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Your Brain at Work fundamentals workshop 2009 Workbook Tuesday 1 December 2009 Doltone House, Pyrmont Sydney, Australia

Know Your Brain: Transform Your Performance

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Know Your Brain: Transform Your Performance NEW


Your brain is the key to your performance. Isn’t it time you really understood it? Revolutionize the way you live and work through having a better understanding of what’s happening in your brain. David Rock’s ground-breaking new book, released last month!

Order now! “Simply put, this intriguing book offers fascinating research about the brain’s functions, limitations and capacities, and it teaches us how we can “direct” our own brain chemistry in order to achieve fulfillment and success. Well worth reading and ingesting these skills.”

Stephen R. Covey

Author, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Learn more about the book at ii

David Rock

Author and Leadership Development Expert David is the founder and CEO of Results Coaching Systems (RCS), which has operations in 15 countries. RCS helps Fortune 500 clients embed internal coaching capacity to develop leaders, retain talent and improve performance. Over 10,000 professionals have gone through coaching programs he developed. David is the author of Personal Best, (Simon & Schuster, 2001), Quiet Leadership (Harper Collins, 2006) and Coaching with the Brain in Mind (Wiley & Sons, 2009), and Your Brain at Work, released in October 2009. As well as running RCS, in 2007 David coined the term ‘NeuroLeadership’ and co-founded the NeuroLeadership Institute, a global initiative bringing neuroscientists and leadership experts together to build a new science for leadership development. He co-edits the NeuroLeadership Journal and heads up an annual global summit. Academically, David is on the faculty and advisory board of Cimba, an international business school based in Europe. He also co-created a complete coaching certificate program at New York University (SCPS) and is a guest lecturer at universities in five countries including Oxford University’s Said Business School. He is currently completing a doctorate in the Neuroscience of Leadership, and lives between Sydney and New York City.


About us

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Your Brain at Work fundamentals workshop contents About David Rock


About Results Coaching Systems (RCS)


RCS Turning Coaches into Managers


Slide Presentation/Notes


NeuroLeadership Institute Post Graduate Certificate in The Neuroscience of Leadership Program Information Expression of Interest form

27 28



NeuroLeadership Institute Membership form 35 JOURNAL and Summit Recordings order form 36 2010 Summit dates 37


RCS Intensive Coach Training Program


RCS Further Development Programs


Turning Managers into Coaches

Transforming the culture of organisations Results Coaching Systems is an Australian based, international coaching and consulting firm. Fully accredited by the International Coach Federation, we have delivered training since 1998 to more than 8,000 individuals and facilitated over 150 workplace projects within organistions. Selected by several Fortune 100 organisations as their provider of choice, Results Coaching Systems brings coaching into organisations, transforming the dialogues that sit at the heart of corporate culture.

Our Specialties: n Applying cutting edge neuroscientific principles to the art of leadership n Building coaching skills in managers and leaders n Developing teams of certified internal coaches n Providing executive coaches to organisations

Our Clients include: n Citibank n Electronic Data Systems (EDS) n Ericsson n HSBC n IAG Insurance n IBM n Origin Energy

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Your Brain at Work fundamentals workshop Slide Presentation


slide 1 & 2 Notes



Four surprises 1. The rational is overrated 2. We’ve got emotions backward 3. Social issues are primary 4. Attention changes the brain


slide 3 & 4 Notes Needed for understanding, deciding, remembering, inhibiting

Working memory


Hardwiring Minimal effort needed, massive capacity, parallel, hard to distract


Working memory limitations

Energy intensive


Working memory Small



slide 5 & 6 Notes

Working memory limitations Understand Decide Recall Memorize Inhibit


Working memory limitations

“We have a limited bucket of resources for activities like decision making and impulse control, and when we use these up, we don’t have as much for the next activity.” Dr. Roy Baumeister


slide 7 & 8 Notes

Attention as a limited resource If you truly respected attention as a limited resource, what might you do differently?

Notes Challenge 2: Most problems aren’ aren’t solved rationally

In the lab, 60% of problems are solved in a way that people can’t explain


slide 9 & 10 Notes

The four faces of insight

1. Awareness

4. Action

2. Reflection

3. Insight

Rock (2006)


The four faces of insight 1. Awareness of a dilemma

We focus on conflicting maps that have not been able to be reconciled.


slide 11 & 12 Notes

The four faces of insight 2. Reflection By EEG: Alpha band waves arise, signifying external stimuli being shut out of the senses to focus on internal processes.


