2024 - Parish Council Meeting Documents – Sedgebrook Parish Council (2024)

Present:The Chair G Mahoney, The Vice Chair C Warby, Cllr C Wood, Cllr J Denton and Mrs J Bratton (Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer).

1.To elect the Chairman of the Council and receive the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office – Cllr G Mahoney was nominated by Cllr C Wood for the position of Chairman of the Parish Council. This was seconded by Cllr J Denton and unanimously agreed. The Chairman signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

2.To receive apologies for absence and reasons given – none received.

3.To receive declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda under The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 of the Localism Act 2011 – none.

4.Appointment of Vice-Chair – Chairman G Mahoney nominated Cllr C Warby as the Vice Chair which was seconded by Cllr J Denton and the appointment was unanimously agreed.

5 Notes of the last meeting held on 14 March 2024
The Chairman had signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office following the meeting held 14 March when she was elected and the notes of the meeting were approved as being a true record and were signed by the Chairman.

6 Correspondence
6.1SKDC sent their proposed update to the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy.
6.2 A Notice of Election for the Police and Crime Commissioner Election on the 2 May 2024 was sent by SKDC which was put on the notice board as requested. This was followed by a Statement of Persons Nominated and Notice of Poll.
6.3 A completion report form with relevant documentation had been sent to SKDC regarding our successful application for the Shared Prosperity Fund.
6.4 Order confirmation had been received for the portrait of HM King Charles III which had been received. As the PC have nowhere to hang the portrait, was unanimously agreed to offer it to St Lawrence Church. Clerk Action: to contact the Church.
6.5 Planning Application No: S23/2234 – garage and workshop extension to existing garages at Brook House, School Lane. SKDC had granted planning permission with conditions.
6.6 SKDC are revisiting the Village Service and Facilities Survey undertaken in 2021 and a new form was sent for completion which had been filled in and returned to SKDC.
6.7 SKDC sent details of Planning Policy Consultations regarding the Draft Local Plan.
6.8 Planning Application No: S24/0096 - SKDC had sent a Refusal of Planning Permission for a two-storey front extension to 1 School Lane, Sedgebrook.
6.9 LCC had sent details of their Mobile Library Service during 2024 at Allington. This had been displayed in the phone kiosk.
6.10 SKDC sent a Remittance Advice for the precept 2024/25.
6.11 A letter sent to The Manor regarding access to the Recreation Field. A reply had been received inviting the Chair to view the relevant documents. See Recreation Field, item10.2.
6.12 An invitation from District Councillor Rob Leadenham to a briefing from SKDC to the Belvoir Ward Group of Parishes on the 20 May at 6.30 pm. The Chair, Clerk and Cllr Denton are attending.
6.13 Allington News issue for April/May 2024.
6.14 SKDC sent a reminder about the pre-election period relating to the Police and Crime Commissioner elections from the 22 March to close of poll on the 2 May 2024.
6.15 Upper Witham Drainage Board – drainage rates of £10.23 for the Recreation Field.
6.16 Information regarding dog waste bins/cost of service.
6.17 SKDC sent details of funding available for a Community Orchard.
6.18 SKDC also sent details of the Monthly Update report for the Electoral Register.
6.19 Details of a Hedgehog Highway Project.
6.20 Confirmation received from the Social Club that the casing of the defibrillator has now been re-fixed and is has stopped beeping.
6.21 The PCC had informed the Parish Council that they will be maintaining the church floodlights as they currently pay for the running costs and accept donations for this purpose – the lights were originally paid for and installed by the Parish Council at the Millennium.
6.22 Quotations received from Zurich, Clear Councils and Came and Company for the Parish Council Insurance renewal. See Finance item 15.10.
6.23 Correspondence had been sent to the County Councillor, to be forwarded to Rowan Smith, regarding the householder flood protection grants from SKDC which are not being allocated until the relevant consultants have had their site visit.
6.24 SKDC had sent an update on recycling bin collections – a yellow tag will be placed on the silver wheelie bins when people have mistakenly placed items which aren’t acceptable.
6.25 An email had been sent to Cllr Richard Davies to enquire if he had received our invitation to the Annual Parish Meeting as he wasn’t present.

