What is your strongest or most fun Megacorp build with the new DLC - r/Stellaris (2024)

r/Stellarisu/StahlPanther1d ago

Megacorps are my favourite and I am looking for good ideas/inspirations


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u/CommunistRingworldFanatic Egalitarian1d ago

worker coop is super underrated. being able to get minerals, food, AND energy from trade, is amazing. it's also super fun cause it's a radically different economy to anything else you can make. i imagine it would be amazing with modularity ascension for that sweet sweet extra trade value. and something like relic start or ocean paradise anglers or shattered ring start for the super high trade value homeworld. in fact, i probably would restore the shattered ring with worker coop, something i never do with any other build cause scrap miners are amazing.


u/Darkon-Kriv1d ago

Yep! I posted about this a bunch. One of the cyborg governments adds +1 trade value from living standard. And can be enchanced by 50% from an event in the situation. That straight up makes every pop give .4 energy food and rocks and .2 unity reguardless of job. You need no workers besides some clerks in your entire empire.


u/TheGalatorDriven Assimilator1d ago

How do u get the unity? I thought it only gives the basic resources?


u/BaristaGirlie1d ago

it was patched!


u/terrario101Shared Burdens1d ago

Yeah, recently used it in my last run in conjuntion with Synthetic Fertility. Sure was quite the fun combo.


u/FesatredditMachine Intelligence1d ago

And that's not mentioning that worker coop trade conversion got buffed in one of the recent patches!

In addition to 0,2 of each resource, it also now generates 0,1 unity for each trade value which isn't a lot but still nice on top of the main bonuses


u/StahlPanther1d ago

Name checks out and it sounds like a pretty fun build, need to try it out, never did worker coop before


u/IsNotAnOstrich1d ago

Username checks out


u/Voronov11d ago

I had thought it wasn’t as good because you don’t have the big surplus of energy that other Megacorps have, but I can see how it can be pretty powerful with city districts and the trade buildings.


u/TheGalatorDriven Assimilator1d ago

What makes scrap miners so good?


u/CommunistRingworldFanatic Egalitarian1d ago

at first i use my main one for mining with a smidge of trade, then the other two for trade since it isn't effected by habitability. gradually as i get other trade worlds, if i'm not worker coop (cause it's a pure trade build and does not need scrapminers) i transition all three worlds to pure mining one by one as i can afford it (maybe a smidge of trade, but hard focus on mining). this looks something like this (ballpark numbers):
1 mining capital ring segment = 1000 minerals a month, 200 alloys

all 3 mining ring segments = 3000 minerals a month, 600 alloys

then you use that to power either foundry ecus or a brand new foundry ring.

if i didn't make clear, scrap miners get minerals and a smidge of alloys per month as a job.


u/WesternDissident9h ago

You do realize the trade value from the restored ringworlds can be traded for far more minerals and alloys on the galactic market, right?


u/Omegarex24Shared Burdens1d ago

Probably not very strong, but I’ve had a lot of fun playing with a Virtual idol singer Megacorp.

Individualist machines with the Emotion Emulators, Trading Algorithms, Sociology Core, Art Generator, Luxurious and Custom Made traits.

Fanatic Xenophile/Pacifist Megacorp with the Public Relations and Media Conglomerate civics.

The idea is to take Discovery and Expansion first to find juicy planets for later and meet new friends to expand your branch offices with, followed by Mercantile and Diplomacy to make a very powerful trade federation. With some good systems for Arc Furnaces and plopping down a bunch of Virtual Entertainment facilities on branch offices, you’ve got plenty of money, minerals and consumer goods rolling in and your small number of worlds can focus on science/Unity until you get ringworlds/ecus.

Probably not all that powerful, but I’ve been having fun with it.


u/StahlPanther1d ago

Nice, not that strong, but I like how everything fits with the roleplay


u/Vulturris1d ago

Augmentation Bazar with Overtuned. You can start with two trade traits and rush for Cybernetics.A tall build of virtual robots with the ringworld start is quite potent.


u/StahlPanther1d ago

Never thought about using overtuned with cybernetics, sounds pretty strong, especially If one can put the two auto mods traits down


u/madogvelkorTechnological Ascendancy1d ago

Apparently you can end up with 3 auto mod traits using that combo, the bio + cyber, and overtuned has its own. And cybernetic extends leader life which balances out the overtuned penalties.


u/StahlPanther1d ago

Thats just insanity, I have to try this out


u/madogvelkorTechnological Ascendancy1d ago

And if you're playing MegaCorp you can get the Augmentation Bazaars civic, which is pretty strong.