Jung Beeman (2006)


slide 13 & 14 Notes

The four faces of insight 2. Reflection ‘Inhibition’ of thinking required • Tell someone what not to think: +5% • Give someone clues: + 8% Ohlsson (2004)


Time flies like an arrow… 1. Time moves swiftly in one direction

From Steven Pinker’s ‘The Language Instinct’


slide 15 & 16 Notes

The four faces of insight 3. Insight

By EEG: Sudden burst of gamma band activity, associated with complex cognitive processing. Represents a change in internal circuitry.


Change a letter and a meaning Caterpallor The color you turn finding half a worm in fruit you're eating.

Decafalon The grueling event of getting through a day consuming only things that are good for you.

Dopeler Effect The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.


slide 17 & 18 Notes

The four faces of insight 3. Insight

• Adrenaline-like substances are released • Dopamine-like substances are released


The four faces of insight 4. Action

• Insight brings short term urgency for action • Action increases attention density • Attention density deepens new connections


slide 19 & 20 Notes

Where do insights come from? “…variables that improve the ability to detect weak associations may improve insight solving.” Mark Beeman, NeuroLeadership Journal, Edition 1

Notes Anxiety by Insight Interaction 35 Number Solved

30 25 20

Insight No. Non Insight No.

15 10 5 0 Low STAI

Medium STAI


Anxiety (defined by STAI)


slide 21 & 22 Notes


Four surprises 1. The rational is overrated 2. We’ve got emotions backward 3. Social issues are primary 4. Attention changes the brain


slide 23 & 24 Notes

The skittish limbic system


Bad is stronger than good

Away Threat

Toward Reward

Rock (2008)


slide 25 & 26 Notes

Limbic threat response • Psychological = physical threats • Generalizes more • Errs on the side of pessimism • Impacts working memory



Emotional regulation

Situation Selection

Attention Deployment

• Expression • Suppression • Cognitive change Time

Emotional Engagement


slide 27 & 28 Notes

Emotional regulation Same or more arousal


Bad memory Others uncomfortable

Less arousal

Cognitive change

No change to memory No affect on others


How to stay cool… 1. Labeling 2. Reappraisal 3. Mindfulness


slide 29 & 30 Notes

Put on the brakes


Emotional regulation Labeling We predict it will make things worse Actually reduces arousal


slide 31 & 32 Notes

Emotional regulation Reappraisal Needed for strong emotional hits Involves changing your appraisal of events



Reappraisal Optimism

Environmental Mastery Positive Relationships Life Satisfaction - 50

+ 50 Gross (2005)


slide 33 & 34 Notes

Mindfulness • MAAS by Kirk Brown

• Tang study

• ‘Farb’ paper


Free Will vs Free Wont Mindfulness Brain signal

Desire to move

Voluntary Movement

Veto power 0.3 sec

0.2 sec

Half a second

Libet (1983)


slide 35 & 36 Notes

Four surprises 1. The rational is overrated 2. We’ve got emotions backward 3. Social issues are primary 4. Attention changes the brain


Status 1 2 3 4 5


slide 37 & 38 Notes

Certainty The brain is a prediction machine. Uncertainty arouses the limbic system.


Autonomy The brain likes to be able to predict and have a say in the future. A feeling of having a choice dramatically impacts stress levels


slide 39 & 40 Notes

Relatedness Friend or foe Trust or distrust Connect or don’t connect

Foe is the default


Fairness Brain regions associated with primary rewards – food, pleasant touch or pleasant memories, money, a picture of a loved one those same regions were active when people received fair offers, compared to unfair offers of equal level. Golnaz Tabibnia, UCLA


slide 41 & 42 Notes

The deeply social brain Away




Status Certainty Autonomy Relatedness Fairness Rock (2008)


Four surprises 1. The rational is overrated 2. We’ve got emotions backward 3. Social issues are primary 4. Attention changes the brain


slide 43 & 44 Notes

The biggest surprise…? Know your brain = Ability to label experiences

Language for experience = integrated brain

Integrated brain = maximally adaptive


Resources Books: Quiet Leadership - David Rock (Collins, 2006) Coaching with the Brain in Mind - Rock & Page (Wiley, July 2009) Your Brain at Work - David Rock (Harper Business, October 2009) Other resources: - summit, graduate certificate, journal - brain-based coaching programs - blog, interviews, audio, articles, research Contact: [emailprotected]



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Your Brain at Work fundamentals workshop notes












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By the end of the course you will know how to: n

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Access to a variety of additional business tools and support services post training

