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Power Elite Public Information Service Archive
30Oct11 - PEPIS: Vigilance in peacetime and war - potential enemies within
27Apr10 - PEPIS#126 - The Cult of Goldmine Sachs, bankers to Bilderberg
01Mar10 - PEPIS #123 - Capitalism's terminal crisis?
09Feb10 -PEPIS#121 Freemason judges shake off declaration of interest rules
09Dec09 - PEPIS#119 Bilderberg book out for Christmas
02Nov09 - PEPIS#118 CIA documentary maker Allan Francovich
20Oct09 - PEPIS#117 Completed masonic initiation rituals
12Aug09 - PEPIS#114 The Road To Armageddon by Alf Mendes
06Aug09 - PEPIS#113 - Bilderberg, timeline for global government?
04Aug09 - PEPIS#112 - Iran blames Bilderberg for election riots
08Jul09 - PEPIS#111b - New design (t-shirt) against the New World Order
20Jun09 - PEPIS#111a - AFP's 2009 Bilderberg booklet
05Jun09 - PEPIS#110 - Bilderberger treason goes unpunished
26May09 - PEPIS#109 - Obama officials giving secret Bilderberg briefings
18May09 - PEPIS#108 - Participant list 2009 - unconfirmed
13May09 - PEPIS#107 - Bilderberg 2009 meets, Guardian sends comedy reporter
08Apr09 - PEPIS #106 - Bilderberg 2009, 14-16 May in Athens, Greece?
26Mar09 - PEPIS#105 - Wikipedia deletes all Bilderberg attendee lists
16Mar09 - PEPIS#104 - CBS News scrutinises Obama cabinet/Bilderberg links
22Jan09 - PEPIS#103 - The Pinay Cercle, NATO Intelligence cabal including special on Witchcraft analysis
13Nov08 - PEPIS#102 - Visor Consultants' London Bombings Terror Drill Inquest
29Aug08 - PEPIS#101 - BBC Censor 7/7 Documentary 'Until Mid 2009'
08Jun08 - PEPIS#99 - World War III - Kissingers Final Chantilly Gambit
05Jun08 - PEPIS #98 - Bilderberg Announces 2008 Conference
19May08 - PEPIS#97 - Bilderberg to meet Washington June 5th-8th - Athens a ruse?
13May08 - PEPIS#96 - Bilderberg 2008 evades all scrutiny in Vouliagmeni, Greece
11Apr08 - PEPIS #95 - BBC: Bilderberg founder helped Nazi war criminals to escape Nuremberg
13Jan08 - PEPIS#94 - Bilderberg 1954 to 1984 participant lists
You can join the PEPIS Bilderberg alert list here and get the latest news on Bilderberg 2009 as it breaks
Vigilance in peacetime and war - potential enemies within
mammoth PEPIS rant - a broadside for truth... & against war, media &supermarket Halloween zombieism
In 1950s South America, many top Nazis lived out their retirement in comfortableimpunity. Hitlers right hand man, and chosen successor, MartinBormanns retirement was detailed in the book Martin Bormann:Nazi in Exile by Paul Manning. Evil doctor Josef Mengeles retirementin Paraguay was detailed in a Granada TV World In Action documentary.
World In Action volume2
And there is witness testimony. Hampshires Idris Francis explains thathis uncle, when escorting two senior Nazi SS officers to their trial atNurenberg, found them laughing at their British guards. Boasting that theAllies thought they had won the second world war, but they hadnt, andthat the Nazis would return as an even greater force in the future. Andyou wont even know what hit you, they scoffed.
In 1944/45 Bormann's 'Aktion Feuerland plan paved the way for lootedsecurities to be smuggled through Argentina and thence laundered throughSullivan and Cromwell law firm in New York. With the aid of Allen Welsh Dulleswho was busy recruiting former Nazis into his OSS, soon to be renamed theCIA.
America's Nazi Secret by John Loftus(2010)
At the Maison Rouge Hotel in Strasbourg on August 10, 1944 Nazis at the so-called'Red House' meeting, met to finalise a post war continuity network whichmay now be one of the greatest problems in the Western world, almost invisible,and almost ignored by the mainstream press. A contemporary US intelligencereport of the Maison Rouge meeting recently made it out to the public.
Revealed: The secret report that shows how the Nazis planned a Fourth Reich...in theEU
Former SS Panzer Corps comander Paul Hausser calmly explained after the warthat the initial meetings of NATO were made up of international supportersof the SS. In the 1950s NATO then developed a secret political wing, Bilderberg.It was founded in 1955 in a hotel owned by, and the meeting convened andchaired by, former SS officer, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. More recentlythe 'Atlantic Alliance' has renounced its founding charter becoming a proactivewar-starting, resource grabbing, mercenary outfit.
Feature films such as The Quiller Memorandum (1966) and The Odessa File (1974)make it clear that, in the days when writers and producers could get thefunding, Nazi continuity was not a 'cospiracy theory' but a plotline thatattracted the worlds greatest actors and directors.
What you dont know about theBilderberg-Group
How many more examples do we require of a ruthless and effective Nazi continuitynetwork?
Paving the way to an open third world war
In the grim days of empire, British explorers used the excuse of 'trade'to infiltrate, then betray, communities they wanted to colonise. One couldcome to love the honesty of a Roman shield wall. Now, under the same 'trade'banner, Britains industrial wealth is being stripped, our cities arebecoming like an animal carcass, being pecked at by crows. Some might cry'justice' for being the biggest empire the world has ever seen, at its heightcontrolling a quater of the world's population, 450 million in 1922.
But we do have the choice to bring the rest of the world up to Britain'sstandard, rather than dumb Britain back down to the stone age. David Cameron'selite Bullingdon Club cult-government have chosen the latter. The potentialof Britain's youth has been abandoned, all but obedient, soulless automataand the offspring of the elite. We are witnessing the dumbing down of a nationin our schools, and in broadcasting, which no longer care who Moses was.
Earth into Property: Colonization, Decolonization, and Capitalism by AnthonyHall
The early promise of television was it seems, just a ruse to get sets intoour living rooms to tell us what to think. No wonder our wise young peopledon't watch it. Josef Goebells would be proud of the pro-NATO war propaganda'news' shown daily on our TV screens to an older, guillible generation. Allsocial ills can be 'accidents' and 'unfortunate' with no-one to blame andno option in the ballot box for the simple policies that will solve the crisis.
Muslim culture, faith and lands are not only under military assault but massmedia and cultural assault, exactly as the Jews were in 1930s Germany. Thepresent financial crisis is creeping in the direction of the social deprivationwhich existed in 1930s Germany. Upon the accession of the Nazi party economicconditions vastly improved giving Adolf Hitler enormous internal kudos withinGermany itself. What may be being created, right now, is a kind of redcarpet for the next Hitler. At the least, social deprivation is alwaysa fertile ground for racism and fascism.
The mechanism of social strangulation
In peacetime the favourite method of treasonous organizing is the cult covenor lodge. The iron power of secret societies lies in their blood-curdlingoaths - the initiate trembles as he or she willingly agrees to be murdered- renouncing the wider community and pledging two things. To keep the secretsof the craft and to always protect a fellow member above all others. Thiscult organisation is highly dangerous, particularly in the financal sector,justice, lawmaking and when managing thermonuclear weapons.
Freemason, Jim Bevan & Independent Radio Journalist, Tony Gosling onThe MooreShow
Adolf Hitler understood the power of these cults, the most populous of whichis 'golf club' freemasonry, and he had them all shut down as soon as he hadrisen to prominence. To make it certain nobody could use this powerful politicaltool to unseat him. Make no mistake his SS high priest, Heinrich Himmler,was a neo-pagan. A throwback to pre-Christian, brutal religion based on cults,elitism and rule by fear.
Jonathan Meades' - Jerry Building: Unholy Relics of Nazi Germany(1994)
Whilst British freemasonry retained an outward Christian character in theeighteenth & ninteenth centuries that has changed since the second worldwar. Formerly respectable masters of lodges have been and are being supplantedby ruthless, criminal individuals waiting for a 'convenient death' or usingMafia style bullying tactics to oust an opponent. The subsequent networkis strangling our criminal justice system, particularly in the Crown Prosecutionservice where, according to my sources, cases like that of Gwent's SarfrazIbrahim are the tip of the iceberg.
A senior lawyer for the Crown Prosecution Service has admitted taking a£20,000 bribe to drop a criminaltrial.
The unaccountable CPS have led the way to a creeping South American dictatorshipstyle culture of impunity here in Britain. Where are the Fraud squad? Howcan Andy Coulson run a criminal phone hacking operation where the victimsare murdered children, dead British soldiers and 7/7 bombing victims? Then,rather than be jailed, Coulson is promoted to a job in No. 10 Downing Street.Unbelievably, Scotland Yard are now being asked to investigate its own officersfor authorising undercover police in environmental groups to go through trialsremaining undercover and perjuring themselves. The rot goes right to thetop, our Justice Secretary Kenneth Clarke is the UK's steering grouprepresentative on the aforementoned, Nazi founded Bilderberg conference.
Two messages for this age from jolly decent eighteenth century types
In the late eighteenth century John Robison and Abbé Augustin Barruelwrote and published books detailing the Illuminated takeoverof freemasonry. Robison translated seized documents and interviewed continentalMasons, cataloguing an organisational paradigm shift in the craft. Robison'sbook is Proofs of a Conspiracy (1793) in which leaks reveal a clear newoperational focus on infiltrating the top echelons of six key areas of publiclife: media; politics and royalty; finance; law enforcement; military Generals;and finally bishops, churches and religion.
Religions and Governments, being the heart and the head of the body politic,are spelt out as the two key targets. Abbé Barruel's book detailssome of the specific ritest and rituals that locked men in to this particularlyanti-social cult.
Proofs of aConspiracy
Code of theIlluminati
If one pictures the whole of human society as a pyramid, this newIlluminated freemasonry had as its target the apex of power,aiming to become the capstone from which all ideas and orders emanate. Audaciousand patient efforts to control publishing and media would ensure that alldiscussion would take place within pre-determined bounds, thus limiting thebroad masses of the population from understanding anything and protectingthe elite from all accountability.
Secret plans confiscated by the eighteenth century Bavarian officials andtranslated into English by Robison, show clearly that the organisation wouldtarget media, the law, buiiness and civil service, specifically the organsof appointment and promotion, todays Human Resources industry.
Today freemasonrys Grand Master is 28th in line to the throne, Edward,HRH the Duke of Kent. With approximately 300,000 men initiated into the Masonicreligious cult in Britain alone how does one identify one of these? Watchout for the squeezed knuckle handshakes and a difficult to definebluster when questioned about their faith and, as with all cults,use your sixth sense or 'second sight'.
In Abrahamic and in early Christian times Judaism and Christianity held toSaturday as the Sabbath. Over centuries and through corruption in the earlyCatholic church this was changed to Sunday. This change increasingly suitedthe cult-clergy since they could appear in church on a Sunday presiding overa Christian service, leaving them free to partake in an anti-Christiansabbat on a Saturday. So keep a close eye on those you suspectof being part of one of these covens on these nights.
The Sarumen of the 'white hand' - Meetings of satan's earthly disciples - esbats, sabbats and grand sabbats - from essays of Dennis Wheatley
Does someone you know 'dissapear off' some nights of the year? Do they makeup an excuse that you don't trust in your guts? Many followers of the devilare in denial and believe their lord is still called Lucifer. Get active.The Christian has a duty to take an interest in and shine the light of loveon satanic ceremonies.
Pagan rites are loosely based on the four ancient Egyptian mystery-religionquarter days, that is the summer and winter solstices and spring and autumnequinoxes. Dates which sometimes vary from year to year are June 21st andDecember 22nd for the solstices and March 21st and September 23rd for theequinoxes.
Becoming a Vessel of Honour by Rebecca Brown - final chapter: To SatanistswithLove
The satanic esbat is the weekly ritual gathering whereas satanic sabbatstake place at midnight on every full moon. In addition grand sabbats takeplace four times a year on nights following February 2nd (Candlemas), April30th (Walpurgisnacht), August 1st (Lammas) and October 31st (Halloween).
The witches sabbath occurs only once in seven years and the other meetingsare merely 'covens'. At the sabbaths the black mass is performed which isa reversal and perversion of the catholic mass. The black mass is performedbetween 11pm and midnight with the subsequent drugged, drunken and debauchedrevellings continuing until dawn.
The culmination of the 'ultimate' black mass is the murderous 'sacrifice'of an innocent person, preferably a virgin of either sex. Human Sacrificewas normal under the Druid cult in the Celtic Britain that has become sofashionable today. See the hard evidence of the well-preserved and 'thricekilled' Lindow Man, discovered near Wilmslow in Cheshire in 1984.
Children who are being secretly brought up in the 'left-hand path' may bespectators at these ritualistic orgies. The horror and secrecy these ritescan lock participants into is what the elite value, and can be used, of course,for the purposes of blackmail. Only through faithful prayer can those bondsbe broken.
The answer in truth and faith from our Lord Jesus Christ
As has been foretold in Holy Scripture Jesus Christ, Yeshuah, the Messiah'sChurch, his living body, will be the most steadfast entity to stand againstthe violence and schemes of that old dragon the devil called satan who willsend false prophets and mean-spirited illusionists to blind the people. Hopingfor a massive blood sacrifice to the old gods and to use his religious fraudstersto instigate sectarian massacres. However, there is a God in Heaven thatsteadfastly loves his children, and would rather they did not have to growup at the school of hard knocks.
Further reading -
The Devil and All his Works by Dennis Wheatley (1971) and The Satanist(1960)
The Antichrist and a Cup of Tea by Tim Cohen (1998)
The Antichrist and the Green Prince by John D. Chrstian (2010)
Feature films -
The Devil Rides Out (1968)
The Satanic Rites of Dracula (1973)
Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
Zardoz (1974)
Trailer for Zardoz directed by John Boorman starring SeanConnery.
Goldman Sachs are the Bilderberg's Bankers and are finally facing criminalcharges.
If it were me I would suspend trading, freeze all their assets and arrestand bail the directors until evidence is forthcoming as to who did what.
Full story and exposee below.
If anybody is planning to organise a Bilderberg counter conference or similarin Spain in 6 weeks or so please let me know.
many thanks
Another intresting story in today's Mail: 'Noah's Ark' remains discovered12,000ft up a Turkish mountain, evangelical archaeologists claim.
'It is like a cult, and working for Goldman is like being part of a cult- you are completely brainwashed into the Goldman Sachs way.'
The Moonies of Mammon: A damning insight into the beleaguered cult of secrecy that is Goldman Sachs
By Zoe Brennan - Daily Mail - 27th April 2010
As the Goldman Sachs employees filtered through the grand doors of the bankingbehemoth's lavish London office last week, the atmosphere was unusually hushed.
Famously known as 'the haves and the have-yachts' for their amazing bonus-fuelledlifestyles, the brokers, dealers and traders sat quietly at their desks.
They were still absorbing the news that the Wall Street giant and itsLondon-based broker Fabrice Tourre - who, in true banker fashion, calls himselfThe Fabulous Fab - had been charged by U.S. authorities with a £650millionfraud.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown had joined the outcry against the bank - knownas Goldmine Sachs, or The Machine - accusing it of 'moral bankruptcy'.
Furthermore, it has been reported, the company had helped the Greek governmentto get around EU rules, allowing the country to continue overspending whilehiding its debt.
And it was revealed that Goldman was an underwriter and an investor in thevast refinancing of the troubled Lloyds Banking Group late last year - apotentially dangerous conflict of interest.
Emails from the bank which have been made public revealed Goldman in an evenworse light, as executives boasted they were making 'serious money' whilemillions of homeowners were plunged into misery by the housing crash.
In one email, U.S. chief executive Lloyd Blankfein admitted that the bankhad gambled on the market falling - even though this appears to contradictearlier denials by Goldman Sachs.
Lloyd Blankfein claimed that he personally had 'attained perfection' 'Ofcourse, we didn't dodge the mortgage mess,' his email said. 'We lost money,then we made more than we lost because of the shorts,' referring to the practiceof shorting, or betting against an investment.
Another email, from Fabrice Tourre, said the money-losing investments hesold were 'like Frankenstein turning against Frankenstein's monster'.
Today, seven senior executives - including Mr Blankfein and Fabrice Tourre- are to be questioned in a Senate hearing in Washington.
Concern over the outcome of that hearing is palpable throughout the workforce- not least because the annual bonus round is coming up, and Goldman Sachsis expected to pay out $5billion this year.
All of which explains why, as they sipped their morning coffees, the staffknew that Monday last week was not a day for the customary swaggering. Soon,lights began to blink on internal phones. A voicemail message to all staffhad arrived from Lloyd Blankfein.
Fabrice Tourre has been charged by U.S. authorities with a £650millionfraud He was the man who recently said that the bank did 'God's work' by'helping companies to grow by helping them to raise capital [which] allowspeople to have jobs that create more growth and more wealth. We have a socialpurpose'.
He also claimed that he personally had 'attained perfection'.
My source at the bank tells me that the divine ambassador was slightly moresubdued this week in his message, recorded before the markets opened.
'It was a circle the wagons pep talk,' says an analyst at the institution,who would speak to the Mail only in confidence.
'He calls [these speeches] "mind bullets". He reminded us of the Goldmanway: we are the best, and we always, always put our clients first - whichis why we are the best.'
Blankfein - who is presiding over one of the bank's most profitable erasin history, began: 'This is Lloyd, on Sunday in New York.'
With magnificent understatement, he said that the furore over the allegationsof fraud was 'uncomfortable, but given the anger directed at the financialservices, not completely surprising'.
He ended with something of a battle cry: 'We have faced challenges beforeand our people have always responded through their skills, talent and focuson our clients.
'We will do that now, and in the process, re-affirm everything that definesGoldman Sachs.'
The message was clear: Goldman Sachs is unbowed. As ever, its self-interestsjustify all - never mind the impact on the wider financial system. The biggestpredators in the financial jungle would emerge unscathed. Just what is thisinstitution, then, that believes it can shrug off the official hand on itsshoulder?
Who are these bankers who play God? And are they about to be cast out ofheaven?
To answer these questions, we have to go back to the beginning and discoverwhat made Goldman - as historian Charles Ellis describes in his book ThePartnership - 'the most powerful and most dynamic organisation in the historyof finance'.
'Goldman Sachs employees would sell their grandmother if the company requiredit' Goldman Sachs was founded in 1869 by German immigrant Marcus Goldman,who had worked as a peddler from a horse-drawn cart when he first arrivedin New York.
His fortunes soon improved, however, and in 1882, Goldman's son-in-law SamuelSachs joined the firm, which pioneered new business techniques.
It joined the New York Stock Exchange in 1896. In the early 20th century,Goldman became one of the first companies to recruit top graduates from thenew business schools.
The company was hit badly by the 1929 Wall Street crash - but soon, a mightybank emerged from the ashes of the Depression.
This 'new' Goldman was driven by a 'long-term greedy' philosophy: if moneywas made over the long term, short-term trading losses could be written off.
This strategy was backed by a work ethic that still exists - duringtheSeventies, most ordinary bankers began work at 9am. At Goldman Sachs, underthe stewardship of the workaholic Gus Levy, every employee was at his deskbefore 7am.
The bank was handling big money and by the Eighties, Goldman Sachs men -and they were almost entirely men - epitomised the world of Tom Wolfe's novelBonfire Of The Vanities.
Wolf coined the phrase Master of the Universe for his anti-hero, bond traderSherman McCoy, who lived an opulent Manhattan lifestyle with his trophy wife,until his house of cards tumbled down.
A rare visitor describes the scene at the company's 50th-floor trading officein One New York Plaza, saying: 'A sea of twenty and thirty-somethings inpink and blue button-down shirts huddle around screens, discussing strategies.
'In a small back office, a bald trader with sleeves rolled to his elbowshovers over a table of men at computers, repeatedly slapping his hand witha wooden cricket bat. 'They don't seem superhuman exactly, just singularlyfocused.'
The entrance to the bank's London office is at Peterborough Court, 133 FleetStreet. An in-and-out driveway allows visitors to leave the bustle of theCity behind them and enter Goldman's reception.
Up a flight of escalators is the trading floor, with around 700 chairs. Thisis where the profits are made.
'I was expecting it to be manic, but actually it was very quiet,' ,'saysone former employee.
'It is like a cult, and working for Goldman is like being part of a cult- you are completely brainwashed into the Goldman Sachs way.'
Thirteen-hour days start before 6.30am, and most staff are young - partnersearn enough to retire by the age of 40.
The company is characterised by an extraordinary culture of secrecy.
Another former employee tells me: 'No one on the inside will speak out. Wewere trained to be part of a team, and not to push ourselves forward asindividuals.
'The firm thrives on the fact that it is a club: an elite. Over and overagain we repeated: we are the best of the best.
'You are made to feel you are entitled to success. It is the most incrediblydriven atmosphere. You become addicted to the adrenaline,to the arroganceand to belonging.
'Goldman Sachs employees would sell their grandmother if the company requiredit.
'It is like a cult, and working for Goldman is like being part of a cult- you are completely brainwashed into the Goldman Sachs way.'
Regular 'class reunions' for those who joined the company at the same timeensure a strong alumni culture is maintained.
Another former employee - who worked trading bonds for the bank in London,Tokyo and New York for nine years until 2004 - tells me:
'People used to joke that it was almost like joining the Mormons. 'I wentthrough 70 interviews to get the job, including one in New York.
'The Goldman way is knocked into you during the training; it is incrediblyintensive. You learn you are not an individual, but part of a team - thebest team.'
Having left at the age of 33, because he was wealthy enough to retire, hesays: 'My theory is that Goldman's actively hires overachieving, insecurepeople, who want to do a good job and be liked, so they go on to work incrediblyhard and become very committed.
'It helps that you are paid telephone-number amounts of money.'
John Rogers, Goldman chief of staff, says: 'People say: "What's the secretsauce?" Well, one of the most important ingredients in the sauce is the culture.'
The firm's culture has been compared, variously, to the Army, the KGB, theMafia and - as we have heard - to a cult. Staff tend to socialise together,live in the same Manhattan apartment buildings and have summer homes aroundthe same ponds in the Hamptons.
Goldman Sachs might be about to find out that the wheels have fallen offThe Machine In London, they live in a select number of Chelsea streets aroundthe exclusive area of The Boltons, and send their children to the same privateschools.
Fitting in is of the utmost importance. Subtle social tics - a bow tie,moustache, colourful personality - can eliminate you from the club.
'The cult of the individual, which I think has been a disadvantage to somany of the firm's competitors, really doesn't exist here,' says Lucas vanPraag, the British-born communications director. 'The more you have acceptance,the easier it is to be effective.'
As another Wall Street veteran puts it: 'The god is Goldman. You subjugateyourself to that god, and in return we will make you a gazillionaire.'
The Goldman way is enshrined in a set of 14 totemic principles written inthe Seventies, and reprinted in every annual report.
Employees have to learn them by heart, and are encouraged to recite thembefore going to sleep each night.
Number one is: 'Our clients' interests always come first.'
Other mantras include: 'We have yet to find the limits to the responsibilitythat our best people are able to assume.' Or: 'To breach a confidence wouldbe unthinkable.' Another again asserts the belief that Goldman employeesare better than mere mortals.
It reads: 'Although our activities are measured in billions of dollars, weselect our people one by one. Without the best people, we cannot be the bestfirm.'
Ironically, it is this outlook that could lead to the firm's downfall.
Its critics believe the bank has become overwhelmingly arrogant.
Indeed, one partner spelt out this process to author Charles Ellis: 'We hadalways been the best - always the top students and the best athletes andthe class leaders.
'And now we were the best firm - in our self-appraisal. But that was thefirst step towards arrogance.'
As well as constantly asserting that its employees are the best, GoldmanSachs also sets itself up as their surrogate family.
The junior partners are told to go to every employee's major life events- marriages, funerals, bar mitzvahs.
In return, absolute loyalty to the firm is expected. The hours arelong,and spouses and children pay a price - no one takes their full holidayentitlement because this would be frowned on - but the financial rewardsare huge.
Goldman Sachs gives the biggest bonuses in banking. Basic salaries are cappedat £300,000 - the bulk of pay is performance related. In good years,the average employee is given a bonus of around £400,000. Many receive£1million, but the big players can easily collect several million.
Blankfein rewarded himself with the highest payouts in Wall Street history,$53million in 2006 and $68million in 2007. Quite simply, making money isthe foremost principle at Goldman Sachs.
The company ethos is a clean-living one: I spoke to one trader who told methat, unlike other cocaine-fuelled banking firms, drug taking is a completeno-no at Goldman's.
In the offices, gigantic, communal bowls of fresh fruit are laid out everymorning.
The really big earners - Wolfe's Masters of the Universe - have their ownpersonal assistants.
One recalls her everyday tasks: picking up dry- cleaning, buying stamps,paying gardeners, shopping for Christmas presents.
A compensation for Goldman Sachs widows - the nickname for bankers' wivesbecause they see so little of their husbands - is that many of their householdchores are taken care of. One PA was even asked to help out with her boss'schildren's school project.
Flouting wealth in the office is discouraged - Goldman employees are expectedto be modest. Clearly, this ethos had slipped rather in the London office.
Last week, the Mail revealed that Tetsuya Ishikawa, a banker who worked onthe controversial fund set up by Fabrice Tourre, lived high on the hog.
He admitted that on his regular jaunts abroad, 'the first thing I asked was:"Where is the brothel?" '
He also wrote a novel based on his time at Goldman - and described a worldwhere bankers drove only Ferraris or Lamborghinis because 'Porsches werefor the commoners'.
The excess of Goldman employees was also revealed in the notorious case ofJoyti De-Laurey, a former secretary at the bank, who was convicted in 2004of stealing £4million from her bosses and spending it on hotels andjewellery.
'They made it so easy, they deserved it,' she said at the time. 'Their moneywas just left lying about: if it wasn't for me, it would have been someoneelse.'
The backlash against the bank - which seems to have mopped up the financialcrisis to its own gain - has intensified with the latest revelations. Sojust how is Goldman Sachs handling the criticism and the investigation bythe U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission?
A London employee says: 'At first, we were all in shock. Now people are angry.We work very hard, and we do believe we are the best at what we do - whichis making money, lots of money.
'We've been told to go back to our core principles, and fight this latestattack. That is what we will do.'
Given that those core principles seem largely based on arrogance and greed,Goldman Sachs might be about to find out that the wheels have fallen offThe Machine.
1 Mar, 23:33
see also
Enron review could free Conrad Black
Dear all,
As what could be capitalism's terminal crisis enters ever more dysfunctionalphases, with fake recoveries and artificial traumatising of medium and smallbusinesses by politically motivated private banks (and public banks wherepolitical control has been blocked) it is frustrating to hear mainstreammedia repeating the lie that nobody foresaw this crisis.
Unfortunately the vast majority of mainstream media economic analysts arespellbound by entryist middle media managers and vested interests from thevery financial system on which they report. The worst of them are steepedin vanity, but could their naivety be the outstanding quality for which theyhave been employed? This propaganda methodology is exacerbated because themajority of the national press employ compliant, young, naïve and docileeconomics correspondents. The archetype of which is the BBCs RobertPeston. His appears usable by The City as a star-struck conduit for readyspun leaks. In the days and weeks following a Peston pronouncementit is followed up by fake analysis by anonymous writers in theEconomist and broadsheet economics editors. Their task is to tack Pestonshogwash down with suitable authoritative sounding gravitas.
But for the latest economic advice untrammelled by the NATO zone privatemilitary/financial media grid do check out the commercial French economicanalysts at LEAP 2020. They provide for free a basic summary of their freeprojections and if you need detailed analysis then you have to pay.
Anyhow, there are two interesting new documents on Bilderberg.org from thefirst meeting in 1954 for all those Bilderberg aficionados out there. I havebeen given a complete PDF of the first ever Bilderberg attendee list as wellas a photograph to complement the famous black & white photo, with Bernhardin the Chair, taken in the first Bilderberg meeting. It shows the other sideof the room and one can even see a sceptical looking Hugh Gaitskell in thecorner of the room scratching his chin.
all the best
Tony Gosling
(supporter of analogue TV and radio)
Enron review could free Conrad Black
Dominic Rushe New York
THE US Supreme Court will begin reviewing the conviction of Enron boss JeffSkilling on Monday in a move that could also lead to the release of ConradBlack, the jailed press baron.
Skilling was sentenced to 24 years in jail in 2006 for his role in the collapseof the Houston energy company. He was convicted of depriving shareholdersof his honest services, a Federal offence that has been widelyused in white-collar criminal prosecutions.
The 1988 law that says public officials and executives can be convicted offraud if they deprive those they represent of the right to honestservices has already attracted the criticism of Supreme Court judges.Justice Antonin Scalia called the law mush and Justice StephenBreyer said the laws language was so broad it could apply to a manwho falsely compliments his boss.
John Coffee, Adolf A Berle professor of law at Columbia Law School, saidhe expects the court will limit the honest-services fraud statute for notbeing clear enough and could throw it out. It is clear that the statuteis in danger of being void for vagueness, said Coffee.
Black, serving a six-and-a-half-year sentence, was prosecuted using thehonest-services statute. His case, and a third involving the former Alaskalegislator Bruce Weyhrauch, will also be reviewed by the Supreme Court beforethis summer. All three could appeal against their sentences and be releasedif the statute is thrown out.
Black was convicted of three counts of mail fraud and one count of obstructionof justice in December 2007. He was acquitted of nine other counts, includingracketeering and misuse of corporate perks.
Even if the statute is thrown out, Black would still be guilty of obstructionof justice but a court could decide he had served that part of his sentence.
James Cox, law professor at Duke University, said the honest-services statutehad been a useful tool in bringing white-collar criminals to court: ButI think this is one of those cases where the court is going to read the statutefairly narrowly. Depriving a corporation of your fiduciary obligations, evenwhere there is a self-serving motive, isnt going to be enough,he said.
Stanley Twardy, a former US prosecutor who is now a partner at Day Pitney,said the statute has been overused by the government. He saidthere was a good chance that government prosecutors would now lose theirfavourite weapon.
Rewriting the statute will present many difficulties for US prosecutors.Former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich is now awaiting trial for corruptionin Chicago and had been charged with a variety of breaches of the honest-servicesstatute. This month he was charged for a second time, a move lawyers suggestwas motivated by prosecutors fears that the honest-services fraud statutewill not hold up.
Theo Chalmers interviews Martin Summers & Tony Gosling for two hourson Edge Media TV this coming Monday 22nd February at 2pm GMT.
Topics covered include: the orchestrated economic crisis, Obama administration'scomposition and motives, clandestine influence and objectives of the occult,Prescott Bush's coup attempt in the 1930s & collaboration with the Nazisas well as the Christmas Eve 'underpant bomber' and false flag terrorismin general.
If you have a Sky satellite reciever you can watch it on 'Controversial TV'which is Channel 200.
Alternatively you can watch it online at http://www.edgemediatv.com
Dear all,
Bilderberg founder Josef Retinger was an MI6 agent and Freemason, AndrewPalmer, organiser of the Turnberry Bilderberg meeting in 1998 was PA to theGrand Master of world Freemasonry The Duke of Kent, Bill Clinton is a freemason(I have been shown about 20 photographs of him in his regalia from the ageof 21) though Wikipedia and other internet sources deny it
Bilderberg is throttling democracy in the West. It is an occult politicaltool ... of the dark side of freemasonry.
No freemason should ever be allowed to hold public office because of theoaths they all swear on initiation to protect their fellow masons above thegeneral public. This oath is incompatible with duties discharged in publicoffice.
If a freemason fails to declare that he knows someone who has an interestin a decision he is making and does not step down from making that decisionor step out of the room in a case of eg. a planning meeting he commits acriminal offence of Misconduct in Public office.
Freemasons are currently attempting to fill ALL magistrate positions in Britain,starting with the senior magistrates, with their brethren. A highly dangeroussituation which must be stopped at all costs.
The best source of information for local lists of freemasons are the privatebooks or 'provincial yearbook' which are published in each masonic provinceevery year. These contain names of all local masons. Remember though manyfreemasons are members of London Lodges.
Freemasons favour 'brethren' over the public so no wonder Bilderberg wantsto keep its decisions and even the names of certain attendees secret. Pleasesend me any info on other masonic connections to Bilderberg meetings.
Freemasons shake off ruling on judiciary
Helen Pidd guardian.co.uk, Thursday 5 November 2009 18.32 GMT
Prospective judges will no longer have to declare if they are Freemasons,the government has announced .
For the past 11 years, anyone applying to be a judge or a magistrate forthe first time had to declare on an application form whether they belongto the Freemasonry.
But Jack Straw, the justice secretary, said that as a review had shown noevidence of impropriety or malpractice as a result of a judge being a Freemasonit would be "disproportionate" to continue with the practice, introducedin 1998.
There were "existing safeguards that help support the proper performanceof judicial functions", including the judicial oath and an official complaintsprocedure, Straw said.
The United Grand Lodge of England made representations to ministers in Mayand indicated it may seek judicial review of the policy. This followed twocases at the European court of human rights where Italian Freemasons successfullyargued it was discriminatory to be asked to declare membership of a non-secretsociety.
The Ministry of Justice said all levels of the judiciary were affected bythe decision, but not coroners, who are appointed by local authorities.
Chris Connop, the United Grand Lodge's information officer and a magistratefor 17 years, said: "We are delighted at the decision. We have been feelingvery miffed about this for a very long time.
"Even when the rule was introduced in 1998 after a report by the home affairsselect committee, we were told there was no evidence of any impropriety onthe part of judges who were members, but merely that there was a perceptionthat it could be a problem, which is ridiculous."
Connop said he hoped the Home Office would now change the rules which currentlyrequire potential police officers and anyone working for the probation orprison service to declare whether they are Freemasons.
The Freemasonry is "blatantly" not a secret society, said Connop, addingthat members were forbidden to use Freemasonry for financial gain.
"We never objected to declaration, but we objected to being singled out.Where do you think most business deals take place? On the golf course. Soshouldn't people have to declare which golf course they are members of?"he added.
There are more than 330,000 Freemasons in England and Wales, and an estimated6 million in the world.
before we begin...............
Justice Ministry inspectors to be judged
Thursday, January 14, 2010 - ANKARA - Hürriyet Daily News
The Council of State has paved the way for Justice Ministry inspectors
who wiretapped 56 judges and prosecutors to be investigated, a probe
prompted by a former chairman of the Judges and Prosecutors
Association, or YARSAV. The ministry had launched an investigation
against 56 judges and prosecutors on charges of involvement in the
alleged Ergenekon gang, which is accused of aiming to topple the
government by creating turmoil in society.
The ministrys inspectors applied to the 11th Istanbul High Criminal
Court to wiretap these judges and prosecutors..........
Military launches probe into action plan colonel
Col. Dursun Çiçek, whose signature appears on a conspiracyplan
plotting illegal activity, is being investigated for possible abuse
of authority. A colonel whose signature was found on a military
document detailing a strategy to undermine the government and an
influential religious movement is being investigated by military
prosecutors, the Sabah newspaper reported
Arab media: Turkish ambassador humiliated by Israel
Newspapers, websites in Arab world flare over images of deputy foreign
minister's reprimand meeting with Ahmet Oguz Celikkol over anti-Israel
TV series
...........The reporters who arrived in order to cover the meeting on
Monday had asked Ayalon and Celikkol to shake hands, however the
former refused. "The important thing is that they see he's sitting
lower and we're up high and that there's only one flag, and you see
we're not smiling," Ayalon muttered in Hebrew with the embarrassed
Turkish envoy next to him.................
Obamas Brzezinski Plan Ted Belman
14 Jan 2010
In Appraising Obamas Foreign Policy: From Hope to Audacity, ZbigniewBrzezinski described Obamas, and his, world view which he characterizedas reconnect(ing) the United States with the emerging historical contextof the twenty-first century.
To this end, he writes Obama has comprehensively reconceptualized
U.S. foreign policy with respect to several centrally important
geopolitical issues. I shall comment on each of these in turn.
Islam is not an enemy, and the global war on terror doesnot
define the United States current role in the world;
This has always been Americas policy. Even Bush 44, with his neocon
stalwarts, refused, after 9/11, to identify the enemy as Islam. He
avoided naming the enemy by declaring war on terror. He wentso far
as to declare Islam, a religion of peace.
What Obama has done differently was to publicly praise Islam, at the
expense of truth and to bow down to its titular head, the King of
Saudi Arabia. He has moved from tolerance to overt partnership.
But a form of partnership has existed between Britain, US and the Arab
oil interests ever since last centurys thirties. The British worked
with the Arabs in the Middle East to thwart Germanys expansion there
all at the expense of Jewish settlement rights. In the late seventies
Britain, with the complicity of the US brought about the downfall of
the Shah because the Shah wanted to have an independent oil policy and
not one controlled by Britain.
According to A Century Of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the
New World Order, by William Engdahl, a German historian.
Their scheme was based on a detailed study of the phenomenon of
Islamic fundamentalism, as presented by British Islamic expert, Dr.
Bernard Lewis, then on assignment at Princeton University in the
United States. Lewiss scheme, which was unveiled at the May 1979
Bilderberg meeting in Austria, endorsed the radical Muslim Brotherhood
movement behind Khomeini, in order to promote balkanization of the
entire Muslim Near East along tribal and religious lines. Lewis argued
that the West should encourage autonomous groups such as the Kurds,
Armenians, Lebanese Maronites, Ethiopian Copts, Azerbaijani Turks, and
so forth. The chaos would spread in what he termed an Arc of Crisis,
which would spill over into Muslim regions of the Soviet Union.
So not only was this scheme intended to protect British oil interests
in Iran, it was also intended to put pressure on the Soviets.
In a Counterpunch translation of interview of Zbigniew Brzezinski in
Le Nouvel Observateur (France) 1998, Brzezinski took pride in having
brought on the Russian defeat in Afghanistan by supporting some
stirred up Moslems, the Mujahedeen, and dismissed the idea that
Islamic fundamentalism represents a world menace today. He said,.
