The Perkins Journal from Perkins, Oklahoma (2024)

Letoucal THE PERKINS JOURNAL THE ONLY NEWSPAPER IN THE STATE THAT CAN BENEFIT PERKINS AND COMMUNITY LX. PERKINS, Payne County, OKLAHOMA News and Happenings of Perkins and Community Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Barnes, Mr. and Mrs.

Elmer Judge and Mrs. J. T. Woodrum attended the American Legdon and Auxiliary State Convention at Okla. City, Sunday.

Mrs. Woodrum remained over for the Monday session David Ross of Ponca City spent the Labor day weekend here with his mother Mrs. Arlie Ross. Carol Jean Baker left Monday afternoon for Okla. City where she is entering Hills business college.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Roth of Tulsa visited her mother Mrs. Dave Cundiff, Monday. Mr.

Roth was enroute to California where he will re. port as an Army Air Corps Replacement officer. Mrs. Dennis Knipe left Sunday for Lawton to visit at the home of her daughter the Robert Hooper family Mr. and Mrs.

Barney Cole and daughter of Joplin, spent the week end here visiting, his sister Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Moser.

Mrs. Moser returned home with them to make a visit. Other Sunday dinner guests at the Moser home were Mr. and Mrs. Emmmitt Moser and Mr.

and Mrs. Bill Moser of Tulsa, Mr. and Mrs. Art Moser and children, Mr. and 1 Mrs.

Sol Moser and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moser and daughter of Stillwater and Mr. and Mrs.

L. D. Sugg of Okla. City. Mr.

and Mrs. Dale Reddout of Kansas City spent the weekend here visiting her parents the Frnest Westfal's On Thursday afternoon of last week Rev. and Mrs. A. L.

Oliver accompanied members of the Methodist Church choir on a kodaking party to Fair park at Stillwater. They also enjoyed a picnic supper. Mr. and Mrs. R.

M. Hudgens spent Sunday at Guthrie with his sister Mr. and Mrs. John Gambill. Rev.

and Mrs. C. N. Thompson of Guthrie were in Perkins on Monday visiting their son Mr. and Mrs.

Den Thompson and children and attended the Sandyland homecoming. Mrs. John Forbis and son Jackie and daughter Johnnie Mae of Cashion and Mrs. Marine Farrell of Cushing visited at the Ralph Grimm home on last Saturday evening. Mr.

and Mrs. Val Gardner of Vets Village spent the weekend here with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lane spent the Labor day weekend at Wagoner vis.

iting their parents. Mr. John McCollum of Dixon, is visiting his sister Mrs. Jane Gearhart the first of the week. Mr.

and Mrs. Chester McDonald of Shawnee visited Mrs. O. W. Smith on Monday.

Mr. W. S. Waite left last week for Peoria, Ill, his old home town, where he will make an extended visit with relatives and reviewing old acquaintance. It has been 25 years since Mr.

Waite visited there. Mr. J. E. Weems is having some dental work at Chandler.

Mrs. Minor Sloan and daughter Mrs. Harold Staten and son of Tryon were visiting in Perkins, Tuesday. Mr. Staten who was principal of the Tryon school has resigned and is leaving with the 45th.

LeRoy Shurtz and Kenneth Mushrush left early Wednesday driving officers thru to the 45th camp and the rest of the 45th leave by train early Thursday. Mrs. Lucian Parsons of Jackson, is visiting here with her folks Mrs. Annie Ormsbee and the Wilhites and Freeds. Mrs.

P. A. Shaffer and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Shaffer went to Okmulgee Tuesday and visited Mr.

and Mrs. Bob Thomas. Mrs. Thomas returned home with them for a short visit. Weekend guests of the R.

E. Jones were his sisters and brother, Mr. and Mrs. C. P.

Pardue of Loving, N. Mr. and Mrs. J. R.

Carpenter of Brewster, Mr. J. I. Jones of Beloit, and on the weekend, Mr. and Mrs.

