Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON: Mary Ann Shadd Cary (October 9, 1823 – June 5, 1893)), July 25, 1857, p. 3 (2024)

s i 1 i srarr s 1 v ii a jo rwtp fs ik wtsn provinciaii freeman and weekly advertiser 157 i km men and women bnck to slavery looks i i idtle hopeless on the face of it but perhaps i ur st clare can tell better about it after ue has carried it on fur a year or two it is stall ereats a new feature in the recipro leal trade between detroit and st louis on the 23lh last one ben il a cbappell made affidavit before justice waite that on i the first of last june one st clare had sto lien a negro namid ben wnght the properly i of a s mitchll vilued at 41300 st clire being ia the city was arrested and ad i nulled to bail of poo an i on tuesday wasexinined before the jus ice i onthe examination uenal a cluippell i testified that be had lived in st joseph teruratrasennvcnojvjieredie jraa aqpcoc leer procured ben wngl t from st clare the st charles hotel jefferson city two lor three fays previous by claiming the prop jjttt ut llhihi bfti pvflft t ilbpc spfjtj ifor catchiag the aegro that deftndant told him be gdilhe negro at detroit michigan waanforued by the negro that he had master that defendant further said 111 the presence f others that he was engaged in idiiaping aegroer and running them off from idetroit aid canada that he hid two negrots 1 inaniavl hov wife at- the bildlc house in detiitwliom be meant to employ on his rn farm that defendant cautioiel hun ery particular not to have h name pnt in the pa as it would injure bun very much lbat tne delendant also taid also nd tliat he bought the negro in st louis count mo and that the nevro bad seen his ra istcr iroin the cars st louis and w is with great iliffi jcull r kepuu the cars when leav ing tor jcfler t on c ty that ben sliowel a n te oil tne tank ofmisoun for 2 100 which defend int laid he had given him tilling hinitlnt he i might bay btroselj shonld his master claim vnn intendiug tints to quie the negro and uxygbvatfcd bitters piioof that dyspepsia can be curid b ostov january 16 1851 gatoiea regard log all patent medicines vruh distrust it was not uniil i had been reduced ohelplenneu and con find to my bed and after die skill of phyalcian had failed to benefit me lhat i could be prevailed upon by ihe solicitations of frlenjs to try your oxygenated uiiurs fr dyspepsia a disease from which i tiavcauft red in all its most terrible forms for about leven years borne 4 weekssincc i comtn need usingihese otlers ani th tn il has proved ihe virtue and fncac of ifie midieine in my restoration health zijjmadjfc3gpjjjugigirtiogiti nclcui duetee in recoinm nalng this medicine 10 those afflicted u iih this horrible disease btlievtng that in all cases o ll will prove a positive interest ii in designed tu show ihe leaitul con equrnee of excessive sexual inlulgeiee and nnmiuml sulinry hahiis it l wrlit n in s chasie itylf and inly be read vvlihiui deinmeni lu ihe morals uf innocence and youih it l the very boolc i long needed a a wsrnlnis 10 inoae combination gos column i lamps lamrs i philup iiiisei no 5 ahhburlon phce seth w fowle co 139 washing ion sticct boston proprietors jm by l cir igenls everywhere thi certified tint imneihej perry davis vegetable irun kiilor wait reat succesd in cflweof cliolerainrantum commnn bowel com plaint bronchitisi coughs colild str and would cluerfully recommcod it as a valuable jforalty inejiciiie iconrersing willi mr miiciitl un mouthy bt lare came up was asked by mrm li nuuli cu tr pclhljjui p nil urn huuxujiii il m ie h id unco bufure bud the utiu in bt l u tat lyticha v l catherwood testified corrobora unp tlit sintemfius above likpiiwiri p iiceman siihl ttiat ntm rerwjitium kii di fendutit on bit tepicst ti- jtmn h nill tu linn clmpju ii s ritliti llefend tnl lmd made hniil ir stalt