Nonsense! It is said that the West had a global policy in regard to
Islam. That is stupid. There isnt a global Islam. Look at Islam ina
rational manner and without demagoguery or emotion. It is the leading
religion of the world with 1.5 billion followers. But what is there in
common among Saudi Arabian fundamentalism, moderate Morocco, Pakistan
militarism, Egyptian pro-Western or Central Asian secularism? Nothing
more than what unites the Christian countries.
Pres Reagan continued this policy of working with Islamic
fundamentalists when he rescued Arafat and his minions from total
destruction by the IDF in Beirut. What other reason could there have
been other than to use them one day to put pressure on Israel to
return to the 67 armistice lines.
Present Clinton also co-opted Islamic fundamentalist, this time from
Kosovo, to dismember Serbia in order to reduce the power of Russia.
Obamas policies totally reflect this mentality in his downplaying the
war on terror and overplaying engagement. Obama wantsto deal with
each Moslem country as though it was not part of the whole of them, as
though they arent all followers of Islam as represented by the Koran
or The Holy Koran as he refers to it.
Saudi Arabian fundamentalism has invaded Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen,
Europe, US and parts of Africa. It has influenced the Muslim
Brotherhood which is attempting to overthrow Egypt. Al Qaeda is an
outgrowth of such fundamentalism. Iran with its Shiite brand of
Islamic fundamentalism has taken over Syria, Lebanon, and Gaza at
least politically if not religiously. Iraq with its 60% Shiite
population could fall to them and already Turkey is cozying up to
Yet Brzezinski and Obama maintain Islam is not an enemy evenwhile
the fundamentalists and the Arab street attack America as the Great
Satin and not Russia.
Remember that Brzezinski was a founder the Trilateral Commission along
with Rockefeller, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations in
New York and has attended meetings of the Bilderberg Group. Thus he
strongly favours World Government and its institutions as does Obama.
Nation states, such as Israel, are in their way. They find common
cause with Islam because Islam too favours its own version of world
government, namely, the Caliphate.
the United States will be a fair-minded and assertive mediator when
it comes to attaining lasting peace between Israel and Palestine;
This conflict is so politicized as to make it impossible for anyone to
be fair minded or even handed or any other liberalbalm. While
these notions sound great, they both ignore the facts and the law. You
cannot do this and reach a just solution.
The US and Britain are just as determined to undermine Israel as they
were the Shah and for the same reason, oil. How can they be fair
minded or trusted?
assertive mediator is an oxymoron. Mediation is not arbitration.The
role of the mediator is to help the parties reconcile their
differences without coercion. To assertively mediate is to coerce.
Obama certainly has been coercive to Israel. But all US
administrations have been coercive to varying degrees. The difference
being that Obama intends to impose a solution if he can.
Brzezinski and Obama propose that
1. Jerusalem has to be shared, and shared genuinely.
2. a settlement must be based on the 1967 lines, but with territorial
3. US or NATO station troops along the Jordon River.
4. Palestinian refugees should not be granted the right of return to
what is now Israel.
He argues that
It is important to remember that although the Israeli and Palestinian
populations are almost equal in number, under the 1967 lines the
Palestinian territories account for only 22 percent of the old British
mandate, whereas the Israeli territories account for 78 percent.
How could a man of his experience be so wrong. Israel together with
Judea, Samaria and Gaza comprise 22% of the Mandate. The rest was
given to Jordan in 1922. Now the international community wants Israel
to divide up the 22% remaining, leaving even less for Israel than the
He wants the refugees to be resettled within the Palestinian state.
They number in the many millions. How could Judea and Samaria possibly
accommodate them. Imagine how destabilizing that would be. I venture
to say that the present Arab inhabitants would be the most vociferous
opponents to such an influx.
Would it not be a better solution to resettle them all in Jordan. Not
only is Jordan Palestine, its population is 60% Palestinian. Thus
there would be no need to divide Jerusalem or put foreign troops along
the Jordan.
the United States ought to pursue serious negotiations with Iran
over its nuclear program, as well as other issues;
The US, even under Bush, has been unwilling to really challenge Iran,
preferring to talk them out of their agenda. Obama made engagement
with Iran, a political platform. After a year of trying to engage Iran
in a most humiliating manner, he has achieved nothing. And yet
Brzezinski is still beating the same drum. Give it up already.
What might the other issues be? Presumably, Middle East hegemony.
How much hegemony is he or Obama prepared to concede? If none or very
little, there is no point in negotiations. Besides, what would Saudi
Arabia and Egypt have to say about this, to say nothing about Israel.
Brzezinski argues
But it is still possible, perhaps through a more intrusive inspection
regime, to fashion a reasonably credible arrangement that prevents
It would not be conducive to serious negotiations if the United States
were to persist in publicly labeling Iran as a terrorist state, as a
state that is not to be trusted, as a state against which sanctions or
even a military option should be prepared.
Sanctions must punish those in power not the Iranian middle class,
as an embargo on gasoline would do. The unintended result of imposing
indiscriminately crippling sanctions would likely be to give the
Iranians the impression that the United States real objective is to
prevent their country from acquiring even a peaceful nuclear program
and that, in turn, would fuel nationalism and outrage.
Obama is following this prescription to a T, without good resultsI
might add. He is even unwilling to seriously support the opposition
with words to say nothing of deeds.
the counterinsurgency campaign in the Taliban-controlled parts of
Afghanistan should be part of a larger political undertaking, rather
than a predominantly military one;
He wants to engage with receptive elements of the Taliban arguing
that the Taliban are not a global revolutionary or terrorist
movement, they do not directly threaten the West. But they dohost
al Qaeda who is a threat.
His prescription is to enlist the majority Afghans to defeat them.
Does this not oppose the idea of engaging them? Will this plan work?
The US has been trying for the last five years or so to build up Iraqi
forces to maintain order. Many believe that were the US to withdraw
from Iraq as Obama intends, that the Iraqi forces would not be able to
do so. So much more so, for Afghanistan.
Brzezinski recognizes that the support of Pakistan is a prerequisite
but recognizes how difficult this would be.
Given that many Pakistanis may prefer a Taliban-controlled Afghanistan
to a secular Afghanistan that leans toward Pakistans archival, India,
the United States needs to assuage Pakistans security concerns in
order to gain its full cooperation in the campaign against the
irreconcilable elements of the Taliban.
Will this result in ceding Afghanistan to the fundamentalists?
Pakistan wants to focus the war in Afghanistan rather than Pakistan
and thus has different objectives to those of the US. So the US will
have to reconcile her objectives with those of the Pakistanis, to
gain their cooperation.
the United States should respect Latin Americas cultural and
historical sensitivities and expand its contacts with Cuba;
Is that another way of saying that the US should accept that they are
the United States ought to energize its commitment to significantly
reducing its nuclear arsenal and embrace the eventual goal of a world
free of nuclear weapons;
Coming from the master of real politique, thats quite a fantasy.
in coping with global problems, China should be treated not only as
an economic partner but also as a geopolitical one;
improving U.S.-Russian relations is in the obvious interest of both
sides, although this must be done in a manner that accepts, rather
than seeks to undo, post-Cold War geopolitical realities; and
a truly collegial transatlantic partnership should be given deeper
meaning, particularly in order to heal the rifts caused by the
destructive controversies of the past few years.
Quite a workload.
9 Dec 2009
I couldn't find a single proper review. Make of that what you will.
Amazon.com just had two contradictory ones. Which means somebody is botheringto put out disinfo.
On the author's form alone it looks good this new one.
Bilderberg Conspiracy, The: Inside the World's Most Powerful Secret Society
Veteran journalist H. Paul Jeffers delves into the complicated and mysteriousorigins of the Bilderberg Group, their evolution into a top-secret societyand their ultimate goal of world supremacy. Jeffers examines 50-plus yearsof the Bilderberg as he describes them, their membership, their purposes,the suspicions of their critics and what goes on at their secretive yearlymeetings.
Just in time for Christmas..
Nov 2, 12:42 am
Allan Francovich - Operation Gladio part 2 of 3, BBC Timewatch (1993)
Allan Francovich - On Company Business (1980)
Allan Francovich discusses his three-part documentary film about the CIAwhich took five years to produce. Explains US Secret Foreign policy sincethe second world war 50-60-80 people interviewed. Interviews President ofCBS News on collusion with the CIA. Influencing the news. All intervieweesare ex CIA employees. On Company Business (1980) is a documentary film aboutthe CIA, with exclusive use of interviews with current and former CIA employees.It won the International Critics Award for Best Documentary at the BerlinInternational Film Festival. Allan Francovich (1941 April 24, 1997) was anAmerican film producer and director who made a series of films purportingto expose Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) covert operations. Francovichsuffered a heart attack while going through US customs at Houston airport,Texas on April 17, 1997, and died at the age of 56.
Inside The CIA, On Company Business (1980) Hour one of three is now uploadedto Blip TV. Allan Francovich's unique and astounding 1980 insight into CIAcovert operations, same sort of stuff that the good ol' boys, Mossad andMI6 get up to now.
Part 1 of 3: The History. What part did the CIA play in the Cold War? Howinstrumental were they in Cuba's 1961 Bay Of Pigs invasion? Did they causethe overthrow of President Allende in Chile? This volume starts at the endof World War II when 'The Company' was formed out of the wartime Office ofStrategic Services (OSS) and takes us through the various political incidentsthat the CIA has played a major role in for forty years from the 1940s tothe 1970s. (approx 58 mins.)
Inside the CIA: On Company Business
And the second part is also available as of tonight.
Part 2 of 3: Assassination. It's been a 'Company' secret for many years,until this documentary. Assassination as a tool of US foreign policy hasalways been kept under wraps - until key ex-agents tell their shocking storiesto our cameras. Now you can learn, for the first time, of plots by the CIAto murder the leaders of various governments around the world including,of course, Fidel Castro. Producers: Howard Dratch and Allan Francovich. Research:Howard Dratch, Allan Francovich and Kathleen Weaver. Featuring: Philip Agee,James Wilcott, William Colby, Victor Marchetti, John Stockwell, David AtleePhillips and Joseph B. Smith.
Allan Francovich.
Inside The CIA: On Company Business: Subversion.
I suppose Allan knew some day his films would be understood as exposing politicalwarfare.
Silly Madeline Albright denies then confirms Bilderberg attendance
Oct 16, 10:25 am
Madeline Albright confronted on Bilderberg and New World Order Crimes including9/11
Madeleine Albright was confronted and exposed as a New World Order shillby a coalition of WeAreChange activists from Ohio and Chicago. As the activistsattempted to ask the former Secretary of State some probing questions, theywere shoved and assaulted by Albright's entourage.
Albright spoke at the Borders bookstore in Chicago on Wednesday, October7th to flog her book and to propagandize the public.
Albright, who is a Director of the Rockefeller/British-controlled Councilon Foreign Relations, was told that the American people would not stand foranother false flag attack like on 9/11.
Anthony from WeAreChange Ohio stepped up and asked Albright about her appearanceat the 2008 Bilderberg conference in Chantilly, Virginia. At first, Albrightlied and said that she was not at the meeting but eyewitnesses had videotapedher arrival at the secret gathering.
When notified of this fact, she backpeddled and said that she "went in topick somebody up."
Albright may be hesitant to admit her links to the Bilderberg Group becauseevidence has shown that the Bilderberg members intentionally planned to crashthe U.S. economy in order to consolidate their economic power. In the film"The Obama Deception" by Alex Jones, author Daniel Estulin stated at the2006 conference that members of the Bilderberg Group admitted that the groupwas planning to manipulate the housing market, create oil price fluctuations,and ultimately crash the economy.
Her attendance at the Bilderberg meeting would also be considered a violationof the Logan Act, which prohibits U.S. citizens from interacting with a foreigngovernment without the authority of the United States.
Albright and her entourage seemed to think that she was only going to getpuffball questions from a sycophantic public. Anthony of WeAreChange Ohiostated emphatically, "it was very interesting as soon as I asked her aboutBilderberg, they said 'You can't ask any questions' and shoved me away!"Both Anthony and Steve of We Are Change Chicago were immediately removedonce they begin to question Albright.
Oct 20, 7:40 pm
Dear All,
"...I solemnly swear ... under no less a penalty than that of being severedin two, my body burnt to ashes and those ashes scattered over the face ofearth and water by the four cardinal winds of heaven, that no trace orremembrance of so vile a wretch may longer be found among men..." Sworn bythe candidate in the Master Mason ritual
Then, if you haven't understood the connections between Bilderberg and theinner core of freemasonry then this link should help.http://www.bilderberg.org/1998.htm#palmer Andrew Palmer organised the lastBilderberg conference to take place in Britain back in 1998.
I suggest you also check out John Robison's 'Proofs Of A Conspiracy' andsend it on to anyone you know who might be interested.
Now, worrying news then good news, from France:
Israel planning New Year attack on Iran? http://www.ww4report.com/node/7833
Historic 9/11 Debate on French TVhttp://www.911forum.org.uk/board/viewtopic.php?t=18196
best wishes
United Grand Lodge
Complete texts of masonic rituals - three craft degrees and royal arch
The following rituals are copied directly from the small black (craft) andred (royal arch) books of masonic ritual given to candidates. In these booksmany expressions are represented only by their initial letter or, in thecase of passwords and similar words simply by a blank underscore line. Thesehave all been completed by an ex-royal arch freemason for publication hereon the web.
Links to the full texts of initiation rituals
<http://www.bilderberg.org/First_Degree.htm>1st Degree Entered Apprentice
<http://www.bilderberg.org/Second_Degree.htm>2nd Degree Fellow Craft
<http://www.bilderberg.org/Third_Degree.htm>3rd Degree Master Mason
<http://www.bilderberg.org/Royal_Arch.htm>Royal Arch (Knights Templar)Ceremony
Note on substitution of 'penalties'
These small Masonic ritual books include an alternative form or 'substitutedtext' introduced by masonic officials as a response to criticism of the ritual'penalties' where the candidate willingly places him or herself under variousgruesome threats of death if masonic secrets are revealed. When freemasonsare accused of using death threats in their initiation rites they often attemptto rebuke such criticism by saying that these have now been substituted fora tamer form of words. This substitution is optional in the original booktext. The modern, alternative form of the penalty is 'ever bearing in mindthe traditional penalty' rather than the older form which is 'under no lessa penalty'. The original 'no lesser penalty' is used here.
The three craft rituals have been extracted from the following masonicpublication:
Compiled by and published with the approval of the Committee of the EmulationLodge of Improvement
A LEWIS (Masonic Publishers) Ltd. Terminal House, Shepperton, Middlesex,TW17 8AS
ISBN 085318 006 7
+44 (0)7786 952037 http://bcfm.org.uk/?page_id=3659 "Capitalism isinstitutionalised bribery." _________________ www.abolishwar.org.uk<http://www.elementary.org.uk>www.elementary.org.ukwww.public-interest.co.ukwww.radio4all.net/index.php/series/Bristol+Broadband+Co-operative<http://utangente.free.fr/2003/media2003.pdf>http://utangente.free.fr/2003/media2003.pdf
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates thepossessor from the community" Carl Jung<>
Sep 10, 2:23 am Controlling the Global Economy: Bilderberg, the TrilateralCommission and the Federal Reserve Part2 Politics / Market Manipulation Aug11, 2009 - 11:54 AM
part 1 is here
The Bilderberg Group and the European Union Projecthttp://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article12509.html http://www.911forum.org.uk
By: Global_Research http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article12666.html
Controlling the Global Economy: Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission andthe Federal Reserve Part2
Continues from Part 1 Here
Globalization: A Liberal-Mercantilist Economic Order?
Neo-Liberals Take the Forefront
Andrew Gavin Marshall
In 1971, Jimmy Carter, a somewhat obscure governor from Georgia had startedto have meetings with David Rockefeller. They became connected due to Carter'ssupport from the Atlanta corporate elite, who had extensive ties to theRockefellers. So in 1973, when David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinskiwere picking people to join the Trilateral Commission, Carter was selectedfor membership. Carter thus attended every meeting, and even paid for histrip to the 1976 meeting in Japan with his campaign funds, as he was runningfor president at the time. Brzezinski was Carter's closest adviser, writingCarter's major campaign speeches.[73]
When Jimmy Carter became President, he appointed over two-dozen members ofthe Trilateral Commission to key positions in his cabinet, among them, ZbigniewBrzezinski, who became National Security Adviser; Samuel P. Huntington,Coordinator of National Security and Deputy to Brzezinski; Harold Brown,Secretary of Defense; Warren Christopher, Deputy Secretary of State; WalterMondale, Vice President; Cyrus Vance, Secretary of State; and in 1979, heappointed David Rockefeller's friend, Paul Volcker, as Chairman of the FederalReserve Board.[74]
In 1979, the Iranian Revolution spurred another massive increase in the priceof oil. The Western nations, particularly the United States, had put a freezeon Iranian assets, "effectively restricting the access of Iran to the globaloil market, the Iranian assets freeze became a major factor in the huge oilprice increases of 1979 and 1981."[75] Added to this, in 1979, British Petroleumcancelled major oil contracts for oil supply, which along with cancellationstaken by Royal Dutch Shell, drove the price of oil up higher.[76]
However, in 1979, the Federal Reserve, now the lynch-pin of the internationalmonetary system, which was awash in petro-dollars (US dollars) as a resultof the 1973 oil crisis, decided to take a different action from the one ithad taken earlier. In August of 1979, "on the advice of David Rockefellerand other influential voices of the Wall Street banking establishment, PresidentCarter appointed Paul A. Volcker, the man who, back in August 1971, had beena key architect of the policy of taking the dollar off the gold standard,to head the Federal Reserve."[77]
Volcker got his start as a staff economist at the New York Federal ReserveBank in the early 50s. After five years there, "David Rockefeller's ChaseBank lured him away."[78] So in 1957, Volcker went to work at Chase, whereRockefeller "recruited him as his special assistant on a congressional commissionon money and credit in America and for help, later, on an advisory commissionto the Treasury Department."[79] In the early 60s, Volcker went to work inthe Treasury Department, and returned to Chase in 1965 "as an aide toRockefeller, this time as vice president dealing with international business."With Nixon entering the White House, Volcker got the third highest job inthe Treasury Department. This put him at the center of the decision makingprocess behind the dissolution of the Bretton Woods agreement.[80] In 1973,Volcker became a member of Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission. In 1975,he got the job as President of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, the mostpowerful of the 12 branches of the Fed.
In 1979, Carter gave the job of Treasury Secretary to Arthur Miller, whohad been Chairman of the Fed. This left an opening at the Fed, which wasinitially offered by Carter to David Rockefeller, who declined, and thento A.W. Clausen, Chairman of Bank of America, who also declined. Carterrepeatedly tried to get Rockefeller to accept, and ultimately Rockefellerrecommended Volcker for the job.[81] Volcker became Chairman of the FederalReserve System, and immediately took drastic action to fight inflation byradically increasing interest rates.
The world was taken by shock. This was not a policy that would only be feltin the US with a recession, but was to send shock waves around the world,devastating the Third World debtor nations. This was likely the ultimateaim of the 1970s oil shocks and the 1979 Federal Reserve shock therapy. Withthe raising of interest rates, the cost of international money also rose.Thus, the interest rates on international loans made throughout the 1970srose from 2% in the 1970s to 18% in the 1980s, dramatically increasing theinterest charges on loans to developing countries.[82]
In the developing world, states that had to import oil faced enormous billsto cover their debts, and even oil producing countries, such as Mexico, facedhuge problems as they had borrowed heavily in order to industrialize, andthen suffered when oil prices fell again as the recession occurring in thedeveloped states reduced demand. Thus, in 1982, Mexico declared that it couldno longer pay its debt, meaning that, "they could no longer cover the costof interest payments, much less hope to repay the debt." The result was thebursting of the debt bubble. Banks then halted their loans to Mexico, and"Before long it was evident that states such as Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina,and many sub-Saharan African countries were in equally difficult financialpositions."[83]
The IMF and World Bank entered the scene newly refurnished with a whole newoutlook and policy program designed just in time for the arrival of the debtcrisis. The IMF "negotiated standby loans with debtors offering temporaryassistance to states in need. In return for the loans states agreed to undertakestructural adjustment programs (SAPs). These programs entailed the liberalizationof economies to trade and foreign investment as well as the reduction ofstate subsidies and bureaucracies to balance national budgets."[84] Thus,the neoliberal project of 1973 in Chile was expanded into the very functioningof the International Financial Institutions (IFIs).
Neoliberalism is "a particular organization of capitalism, which has evolvedto protect capital(ism) and to reduce the power of labour. This is achievedby means of social, economic and political transformations imposed by internalforces as well as external pressure," and it entails the "shameless use offoreign aid, debt relief and balance of payments support to promote theneoliberal programme, and diplomatic pressure, political unrest and militaryintervention when necessary."[85] Further, "neoliberalism is part of a hegemonicproject concentrating power and wealth in elite groups around the world,benefiting especially the financial interests within each country, and UScapital internationally. Therefore, globalization and imperialism cannotbe analysed separately from neoliberalism."[86]
Joseph Stiglitz, former Chief Economist of the World Bank, wrote in his book,Globalization and its Discontents, "In the 1980s, the Bank went beyond justlending for projects (like roads and dams) to providing broad-based support,in the form of structural adjustment loans; but it did this only when theIMF gave its approval - and with that approval came IMF-imposed conditionson the country."[87] As economist Michel Chossudovsky wrote, "Because countrieswere indebted, the Bretton Woods institutions were able to oblige them throughthe so- called 'conditionalities' attached to the loan agreements toappropriately redirect their macro-economic policy in accordance with theinterests of the official and commercial creditors."[88]
The nature of SAPs is such that the conditions imposed upon countries thatsign onto these agreements include: lowering budget deficits, devaluing thecurrency, limiting government borrowing from the central bank, liberalizingforeign trade, reducing public sector wages, price liberalization, deregulationand altering interest rates.[89] For reducing budget deficits, "precise'ceilings' are placed on all categories of expenditure; the state is no longerpermitted to mobilize its own resources for the building of publicinfrastructure, roads, or hospitals, etc."[90]
Joseph Stiglitz wrote that, "the IMF staff monitored progress, not just onthe relevant indicators for sound macromanagement - inflation, growth, andunemployment - but on intermediate variables, such as the money supply,"and that "In some cases the agreements stipulated what laws the country'sParliament would have to pass to meet IMF requirements or 'targets' - andby when."[91] Further, "The conditions went beyond economics into areas thatproperly belong in the realm of politics," and that "the way conditionalitywas imposed made the conditions politically unsustainable; when a new governmentcame into power, they would be abandoned. Such conditions were seen as theintrusion by the new colonial power on the country's own sovereignty."[92]
"The phrase 'Washington Consensus' was coined to capture the agreement uponeconomic policy that was shared between the two major international financialinstitutions in Washington (IMF and World Bank) and the US government itself.This consensus stipulated that the best path to economic development wasthrough financial and trade liberalization and that international institutionsshould persuade countries to adopt such measures as quickly as possible."[93]The debt crisis provided the perfect opportunity to quickly impose theseconditions upon countries that were not in a position to negotiate and withno time to spare, desperately in need of loans. Without the debt crisis,such policies may have been subject to greater scrutiny, and with a case-by-caseanalysis of countries adopting SAPs, the world would become quickly awareof their dangerous implications. The debt crisis was absolutely necessaryin implementing the SAPs on an international scale in a short amount of time.
The effect became quite clear, as the result "of these policies on the populationof developing countries was devastating. The 1980s is known as the 'lostdecade' of development. Many developing countries' economies were smallerand poorer in 1990 than in 1980. Over the 1980s and 1990s, debt in manydeveloping countries was so great that governments had few resources to spendon social services and development."[94] With the debt crisis, countriesin the developing world were "[s]tarved of international finance, [and] stateshad little choice but to open their economies to foreign investors andtrade."[95] The "Third World" was recaptured in the cold grasp of economiccolonialism under the auspices of neo-liberal economic theory.
A Return to Statist Theory
Since the 1970s, mercantilist thought had re-emerged in mainstreampolitical-economic theory. Under various names such as neo- mercantilism,economic nationalism or statism, they hold as vital the centrality of thestate in the global political economy. Much "Globalization" literature putsan emphasis on the "decline of the state" in the face of an integratedinternational economic order, where borders are made illusory. However, statisttheory at least helps us understand that the state is still a vital factorwithin the global political economy, even in the midst of a neo-liberal economicorder.
Within the neo-liberal economic order, it was the powerful western (primarilyUS and Western European) states that imposed neo- mercantilist or statistpolicies in order to protect and promote their interests within the globalpolitical economy. Some of these methods were revolved around policy toolssuch as export subsidies, imposed to lower the price of goods, which wouldmake them more attractive to importers, giving that particular nation anadvantage over the competition.
For example, the US has enormous agriculture export subsidies, which makeUS agriculture and grain an easily affordable, attractive and accessiblecommodity for importing nations. Countries of the global south (theLesser-Developed Countries, LDCs), subject to neo-liberal policies imposedupon them by the World Bank and IMF were forced to open their economies upto foreign capital. The World Bank would bring in heavily subsidized US grainto these poor nations under the guise of "food aid," which would have theaffect of destabilizing the nation's agriculture market, as the heavilysubsidized US grains would be cheaper than local produce, putting farmersout of business. Most LDCs are predominantly rural based, so when the farmingsector is devastated, so too is the entire nation. They plunge into economiccrisis and even famine.
With the statist approach, theorists examine how the state is still relevantin shaping economic outcomes and still remains a powerful entity in theinternational arena. One theorist who is prominent within the statist schoolis Robert Gilpin. Gilpin, a professor at the Woodrow Wilson School of Publicand International Affairs at Princeton, is also a member of the Council onForeign Relations. In his book, Global Political Economy, Gilpin postulatedthat multinational corporations were an invention of the United States, andindeed an "American phenomenon" upon which European and Asian states respondedby internationalizing their own firms. In this sense, his theory postulatedto a return to the competitive nature of mercantilist economic theory, inwhich one state gains at the expense of another. He also addresses the natureof the international economy, in that both historically and presently, therewas a single state acting as the main enforcer and manager of the globaleconomy. Historically, it was Britain, and presently, it was the United States.
One cannot deny the significance of the state in the global political economy,as it has been, and still remains very relevant. The events of 1973 are exemplaryof this, however, more must be examined in order to better understand thesituation. Though states are still prominent actors, it is vital to addressin whose interest they act. Mercantilist and statist theorists tend to focuson the concept that states act in their own selfish interest, for the benefitof the state, both politically and economically. However, this is somewhatlinear and diversionary, as it does not address the precise structure ofthe state economy, specifically in terms of its monetary and central bankingsystem.
States, most especially the large hegemonic ones, such as the United Statesand Great Britain, are controlled by the international central banking system,working through secret agreements at the Bank for International Settlements(BIS), and operating through national central banks (such as the Bank ofEngland and the Federal Reserve). The state is thus owned by an internationalbanking cartel, and though the state acts in such a way that proves its continualrelevance in the global economy, it acts so not in terms of self-interestfor the state itself, but for the powerful interests that control that state.The same international banking cartel that controls the United States todaypreviously controlled Great Britain and held it up as the international hegemon.When the British order faded, and was replaced by the United States, theUS ran the global economy. However, the same interests are served. Stateswill be used and discarded at will by the international banking cartel; theyare simply tools.
In this sense, interdependence theory, which presumes the decline of thestate in international affairs, fails to acknowledge the role of the statein promoting and undertaking the process of interdependence. The declineof the nation-state is a state-driven process, and is a process that leadsto a rise of the continental state and the global state. States, are stillvery relevant, but both liberal and mercantilist theorists, while helpfulin understanding the concepts behind the global economy, lay the theoreticalgroundwork for a political economic agenda being undertaken by powerfulinterests. Like Robert Cox said, "Theory is always for someone and for somepurpose."
Hegemonic-Stability Theory
In his book, Global Political Economy, Gilpin explained that, "In time, ifunchecked, the integration of an economy into the world economy, the intensifyingpressures of foreign competition, and the necessity to be efficient in orderto survive economically could undermine the independence of a society andforce it to adopt new values and forms of social organization. Fear thateconomic globalization and the integration of national markets are destroyingor could destroy the political, economic, and cultural autonomy of nationalsocieties has become widespread."[96]
However, Gilpin explains that the "Creation of effective international regimesand solutions to the compliance problem require both strong internationalleadership and an effective international governance structure." Yet, heexplains, "Regimes in themselves cannot provide governance structure becausethey lack the most critical component of governance - the power to enforcecompliance. Regimes must rest instead on a political base established throughleadership and cooperation."[97] This is where we see the emergence of HegemonicStability Theory.
Gilpin explains that, "The theory of hegemonic stability posits that theleader or hegemon facilitates international cooperation and prevents defectionfrom the rules of the regime through use of side payments (bribes), sanctions,and/or other means, but can seldom, if ever, coerce reluctant states to obeythe rules of a liberal international economic order." As he explained, "TheAmerican hegemon did indeed play a crucial role in establishing and managingthe world economy following World War II."[98]
The roots of Hegemonic Stability Theory (HST) lie within both liberal andstatist theory, as it is representative of a crossover theory that cannotbe so easily placed in either category. The main concept champions the liberalnotion of the open international economic system, guided by liberal principlesof open-markets and free trade, while bringing in the statist concept ofa single hegemonic state representing the concentration of political andeconomic power, as it is the enforcer of the liberal international economy.
The more liberal-leaning theorists of HST argue that a liberal economic orderrequires a strong, hegemonic state to maintain the smooth functioning ofthe international economy. One thing this state must do is maintain theinternational monetary system, as Britain did under the gold standard andthe United States did under the Dollar- Wall Street Regime, following theend of the Bretton-Woods dollar-gold link.
Regime Theory Regime Theory is another crossover theory between liberal andmercantilist theorists. Its rise was primarily in reaction to the emergenceof Hegemonic Stability Theory, in order to address the concern of a perceiveddecline in the power of the US. This was due to the rise of new economicpowers in the 1970s, and another major purveyor of this theory was RobertKeohane. They needed to address how the international order could be maintainedas the hegemonic power declined. The answer was in the building of internationalorganizations to manage the international regime.
In this sense, Regime Theory has identified an important aspect of the globalpolitical economy, in that though states have upheld the international orderin the past, never before has there been such an undertaking to institutionalizethe authority over the international order through international organizations.These organizations, such as the World Bank, IMF, UN, and WTO, though stillcontrolled and influenced by states, predominantly the international hegemon,the United States, represent a changing direction of internationalizationand transnationalism. Regime Theorists tend to justify the formation of amore transnational apparatus of power, beyond just a single hegemonic state,into a more internationalized structure of authority.
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[58] Peter Gowan, The Globalization Gamble: The Dollar-Wall Street Regimeand its Consequences: marxsite.com/ Gowan_DollarWallstreetRegime.pdf: page10
[59] Dharam Ghai, ed., The IMF and the South: The Social Impact of Crisisand Adjustment (London: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development,1991), 81
[60] Dharam Ghai, ed., The IMF and the South: The Social Impact of Crisisand Adjustment (London: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development,1991), 82
[61] Robert O'Brien and Marc Williams, Global Political Economy: Evolutionand Dynamics, 2nd ed. Palgrave Macmillan: 2007: page 223
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[66] Peter Gowan, The Globalization Gamble: The Dollar-Wall Street Regimeand its Consequences: marxsite.com/ Gowan_DollarWallstreetRegime.pdf: page12
[67] David Rockefeller, Memoirs. New York: Random House: 2002: Page 431
[68] Peter Dale Scott, The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future ofAmerica. University of California Press: 2007: page 39-40
[69] Peter Dale Scott, The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future ofAmerica. University of California Press: 2007: page 41
[70] Peter Dale Scott, The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future ofAmerica. University of California Press: 2007: pages 40-41
[71] Daniel Brandt, U.S. Responsibility for the Coup in Chile. Public InformationResearch: November 28, 1998: http://www.namebase.org/chile.html
[72] Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. Macmillan:2007: page 77
[73] Holly Sklar, ed., Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and ElitePlanning for World Management. South End Press: 1980: pages 201-203
[74] Holly Sklar, ed., Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and ElitePlanning for World Management. South End Press: 1980: pages 91-92
[75] Peter Dale Scott, The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future ofAmerica. University of California Press: 2007: page 88
[76] F. William Engdahl, A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics andthe New World Order. London: Pluto Press, 2004: page 173
[77] F. William Engdahl, A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics andthe New World Order. London: Pluto Press, 2004: page 174
[78] Joseph B. Treaster, Paul Volcker: The Making of a Financial Legend.John Wiley and Sons, 2004: page 36
[79] Joseph B. Treaster, Paul Volcker: The Making of a Financial Legend.John Wiley and Sons, 2004: page 37
[80] Joseph B. Treaster, Paul Volcker: The Making of a Financial Legend.John Wiley and Sons, 2004: page 38
[81] Joseph B. Treaster, Paul Volcker: The Making of a Financial Legend.John Wiley and Sons, 2004: pages 57-60
[82] Robert O'Brien and Marc Williams, Global Political Economy: Evolutionand Dynamics, 2nd ed. Palgrave Macmillan: 2007: page 223
[83] Robert O'Brien and Marc Williams, Global Political Economy: Evolutionand Dynamics, 2nd ed. Palgrave Macmillan: 2007: page 224
[84] Robert O'Brien and Marc Williams, Global Political Economy: Evolutionand Dynamics, 2nd ed. Palgrave Macmillan: 2007: page 224
[85] A. Paloni and M. Zonardi, eds., Neoliberalism: A Critical Introduction.London: Pluto, 2005: page 3
[86] A. Paloni and M. Zonardi, eds., Neoliberalism: A Critical Introduction.London: Pluto, 2005: page 1
[87] Joseph Stiglitz, Globalization and its Discontents. New York: Norton,2003: page 14
[88] Michel Chossudovsky, The Globalization of Poverty and the New WorldOrder, 2nd ed. Quebec: Global Research, 2003: page 35
[89] Marc Williams, International Economic Organizations and the Third World.Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1994: page 85
[90] Michel Chossudovsky, The Globalization of Poverty and the New WorldOrder, 2nd ed. Quebec: Global Research, 2003: page 52
[91] Joseph Stiglitz, Globalization and its Discontents. New York: Norton,2003: pages 43-44
[92] Joseph Stiglitz, Globalization and its Discontents. New York: Norton,2003: pages 44-46
[93] Robert O'Brien and Marc Williams, Global Political Economy: Evolutionand Dynamics, 2nd ed. Palgrave Macmillan: 2007: page 224
[94] Robert O'Brien and Marc Williams, Global Political Economy: Evolutionand Dynamics, 2nd ed. Palgrave Macmillan: 2007: page 224
[95] Robert O'Brien and Marc Williams, Global Political Economy: Evolutionand Dynamics, 2nd ed. Palgrave Macmillan: 2007: page 225
[96] Robert Gilpin, Global Political Economy: Understanding the InternationalEconomic Order, Princeton University Press, 2001: page 81
[97] Robert Gilpin, Global Political Economy: Understanding the InternationalEconomic Order, Princeton University Press, 2001: page 97
[98] Robert Gilpin, Global Political Economy: Understanding the InternationalEconomic Order, Princeton University Press, 2001: pages 97-98
Andrew Gavin Marshall is a Research Associate with the Centre for Researchon Globalization (CRG). He is currently studying Political Economy and Historyat Simon Fraser University.
Andrew G. Marshall is a frequent contributor to Global Research. Global ResearchArticles by Andrew G. Marshall (c) Copyright Andrew G. Marshall, Global Research,2009
Sep 2, 11:12 am PEPIS#115 - Dutroux witness X2: child abuse by Davignon &Lippens
Wikipedia - stealthily protecting the criminal elite. The pro-elitist anti-truthcapabilities of Wikipedia most elegantly exposed here in article 3. Quoteshere from the excellent, as ever, Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions(PEHI) now (somewhat annoyingly) renamed as the Institute for the Study ofGlobalization and Covert Politics (ISGP).
see also
Beyond the Dutroux Affair The reality of protected child abuse and snuffnetworks http://www.isgp.eu/dutroux/Belgian_X_dossiers_of_the_Dutroux_affair.htm
1. Bernhard's '1001 Club' membership lists
2. 'Black Prince' Junio Valerio Borghese
3. One single admin able to wipe ISGP from dozens of Wiki pages
4. Bilderberg Chairman child abuse allegations
1. Bernhard's '1001 Club' membership lists
A tribute: researcher who provided ISGP with 1001 Club membership lists hasdied 1001 mentioned in new critical biography on Prince Bernhard; also madethe Dutch evening news
April 17, 2009
Back in late July 2008, right after publishing the Nebuleuse article, I saidto myself: "It's done! Can't freakin' believe it, but after so many yearsthere's nothing I really need to Confidential Leaked confidential letterof Charles de Haes, honorary secretary to Prince Bernhard and co-founderof the 1001. write about anymore. Maybe I can actually start to have a normallife now." As happened before, this lasted for a very short period. Withina few weeks I received an email from the Irish journalist Kevin Dowling:if I was still interested in having photocopies of the 1001 Club membershiplists and some other 1001 material... Well, of course I was! I was dancingon the tables.
Off and on I had been trying to get hold of these lists for years, as twoof them were known to have leaked over the decades. Unfortunately, the fewresearchers who may have been able to provide one or more copies for somereason all backed down on their initial promises to supply the lists. Andalthough ISGP still became the only site with any meaningful informationon the 1001, the article never felt comfortable for the simple reason thatit was not based on at least a few original sources. This had now changedovernight and within one weekend - without having really time for it - Ihad written a whole new version of the 1001 Club article and made all thephotocopies provided by Kevin available for download. For the first timeever since the founding of the 1001 in 1973-4, membership lists had becomeavailable to the world!
I mailed Kevin about the rewrite. He was very pleased and made a commentthat some researchers definitely should remember:
"No need for thanks. You are very welcome. It bewilders me why researchersshould choose to hide what they discover rather than share it with anyoneelse. ...
"I have a pretty full suite of documents concerning Bernhard's membershipof the Nazi party. I'll post them to you if you like."
