost deep echo it held enveloped the room but its glow also proved to be a decent light sorce as the corner of the book tapped against the grenades attached to his belt to where he looked down at them and smiled. Almost slapping himself in the head as he pulled the pin on one in his shirt and placed it into a crevasse in the rubble and ran. Taking cover whilst the book followed behind him as he covered his ears. A loud 'boom's shook the foundation of the building once more. Making Soldier instincavly look back to where he came from. No yells of agony from his friends just yet. Which left him wiping the pure sweat from his forehead." Ae Amego I've been meaning to ask you. Why do you smell like piss?"

Soldier not his lip as he wanted for the dust to clear. Revealing a clear way for him to move through. A black stain covered the floor as he glanced back to the book to keep moving." Its called Aulstralia, Book. I hate it if all Aulstralians do is collect their piss in jars! I'm not having it. Common. It's a tight squeeze but we can make it through." He waved his hand for the bood to follow behind only for it to pull off the exact opposite and fo ahead. Popping its much smaller body through the crawlspace level hole the granade on Soldier's belt pulled off. As for Soldier he was struggling a bit. Having to shimmy his arms back and forth through the crawlspace to where his only dirty uniform was now torn and broken revealing the white tank top he usually wore under it to show itself. Gritting his teeth deeply he slowly got to his feet and dusted his clothes off and breathed. Clothing a few times as dust spewed from between his lips.

"Ah right! You're Resupply right?" The hyper tone of the book shared itself as it flapped over to what looked to be no more than a crator in the building all collapsed in on itself." Oh buddy. That's hella rough if I do say so myself, eh? I sure do hope you didn't need anything in there-" the book said as Soldier collapsed to his knees. The only form of light granting itself was the moonlight. He was out of the base. Or what was left of it. But to him that didn't matter weather he was in Bangladesh or China. Resupply was gone with Engi's toolbox.

"Dammit all.. I was supposed to be a goddamn hero, Book!" He hissed as he grabbed it. From what the book was trying to do before it was forcefully grabbed and shaken once more. It tried to comfort him. Dragging his head into the rubble he started to dig."If I don't come back with that tool box. Might as well not come back until I'm f*cking dead! Aye, Book?" He asked with labored breaths. His voice low and tired. The large pile of rubble to his right blocked his view to BLU Base. So with his bare hands he started to dig. One pile of rocks. Two. Three. Then. He stopped. So did the book who was merely lifting pebbles as Soldier raised his hand for a halt. Hearing mirmered conversation he looked to his left to where a faint glow of what looked to be a fire shown over the building. Overshadowing the view of Sniper's RV. his eyes from under his helmet narrowed as he glanced to the Bomb Book and pointed his fingers into the air. Basically in jibberish thr floating book merely shook its cover towards him." Get up there and tell me who you see!" He hissed through his teeth in a silent tone. Trying not to get attention as he kept his eye on the shadows.

"Ohh.. why didn't you just say so, amego?" The book without question rose into the air for a second before coming back down next to Soldier who had grabbed a piece of lead piping that was sticking up from the Rubble and smacked it against his hand." Yeah. Two guys. One is a guy dressed like a cowboy in blue. Other is shirtless with a bandage wrapped around his torso. Heard something about 'follow through with the plan'." It muttered to him as he nodded. Fixing his helmet to his head he took the lead piping and without warning. Little to no stealth included. Charged at them. They were close to him so when he managed to get the lead piping around the throat of his first victim. The Bomb Book was slapping its Cover against the face of the injured man who swatted at it depratly trying to get it to fly away but was failing." Tske that! And that!"

"I'm going to teach you BLU f*cks to never f*ck with RED Team!" Pulling back the hands of the cowboy clawed at Soldier's arms before the Bomb Book was grabbed from its facial slapping spree to reveal the shocked look of Sniper sitting at the fire. As behind Soldier the silent Pyro who was accompanying the Engi walked up behind him and watched him over the head with a piece of wood only to jump when he realized that didn't work. The gritted teeth of the Soldier bared as he tossed the BLU Engi aside as the BLU Pyro took a few steps back towards the RV. Soldier slapped the pipe into his hand. Baring his teeth with a maddening sense of adrenaline rushing through his vanes. "If god wanted you to Alice, he would not have created me! Get over here so I can tare you a new chimney, Smokey Joe!" He yelled as he raised the pipe to slap the tail light of the RV as the skinny Pyro silently dodged aside. From behind the Engineer grabbed the Raging man with someone else. Holding him back. Where the hell was Book Buddy!? He snarled. Never send babies to fight a man's war!

"Stop this nonsense, Dammit! You're makin' a damned mistake!" The Texan voice from behind him hissed through grunts. Holding his one arm with the weapon and pulling him back.

"Soldier, mate it's me! Sniper!" Another yelled from holding back his left arm to keep him from attacking the mute Skull masked freak in front of him.

Letting himself go his weight fell into the fully grown man fell back into the two of them with a war cry. With his bare hands pinning the BLU Engi to the ground as he raised his fists. About to start punching the cowboy down till a strong hold over took his throat pulling him back." Soldier its me!" It couldn't be Sniper. It was hard to tell anymore considering that their own special Spy turned out to be a different Frenchman. Instead of listening Soldier drove his head back into the chin of the supposed Sniper behind him. Stunning him to where he loosened his grip. A loud 'Gak' then a 'thud' following suit as he looked around for the book. He couldn't get much of a decent view in as a hard punch sent his head flying to the side from the daring BLU Texan. A small streak of blood traveled down the corner of his lip as he stood in place to slowly turned his head back to the Texan that stood in front of him. His look of anger and annoyance turned to shock as Soldier's popped his jaw and grabbed him by the throat.

"Prepare to get dominated, Grease Monkey! I'm gonna crush you're wind pipe till you're sorry excuse for an American ass will see how it feels on the bleeding end of these American talo-" he paused. Looking into the dark frames of the struggling BLU Engi. He felt a sharp pain in the back of his head. A frown formed on his adrenaline induced rage as he turned to face the culprit. Each hit left him targeting the man that hit him. And as much as his head throbbed that adrenaline rush was telling him that one mistake was going to wind up killing him. His death he wanted to take evry one of these BLU bastards out with him. His eyes landed on the so called 'Sniper'. He wasn't thinking clearly as he clenched his fists to the point they turned white. All he could hear was white noise as he had his sights pinned on the poor terrorfied camper." Nothong can describe how much I despise France! I'll tare you a new f*cking baguette for e everything you done you sneaky bastard!" Like a wolf lunging for its prey, the injured Sniper dodged his arms. Jumping back swiftly with the wood he had dropped to the dirt and sand. Hippies. All of them. Cowards and lowlifes thinking they could so easily take RED out!? He'll show them what for! Each time he lunged for the Sniper a rock would 'ting' against his red helmet from rocks he was throwing at him. Only knocking it to the side every now and again till the co*cking of a gun made the Soldier freeze in place. Not moving his body but glancing over his shoulder to see the Engineer only eliminated by the fire next to him hold his infamous revolver at the Raging Soldier who slowly started to calm down.

"Listen, Dumbass! I'm trying to help Sniper! I wasn't aware there were other survivors until now. Calm you're american psycho ass down before you get hurt more than you already been!" He yelled at him as the Pyro shuffled up next to him. More or so a walk as they tilted their head as he suddenly felt dizzy. Engi lowering his gun he breathed heavily as he watched Soldier. That hard hit on the head suddenly made Soldier lean over and vomit what he ate that morning and fall forward. That smell of Sniper's piss and vomit filling his nostrils."Ah hell! Get the bindings. I'm sure when he wakes up he's gonna try to go ballistic again!" Darkness took hold of him as thoes words hummed off into the distance of his mind.

When he woke up he was greeted with not the sight he was expecting. Truthfully he was expected to be strapped down to BLU Medic's Table or hanging over the fireplace for a slow death where he was to be consumed but no. He was tied up in Sniper's RV. hands tied firmly behind his back as he shifted his weight only for the void's of his book Buddy to chime in.

"Yeah uh I don't think that's gonna work all that much, Amego. They triple threaded it to make sure you didn't break out!" Beside him the Bomb book laid still on the bed next to him. His hands suspended above him as he struggled a few more times. The book's cover was bound shut by plastic ties before Soldier caught notice of the creepy blank stare of the Pyro. Their head co*cked to the side as they got to their feet and began to approach. Instinctavly Soldier started to nudge himself away from the approaching BLU Pyro.

"Get away from me, Smokey Joe. I will punch you right in you're fruit baskets if you even think about doing it! Don't even think about not doing it!" He was expecting a knife to his throat. Yet was greeted with a wet towel being swiped over his helmeted forehead. And face. Cleaning him of the dust and rubble that had covered him. The touch gentle and kind despite how creepy and intimidating the mute Pyro was to him. Tabbing his forehead a few more times an approving 'oh' left his lips as he fell into it. Pampering was nice. But then remembered they were the opposing force. Which made him remember that he should be far from happy. Instead disappointed to be there like it was a useless dentist appointment. A frown returned on his lips as he looked away. His lip raising in disgust as the Pyro got up once more to shift sides like they wanted to have the attention as well. But every time they sat down or moved to where Soldier's head moved. He'd move it in another direction as soon as they did. Till the RV door swung open to reveal the BLU Engi and the injured Camper." Grease Monkey. How's it feel to get you're ass kicked by this American boot!?" He laughed from where he sat. Laughing almost evily towards the Texan as he sneered.

"Stretch. Think we should tell em?"

"Yeah I got it, mate. Soldier look I-"

"If you really are my friend. My Sniper. Why are you with these commie, Nazi worshipping f*cks anyway? Why?" Soldier felt betrayed. The more he thought about it whilst avoiding Pyro's actions of kindness. It was his Sniper or else he would have decloaked during the fight. He was hurt. Felt like twelve Heavies punched him at once as Sniper shook his head. A look of guilt in his eyes as well as a reaction from BLU Engi who was sitting in the corner.

"Yall should listen to Soldier. Is good!" The book said which undoubtedly made everyone jump, the Engi jump In which he got up and simply placed a pillow over it's cover with a clear cringe and huffed. Hoping that would at least make the book less loud at least before sitting back down.

'Damn talkin' books..the hell this guy get one?' He could barely hear him mutter it when Sniper finally chimed in.

"Soldier it isn't like that, Mate. Engi here saved my life. The BLU's hate their currant livin'. Not to mention the bastards got Jenna..and with Respawn down we can't really commit to a rescue plan.." he started losing Soldier at that point. Looking st his shoulders two Soldiers popped up from puffs if dust. One holding a halo and the other devil horns.

'I think you should trust him!' Demon side said whilst clapping his hands together.

'Whst about the others? Engi needs his toolbox!?' The angel asked directly to Soldier.

'Yes. They need help, Private! Whst kind of American leaves his men behind!? Remember what president Washington once said! 'The enemy of my enemies are my humbly accepted acquaintances for a short amount of time'!'

"I need a toolbox and help with getting the rest of RED out of that death trap."

Chapter 19: 19

Chapter Text

My god he was proud of himself. How was he proud? He had a Trophy, RED Team was dead or in the midst of dying by the foundation of their own base. Sitting in a chair overlooking his 'Pet' he was becoming slowly impatient for her to wake up. Having had hooked the chain the doctor wrapped around her neck to a pipe above them. Loose enough for her to freely move around but not enough to let her get free. With a sneer he reached over and slapped her across the face. Nothing. His gray hues fluctuating in the barely lit room getting up from his seat he approached a sink in the corner where the door. Filled a glass of it and took a sip. It always made Soldier cringe from its metallic taste but it tasted like what he could only describe as 'Freedom'. He always thought it tasted of blood. Caused straining headaches but to him it made him see 'clearly'.

With that one sip from the dirty glass he carelessly poured the water over the Scout's head to wake her up. The cold wet spilled down the tight straightjacket and over her hair as she gasped loudly through the muzzle that covered her mouth. Shaking her head her legs kicked. And bucked as she pushed herself like a struggling two legged dog with no front legs to keep balance as he smirked at her. His head co*cked to the side towards her. He could tell she was terrorfied. And it brought him an honest smile that not even 'love' could generate in him. He was like a kid watching what was once a boring animal sleep, spring to life as he took a few more sips of the water and put it on the night table behind him. Removing his hat he hung it on the corner of his bed. Taking a Cigar and lighting it he inhaled the smoke deeply as the fire burned away at the paper. His hand reaching over to her as she kicked her feet to get away from him only to be met with his large hand petting her hair that was now wet from the water. Her head scrunched in to avoid him.

"W-what are y-" a loud 'smack' filled the room as Soldier's hand met her forehead. It was hard but since slapping her across the cheek was blocked from his hand by the muzzle he chose her forehead as a red mark covered her exposed skin as she whinced.

"Pet's don't talk, you prissy little maggot." He spat as he took a hard drag of his cigar to blow it lightly into her face. Making Spot cough." When you speak you f*cking bark. Do I make myself clear? Missy?" He loomed over her. Standing tall and Brutish he consumed her body in his muscular shadow. He wondered what Spy meant. Till his memory failed him on what he considered unimportant to the current events." Or am I going to have to tach that lesson to you, Bitch?"

She didn't speak. Not one word and that left a grin on his lips as he got to his feet and grabbed a bowl he had stolen from the kitchen. Using the Sink he filled the bowl with water as he placed it next to him and crossed his arms over his chest. At first he wasn't sure why she wasn't drinking. Till she looked at him. And rubbed her muzzle across her shoulder indicating she couldn't drink it the way he wanted. But it didn't matter. He snickered at her as he pinched her muzzle and shook her head. The chain rattling above her as he spoke." I don't think that's a good idea, Spot. Who knows what sort of rabies are running around in tire mouth." She didn't move again. Instead she huddled herself in a corner and began to weep. It was silent but the tears streaming down her face made Soldier feel accomplished as he snapped his fingers." That's right. You want to have a conversation with you're dear RED Engineer? I'll get him." Reaching into the under part of his bed. He pulled out a jar with a rotting hand. Green to the point that rigor mortis had long since ended but the fingers permanently stuck as if they were still clawing at the Medic's medical table whilst sawing through the bone and sinew." What do you think Engi?" He asked the hand as if it were a sentient thing.

'What I think is that you should kill her, partner.' His eyes narrowed deeply towards the hand as he looked at it. It sounded no different to Engi. It matched his way of speaking but was a bit more high pitched to what his original voice could provide as he glanced down at her who was now crying harder than without the hand being out. That loss and torment the Medic put her through. Must have taken a toll on her.' See how you're poor pet suffers. Common Soldier. Like old Yeller. Stab her.' His eye twitched before abruptly throwing the limb across the room. Smashes and crashing like symbols rocked the room as his face turned to a deep shade of rage enduced red as he took deep breaths as his eyes glared down at her. In a way his body was doing what the voice asked. Violently leaning over to try to grab her till the door slid open to reveal Engi. His eyes slowly shifting as the girl beneath him who was cowering fearfully curled herself into a ball in the corner as the cowboy glared at him through his sunglasses. Taking them off for the first time. His right eye glowed deeply with a blue glow, a while his other was no more human as everyone elses as he looked between the two. His lip quivering.

"We got a debrief with the Administrator, Soldier. She doesn't want us being late again. You wanna serve you're country don't you? Instead of attacking you're...'Pet'." He visibly cringed calling her that. She was no more a person than he was. But because of her gender and who she worked for between the two colors. She was treated like an animal. And it made the cowboy sick. As much as Soldier noticed it he couldn't have cared any less than he already did. If he kicked a baby he would have kicked Engi with that child if given the chance but wouldn't.

Straightening his posture he cracked his neck and filled his shoulder's. Walking up he merely stood in front of him. Looking down to where his 'lover' was forced to look up at him with the cigar in his mouth still burning as he plucked it free to drop it onto the floor and crush it with his boot." What does it matter what I call her? You sound almost disgusted. That's what the RED's were. She's no different to any other RED that fought out there and stole our Intelligence. Made us look like animals. So..Why not simply treat them as they are? Bitches to be crushed under our f*cking boots, Shortstack." Pressing his finger into his chest he backed up into the hallway out of Soldier's rach only to go too far. His hand punching the wall next to him. Loud pops and cracks of the bones moving in his skin yet didn't whince. Only replaced that pain with rage as he glared down at him. Lesser. A true Maggot like the rest of them. And since he was the only one who was willing to get f*cked by him he let him get a full plate. The word..'dating'. It made Soldier sick.

The spat poisonous words from him. It made Engi share a strong sneer as they both stared eachother down like ranid animals about to fight. No smiles could ever bring Soldier out of his rage unless much like Medic. It was torture, torment of the helpless and pathetic."Soldier..the Administrator is waiting." Grinding his teeth as he spoke he could hear the containment in Engi's tone, raising his lip he stepped away from Engi with a fake amused grin. The military based haircut he had was dirty from sweat and blood from other things that was possibly him scratching at his scalp or hurting himself in the midst of his anger enduced rages. Walking past 'Spot' he grabbed his military general hat and placed it back on his head.

That old bitch. The Administrator. His boss as well as everyone else's almost never contacted them. Because they were the 'lessers'. The 'animals'. But since the Poor pathetic RED's were out of commotion the majority of BLU Team had gathered up in the midst of their own debriefing room. The table was crappy. The metal scratched up like an animal was set loose in the room. A radio sitting in front of Engi as he pressed the button. The anticipation made Soldier twitch from where he stood. The Medic taking his place in a seat beside the Engineer with Pyro included. Demo sat next to Scout who appeared to haven't have cared less about what was happening as he covered his head and Demo comforting him. Pathetic worms. Waste of life standing on the american soil's. Perhapse he should teach him a lesson or two about toughening him up. Starvation and a few beatings through the years clearly wasn't enough for him to get through that egotistical, depressed head of his. His misery alone along with te other weak worms clearly shared a smile between Soldier and Medic as Engi started to get into contact with the Administrator.

"Ah..Engineer. as well as the most of BLU Team. I must admit Spy you're feats and dedication to taking down RED Team in the span of two months. With only one surviving member of that Team in you're collection. Impressive. Truly." The old woman's voice echoed through the radio as Engi spoke up for the group.

"We..appreciate it, Ma'am. Support Team truly did do..something incredible. I'm sure you have new orders for us?" It took a minute. Why on gods green earth did she have to take do long in replying. It made him sick.

"I do. I'm sure you're aware of the arrival of the Resupply Train coming in tomorrow? I've appocreated some living accommodations for you and you're team. You will be climbing aboard the train and partaking in a two week ride to a place called the Sawmill. Once you get there you'll all know what to do." She spoke lightly as Soldier grew impatient. Grabbing the said microphone from Engi he pressed the button aggressively.

"More bullsh*t!? Gibe us more than vauge missions! What's waiting there for us, Woman!?" He hissed into it like a snarling dog. He hated her. It was always vauge unless it was the mission involving the intelligence. But in return he was met with silence. Slamming the microphone into the table he smashed his fists into the radio. Sending sparks and wires, pieces of the radio flying and hitting alot of others with his rage as he bared his teeth in agrivation. Engi standing up instantly to push the Soldier back away from the Radio. How dare he? 'Did he push you? You're an American f*cking hero. You should be going home. Getting paid! What is this sh*t!?' A hallucination popped up beside Soldier on the table. A small version of him with horns. No one with a halo to rationalize with him as Engi was seemingly cursing out a man who was spacing out to the words of his own deluded subconscious.

And Medic noticed it. His eyes dilated with a hidden joy to that expression that the Doctor seen many times before someone really got hurt. Yet he decided to do something different than just letting Soldier nearly beat the Engineer to a bloody paste. The German slowly made his way over to him. Shaking him free of that hallucination that gripped him as he placed his hand on his shoulder stopping him instantly as his head quickly jolted to look up at the Nazi with a narrowed gaze." Come now, comrade. Zere is no need to go ballistic on you're own teammates because you destroyed the radio."

Soldier's arms laxed slightly to the German's words. Something about the scarred bastard made the Soldier tingle and almost instantly listen to him. Like a stubborn bastard he turned away from Engi. More or less turning into Medic's direction to where they were almost chest to chest as he looked up at him." What do you want, Nazi?" He asked simply. Everyone else watching in fear as to see what would happen between the two most violent members of their team. Yet nothing happened. Not a hand was raised to punch Medic because the proud American knew better. Knew that if he would so much as cause him an ounce of pain he'd go off like a madman on him.

"A vord vith you, Soldier. If zu could. Zis meeting is over. I suggest before ve leave. Ve travel light. Ve leave as soon as ze train arrives. Do I make myself clear?" He asked to the rest of the group as he grinned darkly. His gaze pinned directly on Engi. Almost looking directly through him before gently guiding Soldier from the room. The look on Spy's face looked almost dark and detached from reality the more Soldier watched him smoke thoes sh*tty small cigarettes he loved do much. As much as Soldier resented going with the Nazi he felt compelled to do it. He hated it but kind of enjoyed it in a way as he was moved out into the main hall down to the bloody office that smelled of bodily fluids fresh from the body as he walked into the room. A small sneer tugging on his lip before the Medic grabbed him by the side. Turning him around to grin evily towards him. Pinning the Soldier against the wall as he smiled." Are zu avare vhat ze veaklings amongst us are planning?" He asked as Soldier pressed himself against the wall to keep his distance from him the more he spoke." Dearest Engineer is planning ho betray us vith his dear Pyro. Ever vonder where he vent today?" co*cking his head as his elbows rolled in to get in closer to the Ill tempered male he had under his boot where the tiny cogs in his mind began to turn." He doesn't like you're dearest Haustier. Because shes a person am I correct?" He asked as he co*cked his brow. The scratch across his lip sharing his permanent sneer as Soldier thought.

'The Nazi is making a bit of sense.' Tiny Soldier said as he walked over on the Medic's shoulder from where he stood straight up. Like a man ready to salute, standing at attention as his gaze looked away. Turning his head away with disbelief in his expression as he shook his head.' You always knew he was weak I f*cking warned you he was weak and he was just using you for his own personal gain for food! Privileges!' The small hallucination yelled at him as its fist slammed into his palm the more he spoke.' Why are you surprised?' Both of the voices fused togeather. His tone fusing with Medic's heavy german accent as Medic's gental touch moved his head to look eachother in the eye as he co*cked his brow.

"He vas never strong, Liebste Soldier. Like ze others he's veak. Smart but veak. But don't vorry." His gloved hand gently caressed his cheek with a lidded expression. Why fight the truth? You never loved him. He never made you happy unless you were breaking the weak down to nothing but dust. Or showing them who the true Soldier was in the damn place." Tomorrow. Ve can fix zis problem. Ve don't need him anymore. Nor Pyro. Ze other veaklings know zere place. Ve can easily push zem off ze train once ve go at its top speed mm~? Doesn't zat sound nice?" He asked as Soldier's conflicted gaze eventually shifted to a furrowed brow.

"You're right, Nazi. We can show them the door on the way to Sawmill. Their all weak. They are all bleeders.." he was lost in that form of betrayal that covered his mind that revolved around thoesemotions that fuled his mind till the unexpected moment hit. A loss from the Medic filled his voice with nothing more than a unsuspecting kiss. The strange sensation of the scar ran across his lips made the Soldier wish to explore it. As much as his military mind and force of American patriotism he had served under for six years was telling him that he was kissing not only a man but a Nazi. Another end of him was melting into it like a man who was left without a loving touch. A man who never left the war to get that beautiful 'Welcome Home' kiss. Their tongues fought against eachother like a battle for dominance. Raking his own tongue against Medic's teeth. His breath tasting of Cigar smoke while the Medic's tasted oddly metallic like the water he drank. The soft beard the doctor had along with the mustache tickled Soldier's nose repeatedly but kept himself where he was as his rough hands gripped at the straps of the Medic's medical jacket almost desperate till he pulled away awkwardly. His cheeks deep red. Not from rage but from that fact he enjoyed it." What now, Cupcake?" He asked. Wiping the saliva from his chin.

So trusting and a strangely good word. The Medic rolled his head with a smile. Licking his lips where the tongue fell into the indent in his flesh." Shh~ Zis is just a secret between us." He said as he placed his finger between his lips with a deep low toned hush filled his manipulative but husky tone. For the first time in a while. Without the need to pull off torture to smile. His lip raised into a simular grin to the Medic. Cracking his knuckles with a hard slap against his palm he was egar to pull this little secret 'mission' off. He couldn't wait to watch the look on Engi's face when he would personally push the Cowboy out of the train car himself. He could just vividly picture it in his head. Hearing his Texas tone fill his lungs with his gasp of fear mixed with shock and agony. Tge pure terror he hoped to see. As for his own pet, Pyro. He'd rip the mask from their face by force if he needed to, to at least get a good look at their face before he did to same to their creepy mute ass. His imagination was wild with thoes thoughts that only made his grin grow wider. Till Medic's hand pulled the shorter male into his chest. Not minding it at all as his eye twitched deeply from under the hat he wore.

"I'll have to pack up Spot for tomorrow. Wouldn't want to leave the pup behind." He said as he started his way towards the sliding door without another word. His eyes buggy as he made his way down the hallway back to his room to notice that his pet was on her feet. Without her muzzle being hand fed by the Sniper who quickly looked up at him as the Deeply smirking character stood up instantly to back away from the door. His smile slowly lowered to a frown as he clenched his fist as his eyes dialated from the rage.

"Awe mate. I'm only giving the bitch some of my food. Shes a beautiful that's for sure~ say. Mind if I take the Sheila out for a..'Spin'?" The Aulstralian asked with a perverted smile. She wasn't a fan of him. Infact like most of BLU Team but she was starving. But Soldier? He didn't like him taking what was his. Clenching his fists tightly the Soldier marched into the room. What happened next was something that left alot of thoes out in the corridor shocked. Spy, Scout, Demo and Heavy whinessed nothing but heard everything as female screams could be heard as a strong struggle took place within the Soldier's room. Grunts and groans of a hard struggle as the faint shadows danced with each other as the shadows fell with loud 'thuds' and Glass breaking. Pieces of what looked to be glass. The rotted hand of RED Engineer flying out of the room as cuss words and insults were thrown at eachother like madmen thrown into a wrestling ring.' Do not touch what isn't yours!' To, 'f*ck off you f*cking bloody bogan'! From purely racist insults to yells of agony. Before Sniper was thrown out of the open door back first. Sliding across the metal floor as Soldier stomped out with a strong expression. Blood and bruises fresh now littered their faces and knuckles from hard punches. Glass filled the Palm of the Sniper as he pushed himself back by his feet keeping his one hand raised. In his right hand was his own pickax. Shaking his head he pleaded.

But Soldier didn't listen. He couldn't he was to lost in his rage as he held his weapon tightly in his hand as he twisted his grip. Blisters breaking from the tightness of which he held the weapon. The voice of Engineer's hand piping in with the devil version of him. Like a mad animal they chanted to him. 'Do it. Kill him. He wont be missed. Do it. Why is he strong when he doesn't do sh*t but hide and take. Take and shoot from a distance. Coward! Kill him! Do it!' Thoes voices in his head drove him mad. It was shown in his face. A look that told everyone to keep their distance from the crazed American. Hell hath no f*cking fury for this crazy f*ck. He was blood thirsty. Something in him snapped. He knew that he would never come back. He had no right! No f*cking right to touch what was yours! Feed her!? She was you're pet! Yours!

As he slowly made his way over he placed his boot firmly on the Sniper's chest. His words and pleas were ignored. Casted aside by the loud sound of white noise filling his ears as he raised the pickax.

No one stopped him. Didn't even attempt to stop him. The pickax was sticking out of his eye he always used to aim with. Leaving Sniper with no more than a look of pure terror as his arm weakly dropped from the bloody mess that came to his mind when the pickax penetrated his skull. Yanking the sharp end of it out of his skull he was at that point calming down. Once his eyes were no longer dazed. He merely walked away. Picking up Engi's hand as he left Sniper's body behind. The door to his room slid shut behind him. Leaving the corridor in complete shock and horror from what most would have considered a meaningless fight over a girl under his ownership.

Chapter 20: 20

Chapter Text

Never say it's not easy to keep secrets. Engi? He was somewhat of a master at holding them behind his back. Despite being the opposite color to RED Engineer. He took his job in stride and did what he needed to do to pull a job off right. With tool box in hand having to use his own. After the meeting he left. Had no choice but to leave because the place radiated toxicity like a toxic waste sight. As much as he hated leaving the girl in the unstable and irrisponcable care of the Soldier. He had to get the rest of RED out of their crumbling base before it was too late. No one payed attention to eachother. Ever. So it made slinking out of the base through the sewers with Pyro a Hinch. But trying to actually swim through the sewer was a pain in the ass more than anything. His toolbox was a heavy bastard. But made do when they made it to the ladder. Since everyone had believed that RED was gone Sniper no longer had night watch duty. So the coop was empty. The glow of the full moon hitting his face as he helped Pyro up from where they were. Clanking his boots togeather as he groaned.

" know how hard it is to dry these damn clothes?" He asked Pyro who merely shrugged as a response. Their silence defining but at that point he was used to it. Picking up the tool box he walked past the bridge and to the point where his eyes could make pit the dimly lit fire behind the building. Till a buzzed ring caught his attention. Handing the toolbox to Pyro he pulled the device from his pocket and picked it up with a beep from the phone." Ma'am." Was all he said as he heard her voice on the other side of the phone. His head turned to a camera that watched him ever so carefully above them.

"I'm sure you're aware of how this will work, yes?" She asked sternly through the phone's speaker as he continued to walk. Waving Pyro over to follow him.

"Matter of speakin'. What is the plan, Ma'am? I save RED from gettin' crushed to death then what? I have the feelin' that their false claim to a victory has made Soldier snap. No doubt possibly worse than usual considerin' he just lost his means to take out his rage on the other team. Barely been a day and hes already went ballistic on the radio." Fixing his white cowboy hat to his head he gazed the rubble. Listening in with a shake to his head. Stopping to where Pyro accidently bumped into him. Raising their hand in apology he shook his head and raised his hand in return to the skull masked indavisual." After I save them do I just go back to base and follow through by getting on the train?"

"When you pull them out of their graveyard I'll call you back. Do not keep me waiting Engineer." The dial tone started up. Shaking his head he raised the phone and shook it a few times before wiping his ear free of water.

"Least these phones are water resistant. Right Pyro?" The mute individual tilted their head to the side. It was hard to tell what they were ever thinking considering he never even seen Pyro eat let alone make a noise even when fighting. A small smile swiped across his lips as the short male approached the tall individual and patted their back to guide them." Common, Pyro. We gotta meat Sniper and Soldier at the RV. You know. I recon be hella curious what the hell that talkin' magic book is about but somethin's tellin' me that I shouldn't ask many questions about it." Looking at the watch on his wrist he read the time. Could make this little rescue plan less a pain in the ass if he had more time due to it being nine at night.