ntnt to ibusti kw rn tu bv cliiipiil that t mitvcd trom jitrsmi oitj wit i dludi u on l jiidiv un u m lwich tctifioil that about nioiilli mote dtleiidunt called upon linn re nine mi ihe cay but iwu dhy called agnm in 8 nr 10 di yrt wuli ibe nejjnt m quern luri vul left with thebinnefor jiiterwin orty ihu lie advised dt feiitlnut to luke the nero ujeiftfoijjjll bicaulifijliiljidllhhik s ijoiiirthe fivlitiiince ttmiiventipiitplhe owner lhip ttf the tieirro nn he found und knew ttiai ijejieirro wight he dikchnrjrpil nn a writ ul tineaorpiiji vnt hail dinctli clt teiidn nl hnnt flung the neirnnii to this ftoie i e jihy runnway negru did not know thai it iriidant a toint to hrinr iiiih inro loi i in in lie would pay in in flu0 lobnn one that f eitwnedifrpiii a trt c ftaic of iip timie to prinjf 0 ejpn which he uy ut erotcl frori froe lotnlory hint iifler tin hillfflfr lettirioii city mr knn br uhit to itnu trim uintvplaee the i nine of mr mitrlipll n- tlmt ll the neraa into in irr tlmt tie did n it now the ilr milchetl in the c m nn i a i fietl mr itntn in rt in n 1 1 j if roii it uiulhiujiuiiihiulijcjhiltifsti4 irtf-iirm- fcilhd upon lit in lie rtctivcd jroui linn i ic ol o leller dkihot june 4 18o7 mr lynch dear sir 1 i ue lmd in in irrvh w hiih j l jtrnni he i- n niggo i f the worst kind he im ctoning toi j mia or llie purpff ol entrrtnjf m aw irura their homei tbere n one imw in vnur raaresc boomer paator of llij bipunt church tmbury marthad vineyard messrs perry davis si sou dear sirs ilaunj witnessed the beennualijulctii ol vour pain killer in several cases of dysuitt r and cholera morbus will in a few months past an i dtem in it an hci of benevolence lo the jjuffirinij i would most chierfull recounnend from tht ft guilty of all manner of were ant criminal in tinltrenue the unerring lawn ol niitirc r plainly rcvcalwl and the road lo purity ami pracr pointed out hu no vounp man enierihe secret obligations of inrimed lile without nadingvery page of du uipiuni marriage almanac it dwclon secret flint evtrv one should be acqnatnied with it contains a number of ex- tiaordinary cares ard the ireaiment of secret intl delicate bieaae self abuse etc and show iiihi cases which were pronounced incurable hue been radicilh cured and ihe parlies are now married and happy e one especially young persons and th tlaiiiip jnairiage nhun rea i ltl doc tora imakkiai almanac it cunumb piamial observations on the caue of premature detay weakness ihbility nervous tomphints and iota of health ii contains a rather a advice spring advertisem*nt tatfficts- sexes and points out clearly iisrtmtdus nnd certain cure enclose three postage bumps and w ill sent ivjnni wall kess ff liberal allowance given lo all travelling booksellers book agents and pedlars all letters communications and interviews atnclly private and confidtnnal lb order lo gaim aiieniinn ihe posiaije ol all liieri must be p t paid anil have posnge smnps enclosed for ihe answer adjre- w itaphael box 668 post office hours of coiisiitintlon from u io 1 1 1 2 a m and iroin 2 to 8 p m at the couer of nelson and d uc11ess btbeet3 trmnittn s iio lo surh o- m ly b suffering fort meutioiitdor bimilardisea es ass mu edward k fullcr paslor offirsi jjiti1 t lurch toinerel m- ilns certifies tint i i nve fir sovornl jenrs uid d ii v mi pi i ci uj ny faunlj in sivirilol tlo cases i ir inch it is reio ainenilej onj fin i it a ier useful luiiiily inejiciiie a brovsov psslur o the secord capusi church in til river nfiu 2bderti3cmcnt3 evr goods new goods new goods rpul biibscriber beqs to inorm hfs custom jl ers ii d llie public fln nil ll at he has i itv d one i ihe hrgesi and b st issoituieiils 1 rarminglvlpljtvvitrlbhaitdvvaitt woodi isglao waile gltoclrii b liquchts lu ate ever nnporiid into lhat ill u is g lllds c nisi ts of the cheapest llnritwire the bst harrlivire whfcltbas