The Rock Island Argus from Rock Island, Illinois (2024)

THE Take $1,018 in Gems From Jewelry Store Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Nov. 24. -(Argus News Service.) -Two men who took jewelry valued at. $1,018 from the Sam Lee Jewelry store here last night are being sought today by, Cedar Rapids police and Linn county authorities. Mr.

Lee is a former resident of Moline and was at one time associated with the C. Josephson Jewelry store. According to police the pair hurled a brick wrapped in newspaper through one of the plate glass show windows. Twenty-one wrist watches, four diamond rings, three, diamond wedding sets and miscellaneous jewelry was taken. The loss was partially covered by insurance.

COMPANY PLAN ON REMOVAL IS STILL PENDING Vice President Declines to Comment on Option Taken on -Plant, Moline. Racine, Nov. Press.) -H. H. Biggert, vice president of the J.

I. Case pany, said today that preparations are being made to reopen the company's implement parts plant at Dixon', Ill. The announcement followed by a few hours Mr. Biggert's confirmation of a report the company has taken an option on the Velie Motor corporation's plant at Moline, Ill. The option expires Jan.

2. Biggert declined yesterday to discuss the question whether Case, whose, two Racine plants have closed for five weeks because labor trouble, would been, move to Moline. He said the company's 'plans were incomplete. The Dixon works, purchased in 1919, had been closed since 1932. When in production, its main output was farm implement parts.

At the peak, between 250 and 300 men employed. the Racine shutdown had resulted in cessation of parts production and necessitated reopening of the Dixon plant, Biggert. said company's plans for the plant still indefinite. It will be necessary, said, to are, make changes at the works to accommodate a type of manufacture different from the farm implement parts formerly produced Because the plans are unsettled, Biggert said he was unable to announce when the plant would reopen, how many men would be employed or how extensive the changes would be. Four Divorces Granted In Moline City Court Judge Albert M.

Crampton in Moline city court today granted four divorces. Mrs. Pauline L. McIntire of Moline was granted a decree from Ora R. McIntire on grounds of cruelty.

They married on Jan. 25, 1936. Leslie Smith of Moline was granted a divorce from Mrs. Lorena Smith on grounds of cruelty. They married on Aug.

16, 1928. Smith was given custody of a child. Mrs. Marian Haire of Moline was given a divorce from William Haire on charges of cruelty. They married Feb.

26. 1924. Mrs. Haire was given custody of two children. Harry Means of Moline was granted a divorce from Mrs.

JuMeans on grounds of cruFelty. They were married Sept. 15, custody of Means, children. was Mrs. awarded Taylor Ridge Bride Is Honored at Preemption Taylor Ridge, Nov.

News Service) Mrs. William Wait, a recent: bride, was honored Saturday afternoon at a postnuptial party given by her sister, Mrs. Reinhold Zwicker of Preemption, for the bride's relatives. The rooms in the Zwicker home were decorated In the bride's chosen colors, blue and silver. Contests were enjoyed and a course luncheon was served by Zwicker.

Number of Classmates Entertained by Youths Rural, 111.. Nov. 24. -(Argus News -Paul and Richard Wadsworth, students at Rock, Island high school, entertained number of classmates Saturday night at the S. R.

Wadsworth country home. A dinner was served at 6:30 o'clock and Thanksgiving table decorations were carried out. Dancing was enjoyed after the meal. Port Byron. News Service.) Mr.

and Port Byron, Ill. Nov. 24-(Argus gene Keeley of Solon Springs, have rented the Schall property on the corner of route 80 and Cherry street. The sale of the Schaible household goods Saturday afternoon attracted a large crowd. Melvin Reynolds accompanied his class of the Congregational Sunday school to the Moline Y.

M. C. A. for a recreation program last week. ROCK ISLAND ROCK ISLAND, TUESDAY, NOV.

24, 1936 Two CHURCHES WILL HOLD SERVICES FOR TWO CITIES Union Thanksgiving Worships Scheduled Tomorrow in East Moline, Silvis. Special Thanksgiving services tomorrow night or Thursday morning will be conducted by churches throughout East Moline and Silvis. Two union services are for 7:30 o'clock tomorrow evening, one in Grace Methodist church, East Moline, and the other in Silvis Methodist church while at the East Moline Gospel center 3 program consisting of a pageant and pantomime will be presented at. 10:15 o'clock Thanksgiving -morning. portantecirl music will have an in the programs and sermons appropriate to the season have been announced by the Various pastors.