I declined this last offer, as there really was no time to look at the materialand also because Bernhard's membership of the Nazi party is well known andactually has a pretty good explanation behind it. About six months went bywithout contact. Then on March 31, 2009, - completely by accident - my eyecaught a portion of a Netwerk broadcast, which is a Dutch investigative fsfISGP-compiled picture on the national news. Unfortunately, ISGP was notmentioned. program part of the national evening news. There was a discussionof a new book written by Gerard Aalders, en employee of the Netherlands Institutefor War Documentation. The book, titled De prins kan mij nog meer vertellen(roughly meaning, the Prince can tell me even more stories), is a very criticalreview of the life of Prince Bernhard. It was quite clear that the makersof program, while giving both sides a say, did not hold back either. Severalof the scandals Bernhard had been embroiled in were discussed, Bilderbergwas mentioned, and maybe for the first time ever on the news... the 1001Club was mentioned! Immediate thoughts that the information had largely comefrom ISGP were supported when the picture above, part of ISGP's 1001 Clubarticle, was shown on tv. Of course there was no mentioning of ISGP, thesite which, among other things, can spell the end of Belgium.
Just today I picked up a copy of De prins kan mij nog meer vertellen. ISGPhas indeed been mentioned in the book. Unfortunately, the information providedon the 1001 Club is still rather limited, but enough to grab many people'sattention and make them look at the endnotes. Network did make one mistakethough: it mentioned the mafia boss Meyer Lansky as a member of the 1001.This is not true, although Lansky did work with or for Mossad agent and 1001Club member Tibor Rosenbaum, a good friend of both Bernhard and Edmond deRothschild (another 1001 Club member). In many ways the Lansky-Rosenbaumconnection reminds one of the relationship between the sinister Felix Przedborskiand the Mossad and Israeli Foreign Office ISGP's Nebuleuse article has beentalking about. Back to Kevin I contacted Kevin after seeing the Netwerkdocumentary to inform him that the information he had provided to ISGP hadbeen picked up by the Dutch evening news and had also found its way intoa new biography on the 1001 Club's former head, Prince Bernhard. Unfortunatelyit was not Kevin who replied back to me, but his (very kind) wife: Kevinhad died unexpectedly on December 22 last year. Guess that's just anotherreminder that most of the researchers I interact with are decades older thanme.
There's not much I know about Kevin, but I do know that he was one of themost open and jovial of the researchers I've interacted with. A brief summaryof what I know about him and his work has been written down in the 1001 Clubarticle and is cited below:
"Britain too has tried to find ways to remain an influence in the world,and some have argued over the years that British Intelligence and the ForeignOffice have tried to use the WWF (and 1001 Club) to pursue some of the country'sgeopolitical interests. The most important of these critics has been theIrish journalist Kevin Dowling, who in 1990 produced the documentary 'TenPence in the Panda', in which he documented the extreme ineffectiveness ofthe WWF's efforts to defend species as the panda, the elephant, and the blackrhino. dsd The 2009 book of Gerard Aalders During the controversy in theweeks and months after the documentary, Dowling produced more damning evidenceagainst the WWF. It turned out that the people living in the reserves wereforced to live under inhumane conditions (and could be shot on sight), thatwealthy customers could illegally hunt on rhinos and elephants, that leadingnature conservatives were involved in the illegal trade in ivory, and thatcriminal special operations were launched from nature reserves to sustainthe apartheid system. [7]"
It's incredible to think that Kevin had these 1001 Club lists and documentsin his possession for maybe two or three decades, but that only three monthsbefore he died he gave them to someone who was able to spread them - directlyand indirectly - to a much greater public than before (ISGP, which also addedit to Wikipedia; Aalders' book; and about 500,000 people watched the Netwerkprogram). If Kevin had not shared these lists, it may have taken God knowshow much longer before any really reliable information on the 1001 wouldhave entered the public domain. Remember, when ISGP attempted to write thefirst article on the 1001 Club in 2005, it took considerable effort to evenfind out whether the club still existed! (it did)
So, thanks for the work and your generosity, Kevin. Sorry I was not ableto read all the material and comment back on it. But as you asked, some ofthe things you said years back to the Dutch alternative press and have notyet been translated in ISGP's 1001 Club article will be translated and postedup here. This cannot be done immediately though.
2. 'Black Prince' Junio Valerio Borghese
Italy's Black Prince: Terror War Against the Nation-State by Allen Douglas
The Black Prince and the Sea Devils: The Story of Valerio Borghese and theElite Units of the Decima Mas by Jack Greene and Alessandro Massignani Cambridge,Mass.: Da Capo Press, 2004 284 pages, hardcover, $27.50
The career of the Roman "Black Prince," Junio Valerio Borghese, gruesomelyillustrates how virtually all modern "international terrorism" and allassassinations of heads of state and government such as President John F.Kennedy, former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro, or the numerous attemptson France's President Charles de Gaulle, derive from the postwar NaziInternational, sponsored by the Anglo-American-led Synarchy and its intelligenceservices. To trace all the ramifications of that career, is to open a dooronto the centuries-old highest level of the financial oligarchy-the Synarchy:the aristocratic families of the "black nobility," the Sovereign MilitaryOrder of the Knights of Malta, and the heirs of what Pope John Paul I calledthe "ancients" of Venice.
The fascist Borghese founded Mussolini's elite naval warfare squadron, whichhe turned into a savage irregular warfare unit in northern Italy by the endof World War II. Picked up by Allen Dulles, James Jesus Angleton, and otheranti-Franklin Delano Roosevelt operatives of the U.S. Office of StrategicServices (OSS), Borghese and his men would be involved in every major postwarcoup attempt or terrorist outbreak in Italy until 1970, when he fled to Spainafter the failed coup attempt most closely associated with his name. FromItaly, and then while in Spain, he maintained connections all over Europeand with the bloody Operation Condor torture-and-murder syndicate inIbero-America. An examination of Borghese's career enables one to peer beneaththe surface of terrorism and spectacular assassinations, into the netherworldwhence these actions are launched: where international high finance; ancientaristocratic families; pro-fascist elements of the Curia of the CatholicChurch; leading fascists of the Hitler- Mussolini era; and the Anglo-Americanintelligence services, in particular those of NATO, are all unified in awar against the modern nation-state.
The British and U.S. intelligence services' files on Borghese are stillclassified, as are the Borghese family archives in the Vatican after 1922,when Mussolini seized power. The present book is the first biography of Borghesein English. When correlated with other recent exposés of Gladio, thepost-World War II NATO "stay-behind" network in Europe, and when all aresituated within the work of Lyndon LaRouche and his associates on the Synarchy,it is a notable contribution to unmasking international terrorism, thoughthe book's authors are perhaps not always aware of the full implicationsof what they present. [1]
Borghese belonged to a principal family of Rome's ostensibly Catholic "blacknobility," many members of which claim descent from the elite of the RomanEmpire. Numerous Popes and cardinals came from the Borghese and allied families,such as the Pallavicini, the Colonna, and the Orsini; these families maintainedenormous power into the 20th Century, and still today, in the Curia, theadministration of the Vatican. Their faction within the Church helped constructthe infamous "rat-line"-run, in part, through monasteries and convents-whichspirited thousands of Fascists and Nazis out of Europe after the war, intoIbero-America, Asia, and the Middle East.
Whether the Borgheses indeed originated with the Roman Empire, as they claim,or only rose in the early 16th Century, as records suggest, they could boastof one Pope, Paul V (Camillo Borghese, reigned 1605-21), and several cardinals,while a Borghese prince married Napoleon's sister. They lost their fortunein the 19th Century, and thus the 20th Century saw Junio Valerio Borghesegoing to war..................
This article appears in the February 4, 2005 issue of Executive IntelligenceReview. http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2005/3205_italy_black_prince.html
3. One single admin able to wipe ISGP from dozens of Wiki pages
ISGP's problem with Wikipedia One single admin able to wipe ISGP from dozensof Wiki pages July 1, 2009 Joël........................................................................................................................................
You know, I think Wikipedia is a really great concept. Anyone can contributeinformation to articles, while a relatively small number of administratorssee to it that the information remains objective and verifiable. Despitecriticism that "anyone can write anything", in reality the vast majorityof Wikipedia articles are well sourced and very reliable.
However, as usual, problems arise when it comes to controversial information.Many people cannot deal with this and without even thinking they just discardit. That's too bad, but not much can be done about it. What is worrying,however, is that some Wikipedia editors posses similar character traits.And occasionally, like in this case, they seem to go berserk.
An unwelcome surprise Today I had actually planned to write a little pieceto ask people who take information from this site if they can double-checkwhat I've written before writing down anything themselves. I've noticed thatpersons discussing my work half of the time cannot get the facts straight.The latest example is the following addition to Etienne Davignon's biographyon Wikipedia:
"Around 1996, Regina Louf (X1 witness) accused Davignon of being involvedin a child abuse network. She testified having seen him abusing childrenin a hotel in Knokke. Her testimony was discredited based on her psychologicalstate."
It was not Regina Louf (X1) who made the claim to have seen Davignon. Itwas X2 who had stated this. So when making serious entries like these, pleaseread before you write anything down. You become very easy to discredit whenmaking mistakes like this. I really recommend that with every sentence youwrite down, you go back to source and check my exact wording. You'll be amazedhow often you remembered something wrong.
Anyway, soon after seeing this new addition to Davignon's biography, I noticedthat the link to ISGP had been deleted. More amazing, it turned out thatevery reference to ISGP anywhere on Wikipedia had been deleted around thesame time. At first I thought this was the result of the careless mistakein Davignon's biography. However, it turns out that this was not the cause.
The cause turns out to be a Wikipedia admin nicknamed Will Beback. On June29, at 20:41 (GMT), Beback apparently came across ISGP while editing Wikipedia'sWWF page. This person, whose apparent internet information can be found below,decided to take a look at ISGP for less than five minutes. In response hedecided it was his right to delete all references on Wikipedia to ISGP withoutspending one more second of fact checking. IP Host nameadsl-69-104-219-235.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net Location Los Angeles, California29th June 2009 23:41:43 No referring link www.isgp.eu/index.html 29th June2009 23:42:52 www.isgp.eu/index.html www.isgp.eu/about.htm 29th June 200923:45:30 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1001_Club www.isgp.eu/index.html 29th June2009 23:49:43 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1001_Clubwww.isgp.eu/organisations/1001_Club_members_list.htm Total visit time 8 minutesand 0 seconds
Beback's incompetence For a veteran Wikipedia admin, Beback doesn't seemto be a particularly bright light. Amazingly, he left the incorrect paragraphin Davignon's bio untouched. As of this writing, it's still there. Bebackonly deleted the source, which, ironically, would have shown that there'sa serious mistake on Wikipedia.
Another interesting point is Wikipedia's 1001 Club article, in which theapparently nefarious influence of ISGP was first neutralized. This is theparagraph Beback deleted (except for the first sentence):
"The membership of the 1001 Club largely consists of managers of banks andmultinationals from around the world. Examples from past and present includeSir Eric Drake of British Petroleum, Sir Val Duncan of Rio Tinto, Harry FrederickOppenheimer and Sidney Spiro of Anglo- American Corporation, the Britishand French Rothschilds, Michel David- Weill of Lazard, Laurance and DavidRockefeller, Henry Ford II, Baron Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza, EdmondSafra, Peter von Siemens, and Berthold Beitz of Krupp. Among the more remarkablemembers have been Salem bin Laden, Osama bin Laden's older half-brother;Mobutu Sese Seko, the dictator of Zaire; BCCI founder and president AghaHasan Abedi; Juan Carlos I King of Spain; early Zionist operatives as LouisBloomfield and Tibor Rosenbaum; and the controversial businessman NelsonBunker Hunt."
Beback deleted all the names, providing us with the following explanation:"trim unsourced list that includes living people". Excuse me, unsourced!?Oh, wait, of course this list is unsourced, as several minutes earlier Bebackhimself had deleted the links to photocopies of the membership list in whichall these names could be found! The ISGP log shows Beback has been on thepage where these photocopies could be found. Unless he's a hyperactive12-year-old, it's incomprehensible to me how he could have missed this.
As you can see at the bottom of this article, over the next hour Beback deletedall entries of ISGP on Wikipedia - from the Bohemian Grove, the PilgrimsSociety, and Le Cercle to about a dozen individual biographies. As we cansee from ISGP's statistics, the Wiki admin did not once bother to check anyother link. He just indiscriminately deleted everything that had to do withISGP.
Even very important and detailed criticism on the Disclosure Project wasdeleted (Steven Greer must be so happy), while in the Pilgrims Society articleCharles Savoie was allowed to remain. This is another clear indication thatBeback only paid attention to his delete button and not at all to the subjectat hand, nor the quality of the sources. You wonder if this is the kind ofadmin Wikipedia needs...
Sometimes Wikipedia is ISGP It's ironic that Wikipedia pages as the PilgrimsSociety, the 1001 Club and Le Cercle are almost entirely based on the workof ISGP. As I've already explained in the FAQ:
"When PEHI/ISGP first wrote about the Cercle, the 1001 Club, and the Pilgrims,entries on Wikipedia about these societies did not exist. In each case theywere added shortly after the PEHI/ISGP articles had been uploaded. Virtuallyno other information existed on these groups at the time. Wikipedia's SunValley/Allen & Co. entry took years before it was created. Wikipedia'sJASON Group article did exist, but was far from complete. At least half ofthe members were taken from ISGP. Details about the Bohemian Grove campsand the visitors also came from ISGP. Although membership lists have leakedin recent years, back in 2005/2006 none were in the public domain and nameswere scattered all over the place. ISGP has been responsible for otherinformation on Wikipedia, mainly relating to the Dutroux affair and snufffilms. In many cases this information was removed for no good reason - sometimesafter six months of continuous visits and no complaints."
Indeed, although ISGP was listed on about 30 different Wikipedia pages, ithas been deleted from at least a dozen more. The JASON Group is one of them,but especially not done has been the addition of information from BeyondDutroux or even Le Cercle to individual biographies on Wikipedia. Sometimesthe information itself stuck - as the fact that Antoine Pinay was involvedin setting up the Pinay Cercle - but the source of the information - ISGP- was deleted. In other cases entire paragraphs were undone and in at leastone case a group of Belgian lawyers began to intimidate Wikipedia Franceafter one of its admins expanded on the darker aspects of the life of PaulVanden Boeynants. These legal threats were not unique, by the way, nor otherforms of apparent intimation - but that's a whole other discussion.
The point being The point here is that a single Wikipedia admin named WillBeback has decided that the world has no need for the information on ISGP,even though dozens have been responsible for adding this information andeven though thousands have seen these links but never felt the need to deletethem. And the most astonishing thing is that this person never even botheredto check up on any of the material presented. He left mistakes and deletedundeniable and very unique sources. If his actions are not reversed, manythousands less will come across this site over the years, as Wikipedia hasconsiderably increased overall visits to this site both directly (links)and indirectly (Google page ranking).
Things go the way go and I guess Will Beback is just one of the many reflectionsof our imperfect society. It would be nice if you all could try to reversehis actions, but if not, so be it.
Will Beback's anti-ISGP rampage (GMT):
* 22:41, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Bohemian Grove ? (rm self- publishedwebsite) (top)
* 22:40, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) St. Elmo (secret society) ? (rmself-published website) (top)
* 22:40, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Le Cercle ? (rm self-published websiteand assertions) (top)
* 22:39, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Le Cercle ? (rm material based onself-published website)
* 22:38, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) m George Kennedy Young ? (fix) (top)
* 22:37, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) User:Will Beback/Weblinks ? (+) (top)
* 22:37, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Allen & Company Sun Valley Conference? (?External links: rm self-published website) (top)
* 22:36, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) William J. Casey ? (?Director of CentralIntelligence: rm self-published website) (top)
* 22:36, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Association for Cultural Freedom ?(?Involvement of the CIA: rm self-published website) (top)
* 22:35, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) George Kennedy Young ? (rm self-publishedwebsite)
* 22:34, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Frederic Bennett ? (?Other interests:rm self-published website) (top)
* 22:32, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Peter Hain ? (?Anti-apartheid: rmself-published website) (top)
* 22:32, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Conservative Monday Club ? (rm self-publishedwebsite) (top)
* 22:30, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Geoffrey Stewart-Smith ? (?Publications:rm self-published website) (top)
* 22:29, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) User talk:Chendy ? (?Reliable sourcesand links: new section) (top)
* 22:21, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) User talk: ? (third warning)(top)
* 22:17, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Pilgrims Society ? (?External links:rm self-published website) (top)
* 22:15, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Friedrich Hayek ? (rm self- publishedwebsite) (top)
* 22:15, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Jon Snow ? (?Memorable incidents: rmself-published website) (top)
* 22:13, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) James A. Farrell Jr. ? (rm self-publishedwebsite) (top)
* 22:13, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) St. Elmo (secret society) ? (?Membership:rm self-published website)
* 22:09, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Jonathan Aitken ? (?Libel action:self-published website) (top)
* 22:08, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Ambrose Evans-Pritchard ? (rm materialsourced to self-published website) (top)
* 22:07, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Le Cercle ? (?External links: rmself-published website)
* 22:07, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Le Cercle ? (?History: rm self- publishedwebsite)
* 22:06, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) The Disclosure Project ? (?Criticism:rm section sourced entirely to a self-published website) (top)
* 22:04, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Maurice Lippens (businessman) ?(?ChildAbuse Network: rm material sourced to self-published website)
* 22:04, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Étienne Davignon ? (rm self- publsihedwebsite) (top)
* 22:03, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Marc Dutroux ? (?Alternative views: rmmaterial from self-published wesbite) (top)
* 22:02, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Bohemian Grove ? (?External links: rmself-published site)
* 22:01, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) 1001 Club ? (trim unsourced list thatincludes living people) (top)
* 21:58, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Talk:Views of Lyndon LaRouche?(?Misrepresentation in Gays and Aids section: please be specific)
* 21:52, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Great Oil Sniffer Hoax ? (?Bibliography:rm link to self-published website) (top)
* 21:50, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) 1001 Club ? (rm self-publsihed site,add cite req)
* 21:49, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) 1001 Club ? (improve ref, intro)
* 21:46, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) 1001 Club ? (?External links: rmself-published site)
* 21:45, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) 1001 Club ? (?Alternative views: rm linkto self-published site)
* 21:40, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) World Wide Fund for Nature ? (?Cambodiacontroversy: wl, refs, trim "controversy") (top)
Apparently Beback is keeping check on any reversals regarding ISGP:
* 08:55, 1 July 2009 (hist) (diff) Maurice Lippens (businessman) ? (undo- extraordinary clai, requires highly reliable source, www.isgp.eu doesn'tqualify) (top)
He doesn't seem to realize that ISGP is not "the source". The sources arethe photocopies of the official gendarmerie reports, which happen to bepermanently posted on ISGP. And of course you won't find these documentsin any newpaper or on any government-related site. Does that mean that noone has ever testified against Maurice Lippens? Apparently it does in Beback'smind.
4. Bilderberg Chairman child abuse allegationshttp://www.isgp.eu/dutroux/Belgian_X_dossiers_the_accused.htm Viscount EtienneDavignon b. 1932
Source(s): X2 (Present at parties with underage girls in villas in Knokke,including the one of his good friend Leopold Lippens, and Hotel Cromwell;The following text could well be a reference to Davignon, as he seems tobe the only European Commissioner accused in the X-Files: December 29, 1996,Sunday Times: "In a separate twist, a Belgian newspaper claimed yesterdaythat a former European commissioner was among a group of judges, seniorpoliticians, lawyers and policemen who attended orgies held in a Belgianchateau and organized by Michel Nihoul, one of Dutroux's alleged accomplices.La Derniere Heure, which claimed to have a guest list, did not name thecommissioner but said he "came with a girl, Josette, nicknamed Jojo, theBomb".")
Great great grandson of one of the revolutionaries which succeeded in separatingBelgium from Holland in 1830 and to make it a Catholic state again. Grandsonof Julien Davignon, an influential Belgian minister of Foreign Affairs. EtienneDavignon was born in Hungary in 1932. His family has intermarried with someof the more powerful Belgian blue blood families like the Janssens, Boëls,and Solvays. Studied law at Facultés Saint-Louis in Brussels and theUniversité Catholique de Louvain (UCL). Completed his education withstudies in Philosophy and Economy. Scholar of the Benedictine monks of Maredsous(at SG, he found out that three others were Benedictines: Maurice Lippens,Claude de Villenfa*gne van AnHyp, and Guy Ullens de Schooten). In 1959, Davignonjoined the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as attache for the departmentof African Affairs. Became head of the cabinet of Paul-Henri Spaak in 1964(as a follow up of Baron Robert Rothschild, and, together with Etienne Davignon,a governor of the Atlantic Institute in 1987), a position he held in 1965when Pierre Harmel became prime-minister. During his career at the Ministryof Foreign Affairs, he was directly involved with Belgium's policies in Africa,the independence of Rwanda and Burundi and the solution to the Belgium andZaire conflict. He was also a key figure behind the report on the futureof the Atlantic Alliance (Harmel report) and he presided over the committeewhich prepared the first proposals regarding political cooperation betweenEEC members (Davignon Report, 1974-1975). Following the oil crisis in 1973,Davignon chaired the international conference that established an oil-sharingtreaty. First president of the International Energy Agency 1974-1977. Workedas vice- president for the European Commission from 1977 to 1985, where hewas in charge of industry, research and energy. He was active in therestructuring of European industry (steel, textiles, synthetic fibres) andin promoting new research cooperative ventures in information technologyand telecommunications. In 1982, as Industry Commissioner, Davignon challengedPehr Gyllenhammar (Volvo, Chase Manhattan, Kissinger Associates, Aspen Institute;later on managing director of Lazard, vice chairman of Rothschild Europe,and chairman of Rothschild Pension Funds) to organize a group of top Europeanbusinessmen to lobby the European Commission. The Gyllenhammar group wasto become the highly influential European Round Table of Industrialists orERT, drawing up policy for Europe. Together with his Solvay business partner,Baron Daniel Janssen, Davignon was a long time member of the ERT. At theERT Etienne chaired the working group on Trade and Investment. In 1985, heleft the European Commission and joined SociétéGénérale de Belgique. After the French Suez Group took overSGB in 1988, Etienne Davignon became its chairman and remained that until2001. In March 1988 Gerald Bull, the famous gun builder, received a contractfrom the Iraqis to build 3 superguns, one of them a smaller prototype. The2 full-size superguns were 150 meters / 450 feet long with a bore of onemeter / three feet and, if finished, would have been capable of placing a2000 kg / 4500 lb rocket propelled projectile into orbit (its purpose). ProjectBabylon, as it was called, was said to be financed by SociétéGénérale. Bull had earlier built hundreds of revolutionaryartillery pieces for the Iraqis and had upgraded their Scud missiles. Hewas assassinated in Brussels on March 22, 1990. It has been claimed thatthe former Belgian deputy prime minister Andre Cools, who was assassinatedon July 18, 1991, was almost done investigating the Bull murder and wantedto lay bare an international criminal syndicate. Among the persons thatsupposedly were about to be indicted were Dick Cheney, Neil Bush, Frank Carlucci,Donald Rumsfeld, Jonathan Aitken (head of Le Cercle; member Privy Council),Count Hervé de Carmoy, and the Barbours, Racicots, and Bronfmans.At the time these people were assassinated, a scandal surfaced in Italy andthe United States: $4 billion of unauthorized loans to Iraq were exposed,made by the Atlanta branch of the Italian Banca Nazionale del Lavoro. BNLhad attracted the secretive Kissinger Associates as a business advisor, afirm Davignon, at some point, became a director of (identified as a directorin April 2002, CSR Europe Magazine). Henry Kissinger, a close friend of Davignon,also sat on the advisory board of BNL. Davignon joined the board of Minorcoin 1990 and retired from it in 2002, 3 years after this company had mergedwith Anglo-American Corporation (AGM). At that moment he stepped down tovice-chairman. Co-founder of the Association for the Monetary Union of Europeand president from 1991 to 2002. In 2002, after it had fulfilled its purposeof establishing the European Monetary Union (EMU), the group was dissolvedjust as quietly as it had been erected. Davignon is chairman of the Paul-HenriSpaak Foundation, chairman of the Royal Institute for International Relations(Belgian version of RIIA), and chairman of CSR Europe (European businessnetwork). Etienne Davignon is a founder of the EU-Japan Centre for IndustrialCooperation and was chairman of the EU-Japan Business Dialogue 1995-2005.The follow-up of Davignon, Baron Georges Jacobs, at the time, was chairmanof UCB SA (owned by the Janssens) and Delhaize SA. Davignon is a presidentof Friends of Europe and a director of The European Institute (since about1995). Honorary chairman of Bilderberg since 1999, after Lord Carringtonresigned. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the TrilateralCommission. Etienne Davignon sits on the Board of Advisors of 'Dialogues:Islamic World - U.S. - The West', together with Frank Wisner (Le Cercle)and Prince El Hassan bin Talal (head Club of Rome). The Dialogues, whichare located in New York, are sponsored by the Carnegie Corporation andRockefeller Brothers Fund. Etienne Davignon is chairman of the Board of theInstitut Catholique des Hautes Etudes Commerciales in Brussels. He is avice-chairman of Suez-Tractebel and Société Généralede Belgique (owned by Suez). He is a director of the Suez Group, which ownsboth companies. Davignon holds 10,000 shares in the Suez Group, while allother directors, including its chairman, own between 2,000 (almost all) and5,500 shares (only one). The Suez Group itself is ultimately owned by theBelgian Frère (controls the Charleroi Group, a name probably not sopopular anymore these days) and the Canadian Desmarais (Privy Council) families.In 2002, Tractebel was accused of business dealings with the billionaire(mafia) oligarchs in Kazakhstan, and their ally, Kazakh President NursultanNazarbayev. Among these Oligarchs were Patokh Chodiev and Alijan Ibragimov,both closely connected to their London business partners. Davignon is avice-chairman of Fortis (Dutch-Belgian governed banking group). Appointedchairman of Fortis' newly- established International Advisory Council in2001, together with Baron Paul Janssen (dr. and chair of Janssen Pharmaceutica;member Vatican Scientific Acadamy) and Guy de Selliers de Moranville (Solvaydirector). Maurice Lippens would attended the meetings of the IAC. Davignonwas president of Union Miniere Belgique and vice-president of Petrofina,Arbed, Salem, Sidmar, Foamex, Gilead (USA), and Pechiney. Davignon was, oris, a member of the Board of the Générale de Banque, MaritimeBelge, Compagnie des Wagons-Lits, Recticel, Sibeka, SN Airholding, Palaisdes Beaux-Arts (Belgium), Accor SA, Sofina (owned by the Boël familyand chaired by Yves Boël), BASF, ICL, Solvay SA, Kissinger Associates(he's a friend of Henry and they have attended soccer/football matches together),and several SGB group companies. Etienne Davignon is a member of Belgium'smost exclusive private club, Cercle de Lorraine - Club of Lotharingen. Heis also a member of Cercle Gaulois, another elite Belgian club, and the RoyalSporting Club of Anderlecht. Listed as a governor of the Ditchley Foundationin 2000. Used to be a director of the Royal Club of Historic Cities and Gardensin Belgium (Koninklijke Vereniging der Historische Woonsteden en Tuinen vanBelgië), together with Baron Albert Frère, the Marquess deTrazegnies, Prince Alexander de Merode (former chair), Prince Lorenz (honorarychair), Count Ghislain d'Ursel and Count Emmanuel de Lichtervelde. Togetherwith the Marquess de Trazegnies and the mayor of Venice, the Davignon isa patron of Veneziaviva, a foundation which is focused on preserving, restoringand enhancing the value of Venice's heritage. In 1999, Davignon was a mainfounder of Friends of Europe, a private lobbying organization for the EuropeanUnion. Baron Daniel Janssen helped him to establish it and the institute'sheadquarters are located in the historic Bibliothèque Solvay, rightoutside the European Parliament in Brussels. Together with his business partnerCount Maurice Lippens, Viscount Etienne Davignon was involved in settingup SN Brussels Airlines, the follow up of Sabena, which went bankrupt in2001. Davignon also played a role in the Lernout & Hauspie scandal, whichcentered around a company that made by far the best voice recognition / languagetranslation software on the market (although it wasn't perfect). Accordingto one of the founders of the company, Jo Lernout, it went wrong in 1999/2000when L&H started to buy up US companies who were working for the CIAand the Pentagon, especially because the L&H software worked almost thesame as the NSA's Echelon spy system. The Wall Street Journal accused L&Hof fraudulent book keeping in August 2000 and the 2 founders, Jo Lernoutand Pol Hauspie, were arrested in April 2001. According to Business Wire,Davignon became a director of Lernout & Hauspie in May 2001. Within 3weeks, in early June, he already resigned because Fortis, the bank he isa vice-chairman of, is the largest creditor of L&H. Jo Lernout and PolHauspie were released in early July of 2001 and L&H went broke in October2001, its technology sold to the US for a fraction of its actual worth. JoLernout later claims that board members must have been pressured by the USintelligence agencies to destroy the company, because of all the incomprehensiblemistakes they made. In 2003, the European Policy Centre, in cooperation withNotre Europe, released the papers 'Towards a Constitution for European Citizens','Building a Larger Europe', and 'Beyond Enlargement'. These papers were firstdiscussed in closed debate at Société Généralede Belgique with Etienne Davignon and Jacques Delors (modern day successorto Jean Monnet; chair Notre Europe since 1996) chairing the first meeting,while both were key speakers at the second. Davignon works with Delors atPlaNet Finance, an institution which also counts the involvement of PehrGyllenhammar (Chase; Lazard; Rothschild), Michel David-Weill (owns Lazard),Felix Rohatyn (Lazard), Hervé de Carmoy (Almatis), Shimon Peres (Israeliprime minister; Gorbachev's Green Cross), and Michel Rocard (French primeminister; Bohemian Grove camp Mandalay). Delors, Davignon, Rocard, and membersof the Green Cross, together with Gerald Mestrallet (Suez board with Davignon),sit on the membership board of Forum for a Responsible Globalization. Delorsand Davignon also know each other from their involvement with The EuropeanInsitute; Delors was the main founder while Davignon has been a board member.Davignon was named 'European of the Year' in 2003 by European Voice, an EconomistGroup publication focusing on European affairs. In 2004, Davignon was onethe witnesses of the declaration of birth of the Belgian princess Louise.
Aug 12, 9:00 pm
PEPIS#114 The Road To Armageddon by Alf Mendes
Thanks for this Alf,
The next 9/11 style diabolical and cowardly false flag 'spectacular' maywell be the big one in this terminal phase of the age.
Interesting to see on Newsnight last night that the 1999 Tashkent 'Muslim'bombings were false flags planted by the Uzbek military accordng to bravewhistleblower Ikram Yakubov and confirmed by ex British Ambassador CraigMurray. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/newsnight/8195906.stm "Watchedit.
It's a really good feeling to see it reported on the BBC that the Tashkentbombings were false flag - I reported that to the FCO at the time, but Ministershave simply recycled the Uzbek government propaganda repeatedly in parliament."http://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2009/08/newsnight_inves.html
Posted by: Craig at August 11, 2009 11:26 PM
Don't buy Israeli state sponsored military, mobile phone voicemail, phonebilling or surveillance software. 911, The Israeli Connection - AmDocs SpyScandal - 4 Part Series (Fox News 2001)
Author's Foreword: The current global situation seethes with such expectationof oncoming turmoil that it is essential to examine it more closely, by focussingon America, whose governments have, for decades now, made no bones aboutthe fact that they have been - and are still - calling-the-tune in orderto gain political/financial control on a global scale (One has only to readtheir Project for the New American Century [PNAC] to confirm this). Hencethe following events in brief, precised, more-or-less chronological form,and the fact that many of them are excerpts from previous articles writtenby this author, and others, is irrelevant inasmuch as they are of pertinenceto the current global scenario - and need to be repeated.
1917: The Bolshevik revolution. NB: Germany, Britain, France, USA and Japanentered Russian territory in order to help the 'White Army' in its attemptto restore the Emperor. Forerunner of what would subsequently become knownas the Cold War. A group of imfluential , atheistic Ashkenazim Jews had formedthe Zionist Organisation in 1896 with the intention of creating the Stateof Israel in Palestine. They reached an agreement with Britain at the BalfourDeclaration in 1917.
Nov.1919: George Herbert Walker forms W.A.Harriman & Co. bank - withWalker as president & chief executive, & Averell Harriman as chairman(He was to become US Ambassador to the USSR ['43 - '46]; US Secretary ofCommerce ['46 - '48]; & Governor of NY State ['55 - '59]).
1920: Harriman & Walker of W.A.Harriman & C0. gain control of theGerman Hamburg-Amerika Line after negotiations with the latter's chief executive,William Cuno, & Max Warburg of the shipping line's bankers, M.M. Warburg.NB: Warburg's two brothers went to New York, becoming partners in the KuhnLoeb & Co. The older brother, Paul, drew up a plan to centralise theAmerican banks, as a result of which, President Wilson signed an Act establishingthe Federal Reserve Bank in December 1913. It was now self-evident that therewas a close relationship between Corporate America and Jews! (see below)
.Prior to '24: W. Averell Harriman was in Europe sometime prior to 1924 &at that time became acquainted with Fritz Thyssen, the German industrialistwho was financing Hitler (and was later to become a member of the Nazi Party)-and they agreed to set up a bank for Thyssen in New York.
1924: W.A.Harriman & Co invested $400,000 in setting up Union BankingCorp. (UBC) in New York to act in partnership with the Thyssen-owned Bankvoor Handel en Scheepvart (Bank for Trade and Shipping, BHS) in Holland....
1926: Prescott S. Bush Snr.(son-in-law of George H Walker) appointedVice-President of W. A. Harriman & Co.
1930: The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) the world's oldestinternational financial institution, is set up - ostensibly to cope withthe German financial post-WW1 recession, but, in fact, was formed in orderto counter communist Soviet Union, with not-a-little-help from one of itsco-founders, Montagu Norman (Governor of the Bank of England) - and CorporateAmerica. Suffice it to say that the first President of the BIS was GatesW. McGarrah (ex-Chase National Bank & Federal Reserve Bank).....The 'ColdWar' had begun, and its most blatant expression was the birth of fascismin the aftermath of the Bolshevik revolution - a birth both induced and nurturedby corporations such as I.G.Farben, SKF, Ford, ITT, Du Pont, W.A.Harriman& Co.- et al
Jan. 1933: Hitler assumes power in Germany - with not-a-little-help fromCorporate America and the BIS.
Mar. 7th 1933: Prescott S. Bush Snr. notified Max Warburg (above) that he(Warburg) was to be the American Ship & Commerce Line official representativeon the board of the Hamburg- Amerika Line. Warburg had been a long-time advisorto Hitler's Economic Minister, Hjalmar Schacht , co-founder of the BIS, &a close friend of Montagu Norman.
May. 20. '33: As reported in the New York Times: on Hitler achieving power,an agreement to coordinate all trade between Germany & America was reachedin Berlin after negotiations between Hitler's Economics Minister, HjalmarSchacht (above) & John Foster Dulles.The Dulles brothers' corporate lawfirm Sullivan & Cromwell, had acted for many Nazi enterprises during& after this period, including I. G. Farben, developer of the nerve gas,Tabun. (J. F. Dulles became Secretary of State ['53 - '59]; A. W. Dullesbecame CIA Deputy Director for Plans ['51]; Deputy Director of CentralIntelligence ['51 - '53]; & Director of CIA ['53 -'61]). September 1938:Munich Agreement signed by Hitler, Chamberlain, Daladier & Mussolini.By concluding a pact with Hitler, Britain and France - in effect - gave himthe green light to advance eastwards towards the USSR (ref. "Mein Kampf")- for which they paid a heavy price!
1939: WW 2 is declared by Britain and France against Nazi Germany. NB: withFDR as President, American public opinion is against joining the Allies (Britain& France).
August '41: UN is conceived at the mid-Atlantic meeting (the Atlantic Charter)between FDR and Churchill.
Dec. 7 '41: Japanese bomb Pearl Harbour - thus ensuring that the US wouldnow be at war against the German alliance.
in May 1942: Contrary to FDR's assurance to the USSR in May 1942 that a 'secondfront' would be opened later that year, this, in fact, did not occur untilJune 1944 - when it became clear that the Soviets were advancing inexorablywestwards. Keeping in mind (as noted above) that America was against joiningthe Allies at the start of WW 2, and keeping in mind the foregoing eventscovered in this article - America would now be in position to ensure thatthe advance of their real enemy, the USSR, would soon be halted.
1944: Arabian American Oil Co. (ARAMCO [ex CASOC]) formed by Exxon, Texaco,Socal & Mobil , was Saudi's main source of wealth. As evidence of America'ssubornation of Saudi Arabia, the following joint secret deals were made -subsequently - without the knowledge of the US Congress at the time: (1)re-the IranGate scandal - the Saudis gave the American-controlled Contras$8 million in exchange for 400 American Stinger missiles; (2) the Saudisfinanced the unsuccessful CIA assasination of the Hizbollah leader, SheikhFadlallah - then gave the money to the Sheikh! ; (3) The Saudis jointly assistedin financing covert arms supplies to the Afghan Mujahadeen in the lattersstruggle against the Soviet Union in '79/'80.
July '44: The Bretton Woods Conference, which led to the formation of theWorld Bank and the IMF. Here, it is of pertinence to note that, at BrettonWoods, Resolution 5, calling for the dissolution of that most prestigious,and notorious banking organisation, the Bank fo International Security (BIS),was subsequently ignored and proven ineffective.The US corporate establishmenthad seen to that! NB: In its published "People of an International Organisation",the BIS states clearly that its "predominant tasks are summed up most succintlyin part of Article 3 of its original Statute. They are to promote theco-operation of central banks and to provide additional facilities forinternational financial operations" - and they meant it! Their subsequentconferences/summits, G7, G10, G12...etc.would confirm this.