Rounding the corner to come into view of the soldier who still wore his torn uniform sitting next to the fire with Sniper who now wore a red long sleeved shirt as he hugged his shoulder tightly. Soldier going off about monkeys and magicians while Soldier stared off into space. It was strange to say how much he preferred the RED Team over BLU. he's been so used to the code of 'survival of the fittest' for six years. He forgot what relaxing even felt like as his gaze skanned for the book.

"Oh, Hello BLU Engi!" Soldier had shifted his tone towards him completely. Surprisingly so as he tilted his head with a smile from under his helmet.' Bomb Book said he liked you're hat! Then flew away. I'm sure hes back with Merasmus." His words made no f*cking sense but he merely gave a lighthearted smile towards the man as he took the toolbox back from Pyro. Holding the metal firmly in his hands as he took a deep breath.

"That's good to hear, Son. Isn't everyday a cowboy gets complements from talkin' books. Sniper." Walking over to the sitting male his stare directed its gaze to the sunglass wearing cowboy in front of him whose hand gently rested on his shoulder." Wanna come along? Or you wanna stay here and rest up?" His question was received with a slow blink. A simple nod was all he got as he got to his feet and started to kick the fire out with the dirt.

"Common Sniper! This is an adventure! Tge rest of the team is still alive! Aren't you happy?" Soldier was like a child. Confused and in his own way, concerned for his friend who appeared to be out of touch with reality.

"Son. Why don't you stay here with Pyro? I got everythin' I need in my tool box. Soldier alone could be enough to back me up down in there. Rest up. If I'm not back within a hour. Then something went wrong. Give Sniper some comfort while I'm g-" he stopped his sentence to watch as Pyro pointed towards where Soldier came from before the fight. Sniper already having his toolbox in hand his expression stirn as he sneered.

"Mate. I am not just gonna stand around and wait while my team suffocates in that bleedin' death trap. We either go now or sit here suckin' on our thumbs like babies. We go now." He said as Soldier cheered childishly as he ran up next to him. Wrapping his arm around him tightly as it left a hard suck in of air through his teeth due to his bad shoulder.

"That's it, Bilno Snarggins! The patriotic spirit of america flows through you like the sind beneath a bald eagle's wings! Show that building whose boss by pulling our team out of the mouth of hell itself!" His grip grew tighter as he took the Blue toolbox from Sniper's hand and ran. Into where he came from. Into the building through what used to be their resupply as Engi groaned in irritation and started after him.

Damn dumb big bastard. At least he wasn't as murderous and Ill tempered as his Soldier. Running after him he was strangely good at squeezing through holes. For when he turned into the building the Soldier was already pushing himself through a tight crawlspace type hole in the rubble." Jesus christ, son. What the hell.."

"Ah mate. Wouldn't care much about it. It's what he does. Aside from breaking necks in the mornin' out of excitement this is actually pretty damn normal for him." Sniper muttered to him as he watched Soldier finally make his way through the hole as Engi followed in after them. After him, Sniper. Entering the main corridor the crawl was a tight squeeze and a far cry from where they were meant to be. Looking to the RED Soldier he looked around the dark rooms his eyes narrowed.

"Soldier, you said they were in Debrief, right?" Sniper asked as he looked around. Light mutterings left Engi as he shook his head.

"Why does it smell like weeks old urine?" Engi plugged his nose from the stance. He knew he smelled it on Soldier earlier. But now it was stronger in there than ever before as he gagged ever so slightly. Turning go sniper whose face was red as he whistled a short term tune to himself ignoring Engi's questionable guaze as he co*cked his head." Son, don't tell me you actually collected your piss "

"W-what? No! Nonsense. What do ya take me for? Some..fetish collector or..somethin'?" His tone was stuttered. God the gross bastard was lying through his teeth and he could tell just by his stutters alone that he was and it made him cringe as Soldier laughed at him. Making his way through the corridors. Going into Demo's room to grab a bottle of Scrumpy. Holding the tool box in one hand and the other the bottle.

"He does indeed collect his jars of piss! He kept them stored in his dorm after he decided to make the look out into his own room! I crashed through the floor through here!" He pointed at Sniper's old Dorm room. Under the surprisingly still working siding door. Yellow urine had pooled up on the floor. Instantly making the cowboy gag as he covered his mouth. Getting a clothes pin from one of the pockets in his cowboy esq attire he pinned it over his nose. The smell too strong for him to even bare at that point and my god he was sick. Coughing a few times he hissed."I got some on my pant leg! For shame Sniper! For shame."

He pointed his bottle of booze at Sniper who was embarrassingly rubbing the back of his neck as Soldier continued to speak. Only for Engi to walk past them." Thriygh the piss room, right son?" He asked as Soldier giddily nodded as the door slid open to reveal the large slab of Ceiling collapsed upon a bunch of rocks. None of them really payed much mind to that explosion earlier simply believing more sh*t had fallen down. Bit it explained much on why Soldier was missing one of his granades he usually kept on his belt loop. Why else would no one from BLU even bother checking it out to begin with? Looking up at the ceiling he hissed as he opened the tool box. What looked to be a bar with a button on the side was pressed as Sniper and Soldier watched in awe.

When Engi pressed the button. The bar stretched out with multiple handles. Turning one simple bar into a retractable ladder. Sniper was sure his engineer didn't have anything like that on hand as the ladder shot up and was placed against the broken off piece of the second floor and started to climb his way up with tool box in hand. Not without shutting it first of course. One step at a time Smiper and Soldier looked at eachother for a moment before following. Took them a moment to gather themselves as he rolled his head." Boy's yall were lucky to have survived this. I'm surprised the place is still standin' with the condition it's in. Looks like the building was meant to withstand a nuke from the outside. Not the inside. Whatever it was that the Support team used. It was strong. But didn't look like the bomb was put in the right place." He glanced around studying the walls as he helped Sniper up as well as Soldier. Pressing the button on the ladder it shot back up into his grip as he simply put it in his back pocket. Letting Soldier lead the way as Sniper glanced down.

"Not all of us made it, Engi. Sniper dombed Pyro before anything could be done. Hes gone." Sniper muttered as he turned to look at him. Passing ruined rooms with nothing left of value as Soldier casually walked down the corridor. Whistling the national anthem to himself as he approached an open doorway.

"Ah shucks.. I'm sorry stretch. You're Pyro was somethin' special." Stopping for a moment he took his hat off to give a moment of silence towards their lost comrade. If anyone died in BLU they probably wouldn't have even gave their own Pyro a funeral. But since times were of the essence wasting to pay respects could be made, but not the funeral.

Beuond the moment of silence for their fallen comrade Engi could barely hear a russain voice speak beyond the silence. "Is Doktor alright?" A weak russain gasp asked another. His view overlooked a far drop. The way the buildings were designed on a place like this made the height be fifteen feet from the floor. The Heavy Engi could see was pale. With their Engi holding his hand tightly. The big bastard was dying.

"Of corse he's alright, Heavy. I did what I could with what we had. Till Soldier gets back with my toolbox I'll fix the Medi-Gun and get us outta here." The texan reassured as Soldier jumped down from where he was. Heights meaning nothing as he gave the two of them a hardy salute as the Engi limply got to his feet." Soldier. Where's my toolbox?"

"I couldn't find it. Resupply was completely destroyed. I dug for a minute but still nothing." A deep sigh rolling across the Engineer's lips as Soldier quickly raised his finger." But I did get the next best thing! Engi number two!"

"Son if you think I'm just gonna f*ckin jump down there like you did, you got another thing comin'!" BLU Engi yelled as he simply got his ladder and pressed the button again to place it down. The look on RED Engi's face spelled distrust and malice towards the BLU. As he made his way down the RED Engineer was far from just letting him go. Removing his glove from his robotic hand he activated his gunslinger. Like a saw spinning full speed he jumped on the BLU engineer with the full intent to kill him. His eyes from under his sunglasses wide as RED Engi glared at him.

"I'm gonna lay you out..for all the things you did. Good people are dead or dyin' because of you!"

"Hold on! Use you're god damn brain for a second here! Think! If I specifically wanted you dead. I'd have killed you're friends by now! I saved you're Sniper for christ sake calm down!' He growled as the tip of the gunslinger was bound to reach his throat before Sniper came climbing down to grab Engi. Pulling him off of BLU.

"Engi! Calm down! It's me!" He said as he held the short Texan in a tight hug as the gunslinger slowed to a crawl on his stump. His blue eyes pointed towards the floor as he coughed a few times." He's right. He's here to help us. I'd have been dead if it wasn't for him." Engi couldn't help but stare at one another. His eyes widened slightly as he struggled to get to his feet. But with some help from Sniper. He was back up.

"Holy.." limping over to the BLU Engi who had just got to his feet. He slowly reached to pull the sunglasses off of his face. With the cowboy had included to reveal none other than himself staring back at him. Through his temporary rage his eyes were laying on himself. His right eye glowing a bright blue as BLU engi quietly stared at eachother. There were a few differences in BLU Engi's features compared to RED's. But there was no mistaking it. It was like the two were identical twins. BLU's Engi was only a bit more masculine. His clothe style separated them. As well as the slight more hint of hair sprouting from his head, and the eye. Other than thoes few details. They were one and the same as Sniper looked between them with a gasp."'re me." He said simply as BLU Engi looked away quickly as he snatched his Hat and Sunglasses back from him. Taking his toolbox he marched over to the medi gun without another word but Engi? He wasn't gonna have it. "Don't just ignore this! I know I can't! And I know you can't either!" R.E. yelled at B.E. his expression holding mixed emotions as B.E. Pried the Medi-gun pack from the still unconscious Medic's arms and started to work on it. Trying everything in his ability to ignore R.E.

It was till he snapped. Slamming his wrench into the floor he got to his feet." Yes! I'm a f*ckin' clone! All of BLU team are exact physical copies of you. Doesn't mean we're the same as you! Six years living in that hellhole. I have no ma. No pa. No one waitin' for me when this godforsaken war is over! The only ones who figured it out fast enough was me and my Medic. We both decided to keep it on the down low." His nose started to bleed a little bit as he rubbed his nose." We dont have anything. As much as hazy memories go from you're past. I don't remember anythin' except for when I supposedly signed up for the job at Blutarch payroll." He spat as he finally got back to work on the Medi-Gun. Twisting and turning nozzles as Sniper and Engineer extanged looks of astonishment and confusion. Heavy was also astonished despite being pinned under alot of steel. As for Soldier. He was spaced out once more. Waving a bottle of booze in front of Demo's nose to attempt to arouse him from his sleep. With a few more heavy clicks the Medi-Gun sprung back to life. The gun part glowing red as B.E. pointed the gun at the medic and activated it. The healing beam hitting him. And within a instant. The bruises and blood covering his body was healed. Dropping the tool in front of him as he stomped back over to R.E. and Sniper. His sunglasses over his face as to hise his looks once more from them." Don't act so surprised. How else were we so evenly matched on the battlefield, Son? You? Me. We aren't the same person. I'm me. You're you. Now drop it." Wiping the blood from his nose he reached back into his toolbox as the Medic finally aroused.

"V..vhat happened..?" He muttered to himself as he looked around the destroyed room to see his Medi-Gun fully fixed. Grabbing it instantly he turned his hazy gaze over to Demo who was being corressed with bottle of booze. A usual sight. But worh that for a moment the doctor gasped believing he slept with the Scottish man. Before realizing what he was laying on wasn't a bed but a slab of the ceiling." Don't vorry I vill heal you." Rubbing his face to collect himself. Sniper kneeled over to help him. His vision slowly coming to as the doctor pack rested at his side to see what was left of RED Team gathered around. All he could remember was being bombarded by both Demo and Soldier who were trying to get the Medi-gun through the partly open door when Sniper came running by. Too much in a hurry to get the Electro Sapper to free them. Though apart of the doctor was thankful for that he didn't. Or else they would have been crushed beneath the rubble when the explosion occurred. Holding the leaver to the gun. The beam of red light flowed onto Demo man for a brief moment before his nostrils started sniffing the air. His hand quickly reaching up to grab the bottle of scrumpy Soldier was teasing him with as he cheered before hugging him as soon as he sat up properly from where he laid.

Doing the same with R.E. who seemed far from reality at the time. But when the Doctor's gaze met Heavy's. His heart sank. Spotting the B.E. working on a jackwrench to start lifting the beam that was crushing heay under it. Engi's gaze meeting the doctors as he started wrenching it." Doc I suggest if you don't want you're hubby to die I suggest you start doin' you're damn job and start healin' him, now!" Pumping his arm up and down the sound of metal creaking and straining could be heard amidst the arousing group.

Engi was happy with the fully fixed arm. Well. Almost fully healed. It was to the point where it scarred instead of healed fully. But it was better than bleeding out or suffering from gangrene as he, Soldier, Sniper, and Demo grabbed Heavy's legs as soon as the beam was lifted to a decent enough height to pull him free. Medic's gun pointed on him the whole time at full power to ensure maximum healing on the big man. He was heavy. As big as he was as they managed to just barely pull him out as Engi dropped the beam. The crash of the beam making the pile of supports and what was left of the roof begin to strain as the sound of wood snapping andcraxking gave in to the stress as B.E. Looked up. His lip quivering with everyone else. As a piece from above them broke off. A sharp cry of pain sounded as Soldier turned to see Demoman crushed beneath a pile of metal and wood. The bottle he was holding still intact as he coughed up some blood where he laid. Clenching his teeth as Soldier rushed over to try and lift the debris free from his friend.

"Don't worry, Cyclops! I got you!" He could barely pay attention it was all happening far to fast for Soldier to understand what was occurring. Demo's eye was wide as the building itself started to shake. B.E. yelling for everyone to move. Grabbing Soldier by the arm as he tried to pull him along with a yell.

"Soldier we gotta move! I had no f*ckin' idea that god damn beam was keeping the support to the rest of the damn room! We gotta go!" Suddenly he was pushed off. Soldiers lip quivered with pure emotion and distress.

"No! I'm not leaving a comrade behind! I'm not!" He yelled as he tried to pull the scotsman free once more only to result in the agonized yells of his friend. Blood spirting from his mouth. A hard yank from Demo left Solduer stunned for a moment. As if the rumbles barely existed around him as the scotsman stared up at him from where he was pinned with a weak but proud smile."Cyclops, what are you doing!? No man left behind remember!" He said as he watched him closely. The yells of everyone else were blurred out by the straining wood and metal around them. As Demo reached around his head and pulled his eyepatch free from his eye. Holding it tightly in his hand for a moment before slapping it into Soldier's palm.

"Lad. I know that rule. And I'm sorry to say it. But I'm gonna be breakin' it on ya. I'm crushed under this sh*te. I'm pretty sure I'm impaled. You gotta leave me Soldier. Before it's too late." Disbelief washed over Soldier's visible mouth as he shook his head." If ya ever get the chance..tell me ma I'm sorry." Leaning over he ignored his wise words and tried once more to pull before hands took ahold of him. Pushing him towards the ladder B.E. had set up to get out. Cursing and pulling Soldier yelled out to Demoman. Usually he treated a death differently. But with them being such close friends. It broke something in Soldier that left him a mess. As for Demo. He was left behind. Still holding his bottle of scrumpy as he watched them vanish. From what he thought Soldier could see. He raised the bottle triumphantly as he yelled." Kill thoes f*ckin' BLU f*cks for me, lad! I'll be sinning yer f*ckin' name for all of the gods to hear! It was Soldier who sent thoes rat bags to hell to be glued back togeather!"

He drank the bottle of scrumpy to its last drop. Chugging it like it was a celebration before the beams finally gave way above him. Burying him under his base with Pyro not but a few feet on the other side of the door. All went black. That bright light overtaking him. That oh so familiar view to see before reality would snap back. But it never did. Before he died completely. He smiled from under his grave. A tear rolling down his eye as death rung the bell. And took him to a better place.

Sobbing uncontrollably from their overview Soldier held onto the eyepatch tightly. His body trembling as everyone loomed over him with a sense of dispite and pain as Soldier yelled. Shooting to his feet he clenched his fists so tightly his skin turned bright white as he looked at everyone. The clear visible wert outlines of tear trails fell down his face.

"I'm sorry, Son.." R.E. said only to be completely ignored by the trembling Soldier who held Demo's eyepatch tightly in hand.

"I don't want you're apologies! I want BLU Dead. Especially the man that planted the f*cking bomb in here and f*cked me out of a friend!" Grabbing the ladder Soldier took it and swung it over and started walking his way down the corridor with revenge on his mind before Heavy stopped him mid stride. His helmet raised to look up at him before a hug engulfed him. Dropping the ladder from his grip both he and Heavy fell to their knees as he patted his back in comfort.

"I'm sorry, Soldier. No man should have to watch his comrade die like that. But you cannot be so reckless." Heavy reassured. Much like he had to reassure and care for his many sisters and mother back in Siberia. His hug warm and tight as Soldier's sobs of turmoil filled his arm as he gripped onto him depratly for help. The man was crazy. Mentally gone sure. But that didn't mean that he didn't have a heart to make up for the dumb sh*t he's done.

"Why him..? Why him of all god damn fantastic son of a bitches? It was him!" He growled into Heavy's arm. Hitting him in the arm as he spoke out of god knows how many emotions were flowing through his mind at the moment.

"Sometimes life can be crule..There's dangerous thangs out there.. Things that could leave you cryin' and beggin' for death. But also things that could bring life back to yah. That's how life is, Son.." Engi said as he grouched down. Wrapping his arms around Soldier's chest he squeezed tightly. The scotsman left his mark on them. He was a good man.

A drunk. But a good man nevertheless.

Chapter 21: 21

Chapter Text

"I'm..dude. I'm so hungry." Scout muttered from under his breath. His face halfway covered by the RED Scout's old hat that Soldier had thrown aside during his praiseing of the Support team earlier that day. A grizzled and frail Heavy and Demo sitting next to him as they stared off. It was near the sewers where they mostly spent their time away from the animalistic or manipulative members of the Team. 'Avoid them' was a better way of saying it, as the former egotistical turned suicidal Scout bounced his 'Bonk' aluminum bat against the stair case they all sat at. It was what they usually did. Looking at the time on a clock hanging above the entrance it was no closer to midnight as his own blue hues were no closer to finding any means to get food. He was growing tired every day. And knowing it. They might not even make it to the next week as Demo chimed in.

"Lad, there ain't nothin' we can do. We're dyin'..The others couldn't give less of a sh*te about us." Demo was right. They didn't care. They would rather have them starve and fight eachother for what scraps they were given. Looking down at his palms he glanced over to Heavy who was apparently deep in thought. Before Scouts miled rocking made Demo fix his gaze." Aye, Lad. You didn't really show me yer face. How's the burn, and you're eye?" Demo cared. As he asked that Heavy turned his gaze. God he was skinny. Still strong enough to carry a minigun but not enough for him to move too far without him having to stand still.

"Let Heavy see what Soldier had done to you." For the first time in along time the Russain man spoke. Shocking Demo and Scout for a moment causing the Skinny male below him to turn and face him. Slowly. His face was bad. His nose wasn't broken but his left eye was black as the night sky. A good burn scar forming out of his cheek where Soldier put out one of his many cigars. The Russain male said nothing. Only to look away. Trying to hold that firm russain stereotype of 'real men never cry'. But couldn't. Biting his lip the tears swelled. His face was scarred. His choice in clothing was..well let's just say far from perfect. His jacket he wore was leather. Much like a mocking piece of clothing Medic threw on him. It barely even fit him. It hugged his arms tightly to where the skin went over the fabric instead of under. His pants torn and far from nice like the others. He was the Medic's 'Favorite' after all." I know pain. It hurts like..alcohol on wound. To feel alone in place like this. It is hell where we are. You little man..need not deserve such pain."

Scout's brows raised a bit. The words Heavy used were strangely wise like a father was talking to him. He didn't like it. But it felt oddly familiar. So vauge but it was there. Scrunching his gaze he gripped his head tightly. Baring his teeth ever so slightly." know I gotta know you guys. What the hell was our past like? I mean bein' where we are now.. I can't remember my Ma's address anymore..hell I don't even remember what da f*ck she looks like!" Scout's tone shifted. Ignoring Heavy's words with a brush but inside he honestly appreciated the words the large Male had given him. The youngest turning his body to press his back against the wall of the staircase to get a better view of the two despite how f*cked his face was. Between the weak. They had to stick together." What do you guys remember about you're pasts?" Scout being the boston boy he was, was like any other man. Curious about one's past and despite his own being a blur. He wanted to learn more about thoes he spent most of his time with. Thoes who never hurt him like the others did.

"I..think I have a mother in..Ullapool Scotland?" Demo questioned as they both glanced at heavy who merely looked away with a shake of his head.

"I do not remember. All I remember that is clear is signing up to join BLU. If Heavy could go back in time. I'd stop myself from doing this." He said clearly with the full sense of regret in his tone. But kept his composure between the two. It was strange how all three barely remember their lives outside of Teufort. All they ever saw was their base and RED base intelligence room. And that was it. Like their lives were nothing more than a figment of their imagination. Something their mind is telling them that's there. Then it's just on the top of their fingers to where they can barely make it out. Then something rips it away.

Scout knew he had a mother. And a father waiting for him back at home. But didn't remember where they lived. He didn't even remember what cars even looked like. To where his covid imagination would tell him how they looked on the outside. All he ever saw from time to time was the RED Sniper's RV Parked far out from the bases to where they usually couldn't bother it. That was all he had for basic form of reference when he wasn't being stabbed, shot, or blown to bits by the other team. This made him question things. Raising his bruised head he swiped his hands from side to side as if he were clearing the air of some imaginary bug that wasn't there. "Alright..I'm gonna count to three. And we all name our clearest memory before we signed up." Scout raised his hand to finger out the numbers. Merely counting it out as the two older men stared at him for a moment before looking at eachother in confusion when the counting stopped. Not even Scout said anything which made the battered boy grip his hair pulling it back only to lurch forward from the pain in his chest." Y-you gotta be joking right? Nothing!?"

"Heavy doesn't remember much except for signing up." The big man shrugged with just a slight tilt of the head before Demo did the same with a meek shake of his head.

"Sorry, Lad. I don't have much to say. I'm with Heavy on this one. I don't have anythin' to share with ya."

And Scout? No different. He had nothing to share with them. Tapping his fingers against his chin Heavy piped in." I remember when team was normal. Before Doktor..lost his mind. Was fun. I miss his softness. Now he.." he cleared his throat.

"Common big guy. We know." Scout's hand patting Heavy's forearm. A deep frown on his face leaving Scout to change the subject a bit. Rolling it onto himself more than anything as he looked at the other two. The smike he gave higher ed the color of the bruised eye and cheek scar he now bore. Twisting his aluminum bat in hand a childish giggle escaped his lips as he co*cked his head back." Y-you remember when Soldier accidentally blew his own head off while looking down the barrel of his shotgun!? Tha-that sh*t was f*ckin' funny!" The others remembered that.

It was only two weeks after they were hired and Soldier wanted to use a different weapon to what he was used to. His secondary weapon instead of his trusty pickax was no more than a pump action shotgun that Engi called 'The Wrangler', simply not because you wrangled it. It mostly wrangled you. Like a curse on the battlefield it would jam and refuse to fire. Until you pumped it enough times to actually get the bullet to dislodge and fire. But by that point Soldier's Ill temper would get the best of him. Sure the bullet would dislodge. Only for it to happen again and result in him using the shotgun itself as a melee weapon instead because of its incapablity to fire. Some even called it cursed by bad luck. Because when Soldier did use it in that way instead of the way it was meant to be used. It would result in him dying more than he usually would. The bad luck would result in fits of hard bursted karma slapping him across the face whenever 'The Wrangler' deemed it nessasarry. And spacific places to add insult to injury.

If he happened to break a neck with it. His neck would end up broken. Broken leg? Say goodbye to the knees. One day during that change in weaponry he was too stubborn for his own good. The weapon finally killed someone with a bullet. For the rest of that fight however. Unlike the others he fought and he won. Almost as if the gun had completely changed his luck. Till it came to clean it. When Soldier was cleaning the gun his finger slipped. Within the gun he failed to realized the gun was jammed. And when he co*cked the pump and his finger slipped out of place. The gun blew his head to pieces off in respawn. Since then that Shotgun was left to rot in Soldier's locker.

The others laughed along to Soldier's misfortune that week. A memorable time that lightened the mood a tad more as he slapped his knee." I think he still curses dat shotgun to this day. f*ck man. It sucks no one could convince him to use it again. I'd have laughed if he even saw how well Engi could weild the gun compared to him! Like it was sentient!"

"Lad. You remember when Sniper drank Spy's piss?" The Cyclops almost staarrrttted coughing when he drank a bit of Scrumpy from the bottle to pass it over to Heavy who was happy enough to take a sip. Passing the bottle around Scout was a bit more greedy with it but stopped after two gulps. Passing it back to Demo with a scrunched up look of disgust.

Scout wasn't a fan pf alcohol. But he drank it whenever it was given to him to dull the pain. Both mental and physical pain." Yeah! Boy was Spy pissed at him that night."

Another trio classic story to mock the strong. That day Sniper had a habit of pissing off everyone except Medic. He knew his place but treated the others like sh*t. One day during a mission, Sniper had to go. And all he had in view that wasn't a jar was a bottle of fine wine that Spy usually partook in. Thinking it was empty or straight up knowing the wine was still being dunk from. He used that as his latrine instead of a jar. That night Spy had a nasty surprise and was vomiting for a good few minutes.

However as a form of revenge the stealthy snake took a piss in one of Sniper's beer's while he was sleeping on his nightwatch duty. When he awoke to take a sip. Let's just say the reaction he had was no different to Spy's. Vomiting over the balcony area where he usually sat over Respawn. The two of them butted heads for months after that. Sabatoging eachother with whatever means possible despite Spy usually being the 'level headed' man on the team besides Engi. He spent the time poisoning Sniper's drinks and food with cyinide or laxatives. While Sniper went at Sniper's food by slinking in other bodily fluids. It was until Medic got tired of supplying Sniper what he wanted for his meaningless game of 'what thing can poison you faster? Cyinide or human fecal matter'. To that point they agreed to stop.

It was something that made the trio almost gag but managed to stifle out bits of laughter here and there with that story. Heavy's smile was braud and thick. Strong as his scarred jawline as he thought for a moment." Heavy doesn't really have funny story. But I do know that it is a blessing to have Sniper gone." As meek as the big man was he was brutally honest when it didn't come to the strong people. Around them. Crossing his arms over his chest as he sneered." He had what was coming go him when he took it upon himself to enter his bedroom. We all know his rule. But he was too..attracted by the girl." The Russian man rolled his shoulders and popped his neck. Sighing deeply as he took the bottle of scrumpy from Demo and took a deep swig of it." Sniper was bigger coward than Spy. And Spy is considered 'Strong'. Snake. I'm glad he's dead."

"Aye. He was a bastard like any other." He said as he casually rolled his head. But Scout didn't seem so happy. He hated the prick to. But his reaction left him leaning over his bat ever so slightly.

"Yeah.. but christ the way he died. You heard that fight, right? They tore eachother apart up there.. Sniper knew the rule..we learned that rule when he started losing his marbles to. Never go into his room unless he wants you in there.. and..that other Team's Scout is treated like a f*ckin' dog in there. Makes me sick..I'd have beaten the doc with my bat if it wasn't for Soldier overhearin' me." Scout mumbled. Almost growling as he hugged his chest tightly. His stomach grumbling loudly along with everyone else's and he could easily tell that something was on his mind. That wasn't food. "Hey.. Sniper is dead for f*ckin' good yeah?" The two nodding as his own face a look of desperation and pain as he weakly got to his feet. When he would get to his feet a dizzy spell and weakness from lack of eating would leave him swaying for a moment. About to fall over till Heavy grabbed his arm before he could hit his head on the concrete below them. Pulling him up with Demo to help him to his feet." That sly f*ck probibly has some food stashed in his room. He has to. If we could just-"

"Heavy will look. Bring back as much for you two then go back for myself." Heavy interrupted. Demo and Scout stunned by his heavy words of his waining on them as they both looked at eachother then back to the big man who was already on his feet.

"Woah! Look big guy! You don't gotta be so reckless here!" Scout protested for just a moment till Heavy's finger was placed on his lip. Silencing him almost instantly.

"I know what I am doing. You two are smaller than Heavy. You two will die if you do not eat proper meal. Protien. I will grab as much food as I can for you. You. Stay here. Do not move until I am back. Once you have gotten you're share. Go to you're rooms. Do not worry about me." Lloking at Scout the big man put his fingers over his chin and raised his head." Little man. We weak must stick together, Da?"

Demo was silent. Scout's nod made it through to Heavy as he smiled. Grinning for a moment before hugging him. Dragging Demo into it to for a group hug." Aye don't want to forget this-" Dropping the bottle of Scrumpy to where what was left of the contents spilled over. Leaving a trail of the alcohol down the concrete stairs as they hugged." Lad. Everyone should be asleep anyway. It should be easy! Make it quick. We'll be waitin' be careful." Demo said as Heavy let go of the two and nodded sagely to Demo's advice to use them sleeping to his advantage.

Needless to say the base was quiet for the early night. To him it seemed although everyone was asleep. The bug Russian man quietly walking down the corridor to where Sniper's room was. Next to Spy's. Upon passing the place where Sniper was killed. His body was moved and..disposed of in a not so graceful way. By that he was simply tossed into the sewers below and left to bloat like a water balloon. Leaving a puddle with a trail of blood leading to the Resupply room then haphazardly tossed in like he never mattered. A job the Medic himself did without batting an eye. Never even bothered to wipe up the mess he held behind. Always saying it made their base have 'character'. What a joke.

Upon approaching the sliding door that held the scratched off pieces of the Sniper's class symbol he entered the room that had no owner. Flicking the light on to his horror his eyes twitched ever so slightly to the stack of women's magazines he had picked up. Either dirty of crumpled up. Women in bikini's strung up around the wall. And one wall caught his eye. A wall littered in photos of the new RED Scout that was just down the hall in Soldier's room. Pictures of her that she probibly didn't even know he had. Upon seeing them he tore them off the wall and crumpled them up into a ball and threw them in the trash. On a desk was hand lotion and tissues. God knows what thoes were for. His machete. A bow and arrow. He kept looking. Till he reached the drawers. Opening one there was a erw filled with non perishables. Canned spam, soup, crackers. Granola bars. Heavy's eyes widened and almost salivated. He must have been storing them forever. Without thinking he merely grabbed the whole thing. The drawer itself yanked free from the main part of it and was being carried. It wasn't that heavy. But it had alot of food. Placing it on the floor next to him he checked the other drawer and smiled. More food. Just enough for him to sneak a meal in himself before he went to bed. Taking the drawer he pulled free he made his way back to Scout and Demo with no problems. As clanky as the cans of non perishables were. It was smooth.