Free random cybernetic mod, boost to trade value, boost to population growth,


u/TheGalatorDriven Assimilator1d ago

What is the bio automod trait and how to get it?


u/madogvelkorTechnological Ascendancy23h ago

You need to research Targeted Gene Expressions, and then you'll have access to the Vocational Genomics trait. Combine it with Fleeting Excellence from Overtuned and Universal Augmentations. https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Population_modification#Auto-modding


u/Vulturris1d ago

Add Pharma State, and you have a strong combination. The +10 years leader lifespan help to counter the effect of overtuned traits and it's overall a solid civic.


u/mynameismrguypersonInward Perfection1d ago

Permanent employment is also great. Double thrifty zombie clerks are pretty solid at game start.


u/hatingtechAquatic16h ago

people have really been sleeping on overtuned cybernetic, it was pretty good even before the latest big update. paragons update made it a little more annoying to play if you start with too many stacked lifespan traits, but the new changes have really just turned it to 11


u/BlueHex61d ago

Doing a triple automodding empire and passed out on Augmentation Bazaars for 2 Unity giving civics, can I swap one of them to Augmentation Bazaars through reformation now that I have cybernetics? (ascension perk only rn)


u/Vulturris1d ago

Have not actually tried to swap it in later, I think you have to take it from the start.


u/Legion404Plantoid1d ago

It is too op but i satrted a broken ring individualistic machine Corporate Protectorate. Rushed virtual ascension. I also somehow got cybrex as percursor for a 2nd ringworld (you get a bad debuff for virtual if you get more colony than this, but im equal in strength with the fallen empires at the end of early game).


u/Legion404Plantoid1d ago

Corporate protectorate as the civic, not as a vassal*


u/Girdo_DelziRogue Defense System1d ago

How’ve you been managing mineral income for this build if you’re only colonizing the ring worlds? Are you leaving some of the shattered rings broken to keep the Astro-miner jobs? Or are you relying solely on deposit mining/market minerals/arc furnaces?


u/Legion404Plantoid22h ago

I kept one unrepaired segment as mining designated, i build one mining place on every holding. I get all cg from trade. And i built one arc furnace in a really lucrative system.


u/Melodic-Hat-28751d ago

You heavily rely on the market, however you can also make one ring a scrap miner until the galactic market forms.

It is utterly ludicrous. You want 10k tech before 2300 with a small empire size? Do this.

Shattered Ring trade with virtual pops is by far the strongest build I have played.


u/PinkOneHasBeenChosen1d ago

That is, in fact, too OP.


u/IceWallow971d agoedited 1d ago

As someone said there is worker coop, but imo that is not that strong. What I do is, I play as megacorp Anglers and catalytic converters. The Anglers give you food jobs and consumer goods jobs, those jobs also produce flat trade value scaling with your leader level, with a level 10 leader, you can basically remove micro-management from your games, and peoduce everything you need with these civic, all your planets will be basically the same, mid game you research terraform and need to convert all your planets to ocean planets.

Basically this is the play, Anglers remove agriculture district cap for ocean worlds, so you can go all in food/consumer goods (and produce a lot of alloys using food since early game), those jobs also give you trade value, that you can convert into full energy, or energy+unity with holy convenant, or energy + cg + unity with trade league. You don't really need minerals with this build, you can buy them from the market or you can build a few in early game then change to food. You'll be swimming in resources with this. All your building slots can be used for tech ofc, that way you'll also be a tech powerhouse. So you just need 2 world types, Food (that produce everything except alloys, and alloy worlds. You also get a lot of energy from branch offices and stuff, for me this build is op, and you can choose whatever origin you want. The only problem is really the empire size debuff.


u/madogvelkorTechnological Ascendancy1d ago

I did something like that in my last game and it was strong. Ocean Paradise start, anglers, and catalytic converters.

Mercenary Liaison office holdings are great for boosting naval cap too.


u/BaristaGirlie9h ago

Love this from an RP perspective.

“Of course, the Apex Predator of the galaxy was the Raxon Conglomerate, who through the novel science of turning Fish into refined metal, dominated the galactic economy by the year 2300”


u/IceWallow978h ago

Yep, and don't forget about pearl divers too, the trade value that job produces rivals the merchant job with a good enough leader, so yeah, it produces a lot of CG and Trade value. It's not just fish, but yeah, they make weapons out of fish, it's insane.


u/duelingThoughtsHegemonic Imperialists23h agoedited 23h ago

It's not optimal or synergistic or whatever, but I had fun RP wise as a Cybernetic Creed Fan Spiritualist, Pacifist Criminal Megachurch, with Augmentation Bazaars and Death Cult.

I literally made a Machine Cult that spread their faith across the galaxy one body mod at a time, ignoring borders, and antagonizing its neighbors so that they could claim territory in defensive wars.

Gas lighting enemies to start my crusade so I didn't have to close my branch offices.