Feb. '45: At the Yalta Conference the US & Britain persuaded the USSRto join them in the continuing war against Japan. Stalin promised to do so3 months after the end of the war in Europe. On August 6th, America atom-bombedJapan (without informing its 'allies'), and, as promised, on August 8th theUSSR invaded Korea, which for the past 40 years had been occupied by Japan- defeating the Japanese....
May '45: The end of WW 2, which had decimated the economies & infrastructureof most of the worlds' nations (particularly that of the USSR) - but greatlyenriched the economy of the USA. Result? The USSR would now no longer bean 'ally' - and all American Lend-Lease Aid would be terminated on May 8th'45 without prior consultation with any of its (USA's) allies.
June 1945: The US-financed San Francisco Conference of 50 nations resultedin the signing of the UN Charter 'to promote international security &cooperation', and incorporating both the World Bank and the IMF. NB: TheUSA (1) donated the land site for the UN Secretariat in New York City; (2)loaned the money to build the UN HQ buildings; (3) guaranteed the independenceof the UN's American staff who, understandably, accounted for two-thirdsof the UN staff (a promise that would soon be reneged upon); & (4) supplied40% of the UN's running costs. Suffice it to add that future presidents ofthe World Bank would be appointed by America! Henceforth, all steps takenby the UN would be flaunting the banner of 'The International Community'- somewhat duplicitously. NB: America had refused to join the precursor tothe UN - the League of Nations (formed, in Switzerland, in the immediateaftermath of WW 1).
Sept 2nd '45: The communist leader of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh, declared independencefrom its French colonizers - which resulted in subsequent warfare betweenthe two, the French relying heavily on American financial & militaryaid.
Sept. 6th '45: The liberated Koreans (see above), consisting mainly ofanti-Japanese resistance groups of a left-wing bent, held an assembly andformed the 'People's Republic Government of Korea'..... Two days later, UStroops entered Korea, ignoring this newly-formed government - and proposedthe setting up of a 'line of demarcation' at the 38th parallel. This ledto the Korean War of '50 - to '53. Korea was now a split-in-two nation, withAmerica in control of South Korea. The UN General Assembly set up the 'UNTemporary Commission on Korea' to expedite its (Korea's) unified independence.The USSR vetoed UN entry into North Korea - so the UN decided to hold theelection in South Korea (only) thereby making a mockery of their declaredaim towards unification! On July 27th '53 the Korean Armistice was signed.
1947: With the threat of the powerful communist Soviet Union and the ColdWar looming, America recognized the need for a centralized intelligence systemto replace its two forerunners - the Office of Strategic Services (OSS);and the Central Intelligence Group (CIG) - and thus forms the CentralIntelligence Agency (CIA) via the National Security Act. The CIA wouldsubsequently play a very crucial role on the global scene. June 48: Titois expelled from the Cominform. The West's reaction to this was best speltout by Pavlowitch in his book "Yugoslavia": "The American and West Europeangovernments were faced with a dilemma. Should they help a now weak and isolated,but otherwise successful, instance of communism, while 'containing' communismgenerally?". On the one hand.. "if Yugoslavia were left to collapse, onlythe Soviet Union would benefit. But if Tito's regime were helped to surviveeconomically, his rift with Moscow could be widened to the point where noreconciliation were possible any longer, and his independent position couldthen entice other East European regimes to follow his example. Thus, at thesame time as the states of Western Europe and North America were groupingtogether to constitute the North Atlantic Alliance, it was decided, as acalculated risk for a long -term advantage, to assist Yugoslavia withoutasking its government to alter its domestic policies in any way".
1948: Jews defeat Arabs in British protectorate of Palestine, resulting inthe formation of the State of Israel by the secular group of Jews known asZionists (established by Herzl & Weizmann in Basel in 1887). From America'sviewpoint, a subservient Israel would now act as a convenient foil vis-a-visMidEast Arab countries with vast oil reserves (many of which would soon beAmerican-owned). NB: Thereby satisfying American Jews who were a strong,influential lobbying force in the US. 1948: The Marshall Plan was passedby the US Congress in order to ensure that the US would benefit from thereconstruction of war- damaged Europe - with not-a-little-help from the USCongressionally- authorised European Cooperation Act (ECA) of 1948, implementedby its subsidiary, the European Payments Union (EPU) of 1950 - both underthe aegis of the Marshall Plan. The BIS would handle much of the wheeling-and-dealing involved in this.
1948: The Brussels Treaty was also the first step in the process leadingto the signature of the American-controlled North Atlantic Treaty in 1949(NATO). This 'reconstruction' understandably called for an intigrated Europe,in which NATO would play a crucial role (as confirmed in their 'Handbookof 1999': "The Brussels Treaty of 1948...was also the first step in the processleading to the signature of the North Atlantic Treaty in 1949 & the creationof the North Atlantic Alliance"). The Brussels Treaty would subsequentlyevolve into the Common Market/EEC/EU. This close relationship between NATOand the EU led to the fact that - in the future - any country wanting tojoin the EU would be vetted by NATO.
1949: As noted by Pavlowitch above: America relaxed export controls toYugoslavia, and instigated a series of loans and grants to same (this totalledsome $2- to $2.5 billion in the decade up to '59). Yugoslavia was now embarkedon a debt-ridden course which would eventually lead to the dissolution ofits Federation - helped in no small measure by Tito's setting up in 1984of a New Constitution which, in effect, split the Republic of Serbia intothree parts by giving its provinces of Kosovo and Vojvodina a higher degreeof autonomy than they had previously held. American aid had ensured thatYugoslavia would become a country heavily in debt, and with an economy inturmoil.
1952: Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh plans to nationalise theAnglo-Iranian Oil Co. so Britain asks the US to join them in a plan to havehim removed from his presidency. Result: Mossadegh is overthrown by a jointCIA/SIS operation in '53.
April 1954: The French were defeated by Ho Chi Minh (see above) at Dienbienphu- as a result of which a Geneva Convention was called, and an armistice agreedupon on July 21st whereby Vietnam would be divided between North & Southat the 17th parallel - elections being held to reunify the two after 2 years-And in June 16 '54: America, via its Secretary of State, John Dulles (seeabove) installs Ngo Dinh Diem (a Catholic, who had been in America from '50to '53) as President of South Vietnam - a country with a Buddhist majority!...The Geneva Convention had now become a hindrance and would have to be bypassed.This called for an up-dating of America's political/military strategy, whichwould now be known as 'The Counter Insurgency Strategy'. Simply put: thismeant that America would now embark on the dangerous tactic of interfering,militarily if necessary, in the affairs of a foreign country. The ensuingVietnam War between US-controlled Vietnam and North Vietnam resulted in manydeaths on both sides - helped in no small degree by the CIA's Phoenix Operationand much bombing by the Americans using Napalm incendiary bombs. The Americanswere finally defeated by North Vietnam in 1975. Vietnam was now a unitedcountry once again.
1958 to 1963: Iraq was under the populist, reformist government of GeneralQasim, and its increasing involvement in oil development there, and thefast-rising influence of the Communist Party, therefore drew the attentionof America. Result? In February 1963 Qasim was overthrown - and assassinated- by a Ba'athist Party coup, with the direct connivance of the CIA. The Ba'athistSaddam Hussein, who had fled the country to Egypt after his earlier abortiveattempt to assassinate Qasim, returned and became Head of the Al-Jihaz al-Khas(more popularly known as Jihaz Haneen), the clandestine Ba'athist Intelligenceorganisation - and, as such, he was soon after involved in the killing ofsome five thousand communists. Saddam's rise to power had, ironically, begunon the back of a CIA-engineered coup!
1961: Founded as the Association of Data Processing Services Organisation(ADAPSO), it subsequently evolved into the Information Technology Associationof America (ITAA), a lobbying firm in California which specializes in gettingspecial treatment for technology companies. It was to play a crucial rolein the electronic voting system subsequently. (see below).
September 4, 1961: The Foreign Assistance Act (FAA) was passed by Congress,as a result of which: the US Agency for International Development (USAID)was established in November 1961. This was essentially a funding organisationwhose main aim was on countering the spread of communism - and it wouldthenceforth play a crucial role. (see below)
August 1964: The assasination of Kennedy in 1963 resulted in the US corporateestablishment setting up the News Election Service (NES), a consortium ofthe three major television networks: ABC, NBC and CBS, plus the AssociatedPress wire service, CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post and othernews-gathering organizations, their job being to compile computer-votingresults at election time and feed them to the major media. Electronic voterigging- in the form of the Electronic Voting System (EVS) - would now be theorder-of-the-day, superceding 'the buying of votes'. (As later exposed publiclyby the two Collier brothers in their book "Votescam:The Stealing of America".
June 9th 1969: The Pemtagon asked for a sum of $10 million from the CongressionalHouse Subcommittee on Appropriations to develop a new contagious micro-organsmcapable of destroying the human immune system. It would therefore be necessary,first, to create such a virus! Such a 'virus' was discovered some ten yearslater in America which became known as 'acquired immune deficiency syndrome'(AIDS). In April 1974, Kissinger drew up a secret plan for population controlcalled the 'National Security Plan of Action 200' (NSSM 200), which claimedthat population growth in the less-developed countries was "..creating politicalor even national security problems for the US". On October 2nd 1979, RobertMcNamara (President of the World Bank) addressed a group of internationalbankers thus: "We can begin with the most critical problem of all, populationgrowth"..concluding that "..either the current birth rates must come downmore quickly, or the death rates must go up...There are, of course, manyways in which the death rates can go up. In a thermonuclear age, we canaccomplish it very quickly and decisively"(as indeed they had done in Hiroshimaand Nagasaki in1945).
Early 1970's saw the collapse of the Bretton Woods system of exchangeconvertibility, thus exposing the irrelevance of the IMF and World Bank asagents for European reconstruction, the main reason being that, under theBretton Woods agreement they were therefore hindered by being accountablestatutorily-appointed agents of the UN, and were therefore - ostensibly -accountable to a much wider constituency than the BIS, and therefore politicallyless manageable by the corporate establishment From 1973 to '93: The BISSecretariat of the Committee of Governors also served the Board of Governorsof the European Monetary Co- operation Fund (EMCF), and acted as EMCF agent.As such, they therefore provided the institutional framework for monetaryco- operation in the European Community until January '94, when they werereplaced by the European Monetary Institute (EMI) under the headship of BaronAlexandre Lamfalussy - ex-General Manager of the BIS! The EMI was to become
The European Central Bank.
1978: The World Computing Services Industry is founded.. It was later tobecome the World Information Technology & Services Alliance (WITSA) whichwould have a real impact on the global IT environment. (see below)
July 1979: As revealed by Zbigniew Brzezinski, and unknown to the Americanpublic and Congress, President Jimmy Carter secretly authorized $500 millionto create an international terrorist movement that would spread Islamicfundamentalism in Central Asia and 'de- stabilise' the Soviet Union... TheCIA called this Operation Cyclone and in the following years poured $4 billioninto setting up Islamic training schools in Pakistan. ..Young zealots weresent to the CIA's spy training camp in Virginia, where future members ofal-Qaeda were taught 'sabotage skills' - terrorism. December '79: well-awareof Ops. Cyclone, in December '79, the USSR invaded Afghanistan, and aftera long and devastating war with guerrilla opposition forces (the mujahideen)the last of the Soviet troops left Afghanistan in February1989, their economyand rubles in tatters.
1980: With Saddam Hussein now in power, Iraq invades Iran - and (a) the USsupplies Iraq with strategic information gleaned from its satellites duringthe Iran\Iraq War of 1980 to 1988. (b) Less well publicized was the substantialAmerican aid brokered by such as: the US \Iraq Business Forum, set up inMay 1985 with many top US corporations as members; the Kissinger Associatesconsulting firm, boasting such alumni as Brent Scowcroft, Lawrence Eagleburgerand Lord Carrington; and the Bechtel Group, boasting such alumni as GeorgeShultz and Caspar Weinberger. (Bechtel, it should be noted, won the contractto build the Iraqi PC-2 Complex near Al-Musaiyib for the production of gasprecursors and ethyline oxide) The UN's response was to have Resolution 479passed - which neither condemned Iraq nor demanded their withdrawal fromIran! Understandable when it is recalled that the UN had been suborned bythe US since its formation. The build-up of the Iraqi military machine wouldnot, of course, have been possible without considerable assistance from moretechnically advanced countries such as Germany, France, Britain, the USSR,America
June 1982: The secret arming of Iraq had been ordered by President Reaganin June 1982 as part of a National Security Decision Directive. Under it,CIA Director William Casey and his then-deputy, Robert Gates, "authorized,approved and assisted" delivery of cluster bombs to Iraq through Cardoen.
1983: The US Congress-funded National Endowment for Democracy (NED) had beenset up by Congress"to try to do openly what the CIA used to do secretly".It, in turn, controls the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)which, in turn, funds the group of economists known as the G17, three ofwhose leading members are also staff members of both the IMF and World Bank.NED has been active in Yugoslavia since 1988.
1987: The notorious Guantanamo Bay detention camp/prison, operated by a JointTask Force of the US, was set up.
1987: The Military Professional Resources Inc. (MPRI) was set up in Alexandria,Virginia with the specific aim of promoting America's anti- left strategyon the international military scene. (see below)
1988: As evidence of vote-rigging: as is well-known, the New Hampshire primaryis a crucial forerunner for any presidential candidate, and in the electionof '88, GHW Bush won unexpectedly aginst his fellow- Republican Robert Dole.It transpired that the Governor of New Hampshire, John Sununu, was a computerengineer, and the computer voting machine being used was a 'Shouptronic'Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) voting machine, supplied by Ransom Shoup,who "had been twice convicted of vote fraud in Philadelphia"! On becomingpresident, Bush appointed Sununu Chief of Staff in his administration.
1989: The economist-cum-G17 coordinator, Vaselin Vukotic was appointed Ministerof Privatisation under the federal Yugoslav premier, Ante Markovic (a Croat).Vukotic implemented the World Bank-sponsored 'bankruptcy program' in Yugoslaviabetween '89 and '90, which led to the devastation of the Yugoslav economy,and set the stage for the breakup of the republic. Result?: 50% of Yugoslavindustry was broken up, and over 1100 industrial firms wiped out betweenJanuary 1989 and September 1990!
late 1989: the Director of the Kuwaiti State Security Department, Brigadieral-Fahd, had had a secret week-long meeting in Langley, Virginia, with theUS Director of the CIA, William Webster. In his own words: "We agreed withthe American side that it was important to take advantage of the deterioratingsituation in Iraq in order to put pressure on that country's government todelineate our common border. The CIA gave us its view of appropriate meansof pressure, saying that broad co-operation should be initiated between us,on condition that such activities are co-ordinated at a high level".
August 2nd 1990: Iraq invades Kuwait and takes control of the country, installinga puppet government.
...On November 29, with US & coalition forces massing in Saudi Arabiaand Iraq showing no signs of retreat, the UN Security Council passed a resolutionto allow member states to "use all necessary means" to force Iraq from Kuwaitif Iraq remained in the country after January 15, 1991. On January 17, 1991,coalition forces began a massive air attack on Iraqi targets. After fiveand a half weeks of intense bombing, Iraq's forces were severely damaged.On February 24 the coalition launched its long-anticipated land offensive,attacking southwestern Iraq, then turned east toward the Iraqi port of AlBasrah, thereby surroundeing Kuwait, encircling the Iraqi forces there andin southern Iraq, and allowed coalition forces (mainly Arab) to move up thecoast and take Kuwait city. On February 28, with the collapse of Iraqi resistanceand the recapture of Kuwait-thereby fulfilling the coalition's stated goals-thecoalition declared a cease- fire. UN sanctions against Iraq were now enforced.The UN continued to maintain most of the economic embargo on Iraq after thewar, and several coalition countries enforced other sanctions, such as theno- fly zones. The following September, Clinton authorises bombing of Iraq.
May 1991: George H.W. Bush nominated Robert Gates to be Director of CentralIntelligence (DCI). Gates had played his part in effectively manipulatingthe circ*mstances surrounding the Iraq\Kuwait confrontation - thus ensuringthe inevitability of the invasion that followed in August 1990. (Gates hadserved as a director of the well- known vote-rigging company, Votehere!)
1991: The collapse of the USSR was probably the most significant post- WW2 event. America's role in destabilising the USSR (as noted above) thereforecalls for closer scrutiny, and from the vantage point of hindsight, the factthat in the aftermath of the collapse of the USSR the American oil companies(with others) quickly bought their way into the vast reserves of Russianoil and gas is surely proof enough that this was one of the crucial aimsof America's strategy. This 'destabilisation' was implemented, primarily,by money-laundering. Two Americans, Leo Wanta and the notorious Marc (Reich)Rich, were the main players in this, and, - in Wanta's own words: while workingunder Bill Casey's Special Operations Branch, Black Ops. "he had dealt withboth the fusion bomb and the destabilisation of the ruble" - in conjunctionwith Kok Howie Kwong of the Chinese Secret Service! Casey was then Reagan'sDirector of Central Intelligence (DCI). As for Rich - he had fled to Switzerlandin '83 to evade prosecution in a US Federal Court, and had been operatingon Soviet territory since 1983. By 1993, his yearly turnover on ex-Sovietterritory was $3 billion. Here it should be noted that George Kennan, whohad been Head of Planning when NATO had been formed, revealed, at a BBC ReithLecture, that NATO had not been set up solely to resist Soviet expansion- its true role had been to act as a counter-revolutionary, counter- reformistarm of the Corporate West. In plain English: NATO had been formed to dealwith the internal political problems of Western society. Furthermore, asnoted by Eric Hobsbawn, the reforms known as Glasnost, introduced by Gorbachevin the late '80's, led to the economic collapse within the Soviet Union.
Dec. 1 1991 : The people of the Ukraine, the so-called breadbasket of theSoviet Union, voted overwhelmingly in favour of independence from the USSR- sunsequently endorsed by the Ukraine parliament on Dec. 5th. (here it isof pertinence to note that Hitler's invasion of the USSR in June 1941 wasaided in no small measure by fascist Ukrainian paramilitaries - this authorcan vouch for that).
December 1991: Germany recognises Croatian & Slovenian independence -which ensured that the conflict would spread to neighbouring Bosnia- Herzogovniawith its potentially explosive mixture of three ethno- religious groups.NB: 2 Germans held important posts in NATO at that time! That well-known'Balkan Problem' would now, once again, rear its ugly head.
1992: As Stephen Dorril reported "The CIA launched Operation Maseraagh('laundry') which flooded Iraq with forged dinars to undermine the economy"- adding that "At the beginning of 1992, CIA Director Robert Gates travelledround the Middle East states to drum up support for renewed covert action".
From June 1992: NATO's involvement in the Balkan crisis was a gradual process- from its avowed readiness to support peace-keeping under the authorityof the Conference on Security & Cooperation in Europe (subsequently re-namedthe Organisation for Security & Cooperation in Europe [OCSE]). In October'92, it had inaugurated a plan to create an Allied Command Europe Rapid ReactionCorps (ARRC) of some 250,000 troops to be deployed whenever NATO deemed itnecessary to intervene in order to 'keep the peace' - but, as originallyforeseen, the ARRC would not be ready until 1995.
1992 to 1993: Belgrade-born cyclist, Milan Panic, who had defected to Americain 1955 (where he had subsequently adopted American citizenship and foundeda large, successful chemical corporation), returned to the country of hisbirth and served as its Prime Minister from 1992 to 1993...Panic"took hisnew job very seriously and employed a weighty team of Serb and Americanadvisers".
1993: The HagueTribunal (International Criminal Tribunal for the FormerYugoslavia [ICTY]) - call-it-what-you-will was not legitimately set up bythe UN Security Council via its Resolutions 808 and 827 - with not-a-littlearm-twisting by then US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who, whenasked whether the deaths of half a million Iraqi children (during the sanctionsagainst Iraq ,1992-1998) was 'a price worth paying for removing Saddam',curtly replied 'we think it was worth it' !! The political character of theTribunal was stressed by Antonio Cassese when he told Boutros-boutros Ghali(UN General- Secretary) that "Our tribunal will not be simply 'window dressing"but a decisive step in the construction of a new world order." In violationof Article 32 of its Charter, in 1994/95, the United States provided $700,000in cash and $2,300,000 worth of equipment; George Soros' Open Society Foundationcontributed $150,000; the Rockefeller Foundation, contributed $50,000; -et al.... (NB: Soros also funds the main KLA newspaper in Pristina, theTribunal.) In its own words: "The tribunal does not need to shackle itselfwith restrictive rules which have developed out of the ancient trial-by-jurysystem." In plain english - this is a kangaroo court! (best described byChristopher Black, who helped to create the International Committee to DefendSlobodan Milos?evic´ (ICDSM), and is a vice-chair of that committee).(see below)
1994: Leonid Kuchma replaced Kravchuk as Ukrainian president in the 1994election, and during his candidature, Kuchma had visited Soros in the US.In 1994, the American-Ukrainian Advisory Committee (AUAC), was formed, underZbigniew Brzezinski with such prestigiously notorious members as Henry Kissinger,General Gavin (ex-head of NATO), Frank Carlucci, George Soros et al... Kuchmawould later send 1650 Ukrainian troops as allies to the Americans after thelatter's invasion of Iraq in 2003. Moreover, the Soros foundation would supply$363,100 to support the independent television stations' coverage of thiselection - all of it used within 3 months!.
1994: In 1994, a contract - titled Democracy Transition Assistance Program(DTAP) - was agreed between the Croat defence minister and the US DeputySecretary of Defense, John Deutch (who subsequently became Director of CIAfrom '95 until he was forced to resign the following year because he hadimproperly stored classified information on his personal computer disc!).As a result, the MPRI had signed a contract with the Croatian Ministry ofDefence under which the former would act as military advisors to the Croatarmy at the Petar Zrinski military school in Zagreb - the MPRI officer incharge being retired General Richard Griffiths who had once been assistantto the US Commander in Europe for Intelligence, in Frankfurt. MPRI's Chiefof Operations was Lieut. General Harry Soyster, ex-Head of the US DefenseIntelligence Agency. While head of the DIA, Soyster had dealt out a numberof contracts to the notorious German arms dealer, Ernst Werner Glatt, forthe procurement of Soviet weapons which were then shipped to the USA fromwhence they would be sent to America's proxy troops in Latin America, Asiaand Africa. In Soyster's own words: "Glatt was the favorite arms merchantof the CIA, which chose him to move arms to the contras in Nicaragua andthe mujahedeen in Afghanistan".He had also supplied weapons to Croatia, andhad bought a country estate in Virginia, which he named the 'Black Eagle',a symbol of Nazi Germany!
August 1995: the training of the Croat army came to fruition and their attackon the Serbs of Western Krajina was so well and effectively planned that,within a matter of days, 150,000 Serbs had fled the region where, four centuriesbefore, they had been settled to act as a buffer between Catholic and Muslim.The CIA had sent pilotless reconnaissance flights over Krajina from a baseon the island of Brac (in the Adriatic) to assist in the attack. The Americanshad now adopted a blatantly anti-Serb stance which embraced both Cetnik Serbianleadership in Bosnia (Karadic was a self-avowed royalist Cetnik) and therump Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia under Milosevic - convenientlydisregarding the schism between these two groups, a schism born in WW 2 andnow re-activated in this crisis. It was now self-evident that, in the eyesof the Americans, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) - still taintedwith 'communism' - was now the ultimate target.
September 1995: with the ARRC now ready, NATO announced its readiness todeploy a large force to implement a Bosnian peace settlement.
December 1995: as a result of a conference convened in London to discussthe implementation of the coming Dayton accord, a Peace Implementation Council- with no UN representatives onboard - was set up in Brussels. The resultingImplementation Force (IFOR), a force of 60,000 American, British and Frenchtroops - under the command of the ARRC - was then deployed throughout Bosniainto three zones of operation.
14th of December 1995: The Dayton peace talks took place in the intimidatingatmosphere of the Wright-Patterson Air Force base near Dayton, Ohio. Theembargo against Yugoslavia was lifted in November - and the peace accordsigned in Paris.
1996: The Trade & Development Agency (TDA - now known as the USTDA) wasgiven the task of overseeing the South Balkan Development Initiative (SBDI)of 1996 - as a result of which, TDA gave the Albanian Macedonian BulgarianOil Corporation (AMBO) the exclusive right to run the Corridor 8 pipeline,a 900 kilometre trans-Balkan pipeline from Burgas - via Skopje in Macedonia- to the Albanian port of Vlore on the Adriatic Sea. In the words of theDirector of TDA, J. Joseph Grandmaison, this project was "..a significantstep forward for this policy and for US business interests in the Caspianregion". The feasibility study for this pipeline project was contracted out- by the TDA - to the prestigious oil/construction company Brown & Root(the CEO of whose parent company, Halliburton, had been Dick Cheney - nowVice-President under Bush jnr.) Now - in 2009 -the project is still notcompleted! December 1996: IFOR was augmented by the Stabilisation Force (SFOR)of 30.000 troops. The cease-fire could now be ensured by this display ofmilitary might.
1997: saw the formation of the Central Asia Gas Pipeline consortium (Centgas)with the intention of running a 790-mile-long pipeline from the gas fieldsof Turkmenistan through neighbouring Afghanistan to Multan, in Pakistan (ata cost of $1.9 billion) - with a possible future extension to New Delhi,in India (cost: $600 million). all under the control of the California oilcompany, UNOCAL, but, due to the ever-worsening instability in Afghanistan,UNOCAL aborted the project in December 1998. it is reasonable to assume thatthese considerations would have been in the forefront of the minds of theUS government officials, and would thus have played a crucial role in determiningAmerica's response to Afghanistan in the aftermath of the WTC bombing
1997: The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) was a very influentiallobby group set up to promote American global leadership. January 26th 1998:eighteen members of the PNAC, including such as: John Bolton, Zalmay Khalilzad,, Richard Perle, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, James Woolsey, and RobertZoellich (to name the more recognisable ones) sent a letter to the thenPresident, Clinton, advising him that he "should aim, above all, at the removalof Saddam Hussein's regime from power", adding that "American policy cannotcontinue to be crippled by a misguided insistence on unanimity in the UNSecurity Council". (shades of what was to come later!). On cue, in Decemberof that same year, Clinton launched Operation Desert Fox, whereby the Americanair force heavily bombed Iraq - but did not occupy it, much to the chagrinof the PNAC. NB: In its 90-page long article published in 2000, the PNACrepeatedly stressed the need for "American global leadership..by maintainingthe pre-eminence of US military forces", and proudly stating that "The UnitedStates is the world's only superpower", et al.... ( as proof of their influentialstatus politically : August 1st 2005, Bush appoints Bolton as US Ambassadorto the UN - replacing him by the Afghan/American Ambassador to Iraq, Khalilzad,in February 2007; and in 2007, Bush appoints Robert Zoellich to replace PaulWolfowitz as Governor of the World Bank - two cases of one PNAC member replacinganother!)
1998: ITAA does not confine its activities to America only - it is activeon the international scene. As evidence of this was an ITAA- sponsored conferenceheld in Fairfax, Virginia in 1998, at which there were 1686 attendees (ofwhom, 429 were not American) - including such 'noted speakers' as MargaretThatcher and Mikhail Gorbachev.
End of 1998: After months of internal strife in Kosovo, NATO prevailed uponthe Yugoslavs to allow its (NATO's) affiliate, the Organisation for Securityand Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to monitor the situation in situ. Result:the Kosovo Verification Mission (KVM) entered Kosovo under the leadershipof a US diplomat, William Walker, who, as US Ambassador to El Salvador, hadadministered support for that State's reign of terror - with its politicallymotivated killings!
18th of March 1999: the representatives of the FRY, Serbia , and seven ofthe Kosovan ethnic minorities submitted - for discussion - an Agreement forSelf-Government in Kosovo & Metohija (a document conforming to democraticprinciples), - only to have it rejected out- of-hand by the (American) ContactGroup and the KLA. On the 23rd March '99, peace talks convened by the Americansat Rambouillet, just west of Paris, - without Yugoslavia - reached an 'agreement'- Appendix B of which stated "Status of Multi-National Military ImplementationForce (Cool NATO personnel shall enjoy, together with their vehicles, vessels,aircraft, and equipment free and unrestricted passage and unimpeded accessthroughout the FRY including associated airspace and territorial waters".(Agreement - or Ultimatum?!). NATO launched its bombing campaign the followingday, at the end of which, the UN Security Council approved Resolution 1244,which gave the UN Mission the responsibility to administer Kosovo. .In theaftermath of NATO's bombing of Kosovo in 1999, the KLA (once rightly consideredby the Western Powers as 'terrorist') was transformed into the Kosovo ProtectionCorps (KPC) and the MPRI was awarded the contract to 'train & equip'same. Intriguingly, the commander of this newly-formed KPC was one BrigadierGeneral Agim Ceku, an Albanian Kosovan who had been serving in the Croatianarmy when he had masterminded the successful HV (Croatian army) offensiveat Medak in September '93; and had also played an important role in the Croat'srouting of the Serbs in Western Krajina (covered above).
2000: John Bolton (see above) had served as assistant attorney general underReagan , and assistant secretary of state under George H.W. Bush. DuringBush Jnr's Presidential election quagmire in Florida, his campaign strategistJames Baker dispatched Bolton to Palm Beach to halt the recount, which hedid, thus ensuring Bush's electoral victory. In 2001, Bolton was appointedUndersecretary of State under Colin Powell. As stated by Jesse Helms:"JohnBolton is the kind of man with whom I would want to stand at Armageddon"
April 1st 2001: Milosevic is arrested (with not-a-little-help from AhthonyMonckton, chief MI6 officer in Serbia) - and is sent to face trial by theHague Tribunal - and dies of heartfailure there in March '06, the case againsthim not proven.
September 11 2001: 4 US planes are highjacked, 2 0f which crash into theNY World Trade Center twin towers, thereby destroying them, another crashinginto the Pentagon, and a fourth re-captured by passengers and crew, thusaborting its attack (presumably on Washington). The Bush administration blameal Queda, and the following month bomb Afghanistan and NATO invades the country.At this point, it is of pertinence to add the following: In his 'Talk' inSeptember 2006, the Canadian Dr. Peter Dale Scott exposed - comprehensively- that the FBI, CIA & US Special Forces had foreknowledge of the 9/11attacks! Of particular interest was the fact that Abu Mohamed al Amriki (betterknown as Ali Mohammed), had had strong connections to al Queda, and from1994 until his arrest in 1998, had lived as an American citizen in California- and had been used by the three US agencies noted above. Dr. Scott goeson to give detailed accounts of Mohammed's key role in training al Quedatrainees in sabotage skills in America itself - as well as abroad - endinghis 'talk' by saying: "It's time to confront the reality that these agenciesthemselves, and their own sponsorship and protection of terrorist activities,have aggravated the greatest threats to our national security." (It mustnot be forgotten that in the Afghan/USSR war, America had played a role increating al Queda, as noted above).
13 - 19th September: Menbers of the Bin Laden family - with important Saudis- are flown out of the US, under supervision of the FBI.
22 December 2001: Bush Jnr. appointed Hamid Karzi - who had previously beena paid consultant for the oil company UNOCAL (and Deputy Foreign Ministerof the Taliban) - Prime Minister of Aghanistan.
31 Dec. '01: Bush appointed Zalmay Khalilzad (PNAC) as Special ResidentalEnvoy to Afghanistan - under Karzi.
1st January 2002: Khalilzad (also a former employee of UNOCAL - & a memberof the PNAC) - is appointed special emvoy to Afghanistan.
14 February 2002: Quote from Israeli Newspaper, Ma'ariv: "If one looks atthe map of the big American bases created in the Afghan war, one is struckby the fac that they are completely identical to the route of the projectedoil pipeline to the Indian Ocean".(see Central Asia Gas Pipeline [CENTGAS]above).
March 2002: To quote Robert Parsons: "The US loudly & proudly boastedthis month of its new bomb currently being used against al-Qaida hold- outsin Afghanistan; it sucks the air from underground installations, suffocatingthose within. The US has also admitted that it had used depleted uraniumweaponry over the last decade against bunkers inIraq, Kosovo, and nowAfghanistan."
August 2002: the Dutch-sponsored Netherlands Institute for War Documentation(NIOD) report revealed that the supply of arms/weapons (most of which camefrom Iran and Turkey) to the infighting factions in the war in Yugoslaviawere all done with the connivance of NATO. More shockingly, it revealed thatTurkish, Malaysian, Bangladeshi and Maltese troops serving in UNPROFOR (UNprotective force) had been selling ammunition on a large scale to the Bosnianarmy (ABiH)!
October 2002: Bush Jnr's administration passed the Help America Vote Act(HAVA) which authorised the funding of $4 billion for states to use the DirectRecording Election system (DRE) equipment which would have to meet certainstandards (set by the Act ) by the year 2006, at which point, they (the states)will be under obligation to have purchased said new equipment. As of December2003, 36 states agreed to these obligations. [1] Note that in DRE, votesare stored electronically, and, as such, therefore under proprietary ownershipof the equipment companies: the voter is therefore denied access! (NB: BushJnr. had set up NorthCom in 2002 to counter any 'terrorist' attacks on Americanhomeland territory - thus ircumventing the Posse Comitatus Act (PCA) whichhad been passed in 1878 in order to prohibit any "future President or Congressfrom directing by military order of federal legislation the re-impositionof the US Army"
October 2002: Unknown to Congress, a very secretive group , The Office ofSpecial Plans (OSP), under the leadership of its architect, Paul Wolfowitz(PNAC), was created by Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld to help createa case to invade Iraq.
February 2003: The Pentagon established the Iraqi Reconstruction and DevelopmentCouncil (IRDC), made up of Iraqis who would be part of a temporary governmentafter the ousting of the Ba'ath regime..its leading members were transportedto Baghdad in late April 2003 - their official task being to rebuild thestructures of a government that would then be handed over to the new Iraqiauthority. The team is headed by Imad Dhia, the top Iraqi adviser to ex-generalJay Garner
13 July 2003: the Governing Council of Iraq was inaugurated, its membershaving been appointed by the Coalition Provisional Authority. Under its civilianadministrator, Paul Bremer (who had been Ronald Reagan's adviser on counter-terrorism) would oversee the Pentagon's man in Baghdad, the retired generalJay Garne, who is.a personal friend of the defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld.
2004: The election of Victor Yuschenko as President of Ukraine was helpedin no small measure by the AUAC (see above) - and Soros. This was an election,known as the Orange Revolution, entitled PORA (its Time!), organised by thesame Serbian-trained group (overseen by America) which had set up the previoussimilarly-manipulated elections in Serbia (OTPOR), in October 2000 - andGeorgia (K-MART), in 2004. The fact that all three elections were immediatelydenounced as 'rigged'; but most importantly that they had all three beenmanipulated by America - with not a little help from the Soros foundation- gave substance to the allegation that the Orange Revolution was importedfrom the United States via Serbia and Georgia.
2005: Bolton was named as America's Ambassador to the United Nations.NB:in a 1994 speech he had said, "There's no such thing as the UnitedNations....There is only the international community, which can only be ledby the only remaining superpower, which is the United States" On December4, 2006, Bolton resigned as U.S. Ambassador to the UN. Hardly surprising!
2007: ITAA currently acts as the Secretariat for the World Information Technology& Services Alliance (WITSA), which was then a consortium of 69 ITassociations around the world (from Algeria to Zimbabwe - or 90% of the world'sIT market!).The clonal relationship between these two organisations is confirmedby the fact that (a) Harris N. Miller is President of both; and (b) ITAADirector, Robert B. Laurence, is Chairman Emeritus of WITSA. Little wonderthat the vote-rigging EVS's are today used worldwide!
2007: The great financial crisis began when a loss of confidence by investorsin the value of securitized mortgages in the United States resulted in aliquidity crisis that prompted a substantial injection of capital into financialmarkets by the United States Federal Reserve, Bank of England and the EuropeanCentral Bank - and deepened increasingly throughout 2008 and 2009, leadingto the G 20. (see below)
Feb. 2008: US officially recognised Kosovo as an independent state. September'08: after 3 years service in Iraq, the army's1st Brigade Combat Team (BCT)was sent back to America to serve under Northern Command (NorthCom), where,for the next year, it would train/act "as an on-call federal response forcefor natural or manmade emergencies and disasters, including terrorist attacks"(Asnoted above, this would bypass the PCA). Intriguingly, "Army Times" reportedthat "another, as yet unnnamed, active-duty brigade will take over and thatmission will be a permanent one", and Col. Louis Vogler, chief of NorthCom'sfuture operations, notes "Right now, the response force requirement willbe an enduring mission." - adding that "Now, the plan is to assign a forceevery year". This will not worry Obama unduly, inasmuch as he is keen onfollowing Bush Jnr's mid-east strategy, resulting in the construction ofthe Central Asia Gas pipeline through Afghanistan. That is the goal (seeabove).
5th November '08; Obama wins election as president, and his subsequentadministration includes the following two of pertinence to this article:Hillary Clinton (US Secretary of State); Robert Gates (US Secretary of Defense).Remember, Hillary had been a partner of the Rose Law Firm in1979 which wasto play a role in helping G.W. Bush out of the financial hole he had dugfor himself as Director/Consultant of the small oil drilling company, HarkenEnergy - to say nothing of the fact that her husband had played a key rolein the break-up of Yugoslavia. And as for Gates - just refer to the foregoingin this atricle.
14/15 November 2008: The current global financial depression has now entereda crucially important phase, resulting in America - that quintessentialcapitalist State - holding a G-20 summit in Washington to discuss this matter.The first draft of thisWashington Action Plan had been drawn up previouslyby the ECB, IMF, and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) - NB: underthe supervision of the BIS, The participants were (a) leaders of the G-20nations; (b) Chairman of the World Bank, Robert Zoellick (see above); (c)President Dominique Strauss-Kahn of the International Monetary Fund; (d)Secretary of the UN; and (e) Chairman of the Financial Stability Forum, MarioGraghi. The Americans strongly recommended that it be adopted at two subsequentsummits that would be held in Britain
4 Mar 2009: US president has written to Moscow to stress that the contentiousUS missile defence system in Europe is focused on Iran. (believe that - youbelieve anything!)