Dale Jones and children of Stillwater, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Jones and family, and Evelyn Frost. Mr. J.

I. Jones remained over for a few days visit here. The Guy McClains took. a two day vacation trip thru S.E. Okla.

and into Ark. on Sun. and Mon. They spent Sat. night at Alva with relatives and visited at McAlister; Wilberton where they saw Inmans and where Rex will attend school this term, then to Talthina, into Mena, Ark, and to Hot Springs, where they spent the night.

They went on to Little then headed home, at Ft. Sinith they made a wrong turn and ended up in Van Buren but then made in on home. 5c a copy AT OFFICE OR NEWS STAND $2.00 a Year Out-of-State $1.50 a Year in Oklahoma THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1950 MORE LOCAL NEWS The Order of Eastern Star met last Tuesday night and a large crowd was out. As it was the first meeting this fall, the next meeting will be advance night with a new program started. A large group from Drumright was over for the Robert Morris picnic.

A large number cf members and their families of the Forest Valley Garden Club met last Saturday evening at the A. B. Newport home for a farewell social for Mr. and Mrs. H.

R. Vanhooser and sons who are moving to Lindsey this week. Games were played during the evening and freshments were served. Mrs. Mae Glover and daughter Nellie of Claremore spent from Wed.

to Sunday with her parents the John Davis, and brother Troy and family at Stillwater. On Friday they made a business trip to Okla. City. The Eugene Eatons of Cushing spent Sunday eve here with their parents, John Davis and Frank Fatons. Mr.

and Mrs. Francis Markee attended the Markee family reunion at Ark. City, Aug. 27. There were about fifty there and lots of good food.

They spent the night with the Charles Parkers at Caney, visiting later at Welch and Grand lake, and returning by Bristow to eat supper with the F. G. Souder family. The Forest Valley Garden Club met at the FV community building Sept. 1 with 12 members and one guest Mrs.

Earl Hickman of Okla. City. Roll call was given with 'your Favorite Plans were made for the club to visit the State fair in a group, Sept. 28. Mrs.

Nell Nichols gave the lesson on "Plans for Fall Gardening" stressing the need for special conditions for the season. Mrs. Gladys Newport, assisted by Mrs. Nell Nichols and Mrs. Hazel Isbell served refreshments, The Oct.

meeting will be in the home of Mre. Elsie Saint. The lesson on Trees and Shrubs is by Mrs. Ruth Courtright Monday evening supper guests of Mrs. Cecil Henry were Mrs.

Delia Dickey of Stillwater and Mr. Ed McCary of Watonga. Mrs. Dickey spent the night with Mrs. Henry.

She recently returned from Jimarron, N.M. where she worked at a scout ranch during the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Lincoln of Silver City, N.

M. are making a two weeks visit at the home of his mother Mr. and Mrs. Geo. DeRoin.

Mrs. Sadie Chantry, Mrs. Ruby Clifton and Mrs. Laura Clifton and daughter Pearl of Okla. City were among the out-of-town relatives attending the Jimmie Whipple funeral Monday.

Mrs. Cecil Henry was a Sunday dinner guest at the home of her sister Mr. and Mrs. P. L.

Martin. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Roysdon and son of Tulsa, Mr.

Omar Boszhill of Sacramento, Calif. and Mr. Murray Boszhill from Amarillo, Texas. At the T. I.

Coale's Sunday guests were Mrs. C. C. Coale of Glencoe, Mr and Mrs. G.

C. Woods of Cushing, Mrs. Orvil Weaver of Cushing, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Boothe and Gary and Linda, and Mr.

and Mrs. C. L. Matlock and Jimmie and Sharon all of Virgil, Kansas. the park to finish work on the cement picnic tables and work at the park.

Picnic lunch will be served there. Rassie Hert and Ray Miller were among the many former pupils at the homecoming and picnic at Sandyland school house on Labor day. The large crowd had a very enjoyable time. HIGH PRAIRIE FARMERS UNION Local No. 672 will meet Sept.