RCS offers an ICF Accredited Coach Training Program


A story from one of our coaches My journey to become a coach began as a Marketing Manager for a global beverage manufacturer. I was very well paid, quite overworked and for the most part, I loved what I was doing in my role that involved building brands and my team of brand managers. But there was something missing. The fire in my belly I get when I am engaged in something I truly love doing had tapered down to a gentle simmer of embers. I felt like I could be giving, learning and receiving more. After speaking with a Results Coach and understanding the real value of the training Results offer I enrolled in the ICT and I have never looked back. Once I was exposed to the tools and framework shared in the ICT, I became aware how acutely important and useful they were in both a business and wider life sense. I took up the challenge given to the class by our trainers to start coaching straight away. This was instrumental in consolidating the learning and building confidence and experience as a coach! I continued to coach clients every spare minute I had outside of my full time job and made the decision to leave and pursue my own business full time. After 3 months of resigning I had a full practice. Despite the dedication, focus and confidence I used, the experience was made all the richer by the support of a number of the more experienced coaches within the Results community. Results Coaching offers outstanding trainers and an excellent coaching framework, dedicated mentors and fosters a growing and supportive community of coaches around the world. Belinda Cordina Results Certified Coach

Course Overview Feedback from previous students “What I really liked about the course was the perfect balance struck between offering a structured coaching methodology and a more intuitive approach driving at clients’ insights.”

Coaching communication skills

Clara Seeger, Certified Coach

In the first part of the program, you’ll explore some of the origins of coaching, looking specifically at contemporary neuroscience and its implications on coaching and facilitating change. You’ll then move in to developing key coaching communication skills that will transform the way you communicate. Topics include: n Think about thinking n Listen for potential n Speak with intent n The Results Coaching Model n The Dance of Insight n CREATE new thinking n Follow up with FEELING

The processes of coaching Once you have learned how to communicate like a coach, you’ll move in to applying these new skills to key coaching processes. Topics include how to: n Set powerful goals with your clients n Establish a coaching relationship and build trust n Develop strategies for success n Get your clients into action n Manage coaching sessions n Manage progress and accountability n Generate insights n Work with habits n Operate as a coach

Live learning By teleclass four, you will have learnt how to communicate like a coach within the Results coaching framework so that you can start working with clients outside of class. This is an integral part of the learning experience.

“To think that I almost didn’t sign up for the course…what was I thinking of? ! When I think of your course, these words spring to mind – high levels of quality, integrity and authenticity. Truly inspiring.” Sarb Chowdry, Certified Coach “I conducted a complimentary session today, with my first director level client. My client was delighted with the coaching outcome. Thank you Results for your excellent training. The hard work and investment has really paid off!” Beverley Anderson, Coach “I’m very proud to be a Results coach, and I think others are too – I’ve noticed that whereas other coaches don’t talk about their training school unless asked, Results coaches are most likely to introduce themselves as a Results coach. That’s an achievement.” Cally Robson, Certified Coach “We covered an amazing amount in a relatively short time. So time management and design of the course were excellent. Compressed a lot of learning & growth in short time.” New York ICT Participant

What you get

“The course was excellent – my expectations were exceeded. Free ongoing mentoring is a real plus. The fact that inside three months students are actively coaching underpins the power and quality of Results Coaching.”


Sydney ICT Participant

In this program you’ll also complete one coaching observed session assignment and one live assessment with a qualified Results Assessor. Both these exercises will give you a solid understanding of your progress in the course and will build your confidence as a coach.

n n n n n n n n n n

Results Certificate of Coaching Skills (upon successful completion of all elements of the program) 3 day intensive workshop 12 x 1.25 hour teleclasses A feedback report on your observed session coaching assignment A live coaching assessment with a Results Assessor 600 page manual Coach and client materials to use in your coaching practice Free ongoing mentoring for life Access to our online coach only Resources section Community groups and networking events Access to all the support services available to Results Coaches


“The Intensive Coach Training Program by RCS is the best training I have come across in my 22 year career. The program has given a different dimension to my professional life.” Bangalore ICT Participant

Further Development

Continuing and Specialist Education Programs from Results Continuing Education Programs The Results Coaching Systems suite of Continuing Education Programs are for coaches wishing to hone and develop their skills in particular areas specific to coaching. Programs can be taken at any time after the Intensive Coach Training Program.

Coach specific training hours: 12 Open to: All Almost every leading organisation and governmental department is utilising coaching at various levels to drive performance, retain high potentials and develop leaders. But how is it done and how can organisations get the best return on investment from their coaching interventions? This course aims to demystify the use of coaching in the workplace through exploring how different coaching modalities are being used to build a coaching culture in the workplace.

Coach specific training hours: 12 Open to: Results trained and non-Results trained coaches Intuition is about tuning in and listening to that ‘intuitive voice’ that sits within us all. It’s about trusting one’s instincts. This program is designed to strengthen participants’ intuition through understanding what intuition is and connecting and applying it to coaching sessions.