The look on the two's faces made them salivate and hunger as they looked at eachother then back to Heavy." Holy sh*t.. he had all this in his night stand!? That's incredible!" Scout said as he without so much as a thought. Tore open a can of spam and started eating it. He wasn't a big fan of the taste. But when you're staring you had no time to be picky. No time to be choosy about what you pit in you're mouth. If it had protien. Eat it.

"Go to rooms now. Eat there. Heavy must put drawer back." He told them sternly as both Demo and Scout gathered as many cans of food they could carry in their arms. And slinked off back into the base to their rooms. Hugging their stuffed arms tightly as to not drop anything. As for Heavy. He made his way back to Sniper's room. Drawer in hand he opened the door. The room was disgusting to him. It smelled of piss and other things he really didn't want to describe. The bed was messy. Looked although it's never been made- or even washed. The walls were actually painted a different color in a somewhat light pink. With god knows what else on the wall. As he slipped he top drawer back into place. He worked on his stomach. Gathering a good few hundred cans he could actually fit into his large arms. He made his way out of Sniper's room to his own. Stuffing a granola bar into his mouth on the way down the hall he stuffed his face. Chewing and smiling lightly to himself. Opening the door to his room to turn the light on.

"Oh Heavy..aren't zu going to share any of zat food vith me..?" His heart instantly sank. Upon turning the light on he was greeted by Medic standing in his room. With Soldier by his side. An almost crazed smile on his face as he dropped the canned food on the floor from shock.

That was what he was worried about. If Scout had done it he'd have been no doubt going through the very thing he would go through. Next to Medic was a sentry. One of Engi's builds. Shut off currently while on a night stand sat a sledge hammer, wooden stakes, and a bucket that seemed to have some red splotches on the rim. The Soldier was glaring menacingly towards him.

As Heavy turned to try and flee. He was greeted with another Medic. Making him stumble back. And with the cans of non perishables he had dropped on the floor. He fell back. Landing to where his gaze met the leering glare of the Spy instead of the Medic loom over him. Fixing his tie casually as he stood upon his hand without so much as a second glance as he looked over to Medic who was just making his way into the doorway with his gloved fingers tapping togeather. A grin coming across his lips as he leered over him like a snake. But his smile calm and kind despite the disgusting sneer his scar left.

"Oh Heavy..Vhy must you be so shtupid..?" Cupping his cheek she covered his mouth with his gloved blue hand as he snapped his gaze over to Soldier who already had a wooden stake in his hands. Wher Spy was holding his hands down by standing on them. He moved his foot over.

It hurt. My god having a wooden stake driven through the flesh, muscle, bone and sinew of you're Hand. Heavy struggled. His legs kicked and bucked. His hands forced in a cross position. One hand at a time held down by Medic left him feeling every ounce of pain that the Trio of the Strong had in store for him. The metal beneath the floor bending and cracking from the few good hits that Soldier had to put into it to fully drive them through the weak sheet metal they always walked on. If it could be dented with a punch. Then no doubt a stake with a few jobs from a sledgehammer would fix it. When he was done with every limb
Heavy was screaming under the tight grip of Medic's hand.

"Oh hush now. Don't be such a baby. Zu have made you're choice. As much as I vould adore hearing you're precious screams while zu die. I'm afraid I have an early morning train ride to catch, mein Liebling. Soldier." He paused for a moment. Taking a piece of duck tape and covering Heavy's mouth with it as soon as he let go. Getting to his feet the Spy walked over to the Sentry and placed a tiny chip amidst the panels and wires. Handing Soldier a remote both he and Medic made their way to the doorway. Looking back at the pathetic sight on the floor." Have fun."

"Press de button to turn de century on and off. Remember. We have an early morning train ride. Don't take too long with it." Spy said as he looked back at Soldier who was in the midst of cutting through Heavy's clothes with a knife. Exposing his skin. A deep growl formed from the man's lips as a responce as he yanked the clothes off swiftly as he threw them aside.

"Yeah yeah, Frenchy. I got it. Don't f*cking baby me. I know what I'm doing." As he said that. The sliding doors slowly shut. Leaving spy with the visage of Soldier holding a sad*stic smile on his face whilst holding a paintbrush coated in red paint to the side of his head before being left in silence. Tipping his fedora forward he chuckled lightly under his breath when he heard the faint sounds of the sentry going off in the room. Smug bastard. He knew what he did. And in many ways he was proud of being the rat that he was.

The next morning was dull and hard to comprehend. Waking up in cans of non perishable's made Scout happy. He woke up actually feeling alot stronger than he was before. Stretching his arms and legs the alarm read that it was six in the morning. Pretty damn early. A small smile on his lips as he looked at a twinkie he had on his night stand. Written in his horrible hand writing was 'For Heavy'. Considering he was lucky enough to grab from the stash a sweet thing. The only sweet thing he had out of so much food he took into his room. Stashing it in his pocket to hide it from the others he did the same with a can of spam he didn't get to that night. He could already hear Soldier talking to himself and the light winpers of the girl in his room echo. God..but his good mood caught Demo who matched it as he made his way to where they usually hung out. In mornings and evenings. Walking back he noticed Demo drinking his usual brew. co*cking his head back with a loud gulp he turned to look at him with a slightly drunken smile.

"Aye lad! Moarnin' to ya. How'd ya sleep?" He asked lightly as he grinned. Pieces of food or what looked to be crackers filled his teeth. Scout no different as he fixed the headband to his hair that was spiked back he swung his bat back and forth as he laughed.

"That even a question, Cyclops? Slept like a damn baby thanks to that food heavy got us." He kept his voice down for no one to hear them. His energy was up ten fold that day. He ate himself full last night with five cans of spam and a can of tomato soup. Patting his stomach he leaned back slightly as his blue eyes rolled back." Oh dude. Check this out! Sniper was hidin' out on us!" He slipped the twinkie out from his track suit pocket and revealed it to him." Gonna give it to the big guy when he wakes up. Hes gonna flip out."

"Aye he is, Lad. Stuff that back in yer pocket before ye get seen. Hes gonna be grateful." Patting Scout's back as he pulled I'm for a brotherly side hug as he tucked himself with Scout in his arms. His hurt face still managing to pull off a hardy smile as they both laughed.

The both of them laughed to their feet when they noticed Spy's reflection on the water surface within the sewers. His fedora tipped slightly to the side as he fixed his tie with a light smile. Neither of the two said anything as he played with his magnum casually. It was bigger than Engi's favored gun. Twisting the gun a few times before throwing the barrel into place. co*cking the back of it to point- it at Scout. His head holding a bit of sweat before a light laugh escaped Spy's lips." Oh please. If I wanted to kill you I'd have done so already you ignorant Swine."

"What do ya want S-"

"I just couldn't help but notice how happy de two of you seem. I was curious as to what had you two all prance and happy this morning. Usually you're all sad and pathetic. But something's got you're moods up this morning. I wanted to see what it was so I could take that thing away from you." Spy's words were honest and dark. There was something different about him that Scout couldn't quite pinpoint but it was something that both he and Demo remember like it was only yesterday. That simular behavior Soldier and Medic started to show. And it made them sweat as the usually quiet man who couldn't have cared less about them and usually kept his distance was now standing before them holding his gun.

"Can't we just have two minutes of happiness, Spy? It ain't like were doin' anything wrong." Scout said simply as he got off the stairs and to Spy's level. They were the same size. But Spy beat him in skill. So if he were to get into a fight. He'd be picking that fight with the rest of the strong ones. His eyes narrowed but kept his bat loose as to not show Spy he wanted to fight. Submission. It was the key to his survival and always fell through with it as he tossed the bat aside out of reach and spread his arms up." If you wanna kill me. Just do it." He wasn't scared. Infact he wanted death. But that look of Sadism in Spy quickly shifted to his usual look hed give mostly everyone. His smile dropped as he lowered the gun before rolling his head.

"Don't be so pathetic. I'm not going to kill you. I've come to warn you dat de train is to arrive in thirty. Get you're sh*t togeather and move before Medic does dat job for me." He stuffed the Magnum in his suit. Turning his back to them he trotted off as Scout collapsed to his knee's. Demo approaching his side as he patted his back.

The distant sound of a train's horn blaring in the far distance as the two were left to think.

Chapter 22: 22

Chapter Text

It was plain to see. Thoes few weeks alone were smooth but also far from good. Shaving the fine stubble from under his chin he looked himself in the mirror of the team's shower room. Empty and alone he leaned in on the sink before him and sighed. No contact with anyone. Yet knew 'She' was watching him closely. As much as the base had a radio, some form of entertainment to pass the time, food, and water. He understood how Scout [ his former Scout ] felt. Isolated. Possibly hundreds of miles from civilization. Alone and surviving off of what Mrs.Pauling had given him. Rationed out to what he would usually eat. But instead of giving him enough food for just one person. She gave him enough food to feed a team.

Running his hand over his fine features he could tell he was getting old. Gray was setting in at the hair behind his ears. Not too much gray, just enough to make it clear to him. The features of a true distinguished gentalman. And every day he regretted what he had done to her. Walked away when he could have made Jenna into a fine woman. Kept her away from this life. But no. Like he was good at. No different to her. He ran. But it was for a different reason. It was because he was a coward. A gentleman but a hard coward. He could have said something to her that day. He remembered sitting by her bed side when she laid unconscious for five days at Teufort. Staring at the picture of her and her mother that he kept back at the base in his disguise kit that he no longer had. He ignored her. To Spy she didn't exist. A mistake he made that he didn't want to see..get hurt. He loved her, he really did. But to gain that courage to speak with his offspring was hard. Harder than telling his wife..he was leaving her. Legally they were still married. But in truth he wouldn't have been surprised if she thought she was widowed.

Splashing some water on his face, he shut the water off and dried his face with a clean towel he washed. He was playing house maid the entirety of his stay at Sawmill. And he knew the time was getting closer to when the train came. He had to push the bomb.

It was rainy as it always was. Fog littered the ground with the humidity baring down on him with the blazing heat. It never felt sunny. No matter how long he stayed there the rain never left. Like the weather was mocking him. The bomb was where it was meant to be. Looking at his dead ringer for the time. The suited man sighed and approached the cart. "I'm not made for manual labor like dis." He said to himself as his gloved hands pressed against the back end of the old cart the heavy bomb sat it. It was a hard push. Pushing it with everything he had. It didn't even budge." have to be kidding." He rolled his blue eyes as he stepped away and stroked his chin a few times looking at the wheels to notice the safety break to the cart was on.

Cursing to himself under his breath for being a blind fool he removed the break. Its heavy weight made it buck forward with movement showing Spy it was free from the track. A smile formed from the corners of his lips as he moved himself back around to the back of the cart and began to push. One step at a time through the process of getting a hard to believe workout from pushing a bomb cart out to the main train track. He should shower after this. An early morning dry shave was far from enough to keep a man of his expectations from getting absolutely drenched in his own sweat from the disgusting humidity. It wasn't much effort the cart was down hill anyway as soon as it reached a spacific point. Realizing that where hit had landed though..far from a good spot for the bomb to go off. No doubt derailing the train was going to cause some problems and send train carts flying. And having their only means of shelter get crushed by seven ton train cars is by far the worst thing. So instead. He moved the cart towards where the train would be coming from. Instead of past the Sawmill. He moved it to the point where the train would just be on the verge of entering Sawmill. About a good near mile away. Pushing and shoving for a near hour having to take breaks from time to time apart of him wished that Heavy was there to do the dirty work. But no, he was the only soul there to push the cart. So he couldn't complain about it. Putting the safety break on he sighed.

"Just a few more days..there was possibly a way for the train to arrive there faster. As much as She said one month. And its already almost has been a month. He knew that the woman was running the show. And she always wanted things on time. Don't get things on time and she has you're head with no strings attached. Spy got that message from Mrs.Pauling.

Walking back to Sawmill he looked up at the camera overlooking the train track. It moved with him as he walked by so he figured she watched him move the bomb through the lumber mill. It was clear to him. She was watching him the whole time. He could feel her eyes on him like an unseen force. The minions were there to capture the proof and feed it back to her but she pulled the strings. Every one of them are puppets. The brother's weren't even in control at this point. She was. Every minute of every second. Every hour that passed she watched with a well trained eye and never looked away. It was her. All her and he knew it. She in a way like Saxton Hale was his boss. Though she had simular power in her hand she had far more control to the CEO of the company. The burly Australian man who thought it was a great idea to beat the sh*t out of wild animals for fun. To make places like reserves with exotic wild animals that are going extinct to encourage people to kill them. With their bare hands no less. A true imbecile. It was any wonder why she ran the company? It was foolish to think any of them could run a company. Not unless it was her. Two brothers bickering too much to where they cant run their own teams to a burly Australian who cares more about making animals extinct.

Shaking his head he headed back to base. If he had a hat to tip then he would have. A cross he made from pieces of wood he found etched the name Jeremy into the wood. Under his name was his codename. No disrespect to the grave. Just full attendance to the grave to ensure respect was maintained for his fallen comrade. The walk left him sweaty under his fine suit. A thing he so despised feeling and it shared through a gritted look of disgust. But didn't complain. Jobs were meant to be dirty. Especially when it came to pushing a bomb a mile away from Sawmill to ensure the base wasn't destroyed when the cars went flying.

Making his way to what was meant to be his room in the base. He slipped his clothes off of him. Leaving himself nearly completely exposed to a mirror that had been set up in the corner of the room to look at his body. Scarred from the past. A flash going through his mind that made him choke. There were times in the past where he experienced pain. Mental and emotional. With past encounters with the Blu Medic he never had truly been into any sexual altercation with him. Below his stomach was a large gash. A scar that Medic just barely managed to heal that one day.

'It was in the midst of December at Teufort. Within the intelligence room of RED, his mind was clouded by thoughts as Scout walked up to him. Placing his hand on his shoulder casually." Hey, Spy. What's on you're mind man? You look more spacy than usual. And I should be talkin'."

The cigarette hung loosely from between his lips as his lidded gaze turned over to look at the Scout who was looking back at him with his usual co*cky grin. His dog tag hung loosely around his neck as he overheard the exploding battlefield below them. Obscured from view by the large room around them. But felt every explosion that took place below them. They had briefcase defence duty that second week after the good five years of working at RED. A sigh escaping the Frenchman as he stared back at the other male.

He moved himself to take a seat in the chair to intelligence and relax his head on his hand as he spoke clearly. Blowing smoke out from his nostrils." Merely thinking, Scout. No more no less to how I usually think. As you describe it as 'Spacing out'. I see it as producing a plan to keep thoes BLU's taking our intelligence." He muttered as he slowly blinked his eyes.

"Fair enough. I mean. I'm not exsactly a fan of having Intelligence defence duty during the missions. I'd much rather be out there goin' head ta head with that BLU Scout. But it kinda means it's a break from the battlefield for the mission so I can't complain." Scout was always the talkative one. Usually trying to make conversation when one would least expect it. But Spy wasn't intrested in partaking in it. His eyes lidded.

"Do you have to move you're lips as fast as you're legs, Scout? We have a job to do and I expect we do it." His tone lowered slightly as he got up from the desk. His gaze pointed towards the stairs well like a cat who had its ears and eyes on pray be just heard from behind a wall. His eyes were wild as he reached into his suit and pulled out his dead ringer and grabbed the Magnum he had left on the desk next to the case and placed a firm hand on Scout's shoulders as he looked to him in high alert.

"How many we talkin' Spy?" He asked curiously as he held his gun firmly in hand. Pulling the bat free from over his shoulder as he cloaked himself. Scout silently cursing without getting his proper answer. Moving over to the corner of the stairwell to see the shadow of BLU Soldier and one other approach full speed through the corridor. The pickax he knows so well made his cloaked lip twitch as Scout got behind the desk for cover. Hiding for a surprise attack as planned by Spy's word. As BLU Soldier came running through the man stopped just before fully walking through the doorway. His eyes narrowed with the cigar that hung from his lips. Blood splattered across his face as he sniffed the air like a hound. Taking the cigar from his lip he tossed it into the room as another set of footsteps came marching in behind him.

Soldier's arm instantly extended out to stop the Medic. A bone saw in hand as he looked down at his silent comrade. No scar on his face. Nothing more than a lush beard in the midst of growing out the mustache as he fixed the glasses to his face and sniffed like Soldier did. It was the sent of cigarette smoke that wafted the air. That sent that made Medic smile sad*stically as he raised his bones and moved over to the left side of the wall. It was where he could see the smoke trail. It was faint but he could see it. While Soldier slapped his pickax in his hand with a dark nod.

Spy stood in silence. Where the f*ck were they? He couldn't move because the light wasn't shining on them the way he wanted. He couldn't see their shadows from around the corner. But when the sudden moment of pain crossed his torso he jumped back instantly as he decloaked from where he was. His blood splattered across the wall as he cringed in agony as the soldier rushed for the case. Where Scout popped up far to early with his shotgun. Missing Soldier whose eyes widened slightly as he drove to the side to just get grazed by the splatter of bullets that shot back through the doorway as Soldier lunged for the case. As he did Spy who felt like time was slowing to a crawl moved his magnum to shoot the Soldier instead of the Medic who was charging at him. Keeping the case safe was the main priority and Scout was in trouble.

The bullet flew when he pulled the trigger. A heavy weight falling on top of him as soon as he noticed the bullet hit the Soldier's arm. Stunning hin just enough for Scout to bash his face with the side of his baseball bat. Pinning him down was the Medic with his bone saw in hand. Dried blood covered its teeth as he glared down at him." Now, Herr Spy. Vould zu like zis quick und painless? Or slow..und painful?" His grin was wide as he leaned in to have the blade barely touch him. His eyes wide as he bit his lip while the Medic was mere inches from his face before he was sent back.

Within his hand was his butterfly knife. Slashed upward through his lip and gum as he yelled in agony. Stepping back as he grabbed his face. Turning his head over as Soldier turned to see Medic's lip was cut open. Revealing the gum and tooth behind it as he bared his teeth. Blood streaking and dripping out of the sound onto the floor. Onto his hand as the Spy worked to pin him down. The cut on his chest wasn't bad. But it was when Soldier bombarded him. He knew he wasn't coming back from this.

Soldier's pickax swiped across his lower stomach. The sharp edge dug in deep into his flesh. His eyes sidd as he collapsed to start twitching on the floor as Scout yelled out to him. There was Respawn.. it was fine. Right? Gagging on the floor his intestines could be seen and it made him huff as the cigarette was free from his lips as Soldier took Medic by the arm. Pulling him into his grip as two other BLU's rushed in. The Sniper and Spy. His fedora covering his eyes as Sniper eyed Scout who was trying to heal him. Tied down by the pain in his lower stomach his blue eyes followed the exchange of Medic between the two. Sniper taking Medic who refused to let his face go.

Soldier made his way over to Scout. His glare deep and enraged he could see his lips move as he aggressively grabbed the back of Scout's dog tags. Pulling hin back to the point he choked. His arms waved. His bat swung as Spys vision faded in and out from the pain that filled his body. Like a frame by frame as Scout was punched unconscious by the brutal man and slung over his shoulders. While Sniper grabbed the intelligence. The siren blared loudly as the announcer announced the capture of the case. Reaching out towards the young man who lay unconscious over Soldier's shoulder he was greeted by the crushing pain of a foot stepping on his wrist. Looking up his hues met with the fedora wearing Spy who fixed it into place over his eyes. He didn't say anything. If he did he'd have seen his lips move.

With his own magnum the gun was pulled back. And fired off. Bright light consuming his vision as that bright light consumed him before coming back into reality within the respawn room.'

That guilt of unable to protect that very boy that lay buried just outside of the base ate away at him. Rubbing his scar he blamed himself for being unable to save him from that fate. It was his fault and it ate away at him. He was a good kid. He was. But he was dead now because of him. He wondered what it would take to redeem himself. He'd find out eventually.

Two hundred and fifty miles back at Redmond's estate. His thoughts rested on his brother. The bastard needed to die and he wanted that one thing. That useless piece of property given to them both by their father wo long since died. One hundred and fifty years of his life torn between fighting for dirt and it was useless. His old eyes shut deeply at his desk. Contemplating in his thoughts as he opened his eyes to look out the window to the train tracks below. He sighed. His old age eating away at him. Despite the Australium that was being injected into his veins it didn't matter. The stuff was limited like any other resource on the planet. Like oil, coal, diamond. It was valuable and completely different to any other natural material on the planet. It was the gold blood. The gods gift to him was the long life he was living. All he needed to do was to outlive his brother and he'd have won.

But the f*cker Blutarch wasn't dead yet! A grumble escaped his lips on that late evening in his office before his eyes opened to notice the elevator start moving up. His eyes narrowed as his shaky old hand reached for a button under his desk to see a small figure down the dark hall approach him. His back nice and well postured. Hands cupped behind his back as a familiar gold glow followed with hin as deep gray he's stared back at Redmond's as he lowered his fingers from the button and co*cked his head to the side as the short statured male came into light. He was old. His hair slick back and white. His face covered in a plethora of wrinkles as he placed his hands on Redmond's desk with a condescending grin that furled on his wrinkled lips. Wearing a fine gray suit he was smug and prideful by his appearance. How he carried himself already showed the brother who really was in control.

"Who..are you? What are you doing in my estate?" He questioned. Pulling back from the desk the male clapped his hands togeather and turned his head to him. So far he said absolutely nothing. Only smugly grinning towards the older male that sat in the chair.

"Why Redmond this may come as a surprise to you but I'm here to introduce myself and offer some..assistance in you're currant predicament between you and you're brother Blutarch Mann." As he said that ot rose questions to Redmond's old mind but decided to hear him out. If someone was merely offering to help him beat his brother in his own game. By f*cking god he was going to take it. The short make coughed lightly. He appeared to be around the same size as that little Texan fellow. If not an inch or two shorter than the mere five foot five Engineer." Redmond I am you're long lost brother, Gray Mann. It is a pleasure to finally meet someone of my own blood." He grinned. Extending his hand towards Redmond he obliged hesitantly at first before shaking it firmly in his grip. As firmly as he could get being at his current age.

"Plesure. I'm surprised..father didn't say anything about barring a third child. He always said it was just me and my slimy brother, Blutarch. Gray Mann you say..?" Rubbibg his chin between his index and pinky finger he huffed where he sat in his wheelchair and tapped his fingers togeather in thought. If it wasn't for his own mind he'd have been far more surprised than the way he was sharing it with Gray.

But when Redmond mentioned his father. Gray's smile twitched ever so slightly as his smug grin turned to a sickened sneer. His upper lip twitching ever so slightly to the mention of his so called father, Zepheniah Mann. He cleared his throat while he intertwined his fingers togeather before forcing that smile back on his face." Ah yes. Well, let us forget about father and talk buisness, Redmomd. I have a proposal. You're brother has no originality. He merely copied everything you did. When you got you're Australium device he had one made to. You hired mercs, you hired mercs. So on. How about I offer you my smarts to take care of the problem? Mmm? His eyes lidded as he once more leaned in on the desk with a smile. Tapping his fingers on the wood." When he's dead all I ask from you in return is...ten present of Mann co?" Spreading his hands apart he rolled his head back ever so slightly with his positive grin.

Redmond was by all means taken aback by the brother's offer. His eyes were relaxed but inside his head he was thinking. Old but not stupid he looked up at him as ge over heard his words of help. Then asking for only ten present made Redmond choke." Ten present? I..need to think this over. I don't want my brother dead. Well. I do but not in the way you think, Gray. I merely wish to beat him. That or wait him out long enough for him to finally keel over and die. If I wanted him dead. I'd have killed him myself by now..but you're offer is tempting.." as he said that Gray huffed lightly. Leaning in as his lidded gaze stared deeply into Redmond's eyes as he pulled a walkie talkie from his gray suit and pressed the button.

"Please come up." It was then the building started to shake with his desk. Hard rumbles coming from the side of the building as Redmond moved his wheelchair away from the windows as the rumbles got more violent the closer they got. Within a moment. Metal figures came crashing in through Redmond's overview windows as the hulking figure stood up straight. It was large. Standing at almost ten feet tall as smaller robots accompanied it. Their eyes glowing blue with the symbol of the heavy spray painted in red on the largest robot's arm while one Scout boy and a Soldier bot had jumped free from the back of the hulking mechanical contraption. It had climbed so many stories like King Kong in the matter of seconds to get to the floor they were om from the outside of the building. They puffed and screeched with life as they stood in place staring at Redmond Mann with their lifeless features.

"These Redmond. Are my beautiful creations. Powered by money- truthfully not design choice. They will follow you're every order. More men. More power. With these bots you could show Blutarch who the better man is." His words heavily enticing as his eyed were low as the Soldier bot clanked its feet over to Gray. It's jaw bobbing with the clanky movements it had as Gray smiled lightly." Commence protocol, Redmond."

Instantly the Soldier saluted in acknowledgment towards Gray's request as it approached Redmond. Tilting its head its robotic voice chimed in." IMPUT ORDERS, REDMOND MANN."

"This Soldier bot is yours. A gift to let you think about what you would like out of this Redmond. If you ever wish to talk. Ice programmed my Bot to lead you to the place I would love to converse with you about the deal if you ever change you're mind. Just say these words and he will take you there." Taking a slip of paper from his suit he placed it on the desk. The window broken as he had to swipe some glass off the table onto the floor to put the paper down without injuring himself.

Redmond looked to the Soldier bot who stared back at him. And pointed his finger to the paper. Its head turning nearly a one eighty to look at the object before his body followed with the movement. Clanking over the metal fingers slowly reached down and picked up the slip of paper and handed it to him. His old shaky hands taking it to read the words.' Alfa, Omega, Orange' on the paper. His old eyes still somewhat shocked with his agape mouth as the robot Soldier reached over to gently shut his jaw before he caught flies. Its hands were cold, as what was to be expected when you get touched by something that had no blood or heart beating through it's veins. It was all metal. And from what he could make out from shat Gray

"Come whenever you change you're mind and wish to discuss more with me about Blutarch. I'd very much love to hear back from you. Not only would you one up you're brother. But you'd tower over him as a God with a litteral army of robots." His words enticing and honest despite the expressions his wrinkled face had. The Robot Soldier. Or better classified as 'R-S' stood by Redmond's side as its motorized head bobbed and ticked with the clockwork within its head. A robotic hum of the national anthem played through the voice box in its mouth.the helmet over its eyes as the stunned Redmond looked between the hulking bolted behemoth that loomed over him. Its face almost obscured by its bulking metal chest as the Scout bot did the Same thing Redmond did. It looked confused.

"I AM CONFUSED-" the robotic boston voice chimes in as Gray rolled his eyes. Tapping his fingers he cleared his throat.

"R-H. Comments garbage protocol. We have a sentient AI." Without warning the hulking heavy bot turned over. Its large size engulfing the robot Scout as it actually screamed. With a flex of its arm the robot was torn in two as money spilled from the center of it onto the floor. Tossing its body out the open window as a loud crash of wood could be heard below with a few gasps and screams. It was night. So the moonlight hitting the interior of the room felt almost..fitting.

"I'll..consider you're offer, Gray have my attention with these..machines. I'm impressed I am..I just need to think it over." He muttered as the spry looking old man nodded as he snapped his fingers to the H-R as it jumped out the window. The Soldier remaining floored next to Redmond as Gray nodded towards his brother casually.

"Very well. My offer still stands. I will take my leave then Redmond. Good evening." He said as he turned his back to him. Revealing a machine stuck within his back protruding from his suit with that familiar glow. How did he get it? The music glowing gravel. What She..called Aulstralium.

As he left. A deep evil smirk formed on his lips. Earlier that day he had a simular meeting with Blutarch Mann. His offer no different but the explanation got the old man excited enough to consider his offer in his near victory due to RED's base being blown to bits without so much as a report from..her. a near victory from Blutarch. The thought of his words echoing through his head when he gave Blutarch a Demo bot.' You're close to winning. BLU destroyed RED at Teufort and is making there way through you're brother's estate later this week through a change in the track. I'd say it would take them only two days to get here. A quick change in direction thanks to Helen. You're close to winning. Close to taking the throne on you're father's will. All I ask is for ten percent. And you could stand over Redmond like a God with an army of robots at you're side!' Shutting his eyes as he pressed the button to the ground floor. He couldn't help the chuckle that swelled in his throat. His eyes were pinpoints as he covered his mouth before clearing his throat. Holding that professional look on his face. It was noted that the front desk clerk wasn't there at her post. So he walked in. With that he casually eyed a blood puddle forming out of the closet as a Scout bot approached him. Replacing the one the bolted behemoth tore apart with a mop on hand as a Spy Bot decloaked. Blood covering the butterfly knife it held on hand before Gray grinned.

"Take the place of the clerk and keep in touch with me. If you see him leave inform me. Immediately. Do I make myself clear?" The Bot nodded. A cloak coating its body as he took the form of the woman. Her expression cold and void of emotion as she walked over and planted herself at the front desk.

"They will get what's coming to them. I will wipe Mann Co. Off the face of the planet. No matter what."

Chapter 23

Chapter Text

"Ma'am. I got the team..well. what's left of it. We had a causality on the way out." Pressing the phone to his ear he leaned against the RV. Overlooking the group with a sad almost sorrowful expression as his eyes were mostly watching Soldier sob his heart out for his friend. Everyone was hurt but they made it out. The morning light almost hitting them as he shook his head.

"Casualties are the consequences of war, Engineer. It is a shame. Who was it?" Her old voice sounded almost older at this point. But it still as cold as the arctic tundra. He knew she didn't care. His arm and body leaning against the Rv with a sigh as he tipped his cowboy hat over his eyes.

"RED's Demo was sadly crushed under the foundation of what was left of RED's base while I was working on freeing their Heavy. I did my job, madam. What's you're plan?" He asked through the speaker to the phone as he heard a drag of something on the phone at the other end that made him sniff. It was almost like he could smell the cigarette smoke from where he was. It made him sick just thinking how much that damn Spy stained his nostrils with his cigarettes. Even his cowboy esq attire reaked of the sh*t.