Protestant churches of East Moline will unite in service in Grace church with the Rev. J. V. Kennedy, president of the ministerial alliance, as chirman. The Rev.

C. E. Hoff, pastor of First Presbyterian church of East Moline, will deliver the sermon and Thanksgiving music will be given the Grace church choir under direction of T. J. Bennett with Miss Alice Burkman at the The Rev.

Elner Grafft of the First Baptist church and the Rev. F. M. Inman of the First Methodist church will act as uchers. The order of worship: Prelude- -Miss Burkman.

Congregational singing led by T. J. Bennett. Doxology. Invocation The Rev.

Edgar Powell, First Christian church. Response -Choir. Anthem--Choir. Offertory--Miss Burkman, Scripture lesson--The Rev. Elner Grafft.

Anthem- -Choir. Sermon, The Rev. C. E. Hoff.

Hymn- -Congregation. Benediction- The Rev. F. M. In- man.

Postlude--Miss Burkman. In Silvis. Congregations of Silvis Baptist and Silvis Methodist churches will unite in giving thanks at a service to take place at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow evening in the Methodist church. Choirs of both churches have prepared special music, and the Thanksgiving address be given by the Rev. David Goodwin, pastor of Watertown Baptist church, Gospel Center.

Public Thanksgiving services will be held, at the East Moline Gospel center at 7:45 o'clock tomorrow night. The program will include a short pageant in which the following Angel of Petition--Mrs. Richard Howell. Angel of Thanksgiving- Laura Mae Brown. Reader- Miss Lillian Jensen.

Soloists-Mrs. James Sutherland and Mrs. John Moses. The pastor, the Rev. Neta Watts, will conduct an old-fashioned praise meeting and will be dressed in Puritan costume.

Lutheran Services. St. John's Lutheran church will observe Thanksgiving day with services at 10:15 o'clock. The choir will sing an anthem and there Erdmann preceding the sermon by will be a vocal solo by Miss Erna the Rev. Otto Keyl, pastor.

The Rev. Otto Schlegelmilch, pastor of Salem Lutheran church, will conduct a Thanksgiving service in his church at 10:30 o'clock Thursday morning. MISS DONNELLY AND GALE L. LAMBERT OF MOLINE ARE WEDDED Announcement is made of the marriage Miss of Mrs. Margaret Donnelly, daughter Helga nelly, and Gale L.

Lambert, son of Mrs. Pearl C. Lambert, both of Moline. The ceremony was solemnized at o'clock Saturday evening in the parsonage of the United Presbyterian church. The Rev.

A. Campbell Bailey read the single ring service and the bridegroom's brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lambert, were attendants.

The bride wore a tunic frock of Jockey tan and brown crepe with brown accessories and her flowers were a cotsage of small white chrysanthemums and rosebuds. Mrs. Lambert was in a royal blue crepe. dress with accessories in black. Following the ceremony a reception was held in the home of the bride's mother.

Both of the young people attended Moline schools and Mr. Lambert is employed as a painter at the International Harvester plant in Rock Island. Emma Kough Unit Plans Yule Season Activities Mrs. Frank J. Vermuelen, 2124 Twelfth street, Moline, was hostess last night to Emma Kough role, King's Daughters, 20 members attending.

The group voted a contribution of $10 to the Good Fellow fund and also decided to dress dolls. A committee composed of Mrs. Gene Lyons, Miss Dorothy Peterson and Miss Barbara Garst was appointed to make plans for Christmas party, Dec. 14, in the Robert Elliott home, 1404 Sixteenth avenue, Moline. ARGUS Taken by Death ROBERT K.

SHALLBERG. Mr. Shallberg, 25; Moline, died early this morning in Moline public hospital of septicaemia caused by. a carbuncle on his neck. LEGION MEN OF DISTRICT MEET IN MOLINE HALL Over 250 Hear Discussions on Projects; Elmer Wolfley Presented With Pin.

Between 250 and 300 members attended a district American Legion meeting last night in the 1 headquarters of the Moline post. Verne Grey of Bloomington, aid to the department commander representing the third division, was present and spoke briefly 88 did Ernest Berg of Aledo, senior division commander in charge of memberships. Elmer Wolfley of the Moline was presented with a past compost mander's pin by Albert Ring of Macomb, district commander. Discussions on the child welfare, Americanism, rehabilitation and nationar defense programs, sponsored by the American Legion, were.conducted by Commander Ring. The Rev.