14, at High Prairie community building 8.00 p.m. Program will be furnished by the State Public Safety Department. Film "Precious Cargo" will be shown. Refreshments will be served. Miss Jean McClain Is spending a months vacation at home and then is to go back to school at Norman for several months in advanced nurses', training at the State University hospital there.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Latham of Healton spent the weekend here with their son Mr.

and Mrs. Harold Latham and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. H.

F. Oldefest from Moline, Illinois are visiting their son Mr. and Mrs. Bob Oldefest and family Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Ray Wilcoxson and daughter were Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Johnson of Ada.

Joan Ricketts has been visiting her sister Emma at Okla. City and her parents the Homer Ricketts here. She is getting ready to attend Okla. A. and M.

college again this fall. SCHOOL Friday night, Sept. 15 at 8:00 the Perkins Demons Foothall team will open the 1950 football season on the new flood- lighted gridiron which has just been completed. They will play the Davenport high school team. The new stadium will likewise be ready to use the first time.

Interest is running high at the School and football is at an all time high. Coach Harold Latham and Coach Wm. Walker report a squad of 53 boys working out regularly each evening. The boys are fast whipping into shape and wil! surely give a good 1 account before the year is over. Much enthusiasm WAS generated around school Tuesday on the Daily Oklahoman published account doping Perkins as "the dark horse of district 5-C" But come rain or dry weather the Demons will be a scrapping good team, so don't miss this first game on the new field.

School began Monday and opening enrollment was all that had been planned for. The lunch room WAS very busy the first day serving 322 meals. When Mr. Powell called for beginning band students 43 responded. Monday night Sept.

11 at 7:30, the school asks all parents of the 5th thru 12 grade beginning band students to meet at high school for an organization meeting. The glee club under Mr. Powell are organized and practicing each day. Watch for them Friday night Sept, 15 at the Perkins Davenport football game. The FFA boys with their sponsor, Mr.

Paul Evans are preparing for the fairs. They are also planning on a Judging team trip to Austin, Minn. BIRTHDAY PARTY On August 30th Mrs. Earl Hughes was hostess to a birthday party honoring her granddaughter Patricia Diane on her 8th birthday. Games were played and the honoree received many nice gifts among then.

being gifts from her parents the Keith Fosters, her grandmother Mrs. Ina Wiser and Mrs. Pearl Freeman. At serving Peggy Engle, Janie Blackwell and Linda Kay Baker, assisted and refreshments of cake, ice cream, punch and cookies were also enjoyed by Carloyn Jo Butler, Opal Chesmore, Carol Jo Chesney, Sharon Lawrence. Glenda Mercer, Shirley Butler, Sherry Lynn Rose, Mona Rae Wilcoxson, Rita Jo Rose, and Gary Frank Brachsieck.

The Eunice class of the Baptist church have a beautiful quilt that they will give away to the person making the largest donation on the church fund for pews between the dates of Sept. 8 to Oct. 8. In case of the donations being the same, the largest donation received first will be judged the winner of the quilt. You can see this quilt at the Perkins Distrist fair this Friday and Saturday.

Send or give your donations to the class president, Maude Markee, box 96, Perkins, Okla. CARD OF THANKS Our recent sad loss 'eaves us with grateful hearts toward neighbors and friends for their comtorting expressions of sympathy and acts of kindness. We want, to esperially thank the ministers, the Perkins Rebekah lodge, Methodist church, IOOF lodge, and the pallbearers for their aid and also to those for the lovely 1 music and beautiful floral offerings. Mr. and Mrs.

H. C. Whipple. Mrs. L.

C. Rice left on Thursday of last week for Logan, Utah, where she will visit her daughter Mrs. Janies Church and family. From there she will go to Eugene, Oregon where she will visit her sons, Bill and Cromwell Mansell and their families. ACHIEVEMENT NIGHT HELD AI the Methodist Church on last Friday nignt was well attended.