"You and the team are going to sneak aboard that morning train through the back. Be sure you have a strong rope. I'm sure that RV eats gas as fast as the Heavy eats his meals. Get whatever weapons you have on hand and bring them with you." There was a long pause as another slow exhale could be heard. Another drag of the cigarette no doubt. Shes worse than the Spy. He could feel it." And make sure that you're team doesn't see you get on the train with Pyro."

Now that part of things rose a spout of suspicion in the Engineer as he rubbed his nose free of an itch as Pyro approached him. Placing a hand on his shoulder as he gave it a reassuring pat with his free hand." Why not let them know I'm there, Ma'am? That would arouse suspicion from them no doubt." But he was only met with the sound of a dial tone. Glaring at the phone he pushed the antenna down and stuffed it back into his back pocket with a huff. Slamming his fist into the back of the van with a sneer." Damn that bitch.." his eyes turning to look at the skull like mask of Pyro who tilted their head with a light smile forming on his lip." I'm fine Pyro. Ain't nothin' I cant handle."

Pyro with their fingers started to motion in sign language if he was lying. The only noise emanating from the mute was the sound of their fireproof suit squeaking and bending. A hand placed on his forehead as he removed his cowboy hat from his forehead he shook his head.

"No Pyro. I'm not lyin' to yah. I swear. I'm just stressed as hell. We got this damn conspiracy theory happenin' right now and its confusin' the sh*t outta me, buddy." Rubbing sweat from his forehead he shook his head before putting his cowboy hat back on. Till he noticed RED Engi approach him." How many weapons could ya salvage?" He was blunt with the RED original. His blue eye glowing violently through the glasses he wore over his eyes. Only getting a casual eye roll from R.E.

"Partner, we're in this together. And you and I have more connection to her than anyone else on you're team. What did she say?" B.E was blunt but R.E was no different. They were so simular as the cowboy crossed his arms overlooking the damaged hand the male had. One missing and the other now missing a pinkie finger. With a deep scar on his wrist from what looked to be a bite. Something he hadn't acknowledged in the base when he took the time to learn of that truth. Sniper knew now along with Heavy that they were clones. But they said nothing. How kind.

"To attach the RV to the back of the train when it arrives. I got some rope in the toolbox. We need weapons but you don't got much to work with. I'm sure the others wont take their weapons. I got one I could possibly bring back for you if you're good with a pump action." His words were clear and persicely the tone he would have when he was in control. It was that God complex that R.E was so much better at hiding. It wasn't the entirety of it. Just a hint of it as he co*cked his head." Everyone should be asleep right now. So I'd say that I can make time to get a few thangs before the train comes. Looks like everyone is asleep. When the sun shows itself wake everyone up."

"I just got one question for you. You gave Sniper an answer that was mediocre and he might have bought it. But I don't. I want a clear answer." Before B.E could walk away. R.E's gloved hand grabbed him firmly. Pulling him towards his original with a yank that caught the cowboy off guard." Why are you helpin' us?"

Yanking his hand away from the hard grip of R.E his lip twitched with annoyance as he hissed." Because it's the right thang to do 'partner'. I can't stand my team with every ounce of my being on the strong side. I want thoes bastards to suffer like they made everyone they ever got their hands on. You understand that good enough, Hoss!?" As he got closer he almost threatened to hurt the R.E. Not before Pyro stepped in front of him. Blocking the other from his friend who was losing his temper with the other. A deep sigh escaping his lips. Jerking his gaze to everyone else who was sleeping against eachother by the relit fire. Soldier was alone sobbing to himself either in his sleep or still awake it was hard to tell. But everyone was exhausted even him." Stay here. I'll get the damn gun. I'll give you my wrench. Don't lose it."

Pulling the large wrench from his tool box he tossed it to R.E. not hard to endure it didn't wind up injuring him. And started his way back to his base for the weapon. Making his way over the sent of death hit his nose as he started crossing the bridge. Plugging his nose he looked down into the sewers to see the culprit. His face paled ever so slightly as he looked at the face down bloody mess of his Sniper floating in the sewer water below. Unmoving. A sharp gag filled his throat before taking a deep breath and merely walked in through the front end into Resupply. It explained why he didn't see much of Sniper. Even if he had no nightwatch duty he was always a night owl.

It was right there. A small smile came on his face as he approached Soldier's locker. A glance at the clock said it was five-thirty-seven. They were definitely asleep. Popping the locker open it was full of american propaganda, pills, rockets unused. Till his eyes laid on the dusty old figure of The Wrangler. Picking it up and rubbing the dust off he smiled lightly as the engraving on the side of it shined in finely scripted silver. Pumping the shotgun in hand a few times it still rolled smoothly. Grabbing a few if the old Shotgun shells that had possibly not been touched in over four years he stuffed as many of them as possible in his pocket and shoved the remaining four into the gun with a shove. A good few clicks sharing itself telling Engi she was full. Pumping it. It didn't clog. Not like it did with Soldier. It moved the bullet up and shared with Engi that it was ready to fire for him. With a light chuckle he rubbed the gun with his finger." Now I reckon you're gonna play nice with me, huh?" Asking it with a small grin he twirled the large weapon in his hand before slinging it over his shoulder.

As for RED Engi. Looking over at Pyro they had a conversation. As rusty as the genius was with reading sign language he was accepting of Pyro's apology he made towards his Engi. A tilt of his head made Engi chuckle lightly as he nodded lightly. Rubbing his eye." Yeah, Pyro. I'd say that's about right. Couldn't really say it better myself, buddy."

'Are you sure? I don't mean to be insulting'. They motioned. Placing their hand on their chest R.E simply disagreed with it. What was it? A comment they made on his hand. Harmless complement as he showed Pyro. The hand spinning like a saw for a moment to give a thumbs up towards Pyro who eyed it in amazement almost like they no longer felt guilty of that said comment. ' My Engi has a glowy eye. You look just like him. Are you brothers?'

The question made R.E co*ck his head for a moment. The poor guy didn't know. They still felt childish but not as giddy as their Pyro was as he took a moment to think to himself about that oh so curious question that Pyro wanted to know.clicking his tongue a few times he looked back towards him with his own blue hues as he shook his head." Naw, Hoss. It ain't like that. Sometimes there are thoes rare times in life when you come across a doppelganger by mistake. That's all, Pyro. We ain't related in the slightest."

'Are you sure?' The head co*cked again.

"Very sure. If we were I'd have called him somethin' different no doubt. Ain't nothin' to it. Trust me." It made him wonder what made the mute warm up to him so quickly. Since they got out he never said a thing. Not one but it always looked as if B.E knew exactly what the mysterious mute was thinking even without using sign language. Engi payed the thought no mind as B.E approached from around the corner with a beautiful pump action shotgun slung over his back. A pokerfaced look he gave off as he approached with Pyro rushing over to him. His head tilted over as Pyro signed something in his vision. His gaze washing over R.E as his blue eyes narrowed slightly." What are you up to..?"

Without the kind offer he put the Weapon into R.E's hands with the bullets. His hand adding an extra shove into it before walking off into the RV without so much as another word to the other. Pyro approaching R.E with a lowered head.' He's stressed. I'm sorry he's not usually like this.' A hand finding itself on their shoulder as the Engi gave a light nod.

"Don't worry, Buddy. It's fine, I'm just thankful he's not gonna kill me. He may be pissed but. I'm sure he just needs some space." As nice as Engi sounded about his reassurance pointed toward the guilty Pyro inside he felt like he was glaring back at himself. He didn't feel angry like he did. Hell he wasn't the clone. But he was sure anyone would have mixed feelings about themselves when they happened to be on the bad side of things. A copy. But not a perfect one.

'If you say so, Engi. Sleep. We need it. We have only an hour left to sleep.' Pointing towards the horizon past the vast nothingness of the desert beyond their wrecked base.

"Jesus f*ckin' christ..he knew didn't he? He saved my" Scout looked down at the bloody mess of what was left of Heavy. Left naked his body was nothing more than a heap of blood and gore. Bullets and holes littered his corpse as Scout covered his mouth to instantly vomit on the floor. Demo's eye wide with disbelief towards the horrific view of death filling the room as he ran over to his bed, tore the top cover off, and threw the blanket over the bloody body. Blood sulking up the blood almost instantly as he coughed.

"My god.. that's why he wanted us to stay. Just incase he was seen.." he whispered to himself as the rumble of the train approached. But that to them didn't matter as Scout leaned over the sheet. His blue track pants stained with blood as he leaned over his large body as he sobbed loudly.

"He didn't deserve this sh*t man! He was a good man, Demo! I can't f*ckin'..he was the best guy..he saved our lives twice!" He sobbed into the cover as Demo pulled him off of the body. Pulling him back slapping him across the face with a hard smack as he sneered. Shock filling his bruised and scarred features as he lightly rubbed his cheek." just hit me?"

"Lad. Pull yourself togeather! We'll think of somethin' I swear, Scout. I loved the big guy to. He was the best, bloody man. But right now. We have to get on that train. We dont want the back end of Soldier's or Medic's hand do we? No!" With a huff Demo pushed Scouts head into his chest as he rushed out of the room. Dragging Scout with him as his metal bat was dragged loosely behind them to where they exited through the back end of the base. Overlooking the other three strong ones with a look of fear on both of their fetures. The expression the Medic had was somewhat knowing. The smirk he had was prideful. Dark and disgustingly shared through that sneer as they both hesitated to approach. The train still slowing to a stop as Soldier yanked the girl to her feet.

Her grunt was loud and unpleased yet she was scared whenever the Brutish man who had just beat the sh*t out of Scout the day before look so soft when stroking the restrained girl's hair in his chest. It was hard to tell what he was saying to her but when in his chest pressed like she was looking for a hug he held her firm where her eyes stared off into nothingness as Medic with his hands placed firmly behind his back approached the two. His eyes glancing around the area with a low toned guttural hum." Vere is Hurr Engi und Pyro?"

Sweat was all that left the two. Just an inch close to Medic's size. Demo was trembling from his size. Having to look up at a man like him was like looking up to a God looking down on them. At his mercy as Demo's fists clenched tightly as his eyes shut. The deep laugh that fuled that silent void caught his attention with Scout. He was mocking them as he looked down on them. His hands behind his back firmly leaning over to be near face to face with them. So close to their faces it made Scout instinctively pull back. Blood of Heavy smeared across his cheek and pants which left his gaze pointed at Scout as he quickly with his gloved hand pulled Scout closer to him by his dog tags. Almost pressing the smaller male into his chest as Scout's trembled gasp made him smirk.

"Oh poor hungry Heavy decided it vas a good idea to steal food. Vhen you know ze rules don't you, little bugs?" He asked. Forcing Scout's head up as he trembled uncontrollably in his grip. The dry blood on his cheek left the sad*st to slowly drag his tongue against the Scouts cheek. The wet made Scout recoil and pull away. His eye twitching as he used the sleeve of his track suit to wipe the saliva free from his cheek." A and yet he won't be back to join us to Sawmill. Vhat a shame. Tell me you two. Did ze heavy give zu any food, mm?" co*cking his head to the side, the two runts shook under his gaze.

", Medic! C-common man w-what do you take us for!? I-I mean all I had yesterday was my half portion as usual! You know!" Scout chimed in. His voice stuttering and fluctuating from the fear as he cleared his throat every now and again to spread his arms out a bit." I-I'm sure if you jerk me hard enough you could break my arm- as its supposed to be..r-right?" He was holding back that urge to just burst into tears. Demo nodding with Scout as conformation. The Train had been stopped for a while now but to Medic it didn't take priority. Noting their nervous smiles. He took that as their usual expressions when they were being spoken to directly by the Dictator. A small nod from his head with his dark smile he snapped his fingers towards Soldier who had only his pickax and a large box carried in his hand while a small backpack was slung around the female scout. Possibly clothes or something that Soldier couldn't exactly carry himself so he used her. Putting the box down he approached Medic with the female Scout at his side. Both her and Blu Scout's eyes met momentarily before she simply looked away in shame traumatized silence.

"Soldier. I could like you to lay ze rules for ze train dow on zese..Shwine." he spat. Turning to start opening the train door to the first car. Within it was a cot next to it was another one. Two cots per car no doubt.Nothing more. Forced to sleep within the train cars? A small shrug formed on the Medic's shoulders as he started tossing his belongings into the train car. It wasn't any worse to the conditions they already lived in. No different in the slightest as he pulled his Medi-Gun and a violin shaped box and a small suitcase. Possibly full of clothes. Spy moving the cases of intelligence in with the Medic who had climbed in with him as the two were left with Soldier.

"Alrigt you two. I'll make this clear. We get the front most cars. You? Get the back. Five cars down." The train had cars removed. It wasn't as long as Soldier remembered. It used to go over the hill. But now there was less. About fifteen train cars or twenty. But Soldier wasn't smart with counting. He was infact an idiot. Illiterate and could barely count to three using his own fingers, yet he cupped his chin with a raised brow before his head shook." No doubt the food is in the far back cars. If any of you even think about touching that food. I'll turn you into Spot's next meal. Infact. I'll show you two to you're quarters personally, maggots." Looking over his shoulder he cupped his face on one side to amplify his voice. Yelling towards Medic." Hey Medic. Watch Spot will you? I gotta show the weak ones to their car!"

Medic gave a low growl before nodding. Jumping down from the car he walked over to the girl. His smile traumatized her as she attempted to pull away from the chain before Soldier yanked the chain back forcing her to stop. The Medic looming over her as she yelled in fear. "Come now little pup. I vill take 'good' care of zu, mein Haustier." Her kicking and screaming as he grabbed her. Dragging her to the car. Throwing her carelessly into the cart as Soldier tossed his belongings into that same cart. Cracking his knuckles as the muffled squeals of fear were muffled as Medic slammed the car door shut.

Both of the weak ones stared in fear as they gulped before a firm hand took both of them by the back of the neck. Five cars down as Soldier let them go to quickly open the door to that said car. There was absolutely no cots. Nowhere to properly sleep or even move as the place was full of heavy boxes of ammo. It was the ammo cart. Their eyes wide before Soldier toot Scout by the collar to fling him into the train car. His stomach hitting the floor to where he coughed in agony from the initial impact his broken ribs made on it. As Demo tried to retaliate Soldier raised his fist with a hard punch that found it's way into his jaw. Pain enveloped his face as Demo gripped ag his jaw before he to was thrown into the floor of the train car to slump down. Pulling his pickax from his back he slapped it into his palm and narrowed his eyes, almost challenging them both to try something stupid. Try something that they regret like Sniper did.

Neither moved as Soldier took a victorious stance and pointed the end of his pickax into the ammo cart." Get in, maggots. Unless you'd like another cold beating Scout? I think it would do you good little sh*t.." he sneered. But Scout didn't retaliate or even speak back. He got to his feet and climbed in first. To where Demo eventually followed behind him. Throwing themselves over as they both looked around the cramped space. Demo's gaze met Soldier's who was about to shut the door." Wait..Soldier. common. We don't got no beds. Can we at least get a crate of food? It's a two week trip, lad. Without food we will die in here!" He yelled which only got a mocking smirk from the Soldier.

"You think I don't know that, Darkie? I'm aware that without it you will die. But I don't want you two weak f*cks taking from the food cart without our permission. Luckily Medic had a spare padlock on hand. So you two don't get any late night bright ideas to take some food while we aren't looking." He was lying. He didn't have a padlock. He was bluffing because he knew how much the strong had broken the weak. Tell them anything and no doubt they'd believe it. Two weeks? Yes they'd starve to death in that car. He didn't care. Simply sliding the door shut darkness enveloped the two.

Light shuffled footsteps made their way over towards the middle of the car. Till a loud crash with equally as loud scottish curses could be heard. As a 'click' went off as a dim light enveloped the car. Scout already sobbing in a corner as Demo looked back at him. Heavy sobs of fear and agony filled his tone as he hugged his throbbing chest. Demo's face throbbed as well from the punch Soldier delt him. Making his way over as he collapsed next to his suffering friend.

"Man..we're gonna die in here.. no food, no water.. No beds! They killed Heavy and Sniper! We're next man! We're f*ckin' next! Starve us to death out here? I'd rather jump out of the train when its goin' it's top speed! Make it quick instead of painless.. we cant survive two f*ckin' weeks without food! All I have in my pocket is a can of spam i didn't finish last night and that twinkie I promised Heavy! What are we gonna do..?" He stuffed his head into his arms as the motion of the train started to jerk the two in a way. Slowly starting as it started to gain speed. It was slow but it kept going. As Demo quickly stood up to a thought he got in his head. A grin forming on his lips as he started to dig. A crate knocked over from his blind stumbling was being dug through by the scotsman. Scout's head slowly raising as his eyes narrowed through the burning tears." The hell are you doin', Cyclops? There ain't nothin edible in here! Nothin' but bullets and rockets!"

"Lad! If we can't get food. We'll treat them like they treat us. If I could just find some batteries or a stick of dynamite in here.. it's a two week trip. If they wont give us any food. Why should they get any!?" Demo yelled as he continued to dig through the crates. Only for Scout to Stand up. Shock on his lips and eyes like he just witnessed a murder before he thought to himself. If he suffers. He gets to make the other bastards that have ned's suffer to. Till one thing crossed Scout's mind. RED Scout.

"W-wait Demo. I love that idea I do. But what about the RED Scout?" Concern loaded in his tone like an avalanche. He couldn't stand seeing her like that. The baseball bat he had on hand was useless. Less to break her neck if it came for a mercy kill. Which Demo was thinking of as he lowered his head as he dug through countless bullets and useless things.

"Lad.. if anything if it comes down to it. I'll kill er myself to spare her from the pain. The others deserve to die slow but her? The lass is a victim like the rest of us. And by god what I wouldn't do to set her free. I swear. But she's just..impossible to get to at this point.. two against three? Thoes odds aren't good.." jesus what had the world come to? His team was full of sad*stic maniacs that ruled over them with an iron fist. A sneer crossing Scouts lips as he raised his bat to smash it into the crate closest to him. Bullets and magazines spilled freely to floor beneath them as he yelled. Each hit was loud and fuled by pain and anguish for so many things that he couldn't stop and it hurt him to the point he was taking it out on a ammo crate. Blood coating his hands before something caught the two off guard.

From the other side of the car the side door creaked open to reveal the face of Engi. His eyes for a moment widened as both Demo and Scout clanced at eachother before back to the face that was peeking back at them. Slipping in was their Engi. His head turning around before laxing his shoulders. A small smile forming on his lips as he shook his head." Hot I glad to see you two."

Scout stood there for a moment before he rushed to the short male. Tripping and falling over the crates as he slung his arms around Engi in a tight hug that seemed to never end. A surprising moment that definitely left the cowboy stunned before his hand lightly patted Scout's back with a light rub." You Southern bastard.. I thought you were dead.." he muttered into his shoulder. Demo standing over him, frowning as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Me? Dead? Son do you even know me?" Engi asked with a chuckle. Trying to step back to only be pulled back into the tight hug as he gasped." Gosh..the sam hell made you think such a thang huh?"

"Lad they killed Heavy last night because he snuck us some food. I think Spy saw him and told Medic and..we found him nailed to the floor with bullet wounds from one of yer level one sentries." Clearing his throat as the scotsmen showed some emotion from his somewhat sober face as a tear fell from his eye. Choking up as he started speaking again." W-we thought they killed ya to and didn't say anythin'."

"Jesus..they killed Heavy? God I'm so sorry.." He muttered under his breath as he finally hugged Scout back with a tight squeeze. Shutting his eyes under the sunglasses he wore he looked back at them.

"How did you get here then, Engi? We didn't see you anywhere when we were forced into this car." Demo said as Engi took a moment before pulling away from Scout. His grip was alot stronger than he thought. But was happy they got some food as he leaned against a crate of ammo.

"Bout that, boys. RED Team ain't exactly..dead. with orders from the Announcer I had to sneak abored for..spacific reasons. Right now RED Sniper's RV is tied to the back of the train right now with Pyro and everyone else. We gotta stop thoes bastards and get the girl out of here. They went batsh*t crazy. Clearly since their killin' team mates now." He hissed as he clenched his fist slamming his fist against the wall behind him.

"You're tellin' me were working with RED to stop Medic and the others?" Scout asked as he co*cked his head. Truthfully the boy didn't care. His bruised face made Engi's lip twitch. With his eye under the glasses as he inhaled deeply." I.. I don't care man. This ain't right. It just ain't.. Demo had a plan to actually disconnect the food cars from the back and let them roll. I dunno about you but that sounds kinda lik-"

"A good idea." Engi said as he pulled his wrench from his belt. Twirling it in his grip he looked to demo with a grin." It gives me a plan. With eight goin' against three I believe we actually got a chance. We just gotta do this right. Tonight we dislodge the food. Tomorrow we get the girl. Tonight I'll help you two get onto the RV when the food train is dislodged from the main body. You two will get on the Rv. I have to let the others know." From within his other pocket he pulled free a walkie talkie. Pressing the button he crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned in." Hey, Stretch how's it goin over there?"

Through the Buzz of the Walkie talkie came an Australian accent." I got yah loud and clear mate! Currently rollin' smoothly on neutral down the tracks. A bit bumpy but nothin' the ol girl can't handle!" A hard smack came across the Snipers head as he looked over to Soldier who glared at him. His bottom lip exposed in a sneer as Sniper rolled his eyes, clicking the button to lean in. "Over.."

"There you go, private! You'll be a Soldier one day!" Soldier praised lightly as she slapped his back on the passenger side seat. Fixing his sitting position as he kicked his feet up on the dashboard as Sniper shook his head before another voice piped in through the Walkie talkie. Not Engi but the German voice of the doctor just behind them in the back with the others.

"Ja! Ve read you in zere Engi. Ve are all but vaiting on ze plan.."

"Speak you're mind Texan! I'm getting ansey just sitting in the cab, Over!" Soldier said as he grabbed the Walkie talkie from the dashboard.

"Boys we gotta dislodge the food carts and drag two more aboard!" Engi came back through as Sniper quickly grabbed the Walkie talkie back from Soldier who looked back at him for a moment before shrugging lightly.

"Disloge the food? Mate are ya crazy? We're tied to the back of this damn thing! When is this takin place?" Engi asked. A deep glare formed on Soldier as he raised his hand to slap him again before a sharply pointed finger made Soldier stop. Like a child he pouted and slumped back in his seat.

"Tonight?" Engi questioned through the radio. God it was so confusing having to hear the voice of Engi come through because both B.E and R.E sounded so simular to eachother." Red Engi, Over." The voice blurted as another texan voice sounded through.

"That was my Demo's plan that's for sure. I think that or early morning. Before sun rises. We gotta strike soon, boys. Get you're girl outta there stretch before somethin' worse happens to her." His fist hit the dashboard. It was a good thing the air bags didn't deploy as he shook his head. Leaning back in his seat before he spoke.

"We ambush those pricks tomorrow." Soldier said with a serious tone. For the first time ever since this mess started. His usually confused or ignorant childish tone of a man playing Soldier turned to something else. Serious. Grown up and well collected as he nodded deeply towards Sniper who returned a nod." We disloge the cars carrying their food. If we ambush them we can catch those f*cks by surprise. Grab Scout, and go. Leave those bastards to starve. This train is going too fast for them to safely get off unless they apply the breaks. But then where would they go? In all ways their f*ckef captain. We strike tomorrow at dawn." That entire time Sniper had his finger down om the Walkie talkie. Usually medic was the one to come up sith the plans but that time Soldier had the plan. His eyes wide slightly as he let go of the button.

Medic from the back stared at the radio for a moment. Heavy's gaze was confused and almost impressed to hear such smart words from the Soldier. B.E and R.E no different as R.E exchanged a look towards Pyro who merely shrugged with silence. Tilting their head.

"B.E comin' in..that could actually work. Soldier you're a damned genius."

"Ah yes vell I vouldn't praise him for too long. His brain isn't exactly all zat intact thanks to all of ze lead poisoning he's been enduring since our water supply got lead in it!"

Soldier from the passenger seat reached over and tore the Walkie talkie free from Snipers grip to bare his teeth. Grinding them against eachother as he spoke." You listen here, Nazi. If there's one thing that I love, it's America! When it comes to the country I love I will not be digesting filtrated, commie water! If that water had the very ingredient that makes the bullets I use to shoot people with. Then you're god damn right I'm going to drink it . That speaks freedom. If I continue to drink it. Then by god I will eventually become bulletproof!"

"Does he know that drinking lead poisoned water doesn't make people bullet proof?" Scout whispered lightly to Demo who shrugged to his question. BLU Engi shaking his head from Soldier's slight switch in what sounded genius to saying something absolutely ridiculous such as becoming bullet proof by drinking lead. Twisting the knob to the radio he shut it off. Putting it back in his pocket. It made him groan deeply from where he stood to feel the train take a hard turn to the right. Sending them northward. To be honest no one knows where that train goes on its month long trip. No one but the Administrator. And she didn't exactly say where Sawmill was located but right bow everyone was more focused on a plan that Soldier hatched up. Scout pulling the can of spam from his pocket along with the twinkie. He handed the sweet food to Engi who glanced at it for a moment then back to Scout. "I..wanted to give dis to Heavy. But..can't really do anythin' for him now. I want you to have it. know? Thank you for commin' back for us."

Honestly? Engi wasn't there for them. He was there for more or less personal matters that needed fixed. Finding both Demo and Scout was an unexpected moment that left him having to take a double take on his 'to do list'. Nodding he took the sweet and stuffed it in his pocket. Firmly patting the boston boy on the shoulder as he grinned." Thank you, Son I appreciate the kind gesture. I'll eat it later. Fr now I guess it's just you, me and Demo relaxing back here until morning. The time is..not even half past five. Tell me. Which one of you boy's played Blackjack?"

Scout butted in with a grin as he pushed Demo aside as he watched Engi pull a deck of cards from one of his pickets. A light laugh leaving his bruised face as he clapped his hands." Ohh yeah Engi. You never told me you was a cool guy! What we bettin' here? I gotta can a spam to bet with!" He put the can on the very firm crate he was leaning against. His appetite was satiated that night Heavy's life was taken. So even then he was still fine compared to what it was before. So playfully betting his fine can of spam as a means to enjoy a fine game of blackjack fairly then he was willing as Demo Demo unexpectabledly placed a can of tomato soup he pulled from his own suit. Just barely enough to survive two weeks on.

"Common Son. You know I'm not gonna actually take thoes right?" He asked with a co*cked brow. Fixing his white hat to his head he grinned as he looked to Demo who nodded lightly. Rolling his shoulders he smirked with his hands cracked firmly as he began to shuffle the deck." I warn you. I got heavy luck when it comes to gettin' the blackjack, boys. Don't say I didn't warn you two."

Hours passed. Spot was passed out at the side of Soldier's bed on the floor. Not the most comfortable position but she fell asleep while Soldier was petting her hair. Soldier being the only one of the two awake his eyes were tired as he glanced over to a ticking clock Medic had brought aboard. Sitting on a crate of food he carried in before they started moving. It was really late. Having just woken up after only a few hours of sleep he was still well rested. Thanks to his f*cked up sleep schedule he slowly made his way outside of the car. In need to release his bladder from the stressed tension. He had no reason to worry about Spot. She was quite literally harmless thanks to the doctor. Standing to where his stream went with the wind for no chance of getting wet he zipped himself back up with a yawn. Leaning his head over to see what was happening as he felt the train turn and move. Seeing the front of the train where from Spy's word was automated. To the back of the train. To his eyes he could have sworn it got shorter. Till he saw two to three train cars get left behind. His eyes wide with a moment of thougt as he rubbed his eyes to see if he was seeing things right. Marching up through the various cars. Having to leap from gap to gap to get in the things he was met with where the weaklings should have been. Only to be met with silence in a completely empty car filled with useless ammo. Clenching his fists he opened the sliding door. But was greated with nothing. His rage filled as he yelled out in rage. It was them. The weaklings dislodged the f*cking cars and are probably on thoes trains. The cars were still moving but they were slow. There was nothing left. Marching his way back he threw the door to their car open. Spy's eyes fluttering open as he glared at Soldier who glared at him.

"What is de problem, Soldier? It's five in de morning..go back to be-"

"Thoes f*cking weaklings dislodged the f*cking food carts! I don't know how they did it but they took our food and jumped from the train! That or they stayed with the cars!" His anger spiking as Medic aroused from his sleep as Spy instantly woke up from where he was sleeping to get into a sitting up position on his cot.

"Dey took the food!?"

"What ze f*ck..Dummköpfe's! Its five in ze morning." Medic hissed as he sat up. Glaring instantly clearly unhappy with his oh so abrupt arousal from his deep slumber by Soldier throwing a fit. Baring his teeth he then lost that look when he learned the reason. Much like Soldier he extended his head outside of the train to take a look to see three long far gone food cars getting farther and farther away as he joined Soldier in anger." If I ever find zem I'll make zen regret crossing me! Take our food!?" Turning to look he realized he was only left with what they left the RED Spy when they threw him on the back of the train. Barely enough for 4 people. Well. Not that he actually considered Soldier's beloved 'Spot' a person anymore. So three people. They could go against eachother. A pack of starving animals thirsting for food having to fight for it. His lip was quivering. He looked mad. Crazier than usual as he clenched his fist." How ze f*ck vill ve survive!?"

"Gentalman! Calm down. We have one crate of food. I'm sure we could survive off of whats in dere." Spy motioned to the creature before Medic's hands wrapped firmly around his throat. Pushing him into the wall as his eyes were enraged pinpoints as he sneered. Growling like a rabid dog.

"If zu think I'm going to share zat food vith you zen you're mistaken Spy.." he muttered through a near growled tone before Soldier pulled Medic off of Spy with the hook of his Pickax." Vhat!?"

"As weak as it is were strong! We salvaged one crate of food! Split it evenly. Before we kill what's left of the team Doc." He said clearly as he held the Pickax tightly in hand." Its that it we eat Spot." His head turned to the girl on the floor. Her eyes wide in fear as she moved back away from the Raging trio." Which I don't want to do just yet. Common Doc. Just once. It's not like the weaklings are here to actually see us be weak. Their dead or left behind or both. We won this war son. We will be heroes!"

It was something neither wanted truthfully. Soldier and Medic loved war and torture. But with their enemies dead and the weak eliminated. They had no choice but to move on. But Soldier didn't want a war turned on them in return as he took a moment. Actually listening to his words the doctor dropped the struggling Spy and turned to face Soldier. His eyes narrowed. Looking towards the big box. The first level sentry planted in the corner with one more. A level 3 they moved onto the train before it left.

"Very vell, hurr Soldier. I'll humor zu vith zis..splitting ze food amongst us three. Just zis once." Fixing his glasses to his face he nodded before he made his way back to his cot. Looking at Soldier then Scout who cowered behind his cot." But if ve run out before ve get zere. Ve eat Spot."