R. F. Rezher of Moline, Rock Island commander, explained the Moline, post's plan of giving scholarship medals to Moline students and said that plans are under way for forming a club among "medal" students who have been graduated. Members from all parts of the district were present at last night's meeting. according to L.

E. Anderson, adjutant of Moline post. The next district meeting will be held probably in April at a place to be Quartet and guitar selections were included on the program last night. Moline post will sponsor a joint meeting with the auxiliary in the Legion rooms Dec. 16.

A Christmas party will follow the business session, Boys Playing 'Indian' Captured, Tied; Fire Set; Freed by Adults- Playing "Indian" near Seventeenth avenue and Thirteenth street, Moline, last evening almost resulted in tragedy for two small boys. They were captured by larger playmates and tied to a tree. Then to make things more realistic, the larger boys started a fire around the feet of the prisoners. The prisoners were terrified and screamed. Alert neighbors released them just in time to prevent their clothing from catching fire.

Police burried to the scene, rounded up three of the larger boys and ordered them to report to the police matron this afternoon. Oquawka. Oquawka, Nov. News D. Cooley of Carthage, supreme secretary of the Tri-State lodge, and other officials will be present at the regular meeting of the organization at the Odd Fellows hall tonight.

Plans are completed for the reinception to be given Wednesday evening by the Oquawka Rebekah lodge, for the officers of district, A potluck supper will be served at 6 o'clock and the meeting will follow. The water project in Oquawka is progressing in fine shape. Village Marshall Harry Noble and his crew are now working in the east part of town and a much larger number have subscribed for. the water than was anticipated. It 18 hoped the work can be completed before cold weather.

"Kelly" Bilger returned Friday to his hunting camp on Mill Slough island after spending a few days at his home in Chicago. A marriage license was issued Saturday "in Monmouth to Mrs. Lizzie Montgomery of Oquawka, and James Cline: of Monmouth. Mrs. Montgomery is a former realdent here, The past few years she has been living near Monmouth.

An Empty Room- Means cash to you if you advertise in The Argue Want Ada. Cost la very low. Call "Want Ada" B. 6000. TODAY IN MOLINE EAST MOLINE and SILVIS HONORED ON 25TH ANNIVERSARY Mr.

and Mrs. Harry B. VanAuken of Moline Feted by 125. Mr. and Mrs.

Harry B. VanAuken, 541 Twenty-first avenue, Moline, observed their 25th wedding yesterday and in the were guests of anniversary, honor party in the Peoples Power company auditorium with 125 relatives and friends present. The party was a complete surprise, planned by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bruch of Rock Island, Mr.

and Mrs. Shirley Fowler and Miss Arlene, daughter of VanAuken, the son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bartz, Jack celebrants; Carsen and Mr. and Mrs.

Boyd Tomlinson. Guests were present from Geneseo, Osco, Orion, Galesburg and Cambridge, in addition to the tricities. Five hundred and bunco were played, winners in the former game being Mrs. S. E.

Woods of Rock Is. land, Mrs. Sadie Bohn and Mrs. Alida Silversmet of Moline, Ben Frehls of Geneseo, August DeGraeve and John' Bahn of Moline. Mrs.

Fred Swanson of Galesburg, Mrs. Alice Fowler, Hulda Redman, Hagel, Dale. Pearson and William Williams, all ct Moline, won the bunco awards. Vernon Stenzel of Osco also won a prize. A mock wedding was an amusing feature.

Mrs. William Hagel and Jack Carsen impersonating the bridal couple with Mrs. Werner Aldene as the Miss Arlene VanAuken played the wedding march and Miss Beverly Taxon sang "I Love You Truly." Pearl Soper, in behalf of the group, presented the VanAukens with a purse of money. Woodhull. Woodhull, Nov.

News Service.) -The Woman's missionary society of the Bethany Lutheran church met Friday afternoon in the church, with Mrs. Godfrey Anderson in charge. Election of officers will be held at the December meeting. Lunch was served by Mrs. Martin' Swanson, Mrs.

V. E. Wallin and Miss Anna Westerland. Members of Mrs. S.

H. Whitcomb's Sunday, school of the Methodist church enjoyed a social afternoon and potluck luncheon with Mrs. Carl Walstrand Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs.