my witl iltmllliia l btnon hn- wi ny h d anj board wiihoniaiiyjotea i i mm w ir hg trusting he as i nil not pn an dtbh conn cl ej b her in mj name z31emly b sov new and seconhand olothinu store t llsiiiwcnbirliereb informs ihe inhahltanta l c1i 1 ii m md the surr minding cnuniy hi il iu a i- j isi i kii j a ior fir the purpose ot mm ph i uf pe hoii in al km u of cl abiii ii he me- ii prn t un exuuuie for vour srl c il i i i ue n king s hj j wei it willi tl sire l n b 1 lie lnje iprilth pai lor new and oetoi d ilauj clutliiiu vtetviuucy aisrnog july jith ij7 j ui 4q ity wfui poininunicntor with him bat his aine i could not ubiain he v identiy obtnina interviews with tone f your iinudh ar rarilcine its have been uiadelo chrrv ft vour virl that cnmmiuiicmet with her moiher in lhathniit von mut look to the bov thai wc were peukiinvr of i p ilmt brniil the ntnr- lar ihrnuh the room eu nuve arrange nientii iihe b en made hv cutiie of the in kers mi clihlkaai for a regular rauipai n j m hroiijhlhtslno st ten 1 have mice ik wllcl mca h be a by ii ohiainmif two bu ti iiowh and 1 n wniu f r iwonior tul 1 want v in i i i nil me fosititely oue mglit only i iss s t greenfield thk ctlkdilatpi black swani repectfully announces to the citixena o chatham thst she will give om co*kcertl ie- s3 wkdnesday evfcn g jul 20th 57 at sh2jsif cossuse ftlall hie ch liisl cralles 1 lie ch tpel failialh lhe ch ip si suites ihe ch ip i llik s llie cll tsl spa irs tin cheaitsishoiels ihe chipi i hot 1 he heap t folks 1 he ul p m cultiv nurs the ghcinest giioilsl m s tie ghinre i pun p tixtns th che in st c irj ei ii is tools the chi a est g nsuare thec h i he bisi gndhs theb tsjiiealhs i he best s i ihes the bistltakts ihe bistbpidcs 1 he bistbloiel i lie b t i o the i ml oiks the ik i nlnvaiois 1 he b si ciiindtoms th b si l i n i pit ngs tin p 1 cup nitrs to is the i si g isu ire thebesi lamps of a superior kind and patent on band and for sail at this office also fluid or the same at the low price of j1 pel 1 lease call ladies jew goods i lr- at the sales in that time 25000 ban a larger amount of business by thou innds of dollars then was ever before done in chatham by any one store bhowiftgconelntel the people can ind en discriminate fftd appre ciale aud consequenth wil pa i ron tee thealure in which they can find the largest assort ment of the cheap est and best goods thosfwhoha cnnlri during the lal six months lo swell our sales lo such an unpre eedeuled amount aie veiy sinccrelyhanked and resppctfullyinlnrmrd thit lhe manager iu januarv ordered ihrourh an european com mercial triveller nearlv all our spring goods which with oihcrs ordtred from pvevv york and mnrireal are now ddily arriving so that very shortly our assorim nis in tvery departmeni will b lull ami complete fi led uo wiltigotsis ol the lw i ie cnpnoiis notwo munlhs from ihe plate of mauulaelure and purtnased of first hand- liquors liquors groceries the bcwtcas tin i si isuaar 1 he best cofke ihebesl spies 1 he best lxlracts ccc c eu c will b oll cheaper 1 he cheapel teas the ch ape i bugar the cheap si codec twt gheipen spins the chap st hxlracts cstr- tvc be- clc all the above goon thin ever havt been sold tor in chuiiam before wholesale anil ileiail itememberih 2nd intl 3rd door from the cor- i er king and fifth fatreelstpposile john smiths bq 8a lie and harness store and in millet s and ballot is rvew brick morel w hnllsov n i call ind ee i will hni ic ominodttujj trie of chaise vara li of goods you gltrks to show ihem vol 3 doif w h n chatham june gth 1857 5q until i arrive i st lamia where i will frupa yuu niv hint 6 having fnllen liorl 1 am sir v urs sinceretv pkrgy si glare m ivnch esq mr l furth r said he declined mak ing the loan asked iliil not b heve 1 1 lhe iucei s ofjlif un ert1liig ti icturn slnvis nun can ifli an i the fie sides life daul