Soldier growled at Medic's words as Spy made his way back to his bed. Getting in without so much as another word. He didn't want to kill his beloved pet. He loved her hair so much. How she cowers and pulls away from him when he pulls her close. The thought of eating his beloved animal made him snarl yet drop it

"Fine, Nazi. Have it you're way."

Chapter 24

Chapter Text

It was in the dead of night. At least four fifty. It was hard to track the time as a strong sensation filled Sniper's head. The nightmares were bad. Getting worse. Tossing and turning in the front seat his eyes rolled in the back of his eyelids. Till he jolted awake. Vivid images rolling in the back of his mind that matched the thought of what he was thinking about when it came to finding Jenna. Would she be disfigured? Mentally damaged beyond repair? What he'd find scared him. Because he knew how much their Medic got to Engineer. A mentally sick bastard who does..sickening things. There were times where Engineer would start rambling, panicking, and sleepwalking, the night terrors. Some of the same things that Jenna was already suffering from, before Medic started treating him for the PTSD he had contracted from the torture he endured.

It built a cold sweat on his brow. He missed his hat and sunglasses. Missed his coop back at Teufort, cuddling with Jenna when she was scared or just in need of company she trusted, and craved a cold beer. But all he got was dark silence with Soldier's open mouthed snoring that had caught his attention as he looked over at him. His helmet tipped over his head go where his head bobbed the helmet followed. They were all still dirty. Instead of taking off his uniform he kept it on. The clothing still shreaded and mangled from the ruins of RED base. Dirt on his face was gone, but didn't really fix much. Soldier was the type of man to preach. But really with Demo. Despite breaking his neck out of excitement, was a teddy bear. He admired Jenna, gave support when it was needed [ physical or emotional ]. His childish maddening behavior because of drinking water poisoned with lead did make him unstable in a way. But he used that unstable personality against thoes who he deemed deserving of a great shovel to the face. Or a face full of fist. He cried, he felt as much as Sniper despised thinking this. He saw Soldier as the most human despite his mental flaws.

Sniper's watching the empty rolling planes go by for miles. Being dragged behind a cargo train going seventy miles per hour. Which was still pretty fast. His fingers lightly pressing against the radio as it beeped. Soldier jolting from his sleep he quickly sat up from where he slept to watch Sniper listen in intently." Hello? You guys there?" Boston accent. BLU Scout. Pressing the button Sniper and Soldier rubbed their eyes as the whispered voice came through the radio." I-is anyone even payin' attention to me? Hello?" Rolling his eyes, Sniper picked up the radio and pressed the button to Reply.

"Yes, Mate. We read ya loud and clear.."He yawned. He really needed his coffee. But with such stress going off, it was hard for him to sleep either way. So in the end of it all he'd be awake for the end of the world, ready to face it like a man." What is it Scout? "

"Yeah uh, Engi is currently workin' on a teleporter in our Ammo cart and he told me, to tell you that operation 'move that gear up..'? Is a go?" Of course that was the name the Engineer came up with. Very 'original' and very Engi of him to call this late night 'mission' that. He was having a hard time focusing but was collecting himself along with Soldier who was seemingly quiet. A usual when he just woke up. Not once did he ever see Soldier yell or speak until it was an hour after getting some time to awaken from that numb minded state of being half awake half asleep. His helmet moving over to look at the radio.

"Roger that, Mate. Gettin ready to detach the rope. I got a full tank of gas on us so we should be fine. We will reattach the RV-"

"Yeah uh Engi says reattaching the roap to the ammo car ain't exactly a great idea. He says stick with drivin' along the right side of the train. Cut the roap and leave it behind he says." Scout interrupted as he kept his finger on the talk button. Sniper could hear it as he pulled his key from the flap above him as the key fell into his palm as he stuck the key in the ignition and handed the Radio to Soldier who in turn also yawned heavily. It was a contagious thing when it came to yawning. So with a deep breath Soldier rolled his head. Stretching his bones as he shook his head.

"Alright, Son. Let me make this clear. When I say jump. You jump." Soldier then put the radio in the cup holder. Taking a knife that Sniper handed to him and opened the window to the fast moving bumpy exterior of the RV. Hearing the radio go off to what sounded like Scout possibly reacting to his words as he stared back at Sniper through his helmet for a moment.

"Mate! Be f*ckin' careful! We're goin' seventy five on this track!" He heard Sniper snap towards him as he shook his head and started to climb up to the roof through the window as he slid out. The wind was mostly blocked by the train. Though the wind was still strong. His face scrunched as he held the knife in hand. 'Alright can pull this off.' He thought to himself. Being half asleep made Soldier slip up. Climbing to the roof of the RV he slid down onto the hood like a slide. Gripping the top of his helmet he shimmied his legs towards the roap attached to the train with the knife in hand. As far as he knew he was as focused as an American bald eagle stalking his prey. Till a moment of paused called for a fly crossing the way to cross it's way into his mouth. His eyes widened as he choked. Coughing and hacking violently on the hood of the car as he pounded his fist into his chest with the but of the knife he held. Sniper, he could see him just out of the corner of his helmet shaking his head out of disbelief.

Only Soldier could pull off such a stunt to choke on a bug on the hood of an RV going at seventy five miles per hour on the back of a train. It was a rescue mission at this point. Three people. What's left of BLU team that aren't complete maniacs, to Jenna who really needed them. No doubt she probably thought they were dead. Trapped under the foundation of their crumpled base. A tomb that was meant for them till they were rescued by someone they least expected to safe them. A BLU.

Shaking his head, Sniper grabbed the walkie talkie and called back to B.E. "Engi, Soldier's in position to cut the rope to the RV. As soon as you send the others into the RV cut the car's," he said as he saw Soldier collect himself. Leaning over the hood of the RV the speeding tracks they went over made the male dizzy as he gagged. A bit. Looking back at Sniper with a sick green look coating his face he gave him a thumbs up. His eyes could be seen buggy and frazzled from the strain he was putting on his body to keep from falling off and rolling under the camper. A small nod came from Sniper as he nodded.


"Medic, everyone hang on back there. sh*t's about to get bumpy." A short term 'Ja', of acknowledgement came from the radio as he kept his hand firm on the key that stuck out of the ignition. Everyone was awake which was good. Why did he trust Soldier to do this part? He should have had Engi as his passenger not Soldier. But at this point there was no switching. With a flex of Soldier's wrist the RV started losing momentum as the rope was severed. Soldier rolling back to grab the hood as the he turned the key. Nothing. Sniper's eyes wide as he shook his head. Looking at Soldier for a moment as he continued to juggle the key. The sight of the train getting farther away made him raise his hand as if to ask him what the hold up was." Common, girl! Don't die on me yet!" Pressing on the back he suddenly heard the engine spring to life. A thankful smile coming onto the Australian's face as he pressee the Walkie talkie once more." Heavy! Open the back door when you see the connected hooks to the car!"

Putting the RV into drive he pressed the gas. A loud roar escaped from the engine as he rolled off the train tracks into hard dirt. Hard bangs and crashes ensued as the vehicle jerked and tussled back and forth with no mercy to its desolate landscape that surrounded them. He knew everyone in the back was probably struggling to stay standing. But luckily the train tracks were on flat land for the time being as he pressed the gas to catch up with the train till the side car, three cars slowly passed till he finally took notice to the glowing light protruding from the fourth car.

With a hard track of his wrench the cars came loose. The pin holding the cars in place was removed as the cars began to slag behind slowly. Looking over he could see Sniper speeding to catch up with them. Holding his cowboy hat to his head, Demo and Scout leered out of the train car side door. "Holy sh*t.. man I don't think I can do this!" He muttered. The RV pulling closer to where the side door opened to reveal that big man, RED's Heavy stare back at him. The vehicle struggling to keep up with the train and stay steady for them as Soldier leaned over. His voice barely heard through the rushing wind that burdened his tone. His fingers clinging to the opened divot in the hood to hang on tightly as to not go flying off the hood as far as the BLU's could tell.

"You're gonna have to, Son!" Engi yelled back at them. Without warning the Engineer grabbed Scout by the shoulder. With a lumbering heave the boy went flying across the way. But Sniper slowed. Scout's arms whaling back and forth with his screams as Soldier's body rolled over to where he just barely hung off of the hood. His fingers straining as his hand had managed to grab the Scout's wrist. A few pops and crackles as the boy was being dragged through hard stone by the tip of his feet as he looked up at the helmeted male with a terrible terror filling his chest. No doubt with the hard belief he was going to die as the RV sped up once again as the swerve threw Scout against the side. Rolling the side back over to the Train as Soldier tried reeling him in. Baring his teeth as he yelled through the wind towards Scout.

"Don't you die on me! I did not that order!" He pulled. With all of his strength he looked the boy in the eye as he pulled. Holding onto the sleeve of his torn uniform with his dear life he pulled himself in closer to Soldier. Tears flowing through his eyes as he gagged and gasped at the bugs that filled his teeth. With a final tug instead of pulling he threw Scout over. Flinging him over himself rolling over on top of him to where the BLU scout had rolled under him. Leaning himself up with his stomach pressed against the Scout pinning him to the hood. His arms separated to give his hands space to hold on as he looked to Sniper whose teeth were clenched and eyes focused on the ever so bumpy road that got worse." I got you, Private! You did good!"

His words earned him a sob. Scouts head low to the hood. Now it was Demo's turn. Looking at him from there made Soldier angry. His grip growing tighter to where the the divit in the hood began to bend. He couldn't blame himself, or the BLU bastard that looked strangely simular to his friend despite the dreads. He still had the Cyclop's eyepatch packed away safely in his spare helmet. 'Don't think about him, maggot. You got a rescue mission to uphold. Even if he looks like you're Scottish Cyclops of greek myth.' He didn't want to think about him. What he said.

Engi looked to Demo. Eyeing the Heavy with a shaken huff." Holy mother of tilly!" It was a gut wrenching scene to watch. To have a pole approaching you at top speed of seventy to eighty miles per hour. To have their Soldier catch them at the last second was a miracle in of itself. Throwing him up and over like he did. It made him sigh out of relief as Engi peeked his head over as the train began to turn. His eyes from under the glasses widened.

His glowing eye zoomed in on Blu Soldier just having had exited the farthest car where they were staying. Five cars ahead. Barely enough for him to be seen but enough to where B.E's optic eye caught sight of his movements. He paled. Placing a hand on Demo's shoulder he leaned in. His tone dark and unmoving as he spoke." Jump now, Son. Before I decide to throw you like Scout." He noticed his eye twitch ever so slightly as a lump crawled down his throat. Nodding he stepped back to where the edge was on the left side. Before rushing into a full blown sprint. Yelling at the top of his lungs as he reached out for Heavy's hand.

Time slowing to a crawl. The gap between them felt farther than it was as the Scotsmen's heart thumped wildly with a billowing call to freedom in his chest as he laughed wildly from the rush of near death hitting him as the big man's hand wrapped around his right one. Unlike Scout he was pulled in immediately. Hugged tightly by the Heavy before being thrown into the arms of his Pyro. The skull mask somewhat welcoming as Demo stumbled through the cabin out of shock before RED Medic caught him. Setting him down with Pyro's help. Dizzy from that rush of death he laughed like he was drunk off od scrumpy before laying his head on the Medic's shoulder as he rolled his eyes." Just relax. You're fine mein friend." Gently patting him on the back. Thankfully to all of the violent jolting and tussling in the back of the RV there was a convenient pot placed at Demo's feet. With a dizzied sway the Demoman took the said pot and leaned into the pot to vomit his fear out." Ze adrenaline made you sick. Don't vorry."

Medic's gaze turned to Heavy along with R.E who was focused on the radio. From where he approached to look out the window to hear B.E. call on the Radio back to them. The wind making the static flair as he spoke." Pull ahead. Stay between the cars nice and close. My Soldier just noticed the food cars went missing. I'll jump onto the roof when he's gone." With that Heavy watched as he started to climb the ladder on the side of the door as he shut it tight. Their view of him eventually being obscured as Sniper obliged to B.E's request to stick close to the side of the train car. Hugging it as instructed Medic cringed lightly." Vere is Ze Scout?"

"Soldier caught him before he could fall. He's on hood with him, Doktor." Heavy stated.

Engi climbed to the top of the train. His hat threatening to fly off of his head as he held it tight as he felt the pressure of the door to the car just below him blow open as he crawled smoothly against the top of the train. It was him. The BLU bastard, Soldier. As much as Engi wanted to cap him he had to keep his composure and be patient. His eyes narrowed as his optic eye scanned through the material in the train to see him move and make his way back through the train cars. Slamming the doors shut behind him as Engi nodded and got to his feet. The means to stand were easy enough. Since trains and people on them were moving the same speed besides the air it made walking easy. Simply walking over the edge of the train he looked down to notice the distance between the train and the RV. "Alright then, cowboy." Cracking his neck he widened his stance and jumped. His feet hitting the roof of the RV. Its height a few feet shorter than the train car. Landing on his knee he made his way over to the front of the car via the roof and leaned forward. Overlooking both Soldier and Scout as they looked up at him after a moment. Soldier couldn't really see him but smiled anyway. Scout who was clinging to the hood with Soldier held an honest smile as the he reached out to grab his hand as the Texan grabbed his arm and pulled him up from under Soldier. Pulling him to his feet as they both stumbled back as Scout clung to him. His sleeve torn from the jostling and jerking Soldier put on him. His shoulder dislocated no doubt as he whince.

"Never again! You throwin' me? Please! Never again!" He yelled to him from where he stood to only nod in responce." That was horrible!" He muttered. He remembered there was a ladder in the very back of the Rv. Not really a fan of that he looked down on the side where heavy looked up at him as he hung out the door. With a wave of his hand he mere few inches out as Scout gulped. Pushing his way out he fell with a Yelp out of Engineer's view as he now moved back for Soldier at the front. Beckoning to him to reach out and grab his hand which Soldier obliged with a lurch and grab of the other's wrist as he pulled. Stepping onto the roof with a full stand to merely copy Engi's moves he let go and smirked at him from under his helmet." Now that's what I wanna see! That was magnificent work!" Soldier praised as he made his way to get inside as Engi smiled lightly and shook his head.

"Now that was daring." He said simply as both he and Soldier were brought in by Heavy as he crossed his arms to look at his two team mates who were shuttled next to each other on the bed in the corner while everyone else were either standing or leaning against something. Clocking the radio in to Sniper he placed the radio on the table next to R.E. and sighed taking his cowboy hat off to lax himself." My god. Watching you boys. Got the heart racing." Pumping his heart with his fist hitting against his chest as he took a few inhales through his mouth. In and out the breaths cane as he huffed.

"I heard somethin about Teleporter in the train. What's that about?" Heavy chimed in with a co*cked brow. B.E looking over his shoulder to the big man as he rolled his shoulders. Pulling his wrench from his sheath he jabbed his finger towards the door.

"Built it for you. One way trip but it will get you on there faster big guy. Since we're ambushing these bastards I figured you and you're Docgor can take it in through the back cars while Soldier and I distract Spy and Soldier. While you," he says as he looks to the radio." Sniper will fetch Scout and run." His head abruptly turning to look at the helmet and goggless Engineer before him." You. You're driving." He said as he jabbed his finger towards the door. Soldier's gaze looked between them as he grinned. Grabbing The Wrangler from a corner it was slipped up against as B.E started working on another teleporter in a wide corner in the back of the interior of the RV.

No one said anything for a moment. R.E was seemingly stunned as he looked at them. The sun was already rising once more over the hills. To the point where everything turned into a silhouette. The head lights just barely visible. It barely got a response from the BLU Soldier who seemed unmoved by the fact that there was an RV driving along the right side of the train as R.E approached B.E with a furrowed brow. Who gave him the right to give the orders? As good as they sounded he crossed his arms firmly as his cold blu eyes narrowed." Who gave you the right to lead? I'm not disagreein' with you're plan here. But I just watched you throw Scout across the gap between the train and the RV without looking. It ain't nothin' against you. But I just don't think you're in the right mind to be callin' the shots, Partner."

B.E paused. Everyone in the back making room between them as he stood up from his work on the teleporter. Turning to face the RED original. Every now and again people having to shift their balance to keep it as he growled. Heavy moving in between them as the BLU Texan glared at him through his sunglasses. "Listen here, Hoss," his voice holding a hard bite to it as he spoke." I'm a man of action. I take it as it is. Develop a plan and I do it. Like tossing Scout across that f*ckin' gap. If I didn't. He wouldn't have jumped and he would have been dead! We all would have been caught if Soldier saw us first! Now tell me this. Are you going to wait and think every given second? Or pull some risky buisness to keep those precious moments from fleeing you? I just did what I had to." If not blocked off by Heavy, he'd have hurt him. It was that one thing he couldn't help. That internal wiring in his head telling him that the original was a fool. But was stronger than Medic and Soldier when it came to losing his mind to the truth. He held it back with his own hidden narcissism. It was hard but he pulled it off.

"Now is not time to fight eachother." Heavy said as he looked between the two Engineer's." Doktor, I will catch you." Turning to look at Medic who was healing Scout from his dislodged shoulder who looked back with a hard look of determination in his eyes as he nodded. Heavy turning back to look at R.E." We follow through with BLU's plan. It makes sense, Da? Moves might have been reckless but he makes good point on precious time. Each second we run out. We rush in. Grab Scout, and go." Placing his hand on Engineer's back he lead him to the door.

"I'm jumping onto the roof of the train?" Soldier asked curiously as he shot his head from side to side with a grin." Oh you got yourself a deal cowboy! I'll go right now!" Pumping the shotgun in his hand as the sound of the Teleporter being finished exposed the interior to a deep blue glow as it spun in place.

"Right on you there Soldier. But that Shotgun is a little..choosie with its handler. I'll be taken it." B.E extended his hand to take the gun from the male. Looking at his fists he grinned. Slapping his fist into his palm he wasn't picky. Punching his way through hell wasn't bad to Soldier.

He hated his counterpart with an undying desire to rip his throat out. He called himself a soldier!? He wouldn't know honor or discipline if it slapped him in the face. He bet within his mind he never even heard of Sun Tzu's masterpiece 'the art of war'! He was a piece of vith had love to get his hands on as he walked over to a space behind Sniper's bed. Squeezing past Scout and Demo who stared at the Soldier as he worked to grab a small trench shovel from between the gap in the wall. Everyone blinking lightly as he held the shovel tightly in his hands." What? Last time we went out to Teufort we ran a hitch hiker over. I just decided go stash another shovel in the RV just incase. I cant wait to kill BLU Soldier with it!" He giggled childishly as he held the shovel tightly. Both the Demo and Scout wanting to keep their distance between themselves and him before he paused. Looking at them with a war torn grin." What's wrong pansy's? Ya scared of war?"

"Okay Soldier that's enough Scarin' the BLU's. They aren't gonna do anythin' these guys are harmless." R.E stepped in as he sighed. The light growing higher from sun shining through the back end of the interior as everyone looked at eachother. One last press to the radio he huffed." Sniper! I'm commin' up to take the wheel. You're getting on the train while Heavy, Soldier, BLU Engi and Medic distract the others!"

He knew he couldn't answer. He was busy keeping a steady full speed on a uneven space on the side of the train. He had no reason to argue with Heavy on this plan Engi came up with. Heavy doing what he was meant to as he climbed abored the teleporter as R.E started to make his way to the roof of the vehicle with Soldier, B.E, but Medic stayed below as the wind hit their faces as Engineer worked his way to the passenger side door, Soldier and B.E nodded in unison.

Medic below giving a call to Sniper to hold the RV steady as they jumped. As to not risk a fall as he clenched his teeth. From above him. Soldier jumped first. His chest meeting the ledge of the car as he kicked his boots to try and get up. With a few good placements of the armored souls of his boots he rolled himself onto the roof. Holding his hand out to B.E who was clearly too short to make that jump. Crossing The Wrangler over his back with the sling he crossed his heart with a short term prayer and jumped. His hand extended to where Soldier's hand wrapped firmly around his wrist as his stomach slammed hard against the car. Coughing a bit as he pulled with Soldier to get onto the roof. Tipping his cowboy hat in thanks as they both got to their feet and nodded. His gaze meeting Sniper who was making his way up to the roof with a shaken leg with a sneer as Soldier kept his hand out to catch him if he were to miss the jump.

With a yell he to followed suit in the jump. His arms wrapping tightly around the ledge as B.E and Soldier yanked the aussie to his feet. Wabbled and unsteady he shook his head with wide eyes as he looked over the ledge at the gap he just jumped and grumbled." I'm not used to this sh*t.. that's what you all had to deal with? This is f*ckin' bad." Sniper was honest with his words. Gripping st his chest as he nodded towards the two with a slight smile." Thanks Mate's. I appreciate it.Right."

"We just gotta wait on the medic to let us know that he's on. From what Scout told me while we were waiting is that they're three cars behind of the very front of the train. We gotta get moving and catch them off guard!" B.E. said as he heald up the radio to his ear. Waiting for the good to go on the Doctor.

"Herr Engi! Shlow down ze camper! Heavy needs to catch me!" The RV slowed upon Medic's request as he slung the straps to his Medi-Gun over his shoulders tightly with the tube in hand. Fixing his rounded glasses to his face he watched as the back end of the train showed itself. Heavy waiting patiently with his as spread out to catch him. A thankful thing. The best thing that ever happened to the doctor. A smile crossed his lips as he leaped into the air to mind the gap. His arm reaching out to Heavy as his arms wrapped around the doctor tightly before placing him down. The back end flaps of his torn medical uniform flapped restlessly against the back as the morning son hit their faces as he heald Heavy close for a moment. Lookinh up at him with a smile. He fixed his Medi-Gun to his side with a hard stomp. Pulling the radio he had stuffed into his pocket free to let thoes on the roof know that he made it before turning his attention back to his lover." Vhat do you say, Mein Liebling? Should be practice medicine?"

"Yes Doktor. We break through them with bare hands. I'll protect you with my life." It was a moment that the Doctor always cherished in his time as a 'field Medic'. The six years of staying in RED left him attached to the big man at his side. Not just as a great partner on the field. But a important part of his life that gave him a reason to fight. A lover, a strong influence in his future after this was done. The team was his family and he cared for it. He and Heavy were the distraction along with Blu Engi and Soldier, while Sniper grabbed Scout.

His hand throwing the door to the ammo cart open Heavy took the front as Medic took the back as per usual. How the partnership always worked with a six foot five Russian covering up a six foot german man with the weapon to make anyone on his team temporarily invincible for a short period of time. His eyes narrowing as hed occasionally fix his glasses as the footsteps above them from Sniper, Engi and Soldier faded as they went ahead. A slight hiss made him shiver and question if that would get them caught. But it failed from the words of Heavy as he threw open the door to the other side of the train car.

"Is Doktor okay? You're rather quiet." He said. Turning to face him as he opened the door. The bumps and raddles of the train shook the interior as the train took another turn. Shifting himself with the turn Medic collected himself on the nearest ammo crate and sighed.

"Ja, Heavy. I'm perfectly fine. Zere is nothing to vorry about from me mein Liebling." He smiled lightly. Approaching him he patted his arm a few times before continuing ahead. He couldn't explain it but he had a put in his stomach like something bad would happen eventually. The anxiety in his lungs made the doctor shake slightly with a cold sweat with each leap from between the train cars. Each catch landing in Heavy's arms holding him tightly. Five times with each train car. Till they heard shouts erupt from within. The fifth car. Where their targets were.

Heavy stopped Medic as he held his finger to his lip as he worked to open the door. Counting slowly they worked to rush in with everything they had. Heavy only having his bare hands to work with to break the mold on what was left of BLU. Thoes bastards needed to die. As much as Medic wanted it. He craved it since he remembered what happened to Demo. Every time he looked to his Russian man he pictured that fate being on him if Engi hadn't lifted the beam off from Heavy. He was ready. He had to picture it like any other fight. Face it like a man. But his words and thoughts were worthless in that moment. Speaking to himself in his mind he was shocked when a bullet grazed his cheek when the train car door opened. A loud gasp filled his lungs as Heavy pulled Medic in to the side of the door. Blocking his body from the shower of bullets that had started laying waste to the door. Knocking the door off its hinges as it flew off to the right side of the train. A loud squealing from the RV's tires as a loud spout of laughter erupted from the interior of the car. Something he despised when he heard it. His teeth baring from under Heavy's protective size as he started up his Medi-Gun to heal him from the damaged he sustained from the bullets. Peering his head in just for a moment he could see a BLU Level three sentry in the right corner of the car as ot beeped. Beside it. The BLU Medic. Holding a button in his hand as he grinned towards the door.

"Zu shwine are alive? Gut. I vas getting board vaiting for Soldier to come back!" He yelled with amusem*nt. As multiply footsteps could be heard from above them. Before hearing a shotgun go off. "Common zen! I can't vait to see vhat you have in store for me! I'm itching for some excitement!"

Above onto of that same train car. Soldier stood unmoved where he was. As much as the Raging winds blew his military hat out of place, Red Soldier looked all but confused at the stand off between the two. Sniper had rushed ahead but fell right into the hands of BLU Soldier just as he had made his way onto the roof. All to try to catch up to the front of the train. Leaving BLU Soldier standing between them and Sniper. Wriggling in his arms with a hiss as his fingers pressed into his throat tightly. Well that was the plan right? But not entirely the said plan when Sniper fell into the Bully BLU. Soldier couldn't remember much when the loud bang of Engi's shotgun went off over his head. But he was unmoved. A loud shreek leaving Sniper's lips. Arm twisted behind his back tightly. He could see so much rage and twitching of Engi's finger as the both of them stared eachother down like it was a stand off. As much as Soldier who stood confused beside Engi. The BLU counterpart spoke simply.

"I knew you were weak, Shortstack. Working with the RED's? Was this what you were doing yesterday? Hiding from me? You're team? You decided to switch to that idiot for a good f*ck?" He nodded his head towards R.S that stood at Engi's side. Though all that was seen was his lips. They twitched slightly to his brutal questions as he co*cked his head. "You have bad taste. Or is it this spineless Aussie?" Yanking Sniper in front of him he used Sniper as a sheild. The pain written on his lips as he growled. The way he was twisting on his arm must have hurt horribly.

"Are you serious!?" Engi growled through his teeth." You really think I ever loved you!? I'm not afraid to admit that I played bitch to gain the benefits on the bullsh*t class system of 'Strong rulin' over the weak' you and Medic came up with! You lost you're damn mind, Soldier. I'm here for you. This is between you and me. Let. Sniper. Go. Now." As his venoumously demanding words slipped from his lips he knew inside he was shedding his skin like Spy. Sharing that narsasisstic behavior he always depratly tried to hide in the past. Demanding people instead of asking. He was trying to hold himself togeather. Yet his words earned him a cold smile from BLU Soldier. His buggy violent eyes shifting between Sniper and him.

To BLU Soldier the RED counterpart didn't exist. A waste of time and space that would be quickly taken care of. Soldier knew the strength he had. They were both evenly matched. If not for living in a violent 'home', Soldier would have said the BLU was stronger. And he was probably right. Strength between them went a long way. Both having a detrimental number when it came to their own kill streaks. Sure the Engineers were good at keeping track. But in the matter of violence on the field the Soldiers were the masters of violence and bloodshed. They basked in it instead of just seeing it as a job. Both enjoyed it. And releshed in it. It was almost strange to Soldier how familiar he looked to him. He appeared rougher than him. Different uniform. Almost bulkier but it was like he was looking at a mirror image of himself without the hat on. Not to mention his voice was simular to his.

"You want him?" He asked. Yanking Sniper a few times as he hissed.

"Will ya f*ckin' stop yankin' me ya wanker! That sh*t hurts!" He yelled, yet was ignored. Thee shotgun pointed directly at Sniper which made his skin pale slightly with Soldier left to watch unsure what to do. It wasn't how the plan was meant to go." M-mate. Common. Don't f*ckin' do it." He pleaded. Shaking his head a few times. He could almost see through Engi's eyes what his plan was. Or what he thought was his plan. He doubt care about Jenna like he did. Hell he didn't know her and he didn't expect him to care. But to shoot through him!?

"Shut up Sniper! I'm workin' on it! I ain't gonna f*ckin' shoot you!"

"Are you so sure about that, Shortstack!? You're trigger finger looks pretty itchy!" BLU Soldier said as he huddled himself tighter behind Sniper. His finger was twitching on the trigger like he was having an internal fight with himself to either shoot or not. And that's shat BLU wanted. For Engi to shoot at him to make this mess one less problem for him. His brows narrowed. Challenging Engi with his condescending grin." Go on, Engi. Shoot the gun. The only thing standing in you're way is this little piece of Aussie sh*t! I'm right here!"

"Don't do it, Engi! God dammit!" He hissed. Suddenly feeling a hard tug on his arm to force him towards the edge of the train. Overlooking the fast moving grass and rolling hills passing by. His eyes were closed. Breathing deeply as Soldier's lips twitched. Clenching his shovel tightly in his grip.

"If you want him so bad, Engi?" Pulling him over to the right side of the Train what was thought to be a moment to be thrown off the Edge of the train was instead met with a Sniper's body flying towards Engi, limply." You can have him!" As his body landed limply the Shotgun went off. The casing flying from the gun off the moving train into the air as they both groaned in pain and disorientation. A sharp battle cry escaping the BLU Soldier's lips as he raised his pickax he had on his back. Charging at them with the full brutal intent to impale the both of them with the weapon. Till he was sent flying to the roof with a hard thud. Groaning as he shook his head he lifted his pickax to block a blow from the shovel Soldier had. A split second decision as he pushed his weight into the counterpart with a growl.

"Sniper! Go ahead! Get Scout! I got this wannabe Soldier!" Turning his head over for just a split second to eye the Supporter who was struggling to get to his feet. Pushing himself Soldier watched as he jumped to the next car which left him with Soldier." You might look like me, Maggot! But theres one thing a true American never forgets! Cheap shot!" B.S's eyes narrowed in confusion for a moment before Soldier raised his knee. From between his legs he felt the critical blow explode through his body as he screamed.

"Oh my tiny balls!"

Knocking the shovel aside he pulled Soldier down to his level. Dropping his pickax and Soldier his Shovel. Raising his fist B.S got on top of Soldier. Taking his helmet off using the string that had always hung loosely around his neck, he pulled. A sharp gag left Soldier struggling to maintain consciousness as he growled through the strangulation." You..c-call that c..hoking someone out!? wouldn't know h..ow to properly ch..choke someone out e..even if you're own m..mother showed you h..ow!"