7 Public Forum – None.

8 Highways
8.1 General discussion – We are still awaiting the report from the A52 Safety Issues meeting. Clerk Action: to email County Councillor Mark Whittington requesting the A52 Safety Meeting report and to enquire if there was a reason why Greg Payne did not attend.
8.2 We have still not received a report from Gary Butler regarding the culvert on the A52.
8.3 Concern was raised about the quality of pothole patching. The jet patching system, which is being used for potholes. require filling and repairing within 2 to 3 months. Cllr Wood will be contacting the County Councillor and Rowan Smith and sending them a few photographs. Concern was raised with the £4M which is being spent on upgrading the Market Square in Grantham and not on quality repairs of potholes.

9 Planning Applications – see Correspondence 6.5 and 6.8

10 Recreation Field
10.1 Adult Exercise Equipment for the Playing Field – we have still not received any information on the type of equipment. Clerk Action: to take the item off the agenda.
10.2 Matters related to the Playing Field Access – see Correspondence 6.11 - the new Chair had looked at the Deeds to the Playing Field and the owner of The Manor also confirmed the Parish Council has the right of way to the Playing Field.
10.3 Annual Inspection report – Off Church Lane – the see-saw to be monitored for any further deterioration and repair, if required, as it is slightly loose in the foundation but is categorised as low risk – KOMPAN can supply the parts and a quotation.
10.4 Dog waste bags not being put into the waste bin on The Green – to discuss options – it was decided the Parish Council would not be paying for a new dog waste bin and a regular collection of dog bags - this would be too expensive.
10.5 The ground should be dry enough for Eco Plastic to deliver the picnic table and benches – the Chair would require three to four people to help with the positioning of the items on delivery. Chair Action: to contact Eco Plastic to obtain possible delivery dates.
10.6 Key to the Security Post – The Manor and the Chair each have a key to the post.
Chair Action: to obtain a spare key.

11 Footpaths – Cllr Warby reported the resident had not replaced the damaged inspection cover on the School Lane to Allington Road/Village Street footpath.

12 The Green – the whole project has come together.
12.1 Bus Stop for the village at The Green – update on position of pole following a meeting with Deon Fischer from LCC – it was decided to install the bus pole on School Lane and the return pole will be put on the opposite side of the road by the footpath style.
12.2 D-Day Celebration Arrangements – it was agreed to see if the church bells could be rung on D-Day. Clerk Action: to contact the Church Warden.
It was also agreed that the Union Jack should be flown on the 6 June. Clerk Action: to contact the Church Warden.
Cllr Denton will organise the flower containers to be potted up – Cllr Action: Cllr Denton to ask The Manor if we were able to have further compost so that the containers can be topped up.

13 Annual Appointment of a Safe-guarding Officer (Child and Vulnerable Adult Welfare and Safeguarding Policy and Procedures) – Cllr Wood was re-appointed as the Safe-guarding Officer for YE 2025.

14 To review the following:-
14.1 Financial Regulations 2024 – NALC had issued new Financial Regulations which the Clerk was working through. Clerk Action: to draft and circulate.
14.2 Risk Assessment 2024 (for adoption) – it was unanimously agreed to adopt the Risk Assessment. Clerk Action: to upload the document to the website.
14.3 Standing Orders – for adoption – it was also unanimously agreed to adopt the Standing Orders.
Clerk Action: to upload the document to the website.
14.4 Updated Asset Register 2023-2024 – for agreement – this was unanimously approved. Clerk Action: to upload the document to the website.