vtived litre tiled ly nltirhe rirnved the ettir t ihl htm in h i a b v at lt m vv ho iw he hid a in 1st i in s l mis and lb il lit uld bung bun but his funds wen shoit handuil dtlenilaiit 20 saw hun llu hext moriiiiig leirned that he hid the boy at at lewnslejs w is asked to hike cll ire of pun but die ineil w is thin asti il to yi willi hun mid see lhe boi hut declined lidviscd hun to tike bun lo jchvrson cll lhe re to get his hlstorv told him he would e ihu negro 1 1 lhe ciond nt the ilcdol knd if ho recogmzid hun would hive lnm arrested gave defeudaiit a lo buy a picket never saw defend ml in possission pf cbappell bad no mtenst duectlj or llherwise in tin mnllir and nevtr in bnged defendant to bring negroes heic cifeudant brought no h tiers of introiluction tojllrahad never received any coiiiileialnui lor the mtney he advanced hid nol emploed pouiisal for defendant knew a b ml chell tiiver thought of him as owning ntgroni- ker woulr of tuspecled hun of ownidg a ne oilier and collaltrit stiteineuis vvert nude by mr l of less intirist lhn cxumi ballon having cunlinued to 2pm it w a kljoumed to sip m and tam i for defi nilani- appoainnce was taken in the sum of 81500 with b m lynch ns aecui itj when tin diour ol 5 pai arrived defendant c line n it land justice wait adjudged the bond so i o pbrfeued and also tin bond oll 0 givn on the 29lb for appearance on the 3th nol ilo dnpart from court till disch irgcd by due oursc uf lair th5 security fur the i 1 000 ond is lewis chandler and ihc amount declared forfeited is 1500 professor g f h laurence who will preside st the pis o io- hckkts so ckn1s boon onen at n clork e mcert to com- mciice at 8 o clock precisely col j m demuv aeont good news for all phrlnologicai lxami rvalions gliuvuiant con- sulniions mil nl iee kivn dlllj p jsiinil js eicltl mani in lite j lj umilyippi i loll cure of n ists i ll is in ii i illililt tore i ir wmkne s debiliyiiijiscriliuns f joulh ind all iniioiis coini laints clmvoyncc tnihks ns to s mnr tltirlv lhe ciivuf a i our w iff nnsirtd infirm i its ll limbics us io r toiiuiltnil and idvice tin e mtans lb il vv ill if el i p rfeel mil ctrlam cure whin ill oilier rtmedi h ivt inltd ll ilsotnilhs us lo si the most innoc nt sife lidctrliin intn s to he einplove i allvvhoare in trouble all who hm ism unli nun he de i en el an i irill 1 will all wlit i d hopis i hive in n cllish 1 in i hhstt i ill vi h in i ds i ind h al h ire smuruig anl dicliuing o a jiahe chance for a gooj farm lot no 18 in 3rd consession township of moort couikj oi lambion 200 acres w ill be miti low uv cash at the present time or for two muntiis to co int the land is good and elmhv aliuat d b inr inout 5 mile from river st clair ind the snur distance from the ihrung town ol alcorc hur pirn nhri enquire at the proctnau fretinn cftlec june j isj7 4itf lit rein coniits the secret of the extensive lumiitiss e arc dohil no two profits to pay on our groods thoc who hae never vimied lhe- faners and meohanics store wihfindorrdoiugo thai its mock embraces lull assortments of drygoods seasonable and fashionable boots and shoes from the reltbrated manufactor of messrs b own clulds montreal carpetings for sale a neat cottage wnh garden atiache tor sa e it easv lenns for paritcula iplyalthi- ollite junllth ih7 i 41 1iookh on ijlavlki io i5l co sultld t slaven and ami slavtrj by w goodel new york p btta a complete history an with refer me to the chuiclns c tve gri ctn h-ev-dvbn-law- rtnee da ion ohio p 23 a complel multun in pat rn 3 teachings of the new testament bv rev jowphp thumpon d d nev york 1850 -most-rhiable- 4 sei ipfural views of slaverv by rev a ben barnes p 384 philadelphia 185c an unanswerable book 5 th north and lhe souih a statistical view sec p l3jtwtttvtco 185c this book is nn auihortiy to silence everv pro slavisi b ki j lo uncle toms c ihin jeweit co