A loud cackle of enjoyment left B.S's mouth as he pulled Soldier's helmet back. Growling deeply as he chuckled every now and again. His feet planted firmly on Soldiers back keeping him from moving properly from the tussle. "Don't like that so much do you now, Cupcake!? Let me make this clear to you, Stolen Valor! I'm the f*cking man here! You're just another spineless bitch for me to maime! Now drop and give me six feet under!" He hissed. Till a heavy blow shot across his side. Blunt force from the barrel of that damned gun The Wrangler. That f*cking gun. Looking at it alone pissed B.S off as the gun was co*cked. Llloolading up another bullet as Engi rushed him. Yet was foiled quickly as Soldier quickly directed the barrel past his shoulder. As the gun firef once more the flesh on his hand burned from the hard heat of the bullet leaving the barrel. With a swift hard punch from his free hand the cowboy's lights went out as his sunglasses gave way. Sliding off his face with his cowboy hat. Falling back unconscious onto the roof. Cracking his knuckles he pointed down at the unconscious Engineer with a sneer." I'll deal with you later, Shortie." The sharp coughs from the Soldier behind him caught his attention as he kicked the Shotgun aside to face the other. Rolling his shoulders as Soldier did the same.

A mocking beckon was taunting Soldier. His teeth bared, fixing his helmet back onto his head. B.S's hand burned red from grabbing the gun. Blisters of burning singed flesh had popped and sizzles, merely curling his fingers inward into a fist as a few droplets of blood spilled from his nose. He wasn't punched but he was bleeding? Why did his head hurt like he was? Rubbing his nose he noticed it on his blue sleeve. For a moment, shock. Before a laugh erupted from Soldier. Pointing his finger at his counterpart tauntingly.

"I knew I could use my brain to hurt people! How do you like that one! I made you're nose bleed without even touching you!" Without much thought much like himself the rage built up in B.S. his teeth bared brightly like an animal more than Soldier. His eyes almost a glazed over white as Soldier's eyes from under his helmet widened slightly. Pausing he choked almost on a wad of mucus building up in his throat. Swallowing the lump he punched his fist into his palm." Get over here, Princess! I wanna show you how a true American fights!"

B.S was more action than words. As much as he put his words to action when he'd say he'd kill someone brutally if they got their hands on anyone. He hadn't even thought of how RED was still alive. That thought had barely even crossed the Soldier in blue. He just did what he was good at. Killing RED's. No matter what member of the team it was one on one. And he was going to enjoy killing their Soldier. A strong hardened smile made it's way across their lips as they charged eachother. Fist to cuffs going in with a hard punch to Soldier's face which sent his helmet spinning.

From loosing his balance Soldier reached out and grabbed B.S's sleeve. Pulling on the fabric to where it tore. A sharp laugh slipped from his lips before his leg was kicked out from under him. His head hitting the train's roof. His ears ringing as sharp pains hit his fa e. Blood spirting from his lips with the teeth and force Soldier's fists were cracking on his skull. Bruises already darkening around his head. One on his chin others darkening his eye. His head slacking to eye the Soldier's shovel he had dropped. Its shaking with the hard rattles of the train as he reached over and with a good swing it knocked the other off of him. A hard vibration ringing through the shovel he bore in hand. It wasn't his pickax but it wasn't like he was complaining as he struggled to get up.

Stumbling slightly as he rubbed his face. Rubbing his nose free of blood." You f*cking..maggot.. I gotta admit you got a hard hit on you! I'd say I was impressed. But you're weak just like everyone else!" He yelled back at him. His vision too dazed to see much. Before they did he ducked the swing Soldier had made at him with his pickax. The sharp end aimed for his head. Wrapping his arms around his chest he flexed his back and jumped. A f*cking suplex. His back slamming hard into the roof as a loud screech spilled from Soldiers lips. Shooting back to his feet with a slight trip up he kept the pickax tightly in hand as he yelled out at him. Lifting the pickax to where the edge dug deep into the roof. Puncturing a hole in the 'floor' to reveal a short glimpse into the interior as he was pulled back to the ground.

Planting himself ontop of Soldier B.S wrapped his fingers around Soldiers throat to strangle him out. Gagging on it the buggy eyed BLU counterpart opened his mouth wide for a laugh before Soldiers found their way sith a quick jab to the back of the other's throat. His large fingers now wet from saliva as B.S rolled off of him. Grabbing at his own throat as vomit left his mouth like a spray. Flying away with the wind as some landed on Soldier. Causing him to vomit with his Counterpart. Coughing violently from the disturbance they both wiped their mouths with their sleeves.

"D..did you just deepthroat me, Stolen Vslor!?" B.S asked through his gagging tone as he burped his upset stomach to settle hopefully.

"You're god damn right I..did, Hippie! I dominated you're throat with my fingers! Like I'm going to do to you're ass. But instead of using my fingers, I'll use my whole fist!" Getting to his feet once more. Flopping around too much he was getting irritable.

"That a threat?" B.S asked. His eyes narrowed sharply like daggers towards the idiot in the helmet.

"No..its a promise!"

Sniper was looking through each and every car before the main car. Calling out for Scout despratly his eyes scanning each car as he turned the crappy lights on over head. All he was met with cots as he looked around. His eyes panicked and desperate to find her. He loved her by God. It wasn't just his male needs he honestly cared about her and by God he was fearing the worst about her. Running into BLU Soldier was a bad thing that made him shutter to think if Engi had pulled the trigger of the shotgun. As thinking that he could hear another shot from that said Shotgun ring off behind him as he glanced back to the door behind him before he shook his head. Kicking open the doors to the other end of the cart he leaped to the final car. Opening the doors to where the now blaring sunlight engulfed the car in light.

His eyes squinting to get a good look around as he looked around. Hearing the high pitched breaths of a woman in distress he quickly fumbled for the light pulley to the lightbulb above him as he saw the teary short stature figure wrapped up tightly in a straightjacket. Chain wrapped around her neck with a muzzle his eyes held mixed feelings as he carefully approached her. What have they done to her? He was disgusted by thankful she was alive and not dead.

"Scout..Sheila it's me.. Sniper!" He couldn't tell if she was confused, she just looked so stiff as he gently reached his hand out to her as she shook her head a few times. The movement was stiff and faltered." I'm here to get you outta here. Don't be scared." He thought that fear was pointed towards him. But she didn't move. Not one step was taken towards him as she began to speak.

The first time in the span of two days she finally used her words." I..I ain't scared of you." She said. Feeling the blade of a knife against her throat Spy uncloaked himself from behind her. His arms loosely wrapped around her as her neck raised. Whines and whimpers of terror trembled through her as Spy simply smirked at Sniper as his head co*cked to the side from behind Scout.

"Quite de predicament you're in aren't you, Bushman? To be honest I thought you all died back in you're ruined base. Seems that one can't leave a Medic to play de Demoman." He said simply. He was mocking him. His eyes lidded, co*cky smirk coating his lips hidden behind his mask as he jerked her head back. Exposing her throat more to Sniper as he kept his hand out." You look scared. Why is dat? Is it because I'm about to slit you're little petite woman's neck?"

Gagging in his grip Scout's legs widened to keep her balance as Sniper sneered." You bloody bastard. Leave her outta this!" He kept his distance out of fear he might actually go through with his threat." This isn't about winnin' anymore! You BLU's lost yer f*ckin' minds! You win! We lost! Fine! Just give me the girl and we will leave before needless deaths are on you're hands!" He yelled as he carefully tugged the knife he had that had been returned to him by Soldier on the roof of the train when they jumped.

"Winning!?" The Spy snorted after a hard laugh. A disgusting laugh that seemed so familiar to their Spy. They were clones alright." You think dis was about winning? No. Dis was all about her. De rest of it was Medic's idea. I just wanted her at my side when I first laid my eyes on her. Having to share her with Soldier consistantly on her but it was worth it." His nose running across her hair it made her eyes shut as Sniper visibly Cringed." But it seems our time togeather, mon petit chou-fleur..has come to an end." He whispered into her ear. Yet her foot raised. His eyes went wide as he yelled. Letting her go he managed to kick her to the floor as he gripped at his leg. A hard stomp from her foot had crippled him just enough to give Sniper the chance to throw his knife into his shoulder. Blood filling the wound. Barely able to comprehend the pain om both sides he quickly forced the knife free from his shoulder.

"Scout!" Reaching forward he grabbed her by the shoulders of the straightjacket she was strapped into. Before it was too late he caught a glimpse of the door opening to the exterior of the train. He ran like the coward he was. It was typical of Spy to pull off such a thing in the midst of something like this as he grabbed the bloody knife from the floor and worked at sawing through the straps of the jacket. He had to go after the Spy. As much as the mission was done this wasn't how things were meant to go. He felt as if that pit in his stomach was growing if he didn't go confront the bastard. He almost ruined his relationship with Jenna. Working the muzzle free from her mouth and her arms free of the jacket she instantly hugged him. Not calm but almost like she did when she told him about her past. It sickened him and knew the worst had probably happened." Are you alright? Did they do anythin'?"

"Sniper..please I don't wanna talk about that sh*t right now.. I just want that f*ckin' Spy to get what's commin' to him! I don't care what it takes! Kill.Him!" She said as she worked at the chain around her throat. Leaning over a creat nect to her Sniper obliged with a quick wack of his knife on the end. The chain wasn't good chain. It was just enough to hold her where she was but it was all rusted and disgusting. Once it was off of her it left a hard stain around her neck. Her eyes swelled and teary for a moment before she stared at Sniper for a moment." Go." Pushing him towards the locomotive she glared at the door." I'll be fine! I just need a moment!"

"If you think so.. I'll be back for you! Just stay put!" He told her as he took his leap from the car to the locomotive. Grabbing onto a rail it was smeared with the slippery blood of the spy who had made his way through the thing. His feet forced him the way through the railing he threw the door to the train open to come face to face with a pipe being swung by the BLU Spy. Ducking instantly he rushed in to throw the slimy snake to the floor with his knife on hand. Raising his hand to try and stab him the Spy was faster with his movement as he grabbed onto his wrist before it could hit his chest. Pulling on his pinky it forced Sniper to drop the knife he was holding with a sharp cry. Spy's teeth met Sniper's bottom lip. A hard bite made him feel every ounce of the hard bite the male put on his lip as he pulled against it. Only to have to go into it as the corners of his lips curled into a grin before he let go of his lip. Blood dribbling down his chin. "You f*ckin wanker!"

"Aww, didn't like day, Bushman!? Try doing better next time!" He laughed. His blood coating his teeth. Raising his foot to where his back hit the wall of the locomotive. rubbing his lip Sniper got to his feet. It was surprisingly spacious in the locomotive. Good but also bad as he worked to pick up his knife only to have it kicked away by Spy who mockingly gave off a high pitched 'Tisk' from his tongue." You won't be needing dat. Come now. Do you really think you have what it takes to kill me? You playing hero is adorable! But sadly it's not enough. De girl is pretty much broken. It's not like she can do much for you anymore."

A growl left Snipers lips as he shot back to his feet to swing his fist a few times towards the backstabber. Blood spilling from their lips with each rough punch on their body. Biting at eachother as Spy's hand would go in for a jab, Sniper would move aside to pull him into his knee. Hitting the underside of his ribs being sure to twist in the punch good. Before his hair was grabbed. Tipping his fedora over his eyes quickly before being dragged to the dashboard of buttons, dials and pullies. His foreheadperpously smashed against the table as the point- ends of the switches dug into his face." Bloody f*ckin.." he muttered under his breath as a dirty move left Sniper's pockets.

Pulling a few rocks from his pocket he hurled them at the Spy. One slapping the male across the eyes as it left a deep red mark on his forehead. Streigyening his sleeves to his jacket he rose his fist to instantly cloak himself. Making Sniper panic. His blue eyes scanning his environment with his rocks in hand. Before his hand was forced back. Dropping his few rocks he had left. Decloaking the Spy went in for another bite. Not before Sniper's fingers jabbed themselves into the backstabber eyes. A sharp bellow left him as he stepped back to collect himself. His vision blurred and his head throbbing from the headache that started to erupt through his mind he cloaked once more. Not before Sniper punched him once more. Jumping for his knife he managed to pull it into his grip whilst gazing Spy. Bruises forming as his lip continued to bleed. Holding it close he wish he had his machete instead of the knife he had. But it had to do.

"You want to play it like dat den? Fine then Bushman. Let's finish this like Gentlemen!" Reaching into his suit he effortlessly twirled his butterfly knife into his hand. As Sniper lunged with the knife in hand to deflect the move with his hand as sparks went off from between the blades clashing against one another. Snipers fingers getting cut along with Spy's. But to let go of the knife with them both swinging st eachother was a dumb move. Jumping back it left Snipers knife piercing into the window of the locomotive. The glass cracking violently to where it was on the verge of breaking. Jumping back himself just in gimd to dodge an impaling blow from the knife Spy had. Sniper hated BLU's Spy so much. Not just because of his insanity shown in his obsession not only over him but Jenna. He was tired of the consistant rivalry. The cowardice this man had. Playing mind games with him like a puppet master pulling the strings. It made that anger from within Snioer boil to where he started using it against the Spy. Another snort coming from the Spy. Stopping for a moment to collect himself he simply played with his knife from between his fingers. The edge of the blade dripping lightly with Sniper's blood as his knife had the same on his sharp blade. Butterfly knives were always meant to stab not slice like Sniper's could. Still left some serious scratches and slices on Sniper's body. Torn through his red long sleeve shirt he wore. Sweat burning his face as he snarled." All for her!? My it must be true love." He mocked.

"Shut yer bloody mouth, Spy! What do you know of it? Yer f*ckin' insane!"

"Am I? Look at de man who believes he could pull off a suicide mission off to save one girl! I'll show you how to properly handle a knife, Bushman! Den maybe I'll pay Scout a visit when I'm finished gutting you like a fish!"

"Is zat really all you have!?" Medic mocked from where he stood. His arms crossed firmly over his chest. Puffed out with a condescending smile on his lips as he looked up he could see the edge of Soldier's pickax break through the roof of the car he was in. The consistent thumping and banging above him left Medic amused. Wondering what work was being made of thoes who were going the above rout. The level three sentry next to him beeping loudly as he tapped his fingers against his forearm, head co*cking to the side as he laughed Emily towards the two who were hidden behind the door. Hiding from the sentry he had on." Truly is a shame zat zu Dummköpfe's don't have you're precious Spy anymore! He vould be quite useful right now vouldn't he?"

He was enjoying himself too much as he took his violin in hand from the food crate it was placed above as he took a seat to start playing a nice low somber tune through the various noises that were taking place around him.

"Doktor.. what do we do?" Heavy asked lightly as his arls were covered around him tightly like a bear protecting its baby. His eyes narrowed deeply in thought as he looked at his Medi-Gun. It takes a full minute recharge for an Ubercharge. But the Ubercharge itself only lasted eight seconds with the initial charge. Huffing he looked up at Heavy as he cupped his cheeks. Giving him a deep kiss before he spoke.

"I vill charge you. Go after ze sentry." A hard nod coming from Heavy as he cracked his knuckles and got to his feet. Flipping the switch to uber charge on BLU Medic instantly paused mid song to notice the hard red glow that came from the other side of the train door. Baring his teeth he got to his feet as the large Six foot five bulky male made his way in. Like slow motion the Medic jumped back. With wide eyes as bullets like a rain storm came pouring in on the glowing RED Heavy that came charging in like a bull. Ignoring him he went for the threat. The Sentry. His large hands baring down on the object that was littering the ground with bullet casings. The Medic behind him using him as a sheild. Though he himself was Ubercharged they both got the benefits but it didn't mean his Medi-Gun was invincible to the bullets like their skin was.

Heavy's hands had with his strength smashed the Sentry just enough for it to stop moving as smoke poured from the machine. Slumping over the Medic grinned as soon as he noticed the Ubercharge wear off like he suspected it would. Using his boot he rushed Heavy. A hard kick that sent the bulking male into the wall beside him as he raised his violin with his hand smashing it over his head. Splinters and strings making a broken melody from the top of the Heavy's head." I must admit zat vas clever! But not cleaver enough! As men in ze medical field ve both know ze Ubercharge only lasts eight seconds!"

Medic watched as Heavy raised his head and body to quickly attempt to grab the Medic that stood only a few inches shorter than him. Like in a rythm he stepped aside with each punch the big man gave off. Ducking under him once his fist extended to punch him only to punch the metal wall behind him. His grin never left his lips as B.M swiped the sharp violin stick at Heavy. Jabbing him a few times in the Abdomen yet the cuts healed. A few punches to the B.M's face leaving him dazed ever so slightly before his face turned red for but a moment which made Medic cringe. Was he getting off on the pain!?

Barring his teeth in annoyance he jumped to Heavy's side. A snarl shared through the crazed bastard as heavy swung his body into the walls. Biting on him like a rabid animal as blood tore from his lips with the flesh and fabric he tore free from the burly male's shoulders. Trying to get the large BLU off of him with his weight. Bashing his back into every corner his back could reach. Grunts and groans vibrant from the both of them. Violent struggle between the two leaving the end result in Medic trying to chime in to help. Running to Heavy's aid he tried to hit the B.M with his Medi-Gun. Or try pulling him off before Heavy himself shoved the Doctor back. It was then B.M used his legs to push himself forward. Sending the big man toppling over like a capsizing tree.

Taking the hard sharp piece of what was left of his instrument he drove it deep into the back of Heavy's leg. As much as the Medi-Gun was focused on Heavy the stream had switched to the B.M who was standing over the collapsed and pained Heavy as Medic took a few steps back. A deep breath dominating the B.M's nostrils as he puffed his chest out." Now zat feels gut.." he muttered as he looked down at his counterpart with a sad*stic grin. He had no gun. Shutting off his medigun he used the medigun's nozzle to attempt a swing only to get a cut across his tattered, dirty medical suit as the view of a bone saw made Medic's face pale ever so slightly.

"Heavy! Get up!"

"Vhats vrong, hurr Medic? Can't defend yourself!?" He grinned as he pulled him close by his collar. Pushing his chest hard into the wall of the car he planted his boot firmly against his lower back to rip the Medi-pack from his back and carelessly toss it next to the bleeding Heavy who was struggling to move and focus. A puddle of blood forming from the bleeding impaled leg. He knew he couldn't get up." I vas hoping for more from zu. A fellow doctor? Vhat a joke. Zats vhy I'm ze better man~" he hummed into Medic's ear. Yet was caught off guard by a piece of the century being thrown at his head. Blocking his head he growled in annoyance towards Heavy's pathetic attempts to save his precious Medic. Shoving his foot into Medic's Spine he made his way back over to Heavy's side. A heavy kick coming from his boot left the male's head falling limp in a unconscious position. The B.M's lip twitching lightly.

" Really!? Perhapse I should have done more to keep zu Dow-"

He was suddenly launched by the smaller male. Pulling him away from Heavy with his hands gripping his shoulders. One might have said staggered was a better word for it, as he turned quick with a jab into the taller Medic's chest. He didn't relent. He couldn't. He just simply punched as hard as his fists could allow him to. Aiming for center mass like a fool. He was too emotional to see Heavy in that state on the ground. At that point he was letting his anger get the best of him as B.M's hands grabbed both wrists. Looking up at him his cheeks were flushed a deep shade of red from the pain. He was a f*cking madman. Medic's eyes near pinpoints as he was forced into a mocking dance between him and his counterpart. His wrists crushed in the Medic's grip. Whenever he'd let go of his wrists Medic would try to punch him. Only to lose his balance and be caught mid fall by his arm in a bone shattering yank or by his tie that choked his neck before being forced back into the dance with the BLU." Let me go!"

As he demanded it. The Medic's fingers were quickly pulled apart in a torturous way. Breaking the fingers from where they were as he'd swing his free hand at him to try to get him to stop. Only for the male to stand unmoved by the Male's attempts to break out of his grip. co*cking his head to Medic B.M's gaze never left the pained yells that filled the car they stood in. His sharp breaths sounded like a symphony to his old ears.

"Oh mein friend you never realized it have you?" He asked. Ignoring scouts demands to be set free from the dance they were in. Leaning in close every now and again to stare into his eyes he paled from what he was seeing." Vhats ze matter? See something zat scares you?" It was something that terrorfied him infact. He was looking back at himself. As different as he looked in height, personality along with his facial features. The Medic was him." You see I realized ze truth early on. Zat I vasn't mein own person. But you. With my own mind, my own thoughts und dreams! I'm what you pushed into ze back of you're mind all zoes years ago in ze fatherland! I may be six years old. But from you're past. I remember everything from before you joined RED!" Leaning in close his eyes were no more than maddening pinpoints." Face it! I am zu!"

Flashes of memories shot through his mind of wearing a nazi uniform. Death surrounded him at every corner as his eyes were recoiling and shutting from the visions he was seeing. That wasn't him. He had no choice but to do it. It was by force and he was forced to pull such sick stunts on such innocent people such as the Jews and prisoners of war. BLU Medic was the piece of him he pushed into the back of his mind when the war ended. His job was to heal. Not kill those he was meant to help. He cared for his team unlike the madman who was insistent on calling himself the real thing. The 'Real' Medic. He was that sad*stic in the fatherland. But it was mostly for study and experiments. It was mostly what he told himself so he could sleep at night. But in the end he feared himself. And could live normally after it. He was on the run from hunters when he moved to America. This man wasn't him. He was his past he left behind.

"Nein! Zu are nothing more zan my past I left behind! I'm not like zat anymore! Zu aren't me! I'm me!" He yelled as he barred his teeth. Being spun furiously back against the wall B.M grinned deeply down at his original as he cupped his hands together. Pressing his hand onto his cheek as he cooed. Sending a sharp well placed punch to Medic's chin. A gag leaving his lips as B.M loomed like a mad man over him.

"Now now. Don't lie to yourself just yet. Ve're just getting started. As much as I could hate milling my original. I'm oh so curious vhats inside of zu!" Picking up his bonesaw he loomed over Medic like a tower." Prepare for you're examination, Ludwig!"

Both of their faces were bruised to hell. Soldier's torn uniform hung loosely from his body like a broken flag. Breathing heavily from where he stood B.S was enjoying himself. Though both of their bodies were equally damaged. B.S licking blood from his knuckles he was ready for a fight. Infact he was itching for one. While Soldier was struggling. Even with a helmet it was used against him. Alot of his teeth were missing. Blood staining both of their uniforms as B.S laughed.

"What's the matter? Can't go on? Look at you! Already stumbling like an idiot!" Twirling his finger near his temple in a circle like motion." You're crazy to think you could take a real Soldier on alone, Stolen Valor! Next time think before you decide it's a good idea to face me!"

"You..are not a're nothing..but a disgrace to the uniform!" Yelling at him he charged. Lifting his shovel over head as soon as he swung it down the wooden end of the stick broke. His shovel head falling off the train as he looked at his counterpart. His mouth agape as he stared at him." f*ck-"

"That's right Soldier! f*ck is right!" The pickax raised. He brought it down upon his arm. Driving him back with his feet going behind another and another as he sneered. Trying not to hurt his hand he managed to hold back from his chest getting impaled by his pickax. His arm gaining a deep gash as he grabbed the handle of the weapon. The overall weight being put on his body was making Soldier tired. Truthfully in his mind of idiacy he believed the counterpart had killed Engi. He hadn't moved in the past thirteen minutes and it worried him.

" You killed..a good man! You killed far too many! I can't let you win this!" He struggled my god he did. He fought with his life against the overpowering male above him. His boot pushed him down. Placed firmly on his chest B.S placed his right hand on his chest as if he was pledging the allegiance to the flag. A glare sweeping across his eyes as he pushed Soldiers body across the roof to where his head hung off the edge. Leaning over he roughly grabbed his chin.

"You lost this fight Soldier." co*cking his brow he noticed a familiar looking eyepatch hanging from within the inner netting of Soldier's helmet." I see you lost that Darkie you liked so much. What a shame. Don't worry. I'm sure they'll welcome you to hell with open arms. As much as I wanted to do this to Pyro. You'll make a great replacement for me." Standing over him he raised his pickax over head. Till a loud piercing explosion filled both Soldier's ears. As Soldier opened his eyes. His head straining to get a good look at what happened. Blood covered his face with a few bits of intestine and internal organs. Till they flew off with the wind on the train. B.S's arms slacked at his side as he stepped down off of Soldier's chest letting him go. How was he still alive? He could exactly say. But looking up he saw Engi. His eye swelled from the punch as he huffed. Looking over to the dying B.S, Soldier pulled his final granade free from his belt. And pulled the pin. Stuffing the granade into his chest with a strong punch. His sleeve covered in blood as he gave the Soldier a salute. With a L instead of proper as he kicked him off of the train over the left side. His body fell limply back with a look of pure shock on his face. A vibrant explosion with a red mist rocked the back most car made Soldier smack his hands togeather as if he just took out the trash.

"You just got dominated by a true American. Permanently." Turning over picking off bits of intestine that had been stuck to his uniform he gave the short Engineer a bright smile filled with bloody and missing teeth." You did great Engi! Thanks for the help!"

"Well shucks Soldier he was about to kill you. I couldn't just let that happen." He sould have killed them both if he hadn't gotten that chance of using Soldier as a decent distraction. It was a Spy like move to shoot someone in the back. But with Soldier gone he was happy. Well, as happy as he could get as he looked over the train. A hard turn from the train he could hear the radio go off in his pocket. Looking at it he pulled it free. It was Demo. A co*cked brow left Engi confused.

"Ey lad! I don't mean go warn yah. But I see Sawmill. But there's a wee problem!"

"The hell is it Demo!?" Engi asked as his optic eye fixed itself along the outline of the track to a distant form of the destination. But in the middle of the track about a few miles ahead was something small. Something he could just barely make out." What the that?"

"Dunno! But whatever it is its gettin' closer. From the looks of it.. I think it might be a bomb."

Spy laughed down at Sniper. Victory covering him as he looked down at him. Crossing his arms he pressed the barrel of his magnum against his chin as he leaned in. He was playing with him. His eyes were dark, his lip finished bleeding excessively. They went at eachother like animals. Spy's mask was torn. His suit covered in his own blood and Sniper's. A large gash in his Shoulder from his knife left behind as he chuckled darkly.

"As much as I don't want to kill you, Bushman. But you never know what my employer would say if he found out about my attachment to you~" he cooed lightly as he reached into his pocket to put a cigarette into his mouth. Lighting it with Pyro's lighter he tossed the lighter aside. He didn't care about it. Had no need for it. There were plenty of others he just needed one more as he took a glance out the front window of the locomotive. Seeing the faint distance of Sawmill turning into his view he grinned." Well what do you know. I do believe we're almost there. You could have just took Scout and ran. But no. You decided to be an imbecile and try to kill me. It's never a good idea to take a knife to a gun fight. Tell me. Do you have any last words?" He asked. co*cking his head to the side.

Sniper's lip twitched. Ever so slightly his expression shifted to disgust and anger. To a co*cky smirk." Actually yeah, Spy. I do got one for yah. Some advice actually." He said simply as he chuckled with a hard cough escaping his lips. Gripping at his chest he growled in pain for a moment." You should watch you're back. Because you'll never know when somethin's gonna bite you in the ass, Wanker!"

As spy looked up to the window, he noticed the faint reflection of Scout behind him. A plank of wood in her hands as he turned to fend her off before Sniper reached up to grab the magnum from his grip and throw it out the open door in the locomotive. It went past the safty railing and fell off as Spy gasped. The plank of wood hit him hard across the face. Sending Spy Sprawling to the floor with a glare as she looked up to Sniper as he nodded." Motherf*cker!" She ignored Sniper for a moment. Having full intent to beat the Spy with the plank of wood she lifted the piece of wood again to smash it down into his back before Sniper's hand stopped her. Kicking at him and cursing as she sobbed and cried in anger and mental anguish for the past two days finally coming to light." I hate you! I f*ckin hate you!"

"Mate.. mate I'm here Scout I'm here. I got ya." He hugged her tightly. Her eyes shut deeply as she sobbed. Sobbing was for the weak. Was what she believed since her mother met her Stepfather. But now she felt truly broken on a repeat of being manipulated by a face that seemed kind and caring that turned out to be an utter lie. But her eyes shifted to the left. Towards the front window of the locomotive. Her eyes wide as her heart sank as she pushed away from Sniper instantly as she made her way to the controls without saying anything but acting on a pure panic." Scout! Shat has gotten into you!? I'm here to get you out of here theres no time to waste on the train!" He yelled.

"No! Look! Theres somethin' on the track!" Looking ahead towards Sawmill there it was. Within a mile or two of the small object Scout had seen. It looked small. But Jenna wasn't stupid. It was something deliberately placed. Pressing on the buttons she tried to find the right thing to pull or push. Till she found the emergency break. Labeled next to the empty seat at the front. Pressing on it and pulling it was jammed. Yanking with all of her might Sniper quickly grabbed the lever with her and pulled. He to at that point was panicked by it. And in truth he didn't think they were going to stop in time. It was going to be too late no doubt as the train started to slow. A loud screech giving off under them with a jerk. Both of them leaning forward into the various buttons on the dash." f*ck! Sniper!"

"I know mate! I can't see what it is! It ain't no animal!" He was panicked with her. Till he turned to feel a sharp pain enter his hand as he turned to face Spy. Blood filling his hand as Sniper yelled in agony. Scout jumping back in fear from the sudden actions that so suddenly occured it was hard to figure it out. Leaning in on him pressing his body hard against the dashboard he tried driving the blade of his knife into Sniper's chest. Initially trying to go for a backstab yet failed as soon as the Bushman turned around. Unaware of the thing on the tracks getting closer and closer into view before she punched Spy in the side. Kicking him back she suddenly grabbed Sniper as soon as she saw what it was.

"We gotta move! Now! That's a f*ckin' bomb!" Her fear filled her lungs inches upon feet growing closer. What Sniper feared was the others not making it. As they leaped. He had to ignore the pain in his hand. The knife broke through the tissue and bone. Meeting the ground below them with a tumble as they tucked themselves in. The knife breaking free of his hand..they were at least a good few hundred feet away from the bomb. If not closer as Scout could barely see the crude object sit in the middle of the track. Seeing two other jump from the roof of the train down to ground level on the other side of the train.

Only question was. Where was Medic and Heavy?