Following the program and viewing the displays of the various classes, refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. Mr. and Mrs. Jonn peeler and daugnter spent the weekend at Coffeyvule, visiting relatives. Mr.

and Mrs. Ed stumbo, and Mrs. Pearl Freeman went to Okla. city, Saturday evening. Ed attended the Legions Last Man Club of which no 18 president.

'I'ne club dinner WAS neid at the Huckins hotel. Among the speakers were Joe Ferguson, Gov. Roy 'Turner and Raymond melas. Carol Jean and Charmlavan Baker entertained a group of friends at party in their home last Friday eve. Jimmie Whipple District Fair Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 2:30 at the Perkins Community building for Jimmie Whipple, age 11 years, who died last Friday afternoon at Stillwater Crystal Plunge.

Reportedly jumping off into deep water death was attributed to water and suffocation as a result of wearing a diving mask. Rescue squads and equipment worked on the boy for several hours. Services were conducted by Rev. Paul Kapp, former Methodist pastor here and now of S.M.U. of Texas, and Rev.

A. L. Oliver, local pastor. Pupils of Jimmie's class at school attended in a body. Burial was in the Perkins cemetery under the direction of Strode's Funeral home.

Jimmie Whipple was born on November 25, 1938 at Cushing, the son of H. C. and Edith Whipple. He was 8 member of the 7th grade class of the Perkins junior high school. He wus a member of the Perkins Methodist church and Sunday school and sang in the church choir.

Survivors other than his parents, include a maternal grandfather, P. A. Shepard of Calnsville, Mo. and three half-brothers, O. C.

Whipple of 3tillwater, Floyd Whipple of Ft. Worth, Texas, and John Whipple of Ranier, Oregon, also one half sister, Miss Pauline Whipple of Stillwater, and An uncle, Frank Shepard of Ripley A surprise birthday party W63 held at the Hev. J. H. Murre! nome last Friday nignt and about 75 people came in to neip him celebrate his birthday.

brought well tilled baskets and all enpoyed a bounteous supper and an evening of visiting. Mrs. Cora Wagner, Mr. Chas. Stansoury, Mrs.

W. N. Baker and John and Dr. and Mrs. J.

C. Wagner of Ponca City spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Claude Vasn and Mrs. Blanche snerrod at dasakawa.

Dr. and Mrs. Wagner, Mrs. Cora Wagner and Mrs. Barer remained over until Monday evening.

Mrs. Jack Hanna of Paquemine, La. came up last weekend to get her daughter Mrs. Jackie Daniels as Mr, Daniels is leaving with the 45th. A basket dinner was held Sunday at the Baptist church honoring Mrs.

Hanna and daughter. Mrs. N. E. Clark, Mrs.

Mary Lou Moore and son and Norman Cooper went to Ponca City last Tuesday and visited Mrs. Clark's daughter, Mr. ant Mrs. Cuttord Dawes and daughters, Norman Cooper remained for several days visit. Mr.

and Mrs. Eugene Clark and children of unid visited his parents, the N. E. Clarks, Sunaay. Mrs.

Elsie Hubbard of Coyle visited for a few days this week at the nome of her son Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Hubbard and family. Mary Campbell left on the weekend to resume her teaching Job at Okla: City after visiting for several weeks at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs.

L. A. Campbell. Bobby Chesney who has been working for the Vassar at Cherokee the past several weeks, returned to Perkins on the weekend. Peggy Eyler moved Sunday to the home of her sister Mrs, Dick Davis at Vets Village whor* she will stay and attend Okla.

A and M. Mr. Davis is also planning to return to college. Mrs. Amanda Dodson of Okla.

City returned to her home last weekend after spending a week here with her daughter Mrs. Jack Moser and family. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Moser of Tulsa spent the weekend here visiting his folks.