15 Finance (The Clerk)
15.1 Details of income and outgoings since the last meeting as per the bank statements from the 5 March 2024:-
2024 - Parish Council Meeting Documents – Sedgebrook Parish Council (1)
The Chair verified the bank statement and accounts up to the 5 May 2024. It was noted that under the new proposed Financial Regulations 2024, the Chair could not verify the bank accounts and cash book figures. Cllr Denton agreed to verify the documents in future.
15.2 Vat Refund – the Clerk had submitted a Vat Refund Claim with a refund of £1407.59 requested.
15.3 Review of Financial Commitments
15.3.1 A request had been made for a finger post to be placed on The Green directing people to The Church, The Social Club and the defibrillator. A metal finger post would cost between £750 to £1000. As the PC had spent £2195 (inc VAT) on the lectern which signposts the places, it was agreed not to purchase a finger post. Clerk Action: to let the parishioner know.
The trees the Parish Council are responsible for in the village are due for their inspection. Clerk Action: to arrange for three quotations. Chair Action: to send the Clerk recommended contractors.
It was agreed to discuss transferring funds to the deposit account in order to gain additional interest. Clerk Action: to see if HSBC do an alternative deposit account with additional interest.
15.4 Audit 2023/24 – End of Year reconciliation - to be accepted and signed. The Parish Councillors unanimously noted and accepted the 31 March 2024 end of year reconciliation following circulation of the documentation. The Chairman signed the document accordingly.
15.5 Annual Internal Audit Report 2023/24 – to note - a copy of the report, together with an Internal Audit Checklist detailing recommendations from the Auditor had been received by the Clerk and the Chair. This had been circulated to the Parish Councillors. Clerk Action: to continue to look at the recommendations stated. Clerk Action: to upload a copy of the Audit Report and Internal Audit Checklist to the website.
15.6 The Annual Governance Statement 2023/24 (Section 1) – for approval and agreement – following circulation, it was unanimously resolved to approve the Annual Governance Statement. This was signed by the Responsible Financial Officer and Chairman in accordance with the Accounts & Audit Regulations 2015. Clerk Action: to upload a copy of the Annual Governance Statement to the website.
15.7 The Accounting Statements 2023/24 (Section 2) – for approval and signature - following circulation, it was unanimously resolved to approve the Annual Governance Statement. This was signed by the Responsible Financial Officer and the Chairman in accordance with the Accounts & Audit Regulations 2015.Clerk Action: The Clerk to upload a copy of the Accounting Statements to the website together with an analysis of any significant year on year variances and a copy of the bank reconciliation as at the 31 March 2024.
15.8 AGAR Part 2 Certificate of Exemption – to note and agree – as the Parish Council’s gross annual income/annual expenditure did not exceed £25000 and met the qualifying criteria for the YE 31 March 2024, the Parish Council is exempt from sending the completed Annual Governance and Accountability Return to the external auditor for a limited assurance review under Section 9 of the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015. It was unanimously resolved to complete the Certificate of Exemption which was duly signed by the Responsible Financial Officer and the Chairman. Clerk Action: to send the Certificate of Exemption and contact details to P K Littlejohn, the external auditors. Clerk Action: to upload a copy of the Certificate of Exemption to the website.
15.9 Arrangements for the exercise of Public Rights - to note - a notice of Public Rights will be announced on the 30 May 2024 and they will commence on Monday 3 June until Friday 12 July 2024. Clerk Action: to upload the Public Rights document to the website and display on the notice board.
15.10 Parish Council Insurance Renewal – insurance policy expires 31 May 2024 – it was decided to renew the insurance policy with Clear Councils (previously BHIB) for £523.30 on a three year long tern undertaking. Clerk Action: to organise the payment.
15.11 Payments List or Authorisation
2024 - Parish Council Meeting Documents – Sedgebrook Parish Council (2)

All the payments were unanimously approved and the payments list signed by all the Parish Councillors.

15.12 Review of Bank Mandate – following a review of the bank mandate, it was agreed for Cllr C Wood, Cllr J Denton, Vice Chair C Warby and the Clerk to remain on the bank mandate. Cllr J Denton and the Clerk continue to authorise and arrange online payments.

16 Items for the next meeting?
16.1 Roles of Parish Councillors

17 Date of the next meeting: 11 July 2024

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.45 pm.

2024 - Parish Council Meeting Documents – Sedgebrook Parish Council (2024)


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