14/15 March '09: The first G-20 is held in Horsham, Sussex - and, as withall cases of documents written in legalese, the Action Plan is a documentwritten in convenient double-speak, as exemplified by the fact that Germanyand France, in particular, were in favour of reforming the internationalfinancial system - whereas Robert Zoellick of the World Bank (see above),and Timothy Geithner, the US Treasury Secretary (who, in 2007, had servedas Director on the board of the BIS!), were strongly in favour of stimulatingthe global economy by the injection of more money.
April 2nd. '09: The final G-2 summit is held in London, and Germany &France, having been 'persuaded' to follow the American way, an 'agreement'is reached.(t is worthy of note that the foregoing ignores the fact thatit is Capitalism which is responsible for this current financial debacle.What are capitalists if they are not profiteers swamped in greed?)
18 May 2009: Binyamin Netanyahu, met President Obama today for talks expectedto shape the direction of one of the toughest political challenges eitherleader will face in the coming years - with the Israeli prime minister tryingto shift the primary focus away from the Palestinians toward confrontingIran over its nuclear programme while mapping out a long term strategy tobuild Palestinian self government. But Obama's principal challenge is toget Netanyahu to put "an end to Israel's well practised tactics of prevaricationand obstruction over the creation of an independent Palestine while continuingto gobble up land that would be part of that state." (to quote the Guardianof 18th May '09). Obama has a problem indeed.
20 May 2009: Iran test fires surface-to-surface missile capable of reachingIsrael or US bases in the Middle East
Two important conclusions from the foregoing:
(a) Over the past century, there is little, if any difference between theRepublican and Democratic parties (not unlike the situation in Britain, where,since Thatcher, there has been little difference between Conservative andNew Labour).
(b) The reason for this being that US administrations have (and are still)under the control of its Corporate Establishment with its fascist strategyof acheiving global control.
PS: And if you readers disagree My only answer would be - Just wait and see_________________ www.abolishwar.org.uk
PEPIS #113 - Bilderberg, timeline for global government?
Aug 6, 11:41 pm
Controlling the Global Economy: Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission andthe Federal Reserve
Global Power and Global Government: Part 3
by Andrew Gavin Marshall
Global Research, August 3, 2009
This essay is Part 3 of "Global Power and Global Government," published byGlobal Research.
Part 1: Evolution and Revolution of the Central Banking System
Part 2: Origins of the American Empire: Revolution, World Wars and WorldOrder
The Bilderberg Group and the European Union Project
In 1954, the Bilderberg Group was founded in the Netherlands, which was asecretive meeting held once a year, drawing roughly 130 of thepolitical-financial-military-academic-media elites from North America andWestern Europe as "an informal network of influential people who could consulteach other privately and confidentially."[1] Regular participants includethe CEOs or Chairman of some of the largest corporations in the world, oilcompanies such as Royal Dutch Shell, British Petroleum, and Total SA, aswell as various European monarchs, international bankers such as DavidRockefeller, major politicians, presidents, prime ministers, and centralbankers of the world.[2]
Joseph Retinger, the founder of the Bilderberg Group, was also one of theoriginal architects of the European Common Market and a leading intellectualchampion of European integration. In 1946, he told the Royal Institute ofInternational Affairs (the British counterpart and sister organization ofthe Council on Foreign Relations), that Europe needed to create a federalunion and for European countries to "relinquish part of their sovereignty."Retinger was a founder of the European Movement (EM), a lobbying organizationdedicated to creating a federal Europe. Retinger secured financial supportfor the European Movement from powerful US financial interests such as theCouncil on Foreign Relations and the Rockefellers.[3] However, it is hardto distinguish between the CFR and the Rockefellers, as, especially followingWorld War II, the CFR's main finances came from the Carnegie Corporation,Ford Foundation and most especially, the Rockefeller Foundation.[4]
The Bilderberg Group acts as a "secretive global think-tank," with an originalintent to "to link governments and economies in Europe and North Americaamid the Cold War."[5] One of the Bilderberg Group's main goals was unifyingEurope into a European Union. Apart from Retinger, the founder of the BilderbergGroup and the European Movement, another ideological founder of Europeanintegration was Jean Monnet, who founded the Action Committee for a UnitedStates of Europe, an organization dedicated to promoting European integration,and he was also the major promoter and first president of the European Coaland Steel Community (ECSC), the precursor to the European Common Market.[6]
Declassified documents (released in 2001) showed that "the US intelligencecommunity ran a campaign in the Fifties and Sixties to build momentum fora united Europe. It funded and directed the European federalist movement."[7]The documents revealed that, "America was working aggressively behind thescenes to push Britain into a European state. One memorandum, dated July26, 1950, gives instructions for a campaign to promote a fully-fledged Europeanparliament. It is signed by Gen William J Donovan, head of the American wartimeOffice of Strategic Services, precursor of the CIA." Further, "Washington'smain tool for shaping the European agenda was the American Committee fora United Europe, created in 1948. The chairman was Donovan, ostensibly aprivate lawyer by then," and "The vice-chairman was Allen Dulles, the CIAdirector in the Fifties. The board included Walter Bedell Smith, the CIA'sfirst director, and a roster of ex-OSS figures and officials who moved inand out of the CIA. The documents show that ACUE financed the European Movement,the most important federalist organisation in the post-war years." Interestingly,"The leaders of the European Movement - Retinger, the visionary Robert Schumanand the former Belgian prime minister Paul- Henri Spaak - were all treatedas hired hands by their American sponsors. The US role was handled as a covertoperation. ACUE's funding came from the Ford and Rockefeller foundationsas well as business groups with close ties to the US government."[8]
The European Coal and Steel Community was formed in 1951, and signed by France,West Germany, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Newly releaseddocuments from the 1955 Bilderberg meeting show that a main topic of discussionwas "European Unity," and that "The discussion affirmed complete supportfor the idea of integration and unification from the representatives of allthe six nations of the Coal and Steel Community present at the conference."Further, "A European speaker expressed concern about the need to achievea common currency, and indicated that in his view this necessarily impliedthe creation of a central political authority." Interestingly, "A UnitedStates participant confirmed that the United States had not weakened in itsenthusiastic support for the idea of integration, although there was considerablediffidence in America as to how this enthusiasm should be manifested. AnotherUnited States participant urged his European friends to go ahead with theunification of Europe with less emphasis upon ideological considerationsand, above all, to be practical and work fast."[9] Thus, at the 1955 BilderbergGroup meeting, they set as a primary agenda, the creation of a European commonmarket.[10]
In 1957, two years later, the Treaty of Rome was signed, which created theEuropean Economic Community (EEC), also known as the European Community.Over the decades, various other treaties were signed, and more countriesjoined the European Community. In 1992, the Maastricht Treaty was signed,which created the European Union and led to the creation of the Euro. TheEuropean Monetary Institute was created in 1994, the European Central Bankwas founded in 1998, and the Euro was launched in 1999. Etienne Davignon,Chairman of the Bilderberg Group and former EU Commissioner, revealed inMarch of 2009 that the Euro was debated and planned at Bilderbergconferences.[11] This was an example of regionalism, of integrating an entireregion of the world, a whole continent, into a large supranational structure.This was one of the primary functions of the Bilderberg Group, which wouldalso come to play a major part in other international issues.
Interdependence Theory
The theoretical justifications for integration and regionalism arrived inthe 1960s with what is known as "interdependence theory." One of its primaryproponents was a man named Richard N. Cooper. Two other major proponentsof interdependence theory are Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye. Interdependencetheory and theorists largely expand upon the notions raised by Keynes.
Richard Cooper wrote that, during the 1960s "there has been a strong trendtoward economic interdependence among the industrial countries. This growinginterdependence makes the successful pursuit of national economic objectivesmuch more difficult." He also identified that "the objective of greater economicintegration involves international agreements which reduce the number ofpolicy instruments available to national authorities for pursuit of theireconomic objectives."[12] Further, "Cooper argues that new policies are neededto address the unprecedented conditions of international interdependence."[13]
Cooper also opposed a return to mercantilist pursuits in order for nationsto secure economic objectives, arguing that, "economic nationalism invitedpolicy competition that is doomed to fail," and thus concludes "thatinternational policy coordination is virtually the only means to achievenational economic goals in an interdependent world."[14]
Keohane and Nye go into further analysis of interdependence, specificallyfocusing on how interdependence transforms international politics. They tendto frame their concepts in ideological opposition to international relationsrealists, who view the world, like mercantilists, as inherently anarchic.Keohane and Nye construct what is known as "complex interdependence," inwhich they critique realism. They analyze realism as consisting of two primaryfacets: that states are the main actors in the international arena, and thatmilitary force is central in international power. They argue that, "globaleconomic interdependence has cast doubt on these assumptions. Transnationalcorporations and organizations born of economic integration now vie withstates for global influence."[15]
Keohane and Nye also discuss the relevance and importance of internationalregimes in the politics of interdependence, defining regimes as "networksof rules, norms, and procedures that regularize behavior." They argue that,"Regimes are affected by the distribution of power among states, but regimes,in turn, may critically influence the bargaining process among states."[16]Again, this contests the realist and mercantilist notions of the internationalsphere being one of chaos, as a regime can produce and maintain order withinthe international arena.
Interdependence theorists tend to argue that interdependence has alteredthe world order in that it has become based upon cooperation and mutualinterests, largely championing the liberal economic notion of a non-chaoticand cooperative international order in which all nations seek and gain amutual benefit. Ultimately, it justifies the continued process of globaleconomic integration, while realist and mercantilist theorists, whointerdependence theorists contest and debate, justify the use of force inthe international arena in terms of describing it as inherently chaotic.In theory, the notions of mercantilism and liberalism are inimical to oneanother however, they are not mutually exclusive and are, in fact, mutuallyreinforcing. Events throughout the 1970s are a clear example of this mutuallyreinforcing nature of mercantilist behaviour on the part of states, and the"interdependence" of the liberal economic order.
As early mercantilist theorist Frederick List wrote in regards to integrationand union, "All examples which history can show are those in which the politicalunion has led the way, and the commercial union has followed. Not a singleinstance can be adduced in which the latter has taken the lead, and the formerhas grown up from it."[17] It would appear that the elites have chosen theroad less traveled in the 20th century, with the Bilderberg Group pursuingintegration and union in Europe by starting with commercial union and havingpolitical union follow. This concept is also evident in the notions ofinterdependence theory, which focuses on global economic integration as changingthe realist/mercantilist notions of a chaotic international order, as statesand other actors become more cooperative through such economic ties.
In the late 1960s, Western European economies (in particular West Germany)and Japan were rapidly developing and expanding. Their currencies rose againstthe US dollar, which was pegged to the price of gold as a result of the BrettonWoods System, which, through the IMF, set up an international monetary systembased upon the US dollar, which was pegged to gold. However, with the growthof West Germany and Japan, "by the late 1960s the system could no longerbe expected to perform its previous function as a medium for internationalexchange, and as a surrogate for gold." On top of this, to maintain its vastempire, the US had developed a large balance-of-payments deficit.[18]
Richard Nixon took decisive, and what many referred to as "protectionist"measures, and in 1971, ended the dollar's link to gold, which "resulted ina devaluation of the dollar as it began to float against other currencies,"and "was meant to restore the competitiveness of the US economy,"[19] aswith devaluation, "U.S.- made goods would cost less to foreigners andforeign-made goods would be less competitive on the U.S. market." The secondmajor action taken by Nixon was when he "slapped a ten percent surchargeon most imports into the United States," which was to benefit U.S. manufacturingfirms over foreign ones in competition for the U.S. market. The result wasthat less imports from Asia were coming into the US, more US goods were soldin their markets at more competitive prices, forcing Japan and the EuropeanEconomic Community (EEC) to relax their trade barriers to US products.[20]
An article in Foreign Affairs, the journal of the Council on Foreign Relations,referred to Nixon's New Economic Policy as "protectionist," encouraging a"disastrous isolationist trend,"[21] and that Nixon shattered "the linchpinof the entire international monetary system- on whose smooth functioningthe world economy depends."[22] Another article in Foreign Affairs explainedthat the Atlanticist, or internationalist faction of the US elite were inparticular, upset with Nixon's New Economic Policy, however, they "agreedon the diagnosis: the relative balance of economic strengths had so changedthat the United States could no longer play the role of economic leader.But they also argued that further American unilateralism would fuel a spiralof defensive reactions that would leave all the Western economies worse off.Their suggested remedy, instead, was much more far-reaching coordinationamong all the trilateral [North American, European and Japanese]governments."[23]
There was a consensus within the American ruling class that the Bretton WoodsSystem was in need of a change, but there were divisions among members inhow to go about changing it. The more powerful (and wealthy) internationalwing feared how US policies may isolate and alienate Western Europe and Japan,and they advocated that, "The world economic roles of America must be reconciledwith the growth to power of Europe and Japan. There must be fundamental reformof the international monetary system. There must be renewed efforts to reduceworld trade barriers. The underlying U.S. balance of payments has deteriorated."However, Nixon "went much too far" as he alienated Western Europe and Japan.
In 1970, David Rockefeller became Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations,while also being Chairman and CEO of Chase Manhattan. In 1970, an academicwho joined the Council on Foreign Relations in 1965 wrote a book called BetweenTwo Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era. The author, ZbigniewBrzezinski, called for the formation of "A Community of the Developed Nations,"consisting of Western Europe, the United States and Japan. Brzezinski wroteabout how "the traditional sovereignty of nation states is becoming increasinglyunglued as transnational forces such as multinational corporations, banks,and international organizations play a larger and larger role in shapingglobal politics." David Rockefeller had taken note of Brzezinski's writings,and was "getting worried about the deteriorating relations between the U.S.,Europe, and Japan," as a result of Nixon's economic shocks. In 1972, DavidRockefeller and Brzezinski "presented the idea of a trilateral grouping atthe annual Bilderberg meeting." In July of 1972, seventeen powerful peoplemet at David Rockefeller's estate in New York to plan for the creation ofthe Commission. Also at the meeting was Brzezinski, McGeorge Bundy, the Presidentof the Ford Foundation, (brother of William Bundy, editor of Foreign Affairs)and Bayless Manning, President of the Council on Foreign Relations.[24] So,in 1973, the Trilateral Commission was formed to address these issues.
A 1976 article in Foreign Affairs explained that, "Trilateralism as a linguisticexpression-and the Trilateral Commission-arose in the early 1970s from thereaction of the more Atlanticist part of the American foreign policy communityto the belligerent and defensive unilateralism that characterized the foreigneconomic policy of the Nixon Administration."[25] The Commission's majorconcerns were to preserve for the "industrialized societies," in other words,seek mutual gain for the Trilateral nations, and to construct "a common approachto the needs and demands of the poorer nations." However, this should beread as, "constructing a common approach to [dealing with] poorer nations."As well as this, the Commission would undertake "the coordination of defensepolicies and of policies toward such highly politicized issues as nuclearproliferation, terrorism, and aerial hijacking, and such highly politicizedgeographic areas as the Middle East or Southern Africa."[26]
Interestingly, interdependence theorist Joseph Nye is a member of the TrilateralCommission, as is Richard N. Cooper.[27] Today, Joseph Nye is a member ofthe Board of Directors of the Council on Foreign Relations,[28] and RichardN. Cooper was a Director of the Council on Foreign Relations from 1993-1994.[29]
The end of the link of the dollar to gold meant that, "the US was no longersubject to the discipline of having to try to maintain a fixed par valueof the dollar against gold or anything else: it could let the dollar moveas the US Treasury [and ultimately, the Federal Reserve] wished and pointedtowards the removal of gold from international monetary affairs." This createda dollar standard, as opposed to a gold standard, which "places the directionof the world monetary policy in the hands of a single country," which was"not acceptable to Western Europe or Japan."[30] Addressing this issue wasamong the reasoning behind the creation of the Trilateral Commission.
The Oil Crisis
The May 1973 meeting of the Bilderberg Group occurred five months prior tothe extensive oil price rises brought about by the Yom Kippur War. However,according to leaked minutes from the meeting, a 400% increase in the priceof oil was discussed, and meeting participants were creating a "plan [on]how to manage the about-to-be-created flood of oil dollars."[31] Oil is noissue foreign to the interests of the Bilderberg Group, as among the 1973participants were the CEOs of Royal Dutch Shell, British Petroleum (BP),Total S.A., ENI, Exxon, as well as significant banking interests and individualssuch as Baron Edmond de Rothschild and David Rockefeller, and the US Secretaryof State at the time, Henry Kissinger.[32]
In 1955, Henry Kissinger, a young scholar at the time, was brought into theCouncil on Foreign Relations, where he distinguished himself as a prominentCouncil member and became a protégé to Nelson Rockefeller,one of David Rockefeller's brothers. In 1969, Kissinger became Richard Nixon'sNational Security Adviser.[33] This Bilderberg meeting was taking place duringa time of great international instability, particularly in the Middle East.
Kissinger, as National Security Adviser, was in a power struggle with Secretaryof State William Rogers over foreign policy. Nixon even referred to the continualpower struggle between Kissinger as National Security Advisor and Secretaryof State William Rogers, saying that, "Henry's personality problem is justtoo goddamn difficult for us to deal [with]," and that Kissinger's "psychopathicabout trying to screw [Secretary of State William] Rogers." Nixon even saidthat if Kissinger wins the struggle against Rogers, Kissinger would "be adictator." Nixon told his Chief of Staff, Haldeman, that Kissinger feels"he must be present every time I see anybody important."[34]
At the time of the Yom Kippur War, Nixon was in the middle of major domesticissues, as the Watergate scandal was breaking, leading to an increase inthe power and influence of Kissinger, as "The president was deeply preoccupied,and at times incapacitated by self-pity or alcohol."[35] By 1970, Kissingerhad Rogers "frozen out of policy- making on Southeast Asia," during the VietnamWar, so Rogers "concentrated on the Middle East." Eventually, Nixon had Rogersresign, and then Henry Kissinger took the position as both National SecurityAdvisor and Secretary of State.[36]
As Kissinger later said in a speech marking the 25th anniversary of theTrilateral Commission, "In 1973, when I served as Secretary of State, DavidRockefeller showed up in my office one day to tell me that he thought I neededa little help," and that, "David's function in our society is to recognizegreat tasks, to overcome the obstacles, to help find and inspire the peopleto carry them out, and to do it with remarkable delicacy." Kissinger finishedhis speech by saying, "David, I respect you and admire you for what you havedone with the Trilateral Commission. You and your family have representedwhat goes for an aristocracy in our country-a sense of obligation not onlyto make it materially possible, but to participate yourself in what you havemade possible and to infuse it with the enthusiasm, the innocence, and thefaith that I identify with you and, if I may say so, with your family."[37]
Kissinger sabotaged Rogers' peace negotiations with Egyptian President AnwarSadat, who, at the time, was trying to rally other Arab leaders against Israel.In 1972, King Faisal of Saudi Arabia had "insisted that oil should not beused as a political weapon." However, "in 1973, Faisal announced that hewas changing his mind about an oil embargo." Faisal held a meeting with westernoil executives, warning them. Sadat told Faisal of the plan to attack Israel,and Faisal agreed to help both financially and with the "oil weapon." Dayslater, the Saudi oil minister, Sheik Ahmed Yamani, "began dropping hintsto the oil companies about a cutback in production that would affect theUnited States." Yamani said Henry Kissinger had been "misleading PresidentNixon about the seriousness of Faisal's intentions."[38]
On October 4, the US National Security Agency (NSA) "knew beyond a shadowof a doubt that an attack on Israel would take place on the afternoon ofOctober 6." However, the Nixon White House "ordered the NSA to sit on theinformation," until the US warned Israel a few hours before the attack, eventhough "Nixon's staff had at least two days' advance warning that an attackwas coming on October 6."[39] Hours before the attack on Israel by Syriaand Egypt, the U.S. warned its Israeli counterparts, however, "the WhiteHouse insisted that the Israelis do nothing: no preemptive strikes, no firingthe first shot. If Israel wanted American support, Kissinger warned, it couldnot even begin to mobilize until the Arabs invaded." Israeli Prime MinisterGolda Meir stood Israeli defences down, citing "Kissinger's threats as themajor reason." Interestingly, Kissinger himself was absent from his officeon the day of the attack, and he knew days before when it was set to takeplace, yet, still went to the Waldorf Astoria in New York. Further, he waitedthree days before convening a U.N. Security Council meeting.[40] The attackneeded to go forward, as directed by the backdoor diplomacy of Kissinger.
With the outbreak of the Yom Kippur War on October 6, 1973, Kissinger "centeredcontrol of the crisis in his own hands." After the Israelis informed theWhite House that the attack on them had taken place, Kissinger did not consultNixon or even inform him on anything for three hours, who was at his retreatin Florida. After talking to Nixon hours later, Kissinger told him that,"we are on top of it here," and "the president left matters in Kissinger'shands." Alexander Haig, Kissinger's former second in command in the NationalSecurity Council, then Chief of Staff to Nixon, was with the President onthat morning. Haig told Kissinger "that Nixon was considering returning toWashington, [but] Kissinger discouraged it-part of a recurring pattern tokeep Nixon out of the process." For three days, it was Kissinger who "oversawthe diplomatic exchanges with the Israelis and Soviets about the war. Israeliprime minister Golda Meir's requests for military supplies, which were beginningto run low, came not to Nixon but to Kissinger." On October 11, the BritishPrime Minister called asking to speak to Nixon, to which Kissinger responded,"Can we tell them no? When I talked to the President he was loaded," butthe British were told, "the prime minister could speak to Kissinger."[41]
On October 12, the major American oil companies sent a letter to Nixon suggestingthe Arab countries "should receive some price increase," and Nixon, followingKissinger's advice, sent arms to Israel, which precipitated the Arab OPECcountries to announce a 70% increase in the price of oil on October 16th,and announce an oil embargo against the US on the 17th.[42]
The Bilderberg meeting five months prior involved participants planning "howto manage the about-to-be-created flood of oil dollars." At the meeting,an OPEC Middle East oil revenue rise of over 400% was predicted. A Bilderbergdocument from the meeting stated that, "The task of improving relations betweenenergy importing countries should begin with consultations between Europe,the US and Japan. These three regions, which represented about 60 per centof world energy consumption, accounted for an even greater proportion ofworld trade in energy products, as they absorbed 80 per cent of world energyexports." The same document also stated that "an energy crisis or an increasein energy costs could irremediably jeopardize the economic expansion ofdeveloping countries which had no resources of their own," and the "misuseor inadequate control of the financial resources of the oil producing countriescould completely disorganize and undermine the world monetary system."[43]
As economist F. William Engdahl noted in his book, A Century of War, "Oneenormous consequence of the ensuing 400 per cent rise in OPEC oil priceswas that investments of hundreds of millions of dollars by British Petroleum,Royal Dutch Shell [both present at Bilderberg] and other Anglo-American petroleumconcerns in the risky North Sea could produce oil at a profit," as "theprofitability of these new North Sea oilfields was not at all secure untilafter the OPEC price rises."[44] In 2001, the former Saudi representativeto OPEC, Sheik Ahmed Yamani, said, "'I am 100 per cent sure that the Americanswere behind the increase in the price of oil. The oil companies were in realtrouble at that time, they had borrowed a lot of money and they needed ahigh oil price to save them." When he was sent by King Faisal to the Shahof Iran in 1974, the Shah said that it was Henry Kissinger who wanted a higherprice for oil.[45]
An article in Foreign Policy, the journal published by the Carnegie Endowmentfor International Peace, concluded from exhaustive research, that, "Since1971, the United States has encouraged Middle East oil- producing statesto raise the price of oil and keep it up." This conclusion was based uponState Department documents, congressional testimony and interviews with formerpolicy-makers.[46] At the Eighth Petroleum Congress of the League of ArabStates (Arab League) in 1972, James Akins, head of the fuel and energy sectionof the State Department, gave a speech in which he said that oil prices were"expected to go up sharply due to lack of short-term alternatives to Araboil," and that this was, "an unavoidable trend." A Western observer at themeeting said Akins' speech was essentially, "advocating that Arabs raisethe price of oil to $5 per barrel." The oil industry itself was also becomingmore unified in their position. The National Petroleum Council (NPC), "agovernment advisory body representing oil industry interests, waited untilNixon was safely re- elected before publishing a voluminous series of studiescalling for a doubling of U.S. oil and gas prices."[47]
The summer before the Yom Kippur War, in 1973, James Akins was made U.S.Ambassador to Saudi Arabia. He also happened to be a member of the Councilon Foreign Relations.[48] Saudi Arabian minister for petroleum and representativeto OPEC, Sheik Ahmed Yamani, stated in February of 1973, that, "it is inthe interests of the oil companies that prices be raised," as "their profitsare collected from the production stage." It was also in the interests ofthe US, as OPEC will have a massive increase in revenues to be invested,likely in the US, itself.[49]
The oil companies themselves were also fearful of having their businessfacilities in OPEC countries nationalized, so they "were anxious to engageOPEC countries in the oil business in the United States, in order to givethem an interest in maintaining the status quo." Weeks before war broke out,the National Security Council, headed by Kissinger, issued a statement sayingthat military intervention in the event of a war in the Middle East was "ruledout of order."[50]
U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, James Akins, later testified in congresson the fact that when, in 1975, the Saudis went to Iran to try to get theShah to roll back the price of oil, they were told that Kissinger told theIranians that, "the United States understood Iran's desire for higher oilprices."[51] Akins was removed from Saudi Arabia in 1975, "following policydisputes with Secretary of State Henry Kissinger."[52]
The OPEC oil price increases resulted in the "removal of some withholdingtaxes on foreign investment" in the United States, "unchecked arms sales,which cannot be handled without U.S. support personnel, to Iran and SaudiArabia," as well as an "attempt to suppress publication of data on volumeof OPEC funds on deposit with U.S. banks."[53] Ultimately, the price increases"would be of competitive advantage to the United States because the economicdamage would be greater to Europe and Japan." Interestingly, "Programs forsopping up petrodollars have themselves become justifications for the continuedflow of U.S. and foreign funds to pay for higher priced oil. In fact, a lobbyof investors, businessmen, and exporters [was] growing in the United Statesto favor giving the OPEC countries their way." Outside the United States,it is "widely believed" that the high- priced oil policy was aimed at hurtingEurope, Japan, and the developing world.[54] There was also "input from theoil industry" which went "into the formulation of U.S. international oilpolicy."[55]
In 1974, when a White House official suggested to the Treasury to force OPECto lower the price of oil, his idea was swept under, and he later statedthat, "It was the banking leaders who swept aside this advice and pressedfor a 'recycling' program to accommodate to higher oil prices." In 1975,a Wall Street investment banker was sent to Saudi Arabia to be the maininvestment adviser to the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA), and "he wasto guide the Saudi petrodollar investments to the correct banks, naturallyin London and New York."[56]
In 1974, another OPEC oil price increase of more than 100 percent was undertaken,following a meeting in Tehran, Iran. This initiative was undertaken by theShah of Iran, who just months before was opposed to the earlier price increases.Sheikh Yamani, the Saudi oil minister, was sent to meet with the Shah ofIran following his surprise decision to raise prices, as Yamani was sentby Saudi King Faisal, who was worried that higher prices would alienate theUS, to which the Shah said to Yamani, "Why are you against the increase inthe price of oil? That is what they want? Ask Henry Kissinger - he is theone who wants a higher price."[57]
As Peter Gowan stated in The Globalization Gamble, "the oil price rises werethe result of US influence on the oil states and they were arranged in partas an exercise in economic statecraft directed against America's 'allies'in Western Europe and Japan. And another dimension of the Nixon administration'spolicy on oil price rises was to give a new role, through them, to the USprivate banks in international financial relations." He explained that theNixon administration was pursuing a higher oil price policy two years beforethe Yom Kippur War, and "as early as 1972 the Nixon administration plannedfor the US private banks to recycle the petrodollars when OPEC finally didtake US advice and jack up oil prices."[58] Ultimately, the price rises haddevastating impacts on Western Europe and Japan, which were quickly growingeconomies, but which were heavily dependent upon Middle eastern oil. Thisis an example of how the US, while championing a liberal international economicorder, acted in a mercantilist fashion, depriving competitors through improvingits own power and influence.
In 1973, David Rockefeller set up the Trilateral Commission to promotecoordination and cooperation among Japan, Western Europe, and North America(namely, the US), yet, in the same year, his good friend and close confidante,Henry Kissinger, played a key role in promoting and orchestrating the oilprice rises that had a damaging impact upon Japan and Western Europe. Alsoit should be noted, David Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan Bank, of which hewas CEO at the time, profited immensely off of the petrodollar recyclingsystem promoted by Henry Kissinger, where the OPEC countries would reinvesttheir new excess capital into the American economy through London and NewYork banks.
How does one account for these seemingly diametrically opposed initiatives?Perhaps the oil crisis, having a negative effect on Japan and Western Europeaneconomies, could have spurred the necessity for cooperation among the trilateralcountries, forcing them to come together and coordinate future policies.
It is of vital importance to understand the global conditions in which theprice rises and its solutions arose, particularly in relation to the ThirdWorld. Africa, since the late 1800s, had been under European colonial control.It was from the 1950s to the 1960s that almost all African countries weregranted independence from their European metropoles. Africa is a very significantcase to look at, as it is extremely rich in many resources, from agricultureto oil, minerals, and a huge variety of other resources used all around theworld. If African nations were able to develop their own economies, use theirown resources, and create their own industries and businesses, they couldbecome self-sufficient at first, and then may become a force of great competitionfor the established industries and elites around the world. After all, Europedoes not have much to offer in terms of resources, as the continent's wealthhas largely come from plundering the resources of regions like Africa, andin becoming captains of monetary manipulation. A revitalized, vibrant,economically independent and successful Africa could spell the end of Westernfinancial dominance. "Between 1960 and 1975 African industry grew at theannual rate of 7.5 per cent. This compared favourably with the 7.2 per centfor Latin America and 7.5 per cent for South-East Asia."[59] In Africa, "the1960-73 period witnessed some important first steps in the process ofindustrialization," however, "[t]he dramatic decline in rates ofindustrialization began to show after the first 'oil crisis'. Between 1973and 1984, the rate of growth" rapidly declined.[60]
So, by manipulating the price of oil, you can manipulate the developmentof the Third World, which was beginning to look as if it could grow intosignificant competition, as it was experiencing exponential growth. Therewere two oil shocks in the 1970s; one in 1973 and another in 1979. Followingthe price rises, there was a need for the developing countries of the worldto borrow money to finance development.
The banks that were getting massive amounts of petrodollars deposited intothem from the oil producing countries needed to "recycle" the dollars byinvesting them somewhere, in order to make a profit. Luckily for the banks,"[d]eveloping countries were desperate for funds to help them industrializetheir economies. In some cases, developing countries were oil consumers andrequired loans to help pay for rising oil prices. In other cases, a decisionhad been made to follow a strategy of indebted industrialization. This meantthat states borrowed money to invest in industrialization and would pay offthe loans from the profits of their new industries. Loans were an attractiveoption because they did not come with the influence of foreign transnationalcorporations that accompanied foreign direct investment and most states hadfew funds of their own to invest."[61]
The oil price rises "changed the face of world finance," as: "In the newera of costly energy, scores of countries, not all of them in the Third World,were too strapped to pay their imported-oil bills. At the same time, Westernbanks suddenly received a rush of deposits from oil- producing nations. Itseemed only logical, even humane, that the banks should recycle petrodollars."This is where the true face of Trilateralism began to show: "It became aneveryday event for one or two lead banks in the U.S. or Western Europe toround up dozens of partners by telephone to put together so-called jumbosyndicates for loans to developing countries. Some bankers were so afraidof missing out that during lunch hours they even empowered their secretariesto promise $5 million or $10 million as part of any billion-dollar loan packagefor Brazil or Mexico." Interestingly, these banks argued, "that their foreignloans were encouraged by officials at the U.S. Treasury and Federal ReserveBoard. They feared that developing countries would become economically andpolitically unstable if credit was denied. In 1976 Arthur Burns, chairmanof the Federal Reserve, began cautioning bankers that they might be lendingtoo much overseas, but he did nothing to curb the loans. For the most part,they ignored the warning. Financiers were confident that countries like Mexico,with its oil reserves, and Brazil, with abundant mineral resources, weregood credit risks."[62]
According to a report produced by the Federal Reserve, prior to the 1973oil crisis, "the private Japanese financial system remained largely isolatedfrom the rest of the world. The system was highly regulated," and, "varioustypes of banking firms and other financial service firms were legally andadministratively confined to a specified range of activities assigned toeach." However, the "OPEC oil shock in 1973 signaled a turning point in theoperation of the Japanese financial system."[63] As part of this turningpoint, the Bank of Japan (the central bank of Japan), relaxed "monetary controlby lending more generously to the major banks. The result was a growing budgetdeficit and a rapid rise in inflation."[64] The deregulation of Japanesebanking access to foreign markets went hand- in-hand with the deregulationof domestic markets. It was a two-way street; as Japanese industry and banksgained access to foreign markets, foreign industry and banks gained accessto the Japanese market. This led to the growth of Japanese banks internationally,of which today many are among the largest banks in the world. This was aresult of the Trilateral Commission's efforts. Also evident of the Trilateralpartnership was that western banks "made loans so that poor countries couldpurchase goods made in Western Europe and North America."[65]
Of great significance was that, "the new international monetary arrangementsgave the United States government far more influence over the internationalmonetary and financial relations of the world than it had enjoyed under theBretton Woods system. It could freely decide the price of the dollar. Andstates would become increasingly dependent upon developments in Anglo-Americanfinancial markets for managing their international monetary relations. Andtrends in these financial markets could be shifted by the actions (and words)of the US public authorities, in the Treasury Department and the FederalReserve Board (the US Central Bank)."[66] This new system is referred toas the Dollar-Wall Street Regime (DWSR), as it is dependent upon the US dollarand the key actors on Wall Street.
The Federal Reserve's response to the initial 1973-74 oil price shock wasto keep interest rates low, which led to inflation and a devalued dollar.It's also what allowed and encouraged banks to lend massive amounts to developingcountries, often lending more than their net worth. However, in 1979, withthe second oil shock, the Federal Reserve changed policy, and the true natureof the original oil crisis, petrodollar recycling and loans became apparent.
The Rise of Neo-Liberalism
In the early 1970s, the government of Chile was led by a leftistsocialist-leaning politician named Salvador Allende, who was consideringundertaking a program of nationalization of industries, which would significantlyaffect US business interests in the country. David Rockefeller expressedhis view on the issue in his book, Memoirs, when he said that actions takenby Chile's new government "severely restricted the operations of foreigncorporations," and he continued, saying, "I was so concerned about the situationthat I met with Secretary of State William P. Rogers and National SecurityAdvisor Henry Kissinger."[67]
As author Peter Dale Scott analyzed in his book, The Road to 9/11, DavidRockefeller played a pivotal role in the events in Chile. After a failedattempt at trying to solve the 'situation' by sending David's brother NelsonRockefeller, the Governor of New York, down to Latin America, David Rockefellerattempted a larger operation. David Rockefeller told the story of how hisfriend Agustin (Doonie) Edwards, the publisher of El Mercurio, had warnedDavid that if Allende won the election, Chile would "become another Cuba,a satellite of the Soviet Union." David then put Doonie "in touch with HenryKissinger."[68]
In the same month that Kissinger met with Edwards, the National SecurityCouncil (of which Kissinger held the top post) authorized CIA "spoilingoperations" to prevent the election of Allende. David Rockefeller had knownDoonie Edwards from the Business Group for Latin America (BGLA), which wasfounded by Rockefeller in 1963, later to be named the Council of the Americas.Rockefeller founded it initially, in cooperation with the US government,"as cover for [CIA's] Latin American operations." The US Assistant Secretaryof State for Latin American Affairs at the time was Charles Meyer, formerlywith Rockefeller's BGLA, who said that he was chosen for his position atthe State Department "by David Rockefeller." When Allende was elected onSeptember 4, 1970, Doonie Edwards left Chile for the US, where Rockefellerhelped him "get established" and the CEO of PepsiCo, Donald Kendall, gavehim a job as a Vice President. Ten days later, Donald Kendall met with RichardNixon, and the next day, Nixon, Kissinger, Kendall and Edwards had breakfasttogether. Later that day, Kissinger arranged a meeting between Edwards andCIA director, Richard Helms. Helms met with both Edwards and Kendall, whoasked the CIA to intervene. Later that day, Nixon told Helms and Kissingerto "move against Allende."[69]
However, before Edwards met with the CIA director, Henry Kissinger had metprivately with "David Rockefeller, chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank,which had interests in Chile that were more extensive than even Pepsi-Cola's."Rockefeller even allowed the CIA to use his bank for "anti-Allende Chileanoperations."[70] After Allende came to power, "commercial banks, includingChase Manhattan, Chemical, First National City, Manufacturers Hanover, andMorgan Guaranty, cancelled credits to Chile," and the "World Bank, Inter-AmericanDevelopment Bank, Agency for International Development, and the Export-ImportBank either cut programs in Chile or cancelled credits." However, "militaryaid to Chile, which has always been substantial, doubled in the 1970-1974period as compared to the previous four years."[71]
On September 11, 1973, General Augusto Pinochet orchestrated a coup d'état,with the aid and participation of the CIA, against the Allende governmentof Chile, overthrowing it and installing Pinochet as dictator. The next day,an economic plan for the country was on the desks of "the General Officersof the Armed Forces who performed government duties." The plan entailed"privatization, deregulation and cuts to social spending," written up by"U.S.-trained economists."[72] These were the essential concepts in neoliberalthought, which, through the oil crises of the 1970s, would be forced uponthe developing world through the World Bank and IMF.
In essence, Chile was the neo-liberal Petri-dish experiment. This was toexpand drastically and become the very substance of the international economicorder.
Globalization: A Liberal-Mercantilist Economic Order?