FOR SALE: 1939 Fordor Buick Sedan safety tires, in dandy condition; also Large Trailer House. See J. H. Martin at Perkins. Mr.

and Mrs. Francis Markee spent Sunday and Monday at Enid visiting her uncle Mr. and Mrs. John O'Brien. Visitors last week at the W.

P. Chiles home were their granddaughters Charlette Marie and Phyllis Chiles of Perry and Barbara and Marilyn Sue Chiles of Okla. City. On Sunday their parents Mr. and Mrs.

Archie Chiles of Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Chiles of Okla. City speut the day here and their daughters returned home with them. Mrs.

Byno Salsman, jr spent the Labor day weekend at Blackwell with her husband who is working there. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Inman and Carl and Mr.

Paul Evans accompanled Rex Inman to Wilberton Sunday. Rex will attend East Oklahoma A. and M. College there. WHAT'S DOING 'L Remember this weekend is the Perkins district fair and the event is to start registering entries this afternoon.

A concession stand and bingo stand will be open Friday all day, and other entertainment is planned. Entry time this year is: All womens entries, farm and garden will start entry at 2:00 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 7. Entries will run to Friday at 12 when all those entries must be in place.

The livestock entries will be taken at 8 a.m. Friday morning until 4 p.m., when all such entries must be in place and this will allow more time to get the entries made in all divisions. Friday night will be the big show night of the fair. Food booths, bingo stands and displays will be in operation and a big show is planned centering around a really big majic show to be put on by Mr. Warren and Rev.

Oliver. Don't miss it. Lions Club Meeting Thursday The Perkins Lions Club met last Thursday evening at Perkins Memorlal park for work night and regular meeting with a picnic supper. Work on the cement, tables and setting the Lions club emblem sign at the north of town was part of the projects accomplished. Also Supt.

John Snidor presented the state director of the bus driver's school who spoke to the Lions on the state program of education for bus drivers in bettering safe transportation for school children This Thursday the Lions club will meet for regular weekly meeting at BRIDGE TO BE REPAIRED The Cimarron river bridge south of Perkins la scheduled for a general repair project on which the state highway commission will open bids on Sept. 12. Director H. E. Bailey says cost of the work is estimated at $8,472.

The face lifting includes additional structural steel, timber piling and couple of coats of aluminum paint GRIMM ANDERSON VOWS Miss Evelyn Grimm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Grimm of Route 2 Perkins and Mr. J. D.

Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Anderson of Tryon were united in marriage at 3:00 p.m., Friday, Sept. 1, 1950 at Tryon. Mr.

Anderson is employed at Perkins in the carpenter trade. They are making their home at Perkins tor the present time. Last Sunday week the A. B. Laughlins visited at the home of their daughter Mr.

and Mrs. Waruer Acuff and while there they met Mr. F. Donnelly, one of the promoters of the IOA ranch. He and several others were working and helping the electriclans wiring the ranch home for electricity.

The carpenter, Mr. thesmore hopes to have enough lator donated before cold weather to install the fine furnace and stoves, the bath room accessories, and also some inside finishing of the ranch home. Mr. and Mrs. John Laughlin and Linda Kay of Okla.

City spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Laughlin and Mrs.

Laughlin went home with them. On Monday morning they took her for a drive thru the city, pointing out the places of interest among them a fresh fish shop where they really had fresh fish. They kept them in a large pond and judging by the cars that were parked there, they were doing, a thriving business. Mrs. Laughlin arrived home Monday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Lay and Mrs. Nellie Lay spent the weekend in Okla. City visiting relatives.

While there the Maurice Lays purchased a home AS in the near future Mr. Lay will be transferred from Ponca City. Friday evening guests of Mrs. Nellie Lay and Mr. and Mrs.

Ted Allison were Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, Mrs. Edna Miller, Mr. and Mrs.

Floyd Hixson and children and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Lay. During the evening Mr. Lay showed pictures of their recent trip through western states.

Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Ball and family and Mr.

and Mrs. W. H. Fisher and children spent Sunday at the 200 at Okla. City.