bosion aid beappiudulo dred bolb bj m- s 1 7 the shame and glorj of the american sapiens a brev e wardalmhews p 13 bristol eg and london why will not egnlar bap ists ot canada read confess an reform nnn mous rcmonstrmrc-omhe-fourtl- congrceiiional chu tb haiilord conn asi american f hocielvip 31 9 american slaver in tonnecuon c en bnclng dr perk n s valualle strmon m jav si itcis aid vote as lo american sund sschouluniou p 10 new oik h b knigl 8m r 10 lilt r rcspecllii a bjok dropped rio thecalal u ol the amtrlcin sundav beho ijiiion in loinpliuiee wilh slave power i 30n w ihh 11 inslle vi w ul blivcrv by dr parson yiveit t bo ion i8ij co ua inin fads hnrittn p 318 i j i etnrs on shverv bv o 1 freemin i 10m hrion b marshlbaa tim is th book uf pcinaptcsj match 1hj7 las on millinery store i 3 sma 3cgs10ivformtheladiesthat slu ha received hrr new goods which she iscinlilly stleciedlo auit the wants of her uroi h from lhe best jaitish and american markets consisting nf lhn mo k hjapansoso cnoeaai bonne ts man1les r scolds ifow- ribhons flowers- silks satins c tec ac la jies underclothing i to alloiahieb shejespietfnllyjnvites altrn- nin at her show rlom wiie ihe rov- al exchange hotel king street i batbarn jy paris london aifd nesryork tashioi uslnclivedlorlhtspringof1867 nov 21sl 185d j v3nlclr y t wild mly is draught ale and porter m tra veller8 ca ml loirdeis will find ereay accomoda ion ii the ilove house wnhool lhe noise and sjo iih i so eommjn at public hotels boar and l tor i lintiitti number of genllemcp also boant i vi i h an i lglng by lhe day or week on rea sonable terms c thomas prmthelcr rlt rdjlay 3bj8a7 30tx division courtsfor 18t noricl is htrtbv given dial ihi division courls lor thecounlv ol kenl lor lhe ear 1857 will bl hell al ihc lollovvmj places anl times 1st dm ion chilham saiunhy loih jan v do do sdlurla lh telriiirj do do saturday th march do do saturlay 4lh april il di suurliv 21 miv do do bmirdiy lth june do do tsaiutdiy4ih julv do do balurdi 1st august do do s uurdiy 5ih s pimrxi ilo do silnrda i tvmhr first cf august ctxebration jill cliilnof amh rslhurg will cele bi ale the annivirsarv ol ihe linancipauon ot slavery in llie brilish wxst inlitun lhe tirsl of august by order s b williams l c 7xiliv1 it jn mctukdy lhe i n filling claiuao vt am imiki soiocist ir llvice in i gin line all i torinr unjtr mi i iiirhol tho his anil dpi t spini dlsirossitrl inrrid ir in ith it ver t iust all laboring unihr bad ind d li in hi i ill go lo lnm lor r inf inltunloil all i dits wliohiv sufttr d ui in th i t t impl in ts in i ills nss inn it nl lo innilts riinli lnm ivilhlh gr atest confiihne 1 rev tin n nur rnge all in d itcilt hialth should tonsiili lnm choici farms for sale i elu aa vj uaoi itn n i 2 i ol nol ill 5th concession on plank roul kid lens jkt icrt sjtl iii ussovrcsa usjaisoj n 1 i li no i in 5 h conre sion 1 1 so on pi ink lull 00 acre per acre s2l 00 if til led all b ja loi h i nulling on rinr tlain a in i di lilillul taim millnn tin mitsd i hunts villesiaia 1 1 hit gr u wei rn itnlw n 1 he old li nilon v it ilo 1 1 jus ts ilnotih il iu icriscleuel lull 211 i ns r acre a w 00 njtoin 1st cuiictssi ritxi tlhnl i ml whki laud 200 acres pric e ss00 n flinl- cole ssi in xt ihnlliarlvi ki 1 intl juo trs pi nen si j oil iflsibeles l212l312jhg tor liiilhtr pirn nllrs cnqiliie if i teller and other house furnitsliings waxiifi window paper bnaiissf stjdiiipsg wmm wwwjio sk9o of lhe most approved lnl iji french italian and bohemian mauul iclure hats ij- caps hosiery y gloves stationary r school books wall 5- windmo paper trunk tu valiiei ci odo y glass ware cut dage pickles fr sauces fruits nvts groceries piovisioiis cutlery j spoons do do mndiyl nivcmhir do do snunuv gil ie mbir 2nd di mapeih thurstla jniti i irch do do i hiifsihy ddrt jul do do tue du 21th vov ilojliihj lovvii lutsdi