Claude Shaklee and Mrs. Alfred Anderson and Warren were Friday evening dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Anderson in honor of the latters birthday anniversary. Mrs.

Clara B. Train of Sumner, and Mrs. Sig Nelson and son, Sig, of Galesburg visited Mrs. Mollie McQueen. Friday afternoon.

Mrs. is a cousin of McQueen and was raised in the home of Mrs. McQueen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Ostrom at Woodbull.

The Wymodausis class of the Presbyterian church voted to. pay a sum of money to help defray the expense of tuning the church pipe organ at a meeting in the home of Mrs. Claris Johnson Friday afternoon. Quilt blocks will be pieced at the next meeting and inexpensive Christmas gifts will be exchanged. Contest games were enjoyed at Friday's meeting, and Mrs.

D. L. Kirkland received a prize. A letter was written to William Gamel, who recently underwent an operation. A lunch was served by Mrs.

Johnson and Mrs. Nyle Bell, hostesses. The young men and ladies class of the Methodist church was entertained Friday night in the home of the Misses Ruth and Alta Carrington. It was reported that $35 was cleared on the chicken supper recently sponsored by the class. Thirty dollars of this sum was contributed toward the church budget.

The December meeting will be in the form of a Christmas party. There will be an exchange of gifts. Mr. and Bloom were hosts to their club Friday night. Three tables of.

50 were played, with prizes going to Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Whitcomb. Mr. and Mrs.

Hick Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Roach and Mr. and Mrs.

Jake Heftin entertained the Golden Rule class of Clover chapel at the church Friday 1 night. Following the business meeting. contests were enjoyed and prizes awarded to Charles Brown, Mrs. Fay Shattuck, Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Nelson, Frank Brown, Mrs. Jake Heflin, Fay Shattuck, Cleo Brown and Mrs. Hick Jones. Wayne Nelson received bruises on the right arm and a finger nail was pulled off when his sleeve caught in a corn picker while he was trying to dislodge 8 cornstalk. Mr.

Nelson was picking corn for Earl Botrutt when the accident occurred. Biggsvilie. Biggsville, Nov. -(Argus News Service.) Mrs. J.

M. Mc.ntosh left. Saturday 1 afternoon for her home in Denver, Colo. Ed Parish absent from his barber shop last week because of Illness. SON OF MOLINE ATTORNEY, AGE 25, SUCCUMBS SECOND HOLDUP OF SAME STORE TRIED BY BANDIT Moline Grocery Manager Locks Door as Robber of Last Month Approaches.

After a bandit attempted to enter their establishment for the second time within a month last evening, Milton Bergren, manager, and Lloyd Vaught, clerk, at the Atlantic and Pacific Tea company store, 1401 Sixteenth street, Moline, today are wondering if "his visits are going to be periodic. On Oct. 26 a' man. who made no effort at disguise walked into the store and made a minor purchase. As the clerk turned to fill the order, he drew an automatic pistol aud ordered Mr.

Bergren and Mr. Vaught to the basem*nt. There he locked the two men, warning them that it they attempted to get out immediately they would be shot. The bandit then removed money from the cash register. and fled.

Police learned later that he used a car with an Iowa Illinois license in escape. Here He Comes! At the time the bandit did not say anything about coming back, but. last Vaught evening. Mr. closing Bergren up and the store about 6:30 m.

when Mr. Bergren chanced to look into the street. There he saw the bandit walking slowly toward the store entrance. Mr. Vaught verified the manager's Identification.

Not relishing the idea of being held up twice, Mr. Bergren promptly locked the door. Unfortunately, there is no telephone at the store. Apparently the bandit sensed something was wrong. for after trying the door and peering inside he departed in haste, The store manager notified police as quickly as possible but by the time squad cars reached the scene the robber had disappeared.

offcers spotted a car with an Iowa license, and watched the machine for a time but learned that it belonged to a youth employed at a nearby store. East Moline Society East Moline chapter No. 799, Order of Eastern Star, will hold public installation of officers at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in East Moline Odd Fellows hall. Mrs. Leota McKenzie will be installed as worthy matron to succeed Mrs.

Bernice Aldrich and Fred Thomann will become worthy patron, succeeding H. B. Primm. Following the ceremonies there will be dancing to music provided by the Jones-Emmett orchestra. All surrounding chapters have been invited and the general public is welcome to attend.

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Weintrout; 2316 Seventh street, are parents of a son born yesterday in Moline public hospital. Mr. and Mrs.