Neo-Liberals Take the Forefront
In 1971, Jimmy Carter, a somewhat obscure governor from Georgia had startedto have meetings with David Rockefeller. They became connected due to Carter'ssupport from the Atlanta corporate elite, who had extensive ties to theRockefellers. So in 1973, when David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinskiwere picking people to join the Trilateral Commission, Carter was selectedfor membership. Carter thus attended every meeting, and even paid for histrip to the 1976 meeting in Japan with his campaign funds, as he was runningfor president at the time. Brzezinski was Carter's closest adviser, writingCarter's major campaign speeches.[73]
When Jimmy Carter became President, he appointed over two-dozen members ofthe Trilateral Commission to key positions in his cabinet, among them, ZbigniewBrzezinski, who became National Security Adviser; Samuel P. Huntington,Coordinator of National Security and Deputy to Brzezinski; Harold Brown,Secretary of Defense; Warren Christopher, Deputy Secretary of State; WalterMondale, Vice President; Cyrus Vance, Secretary of State; and in 1979, heappointed David Rockefeller's friend, Paul Volcker, as Chairman of the FederalReserve Board.[74]
In 1979, the Iranian Revolution spurred another massive increase in the priceof oil. The Western nations, particularly the United States, had put a freezeon Iranian assets, "effectively restricting the access of Iran to the globaloil market, the Iranian assets freeze became a major factor in the huge oilprice increases of 1979 and 1981."[75] Added to this, in 1979, British Petroleumcancelled major oil contracts for oil supply, which along with cancellationstaken by Royal Dutch Shell, drove the price of oil up higher.[76]
However, in 1979, the Federal Reserve, now the lynch-pin of the internationalmonetary system, which was awash in petro-dollars (US dollars) as a resultof the 1973 oil crisis, decided to take a different action from the one ithad taken earlier. In August of 1979, "on the advice of David Rockefellerand other influential voices of the Wall Street banking establishment, PresidentCarter appointed Paul A. Volcker, the man who, back in August 1971, had beena key architect of the policy of taking the dollar off the gold standard,to head the Federal Reserve."[77]
Volcker got his start as a staff economist at the New York Federal ReserveBank in the early 50s. After five years there, "David Rockefeller's ChaseBank lured him away."[78] So in 1957, Volcker went to work at Chase, whereRockefeller "recruited him as his special assistant on a congressional commissionon money and credit in America and for help, later, on an advisory commissionto the Treasury Department."[79] In the early 60s, Volcker went to work inthe Treasury Department, and returned to Chase in 1965 "as an aide toRockefeller, this time as vice president dealing with international business."With Nixon entering the White House, Volcker got the third highest job inthe Treasury Department. This put him at the center of the decision makingprocess behind the dissolution of the Bretton Woods agreement.[80] In 1973,Volcker became a member of Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission. In 1975,he got the job as President of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, the mostpowerful of the 12 branches of the Fed.
In 1979, Carter gave the job of Treasury Secretary to Arthur Miller, whohad been Chairman of the Fed. This left an opening at the Fed, which wasinitially offered by Carter to David Rockefeller, who declined, and thento A.W. Clausen, Chairman of Bank of America, who also declined. Carterrepeatedly tried to get Rockefeller to accept, and ultimately Rockefellerrecommended Volcker for the job.[81] Volcker became Chairman of the FederalReserve System, and immediately took drastic action to fight inflation byradically increasing interest rates.
The world was taken by shock. This was not a policy that would only be feltin the US with a recession, but was to send shock waves around the world,devastating the Third World debtor nations. This was likely the ultimateaim of the 1970s oil shocks and the 1979 Federal Reserve shock therapy. Withthe raising of interest rates, the cost of international money also rose.Thus, the interest rates on international loans made throughout the 1970srose from 2% in the 1970s to 18% in the 1980s, dramatically increasing theinterest charges on loans to developing countries.[82]
In the developing world, states that had to import oil faced enormous billsto cover their debts, and even oil producing countries, such as Mexico, facedhuge problems as they had borrowed heavily in order to industrialize, andthen suffered when oil prices fell again as the recession occurring in thedeveloped states reduced demand. Thus, in 1982, Mexico declared that it couldno longer pay its debt, meaning that, "they could no longer cover the costof interest payments, much less hope to repay the debt." The result was thebursting of the debt bubble. Banks then halted their loans to Mexico, and"Before long it was evident that states such as Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina,and many sub-Saharan African countries were in equally difficult financialpositions."[83]
The IMF and World Bank entered the scene newly refurnished with a whole newoutlook and policy program designed just in time for the arrival of the debtcrisis. The IMF "negotiated standby loans with debtors offering temporaryassistance to states in need. In return for the loans states agreed to undertakestructural adjustment programs (SAPs). These programs entailed the liberalizationof economies to trade and foreign investment as well as the reduction ofstate subsidies and bureaucracies to balance national budgets."[84] Thus,the neoliberal project of 1973 in Chile was expanded into the very functioningof the International Financial Institutions (IFIs).
Neoliberalism is "a particular organization of capitalism, which has evolvedto protect capital(ism) and to reduce the power of labour. This is achievedby means of social, economic and political transformations imposed by internalforces as well as external pressure," and it entails the "shameless use offoreign aid, debt relief and balance of payments support to promote theneoliberal programme, and diplomatic pressure, political unrest and militaryintervention when necessary."[85] Further, "neoliberalism is part of a hegemonicproject concentrating power and wealth in elite groups around the world,benefiting especially the financial interests within each country, and UScapital internationally. Therefore, globalization and imperialism cannotbe analysed separately from neoliberalism."[86]
Joseph Stiglitz, former Chief Economist of the World Bank, wrote in his book,Globalization and its Discontents, "In the 1980s, the Bank went beyond justlending for projects (like roads and dams) to providing broad-based support,in the form of structural adjustment loans; but it did this only when theIMF gave its approval - and with that approval came IMF-imposed conditionson the country."[87] As economist Michel Chossudovsky wrote, "Because countrieswere indebted, the Bretton Woods institutions were able to oblige them throughthe so- called 'conditionalities' attached to the loan agreements toappropriately redirect their macro-economic policy in accordance with theinterests of the official and commercial creditors."[88]
The nature of SAPs is such that the conditions imposed upon countries thatsign onto these agreements include: lowering budget deficits, devaluing thecurrency, limiting government borrowing from the central bank, liberalizingforeign trade, reducing public sector wages, price liberalization, deregulationand altering interest rates.[89] For reducing budget deficits, "precise'ceilings' are placed on all categories of expenditure; the state is no longerpermitted to mobilize its own resources for the building of publicinfrastructure, roads, or hospitals, etc."[90]
Joseph Stiglitz wrote that, "the IMF staff monitored progress, not just onthe relevant indicators for sound macromanagement - inflation, growth, andunemployment - but on intermediate variables, such as the money supply,"and that "In some cases the agreements stipulated what laws the country'sParliament would have to pass to meet IMF requirements or 'targets' - andby when."[91] Further, "The conditions went beyond economics into areas thatproperly belong in the realm of politics," and that "the way conditionalitywas imposed made the conditions politically unsustainable; when a new governmentcame into power, they would be abandoned. Such conditions were seen as theintrusion by the new colonial power on the country's own sovereignty."[92]
"The phrase 'Washington Consensus' was coined to capture the agreement uponeconomic policy that was shared between the two major international financialinstitutions in Washington (IMF and World Bank) and the US government itself.This consensus stipulated that the best path to economic development wasthrough financial and trade liberalization and that international institutionsshould persuade countries to adopt such measures as quickly as possible."[93]The debt crisis provided the perfect opportunity to quickly impose theseconditions upon countries that were not in a position to negotiate and withno time to spare, desperately in need of loans. Without the debt crisis,such policies may have been subject to greater scrutiny, and with a case-by-caseanalysis of countries adopting SAPs, the world would become quickly awareof their dangerous implications. The debt crisis was absolutely necessaryin implementing the SAPs on an international scale in a short amount of time.
The effect became quite clear, as the result "of these policies on the populationof developing countries was devastating. The 1980s is known as the 'lostdecade' of development. Many developing countries' economies were smallerand poorer in 1990 than in 1980. Over the 1980s and 1990s, debt in manydeveloping countries was so great that governments had few resources to spendon social services and development."[94] With the debt crisis, countriesin the developing world were "[s]tarved of international finance, [and] stateshad little choice but to open their economies to foreign investors andtrade."[95] The "Third World" was recaptured in the cold grasp of economiccolonialism under the auspices of neo-liberal economic theory.
A Return to Statist Theory
Since the 1970s, mercantilist thought had re-emerged in mainstreampolitical-economic theory. Under various names such as neo- mercantilism,economic nationalism or statism, they hold as vital the centrality of thestate in the global political economy. Much "Globalization" literature putsan emphasis on the "decline of the state" in the face of an integratedinternational economic order, where borders are made illusory. However, statisttheory at least helps us understand that the state is still a vital factorwithin the global political economy, even in the midst of a neo-liberal economicorder.
Within the neo-liberal economic order, it was the powerful western (primarilyUS and Western European) states that imposed neo- mercantilist or statistpolicies in order to protect and promote their interests within the globalpolitical economy. Some of these methods were revolved around policy toolssuch as export subsidies, imposed to lower the price of goods, which wouldmake them more attractive to importers, giving that particular nation anadvantage over the competition.
For example, the US has enormous agriculture export subsidies, which makeUS agriculture and grain an easily affordable, attractive and accessiblecommodity for importing nations. Countries of the global south (theLesser-Developed Countries, LDCs), subject to neo-liberal policies imposedupon them by the World Bank and IMF were forced to open their economies upto foreign capital. The World Bank would bring in heavily subsidized US grainto these poor nations under the guise of "food aid," which would have theaffect of destabilizing the nation's agriculture market, as the heavilysubsidized US grains would be cheaper than local produce, putting farmersout of business. Most LDCs are predominantly rural based, so when the farmingsector is devastated, so too is the entire nation. They plunge into economiccrisis and even famine.
With the statist approach, theorists examine how the state is still relevantin shaping economic outcomes and still remains a powerful entity in theinternational arena. One theorist who is prominent within the statist schoolis Robert Gilpin. Gilpin, a professor at the Woodrow Wilson School of Publicand International Affairs at Princeton, is also a member of the Council onForeign Relations. In his book, Global Political Economy, Gilpin postulatedthat multinational corporations were an invention of the United States, andindeed an "American phenomenon" upon which European and Asian states respondedby internationalizing their own firms. In this sense, his theory postulatedto a return to the competitive nature of mercantilist economic theory, inwhich one state gains at the expense of another. He also addresses the natureof the international economy, in that both historically and presently, therewas a single state acting as the main enforcer and manager of the globaleconomy. Historically, it was Britain, and presently, it was the United States.
One cannot deny the significance of the state in the global political economy,as it has been, and still remains very relevant. The events of 1973 are exemplaryof this, however, more must be examined in order to better understand thesituation. Though states are still prominent actors, it is vital to addressin whose interest they act. Mercantilist and statist theorists tend to focuson the concept that states act in their own selfish interest, for the benefitof the state, both politically and economically. However, this is somewhatlinear and diversionary, as it does not address the precise structure ofthe state economy, specifically in terms of its monetary and central bankingsystem.
States, most especially the large hegemonic ones, such as the United Statesand Great Britain, are controlled by the international central banking system,working through secret agreements at the Bank for International Settlements(BIS), and operating through national central banks (such as the Bank ofEngland and the Federal Reserve). The state is thus owned by an internationalbanking cartel, and though the state acts in such a way that proves its continualrelevance in the global economy, it acts so not in terms of self-interestfor the state itself, but for the powerful interests that control that state.The same international banking cartel that controls the United States todaypreviously controlled Great Britain and held it up as the international hegemon.When the British order faded, and was replaced by the United States, theUS ran the global economy. However, the same interests are served. Stateswill be used and discarded at will by the international banking cartel; theyare simply tools.
In this sense, interdependence theory, which presumes the decline of thestate in international affairs, fails to acknowledge the role of the statein promoting and undertaking the process of interdependence. The declineof the nation-state is a state-driven process, and is a process that leadsto a rise of the continental state and the global state. States, are stillvery relevant, but both liberal and mercantilist theorists, while helpfulin understanding the concepts behind the global economy, lay the theoreticalgroundwork for a political economic agenda being undertaken by powerfulinterests. Like Robert Cox said, "Theory is always for someone and for somepurpose."
Hegemonic-Stability Theory
In his book, Global Political Economy, Gilpin explained that, "In time, ifunchecked, the integration of an economy into the world economy, the intensifyingpressures of foreign competition, and the necessity to be efficient in orderto survive economically could undermine the independence of a society andforce it to adopt new values and forms of social organization. Fear thateconomic globalization and the integration of national markets are destroyingor could destroy the political, economic, and cultural autonomy of nationalsocieties has become widespread."[96]
However, Gilpin explains that the "Creation of effective international regimesand solutions to the compliance problem require both strong internationalleadership and an effective international governance structure." Yet, heexplains, "Regimes in themselves cannot provide governance structure becausethey lack the most critical component of governance - the power to enforcecompliance. Regimes must rest instead on a political base established throughleadership and cooperation."[97] This is where we see the emergence of HegemonicStability Theory.
Gilpin explains that, "The theory of hegemonic stability posits that theleader or hegemon facilitates international cooperation and prevents defectionfrom the rules of the regime through use of side payments (bribes), sanctions,and/or other means, but can seldom, if ever, coerce reluctant states to obeythe rules of a liberal international economic order." As he explained, "TheAmerican hegemon did indeed play a crucial role in establishing and managingthe world economy following World War II."[98]
The roots of Hegemonic Stability Theory (HST) lie within both liberal andstatist theory, as it is representative of a crossover theory that cannotbe so easily placed in either category. The main concept champions the liberalnotion of the open international economic system, guided by liberal principlesof open-markets and free trade, while bringing in the statist concept ofa single hegemonic state representing the concentration of political andeconomic power, as it is the enforcer of the liberal international economy.
The more liberal-leaning theorists of HST argue that a liberal economic orderrequires a strong, hegemonic state to maintain the smooth functioning ofthe international economy. One thing this state must do is maintain theinternational monetary system, as Britain did under the gold standard andthe United States did under the Dollar- Wall Street Regime, following theend of the Bretton-Woods dollar-gold link.
Regime Theory
Regime Theory is another crossover theory between liberal and mercantilisttheorists. Its rise was primarily in reaction to the emergence of HegemonicStability Theory, in order to address the concern of a perceived declinein the power of the US. This was due to the rise of new economic powers inthe 1970s, and another major purveyor of this theory was Robert Keohane.They needed to address how the international order could be maintained asthe hegemonic power declined. The answer was in the building of internationalorganizations to manage the international regime.
In this sense, Regime Theory has identified an important aspect of the globalpolitical economy, in that though states have upheld the international orderin the past, never before has there been such an undertaking to institutionalizethe authority over the international order through international organizations.These organizations, such as the World Bank, IMF, UN, and WTO, though stillcontrolled and influenced by states, predominantly the international hegemon,the United States, represent a changing direction of internationalizationand transnationalism. Regime Theorists tend to justify the formation of amore transnational apparatus of power, beyond just a single hegemonic state,into a more internationalized structure of authority.
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[32] William Engdahl, A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and theNew World Order. (London: Pluto Press, 2004), 286-287, 134
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[34] Robert Dallek, The Kissinger Presidency. Vanity Fair: May 2007:http://www.vanityfair.com/politics/features/2007/05/kissinger200705
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[58] Peter Gowan, The Globalization Gamble: The Dollar-Wall Street Regimeand its Consequences: marxsite.com/ Gowan_DollarWallstreetRegime.pdf: page10
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[60] Dharam Ghai, ed., The IMF and the South: The Social Impact of Crisisand Adjustment (London: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development,1991), 82
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[66] Peter Gowan, The Globalization Gamble: The Dollar-Wall Street Regimeand its Consequences: marxsite.com/ Gowan_DollarWallstreetRegime.pdf: page12
[67] David Rockefeller, Memoirs. New York: Random House: 2002: Page 431
[68] Peter Dale Scott, The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future ofAmerica. University of California Press: 2007: page 39-40
[69] Peter Dale Scott, The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future ofAmerica. University of California Press: 2007: page 41
[70] Peter Dale Scott, The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future ofAmerica. University of California Press: 2007: pages 40-41
[71] Daniel Brandt, U.S. Responsibility for the Coup in Chile. Public InformationResearch: November 28, 1998: http://www.namebase.org/chile.html
[72] Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. Macmillan:2007: page 77
[73] Holly Sklar, ed., Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and ElitePlanning for World Management. South End Press: 1980: pages 201-203
[74] Holly Sklar, ed., Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and ElitePlanning for World Management. South End Press: 1980: pages 91-92
[75] Peter Dale Scott, The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future ofAmerica. University of California Press: 2007: page 88
[76] F. William Engdahl, A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics andthe New World Order. London: Pluto Press, 2004: page 173
[77] F. William Engdahl, A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics andthe New World Order. London: Pluto Press, 2004: page 174
[78] Joseph B. Treaster, Paul Volcker: The Making of a Financial Legend.John Wiley and Sons, 2004: page 36
[79] Joseph B. Treaster, Paul Volcker: The Making of a Financial Legend.John Wiley and Sons, 2004: page 37
[80] Joseph B. Treaster, Paul Volcker: The Making of a Financial Legend.John Wiley and Sons, 2004: page 38
[81] Joseph B. Treaster, Paul Volcker: The Making of a Financial Legend.John Wiley and Sons, 2004: pages 57-60
[82] Robert O'Brien and Marc Williams, Global Political Economy: Evolutionand Dynamics, 2nd ed. Palgrave Macmillan: 2007: page 223
[83] Robert O'Brien and Marc Williams, Global Political Economy: Evolutionand Dynamics, 2nd ed. Palgrave Macmillan: 2007: page 224
[84] Robert O'Brien and Marc Williams, Global Political Economy: Evolutionand Dynamics, 2nd ed. Palgrave Macmillan: 2007: page 224
[85] A. Paloni and M. Zonardi, eds., Neoliberalism: A Critical Introduction.London: Pluto, 2005: page 3
[86] A. Paloni and M. Zonardi, eds., Neoliberalism: A Critical Introduction.London: Pluto, 2005: page 1
[87] Joseph Stiglitz, Globalization and its Discontents. New York: Norton,2003: page 14
[88] Michel Chossudovsky, The Globalization of Poverty and the New WorldOrder, 2nd ed. Quebec: Global Research, 2003: page 35
[89] Marc Williams, International Economic Organizations and the Third World.Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1994: page 85
[90] Michel Chossudovsky, The Globalization of Poverty and the New WorldOrder, 2nd ed. Quebec: Global Research, 2003: page 52
[91] Joseph Stiglitz, Globalization and its Discontents. New York: Norton,2003: pages 43-44
[92] Joseph Stiglitz, Globalization and its Discontents. New York: Norton,2003: pages 44-46
[93] Robert O'Brien and Marc Williams, Global Political Economy: Evolutionand Dynamics, 2nd ed. Palgrave Macmillan: 2007: page 224
[94] Robert O'Brien and Marc Williams, Global Political Economy: Evolutionand Dynamics, 2nd ed. Palgrave Macmillan: 2007: page 224
[95] Robert O'Brien and Marc Williams, Global Political Economy: Evolutionand Dynamics, 2nd ed. Palgrave Macmillan: 2007: page 225
[96] Robert Gilpin, Global Political Economy: Understanding the InternationalEconomic Order, Princeton University Press, 2001: page 81
[97] Robert Gilpin, Global Political Economy: Understanding the InternationalEconomic Order, Princeton University Press, 2001: page 97
[98] Robert Gilpin, Global Political Economy: Understanding the InternationalEconomic Order, Princeton University Press, 2001: pages 97-98
Andrew Gavin Marshall is a Research Associate with the Centre for Researchon Globalization (CRG). He is currently studying Political Economy and Historyat Simon Fraser University.
Latest in this occasional digest.
Somehow again, Bilderberg is accused of being at the centre of importantworld events.
As always the question is: do the accusations stand up to closer scrutiny?
Three great videos to be going on with - best wishes, Tony
Annie Machon talks about intelligence service interference in the media
Malalai Joya really is one of the bravest women in Afghanistan
Inspired Bicycles - Danny MacAskill April 2009
1. Mandelson's Greek farce Act II
2. Iran Regime Accuses Soros, Cheney, Bilderberg of Conspiracy to
Subvert System
3. The Bilderberg Group analysed
4. The UK Privy Council oath of allegiance
Mandelson's Greek farce Act II
After last year's furore in Corfu, the minister is again courting controversyover lavish hospitality. Jane Merrick and James Hanning report
Sunday, 26 July 2009
Lord Mandelson's two paid-for nights in the Astir Palace resort cost under£1,000, he says
It was, arguably, one of the most memorable incidents of last year, and certainlyone the key players would rather forget: involving Peter Mandelson, GeorgeOsborne, a couple of yachts, some of the planet's richest and most influentialpeople all set against the glistening backdrop of the Aegean.
Obviously unconcerned about the risk of tempting history to repeat itself,the two politicians again came together in 2009, again in Greece andagain surrounded by lavish floating gin palaces to mix with millionaires,billionaires and the world's elite.
Yet, while Mr Osborne noted his attendance at the Bilderberg conference inthe MPs' register of interests, his co-player in this Greek drama's secondact has been a little coy.
Iran Regime Accuses Soros, Cheney, Bilderberg of Conspiracy to Subvert System
8 July 2009 :: Anjika Sridhar
In an ongoing quest to sideline or incarcerate opposition figures, the leadershipof Irans government continues to defend the disputed official resultsof the 12 June election and is now blaming Hungarian- American financierand open society activist George Soros, Liz Cheney the daughter ofthe former US vice president and the secretive Bilderberg group ofa conspiracy to overthrow the Iranian government by backing opposition protests.
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has now reportedly put his ownson in charge of the paramilitary militia being used to attack, intimidateand round up, those who would participate in opposition rallies. Reportssuggest that conservative clerics are increasingly concerned about what appearsto be an escalating grab for power by Khamenei and those close to him.
Mojtaba Khameneis role in the crackdown is said to be sowingconcern and anger among even conservative clerics, who see the supremeleaders behavior as deligitimizing clerical rule. Some RevolutionaryGuard generals and conservative politicians have also begun to join the dissidentclerics in questioning the legitimacy of the methods being used to decidethe election and establish the next government.
An unnamed source told the Guardian newspaper that this growing allianceof clerics, conservative politicians and security officials, may not openlychallenge the legal legitimacy of Khamenei or Ahmedinejad, but maybe working to formulate a cohesive strategy for making it difficult for eitherof the two men to exercise real authority through the government.
As the AP reports:
Khameneis political strategy since taking his position in 1989 hasbeen to maintain a consensus among competing factions. But now to preservepower he may have to rely on a far narrower base of hard-line ayatollahs and more than ever before on the security services, particularly theRevolutionary Guards, the elite protectors of the system.
A major question looking ahead will be whether discontented clerics willaggressively push their criticisms behind the scenes, and whether their followerswho look to them for spiritual guidance will rally behind the reformist politicalopposition.
Mir Hossein Mousavi, the opposition candidate with the most votes, and whoclaims he won the disputed election, has pledged to continue his resistanceto the incoming Ahmedinejad government. He calls on supporters to stage peacefulprotests and to use non-violence. And there are signs that top clerics arenot willing to support either the supreme leader or Pres. Ahmedinejad, giventhe deep divisions across the nation.
The AP also reports that only one of nine Iranian clerics holding the highestpossible rank marja taqlid, meaning model forimitation has congratulated Pres. Ahmedinejad for his returnto power. Three of the nine have spoken out openly against the election resultsand the brutal security crackdown.
Grand Ayatollah Youssef Saanei, one of the nine marja taqlid, saidon Friday that due to the lack of public support, the government mayface legal and civil problems and a lack of competency. Other clericshave also begun directly questioning the legitimacy of the Khamenei-Ahmedinejad power bloc: Ayatollah Hossein Mousavi Tabrizi, one of the leadersof the Association of Researchers and Teachers of Qom, said The leastwe can say is that this governments legitimacy is in doubt. A majorityof the people dont believe that Ahmadinejad was their vote.
Pres. Ahmedinejad has said on national television that he plans to implementbroad changes to the system of government and to the policy goals hisadministration will pursue. Ahmedinejad praised the election as thecleanest in Irans history and said he would establish anentirely new team for his second term, oriented toward addressing the concernsof young people, many of whom have been openly hostile to Ahmedinejad throughoutthe campaign.
The Bilderberg Group
Posted Tuesday, July 21, 2009, at 8:03 PM
It has been said that power corrupts. But the ultimate truth is that positionsof power attract the corruptible among us. In 1954, a group of powerful menand women met in the Bilderberg Hotel in Holland to form an alliance whosepurpose was to organize the world in a manner suitable to their liking.
This alliance, known as the Bilderberg Group, was made up of 120 prominentbusinessmen, politicians and European royalty, and has held annual meetingsever since in posh locations in Europe or North America to influence thefate of the world.
These annual meetings are held in total secrecy Reporters and other outsidersare prevented from attending, or even entering the premises, by armed securityforces, and not a word of what is said in a Bilderberg meeting can be breathedoutside. Meetings are held behind closed doors and the minutes are not published.
Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, former member of the SS within the NaziParty, a Bilderberg Group founder, stated, "It's difficult to reeducate thepeople who have been brought up on nationalism to the idea of relinquishingpart of their sovereignty to a supernatural body."
According to former Bilderberg delegate Will Hutton, a British economist,the meetings are the "backdrop against which policy is made worldwide."
The primary goals of the Bilderberg Group are a one-world government, a one-worldmonetary system and a vast reduction in world population. And to no one'ssurprise, the Bilderbergers would like very much to be in charge of thatgovernment.
Bilderberger George McGhee, former U.S. Ambassador to Germany, contends,"the Treaty of Rome, which brought the European Market into being was nurturedat Bilderberg meetings."
In the 1998 Bilderberg meeting, one of the decisions was to encourage BritishPrime Minister Tony Blair to press harder for Britain's entry into the EuropeanUnion, another step toward one-world government.
British journalist Tony Gosling claims, "I first heard about the determinationof U.S. forces to attack Iraq from leaks that came out of the 2002 Bilderbergmeeting."
In 2009, the annual Bilderberg meeting took place in Greece whereby participantsapparently came to an agreement that in order to achieve their objectiveof a New World Order that the U.S. dollar needed to be completely destroyed.Investigative reporter Daniel Estulin reported that the plan to totally destroythe economy and ultimately reduce the global population by 80 percent hascaused concerns within the Bilderberg Group that the resulting chaos couldlead to the global elitists losing control of the world.
As reported by several mainstream news sources, just prior to the Bilderbergmeeting in Greece, a group of global elitists held a "secret" meeting atthe behest of David Rockefeller (New World Order advocate) in New York wherethe main topic was to plot the demise of the U.S. dollar. Not surprisingly,president Obama continues to be a one-man train wreck on the U.S. economy,plunging the country further and further into unprecedented debt.
Gary Dorsch, editor of GLOBAL MONEY TRENDS, observes: "No one is asking whowill purchase the $1-trillion of U.S. Treasuries to be offered to the marketby September. Once that colossal amount of paper is bought, who will purchaseanother $5-trillion of Treasury paper over the next four-years, as theUS-government plunges deeper into insolvency."
After the deliberate collapsing of the U.S. Dollar, the Bilderberg plan forthe Global economy calls for something called Special Drawing Rights issuedby the International Monetary Fund (privately controlled by global elitists).
The International Monetary Fund elitists already have plans to print billionsof dollars worth of a global "super-currency" to address the economic crisisthey created in the first place. A one-world currency is the next step towarda one-world government.
Critics of the Bilderberg Group claim that they coercively manipulate globalfinances and establish rigid, binding monetary rates around the world. TheGroup selects political figures they believe will further their cause andtargets those who oppose their goals. This strategy guarantees the propagationof their own power and the enrichment of its members, often at the expenseof human rights and environmental concerns.
Like it or not, a small group of powerful people in high places are meetingregularly and secretly to manipulate world affairs.
Our currency says it all: Novus Ordo Seclorum -- New World Order.
Perhaps a one-world government has been in the works for a long time.
The global elitists control the global monetary system, the mainstream media,the military-industrial complex and government leaders. They want it allunder one central command and have a strong desire to vastly reduce the globalpopulation. There have even been discussions among the global elitists aboutimplanting chips within the human population to aid in their command andcontrol over their global empire.
Life is simple -- Live free or die.
4. The UK Privy Council oath of allegiance
De Rigeur for all Iraq War Inquiry appointees.
You do swear by Almighty God to be a true and faithful Servant unto the Queen'sMajesty, as one of Her Majesty's Privy Council. You will not know or understandof any manner of thing to be attempted, done, or spoken against Her Majesty'sPerson, Honour, Crown, or Dignity Royal, but you will lett and withstandthe same to the uttermost of your Power, and either cause it to be revealedto Her Majesty Herself, or to such of Her Privy Council as shall advertiseHer Majesty of the same. You will, in all things to be moved, treated, anddebated in Council, faithfully and truly declare your Mind and Opinion, accordingto your Heart and Conscience; and will keep secret all Matters committedand revealed unto you, or that shall be treated of secretly in Council. Andif any of the said Treaties or Counsels shall touch any of the Counsellors,you will not reveal it unto him, but will keep the same until such time as,by the Consent of Her Majesty, or of the Council, Publication shall be madethereof. You will to your uttermost bear Faith and Allegiance unto the Queen'sMajesty; and will assist and defend all Jurisdictions, Pre-eminences, andAuthorities, granted to Her Majesty, and annexed to the Crown by Acts ofParliament, or otherwise, against all Foreign Princes, Persons, Prelates,States, or Potentates. And generally in all things you will do as a faithfuland true Servant ought to do to Her Majesty. So help you God.
New design in the New World Order Line.
Women's or mens T-shirts for $20.00
The puppetmasters BILDERBERG GROUP T-Shirt
Bilderberg group is said to have a bit too much to say about our economy.If you dont know who they are just google it.
This design illustrates their control by exposing them as the puppet masters.
Id love feedback so please rate my designs from 1-5 by adding a commentand enter the rating! Thanx!
America's War With Muslim Nations
Written by www.daily.pk
Tuesday, 30 June 2009 20:47
The sooner the extremists are isolated and unwelcome in Muslim communities,the sooner we will all be safer.
U.S. President Barack Obama, Cairo, June 04, 2009.
According to U.S. leaders and their Zionist handlers, the termextremist is any nation or movement resisting U.S.-Israel dominationand murderous ideology is defamed and deemed extremist. Whether in Afghanistan,in Iraq or in Pakistan, the extremists are part of the U.S. strategy to justifywar of aggression.
Lets be very clear. The Muslim world is not at war with the West, itis the West that is at war with Muslim nations. Neither Afghanistan nor Iraqattacked the U.S. and its allies. And despite the widespread of the virusof Islamophobia, particularly in Europe and America, Muslims are avoidingviolence. Today, it is easier to invade Muslim nations, murder their womenand children, and destroy them beyond belief. George W. Bush and Tony Blair(the main culprits) were re-elected while their armies were committing horrendouswar crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq. When will Westerners start protestingagainst the daily massacre of Muslim children by U.S.-NATO forces?
In 2001, Afghanistan was invaded and occupied because the U.S. accused theformer Afghani government (known in the West as the Taliban)of harbouring al-Qaeda extremists even when al-Qaeda never tookresponsibility for the 9/11 attack on the U.S. When the Afghani governmentoffered to apprehend those extremists on behalf of the U.S. if the Bush regimeprovided the evidence against them, the U.S. refused the offer and embarkedon a murderous and illegal war of aggression.
It should be acknowledge that, al-Qaeda was a U.S. proxy usedagainst the Soviet troops in Afghanistan Indeed, in the 1990s the U.S. supportedOsama bin Laden, while at the same time placed him on its so-called mostwanted list of terrorists. Today, al-Qaeda is a card played when itserves Western imperialist interests.
The entire country is decimated and thousands of innocent Afghan civilians,mostly women and children have been killed since the 2001 invasion. Recently,the United Nations reveals that in 2007 there were over 1,500 civilian deathsin Afghanistan. In 2008, the number has increase 40 per cent. Although Westernmedia often credit the U.S.- installed Ahmed Karzai Afghan Armyof conducting military operations, the majority of civilians were killedby U.S./NATO indiscriminate bombings. The motive is the geostrategic importanceof Afghanistan relative to the energy-producing region in Central Asia.
According to Ken Fireman of Bloomberg.com, Secretary of Defence Robert Gatestold the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on January 27, 2009: "U.S. goalsin Afghanistan must be 'modest, realistic,' and 'above all, there must bean Afghan face on this war,' Gates said: The Afghan people must believethis is their war and we are there to help them. If they think we are therefor our own purposes, then we will go the way of every other foreign armythat has been in Afghanistan.'" Just replace Afghanistan with Iraq or Pakistanand you get a clearer picture of the real motives behind the U.S. pursuitof war and violence against Muslim nations.
Furthermore, the war on Afghanistan is a test for a new NATO strategy asa global military intervention force and the future of NATO wars depend onthis strategy being successful. Dominated by the U.S, NATO is an imperialistexpeditionary force always on the look for a fight. Perpetual violence isits most essential tool to impose its worldwide imperialist ideology. Hence,the U.S. war on Afghanistan has been labelled in the media as the goodwar. The war on Iraq is described as a bad war or astrategic blunder, not war crime.
Iraq was invaded and occupied because the U.S. regime accused the Iraqigovernment of the late president Saddam Hussein of possessing Weaponsof Mass Destructions (WMD) and having links with extremists. Of course,the pretexts were a pack of lies. The real motives behind U.S. violent aggressionwere: 1) to conquer Iraqs oil resources; and 2) to enhance IsraelsZionfascist expansion and dispossession of the Palestinian people.
In order to expand the war further, Pakistan is accused of harbouringextremists. The CIA alleges without a shred of evidencethat Osama bin Laden, who according to reliable sources died in 2002, ishiding in Pakistan. Western Zionist media, led by the anti-Muslimspropaganda organs like the BBC, CNN and their variants, have obviously abandonedthe truth and instead continue the warmongering agenda, inventing news andadopting the role of cheerleader. Pakistan is crucified and depicted as thefront of terrorism. Of course, there is no hard evidence andthe aim is to manipulate public opinion and prepare the world for anotherwar. The truth is that the Pakistani people are against U.S. murderous waron Afghanistan.
Opportunists and apologists for U.S. war crimes are on the move again spreadingpro-U.S. propaganda, without taking into consideration the consequences oftheir actions. In his latest fatigue in the Independent, Patrick co*ckburnwrites: Pakistan is the root of the problem. And Pakistanwas always the real base for al-Qaeda. Of course, co*ckburn has no evidenceto support his usual recycled rubbish. To support his rubbish against Pakistan,co*ckburn writes that the anti-Occupation Iraqi Resistance had many friendsin Iran and Syria and so the Afghan Resistance has in Pakistan. Only a derangedcynic can make such a statement. The murderous U.S. Occupation of Iraq madeonly possible with Irans cooperation with the U.S.
Meanwhile, Ahmed Rashid, a native Pakistani informer who is well-known
for his pro-Western propaganda, wrote recently: Pakistan is about to
collapse and only unconditional aid from the U.S. can stop this.
Rashid provided no evidence and his so-called analysis is just Western
propaganda sponsored by the U.S. Zionist media. Rashid regurgitated
Israels Zionist propaganda word by word. "[A] nuclear-armed military
and an intelligence service that have sponsored Islamic extremism as
an intrinsic part of their foreign policy for nearly four decades have
found it extremely difficult to give up their self-destructive and
double-dealing policies". His is consistent with the anti-Pakistan
propaganda spread out by pro-Israel right-wing Americans. Pakistan
has 173 million people and 100 nuclear weapons, an army which is
bigger than the American army, and the headquarters of al-Qaeda
sitting in two-thirds of the country which the Government does not
control, said David Kilcullen, a right-wing former Australian army
officer who made a career advising the Bush administration during the
murderous surge in Iraq and now a consultant to the Obama
The myth of Pakistan nuclear defence will fall in the hands of few
U.S. proxies is a distortion of reality planted by Israeli
propagandists and U.S. Zionists. The Pakistani armed forces are not
loosing Pakistan to few U.S. proxies.
Like in Afghanistan and Iraq, the U.S. is sowing the seeds of violence
in Pakistan by pitting one Pakistani community against the other. The
arming and financing of militias like Tahrik-e- Taliban Pakistan (TTP)
and Jundullah or Soldier of God by the U.S. is designed to
destabilise Pakistan and the eventual break up of the nation in a
Yugoslavia-like destruction. The recent surge in attacks targeting
mosques and religious congregations is a case in point. It seems to
me a calculated conspiracy to trigger sectarian violence in the
country in line with Iraq so that the public attention could be
diverted from real issues, said Abdul Khalique Ali, a Karachi-based
senior political analyst.
It is important to remember that, the TTP has nothing to do with the
anti-occupation Resistance movement in Afghanistan, known in the West
as the Taliban. The TTP is a Pakistani religious fundamentalist
militia based in the Swat Valley. It is armed by the U.S. and India
through Afghanistan. The TTP despises the Resistance in Afghanistan.
Jundullah is another anti-Iran/anti-Pakistan terrorist militia
financed by the U.S. and Israel. It is used not only in Pakistan but
it is also responsible for cross-border terrorist attacks in Iran
which have killed a number of innocent Iranians citizens.
The problem in Pakistan is that the army has become a U.S. proxy army
waging a war against its own people. It is used by the U.S. as a
condom whenever the U.S. engaged in war. The Pakistan ruling clique is
a Western-oriented band of corrupt landlords and businessmen serving
U.S. imperialist interests at the expense of the majority of the
Pakistani population. The Governments reliance on U.S. funding allows
the U.S. to hold the nation hostage to U.S. conditions, including the
freezing of Pakistans nuclear and missiles program. The people of
Pakistan consider the Pakistani Government corrupt and subordinate to
U.S. demands. Hence, the Pakistani people support any group fighting
the U.S.-NATO occupation that is the greatest threat to the in the
Under U.S. pressure the Pakistani army is attacking communities and
towns in the north-western provinces and Waziristan. The province is
home to the anti-occupation Pashtun tribes and fields more than thirty
anti-occupation resistance groups. There is no marked border and the
people share one common goal; the liberation of their land from
foreign invaders.