Coach specific training hours: 12 Open to: Results trained and non-Results trained coaches This program is designed for new coaches who are establishing their coaching practice, or those looking to take their practice to a new level. The main focus of this program is to help participants identify ways to set up their business and find clients. Participants of this program will establish a clear vision for their coaching business, set goals, clearly identify business resources and identify promotional and distribution methods for marketing strategies.

Coach specific training hours: 12 Open to: Results trained coaches only As we become more experienced as coaches we look for tools to give coachees more extraordinary results with greater ease. This course is designed to give you processes and tools specifically aimed at giving coachees deeper insights, new awareness or breakthroughs. The course will include and focus on role plays, group discussion, case studies around generating breakthroughs, dealing with breakdowns in coaching, challenging coachees, project blueprint and other skills and tools for helping coachees develop insights. RCS offers an ICF Accredited Coach Training Program


Coach specific training hours: 12 Open to: Results trained coaches only Work Skills is hands-on training – highly practical and experiential – working with real coachee experiences. Participants will need to have their coachee materials available during each session so that they can access ‘live’ strategies, actions and case studies. This makes the training tangible, increases the chances of the coach putting into practice what they are learning. The program focuses on building coaching strength in working with goal areas that are typical to workplace, business and executive coaching: creative, career, finance and business.

Coach specific training hours: 12 Open to: Results trained coaches only Life Skills focuses on building coaching strength in personal, health, relationship and community goals areas. A highly experiential program, also known as a ‘Coaching Lab’, participants will be working with real coachee scenarios in class. The participants will need to have their coachee materials available during each session so that they can access ‘live’ strategies, actions and case studies. This makes the training tangible, and increases the chances of the coach putting into practice what they are learning.

Coach specific training hours: 12 Open to: Results trained coaches only Masterful Coaching is an advanced program designed specifically for coaches with more than 500 hours of experience in coaching. The program is designed to stretch and challenge experienced coaches, in order to prepare for the Professional Certified Coach and Master certified Coach examinations with the International Coach Federation (ICF). The program uses the ICF competencies as a framework for enquiry into masterful coaching. Participants will undertake live coaching within the core competency areas and receive invaluable feedback from experienced ICF certified assessors and coaches.

Specialist Education Programs Results suite of specialist programs are for coaches wishing to specialise in a particular area of coaching. All programs (with the exception of Theoretical Foundations) can be taken anytime after the Intensive Coach Training Program. Theoretical Foundations can be taken by anyone, whether they are a coach or not. Some programs are open to non-Results trained coaches. There are pre-requisites for these programs and applications are accepted at RCS’s discretion. Please see below for further details.

Coach specific training hours: 18 Open to: Results and non-Results trained coaches Prerequisites: Must have completed initial coach training with an ICF approved training school. Must have at least 20 hours of coaching experience. This specialist education program provides coaches with all the skills and tools for working in this specialist area.

Coach specific training hours: 18 Open to: All Coaching draws on many related domains, which include philosophy, behavioural science, solution-focused therapy, systems thinking, and the study of the brain. Examine where this new field has come from and where it is heading in this course. Understand the scientific basis behind any coaching framework. Broaden your understanding of a wide range of fields linking coaching theory and practice while coaching others.

The program contains both theoretical and practical work, as well as a focus on starting to coach business clients. It also includes assessment tools and new models for supporting business development. In this type of coaching, you are dealing with the person who has some power, but not with the business itself. It’s important to understand the language, the pressures and the demands in the business world so you can work more effectively as a coach.

Coach specific training hours: 18 Open to: Results and non-Results trained coaches Prerequisites: Must have completed initial coach training with an ICF approved training school. Must have had at least 2 business/executive clients or have a significant executive or business background. Must have at least 20 hours of coaching experience. This class introduces many models and frameworks for working with executives within organisational contexts. The program describes how to translate the Results coaching model to an executive context, how to work with assessments as well as many other executive-focused frameworks. The program contains both theoretical and practical work, as well as a focus on starting to coach executive clients. It is very rich in tools that students can start to use immediately.

Coach specific training hours: 18 Open to: Results and non-Results trained coaches

To find out more or to register for these programs, please contact us. You can find out more by visiting our website For non-Results trained coaches, please note: Applications from non-Results trained coaches will be accepted at RCS’s discretion. Only those coaches who have trained with an ICF or Government accredited or approved school will be accepted into these programs. Those wishing to apply for either Executive or Team Coach Training must have significant experience in coaching before joining the program.

Prerequisites: Must have completed initial coach training with an ICF approved training school. Must have at least 20 hours of coaching experience. Team Coaching takes the brain-based coaching models that form the foundation of Results Coaching, and applies them in the context of teams. The curriculum covers what makes successful teams thrive, the stages teams go through as they develop, and how to translate 1:1 coaching to a team using the CO-CREATE model.


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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.