Less a build a more a strategy that is usable for any Megacorp build that is going to get 10 or more planets. If you are going taller, you should start your Megacorp as a Democracy instead. Taking Parliamentary System for the early Unity is a great choice regardless of path at this point, but isn't required, you just need to make sure you get your 1st Ascension Perk by year 10, which is do-able with any build.

Your first Ascension Perk should be Imperial Prerogative for the wonderful -50% size from colonies which Megacorps typically can't take. During your year 10 election, make sure your current leader is not re-elected. This allows you to immediately reform your government into a Megacorp while your 1st Ascension Perk invalidates your negative modifier.

Outside of civics which require you to start as a Megacorp, this start is one of the best that I've found for any tall builds.


u/AttentionUnlikely1001d ago

Is it worth it to start out as a non-Megacorp for imperial prerogative and then switch to Megacorp to mitigate the empire size penalty from colonies?


u/PinkOneHasBeenChosen1d ago

I usually just take Expansion because it gives -25% empire size from planets.


u/smiddy5320h ago

Yes, can confirm this works


u/lifelongfreshman8h ago

Eh, I doubt it. You're spending an entire ascension perk to reduce your empire size by up to 5 per colony. It's certainly cheeky, but the opportunity cost is just too high in my opinion.


u/SirGazWorld Shaper18h agoedited 17h ago

"What is your strongest or most fun Megacorp build" (Smilers, opens mouth) "with the new DLC" (closes mouth, frowns, leaves)

Edit: I came up with the idea a few days go in a thread about Pleasure Seekers needing a buff. The MEGA-Corp Super Spa Club, Corporate Hedonism and Mutagenic Spas. Your Necrophage pops are rulers only on stratified economy and the species on your home world are servants (Domestic Servitude slaves) and every other xenos are the clients on Decadent partying it up in toxic tourist traps premier mud spas.


u/lifelongfreshman8h ago

If you want my favorite one that doesn't require the most recent DLC (but does require Humanoids and Overlord) let me introduce you to Belligerence Resolution Solutions, Inc. A Clone Army origin megacorp with Naval Contractors and, originally, Franchising, they're on hand with a bevy of mercenary companies to fulfill all your warfaring needs.

I'd probably replace Franchising with Letters of Marque these days, although I'd maybe pick up Franchising as a third civic in the mid-game. LoM didn't exist when I made the empire, so the only other option for another mercenary enclave was Private Military Companies, which, ew.


u/giftedearthBeacon of Liberty1d ago

I'm doing a Necrophage Megacorp Cosmogenesis run. It's a blast. Civics are Pharma State/Shadow Consortium. PS for Gene Clinics right off the bat and extra pop growth, SC so I don't have to fight an FE for dark matter. Set default species rights to Domestic Servitude, and slave growth will only be limited by housing, because extra slaves just give you free amenities. Genetic ascension, throw slave pops onto thrall-worlds and give them Fertile. Take the PR civic as your third when you get it. Then when you build the Lathe, the trade will support the energy costs, and you can just feed your thrall-worlds to the Lathe. Meanwhile, use your extra envoys to stop your neighbours bitching about the people dying for computer processing power.


u/Nordicvespa23h ago

Augmentation bazaars and Private military company (extra civic goes to Naval contractor). My goal was to make Militech from Cyberpunk


u/Responsible_Fruit59819h ago

My favorite is Fanatic Materialist / Pacifist with civics Dark Consortium / Brand Loyalty / Private Prospectors. Ignore wars, rush tech & synthetics, win via Cosmogenesis. Simple as.


u/caoimhe338017h ago

Cybernetic Creed/Augmentation Bazaars/Gospel of the Masses. You end up with boatloads of unity, pop growth, trade, amenities, and engineering research. And the upcoming patch is buffing haruspex and technophant jobs even further.


u/Large_Letter_271712h ago

I really liked my worker's coop plus astrogenesis robot megacorp build. I played it like a bunch of wholesome nanny bots wanting to see their precious meatbags grow and succeed. One of my favorite parts was that because of Worker's Coop's unique trade policy, I was able to make all my worlds ecu's!


u/PinkOneHasBeenChosen1d ago

I haven’t made it yet, but a megacorp based on the movie Idiocracy. All I’ve nailed down it that they’re fanatic militarist machines with Syncretic Evolution, and their servile species is humans. Also, at least one thing named Brawndo.


u/forfor6h ago

Nano-corp. Basically, once you do nanite ascension you turn all those nanites into research and use the bonus consumer goods from trade value to fund those researchers. The nanite ascension had a special research building so you get more researchers per building and they put out more engineering in exchange for less of the other 2 types.

What is your strongest or most fun Megacorp build with the new DLC - r/Stellaris (2024)


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