Before the Pakistani army attacks, the province was under constant
cross-border attacks by U.S.-NATO forces using CIA-operated drones,
helicopter gunships and F-16s bombers in violation of Pakistani
sovereignty. The attacks are now extended to include Baluchistan.
Thousands of innocent Afghan and Pakistani civilians, mostly women and
children, have been killed in indiscriminate bombardments.
In addition, the attacks have caused a humanitarian crisis of two to
three million internal refugees. The situations looks more like the
1971 Britain-India sponsored partition of Pakistan and the creation of
Bangladesh in Eastern Pakistan that precipitated mass migrations and
massacres among Muslims. The refugees are left on its own, relaying on
private charities and local NGOs to survive. The so-called U.S. aid
to Pakistan to rebuild its shattered economy is an empty rhetoric.
In fact the U.S. aid is fuelling the war and destroying the nation.
The U.S. is not in the business of rebuilding. History showsthat
every time the U.S. and its allies invaded and occupied a defenceless
nation, they installed a colonial dictatorship and leave the country
in ruins, drowning in poverty, suffering, diseases and deaths.
Before he left to Saudi Arabia, President Obama told the New York
Times (NYT 03 June 2009) that the pro-U.S. Arab leaders are not
publicly expressing their concern about Iran developing nuclear
weapons. There are a lot of Arab countries more concerned about Iran
developing a nuclear weapon than the [real] threat from Israel, but
wont admit it, Obama told the Times. It is a U.S.-orchestrated
propaganda war against Iran designed to deflect attention away from
the serious threat to world peace posed by Israels unchecked nuclear
arsenal. We all know that Iran with a legitimate right to nuclear
technology, including uranium enrichment doesnt posses any nuclear
arm or nearer to developing one.
It is worth remembering that the same misleading falsehood propagated
prior to the U.S. illegal invasion and murderous Occupation of Iraq.
It was Dick Cheney, the U.S. most known (unindicted) war criminal, who
went to see pro-U.S. Arab leaders. At the time, no one bought into
U.S.-Israel propaganda. Most countries neighbouring Iraq have
acknowledged that Iraq was not a threat. Indeed, Iraq posed no threat
to any nation. The U.S. and its few allies are guilty of illegal war
of aggression, war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide in
For decades, Iran has been demonised in the West and subjected to
ongoing anti-Muslims racist propaganda campaign (Iranophobia) on
behalf of Israels Zionfascist regime. The U.S. and Britain continue
meddling in Iran internal affairs, including fomenting unrest and
inciting violence in order to sabotage Irans stability. At time of
writing, Iran is being persecuted and condemned. Western media
packed by some Western governments are questioning the legitimacyof
Irans recent free and fair elections in order to discredit Irans
legitimate government and destabilise the nation (See Esam Al-Amin,
Counterpunch, 22 June 2009). Democracy is not the reason behind
Western meddling. Western ruling elites despise democracy. When did
the British people have their chance to elect Gordon Brown? In 1953,
the U.S. and Britain undermined and overthrew the democratically-
elected Iranian government of Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh and
replaced it with one of the most vicious dictators. (See Ghali Hassan,
Global Research, 26 June 2005). Now, imagine anyone questioning the
legitimacy of the U.S.-staged fraudulent and violent elections in Iraq
and Afghanistan?
In his interview with the Times, Obama revealed that: We have a joke
around the White House. Were just going to keep on telling the
truth until it stops working and nowhere is truth-telling more
important than the Middle East. In American parlance, the term
truth means fabricated lie. What the President really meant is
telling the lie, not the truth, until people start believingit.
That is what George W. Bush said, after all.
Meanwhile, Obamas speech in Cairo (04 June 2009) loaded with
deceit, obfuscation, contradiction, hypocrisy, double-standards and
empty of substance was designed to manipulate public opinion,
isolate the Islamic Republic of Iran and absolve Israels occupation
of Palestinian land. Instead of ranting from a country ruled by the
U.S.-financed longest-serving tyrant in the Middle East, Obama should
have travelled to Gaza (the largest Concentration Camp ever existed)
to witness firsthand the countless Israeli war crimes, including mass
graves of Palestinian children. Sadly, Obama failed to acknowledge and
condemned Israels violence and Israels role in Palestinians
suffering and dispossession from their land. Obama remains silent on
the recent massacre of Palestinian children and the U.S.-Israel
sponsored murderous military siege of the Gaza.
And who told Obama that Iraqis are better off under U.S. murderous
Occupation than under a sovereign indigenous government? Since 2003,
nearly 1.5 million innocent Iraqi civilians mostly women and
children have been killed and more than 5 million Iraqis are
refugees and displaced Iraqis. In addition to the destruction of
Iraqs health services and the education system, the U.S. brought into
Iraq a culture of corruption and violence unheard of in Iraqs
history. Before 2003 U.S. invasion Iraq was an envy of the region.
Todays Iraq is an example of a society that has been deliberately
terrorised and reduced to state of abject destitution, its progressive
Constitution was replaced by a U.S.-drafted sectarian and backwards
So far, Obama has proved to be the creation of the U.S. wealthy ruling
class. The President is a global celebrity modelled easily into a
brand to all people, writes author Chris Hedges. But, what the new
brand stands for remains a mystery to most ordinary people inside and
outside the U.S. Obama seems comfortable following in the footsteps of
his predecessors.
It is unfortunate that many of the so-called progressive and
leftist commentators and pundits are deliberately ignoring thepower
of the U.S. ruling class and instead focusing on Obama, the President.
The President is used to deflect public attention away from those who
exert real power in the U.S. It is not difficult to see that Obama is
surrounded by a band of anti-Muslims/anti-Arabs Judeo-Christian white
ruling class. It is a collection of wealthy Zionists who exert total
control on U.S. foreign policy, U.S. finance, the mainstream-corporate
media and the U.S. education system. The U.S. Congress is their
territory and devoted entirely to the defence of Israel and its
Zionfascist policies in Palestine. Indeed, the Obama Administration is
the most Zionist administration in Americas history.
It is naïve to suggest that Obama has inherited difficult
challenges. These are U.S. policies and Obama is in no position to
change them. In fact, Obama is continuing and extending Bushs
policies. Just after he took office, Obama said that: It will be a
seamless transition. In other words, change without change.As
usual, the U.S. Senate has just approved $106 billion dollar war
funding bill to fund the U.S. war on Afghanistan, Iraq and now
With the U.S. war on Islamic nations has no end in sight,
democratically elected nations are defamed and labelled extremist,
while brutal dictatorship and religious fundamentalist regimes are
welcomed with open arms and labelled moderate. Both terms have
nothing to do with the character of the groups.
In his Cairos speech President Barack Obama told the Muslim world:
You are either with us or against us. Picking and choosingAmericas
war on Muslim nations is not the right way to improve relations with
the Muslim world. Peace is. G Hass
2 articles here from American Free Press's printable .pdf file (attached)
1. Bilderberg Security Perimeter Extended Record Two Miles
By Peter Papaheraklis
Bilderberg security has always been extreme, but
this year in Vouliagmeni, Greece, Bilderberg
outdid itself. In addition to the annual ritual
of completely surrounding the crime scene with
armed police, plainclothesmen and private
security, Bilderberg extended its uniformed
security perimeter for more than two miles beyond
the gates of the exclusive Nafsika Astir Palace Hotel.
There are three sister hotels on the Nafsika
campus. When Bilderberg met there in 1993,
reporters and the public stayed in either of two
sister resorts and only the Nafsika Astir was
sealed off for Bilderberg. This time, one was
closed for renovation and Bilderberg spent big
bucks to keep the other empty.Thus, Bilderberg
was able to seal off the main entrance to the compound.
Despite having police cars and armed guards
deployed around a two-mile perimeter, newsmen and
patriots burst through to Bilderberg's main gate
to shout questions and scream protests.
Police seized many newsmen, most of them several
times. Police surrounded them with guns drawn,
forced them to give up their film and notes.
Bernie Davids of South Carolina, who accompanied
AFPs JimTucker and collected information for all
reporters, was among those arrested.
One evening, a stream of buses burst past dodging
guards and 300members of KKE, a Greek Communist
Party, jumped out, waving red flags and chanting
new democracy. The Communists screamed that
Bilderberg is criminal and murderous.
The following night, the right-wing LAOS Party,
also called NEOS, an acronym for Youth of the
Orthodox Rally burst through. They carried flags
saying Bilderberg Unwelcome. A man with a
bullhorn led chants. They were led by two Greek
Orthodox priests. Reporters seized at least once
included Charlie Skelton of the Guardian of
London [See Personal From the Editor, page
2.Ed.] Gerhard Wisnewski of Germany, Alexander
Kintas of Athens, Giorgio of Brussels and Richard
Toibin of Dublin, among others.
From early morning to late at night, newsmen and
protesters stormed the hotel gates, despite the
ultraextreme security efforts. Cars were stopped
by police at the PlazaVouliagmeni, wheremost of
the newsmen were staying, more than two miles
from the crime scene. The few drivers who could
produce the right credentials were waved on with
a bow and a smile. Most were turned away with a growl.
2. Nationalists Counter Global Influence of Bilderbergers
By James P. Tucker Jr. As you have and will read,
Bilderberg is hurting but still haunting. They
remain determined to formally establish the
United Nations as a world government, reducing
America to a mere geographical reference on the
map of the American Union map.
But the news has been bad for Bilderberg for a
long time. In the early 1990s, Bilderberg was
confident that the American Union, patterned
after the European Union, would be established by the year 2000nineyears ago.
Since the 2009 meeting in Greece, Bilderberg has
endured more bad news. There is a continent-wide
rebellion against the European Union, as
demonstrated by the recent elections to the
European Parliament. The EU Parliament will now
have many members dedicated to its elimination.
Europeans are fighting world government and
illegal immigration harder than Americans because
they are better informed. Most European cities
have many daily newspapers that are priceythey
rely less on advertising and tend to be
independently owned. Thats why they dare to
publish heavy coverage of Bilderbergs meetings.
Now, more than ever, nationalist patriots across
the world are opposing Bilderberg.
Throughout Europe, patriots expressed their
hostility to the EU and the fact that its
parliament can dictate laws to member states and
its court is superior to each nations highest
court. Voters also objected to EU-imposed
immigration that threatens to change each
nations culture from white to black and tan. It
is every American patriots duty to inform fellow
citizens about this evil so we can fight back,
too. We encourage you to purchase extra discount
copies of this report to hand out to friends and colleagues.
Printable File(s)
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates thepossessor from the community" Carl Jung
Subject: PEPIS#110 Bilderberger treason goes unpunished
1. Bilderberger treason goes unpunished!
2. Kay Griggs exposes figures like Henry Kissinger
1. Bilderberger treason goes unpunished!
By Jerry Mazza
Online Journal Associate Editor
Jun 5, 2009, 00:26
The True Story of the Bilderberg Group
The updated, revised, expanded
North American Union Edition
By Daniel Estulin
It is ironic, as Daniel Estulin points out, that America's fledgling
democracy established the Logan act in 1799 to protect itself from
Americans fostering foreign associations to intrude in our affairs.
Named after Dr. George Logan, a pro Republican and prescient Quaker
from Pennsylvania, it has remained almost unchanged and unfortunately
unused since its passage, though it reads with great relevance in the
shadows of the New World Order's operatives . . .
It states, "Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who,
without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly
commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any
foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to
influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any
officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies
with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United
States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than
three years, or both."
In fact, it is amazing that the Bilderberg Group has met since 1954
with funding from the CIA and is made up of the world's most powerful
people, notably US and world heads of state, made and in the making,
numerous international corporate CEOs from business, banking,
industry, media, as well as world royalty, plus high-ranking members
of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Tri-Lateral Commission.
The Bilderberg goal has been to shape policy that deeply concerns the
United States and its citizens in regards to innumerable foreign
alliances without providing US citizens any awareness of same. And not
once has any US member been indicted for their treasonous breaches in
these actions.
Even though high-ranking members of the press attend Bilderberg annual
meetings, there is little or no press coverage. They are there, as it
were, to get with and push the program, albeit disguised. The
meetings' locales are announced only days before the events, always in
a small town near a big city -- this year's at the five-star Nafsika
Astir Palace Hotel in Vouliagmeni, Greece, May 14-17.
There are no press reports of discussions, agendas or conclusions
released. Yet the matters discussed ranged this year from all facets
of the US economy, including the dollar's future, whether there will
be depression or prolonged stagnation, US unemployment; more
frighteningly, even to the destruction of the United States as we know
it into the North American Union of Canada, the US, and Mexico.
Even though I read and favorably reviewed Estulin's Bilderberg 2007:
Welcome to the Lunatic Fringe, this new edition of the story lends new
urgency to what has been happening in the darkness of the political
night we live in, both north and south of us, including newly made
associations of corporations, plans to usurp US laws to North American
Union imperatives, all part of a scheme to hammer America into the
pieces of this NAU like broken glass into an unrecognizable mosaic of
There will also be a push for the enactment of the Lisbon Treaty,
which depends on the Irish voting YES on the treaty in September or
October. One of the Bilderberg concerns is neutralizing the anti-
Lisbon treaty movement, Libertas, led by Declan Ganley. One of the
Bilderberg strategies, for instance, is a whispering campaign in the
US media, suggesting that Ganley is funded by arms dealers in the US
linked to the US military. Right there you have a bird's eye view of
the Bilderbergers in action, with enough evidence to imprison a
weighty handful of them, including some top dogs. And dogs they are,
dogs of overt and covert war.
Most notably, they include the multi-billionaire David Rockefeller and
ex-Secretary of State and war criminal Henry Kissinger. The
Rockefeller family, influence, and fortune constitute the very hub of
the Bilderberg Group. Its various spokes connect to international
finance, economics, media, science, world health, politics, public
works, any phase of life and death you can think of.
Together they form the wheel of the New World Order, rolling towards a
vast collectivist society in which free nation states are subsumed
under the Bilderberg Big Brothers, most notably Rockefeller, with an
expanded UN military force, supported by taxes on oil at the wellhead
to maintain order and security.
It is a strangely utopian notion of a "World Company," an uber
capitalist corporation vs. the nation state, a whole new Brand X of
authoritarian rule. Its model most closely resembles a free-trade
capitalist China with a communist authoritarianism to buttress it, in
which the individual vanishes literally and figuratively; in which the
rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and two classes are de
rigueur, rich and slave-class.
It's no wonder one of the first familiar faces we see on the
introduction's page xxx is Chinese-speaking, India-born Secretary of
the Treasury Timothy Geithner. He is at the 2005 Germany-based
Bilderberg meeting, then as president of New York's Federal Reserve
Bank, connecting as it were with those of common interests. How far
he's come since then and how deep we've sunk in Treasury debt.
You will find this highly secret organization's history exposed with
an encyclopedic level of documentation, including over 100 pages of
participant photos, documents, names, titles, endnotes by Daniel
Estulin, in this The True Story of The Bilderberg Group, updated
revised and expanded in his latest North American Union Edition, 385
pages in all. To date, the editions of this groundbreaking work have
sold over 2.5 million copies worldwide in 48 languages. The reason is
its relevance for citizens of every free nation in the world, now an
endangered species in the wake of Bilderberg connections and
Estulin's text reads like a mixture of Robert Ludlum, John LeCarre and
Ian Fleming, given the world of intrigue he inhabits at the highest
levels, meeting in the most luxurious, private-army and police guarded
hotels. Estulin delivers secrets from an eyewitness point of view,
having researched the group for the past 17 years and actually pierced
the secret annual meetings well before his first 2007 edition.
One time it nearly cost him his life as he waited for an elevator in a
hi-rise hotel with an information "source." As the door opened, he
stepped forward and was hauled back by the source's iron grip. There
was no floor. The elevator had been jimmied 800 feet down. One more
step and he'd been silenced. Fortunately, Estulin's family emigrated
from Russia to Ottawa, Canada. His grandfather was high-level KGB,
which gives him a genetic leg up in this predator's game.
Estulin's research has been augmented by many persons working in these
hotels who, repulsed by the Bildies, have shared information on their
dubious agendas, attendees, and locales. Then there are past and
present intelligence officials from around the world, who report in as
well, as the Bildies play "good old boys" club. They permit only a few
wives to attend, a few noted media women, and the Queen of the
Netherlands, one of the richest women in the world.
To give you a sense of its scope, the new Bilderberg edition is broken
up into four sections: Part One: the Bildberg Group, including its
foundation, bedfellows, objectives, puppets, a tale of the Watergate
con game, and Bilderberg unmasked.
Part Two: The Council on Foreign Relations, includes Hit or Miss [that
is a near miss of a hit on the author's life in Italy], 1999,
Crossover Partners, Journalistic Courtesans?, Enforced Disarmament,
CFR Cabinet Control, CFR and Psycho-Political Operations, CFR and the
Marshall Plan, Visible Partners.
Part Three: The Trilateral Commission, Back to the Future,
Sophisticated Subversion, Packaging a President, Game of Monopoly,
Bolsheviks' Benefactors, Treason for Profit, Sacrificing a Nation
The all-New Part Four: The North American Union (NAU), Detention,
2004, Overture, A Coming Union? Behind the Closed Door In Documents
& Pictures, Endnotes, a PS: actual Bilderberg Meeting Reports 2005,
2006, 2007, 2008, Author's Afterward, and Index.
Again, as someone who read the earlier edition, I can say that all the
new information is a substantial leap forward in exposing this shadow
government that is working steadily for the US and other nations'
coups and subjugation to its New World Order.
The Bilderberg Meeting Reports give you a candid view of this motley
crew, the self-proclaimed Masters of the Universe. The reports survey
crossover relationships between ex-presidents, chiefs of state from
yesterday and today, from their involvements in pointless wars and
conflicts, all ending in private profit. You walk away with a real
idea of the world elite's plans for today and tomorrow, which are
definitely not wine and roses for you.
In fact, the New World Order can be seen as a giant step backward in
time to a form of feudalism governed with today's technology and power
brokers. It is an order ruled by raw power. The smell of this power
seems to ooze out of the pages of the book and its tales, from Woodrow
Wilson and his alter-ego, Edward M. House, working together to
establish a NWO through the League of Nations . . . back to the
financing of the Bolshevik Revolution by JP Morgan to undermine the
power of the Czar and Russia.
As an alternate title to this review, I thought of "Flipping the
Bilderbergers," for in fact so many household names and faces of 20th
and 21st century politics -- from history, business, media, banking
and finance -- are revealed, involved in various predatory schemes to
deflate or inflate currencies, destroy alliances, but most of all, to
weaken America. And towards that end, is it any surprise that we find
our industrial infrastructure in ruins, General Motors in bankruptcy,
Chrysler about to be sold to Fiat, millions of American high tech jobs
outsourced to India, millions more to near and far-eastern sweatshops,
our economy bankrupted?
Is it any wonder that we find one bubble after another created and
then broken in the stock market until the market itself is broken, a
conspiracy of deregulation, and Greenspan's photo turning up in
various Bilderberg meetings, along with the ubiquitous Kissinger's,
like so many grinning cats who have swallowed the canaries? Is it any
wonder that the Trilateral Commission has broken the world in three
pieces: The Americas, Europe, and Asia, assigning South and Central
Americas as our new sweat shops, Africa as Europe's, and Vietnam,
Thailand, the Philippines as Japan's?
And so, reading this True Story of the Bilderberg Group -- The North
American Union Edition is an act of revelation. One that is necessary
to help us protect ourselves against this final trashing of our
borders as well as Canada's and Mexico's, which would pummel us into
one entity ruled by the money-lust of corporate deal-makers, the same
who have been planning this for years in their poisonous meetings.
Bottom line, the Fix is in. Innumerable deals have been and are being
made between the north and south to weaken America like a brave bull
by picadors, bleeding our strength, until the matadors thrust the
final swords in us. Do not by any means underestimate their power or
be overly afraid of it. When push comes to shove, there are more of us
than them.
In fact, being exposed, opposed, deposed are the worst nightmares of
the Bilderbergers, starting with its pointy-nosed, grinning
zillionaire posing as a philanthropist, Dr. Doom himself, along with
his cronies, from Bill Gates to Goldman Sachs, et al. We have to seek
punishment for these men (and women) who have undermined the strength
of our government and people with foreign alliances profitable only to
them. We have to bring these treasonous persons to stand for their
crimes. We have to use the Logan Act as it has never been used before
and any and all other means to gain justice or face the consequences.
That is Estulin's message, loud and clear. Read it. See it. Believe
Jerry Mazza is a freelance writer living in New York City. Reach him
at gv...@verizon.net. His new book, "State Of Shock: Poems from 9/11
on" is available at www.jerrymazza.com, Amazon or Barnesandnoble.com.
2. Kay Griggs exposes figures like Henry Kissinger
Kay Griggs, wife of colonel George Griggs, USMC (retired USMC
Commandant): 29th Commandant of the Marine Corps, found her husband's
diary, which contains details of hom*osexual blackmail in the top ranks
of the US Marine Corps and names leading politicians and military
leaders. Kay Griggs's information about the US government also comes
from observations and people she met. She exposes initiation rituals,
the raping of young men and blackmail and murders to keep people
quiet. Much of this, according to Griggs, is related to secret society
activity and she names figures like Henry Kissinger and a string of
other top government individuals. This is part 1 of 2 of the full
1. Obama officials gave secret Bilderberg briefings
2. Bilderberg Official List PDF available
3. The Alternative View II Conference - London Heathrow Airport - 29-31May09
1. Obama officials gave secret Bilderberg briefings
Obama officials gave Bilderberg briefings
A handful of high-ranking Obama administration officials this month delivered
private briefings at the annual invitation-only conference held by an elite
international organization known as the Bilderberg group.
The closed meeting of some of the most powerful business, media and political
leaders in North America and Western Europe heard from top Obama diplomatsJames
Steinberg and Richard Holbrooke, who detailed theadministrationâs foreign
policy, while economic adviser Paul Volcker, chairman of PresidentObamaâs
Economic Recovery Advisory Board, also gave a presentation at the heavily
guarded seaside resort in Greece that hosted the event.
The Bilderberg group, which takes its name from the Dutch hotel where itheld
its first meeting in 1954, exists solely to bring together between 100 and150
titans of politics, finance, military, industry, academia and media fromNorth
America and Western Europe once a year to discuss world affairs.
Its ultra-exclusive roster of globally influential figures has captured the
interest of an international network of conspiracists, who for decades have
viewed the Bilderberg conference as a devious corporate-globalist scheme.
This year's closed-press meeting, held at the five-star Astir Palace hotelin
Vouliagmeni on the Aegean Sea about 25 miles south of Athens, marked the57th
gathering of the opaque organization.
The publicity-shy Bilderberg group â" which in a raremass-circulation press
release last year described itself as âa small, flexible,informal and
off-the-record international forum in which different viewpoints can be
expressed and mutual understanding enhancedâ â"has no website and
participants are asked not to publicly discuss the proceedings.
But a meeting attendee tells POLITICO that Holbrooke, a State Departmentspecial
envoy, briefed attendees on the Obama administrationâsunified approach to
dealing with Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Steinberg, the deputy secretary of state, gave a presentation on the
administrationâs broader foreign policy and National SecurityAgency Director
Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander also participated in the conference.
An assistant to Volcker said she did not know the subject of his presentationat
this yearâs meeting. A White House official stressed thatVolcker is not a
full-time employee and wasnât representing Obama in Greece.The White House,
State Department and NSA did not respond to questions about whether Alexander,
Holbrooke and Steinberg â" all repeat Bilderberger attendeesâ" were
representing the Obama administration at the meeting and whether tax dollars
paid for their travel.
Steinberg, it should be noted, was in the region on official business fortalks
with officials from Greece, Macedonia and Montenegro, on the eve of Vice
President Joe Bidenâs trip to other Balkan states: Bosniaand Herzegovina,
Kosovo and Serbia.
Though Bilderberg tends to attract mostly former U.S. government officials,
itâs not uncommon for sitting officials to attend.
Bilderberg stalwart Henry Kissinger, whoâs attended morethan half of its
meetings, reportedly went at least twice during his stint as Secretary ofState,
while Alexander attended last yearâs session as NSA director.In 2004,
then-Sen. John Edwards (D-N.C.) attended the Bilderberg conference in Stresa,
Italy, and both TIME magazine and the New York Times reported that his
performance at a debate there played a role in his selection one month lateras
the vice presidential running mate for Democratic presidential nominee Sen.John
Kerry of Massachusetts.
But any suggestion that Bilderberg is secretly anointing world leaders or
plotting global policy is the provenance of âthe blackhelicopter crowd,â
the attendee of this yearâs conference told POLITICO.
The meetings are âone of the least well-kept secrets inthe worldâ and
âdonât have any decision-makingauthority,â said the attendee, who did not
want to be identified breaching Bilderbergâs off-the-recordrule. The attendee
called Bilderberg âa useful group of people who arewell-connected and
thoughtful who put on these meetings and usually invite a few people fromthe
[U.S.] administration to come so they understand what the administrationis
2. Bilderberg Official Press Release PDF download
Simple - find it here
3. The Alternative View II Conference - London Heathrow Airport - 29-31May09
The Alternative View II website
Aim: To advance awareness and facilitate discussion of Political, Scientificand
Spiritual alternatives without constraint by Consensus Reality and/or Received
The Alternative View is more than a Conference ... it's a Community!
Meet and share your thoughts amongst the increasing number of people whor*alise
that the world and humanity are in a process of scientific, political &
spiritual transition.
As a three day residential conference, registrations begin at 5.00pm on the
Friday, with the speakers and entertainment beginning at 7.30pm. Alongsideour
speakers, throughout the weekend you will have access to our AlternativeMarket,
as well as a full programme of Workshops, allowing you a choice of activities.
There will also be events and happenings every evening, right up until theearly
hours of Monday morning â" allowing you plenty of time to networkand make your
own journey of discovery.
Mankind is at a fork in the road. Ahead, potentially, is an Orwellian nightmare,
or an opportunity to participate in creating a new beginning for our world.
There is a co-ordinated effort by our world leaders (elected and unelected),
with the willing help of a corporate controlled mass media, to use manufactured
global crises to create what they term a âNew WorldOrderâ. Youâve heard
that term in the media, indeed Gordon Brown uses the phrase with alarming
regularity, but what does it mean? Simply this: A global super state, controlled
by a World Government, policed by a World Army, with a single WorldCurrencyâ¦
and a single world Religion!
There is, however, an Alternative View. An alternative which will be mappedout
at âAVIIâ, after we have shown our delegates- through well researched
evidence and facts - what is really going on around us.
The Alternative View is not just an event, itâs a Community.Our aim is to
facilitate a community of shared values which supports, nurtures and encourages
an alternative sustainable existence. An existence that does not differentiate
between race or creed but which is founded upon mutual respect, understanding
and support.
If you are visiting this website, you probably already know that somethingis
not quite right in how events are being portrayed. This conference is
all-encompassing; only by joining us from Friday evening until the earlyhours
of Monday morning will you see the entire âBigPictureâ unfolding in front
of you.
Due to limits in numbers we can cater for, we are initially ONLY making full
weekend tickets available â" this is to ensure that ourâEarly Birdâ
delegates get the opportunity to secure the on-site accommodation for the
weekend. With prices starting from just £35.00 per person pernight*, itâs an
offer you simply cannot miss!
*Based on a Bed & Breakfast package for three nights, when you sharea Double or
Twin Bed room â" incredible value for a London hotel!
1. 2009 Participant list - from German/Austrian site
2. VIPS AT SECRET SUMMIT - Sunday Express
3. REMINDER - Revealed: The secret report that shows how the Nazis planneda Fourth Reich ...in the EU - Daily Mail
1. 2009 Participant list - from German/Austrian site UNCONFIRMED
Montag, 18. Mai 2009 - Liste der Teilnehmer Bilderberg 2009
In this Greek Newspaper the list of the participants of the "Bilderberg-Meeting"was published. http://www.tovima.gr/
It would be a good idea to check, if this list is correct. Thanks in advance.
German text in the Blog:
List of the participants of Bilderberg 2009 (some difficulties as transferredfrom abot Greek Newspaper ...).
Liste der Teilnehmer Bilderberg 2009
Hier die vorläufige Liste der Teilnehmer am Bilderberg-Treffen inVouliagmeni Griechenland, wie veröffentlicht durch die griechische ZeitungTo Vima:
Beatrix - Königin der Niederlande
Sofia - Königin von Spanien
Konstantin - ehemaliger König von Griechenland
Prinz von Belgien - Mitglied des Club of Rome
Joseph Ackerman - Vorstandsvorsitzende der Deutschen Bank
Kieth Alexander - Direktor der US National Security Agency (NSA), grössterGeheimdienst der Welt
Roger Altman - Vizefinanzminister unter Präsident Clinton
Efstratios-Georgios A. Arapoglou - Zentralbankchef Griechenland
Ali Babacan - Wirtschaftsminister Türkei
Francisco Pinto Balsemão - Portugisischer Ministerpräsident
Nicolas Baverez- Herausgeber Le Point Frankreich
Franco Bernabè - Chef von Telecom Italia
Xavier Bertrand - Generalsekretär der UMP Partei Frankreich
Nils Daniel Carl Bildt - Aussenminister Schweden
Jan Bgiorklount
Christoph Blocher - ehemaliger Bundesrat und ehemaliger Parteichef der SVP
Alexander Bompar
Anna Boten
Henry Alfred Kissinger - ex-US-Sicherheitsberater und US-
Aussenminister, Chef von alles
Juan-Luis Themprian
Edmunds Clark
Kenneth Harry Clarke - ex-Finanzminister Grossbritannien
Luc Cohen
George David
Richard Ntiarlav
Mario Draghi - Chef der italienischen Zentralbank
Anders Elntroup
John Jacob Philip Elkann - Vizepräsident des Fiat-Konzerns
Thomas Enders - Chef Airbus
José Manuel Entrecanales - Chef des Baukonzerns Acciona Spanien
Niall Ferguson - [Rothschild personal biographer] Professor für
Wirtschaft an der Havard Business School
Timothy Franz Geithner - Finanzminister der USA
Donald Graham
Victor Halberstadt - Professor für Wirtschaftswissenschaften Uni Leiden
Ernst Chirs Ballina
Richard Holbrooke - Sonderbeauftragter für Pakistan und Afghanistanfür Obama
Jaap de Hoop - NATO-Generalsekretär
James Logan Jones Jr. - Sicherheitsberater von Präsident Obama
Vernon Eulion Jordan - ehemaliger Berater von Präsident Clinton
Robert Kagan - US-Regierungsberater für Sicherheitspolitik, Terrorismusund den Balkan
Jyrki Katainen - Finanzminister Finnland
Mustafa Kots
Cohen Samiou
Henry Kravis - Hudson Institute
Marie-Josee Kravis - Hudson Institute
Neelie Kroes - EU-Kommissar für Wettbewerb
Odysseas Kyriakopoulos - Präsident des Verbandes Griechischer Industrien
Manuela Ferreira Leite - portugiesische Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin undPolitikerin
Bernarntino Leon
Jessica Matthews
Philip Meistant
Frank McKenna - Vizevorsitzender der TD Bank Financial Group
John Micklethwait - Wirtschaftsredakteur The Economist
Tieri Montmprian
Mario Monti - Präsident der Wirtschaftsuniversität Luigi Bocconi
Miguel Ángel Moratinos - Aussenminister Spanien
Craig Mundie - Chefstratege Microsoft
Egkil Miklempast
Denis Olivennes - Direktor Nouvel Observateur Frankreich
Frederic Oudea - Chef Societe General Bank Frankreich
Cem Özdemir - Bundesvorsitzender der Partei Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa - ex-Finanzminister Italien
Dimitris Papalexopoulos - Chef Titan Cement Company S.A. Griechenland
Richard Pearl - Sicherheitsberater unter George W. Bush
David Petraeus - Kommandeur des übergeordneten US Central Command
Manuel Pint
Robert Pritsarnt
Romano Prodi - ex-Ministerpräsident Italien, ex-Präsident derEuropäischen Kommission
Heather Reisman - Chefin Indigo Books & Music Inc Kanada
Eivind Reiten - Generaldirektor des Petroleumskonzerns Norsk Hydro
Michael Ringier - Verwaltungsratspräsident der Ringier Holding AG,grösster Verlag der Schweiz
David Rockefeller - Banker, Gründer der Council on Foreign Relationsund Trilateralen Kommission
Dennis Ross
Barnet Ruby
Alberto Ruiz-Gallardòn - Bürgermeister von Madrid
Susan Sampantzi Ntintzer
Intira Samarasekera
Rountol Solten -
Jürgen Schrempp - ex-Vorstandsvorsitzender der DaimlerChrysler AG
Pedro Solbes Mira - ex-Wirtschafts- und Finanzminister Spanien
Sampatzi Saraz
Sanata Seketa
Lawrence Summers - ex-Chefökonom der Weltbank, ex-Finanzminister unterClinton, Wirtschaftsberater von Obama
Peter Sutherland
Martin Taylor
Peter Thiel - ex-Chef PayPal
Agan Ourgkout
Matti Vanhanen - Premieminister Finnland
Daniel Vasella - Chef von Novartis
Jeroen van der Veer - Chef Royal Dutch Shell
Guy Verhofstadt - ehemaliger Premierminister Belgien
Paul Volcker - ehemaliger Fed Chef, Wirtschaftsberater von Barack Obama
Jacob Wallenberg - Bankier und Grossindustrieller.
Marcus Wallenberg -
Nout Wellink - Chef der niederländischen Zentralbank, Mitglied derEuropäischen Zentralbank
Hans Vizers -
Martin Wolf - Journalist der Financial Times
James David Wolfensohn - ehemaliger Präsident der Weltbank
Paul Wolfowitz - ex-Präsident der Weltbank, Berater von George W. Bush,und stellvertretender, ex-Verteidigungsminister der USA
Farint Zakaria - Journalist der Newsweek
Robert Zoellick - Präsident der Weltbank
Dora Bakoyannis - Aussenminister Griechenland
Anna Diamantopoulou - Parlamentsmitglied der PASOK Griechenland
I. Papathanasiou - Finanzminister Griechenland
G. Alogoskoufis - ehemaliger Minister Griechenland
George David - Präsident CocaCola Griechenland
Sunday Express - May 17,2009
By Helena Smith
ARMED guards are patrolling the grounds of the Athenian Rivieras luxuriousAstir Palace resort this weekend to ensure impenetrable privacy for a coterieof A1 celebrities but dont ask who they are.
They make the Vatican look open
They are attending the annual gathering of the powerful Bilderberg illuminati,a club so secret that officially it does not even exist.
The five-star hotel is hosting a roll call of luminaries royalty,politicians, bankers, plutocrats and backroom power brokers who willbe debating the great global problems of the day and what they might do tosolve them.
SECRET SOCIETY: US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is said to be partof the Bilderberg illuminati
Since its foundation in the Netherlands in 1954 at the Hotel de Bilderberg,the group has guarded its identity so jealously that only a chosen few aresummoned and attendance is strictly by invitation only.
One well-placed insider, who dared not give his name, said: Bilderbergmakes the Vatican look positively open. These are hugely influential people,men and women who truly wield power.
The Athens meeting, its 55th, might have gone unnoticed had it not been forthe intense media scrutiny that the organisation has come under with theadvent of the internet and technology-driven information transparency.
It is believed that US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, along with Googleboss Eric Schmidt, World Bank president Robert Zoellick and members of severalEuropean royal houses are in Athens for the forum, originally set up to haltanti-Americanism in Europe and promote joint understanding.
3. Revealed: The secret report that shows how the Nazis planned a FourthReich ...in the EU
Last updated at 10:30 PM on 09th May 2009
The paper is aged and fragile, the typewritten letters slowly fading. ButUS Military Intelligence report EW-Pa 128 is as chilling now as the day itwas written in November 1944.
The document, also known as the Red House Report, is a detailed account ofa secret meeting at the Maison Rouge Hotel in Strasbourg on August 10, 1944.There, Nazi officials ordered an elite group of German industrialists toplan for Germany's post-war recovery, prepare for the Nazis' return to powerand work for a 'strong German empire'. In other words: the Fourth Reich.
Plotters: SS chief Heinrich Himmler with Max Faust, engineer with Nazi-backedcompany I. G. Farben
The three-page, closely typed report, marked 'Secret', copied to Britishofficials and sent by air pouch to Cordell Hull, the US Secretary of State,detailed how the industrialists were to work with the Nazi Party to rebuildGermany's economy by sending money through Switzerland.
They would set up a network of secret front companies abroad. They wouldwait until conditions were right. And then they would take over Germany again.
The industrialists included representatives of Volkswagen, Krupp andMesserschmitt. Officials from the Navy and Ministry of Armaments were alsoat the meeting and, with incredible foresight, they decided together thatthe Fourth German Reich, unlike its predecessor, would be an economic ratherthan a military empire - but not just German.
The Red House Report, which was unearthed from US intelligence files, wasthe inspiration for my thriller The Budapest Protocol.
The book opens in 1944 as the Red Army advances on the besieged city, thenjumps to the present day, during the election campaign for the first presidentof Europe. The European Union superstate is revealed as a front for a sinisterconspiracy, one rooted in the last days of the Second World War.
But as I researched and wrote the novel, I realised that some of the RedHouse Report had become fact.
Nazi Germany did export massive amounts of capital through neutral countries.German businesses did set up a network of front companies abroad. The Germaneconomy did soon recover after 1945.
The Third Reich was defeated militarily, but powerful Nazi-era bankers,industrialists and civil servants, reborn as democrats, soon prospered inthe new West Germany. There they worked for a new cause: European economicand political integration.
Is it possible that the Fourth Reich those Nazi industrialists foresaw has,in some part at least, come to pass?
The Red House Report was written by a French spy who was at the meeting inStrasbourg in 1944 - and it paints an extraordinary picture.