Mrs. Burns was released from the Okla. City hospital last week and is staying at the home of her daughter Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Butler.

Bill Cantrell of Vanderbilt, Texas, and Mr. and Mrs. LeeRoy Cantrell of Glencoe spent the weekend with their mother Mrs. Elsie Cantrell. weather over the weekend was cloudy, cool, warm days, cold nights, little moisture, Sunday a bit hazy with slight showers and Monday still cloudy with more threat of rain Indians held a three day pow-wow at the Frank Kent place, and they had quite a A big crowd attended during the events Stanton and Mark Dowell have been hired as school bus drivers very small crowd attended the donkey ball game here last Saturday afternoon, due to the hour and the outlook of rain.

However the event was held and enjoyed by those present Tuesday evening the ball club was treated to a dinner at Reece's 33- 40 Club and Morris and Warren Lee were able to attend with about 14 in attendance. 'The management wishes to thank the boys for their work and effort during the baseball season car stealing and gas stealing was the major crime issue here the past week as Don Thompson's car and C. M. Edmondson's car were stolen Sunday night; then Monday night the school gas building was broken in and the electric pump started with an undeterminate amount of gas taken. The Thompson car was found up town and the Edmondson car found left in south part of Stillwater.

Identity of the car stealing is known but it is not believed connected with the gas thefts. 'The Christian Church is sponsoring a Food Sale Sat. at 10:00 at Vassar Hardware. The ladies are asked to bring food in early, please. Word received by his folks report Dale Curtis is now in Korea.

He reports he met Eugene Fulwider on ship going over. The Perry Fowbles and Freddie Coxs spent the weekend here with relatives. The Rellen Dodrills had her parents and brothers here on Sunday. In the oil news the No. 1 Collins in 34-18-le is building derrick.

At the No. 2 Holbrook in 19-17-3e they are drilling plug ready to perforate in the Red Fork. The Ray Andricks family of Rossville, Kansas, visited on the weekend with the W. H. Eatons and the John Andricks.

Cecil Rollins was home on weekend Last week Tues. eve supper guests of the W. H. Eatons were the Ted Motes, the Paul Pearsons, the Ray Motes and the John Andricks. Mrs.

Enos Combs and children have moved to the home of her mother, Mrs. Graves. Mr. Combs is serving in the armed forces and has been sent to Japan. The WS0S of the Methodist church will hold their regular monthly meeting and program at the church on Monday night.

Mrs. W. H. Fisher will have charge of the program. The Warren family held a family reunion at the Stillwater park last Sunday honoring Leland Warren who is leaving with the 45th.

There was a large crowd of relatives present for the picnic dinner and afternoon of visiting. Mrs. Katherine Riley of Stillwater spent several days last week here visiting at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Riley and family.

NOTICE: Starting this Friday evening the Lyric Theatre will open at 7:30 for first showing. J. H. Martin. The Legion Auxiliary will have 3 binge stand at the Perkins Dist.

fair CIRCUS CIRCUS The elephants are coming! Wednesday, Sept. 13 will be Circus Day in Perkins. At dawn the Great Horne Bros. Circus will come rolling into town in special built streamlined fleets and will erect their magic tent city at the High school athletic field where an afternoon and a night performance will be given. The Horne Bros.

Circus are reincarnating the old fashioned circus with red lemonade, cotton candy and the gloriously enthralling and stupendous spectacle, entitled "Alice in If you haven't carried water for the elephants recently be on hand early on Wed. morn and see how they are now watered the modern wey. The Circus calliope will play a down town concert on circus day at 11:00 A.M. The members of the Lions clubs will have charge of advance sales of tickets at most down town stores. Purchasors of tickets by individuals for the show are urged by Lions club members to buy in advance, as these tickets are less than at circus ticket office and the Lions club percentage is greater..

The Perkins Journal from Perkins, Oklahoma (2024)


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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

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Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.