Alton E. Klebe of Port Byron are parents of a daughter born last night in Moline Lutheran' hospital, Fifteen friends and relatives happily surprised Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ohms, 255 Sixteenth avenue, in their. home last night in celebration of their 15th wedding anniversary.

In 500, prizes were won by Mrs. A. R. Pierson and Elmer Ohms. The honorees received gifts.

Mr. and Mrs. Ohms also were honored on Sunday evening, when another group of friends called. Ministers of the Christian churches of the greater tri-cities and their families were entertained at. a Thanksgiving dinner party last evening by the Rev.

and Mrs. Edgar Powell, 204 Sixteenth avenue. The Rev. Mr. Powell is pastor of First Christian church, Enst Moline.

The meeting will be during the holidays in the home of the Rev. and Mrs. J. N. Gibble in Moline.

Atkinson Man's Car Hits Horse and Is Demolished Atkinson, Nov. -(Argus News Service.) Ralph Graham met with an accident at 10:30 o'clock Saturday night when his car struck a horse on route 82. The horse, owned by Albert Atwell, had broken from the pasture with three other horses. The horse was instantly killed and Graham's new automobile was wrecked. Mr.

Graham was on his way to his home about seven miles north of Atkinson. PAYS SPEEDING FINE. Glenn Bagerly, 1615 Twenty-sixth street, Rock Island, was fined $5 by. Justice of the Peace A. L.

Pulver, Jr. of Moline today Ion a charge of speeding. Moline Society The auxiliary to Moline Eagles sponsored a public card party and bunco party afternoon in Eagles hall. Mesdames Ethel Talty, Edith Simpson, Mary, Patterson, Mary Kirkhove, Laura Smith, Esther Strandberg, Marie Lauritzsen and Irene Maher received awards. A Christmas party will be Dec.

14. A 10-cent exchange will be a feature. On Dec. c. 18 the members will sponsor a games party in the hall.

The American Legion auxiliary is sponsoring a public, card party the Daughters rooms, Mrs. Katherine Boltenstern being chairman. Last night the committee met the home of Mrs. T. V.

Davis, 2509 Twelfth street, to make plans. There will be a prize for each table, together with special prizes. Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter, 312 street, have left to Fifty- Thanksgiving and the weekend with the former's mother, Mrs.

John Hunter, in Homer, Mich. Mrs. Hunter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.

W. Harrison, will motor from their home in New Castle, for the holiday. King's Daughters, will be in Genevieve Blanding 61 1 charge of the activities at the Thrift shop next week. The membet made plans yestrday in the home of Mrs. William R.

Hodgson, -940 Twenty-second street. Dr. and Mike, Paul S. Wilson, 1708 Sixteenth sweet, are parents a daughter born tris morning -in St. Anthony's hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter. 312 Fifty-fourth street, left this afternoon to spend Thanksgiving with the former's mother, Mra. John Hunter, in Homer, Mich, Mr.

and Mrs. J. W. Harrison of Now Castle, parents of Mrs. Homer, also will be guests for the holiday in Homer.

Moline Deaths Mrs. Romanie De Rammelaere, Mrs. Romanie DeRammelaere, 60, who resided with a daughter, Mrs. Martha Van Thieghem, 4917 Fifth avenue, Moline, died at 1 o'clock this morning. in Moline public hospital following an illness of several days of sepsis, a blood disease.

She was taken to the hospital at 10:30 o'clock last night. She had resided in East Moline more than fifteen years before moving to her daughter's home a few months ago. Mrs. DeRammelaere, formerly Miss Romanie Vevleye, was born Aug. 9, 1876, in Thielt, Belgium.

She was married to Julius DeRammelaere in Belgium. In 1920 she came to the United States and directly to East Moline. Her husband died in 1930. She was a member of St. Mary's Catholic church in East Moline and the Altar 80- ciety of the church.

Surviving are two sons, Maurice and Odiel DeRammelaere, of East Moline; a daughter, Marboth, tha Van Thieghem of Moline; a sister, Mrs. Mary Verbaege of well, two sisters and two brothers in Belgium and seven grandchildren. A- daughter, Mrs. Helen Lievrouw of Moline, died in 1928. The body was removed to the VanHoe funeral parlors in East Moline, where the rosary will be recited for the Altar society at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon and for the public at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow night.