Fear filled Ludwig as Medic had attacked him visiously with his Bonesaw. His smile wide and inhuman as he leaned in close to his original. "Hold shtill.. zis vill only shting for a moment." His tone reassuring behind that maddening stare as he gagged on his growing fear of death looming directly over him. It was that sense of fear that made Ludwig fear his contact with the other side would be far too soon for his personal liking. He had visions. Fears of his past self reflecting themselves through his copy like a mirror. He feared even himself in the most grave of situations where that part of him would show itself. But in Medic. By god that was a permanent state he was in. The part of him he threw away so long ago about to start sawing into the delicate flesh of his neck on the verge to start cutting his head off." You feel it to don't zu, Hurr Doctor? Zat it feels like you're going insane?"co*cking his head his eyes almost vibrated as he spoke. That excitement. The thrill of chopping you're own original to what seemed like chopped liver with no mercy. Medic's free hand using what force he could to push him back. But at that point the bonesaw started cutting into his arm that he was using to block the sharp teeth from digging into his neck. He couldn't answer. Only a yell of agony filling his lungs as blood started to stain his jacket. Each push from Medic leaving Ludwig in tears. He tried kicking. By gods grace had he tried kicking. It failed like many other attempts he made at breaking free. It was like he knew his every move.Medic used his intimidating stature and personality to break people down. He knew how to defend himself, how to attack brutally with everything. His entire being made to spill blood and enjoy every last second of it. He wasn't Ludwig. Not even close. He was a poor byproduct of his past. A mocking imitation of him in his youth that aged with him to his current years. A mistake.The bonesaw inches from his face. The teeth lightly digging into the flesh of his neck as blood seeped from his skin. Eyes were wild with enjoyment on his lips. Pushing hard against his forearm that tried blocking the blade but dug deep into his skin shook with the pressure. "Ve may be clones. But you know for a matter of fact.. I vas always ze suppirior von.." He hissed lowly into his ear. The sudden jerk of a slowing down train made Medic fumble as Ludwig tried kicking him back with his boot. Only to fail in his attempt to gain distance from the other. Growling he stood to his feet. Kicking his foot into his chest as the defenceless man below him gagged and writhed under him." Huh..zere is no vay ve are even close to Sawmill yet.. ve only just got on ze train yesterday.." he muttered to himself with his bonesaw hung loosely in his fingers. Ludwig's blood dripping freely to the floor as he groaned in agony from the pain.

Heavy's grunts of coming to gaged off his tone as he turned to face his lover in a crawl. He was awake. When Ludwig noticed his movements he weakly smiled as Medic glared back down at him from where he stood. His eyes narrowed for but a moment as he looked above him once more." Vhere ze hell is Soldier!? I though he'd have taken care of zu shwine by now!" Clenching the bloody bonesaw in hand he rubbed his gloved bloody hand against his face with a sharp breath. Blood smearing across the whites of his skin and making his beard wet and almost brighter before he lightly shook." No matter. If von cant get ze job done, zu just do it yourself. Fair enough, isn't zat right, Hurr Ludwig?" His once annoyed grimace once more switching back to that disgusting grin. Watching him grip at the deep gash the bonesaw left in his arm sulking into the white of his medical jacket. It made him proud. Happy honestly to see that such a pathetic man was losing to him. He was so silent which brought him internal joy. Didn't that mean he started to learn where his place was? Scout, Demo, Heavy. They knew their place with Pyro and that traitorous bastard Engineer. They all looked up at him. While he looked down. And that power to Medic felt great. Like animals feeding out of the palm of his hand. Mercy? He had no mercy for his original. If anything there was one thing on Medic's mind. Kill him and take his place in life. He was him after all. The 'better' half. The stronger, smarter one that he threw out like garbage after the war ended and he had nothing left but his head and a need for a job to fund his experiments he couldn't get to in Auschwitz. A Nazi doctor working under the most feared concentration camp in Europe, conducting experiments on the weak and helpless out of curiosity, which eventually turned into an obsession, then to short term madness. He remembered all of it and it made him so happy to see he was getting rid of his greatest weakness."Zu call you're a sane man, Ludwig. A man who cares so dearly for his team. His lover. But zu threw away vhat vas really important. Ze empowering side of zu. Ze true strength. Me. Zu casted me out like I vas nothing to zu. Like I vas never zere in ze back of you're fragile mind after ve escaped from Germany. Once you got hired zu grew shoft! Veak!" Each word resulted in a hard kick from Medic's boot. Crashing down on Ludwig's chest making the bones crack and grind under his weight." Pathetic! But zu know somevere deep in ze back of you're mind you know I'm still zere. Vaiting to break free. Even if I vere to die I'd still be vith you, Mein Liebling. No matter how fast zu run, no matter how far you're legs vill take you. Zu can't run from who zu vere." He whispered his words into his ear as he grabbed his chin, almost engulfing it completely within his grip to force Ludwig to look him in the process. His eyes lidded and content. While Ludwing breathed heavily under him.Grabbing at the Medi-gun Medic had pulled free from Ludwig's back. It was the closest thing he saw. And he couldn't get up to save the doctor. His beloved. In a rushed action with his large fingers he pointed the nozzle of the gun at Ludwig as Medic's gaze shifted to the big man. His smile of amusem*nt grew as he let Ludwig's chin go. Slamming his foot into him once more for good measure, keeping his foot on Ludwig's chest pinning him against the wall. Blood spirting from the immobilized doctor as his clone stared mockingly at the big man." H..Heavy.." Ludwig gagged under Ludwig's boot. Raising a brow unquestioningly towards the big man. Eyes lidded ever so slightly as he hummed.

"Isn't zat adorable? Ze Heavy thinks he can use a Medi-Gun!" Cupping his cheek he leaned his head to the side." Zu don't know how to use zat. If zere is Von thing I know about Heavy's. It's zat zey don't have ze brain power to comprehend a complex piece of machinery such as ze Medi-Gun!" He laughed widely. Crossing his arms over his chest." Zu have nothing. Zu never stood a chance."

"Don't be so sure Medic.." Heavy's voice was labored but fully capable of pulling himself togeather. Lifting his head he flicked a switch on the side of the Medi-Gun. Medic's eyes wide as he lifted his bonesaw to bring it down on Ludwig as the stream of healing hit him. His wounds healing slowly over time." Charging Doktor!" Slow motion filled the room. The beam of ubercharge hitting Medic like a mule. His heart rushed violently with Heavy's as their eyes began to glow wildly. Just because he was a big lumbering man didn't mean he was stupid. If he has a PhD in Russain literature he was far from the dumbest. Leave that role to Soldier.

Before they knew it the car they were in tipped with a loud explosion. Unsure what happened whilst ubered everyone fell in. Heat filling the room as the entirety of the car flipped and banged violently with them inside. Ludwig swiftly grabbed in Heavy's arms as Ludwig was flung from the train car into what looked to be a violent ball of flame. Then the both of them with it.

Flying into the ball of flame. Engulfed in heat and flame in the embrace of his lover. Darkness eventually fell over them. As the rest of the train cars followed suit. Flying in every direction possible.

In a violent carnage of destruction and chaos.

Chapter 25


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It was too early for him. His head shot up from his bed when he overheard the explosion of the train go off. It was half a mile away or perhapse a good mile away from where he put the bomb. Smoke and debris flung in every direction which made him stare at the sizable wreckage of the train that partook on the shortened train that broke and twisted in a mass of shrapnel on the tracks. Dirt and dust still falling from where it had landed. He remembered her words. 'You'll know what to do. From the time he noticed on his watch it read seven thirty two. It wasn't the right time for the train to come. His theory in the Administrator making the train arrive earlier than expected happened to be on the dot. Some of the train cars still skidding to a stop either on the track or spread out on the open area that surrounded the area. A wall of flame had engulfed the track no doubt from the impact the train made with the bomb. Till his eyes caught sight of something he wasn't expecting. The Bushman's RV. Rubbing his eyes he wasn't sure if he was to smile or something else. It was that sense of isolation that had gotten to him for the month and a half of being completely alone. His eyes scanning the wreckage he sighed deeply as he worked up his legs for a run. Running. God the running.

Spy hated it. It made him sweat and make his suit feel completely disgusting. Not to mention the pit stains. He still didn't understand it. Why and shat the Administrator was having him do. It was such a vauge thing that made him shutter at the thought of what he'd find in the heated area. He swore despite the incoming rain the heat in the radius of the explosion made the temperature go up by thirty degrees. The smoke was dense as he jogged past the first train car. The grass beneath it was now no more than mere dirt. Muddy dirt from the consistant rain that always poured on the landscape unforgivably. Till his eyes made contact with a burned body. Body burned horribly to where a sharp cough came from it. Still alive and barely recognizable from the char and burns that covered it. The sent of burned flesh and hair wafted into Spy's nose as he plugged it momentarily.

"S..sht..ill alive..?" German that sounded broken. Taking his time he approached what was left of the corpse. Was that? No he couldn't have been on the train it's not possible. Was that really what she meant!? Was his daughter on that f*cking train!? That thought hurt him. But tried to maintain that look of professionalism on a unmoving face as he drew closer. Every time the burned corpse would move he could hear the skin crunch and crackle as the fingers would twitching dig into the mud around them. Till they stopped moving." W..who's zere..? S..Soldier? zat zu, mein Liebling?" The voice asked as he reached their hand out. His breaths wheezed and hitched." C..come to me..please. let me're beautiful shkin.." it was who he thought it was. The BLU's Medic. The bright vibrant scar sharing itself as he kept his distance but observed him. Pulling his magnum from his suit he pulled it up. He could see the expression on the bloody charred corpse change. He couldn't see him. But he could hear him." Zu..aren't hurr Soldier. a shame. Indulge me..who is zere? Spy..?"

Spy clicked his tongue a few times before pulling a cigarette from his disguise kit. Popping it in his mouth he inhaled the smoke before blowing it into the blind Doctor's face. Resting his his knees he began to speak." You got de name right." Spy said, scanning his eyes next to the bastard. He couldn't bare seeing or even looking at him." I was hoping I'd see you're sad*stic face again. Take care of you. Yet it turns out karma collected its debt on you." Strangely he didn't find it funny or anything that brought him any sort of joy. It was almost disappointing. Almost.

"Zu...mein little toy..zu survived de trip.." he muttered through his wheezes. His charred lips curling into a faint grin." Gut.. zis is..Wunderbar..mien little..guinea pig..could love to shee zu..h..Hurr Spy..if she made it off z..e train zat is." His laughter turned to blood induced coughing fits. Growling as the blood dtained him as Spy's lip twitched at him. Overhearing the distant voices of a Demo and Soldier yelling out code name 'Scout' and 'Sniper'. His eyes narrowing towards the corpse below him.

"You better have not hurt he-" he was instantly interrupted by the charred hand that wrapped around his wrist which held the magnum. Either a mere guess or he could see, he couldn't tell what it was. But his grip was weak and disgusting. That touch made Spy's hand instantly tare away from him as he growled." Don't you dare..touch me again." he bared his words down on the Medic with a sneer. Taking another puff of his cigarette he pointed his magnum at him. Till that hard fear filled his body like he was powerless yet again. That helplessness that filled him when he was tied down. It made him shutter as he glanced away from him.

"Even..vhen I'm dead..I von't die..I vill be immortal.. through ze minds..of zoes I have...broken..hurr" a twitch to his lip Spy finally pulled the trigger. A loud gunshot echoing through the area as he watched his arms go limp. His glassy eyes going milky after a minute as Spy simply looked away and started moving again. His words stuck to him. Like a complete splotch of superglue on his mind. It made him sick to his stomach. He saw himself as a God? He will most certainly live on through thoes he tormented and tortured under his boot heel. He looked away from the corpse at his feet before angrily kicking his body. Yelling wasn't an option. He didn't want attention yet. It could have been the rest of BLU Team for all he knew. He had to search for her. His legacy. His daughter.

Trying to avoid the sounds of his plausible colleges. All was too still which made Spy tense. He was relieved that the bastard of a Medic was dead. But couldn't shake that feeling of someone looming over him. The hairs on the back of his neck standing on end his head turned to notice the battered, muddy and swollen eyes of BLU Spy. Crawling to his feet the clone dressed in blue had his back facing Spy. Having had just crawled from a space not a few feet away from him. The dust and the smoke making it hard for him to see. Not only that but everyone else no doubt. As much as Pyro would find it easy to see through everything it wasn't like Spy had a gas mask for that sort of stuff.

Coughing and vomiting the BLU Spy was out of his depth. He dealt with stealth not the hard brutality of having a train almost landing on him. Blood and a strong fight. He no doubt would be getting an infection from the mess. It was a miracle for him to have survived the explosion. The locomotive and the train took most of the blow so in many ways he was home free. Little did he know was that he was the last remaining BLU that worked with him. Last of the 'strong'. What was the point in it? Power didn't matter anymore since he was alone at that point. A pointless argument for the Spy who was the only person who was alive that bore the mark of the strong despite being a snake like Sniper was. Disgusting.

As the BLU Spy spoke to himself, his original started to make his way towards him. Cloaking himself amidst the smoke and dust around them. "My suit is train is destroyed. I can't complain. Perhapse if I'm good enough I could sneak away..If I could just make it to de Sawmill.." He paused. Talking to himself in his original's past was a habit. A hard one to break he himself remembered that well when he had to switch to inner monologues to mask his personality or motives from others. Being who he was BLU Spy was what he hated most about himself and it stuck. His footprints showing in the mud and crept up his pant legs as BLU Spy managed to pull out his cracked disguise kit and glared at the muddy cigarettes and sighed, rolling his eyes deeply as he simply threw them on the ground and stomped on them to where the mud coated them like a blanket.

It was then he took the form of his daughter. His eyes wide with rage through the cloak as he spat his cigarette out. Raising his hand he noticed the Spy pause. Turning to face him the BLU Spy dropped his disguise and sent a sharp jab towards the mass behind him. The f*cking smoke saved him. It rubbed against his form and the smacking of the mud didn't fix the problem either. His expression was shocked as the red mask of Spy bared down on him like a missile with a headbutt. Blood gushing from B.S's nose like a waterfall as he glared at him." You use my daughter!" Sending a sharp punch to his side he used the but of his magnum to beat it over B.S's body. He wasn't even Cloud to being strategic with his fighting. He was being brutal lut of his disgust towards him." You almost wind up killing her! Where is she!?"

"How do I know!?" He kept his hands raised with each hit that was brought down on him." She just jumped off de train! I'm not a psychic!" He growled at the other. Dragging his foot up he reached into Spy's suit. Taking ahold of the closed butterfly knife within his pocket as they struggled. Trying to keep the enraged original of himself from capping him with the magnum he had. How amusing in the way tables turn. All it took was skill and that sense of survival." You should be dead either way! No matter! If I kill you and act right I can take you're place again!" Blood and bone of teeth flying with each punch amidst the struggle went hard as he twirled the butterfly knife open. To drag the blade deep into Spy's Shoulder just as his was pierced. He had the intention to grab the magnum before anything else happened. Only for Spy to throw it behind him out of reach from the clone." Quit struggling damn you! You call yourself a father? All we do is run and hide from de truth! I accepted her as blood. What have you done? Reject her! I'm de better man!"

Spy held onto his Clone's wrist tightly. Fighting like a gentleman wasn't on his mind Notre was ot on the other. They never really fought fair either way. None of them did. Usually masters at hiding their emotions beneath a blanket of calmness and hidden feelings. Faked and consistantly shared through a form of faked narcissism. Though his Clone was definitely narsasisstic and no doubt a sociopath. Spy himself faked every second of his narcissism to make it harder for others to read him. To hide his true feelings. And amidst this struggle had wasn't afraid to share it.

Grabbing the cracked disguise kit as something caught his Clone's eyes. Spy only just noticed the split second glance the clone gave as his form took the form of his own suit. His eyes were wide for a moment as soon as B.S broke from his grip with the knife in hand for the disguise kit he had dropped when he attempted to beat his head in. Of course he was using the Smoke as a means to get a disguise on as he noticed Soldier and the BLU Engineer enter the frame. There was a small space of clear air. Like a bubble as a BLU Demo and his Engineer move around the turned over train car with BLU Scout. Everyone else was quiet. As confused as everyone else looked the BLU Engi's gaze was almost a glare placed on only one of the Spy's. And when Spy noticed it he knew it wasn't on him. The glowing eye he had was pinned directly on the disguised Spy to his left.

Scout's lip twitched as he spoke." W..which is you're Spy Engi!? I mean..RED Engi. You know?" He couldn't tell the difference between them. They both looked identical. Mud covering their suits with blood and punches and simular cuts upon their bodies. Both Spies glaring at eachother as the sound of a magnum clicking caught them off guard. It was her.

Needless to say Spy was thankful that she was alive. Till he noticed how she looked. Wearing a muddy straightjacket as a cover she looked tired and completely different from when he last saw her. His lip twitched as he and his clone lowered their arms in the means of going at each others throats again. With the butterfly knife in his Clone's hand in clear view. No one said anything as Sniper made himself known. Standing behind Jenna." Scout.. Give me the gun. I don't want ya shootin' the wrong-" as he placed his hand on her shoulder to get her to give hin the gun she turned and pointed the gun at him. Her teeth clenched as she glared at him. Snipers hands raised as his eyes widened." Mate.."

"Do..not touch me! I have the gun! I'm shootin' the f*cker that caused this mess! Go over there with the others! Now Sniper!" She was emotional and Sniper couldn't blame her for how she was acting. So much stress put on her in such a short amount of time waining on her as he slowly shuffled his way towards the others to her right as her hand extended the gun back towards the two spies. Who had started to fight once more. Their hands gripped tightly around their collars as she pointed the magnum to the sky and pulled the trigger. The loud ear piercing explosion that filled the area made everyone's ears ring as the Spies once more stopped their tussle as one shoved another back with a growl." W..which one..?" She asked herself. She was uncertain which was the right one. Because she was so sure her Spy was dead only to be shown that her suspicions were wrong and she was left with the choice to shoot one or the other. None of her colleagues or any of the other BLU's decided to stop her. They were only left to watch as her magnum quickly switched Spies every now and again.

One of them stepping towards her with his hand on his chest." I'm aware we haven't spoken before. But I assure you he is de impostor in dis predicament we are in, Scout! Come to me.. I will protect you!" His hand pointing to the Spy at Jenna's left. Her lip twitching as she pulled the trigger as the bullet landed between the Spy's feet as she growled at him.

"Stay right where you are! Do not come any f*ckin closer! Or I'll say f*ck the choosing and just cap the both of you!" She wasn't having it. She was watching them both carefully. Besides the silence from the Spy to her left she was torn between them. They both were identical to eachother. Like twins. He was disguised. But which one being the right one was driving Jenna crazy. And incredibly itchy.

Her gun slowly moving towards him as he simply stood still. He didn't advance. He didn't object, didnt say anything. He just stared at her with a sorrowful stare as her blu eyes narrowed. Pulling the hammer back with her thumb her finger twitched on the trigger. She never fought a Spy when they took the form of one of her colleagues before. It was impossible to tell the difference between them. The one closest to her was incredibly insistent that the one to her left was the BLU f*ck. But to Jenna they could have been the liar. But she was hoping ahewas making the right choice.

Spy's lips trembled under his mask as he sent a glance towards the Spy that stole his face. And back to Scout. Shutting his eyes he took a deep collected breath that was shared between them.

'Once upon a time there was a man who abandoned his family because of his fear. Abandoning his beautiful life for one that consisted of bloodshed and blood money. To fight a meaningless war as a mercenary for hire. Till one day his mistake got his own flesh and blood into his world of trouble. Two weeks on a train left to think about what he could have done differently. And a month left isolated within an abandoned base waiting for a train to show up. Only to wind up at the other end of his own gun. Engraved with the body of her own mother.'

He brought this mistake on himself. For that he couldn't be happier to st least see she was still alive. Till he cleared his throat. Emotion filling the Spy's tone as he clenched his fist. He looked away from her shamefully as she co*cked her head in confusion. But still cautious." For all that've grown without me. You proved yourself to be something greater Den I..You've made me so proud, Jenna." His words earnestly spoken as his copy looked back at him. His eyes wide with Jenna's. BLU Spy lunged for him. Barely bothering to acknowledge Jenna with the gun in her hand. Before a splatter of blood and a loud gun shot pierced the air once more. The clone standing above him with the butterfly knife raised for a downward stab. Only for the knife to fall to the ground within the mud where they stood. As the Spy's disguise faded to reveal his suit. His fedora fixed finely to his head, a massive splerch of blood left his lips and found it's way onto his fine suit before toppling forward. Slowly suffocating on his own blood from a bullet wound that had entered the back of his neck. His body convulsing in a series of twitches and spasms before finally seasing. His eyes instantly becoming milky and clear. Almost a pure white.

Her arms shook violently as she dropped the gun and stepped back. Covering her mouth with her still bandaged hands. Covered in blood and bruises as she shook her head. Falling to her knees she was speechless, relieved, confused, what would one expect when just not only shooting the man that got her thrown into hell itself for two days of consistent hair petting and drinking lead poisonsd water that Soldier force fed her during the trip. To the rape and mental, physical and emotional torture that the f*cking Medic put her through. It was why she felt safer at Soldier's side considering he saw her as a pet due to her size and who she was. He was Ill tempered man who almost hurt her once. But after that he was praising her like man's best friend. Always keeping her at his side and consistently telling her how smooth her hair was. Her thoughts turned to the point where she was questioning if what she was going through was even real. To where she was wondering if her mind only took her to a seemingly impossible resolution to her torture.

Was she really there? Or would she wake up back on that train next to Soldier rubbing her brunette locks through his rough, war torn fingers. That chain still around her neck with the padlock. The creepy looks from the Medic.the co*cky and proud smiles from Spy across from her. She was just expecting it. Praying that she could stay asleep in the train and just let go othe trauma. That feeling she payed for? It never came for her. Not like all of thoes times she died. No light at the end of the tunnel, no 'grand being' looming over her to welcome her to that 'better place'. Nothing. Just empty silence and the sound of her pained agonized screaming echoing through the vast open plains.

A hand placed firm on her shoulder she looked up at Spy. She was shaking under his touch. Muttering to herself, "This can' real..It just can't." Sniper came over with her. If anyone was surprised it was well..everyone. everyone pictured Spy as no more than a mere womanizer with no sense of true respect towards women. But..he was her father? B.E got that with a click along with Engi. Soldier was barely paying attention but everyone else on RED team who wasn't the remaining BLU's were astonished as Engi approached Spy.

Taking a deep breath Engi spoke softly towards the Frenchman." Was that why you were sayin' what you said to me the day of Debrief? You wanted her gone so she wouldn't be put in danger. You knew she was you're-"

"Daughter..Yes. You see Laborer I'm a master at hiding things. My feelings, my desires from others. But for her I changed dat day for a reason. A long time away from de base left me with time to think. I wasn't expecting dis. Only for de Administrator to tell me to move dat bomb on the track and wait for de supply train to derail." Spy's gaze landed on the short male as his arms wrapped tightly around Jenna who was speechless and broken down. Till his head raised." Wait..where is Heavy and Medic?" Looking around everyone else did the same. Soldier merely shrugging his Shoulders as he shook his head.

After picking his nose Soldier cleared his throat."I'm not positive, Private. Oh! Hello Spy! You are alive! Merasmus didn't kill you like he just did me! I'm so thankful!" Clapping his hands the crazed military man rushed over to Spy. His smile from under his helmet large as he excitedly took him from his crouched position next to Jenna and pulled him into a heavy bear hug. Almost crushing the skinny Frenchman in his arms. Being only an inch taller his streangth was spine crushing as Spy kicked and struggled in his hug." Come now frenchie! Say you missed us! We saved Scout! We are winners! We found you and brought you back from the dead! The spoils of was have never tasted so bloody sweet!"

Spy's feet dangling from their place over the mud Soldier refused to let go as he groaned in pain. Gritting his speech as he spoke out to Soldier." Ye..yes! I'm so very happy to see you! Now put me down you imbecile! You're ruining my suit more dan de mud is!"

Acknowledging Spy's words after having had carried the Spy a few feet from Jenna he finally let him go. B.E shaking his head lightly as he groaned." I'm Sure Medic and Heavy are fine. Minus that unessesary interruption from you, Soldier." Punching Soldier in his arm hard his bottom lip twitched, rolling his eyes as he walked over to Jenna who was sitting in the mud while Sniper simply stared at her. A smile that she could only describe as conferring came from his bruised face. Her body leaned back a bit towards the hand he extended out towards her. Her blue eyes noticed the scar her teeth left on his hand from her first mission on the job. Lifting her to her feet she hugged him tightly. Though she was hugging a BLU she wanted someone to hug her. He treated it like when BLU Scout hugged him on the train. His one glowing eye shifting with his regular eye as he merely had his arms at his sides.

Affection? That's what she wanted? A mere hug to tell her everything would be fine. But this girl to him was an idiot. A fool as her tears fell to his now muddy and stained BLU uniform. His sunglasses broken and gone along with his favored cowboy hat. He had his face beaten in to kill Soldier. But now he was being hugged by someone who should have considered him the enemy. She didnt even know him yet he was being hugged? He couldn't understand it. And yet he hesitated to wrap his arms around her in return. But remained silent. Was this trauma? So desperate for that clarity that she was willing to get close to him?

"Common now..I-I got yah, Girly. Ain't none of them gonna hurt you again. Their gone." He patted her back. Looking past the smoke a few rain drops started to hit his face. The change from biomes left him feeling the first spout of rain in his life. He wasn't used to that cold wet sensation as he looked to the sky with a deep breath filling his nostrils with the mix of smells from the train mixed with the rain slowly starting to wash away the smoke that had been obscuring their vision since the bomb went off. Till a sound of a low rumble hit the BLU Engi's ears. Looking up the low rumble started to get closer. Nkt closer but as if it was already close and was muffled by the abundance of metal surrounding them. Everyone behind them moving back as B.E's optic eye scanned the area for movement. To see two bodies emerge from the rubble of a toppled over train car not far from them.

"We are alive Doktor..Doktor?" The voice asked the shorter silhouette as a short term red glow was hitting the bigger shadow. Like a stream of energy. But they didn't answer them. Only silence.

In his mind Medic appeared to be in distraught. In his blackened mind of silence everything fell apart. Like a dancing puppet on strings. With his clone pulling the strings like a gaint from the depths of hell. His words lingering in his mind. Where he'd be wearing his medical suit he'd turn to be overlooking a tied down Jew on a surgical table begging for freedom. As he held a scalpel in hand. Sweating bullets as the oversized form of his clone flexed his fingers to bring the scalpel down on the male. But he refused. Trapped in his own mind. While within reality he appeared to be staring off into space like he was sleep walking.

Pulling against the strings that held him down they refused to budge at his yanks and tugs. Like steel they tightened around his wrists. He was fighting that strong urge that started to over come him. To stab the man in front of him on that operating table. But before he did, with that sad*stic smile he had thrown away so many years ago. Big arms wrapped tightly around him. Snapping out of it as the words of Heavy's smooth tone filled his ears. The setting shifted back to reality as he hugged his arm tightly. He didn't remember getting flung out of the train car within Heavy's grip. Digging his way out. His forehead was bleeding. A large gash sharing itself as he rubbed it with a hand that wasn't pinned down by Heavy's massive arms. Just a concussion. Hillusinations from the trauma to his head? He didn't know but he was holding his Medi-gun as the stream suddenly stopping.

His throat clenching. Feeling although he was suffocating on his own saliva when he spoke." Ve..made it? Mein Liebling? Is zis real?" He wasn't sure if it was himself. But when he felt the pressure of Heavy's hug grow tight he knew it was real. His gloves were torn with his clothing. Mud littered his suit and dust filled his face. For a moment of time ge had thought that they were suffocating beneath RED Base. Ones mind goes to many places when you learn a horrid truth that BLU Team was no more than a bunch of clones of themselves. The worst of them being himself. But he kept silent. Only to hold Heavy tightly as his fingers dug into what was left of Heavy's clothes amidst the smoke as rain started to slap against their faces. Their heads turning to look at the bright glowing light of what was happening below them. A distraction to his internal dilemma as he pulled back from Heavy." I'm alright..I'm just a vee bit dizzy from ze landing. Ze timing from ze Ubercharge vas..thankfully a perfect timing, Herr Heavy. Come..I think I see ze others behind us."

"Doktor. Are you certain that you are alright?" Heavy asked as he looked at him with seriousness in his russain accent. He was concerned for his Doctor but the German merely shook his head. Rubbing the wound on his head.

"No, Mein Liebling. I'm fine. Just like I said.. no more zan a concussion no doubt." He repeated as he sat down to slide off the mountain of debris beneath them and onto the ground below. His boots squishing into the mud as he sighed. Heavy following close behind. Waddling over with a slight limp to his walk as he approached the silhouettes he could see. Before he heard one of the Engineer's yells as a loud rumble could be heard behind them. What sounded like the other Train cars with the food they detached finally catching up with them. Heavy's arms quickly lifting Medic into a bridal carry. As the loud sounds of burdening 'booms' and 'crashes' left behind more dust as the large shadow of a train car loomed over the two as they made their way past B.E and Scout.

BLU Engi pulling Jenna back as Heavy without acknowledging them. Rushed past with Medic in his arms as the side sliding car of the food car slowly slid to a Stop just feet away from him and Jenna. He had actually began to cling to her tightly when he noticed the train's sounds. A deep sigh escaping his lips as Jenna merely buried her head into his shoulder. Spy kept his distance from the car.

He wanted to grab Jenna and run. But when silence ensued between everyone. Soldier laughed deeply as he looked between everyone as the car slid to a stop. The car landing a few feet from the terrorfied Scout and BLU Engineer. Spreading his arms out as he twirled around. " We did it you son of a bitches! We lived! We beat the BLU's! We survived an explosive train crash! Medic and Heavy are alive, and we saved Scout! Everyone is okay!" Soldier's arms pumped repeatedly like a giddy child who received a Christmas present as he wrapped his arms around Spy once more. Placing a large kiss on his ski mask before punching his arm. Causing the skinny Spy to gasp in pain. Rubbing his arm as he glared at Soldier. Casually making his way over to his daughter. Till Soldier stopped." Oh..." his buggy and narrowed eyes caught wind of heavy foot fall from beyond the train car that had just landed. Raising his finger to point at everyone." Uhh..two seventeen..seventy four.. we have everyone right, Engi?"

Engineer didn't say anything as the BLU'S shuttered. The foot fall was so heavy it made the BLU Scout lose his balance before getting caught by Demo before his face hit the mud. Engineers voice twitching slightly as Spy's feet stopped him mid stride from getting any closer to his daughter. R.E's voice piping up." You two! Get over here!" But BLU Engi stayed where he was as well as Jenna who was too scared to move as the silhouette of the train car tipped back with loud creaks and bending metal. Amidst the shadow was a pair of glowing blue eyes. Light that shined down on Jenna and B.E with its unmoving gaze as the hulking figure pulled itself up before it's heavy legs dented the side of the train car with it's weight. A low horn like noise escaped it. Smoke or what appeared to be steam left where it's mouth would have been. R.E's words barreled out towards the two who were clearly frozen.