j7ih jinuarv h do tuesday ililll may di do 1 burs l iv villi si pi 3rd div ricuinseib tridiy 3llih jinuarj do di monday 27lh julv do dawn mills mondiy 3lb m irch do do mon lay jaii scpleinbcr dodnsdcn fridi lih m i do do friday j7ih noveml t r ih diusim ilirwieh thursday tflih januarj do do thursday ih maj do do salurdiv 2uth s pl ilofwtllinaim inn lowi- s in ii nvh 4 lit wirl si7uriiaj8lh mar h ii st y iitrrrir jll ie olh 1k nails guiss f putty oil and paints wines and litpiois including pikes magnolia champagnes airs poiteis c tc being ihe firmers mechanics slon us slocks are laid in wnh a view lo the supplv ing ihetr t very waul and as farmeis 6c median us like oiher classes ol ibe community have not ill times the dime g o piv down for ihur necessaries a well defined and distnminilive credit buiness will be done iu riler lo meet ihe wants of worthy and rpon ilk persons making only 5 pr cent di tier 1 1 e bei ween cash and credit we have a large ard for customers to drive iheir garri igts lino and a good ilo do do 5i h div deal torn do do do do s mini- j tliursihj jbih ov monday 2lih jnmnry minlaj aoih miv welneslay jjrdstp pirl inn do miduk hold wedneslav 2h march du do wslnsdal 2vodjul io do mondiv2drl novimbr- ali divwallactlurg tuesdaj lli march jo du tuisdaj jlihbepnmber i do slturdll jslli nov do al oung ill p office s ililrdi jlst janurry do do saturdi 30th mav do do 1 u sh 2hh jul 7lh division cleirvill fndav j7lh march do do fridll 21lll julv do do wi dmsdij iah mov do kilniarnoet wtdnisilaj jslli jin do do wnliitslav 27th mi do do ilidi 2oih sept bv unit rof wu i usl bisjmis wmsefq jude ot lhe counfi ol iv nt gluigb duck jn clerk if ihc pence goiiiilij f hent office oflheci rkoflie ptici cbaibani uth u c ihat virril lv new notice to i rplll ho ml l 1 teachers mi il k m thoc- hobavtuivrhf4h thtmeer tottitrht ats ho l1h- it s 1 i t i st ji mi nn i hahii of oiu c msi ti inin pnv nth md confi itntullv all who hive hid in i lui ill whohav mtd llifir btst to ion in lit w rid md cinik i i l hun foi ttl ice how to im pirn t iheir cireinn u ee v ntnis hutil 1 gel hi- opinnn uh it tri ie or pi hn n is het l i tuhltd to ensure llun dull it n uciess ui lib in i ie nltnri lilt pininpl s of the ibol sci nice jiiiilt 3 cm lo i inpp m irna and do mtmic i them he shous he likenfss of futlrp lit and or wife call consult him and judge ft r vourult how i rul he ean tell vou i urtlil r paiticuhrs tuii gratis ftt afflictcd rt d j j lr kaphafi sunitlatl amianac it is a u irk 1 slarllih el tr instuet v n imi liif rut it n f r tin tl in j i it tl txa mill i hlttntaiftmhhtibtjtrstr on ih lit i 1 1 1 is i r nt x ut it til th i loi thtiii i im ih ir hors under and fted all kinds of fa km produce mi i n jin e i atli uloliivc not cumni i rub ius ui pi il in tmn i r lhe pntt i i ir in nq t r d i rim ml mlamim iiil w ill t iltn i tt en r p e me st hoi i btcltons the pnhli li 1 1 1 1 i n i leielnrs u ho hill c rtificitts diinn llu n i nrt o lh board aie nlo rtquin i lo atiui i in pnxini icsiimonnls of tool inirtl elnrn i iili r lom ihur r jp tin clcr n orlm hon k ol inimics i h in hit lut in n t11 led othtris rh ir etrtilirdte- will ik e in ltlkd ino certitlcmis heintter ull ik grtnui lora longer period than os wn u oidir t i the binrd nims cross v s ci 1 p i couni tt kent chatdinji u lij iy spring goods a r the chatham clothing hall issyis cyrsissisijiliil havlloinlinnltlh arrival ur lh ir nfii oouusi r tht prestnl seison inelud ing an xlenive inj arelully stletl i slo k ol ladits dllpssbs bilanvls man 1le- 110nmts pltasols illbilns flow i its 1u1mm1ngs gltlvlb hs ii v ttuel atlencion all fimperacn tt iii ict t l a titahrs mui liters nfrdigo y shortly will be publishedj a census list of the inhabitants of stratford o vr for ib57 shew ing iht religions denominalnm llio wliu use llnxicnllnz drinks aid those unodo