Funeral services will be at o'clock Thursday morning in St. Mary's church. The Rev. Severius VanderGulik, pastor, will officiate. will be in St.

Mary's cemetery. Three From Alpha Are Hurt as Autos Collide Alpha, 111., Nov. 24. (Argus News Service.) Mr. and Mrs.

Rob. ert Collinwood and son Robert of Alpha were injured Saturday night when the car driven by Mr. Collingwood collided with a machine driven by Fred Nelson of Alpha on the road between Woodhull and Alpha. Mr. Collingwood and his son both received cuts about the face and Mrs.

Collingwood was bruised about the face when their car struck the rear of the Nelson machine. Occupants of the Nelson car were uninjured. Cable. Cable, Nov. 24.

(Argus News Service.) Mrs. George Holdsworth will entertain the Community church ladies aid Friday afternoon at her home. Mr. Mrs. Ernest Walline, Moline, visited Mr.

and Mrs. L. A. Nelson recently. Mr.

Nelson has been ill but his condition 1 is improved, Mrs. Walter Rosenbers. Mrs. Clara McCullough and Fred Brown were In Davenport on business last week. MEMBER DRIVE FOR Y.M.C.A.

IN MOLINE IS PLAN Seek Senior Increase; Total this Year Over 200 Less Than Former Average. Senior membership rolls of the Moline Y. M. A. will be studied in view of conducting a membership campaign in the near future, it was voted this morning at a special breakfast meeting of the board of directors, meeting was under the rection of A.

E. Sandberg, man of the membership committee. Mr. Sandberg said senior memberships now total approximately eight hundred; which is about two hundred less than the average number listed a few years ago. During the last three or four years senior memberships have lapsed because men curtailed expenses and failed to renew Y.

M. C. A. cards, said Mr. Sandberg.

Many of these men, it is thought, will return to membership in the association, if approached. Because directors want to get first-hand information on the membership situation, each member of the board and each trustee has agreed to bring in a definite quota of new members in a personal solicitation drive. This action was also taken by the Y. M. C.

A. leaders because they felt that the older men should set an' example for the younger members in restoring the association membership to its former peak, Directors were told that the Moline Y. M. C. A.

membership is below the standards maintained by the Rock Island and Davenport Y. -M. C. A. A more cheerful note at the meeting included the announcemen that the building, equipment and situation of the Moline association are excellent.

The financial record of the Moline association is one of the Dost in the country, it was said. Orion Methodists Plan Monthly Family Night Orion, Nov. 24 (Argus News -The monthly family night program will be held tomorrow night in the Methodist church parlors, beginning at 6:30 o'clock. A program will include a talk by W. W.

Tucker, county superintendent of schools. His topic will be "Character Building Program" in the public schools of Henry county. Andover Couple, Wed 54 Years, Visited by Friends Andover, Nov. News Seryice) Relatives and friends spent Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs.

Swan John Swanson, who celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary. A potluck luncheon was served and Mr. and Mrs. Swanson were presented with a purse of money. Alpha.

Alpha. Alpha, Nov. 24. (Argus News Service.) The Baptist woman's meeting was held on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E.

E. McMullen with Mrs. R. D. Streeter and Mrs.

C. B. McCurdy the assisting hostesses. Sentence Thanksgiving prayers were given by members of the group, Plans were made for a Christmas party to be held at the next regular meeting Dec. 18.

It was reported that the white cross quota had been met and was ready to send to the Kodiack orphanage in Alaska. A committee composed of Mesdames S. C. McCurdy, R. D.

Streeter, E. E. McMullen, R. G. Bohman and Miss Alice Timberlake was appointed to confer with trustees of the church in regard to repairs and improvements to be made in the kitchen and basem*nt of the church.

After the business meeting the following program was given: Piano solo- Mrs. 8. C. McCurdy; Thanksgiving poems by Mrs. Elvia Rutledge and playlet, "When Hearts Are Thankful." by Mrs.

R. B. Favoright, Mrs. Clay Woolums and Mrs. Howard McCurdy.

The Alpha Community Woman's club met Thersday afternoon the home of 'Mrs. Niami Kirkland in Woodbull. The assisting hostesses were Mrs. Merle Johnson and Mrs. Nell Falkner, Mrs.