B.E's optic eye shifted in his head a bit. He was able to see farther past the smoke more than anyone else as he studied it. The size was no doubt around ten feet tall. As the steam built itself around it B.E could make out the figure a bit clearly. Clearer than before as its movement flexed as it landed on the ground. Its overbearing size reaching towards him and Jenna as B.E threw her to his left under the swiping hand that barreled down on them. To where he could properly see the face of the attacker. It was like staring back at something he would no doubt make. A metal Heavy. A bolted behemoth covered in cold metal and screws as its vibration from within left him hanging from between the fingers of the large bot. Like. Toy in its grip as he struggled to pull his revolver free from his holster. The grip grew tighter around him. Till a bullet that wasn't his pierced the bolted behemoth's eye. Causing it to recoil and throw Engi into the other train car where Jenna was. The piercing gun shot came from the only other person with a gun. Spy. The magnum shining brightly in his grip.

Almost losing consciousness from the impact beside the RED Scout the oversized behemoth turned it's body to finally lift the car he stood firmly behind. It was clear to Engi that this thing was bad news as Spy yelled for them to move. But they were pinned. Before they could do anything. The shadow of the train car landed on top of them...

Spy's voice broke down with Sniper who was almost enraged as tears spilled from their eyes. They both forgot their morality was down the drain as they tried to charge the ten foot tall silhouette clouded in steam in dust as it had simply climbed back onto the top of the train car. Its arm raised as the sounds of bullets hitting metal erupted as it used its arm to block its face from the bullets that were shot from Spy's gun. Till a pair of hands grabbed noth Sniper and Spy's wrists to throw them in the other direction away from the giant silhouette obscured by the steam, dust and smoke." Go! Run! Their gone! I'm sorry Spah! But if we don't move now we will end up like Scout and Engi! We gotta f*ckin move!" A loud ticking noise filled Dell's ears. With what sounded like simular footsteps. It's remaining glowing eye glared directly on the short male as he stood his ground.

Scout's eyes wide as tears strolled down his face. The boy was terrorfied as Heavy kept the farthest distance with Medic in his arms. Clinging tightly to Demo he shook him violently." I can't do this man! I can't! I'm gonn-" Before he could finish Soldier took the terrorfied small male into his burly arms and shook him repeatedly within his grip. Growling through his words as he spoke.

"You listen here, Maggot! I was born to lead each and every one of you on this bloody team! Even if you look like our old Scout and you were on the slimy BLU team with thoes Nazi's! You two are the only one's close enough to me to give orders to while Sniper, Spy, and Engi are risking their lives to fight that thing! Listen f*cking closely." He pulled Scout in close. His blue eyes wide and terrorfied but he was thankful that the RED Soldier wasn't as violent as his Soldier was. He was clearly listening. Before he was instantly dropped to watch him run past Heavy with his arms raised with a squeal." Every goddamn man for themselves! Last man alive lock the door!"

Blinking speechlessly, Scout, Demo, Medic, And Heavy watched Soldier run off as he yelled. That by far was possibly the best thing he could have done. And Scout nodded quickly in agreement as he looked towards Demo and started Screaming loudly with Soldier as his skinny legs started carrying him in the direction of the Sawmill as Demo started tripping on his feet in the slippery mud. The rain slowly started to get worse. To the point they all started to slowly get drenched in the wet. Heavy didn't follow the other three who ran past him.

Feeling a hand on his forearm Medic merely looked at him as he let him go. He didn't seem as terrorfied as he was. Leaning in close he held the limp German in his arms tightly. They weren't trained to fight this. They were trained to fight the BLU's. Humans. That thing wasn't human. If Heavy put two and two togeather he would have said from the way the thing looked. It looked just like him but bigger. So much bigger. No doubt twice his size." Doktor..what do we do..?"

The German was silent for a moment. He was silent the whole time. Taking the situation well than everyone else was. Where three were already running and the others were looking to fight that thing. Till he finally started to speak. The Medi-pack slung over his shoulder his grip was twitched and weak. The gash on his head had gotten worse. Which made Heavy worry." need to can't take zat thing on..Running vas ze only sensible thing zat Soldier has done..Ve need to get Engi..Spy, und..Sniper..und make a break for ze..mill. before it's too late..Heavy.."

"But Doktor.."

"Hush..Heavy...Do back to me. Do it..zat thing picked up a train car vas have to!"

"Whatever you say Doktor. Spy! Engineer, Sniper! We must move! Regroup at Sawmill! Doktor's orders! Retreat!"

Engi's eyes were pinned on a smaller shadow that had climbed up on the train beside the behemoth. Now it really wasn't human. Its shape was round with pins sticking up from its round figure. He could see the silhouette spin as that distinct clicking and ticking noise shared itself. The bulking silhouette pointing directly at him as another form jumped up. Another. To the point there was seven of thoes inhuman forms ticking like a bomb. His engineering senses were telling him that these were machines. Quickly turning he shoved Spy and Sniper hard towards Heavy as he yelled. "You heard Heavy! Run! We gotta regroup! You saw what that thing did! We can't take that on the way we are now!"

"DELL CONAGHER!" The robotic voice yelled out his name. His eyes widened as he stepped back cautiously as Spy and Sniper tried to pull the short male with them. Which he obliged. It sounded just like Heavy. But if he was talking out of a tin can. The Russain didn't even know his name yet the voice spoke directly to him."GRAY MANN HAS MESSAGE FOR YOU. DIE QUICKLY. RUN ALL YOU WISH. YOU WILL BE HUNTED DOWN TILL YOU AND THE REST OF THE TEAMS ARE DEAD!"

Snipers tone yelling past the now heavy rainfall that had started up on them. "Mate, we gotta move!"

"Bushman is right! We got to get going now. Laborer! Unless you want to let does things kill you Den be my guest!" Spy yanked on Engineer's shoulder yet he didn't move. The rain slowly clearing the view of the rounded object that started after them. Turning his gaze he started to show his fear. Before he appeared unmoved. Bit him? He was a target. The main target considering the robotic voice stated his real name like it was nothing. It knew his name.

"" Engi repeated as he stepped back. Before turning to run. They were both stunned standing between where Engi was as the loud stomping foot fall grew louder to the object that approached them. Raiding their arms expecting to get hurt. Till the form ran right past them. Spy's and Sniper's speechless gaze met one another before screaming 'Engi' at the same time before starting after the rounded object running after their Engineer. Their feet sinking into the mud deeply with each step as Spy opened his magnum's chamber. The empty bullet shells leaving the holes as he pulled a quick reloader from his suit, stuffing the bullets into the holes he rolled the chamber into place and pulled the hammer back to pull a quick fire into the fast moving rounded figure that was chacing after Engi. It's movement faltered as it tripped and fell over. The figure engulfed in a few sparks as the ticking noise quickened.

The figure was engulfed in a loud explosion of fire and shrapnel that spread. A piece of that said shrapnel hitting Spy's arm while Sniper's thigh was impaled by a rounded barb that now stuck freely from his shoulder as he yelled." Same f*ckin' shoulder! God dammit!"

Spy's eyes never left where he was running. The smoke clearing as the ground beneath them shook violently to the large being's feet carrying it closer to them. The cleared smoke made navigating the train cars alot easier. But one look back from Spy left him picking up speed. Running past Sniper as he looked back every now and again to fire off a few bullets behind Sniper. And when Sniper finally decided to see what was happening behind him. A loud scream left his lips. The oversized behemoth was in clear view. Its size stood tall and heavy. Steam leaving its mouth as it physically pushed itself to catch up to them with at least five more of thoes rounded, running figures that turned out to be mobile bombs.

Squeezing through two train cars earlier was like nothing to the behemoth. Its large arms throwing themselves up to simply knock the couple tons worth of metal aside like paperweights. Every now and again Spy's bullets from his magnum would get lucky and hit one of the mobile bombs in their legs. Sending it and another toppling over eachother mid sprint to then blow up ahead or behind the bolted behemoth. Either staggering it. Or hitting its lower legs directly to where it would stagger and slow its pursuit before getting back to its normal pace it held before.

"RUN. RUN. I'M COMING FOR YOU, TINY MEN!" It taunted them from it's distance. Thankfully it was slower compared to the bombs. Which only left one more of thoes said bombs charging not after them. But after Engineer who was directly ahead. Getting closer and closer to the Sawmill as soon as it came into view.
Till he noticed the problem. Engineer's hands violently banging against closed shutter doors from what looked to be from an emergency lock down the team put on the red base.

His texan accent screaming past the rolling thunder that then struck out across the sky with its lightning to match the dreary atmosphere. One could easily mistake it for night at that point for how dark the sky had gotten." God dammit! Open the f*ckin' door! You can't just leave us out here!"

Scout's voice was panicked as he held his head in his hand. Pacing in the shut down interior of the locked down base that Soldier had caused as soon as everyone was inside of the base by pressing the emergency button placed next to the entrance. Hearing the loud bangs from Engi on the other side made him shutter." We can't just leave them out there! Its murder!" Scout was a bit hesitant to talk to Soldier. He truly was. Every time he even so much as took a glance at his mouth he was reminded of his Soldier. That no doubt was dead at this point." W-we gotta let them in, man! Turn off the lock down!" He pleaded to Soldier who seemed unmoved by the bangs and yells on the other side. His arms crossed firmly over his chest as his helmet turned to look at the BLU Scoutwith a raised lip.

His tone was serious despite his stupidity in the situation." And let them let the enemy into our base? Hah! You're funny, BLU! And I thought my twin that I never knew existed until now was stupid! They die? Easy! They'll just respawn in Resupply! You forget that was a thing, Cupcake!?" He yelled back at him to where he almost got chest to chest with the Boston boy. His finger pushing into the sweatband he wore over his head with a few jabs as he spoke. Before his skinny hand quickly swatted his hand away. Till Soldier's hand grabbed his wrist. His lip twitching as he clenched his fist as Scout's eyes quickly shut with a Yelp. Expecting to be hit by the RED till Demo's hand grabbed Soldier's arm before he could really do some damage.

"Stop! Dammit lad he's just sayin'! Don't make this worse!" He pleaded with him before a sharp shove left the dreaded Demo tumbling back.

"Don't touch you're superior officer like that again, Private! My word goes in this moment! That includes you as well, Smokey joe!" His large finger jabbing towards the mute Pyro who had their hands raised to indicate they meant no harm as Soldier's fists were clenched tightly." There was a monster out there! So we can either risk our lives opening that shutter to save them. Or we-"

A large hand engulfed his shoulder. The russain accent of Heavy butting in as he pushed Soldier aside. Approaching the shutter as he finished the sentence for him."..we open it anyway and save our comrades. You call yourself a Soldier, Jane? That is cowards move." His words leaving Soldier speechless as his mouth hung open as the strong russain man approached the shutter. Curling his fingers under the shutter he lifted the shutter to where it barely had enough room to have the others squeeze through. The loud yells of Engi sensing as he noticed the short male that was drenched in water crawl under the shutter with yells from behind him calling out.

"Hold the door! Don't close it!" Sniper shouted out as Spy climbed the stairs with him. The earth rocking under their feet to the massive size of the behemoth that was charging them till that storm of foot fall that matched the rolling thunderstorms thunder seased. It's oversized form standing firm in the middle of the railway that lead through the town. Its glowing eye pinned on the two of them. As Spy was crawling through the gap in the shutter that Heavy had created. Sniper turned back to look at it with a look of pure hatred coating his gaze." Why are ya stopping!?" He yelled out to it. Barring his teeth out to the tall robot. Picking up a rock that had found it's way onto the staircase he chucked it at the robot as a loud 'bang' rolled across it's head. The bullet that Spy shot at it earlier had cracked it's left eye. Leaving a sizable crack in the glass as well as a scrape that leand against the side of it's head.

It said nothing. It's lead turning a whole three sixty degrees. The fact that Sniper was pressing it to attack wasn't helping anyone's case. He could barely hear Spy yelling at him to get out of there. To get in the base before it did decide to do something drastic. It was obvious it could seemingly think for itself before a sharp tug on his ankle sent Sniper sprawling to the floor. Blackness filling his gaze as he was forcibly dragged in by his legs, being met with Demo and Scout letting him go as Heavy dropped the shutter door.

"Why were you antagonizing dat thing!? Are you an idiot!?" Spy yelled as he slapped Spy across his face." You could as very well just go knocking on death's door right now! You imbicile!"

Heavy stepped in once more. His large hand pulling Spy off of Sniper before things got worse. "No fighting! We're all tired and scared! Engineer, Pyro. Watch door. I need to check up on Doktor.."

"Who put the commie in charge!? I didn't say you could be in charge!" Soldier said as he picked Sniper up by his collar almost choking him." I'm the Soldier here, Son! I'm sure the German's weinershnizle is fine! So he has a little bump on his head! So what!? Tell him that he better ich bin get his f*cking ass up and do his job! Spy and Sniper are bleeding all over the f*cking place!" He pointed to Sniper's impaled shoulder and Spy whose lower arm was bleeding. Till Heavy's eyes rolled back slightly to Soldier's unnecessary name calls and hard insults towards his beloved doctor.

"Do not mock Doktor. Doktor is just as hurt as they are. I will take care of them. Then I will check up on Doktor." He said as he walked over to the Medi-Gun sat in the corner beside the wall that turned into the next room. The lights and sirens were blaring. The main lights were shut off leaving only the Errie red glow of the lred lights flash against their faces as he turned the gun on and pointed it towards Sniper first. To where the healing upped itself by twelve persent as he pulled the barb from his shoulder. The wound instantly shutting as he silently nodded to Heavy in thanks before slinking his way around the corner as Spy watched him. His once angry gaze turned to calm as soon as the Medic's aura did its work and healed his arm. Clenching it a few times as he quickly followed behind him. Hearing the faint calls for his name grow fainter down the hallway as Heavy placed the Medi-Gun back down on the ground." There. Heavy healed team. You done with the complaints now, Soldier? If you don't excuse me. I have to check up on Doktor."

"Vake up..mein little..Puppet." the voice was faint. Far from his ears as his vision shifted and blurred every now and again to the dark red lights that flaired and spun around in a circle. In the dark room he was left in. A faint face obscured the darkness as his eyes slowly adjusted to his new surroundings. The last he remembered was heavy carrying him in a sprint towards the Sawmill before darkness settled in." Vake up! Zu have been sleeping for long enough!"

"Vh.." Rubbing his head he felt the smooth sensation of a bandage on his head. It felt sticky and wet. His blurred vision laying on the blood that rested on his now gloveless fingers. Till his eyes laid on the figure next to him.his heart jumped. Skipping a beat as he shut his eyes and opened them once more." N..nothing. Just mein imagination.." he sighed. Before that familiar voice filled his head once again. A firm hand resting on his shoulder of a blue gloved hand that tapped their way across him as the head leaned in.

"Do zu know..ze definition..of insanity? Hurr, Ludwig?" He stiffened where he stood. Pulling away to look around. Once he turned he was once more met with nothing. Shooting up from where he sat before rubbing his throbbing head." Ze definition is simple really. Du shomething over und over. Zat same thing over und over again expecting a different result. Du forgive me..Mein Marionette. I couldn't meinself." The voice chuckled darkly as Ludwig's voice shuttered.

"V-vhat!? has to be ze concussion. Brain svelling.. nothing more nothing's not real.." pinching the bridge of his nose he approached a sink that sat in the corner of the room. A loan dirty mirror sat above it idly as the distraught doctor splashing his face free of sweat, dirt and mud that rested upon his skin. Upon looking up he wiped the dust and grime from the surface before stepping back to see the reflection. That very reflection of who he once was. A younger version of him. His rounded glasses sitting upon his face as he stared back at Ludwig with a sad*stic grin that made his blood run cold before his fist met the glass. Blood and glass mixed in with it. When he turned around. Gripping his hand full of shards of glass. Hands met his shoulders making the Doctor's body recoil and pull against it. Till he realized it was the warm feeling of affection.

"Doktor..I am here..'

"M.isha..? Is zat you?"

"Da, Doktor. It is me.." pulling away his large hand gently took the German's injured hand in his and looked it over." Why you hurting yourself, Doktor..? Are you alright?" Cupping his injured Doctor's face he held him close once more as he held up his Medi-Gun." Come..let me heal you. You have done you're job, Ludwig. I will help you now. Trust me." Heloing him over back to where he was placed before. On a mere cot in a small room no different to how everything was back at Teufort. It wasn't much but it helped as he took a seat on it and looked to the large russain as he brought a folding chair to the cot side with the Medi-Gun.

"Ja..danke, Misha..I apologize mein Liebling.. ze concussion on me head has..been rather bad..I appreciate ze help.." Feeling the light warmth of the Medi-Gun pointed on him he plucked the glass from his hand as he looked down at his palm. A gloved Blue hand lightly wrapping around his wrist as he plucked the glass from his hand. Trying to ignore it he shut his eyes quietly. He could see it. But feeling it wasn't there as he looked directly at Heavy as the vision of his clone loomed over him with a grin.

"Come now. Look at him. You don't need him. You need none of zem. Und what you saw out zere before ze darkness took you in. Leave zem behind. Zere are plenty of other fish in ze sea, ja?" The voice asked as the gloved hallucination pointed to the broken mirror. A large shard big enough to hold in his hand made his stomach turn and coil." Take it..kill him und go. It's not like zat vill be a bad thing. I mean..zu vere a Nazi after all. Don't be a hypercritical bigot. You can't hide from what you are!"

"Shut! Up!" Ludwig yelled loudly. His head turning quickly to look at a coat rack that was holding his jacket. His eyes widened for a moment before cupping his head as the glass wounds healed over. Heavy's gaze became concerned when the doctor suddenly snapped at nothing. That left Heavy thinking about what he was seeing. Something that he alone obviously couldn't see aside from Medic who was shouting at his jacket to be quiet.

"Doktor?" He reached out to him. His eyes were soft and soothing as he gently moved his head with his hand." What has gotten into you? You have been acting strange ever since fight with BLU Medic. What has he said to you?"

"I'm fine!" He snapped back at her. His eyes almost pinpoints before he shook his head to recollect himself." I'm..fine...I.." He couldn't help himself. He felt that old urge creep up on him. He truly felt like he was going mad in that moment. His smile was small but twitched." Like I vas just ze concussion." Rubbing circles around his temples. He lied to himself. He was lying to himself since he woke up. Since he learmd the truth about the BLU's. Since then he feared himself and it was slowly getting worse. His eyes were closed." I believe I just need some time to heal..even vith ze Medi-Gun it's not alvays going to fix ze problem..don't vorry about me Swartz. I assure you. is everyvon else? Are zey alright?"

"Da. They are fine Doktor. Big thing almost got Sniper and Spy. But it didn't advance when they got inside. Everyone is here and safe..well..not everyone." The russain muttered as he looked down in shame. To where Medic's eyes looked away in remembrance to Jenna and Blu Engi. Sure BLU Engi was only working with them for the day. And sure Jenna only joined a few months ago. But to Medic he feels although he failed them. They were no doubt dead. Crushed under that train car and Heavy no doubt knew it to. That poor girl went through hell. And in return she ended up dead. Something that she didn't deserve. She didn't deserve that.. or..did she?

When that thought crossed his mind he clenched his forearm. No doubt he looked like he was mourning her. And feeling guilty about not being able to save her. In reality within his head he was suffering and trying to feel the right thing. But he couldn't. By god it felt like he was back in Auschwitz. Falling back into that old way he fell into. Smiling down at that jew tied down like an animal. He remembered cutting into them without anything. No numbing or knocking them out. They were awake throughout the whole time. One..then another body. Body after body. Medic wondered to himself if he truly would be fine after having his past thrown back in his face. What a shame.

"Shes f*ckin dead, Spy!" Sniper Had punched the metal walls repeatedly over and over to where his knuckles were red and bruised. Almost bleeding as he turned to look at him." To us? We thought you were dead! In the end we learned not only were you her father! But f*ckin you did nothin' to save her!"

"I didn't see you going after her either!" Spy spat as he threw his hand aside. His eyes were watery. Something Spy never usually did in front of his other team mates. He started to cry. He loved his daughter so much and he lost her. My god what was he going to tell her mother? What could he say? 'I'm sorry I left you after twenty three years of you're life for mercenary work. Leaving you to raise our daughter. Oh. By the way. Jenna died by being crushed by a train car by some large metal thing that looked like a coworker'? No. That wasn't going to happen..he could never be able to face her mother like that. But at the se time it was on him. Her death was his fault. He could have said something. Done something and yet there he was. Standing there glaring Sniper down as he himself was breaking down from the loss of his greatest gift he didn't even get to know. He left her before he could even see her off to adult hood. What a f*cking coward. " I regret everything I've done in my life! My daughter is dead, Mundy! Don't think dis doesn't hurt me to! I loved her! She didn't deserve dis! She was my pride!" He snapped. Snipers shoulders laxing as his brows rose. As if he had some sort of realization to his emotional rage that consumed him. To see that it really was affecting Spy. He wasn't acting as he usually would.

That cold, calm, composed look he usually had was gone. And he was sharing how he truly felt with the Australian. She truly was his pride. Despite him having had left her to suffer in a home he knew nothing about. Snipers voice was cracked and emotional as tears spilled from his eyes. Denial was hard. Thoes five stages of grief was impossible and they were hitting them both hard like a hammer." Jesus mate..why didn't you just be f*ckin' honest with us! With her! She was you're daughter! Why couldn't you just say something!?" He asked. His eyes red with his face." She f*ckin' everythin' Spy..She made me so happy.. Now she's gone..shes gone and now were trapped in this f*ckin abandoned base in the middle of nowhere with Robots outside! I swear if I get the f*ckin' chance. That behemoth that killed mine, Spy. You hear?" He asked as he jabbed his finger into Spy's chest as he took a deep breath as the tears grew on his face. It was hyperventilated as far as Spy could tell as they both sobbed over the loss.

"I don't blame you..but I don't even think we will make it out of here ourselves, Mundy. We are trapped in here..resupply train is gone, we have a month's worth of food and as far as I could tell. No one had any weapons on dem when dey all got here. BLU Engineer had weapons sure but dere is no chance we can go anywhere near dem. Not to mention dey are probably already destroyed..we have nothing. And it's not like we can wait out machines..dats why dey aren't coming in." He muttered as he looked down the corridor of the dark glowing lights that lit it up. His eyes meeting Sniper once more with a look of calmness coming back to them." We are trapped here. Like in de middle of de ocean. No matter where we go. It will be hundreds of miles till we even touch a town..dey don't need to attack us directly. Dey just need to wait us out instead. We will starve. And dey would have won. It doesn't take a genius to know dat Robots can live longer Den humans.."

"So are you sayin' we can't beat them? We're gonna starve in here? No! Ain't no way I'm just sittin' here waitin' to die. If anythin' I want to take that robot bastard that killed Jenna with me to hell when I get there! You understand, Spy!?" He asked. Walking down the corridor past the debriefing room. The place looked no different to how their old RED Base was. Plane white-ish walls with a few red lines leading down the various corridors. The sound of heavy rain fall with thunder and lightning got louder as they approached the roof. Spy simply following behind him to give the pained male some company. And to make sure Sniper didn't do anything stupid or regrettable by the way he was talking.

"Where are you going!?"

"Doin' my job as a f*ckin' assassin and getting to a vantage point. What does it look like I'm doin'!?" He asked as he approached a ladder that was put in the side of a set of wood stairs that lead up to what seemed to be connected to the roof. The Loud metal thuds of the rain drops hitting a metal hatch above them as he started climbing the ladder to push the hatch open with a shove. Then another. It was no doubt rusted from the abandonment this place had seen. Spy wasn't surprised. Till Snipers face was once more met with the heavy water droplets hitting his face. His hair was still sulking wet from before. Now losing that chance for it to properly dry along with his clothes. Spy wasn't exactly happy about it. But ensuring the team's safety was important to him. Even when one of them was being a complete idiot. That one being Sniper because of the loss.

The wind swept the water up like waves. As Sniper finally got up he was greeted with the wooden roof of the RED Base. It's wood layers were coated shiny in water as Sniper looked down to the point below where he was met with the strong gaze of the behemoth. It didn't move nor did the rounded thing. It was like a statue. Sitting in place waiting. It was unmoved by the heavy rain that was slapping against it's large metal frame. But when his gaze went off to the south and north. Two glowing lights that matched that of the behemoth rolled up.

"Holy sh*t..Spy..We're surrounded.." It was hard to tell what they were. But whatever they were. They were huge. Like oversized mobile Bases on wheels. Loud horns blaring out as the hatches opened to reveal blaring lights. Spy's gaze was just as scared and shocked as they viewed tiny silhouettes enter into the blue glow that overtook the loud machines that bellowed with smoke and loudness." might have a point.. I thought we could take thoes..but..that's an Army..their boxing us in. I don't even think we will last the month.."

Gray Mann hummed lightly go himself as he sat silently in his seat. Accompanied by two Soldier bots who were standing silently side by side. He had reacently gotten the news from his Spy bots that the Mann's were on their way and that earlier the train was derailed. But little did she know he had his eye on her and planned to remove every trace of Mann Co's former owners and their mercs all togeather. And so far his offers were taken to heart. And if there was one thing the short old male knew about his deadbeat idiotic brothers, it was that they always seemed to conveniently do things at the same exact time. And at that point he was itching. In his hand he had a pistol. The two Soldier bots holding shotguns in their vibrating hands as the door opened to reveal Redmond being toated in by the Soldier bot he..'gave' him.

"Ah..Redmond my dear brother. We will start our talk in a minute. I have one more person coming in if you don't mind some extra company now do you?" He asked as he co*cked his head to the side with his usual condescending grin as the bot wheeled him close to the desk in the middle of the room. The place for meeting was already questionable to the RED brother. His eyes were narrowed as his old head co*cked to the side.

"Another person? As far as I was aware this was just between you and me. Who else is there?" He asked as the sound of the door opened once more to see his brother Blutarch Mann enter the room with his Demo bot rolling him to the desk as well. Both brothers glaring angrily at one another before Redmond spoke with a hard bite to his tone." Why did you invite this blue bastard in here!? I thought this deal was private?" He asked as he pointed his finger to his brother who bared his own teeth in disgust towards the other.

"Quiet you cad! If anything I can end you myself right now! I'm here for a deal! Not for you!"

"A deal?" Redmond asked.

"Yeah! What else, Redmond? To have a lovely chat with a brother I didn't even realize we had until a few weeks ago! Or was it days? I don't quite remember.." Blutarch muttered as he scratched his head with his old fingers as he spoke.

Redmond's head instantly turned to Gray who's head tilted. His grin grew deeply as he looked between the two brothers." Gray. What is the meaning of this madness?"

"Why it's a deal of course. A deal of death for you both." Without so much as a means of hesitation he raised the pistol he had on hand and pointed it at Blutarch first. A sharp laugh leaving Redmond as he pointed his finger at his brother in mockery to the shot to the gut he obtained from Gray Mann. Red covering a hole in his stomach that stained his blue clothes.

"Hah! I win! I wi-" before he could finish Redmond felt his stomach go numb from a secondary shot that rung out from the pistol that G.M. held." Ahh...f*ck." a small grunt left him as his head slumped back. Both of them still alive but knowing their age and what they needed to survive, G.M took his victory with a sharp laugh as he clapped his hands togeather.

"No, Redmond. Winning implies you get a reward. So far you're reward has only been bleeding out from a gut shot so far as what I can see. That to me doesn't seem all that fitting." He laughed heavily before coughing into his fist to fix his composure. He won. After one hundred and fifty nine years he was the winner. All it took was convenient planning to get this done and he was basking in the glory as he moved around the desk. His hands cupped behind his back as he moved towards the door to physically stand between his dying brothers." Now. I'd like to explain something to you two. Something I wanted to explain for years since I had to scrounge my way to the top with nothing!" Slamming his fist on the desk he turned vigorously once more to glare between the two of them." I never cared about you! Either of you. Since I was born father despised me simply because I was weak. But intelligent enough to speak as a baby. He was scared of me. Till one day in my room separated from you two. An American bald eagle broke through the window and took me away. Then. That eagle surprisingly raised me as her own." Shrugging his expression shifted to confused ever so slightly as he sighed." I'd tell you how that worked but it was beyond me. And as I grew I replayed her."

"Aw.." Blutarch coughed with a light smile as he held the wound on his gut before G.M continued his speech by raising a finger with a lidded grin.

"By eating her!"


"And her babies."


"You monster!" Redmond yelled. Only earning him a lidded stare from G.M. whose gun still rested in his hand before raising it and adding another bullet to the gut with an unmoved expression. And as Blutarch laughed at his brother getting shot a second time. Another one was added to him as he groaned in agony. Blood spilling from their lips as he cried.

"I didn't even say anything.."

"Oh yeah? You just did! Now shut up so I can explain to you- and their*t." He muttered as he lowered his hand with the gun before he pinched the bridge of his nose from the 'unexpected' misfortune of the early deaths of his brothers. He had so much more to share as he pulled a piece of paper from his gray suit and crumpled it up in his hand before tossing it into Redmond's still lap." Ah win some you lose some. I win. That's all that matters."

"GRAY MANN. ADVANCED BOTS HAVE SAWMILL SURROUNDED!" A bot stated from the other end of the room. The minor splotched togeather speech of the Soldier bot as his dark grin grew as he twirled his fingers togeather." BOLTED BEHEMOTH SEVETY FOUR WOULD LIKE TO KNOW THE NEXT BATCH OF ORDERS, SIR!" the bot saluting the old man he let a dark chuckle slip from his lips.

"I don't care what it takes. Tell B.B. Sevety four to do whatever it takes to see the rest of thoes mercenaries dead. Slow or bombard them with everything. I don't care just as long as I get their heads." He said to the bot who nodded in acknowledgement towards his request.


"Good. I'd like to thank you, Helen. I'd like you to know that I'm coming after you next. When I have you're Merc's heads mounted to plaques over my fireplace. I'll have a pleasure of putting a bullet in you're head myself."

"Count on it~"


Welcome to the end of book 1! As I said there are plenty of mistakes. But I would like to thank a friend of mine for the ideas and where to take this story! Thank you Peter ;3 for you're help. I hope you enjoyed and look out for book 2! Blood and Oil.

She Shouldn't Be Here - Medivigor (2024)


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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

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Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.