not w iih the relivio is dtnomiua lions npp nded also taverna and sellersol in loxieatinir di inks wnh ilso such religious de nrmmation nppenled lists of dislilers anil i bievversvnih ihc same list ol mml of he county of penh elsis of memlr 4c of coiureginuns ma be added names of itx reaeheisulschouls ctli asiliasuietl that the rralhekand drinking habiu and lb drlltkcnu*tss- ofour land are confined tu presby terians cpistopalians and roman ca i holies siiih lists u ill prichcally show thttruih ofun- trtuh ul the slat mem i hive they not ihetrafickers got enongh ol our bloolt hon m camoron the next be 1 gicj nnd glfi lo every w man anj child ofor- land will is lie freedom from th iraffick 1 by ameri- 3tbtr0r0 c w j litli march is37 ivtote the aucnilon orall teinperanca ii assoeialions sons of temperance leg 1 tors mmiskis f rthgion and others fa vourable to lhe pulling down of ihe curse anil ihe ohrulua toiinirv tbcpumic traffic in intoruminr drinks the savage uncivilized and unchristian lands exepled lhat allentiomsoilled lu the a- dipiinguf such a plan as the above to show statistically and more exactly ihosi who in our several municipalities and iiinuniiies ctunicnnte lhe public evil and disgrace of our dav lhe traffic in intoxica ting drinks amlalso hi sai 1 pi 1 purilv a british colony whith is lhe most fore most of great bntian i nowsjions and make il canada mole reliable as a honr for iheem- tgnm undtr a frea liberal and loval govera men i to make ihe census complete in lis inten tion genmll a lit hould be subjoined of tht nnmts ol ihose biamrnr inhabitants wh uh- litij use inloxicaiing drinks at our pullc van and salt nt ihe laiier common named as the hells ofour community sober farmers mechanics millers carpenter laboures ac are ihosi dj who realize a competence and prtw- peiuy in canada and meel with readv emplay- imnl all those connected lib unr llallways- inust be sober men ask mr brv dges lhe rail- wa manager at haniiltun c w is ihe saal snhriel uliilcd as we rnnve ih hfi j wil please cupv papers favourable to the caaaa ihe largest hi i ijs be bought and found for sale tho c iholnt nol paid ns a visa are re quistul to oso all n dep nd upon bun kindl in i olliinli in i ltd paietndflivc red at hotels or ru dtnee in town tru ol clnilt 13 ortti of the manager john d mclkoi c i ilt u apnl jnd isa- lv papi it 11 1m1sgs domi stic goods ready made clothing c a firstkate stock oi cloths vestings oentle- ttensgtjods clothing- ulol 10 ouolr ts ustlil ciirap kok c sh chilli nn m iv i- ts7 v i nil ii important to housekeepers lofftr fir sal l t i n tilth i live i l ii i itt t 1st iiotist lilltrtnl rtcipts for sl imnv sold iht j isi t ir lor 5 a pi i v ill iu lt 51 for oni f llnse itipts it iu illtrliliilll oil t a 1 insi wm biiimiutk l mil pi isint pa and iht whole million ol t eci ts vv illbt inrwlrl j bv mill fall stock in clintliairi isciiasnd or cash and offlrkit r produce only at price as loir aa auca litwu demand far bh low competition ol ihoe who huj or sell on any oilier leims the old store joseph s beatjti staplr drygoods g voceiues lrquoks pa in tsxiirs 2000 lbs abborthd shot 100 kligs gun powder sole agent for burning fluid sbeatty7 ir 3tjjt hllhaui det ulh 1s51 william still bi os io innounce hat he has orinfn kominino liouealno 374 south si iii i t t tr m pun amlphu where he uill aeeom ii j1 ilt rtipcclable persons perm a niinu or i tiicntl who may favour him wilh llu ir piiron t 11 ii m- is cnnnuiliou and in rood order 1 1 iii 1 mon tc thai and respecuibu jt n puns will bespaired ihereforel jiv t in in nun philadtlphia oet jth ia si if



Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON: Mary Ann Shadd Cary (October 9, 1823 – June 5, 1893)), July 25, 1857, p. 3 (2024)


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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.