Myrtle Payton read the scripture. The vice president, Mrs. Falkner, presided. Plans were made for the distributing of several Christmas baskets among needy families. Plans also were made.

for the annual Christmas party to be held at the next regular meeting on Thursday, Dec. -17, in the home of Mrs. Adella Wilson, Following the business meeting an address on "Indian Relics" was given by Roy McDonald. There was a display of several hundred Indian Vocal selections were given by Miss Niomt Carson of Rio, accompanied by Mrs. Reid Carson.

There were 28 present. Hostesses for the next meeting will be Mesdames Adella Wilson, Edith Bohman, Dorothy McDowell and Hattie Cabeen. Robert K. Shallberg Dies of Polson. Ing From Carbuncle; Rites en Friday.

Robert. of Kennedy Mr. and Shallberg, Mrs. G. 25, A.

Shallberg, 2401 Ninth avenue, Moline, died at 1:25 o'clock this morning in Moline public hospital. Death was due to septicemia caused by A carbuncle on his neck. His father is a prominent Moline attorney. The young man was taken ill in Chicago some time ago and was treated at Presbyteriap hospital for the infection. returned home last week and last Thursday the carbuncle was lanced at Moline public hospital.

According to attending physicians, he appeared to be recovering from the infection until septicaemia developed. Funeral services will be at 2:30 o'clock Friday afternoon in the First Congregational church. The Rev. W. R.

Hodgson will officiate. Burial will be in Riverside cemetery. Mr. Shallberg was born in Moline on Sept. 25, 1911.

He attended Moline schools and Moline high school. He later attended Illinois, now Roosevelt Military academy at Aledo and was graduated from St. John's Military academy, Delafield, in 1933. After being graduated he entered the employe of the Norge corporation at Detroit, in the publicity department. After a year and-a-half, he entered St.

Ambrose college where he completed his education. In August of this year, he became associated with the George W. Borg corporation, Chithe cost department. Mr. Shallberg was member of the First Congregational church of Moline.

Surviving are his parents; a sister, Miss Betty Shelterg and two brothers, W. G. Shallberg of Chicago and G. A. (Bud) Shallberg of Moline.

MEMBER DRIVE ENDS FOR BUSINESS GIRLS Moline Club Now Has Total of 120; Yule Events Planned. The Business Girls club of the Moline Y. W. C. A.

has increased its membership, to 120, it was annight at the Novemmeeting which closed the member drive in progress since Septemper. The winners in the drive, the Stmembers of the team captained by Mrs. Cleona Carlstedt, will be special guests at the January meeting. Ninety-five were present last night. Mrs.

Henrietta Strobehn, assisted by the Misses Mary Roehneit: and Barnetta Patch, had charge of the decorations. Announcement was made by the finance chairman, Miss Grace Krebs, that a satisfactory sum had been realized on the style show and tea sponsored recently by the group. Several of the members have not turned in their tickets so a complete report could not be given. It was decided to postpone the book sale until the spring months. Mrs.

Fred W. Allen, advisor of the club, announced the closing session of the charm school course to be held next Monday night at 7:30 o'clock in the Y. W. C. A.

A program, featuring a talk by Miss Ruby Russell on "Personal Relationships." will be presented and games will 1 be a diversion. Next Meeting Dec. 14. Dec. 14 Is the next meeting, at which time the members will participate in the annual "Hanging of the Greens" ceremony at the Y.

W. C. A. business girls will hold a 5:45 o'clock buffet supper and later will assist in decorating the W. C.

A. and take part in 'the Christmas program. Reservations for the supper are to be made by calling the W. C. A.

not later than 9 o'clock Monday morning. Dec. 14. A white gift offering will be taken at the close of the program. The business girls have been invited by the Woman's Athletic club to take part in yule log hunt to be conducted on the Sunday preceding the meeting.

Dec. 13. The group will gather at the Y. W. C.

A. at 3 o'clock and at the close of the bunt will return to the Y. W. C. A.

for a supper. Reservations are to be made by Friday by calling Moline 924. The program last night opened with several accordion and dance numbers by the Traeger sisters of Davenport. Miss Ella co*ckrell, guest speaker, told of her travels in China and Japan this last summer. Silvis Notes Mr.

and Mrs. J. V. Anthony, 318 Tenth street, had as guests during the week-end Mr. and Mrs.

Dana Highman and little daughter, Donba Lee of Chicago. Mrs. Ed Nichols of Savanna, has returned to her home after spending several days with Mr. and George Timson. 320 Tenth street..

The Rock Island Argus from Rock Island, Illinois (2024)


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