The industrialists gathered at the Maison Rouge Hotel waited expectantlyas SS Obergruppenfuhrer Dr Scheid began the meeting. Scheid held one of thehighest ranks in the SS, equivalent to Lieutenant General. He cut an imposingfigure in his tailored grey-green uniform and high, peaked cap with silverbraiding. Guards were posted outside and the room had been searched formicrophones.
Death camp: Auschwitz, where tens of thousands of slave labourers died workingin a factory run by German firm I. G. Farben
There was a sharp intake of breath as he began to speak. German industrymust realise that the war cannot be won, he declared. 'It must take stepsin preparation for a post-war commercial campaign.' Such defeatist talk wastreasonous - enough to earn a visit to the Gestapo's cellars, followed bya one-way trip to a concentration camp.
But Scheid had been given special licence to speak the truth the futureof the Reich was at stake. He ordered the industrialists to 'make contactsand alliances with foreign firms, but this must be done individually andwithout attracting any suspicion'.
The industrialists were to borrow substantial sums from foreign countriesafter the war.
They were especially to exploit the finances of those German firms that hadalready been used as fronts for economic penetration abroad, said Scheid,citing the American partners of the steel giant Krupp as well as Zeiss, Leicaand the Hamburg-America Line shipping company.
But as most of the industrialists left the meeting, a handful were beckonedinto another smaller gathering, presided over by Dr Bosse of the ArmamentsMinistry. There were secrets to be shared with the elite of the elite.
Bosse explained how, even though the Nazi Party had informed the industrialiststhat the war was lost, resistance against the Allies would continue untila guarantee of German unity could be obtained. He then laid out the secretthree-stage strategy for the Fourth Reich.
In stage one, the industrialists were to 'prepare themselves to finance theNazi Party, which would be forced to go underground as a Maquis', using theterm for the French resistance.
Stage two would see the government allocating large sums to German industrialiststo establish a 'secure post-war foundation in foreign countries', while 'existingfinancial reserves must be placed at the disposal of the party so that astrong German empire can be created after the defeat'.
In stage three, German businesses would set up a 'sleeper' network of agentsabroad through front companies, which were to be covers for military researchand intelligence, until the Nazis returned to power.
'The existence of these is to be known only by very few people in each industryand by chiefs of the Nazi Party,' Bosse announced.
'Each office will have a liaison agent with the party. As soon as the partybecomes strong enough to re-establish its control over Germany, theindustrialists will be paid for their effort and co-operation by concessionsand orders.'
Extraordinary revelations: The 1944 Red House Report, detailing 'plans ofGerman industrialists to engage in underground activity'
The exported funds were to be channelled through two banks in Zurich, orvia agencies in Switzerland which bought property in Switzerland for Germanconcerns, for a five per cent commission.
The Nazis had been covertly sending funds through neutral countries for years.
Swiss banks, in particular the Swiss National Bank, accepted gold lootedfrom the treasuries of Nazi-occupied countries. They accepted assets andproperty titles taken from Jewish businessmen in Germany and occupied countries,and supplied the foreign currency that the Nazis needed to buy vital warmaterials.
Swiss economic collaboration with the Nazis had been closely monitored byAllied intelligence.
The Red House Report's author notes: 'Previously, exports of capital by Germanindustrialists to neutral countries had to be accomplished rather surreptitiouslyand by means of special influence.
'Now the Nazi Party stands behind the industrialists and urges them to savethemselves by getting funds outside Germany and at the same time advancethe party's plans for its post-war operations.'
The order to export foreign capital was technically illegal in Nazi Germany,but by the summer of 1944 the law did not matter.
More than two months after D-Day, the Nazis were being squeezed by the Alliesfrom the west and the Soviets from the east. Hitler had been badly woundedin an assassination attempt. The Nazi leadership was nervous, fractious andquarrelling.
During the war years the SS had built up a gigantic economic empire, basedon plunder and murder, and they planned to keep it.
A meeting such as that at the Maison Rouge would need the protection of theSS, according to Dr Adam Tooze of Cambridge University, author of Wages ofDestruction: The Making And Breaking Of The Nazi Economy.
He says: 'By 1944 any discussion of post-war planning was banned. It wasextremely dangerous to do that in public. But the SS was thinking in thelong-term. If you are trying to establish a workable coalition after thewar, the only safe place to do it is under the auspices of the apparatusof terror.'
Shrewd SS leaders such as Otto Ohlendorf were already thinking ahead.
As commander of Einsatzgruppe D, which operated on the Eastern Front between1941 and 1942, Ohlendorf was responsible for the murder of 90,000 men, womenand children.
A highly educated, intelligent lawyer and economist, Ohlendorf showed greatconcern for the psychological welfare of his extermination squad's gunmen:he ordered that several of them should fire simultaneously at their victims,so as to avoid any feelings of personal responsibility.
By the winter of 1943 he was transferred to the Ministry of Economics.Ohlendorf's ostensible job was focusing on export trade, but his real prioritywas preserving the SS's massive pan-European economic empire after Germany'sdefeat.
Ohlendorf, who was later hanged at Nuremberg, took particular interest inthe work of a German economist called Ludwig Erhard. Erhard had written alengthy manuscript on the transition to a post-war economy after Germany'sdefeat. This was dangerous, especially as his name had been mentioned inconnection with resistance groups.
But Ohlendorf, who was also chief of the SD, the Nazi domestic security service,protected Erhard as he agreed with his views on stabilising the post-warGerman economy. Ohlendorf himself was protected by Heinrich Himmler, thechief of the SS.
Ohlendorf and Erhard feared a bout of hyper-inflation, such as the one thathad destroyed the German economy in the Twenties. Such a catastrophe wouldrender the SS's economic empire almost worthless.
The two men agreed that the post-war priority was rapid monetary stabilisationthrough a stable currency unit, but they realised this would have to be enforcedby a friendly occupying power, as no post-war German state would have enoughlegitimacy to introduce a currency that would have any value.
That unit would become the Deutschmark, which was introduced in 1948. Itwas an astonishing success and it kick-started the German economy. With astable currency, Germany was once again an attractive trading partner.
The German industrial conglomerates could rapidly rebuild their economicempires across Europe.
War had been extraordinarily profitable for the German economy. By 1948 -despite six years of conflict, Allied bombing and post-war reparations payments- the capital stock of assets such as equipment and buildings was largerthan in 1936, thanks mainly to the armaments boom.
Erhard pondered how German industry could expand its reach across the shatteredEuropean continent. The answer was through supranationalism - the voluntarysurrender of national sovereignty to an international body.
Germany and France were the drivers behind the European Coal and Steel Community(ECSC), the precursor to the European Union. The ECSC was the first supranationalorganisation, established in April 1951 by six European states. It createda common market for coal and steel which it regulated. This set a vital precedentfor the steady erosion of national sovereignty, a process that continuestoday.
But before the common market could be set up, the Nazi industrialists hadto be pardoned, and Nazi bankers and officials reintegrated. In 1957, JohnJ. McCloy, the American High Commissioner for Germany, issued an amnestyfor industrialists convicted of war crimes.
The two most powerful Nazi industrialists, Alfried Krupp of Krupp Industriesand Friedrich Flick, whose Flick Group eventually owned a 40 per cent stakein Daimler-Benz, were released from prison after serving barely three years.
Krupp and Flick had been central figures in the Nazi economy. Their companiesused slave labourers like cattle, to be worked to death.
The Krupp company soon became one of Europe's leading industrial combines.
The Flick Group also quickly built up a new pan-European business empire.Friedrich Flick remained unrepentant about his wartime record and refusedto pay a single Deutschmark in compensation until his death in July 1972at the age of 90, when he left a fortune of more than $1billion, the equivalentof £400million at the time.
'For many leading industrial figures close to the Nazi regime, Europe becamea cover for pursuing German national interests after the defeat of Hitler,'says historian Dr Michael Pinto-Duschinsky, an adviser to Jewish former slavelabourers.
'The continuity of the economy of Germany and the economies of post-war Europeis striking. Some of the leading figures in the Nazi economy became leadingbuilders of the European Union.'
Numerous household names had exploited slave and forced labourers includingBMW, Siemens and Volkswagen, which produced munitions and the V1 rocket.
Slave labour was an integral part of the Nazi war machine. Many concentrationcamps were attached to dedicated factories where company officials workedhand-in-hand with the SS officers overseeing the camps.
Like Krupp and Flick, Hermann Abs, post-war Germany's most powerful banker,had prospered in the Third Reich. Dapper, elegant and diplomatic, Abs joinedthe board of Deutsche Bank, Germany's biggest bank, in 1937. As the Naziempire expanded, Deutsche Bank enthusiastically 'Aryanised' Austrian andCzechoslovak banks that were owned by Jews.
By 1942, Abs held 40 directorships, a quarter of which were in countriesoccupied by the Nazis. Many of these Aryanised companies used slave labourand by 1943 Deutsche Bank's wealth had quadrupled.
Abs also sat on the supervisory board of I.G. Farben, as Deutsche Bank'srepresentative. I.G. Farben was one of Nazi Germany's most powerful companies,formed out of a union of BASF, Bayer, Hoechst and subsidiaries in the Twenties.
It was so deeply entwined with the SS and the Nazis that it ran its own slavelabour camp at Auschwitz, known as Auschwitz III, where tens of thousandsof Jews and other prisoners died producing artificial rubber.
When they could work no longer, or were verbraucht (used up) in the Nazis'chilling term, they were moved to Birkenau. There they were gassed usingZyklon B, the patent for which was owned by I.G. Farben.
But like all good businessmen, I.G. Farben's bosses hedged their bets.
During the war the company had financed Ludwig Erhard's research. After thewar, 24 I.G. Farben executives were indicted for war crimes over AuschwitzIII - but only twelve of the 24 were found guilty and sentenced to prisonterms ranging from one-and-a-half to eight years. I.G. Farben got away withmass murder.
Abs was one of the most important figures in Germany's post-war reconstruction.It was largely thanks to him that, just as the Red House Report exhorted,a 'strong German empire' was indeed rebuilt, one which formed the basis oftoday's European Union.
Abs was put in charge of allocating Marshall Aid - reconstruction funds -to German industry. By 1948 he was effectively managing Germany's economicrecovery.
Crucially, Abs was also a member of the European League for EconomicCo-operation, an elite intellectual pressure group set up in 1946. The leaguewas dedicated to the establishment of a common market, the precursor of theEuropean Union.
Its members included industrialists and financiers and it developed policiesthat are strikingly familiar today - on monetary integration and commontransport, energy and welfare systems.
When Konrad Adenauer, the first Chancellor of West Germany, took power in1949, Abs was his most important financial adviser.
Behind the scenes Abs was working hard for Deutsche Bank to be allowed toreconstitute itself after decentralisation. In 1957 he succeeded and he returnedto his former employer.
That same year the six members of the ECSC signed the Treaty of Rome, whichset up the European Economic Community. The treaty further liberalised tradeand established increasingly powerful supranational institutions includingthe European Parliament and European Commission.
Like Abs, Ludwig Erhard flourished in post-war Germany. Adenauer made ErhardGermany's first post-war economics minister. In 1963 Erhard succeeded Adenaueras Chancellor for three years.
But the German economic miracle so vital to the idea of a new Europe- was built on mass murder. The number of slave and forced labourers whodied while employed by German companies in the Nazi era was 2,700,000.
Some sporadic compensation payments were made but German industry agreeda conclusive, global settlement only in 2000, with a £3billion compensationfund. There was no admission of legal liability and the individual compensationwas paltry.
A slave labourer would receive 15,000 Deutschmarks (about £5,000), aforced labourer 5,000 (about £1,600). Any claimant accepting the dealhad to undertake not to launch any further legal action.
To put this sum of money into perspective, in 2001 Volkswagen alone madeprofits of £1.8billion.
Next month, 27 European Union member states vote in the biggest transnationalelection in history. Europe now enjoys peace and stability. Germany is ademocracy, once again home to a substantial Jewish community. The Holocaustis seared into national memory.
But the Red House Report is a bridge from a sunny present to a dark past.Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's propaganda chief, once said: 'In 50 years' timenobody will think of nation states.'
For now, the nation state endures. But these three typewritten pages area reminder that today's drive towards a European federal state is inexorablytangled up with the plans of the SS and German industrialists for a FourthReich - an economic rather than military imperium.
The Budapest Protocol, Adam LeBor's thriller inspired by the Red HouseReport, is published by Reportage Press.
Many of us have been attempting to yell this from the rooftops for a longtime now. The roots of the EU have a clear and definable route to the defeatof the Nazis and, what we are actually seeing now is the log awaited moveto re-take control.
The current economic collapse is merely a move to "level the playing field"so to speak, giving a good (but false) reason to enact the European Constitution.
If this odious piece of legislature is ever ratified, the EU will give itselfpowers that even Hitler would have baulked at. We must make no mistake, theEU IS the continuation of The Third Reich. It's sole aim is to empower itselffor its own ends and has nothing to do with the good of any but a few.
If we do not simply remove ourselves from the EU as a political "ally" andrevert to purely trading links, then we will have lost WW3 - without manyof us even realising it had started. And STILL people will not listen.
- Paul Kearns, Ilfracombe, HMP England, 10/5/2009 08:52
Find this story athttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1179902/Revealed-The-secret-report-shows-Nazis-planned-Fourth-Reich--EU.html
Real time discussions here
Top Nazis Planned EU-Style Fourth Reich
Influential economists and industrialists were ordered to preserve Nazi powerby creating European common market, documents show (see below)
London Guardian Runs Joke Coverage Of Bilderberg
Only mainstream coverage on huge confab of heads of state, global businessand academia comes from a comedian
Top Nazis Planned EU-Style Fourth Reich
Influential economists and industrialists were ordered to preserve Nazi powerby creating European common market, documents show
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Monday, May 11, 2009
A writer who was collecting material for a fictional book based around thepremise that top Nazis, seeking to preserve their power at the end of thesecond world war, conspired to create a Fourth Reich under the auspices ofthe European Union, actually discovered documents proving the plot to betrue.
In a Daily Mail piece, Adam Lebor reveals how he uncovered US MilitaryIntelligence report EW-Pa 128, also known as The Red House Report, whichdetails how top Nazis secretly met at the Maison Rouge Hotel in Strasbourgon August 10, 1944 and, knowing Germany was on the brink of military defeat,conspired to create a Fourth Reich - a pan-European economic empire basedaround a European common market.
Top Nazi industrialists were ordered by SS Obergruppenfuhrer Dr Scheid toset up front companies abroad and pose as democrats in order to achieve economicpenetration and lay the foundations for the re- emergence of the Nazi party.
The Third Reich was defeated militarily, but powerful Nazi-era bankers,industrialists and civil servants, reborn as democrats, soon prospered inthe new West Germany. There they worked for a new cause: European economicand political integration, writes Lebor.
Wealthy Nazi industrialists like Alfried Krupp of Krupp Industries and FriedrichFlick, as well as front companies like BMW, Siemens and Volkswagen, set aboutthe task of building a new pan-European business empire. According to historianDr Michael Pinto-Duschinsky, an adviser to Jewish former slave labourers,For many leading industrial figures close to the Nazi regime, Europebecame a cover for pursuing German national interests after the defeat ofHitler .The continuity of the economy of Germany and the economies ofpost-war Europe is striking. Some of the leading figures in the Nazi economybecame leading builders of the European Union.
Banking titan Hermann Abs, who joined board of Deutsche Bank during the riseof Nazis, also sat on the supervisory board of I.G. Farben, the company thatmade the Zyklon B gas used to kill concentration camp victims. Abswas put in charge of allocating Marshall Aid - reconstruction funds - toGerman industry. By 1948 he was effectively managing Germanys economicrecovery, writes Lebor.
Crucially, Abs was also a member of the European League for EconomicCo-operation, an elite intellectual pressure group set up in 1946. The leaguewas dedicated to the establishment of a common market, the precursor of theEuropean Union.
The European League for Economic Co-operation developed policies for Europeanintegration that almost mirrored those proposed by Nazis just years previously.
In his book Europes Full Circle, Rodney Atkinson providesa list of policies proposed by Nazis and their similarity to todaysEuropean Union.
- Europaische Wirtshaftsgemeinschaft
- European Economic Community
- European Currency System
- European Exchange Rate Mechanism
- Europabank (Berlin)
- European Central Bank (Frankfurt)
- European Regional Principle
- Committee of the Regions
- Common Labour Policy
- Social Chapter
- Economic and Trading Agreements
- Single Market
Is it possible that the Fourth Reich those Nazi industrialists foresawhas, in some part at least, come to pass? asks Lebor.
These three typewritten pages are a reminder that todays drivetowards a European federal state is inexorably tangled up with the plansof the SS and German industrialists for a Fourth Reich - an economic ratherthan military imperium.
As we have highlighted in the past, Nazism and the EU have some very disturbingparallels. Indeed, the two are fundamentally intertwined and the originsof the EU can be traced directly back to the Nazis.
The foundations for the EU and ultimately the Euro single currency were laidby the secretive Bilderberg Group in the mid-1950s. Bilderbergsowned leaked documents prove that the agenda to create a European commonmarket and a single currency were formulated by Bilderberg in 1955. One ofthe groups principle founders was H. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands,a former Nazi SS officer.
But the ideological framework for the European Union goes back even further,to the 1940s when top Nazi economists and academics outlined the planfor a single European economic community, an agenda that was duly followedafter the end of the second world war.
In his 1940 book The European Community, Nazi Economics Minister and warcriminal Walther Funk wrote about the need to create a Central EuropeanUnion and European Economic Area and for fixed exchangerates, stating No nation in Europe can achieve on its own the highestlevel of economic freedom which is compatible with all socialrequirements The formation of very large economic areas follows a naturallaw of development .interstate agreements in Europe will control [economicforces generally] There must be a readiness to subordinate onesown interests in certain cases to those of [the EC].
Funks co-authors echoed his sentiments. Nazi academic Heinrich Hunkewrote, Classic national economy..is dead community of fate whichis the European economy fate and extent of European co-operation dependson a new unity economic plan.
Fellow Nazi Gustav Koenig observed, We have a real European Communitytask before us I am convinced that this Community effort will last beyondthe end of the war.
In 1940, Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels ordered the creation of thelarge-scale economic unification of Europe, believing that infifty years time [people would] no longer think in terms ofcountries. Just 53 years later, the European Union in its current formwas established.
Other top Nazis who called for the creation of a pan-European federal economicsuperstate include Ribbentrop, Quisling and Seyss-Inquart, who spoke ofThe new Europe of solidarity and co-operation among all its people will find rapidly increasing prosperity once national economic boundariesare removed.
Such rhetoric would not look out of place at a present day Bilderberg, TrilateralCommission or CFR confab.
The Nazis killed people who spoke out against the Third Reich, whereas theEU has implemented an altogether more efficient solution - simply kill theirfree speech instead.
A Dutch MP was recently refused entry to Britain because his political opinionswere deemed offensive under EU laws. Euro MPs have consistently attemptedto ban the dangerous and unregulated blogosphere in an attemptto shut down free speech on the Internet. Under the 1999 ruling of the EuropeanCourt Of Justice (case 274/99), it is illegal to criticize the EU and theEU is on a mission to outlaw any national political parties that do not panderto the European federal superstate agenda.
Most of the individuals who hold the reigns of power in the European Unionare not Nazis, indeed, they probably believe themselves to be fair-mindedliberals working for the greater good. However, the EuropeanUnion by its very nature is totalitarian, because it seeks to remove powerfrom national governments accountable to their electorate and centralizeit into the hands of supra-national entities that are accountable to nobodybut themselves. It also seeks to remove the right of free speech for anyonein a position of influence who criticizes this agenda.
The fact that the EU was a brainchild of top Nazi economists and industrialists,formulated as a means of preserving dictatorial power and then implementedby a former Nazi working under the auspices of the Bilderberg Group in 1955,proves that the entire European Union system is poisoned with a legacy anda raison dêtre of totalitarianism.
This is becoming increasingly obvious in the 21st century as popular socialmovements across Europe rise up to oppose the blatant power grab being undertakenby the EU via the Lisbon Treaty, which will again be put before Irish voterslater this year despite them already rejecting it in a national referendum,which prevented the treaty from being enforced.
2. 2009 Bilderberg Conference in Athens, Greece?
4. BILL MOYERS JOURNAL | William K. Black | PBS
by Marek Tysis
The reinforcement of the IMF, the World Bank, OECD, etc decided at the G20is the use of old formula to keep control of the world. But will it succeed?
This is another affair. A lot of Bilderbergers have lost their jobs, thelast in date is Rick Wagoner,...they fight to be still in control, but Ibelieve a new class of millionaire will be invited at Bilderberg's meetingsin the future, under the auspice of KISSINGER and David Rockefeller.
The G20 conference adopted the credo of no Protectionism admitted, becauseit should stop their insane dreams....
Several sources indicate this year's Bildebrerg meeting will take place injust over a month's time.
2. 2009 Bilderberg Conference in Athens, Greece?
B31548 / Wed, 25 Mar 2009 11:54:43 / Miscellaneous
Reports: Bilderberg To Meet in Athens
Greek media outlets state that elite luminaries will convene on luxury resortin mid May
Steve Watson Infowars March 24, 2009
Reports circling in the Greek media have suggested that the location of thisyears secretive Bilderberg meeting will be Athens, Greece.
GR Reporter, a Greek based website that gathers information from differentprint and electronic media in Greece, reports that the Elefterios Tipos newspaperrecently announced the location and date of the meeting as Athens between14th and 16th of May.
A second report in another Greek newspaper, Tovima, has also suggested thatthe confab will be held in Athens in the same area that hosted the 1993conference.
According to the reports, invited guests include the Queen of NetherlandsBeatrix, the Spanish Queen Sophia, Lawrence Summers, head of the NationalEconomic Council and James Jones, head of the US National Security Council.
Meanwhile, researchers have also picked up on an article by Andrew Rettmanin the EU Observer alleging that the meeting would take place in Europe sometimein June. Rettman has not responded to emails requesting additional information.
If the meeting does take place in Athens, it is likely that the group willuse the Nafsika Astir Palace (pictured), the resort that was previously usedby the heads of global business, banking and politics.
Situated in Vouliagmeni, a few miles south of Athens, the hotel is builtalong a cliff side and features a private beach at sea level, with a businesscenter and a large conference room.
It must be stressed however, that such reports may be mere conjecture, oreven a disinformation campaign by Bilderberg itself, in an attempt to throwresearchers and journalists off their scent.
Bilderberg usually convene at the end of May into early June. The 2005 meetingin Germany was in early May but every other meeting over the last decadehas been later in the month of May or in early June.
Similar reports were circulated prior to last years conference, alsopinpointing the location as Athens. However, the actual location turned outto be the Marriott Hotel in Chantilly, Virginia, a few miles from WashingtonDC.
Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were thought to have attended the meeting,which took place at the height of the run in to the national party nominationsand the Presidential election.
The hectic scenes outside last years Bilderberg conference were documentedin filmmaker Alex Jones newly released feature The Obama Deception.
In 2006 Alex Jones traveled to Ottawa, Canada after gaining intelligencethat the Bilderberg meeting would take place there. Jones and his team weredetained by Canadian immigration on orders of the Bilderberg Group for a15 hour nightmare of interrogation, accusations and threats of arrests inanticipation of the conference.
However, Jones made it to the Brookestreet Hotel in Ottawa, met up with veteranBilderberg investigator Jim Tucker and Daniel Estulin, author of The TrueStory of the Bilderberg Group, to capture footage that would later appearin his seminal film Endgame.
It was mainly due to the efforts of the three activists combined that elementsof the Canadian media produced a rash of reports about the Ottawa meeting.
Media moguls who attend Bilderberg, such as Washington Post CEO and ChairmanDonald E. Graham, swear an oath of secrecy and fulfil a promise each yearto omit any coverage of Bilderberg from their news outlets.
At the time Estulin stated that inside sources had informed him that theelite group was seeking to artificially inflate the subprime housing sectorover a course of 18 months, in order to lure investors back into the market,before bottoming it out and consolidating the gains (see the video below).Now this has happened exactly as predicted.
2007 saw the elite confab head to Istanbul in Turkey under an increased medialockdown.
Insiders at Istanbul revealed that the Bilderberg agenda for 2007/2008 includeda hiking of oil prices towards the $200 mark, something that seemed unbelievableat the time but again consequently happened exactly as predicted.
AFP on the trail of Bilderberg group: Site near Athens, Greece, is verifiedto be scene of 2009 globalist coven
By James P. Tucker, Jr.
Bilderberg will return to its 1993 crime scene when it attempts to meet secretlyin Vouliagmeni, Greece, May 14-17. Bilderberg will return to the groundsof Nafsika Astir Palace hotels in Vouliagmeni, 20 miles outside Athens, andmeet behind guards at the Westin Nafsika.
High on the Bilderberg agenda will be how to manipulate the global economiccrisis for their selfish interests. They will pressure both European andNorth American nations to pull back from protectionism in thelater meetings of heads of state. Since the international financiers andhigh officials of government see themselves as citizens of the worldand scorn nationalism, their only loyalty is bankrolls, not theircountry. They love free trade, essential for world government.
Thus, they are determined that the United States and other nations refuseto impose tariffs that would equalize competition at the waters edge.They want to continue shipping U.S. manufacturing jobs overseas where cheaplabor may be exploited. They want to continue importing products made byslave labor in China and Africa, underselling domestic products.
Bilderberg, a secret elitist group that meets each spring at posh resortsprotected by armed guards, uniformed police, sometimes the host nationsmilitary plus a brigade of private, plain-clothes guards, tries hard to keepits deliberations secret. But, with help from the European media and withinside sources, their mischief is always revealed to this newspaper.
Bilderberg has a dutiful son in President Barack Obama who will be told topress ahead with the North American Union, which is to be expanded throughoutthe Western Hemisphere into an American Union similar to theEuropean Union. Ultimately, with creation of an Asian-Pacific Union,the world is to be divided into three great regions for the administrativeconvenience of a global government of the UN.
Following orders, Obama has a platoon of Bilderberg luminaries in hisadministration.
But Bilderberg has had problems for years in trying to impose its will onthe globe. When meeting in Greece 19 years ago, it was celebrating PresidentBill Clintons promise to sign the Rio Treaty on global warming, whichwould have surrendered U.S. wealth and sovereignty to international bureaucrats.
Clinton, who attended Bilderberg in 2001 and was elected president in 2002,did sign the Rio Treaty but a test vote in the Senate showed ratificationwould be overwhelmingly rejected. It is still pending and Bilderberg boysare depressed.
AFP editor James P. Tucker Jr. is a veteran journalist who spent many yearsas a member of the elite media in Washington. Since 1975 he haswon widespread recognition, here and abroad, for his pursuit of on- the-scenestories reporting the intrigues of global power blocs such as the BilderbergGroup. Tucker is the author of Jim Tuckers Bilderberg Diary: OneMans 25-Year Battle to Shine the Light on the World Shadow Government.Bound in an attractive full-color softcover and containing 272 pagesloadedwith photos, many never published beforethe book recounts Tuckersexperiences over the last quarter century at Bilderberg meetings. $25 fromAFP. No charge for S&H in U.S.
4. BILL MOYERS JOURNAL | William K. Black | PBS
The financial industry brought the economy to its knees, but how did theyget away with it? With the nation wondering how to hold the bankers accountable,Bill Moyers sits down with Bill Black, the former senior regulator who crackeddown on banks during the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s. Black offershis analysis of what went wrong and his critique of the bailout. This showaired April 3, 2009. Bill Moyers Journal airs Fridays at 9 p.m. on PBS (checklocal listings).
For more: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rz1b__MdtHY
Hi all,
Could this action by the Wikipedia crooks be timed to avoid various Bilderbergersbeing hunted down as organised criminals this year as they kick of a thirdworld war? Let's not forget Wikipedia already airbrush out any referenceto Bilderberg's Nazi (SS no less) origins, and the Bilderbergers are technocrats.These psychopathic control freaks look like they intend to rule the worldafter the coming conflict by pseudo-science and technology.
Do remember though that they invite some people to meetings that they areafraid of and want to influence. Not all attendees are convinced by Bilderberg'sglitzy approach to PR (wowing them with Kings, Queens and stuff).
Wikipedias Bilderberg Group Attendee List
Wikipedia To Delete Bilderberg Attendee List
Sat, 14/02/2009 - 11:10 smashdracs
(UPDATE, That was quick, the list has gone already! 15/2/09)
The lords of Wikipedia have announced they will delete the Bilderberg attendeeslist entry on the site because it is allegedly a totallyun-reliably-sourced list [and] possibly defamatory towards living persons.The announced deletion will occur five days from 2009-02-18 at 14:53.
While the list is still up I am going to copy and paste it in its entirety.It will look pretty messy but I may get around to tidying it up sooner orlater.
(smash) PS Is it any surprise Mike Moore (former NZ PM) is a member?
List of Bilderberg attendees is a list of prominent persons who have attendedone or more conferences organized by the Bilderberg Group.
The list is currently organized by category. It is not a complete list andit includes both living and deceased people. Where known, the year(s) theyattended are denoted in brackets.
The Bilderberg Group or Bilderberg conference is an unofficial annualinvitation-only conference of around 130 guests, most of whom are personsof influence in the fields of business, media, and politics.
The elite group meets annually at luxury hotels or resorts throughout theworld, normally in Europe, once every four years in the United States orCanada. It has an office in Leiden, South Holland, Netherlands.[1] They metat the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Istanbul, Turkey for the June 2007 meeting.[2]The 56th Bilderberg meeting took place June 6-8, 2008 at the Westfields Marriottin Chantilly, Virginia.
* Prince Philip (1965, 1966, 1967), Duke of Edinburgh[3]
* Prince Charles (1986), Prince of Wales
* Prince Bernhard (Chairman of Bilderberg Meetings 1954-1976), father ofQueen Beatrix of the Netherlands
* Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands[4]
* Claus von Amsberg (1967, 1968, 1971, 1981, 1982, 1984, 1986-1989), husbandof Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands
* Willem-Alexander, Prince of Orange (1990, 1991, 1996, 2001, 2008), CrownPrince of the Netherlands
* Juan Carlos I, King of Spain (1989)
* Queen Sofia of Spain, wife of Juan Carlos I, King of Spain (1989, 1990,1991, 1992, 1996)
* Infanta Cristina, duch*ess of Palma de Mallorca, younger daughter of JuanCarlos I, King of Spain
* Prince Philippe, Duke of Brabant (1992, 1993, 1996, 2008), Crown Princeof Belgium
* Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, King of Sweden (1995)
* Harald V of Norway, King of Norway (1984)
* Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein (1985, 1986, 1987)
* Prince Axel of Denmark (1955, 1957)
* Prince Henrik of Denmark (1966)
United States
* David L. Aaron (1977), former Deputy National Security Advisor
* Dean Acheson (1957, 1958, 1964, 1966), former United States Secretary ofState
* Madeleine Albright (2008), former United States Secretary of State
* Keith B. Alexander (2008), current Director, National Security Agency
* Roger Altman (2008), former United States Deputy Secretary of the Treasury
* John B. Anderson (1977), former US Congressman
* Michael Armacost (1997), President, Brookings Institution
* Nancy Kassebaum Baker (1988), former US Senator
* George W. Ball (1954-1992),[5] former U.S. diplomat
* Evan Bayh (1999), current US Senator, former Democratic Leadership CouncilChairman, also attended the Renaissance Weekend. Member of the Council onForeign Relations. Member of the Alfalfa Club
* Lloyd Bentsen (1989, 1992, 1995 - 1997), former United States Secretaryof the Treasury
* Sandy Berger (1997), former National Security Advisor (United States)
* James H. Billington (1992), former Librarian of Congress
* Eugene R. Black, Sr. (1957, 1966), former President of the World Bank
* John Bolton (2003)
* John Brademas (1966), former US Congressman
* Bill Bradley (1985), former US Senator
* Nicholas F. Brady (1984, 1986, 1988, 1991), former United States Secretaryof the Treasury
* Edward Brooke (1968), former US Senator
* David K. E. Bruce (1966)
* Zbigniew Brzezinski (Guest, 1966, 1968, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1978, 1985),President Carter's National Security Advisor
* McGeorge Bundy (1956, 1957, 1964, 1966, 1980), former National SecurityAdvisor (United States)
* William Bundy (1977)
* Clifford P. Case (1958), former US Senator
* John Chafee (1979, 1986, 1991, 1992), former US Senator
* Frank Church, former US Senator
* Harlan Cleveland (1967)
* Hillary Clinton (1997), current US Secretary of State, also attended theWorld Economic Forum, the Munich Conference on Security Policy, the SalzburgGlobal Seminar and the Renaissance Weekend. Member of the Democratic LeadershipCouncil
* Bill Clinton (1991),[6] former US President, 1993 - 2001
* Carlos M. Collazo (2003)
* Barber Conable, former President of the World Bank
* Richard N. Cooper (1975, 1977), former United States Under Secretary ofState for Economic Affairs
* Jon Corzine (1995 - 1997[4], 1999, 2003, 2004), current Governor of NewJersey
* Kenneth W. Dam (1983, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1989-1997), former United StatesDeputy Secretary of the Treasury
* Richard Darman (1987), former United States Deputy Secretary of the Treasury
* Thomas A. Daschle (2008), former US Senator
* Lynn Davis (1995)
* John M. Deutch (1998), former CIA Director, former United States DeputySecretary of Defense
* Thomas E. Dewey (1956, 1957, 1966), former Governor of New York
* C. Douglas Dillon (1968), former United States Secretary of the Treasury
* Christopher Dodd (1999 - 2001), current US Senator
* John Edwards (2004), former US Senator
* Stuart Eizenstat (2002), former United States Deputy Secretary of the Treasury
* Mike Espy (1994), former United States Secretary of Agriculture
* Daniel J. Evans (1986, 1988), former US Senator, former Governor of Washington
* Dianne Feinstein (1991), current US Senator
* Douglas Feith (2004)
* Ralph Flanders (1955, 1966), former US Senator
* James Florio (1994), former Governor of New Jersey
* Tom Foley (1988, 1990, 1995, 2002), former Speaker of the US House ofRepresentatives
* Gerald R. Ford (1964, 1966), former US President, 1974 - 1977
* Harold Ford, Jr. (2008), current Chairman, Democratic Leadership Council,former US Congressman, Vice Chairman, Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
* Donald M. Fraser (1971), former US Congressman
* Peter Hood Ballantine Frelinghuysen, Jr. (1964, 1966, 1971), former USCongressman
* J. William Fulbright (1956, 1957, 1964), former US Senator
* Cornelius Edward Gallagher (1963, 1966), former US Congressman
* John Galvin, former NATO Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
* Melinda Gates (2004), wife of Bill Gates
* Robert Gates (2008), current United States Secretary of Defense
* David Gergen (1992, 1995), political consultant and presidential adviserduring the Republican administrations of Nixon, Ford, and Reagan, campaignstaffer for George H.W. Bush and adviser to Democratic President Bill Clinton
* Roswell Gilpatric (1966)
* Dan Glickman (2001), former US Congressman
* Andrew Goodpaster (1968, 1974), former NATO Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
* Lincoln Gordon (1957, 1966)
* Donald Gregg (1985), former United States Ambassador
* Marc Grossman (2007), former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
* Alfred Gruenther (1955, 1957, 1966), former NATO Supreme Allied Commander,Europe
* Richard N. Haass (1991, 2003, 2004)[7], president, Council on Foreign Relations
* Philip C. Habib (1992)
* Chuck Hagel (1999 - 2001), current US Senator
* Alexander Haig (1978), former United States Secretary of State
* Lee H. Hamilton (1997)[4], former US Congressman
* Fred R. Harris (1966), former US Senator
* Arthur A. Hartman (1975), former Assistant Secretary of State for EuropeanAffairs
* Brooks Hays (1957, 1966), former US Congressman
* H. John Heinz III (1978), former US Senator
* Christian Herter (1961, 1963, 1964, 1966),[8] former Secretary of State
* Bourke Hickenlooper (1963, 1966), former US Senator
* Carla Anderson Hills (2002), former United States Trade Representative
* Paul G. Hoffman (1955, 1957, 1966)
* Richard Holbrooke (1995 - 1999, 2004 - 2006, 2008), former U.S. Ambassadorto the United Nations
* Chet Holifield (1964, 1966), former US Congressman
* Kay Bailey Hutchison (2000, 2002), current US Senator
* Henry M. Jackson (1964, 1966-1968), former US Senator
* Jacob Javits (1964, 1966), former US Senator
* Joseph E. Johnson (1954)[9], former President, Carnegie Endowment forInternational Peace.
* Bennett Johnston Jr. (1991), former US Senator
* James Robert Jones (1985), former US Congressman
* Vernon Jordan (1979-1985, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1991, 2005, 2006, 2008)
* Robert Kagan (2004)
* Carl Kaysen (1967)
* Thomas Kean (1989), former Governor of New Jersey
* George Kennan (1955, 1957, 1966)
* David M. Kennedy (1968), former United States Secretary of the Treasury
* Robert M. Kimmitt (1995), current United States Deputy Secretary of theTreasury
* Lane Kirkland (1977), former President, AFL-CIO.
* Jeane Kirkpatrick (1981), former United States Ambassador to the UnitedNations
* Henry Kissinger (1957, 1964, 1966, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1977-2003, 2004, [7]2005-2008), Secretary of State, 1973 - 1977
* John LaFalce (2002), former US Congressman
* Michael Ledeen (2005)
* Lyman L. Lemnitzer (1957, 1963, 1966), former Chairman of the Joint Chiefsof Staff
* Winston Lord (1974, 1978, 1980, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1996), formerUnited States Ambassador to China
* William J. Luti (2004), Senior Director for Defense Policy and Strategyfor the National Security Council
* Terry McAuliffe (2002), former Chairman of the Democratic National Committee
* John J. McCloy (1958, 1964, 1966), former President of the World Bank
* Gale McGee (1966), former US Senator
* Donald F. McHenry (1986, 1996), former United States Ambassador to theUnited Nations
* Robert S. McNamara (1968, 1975), former United States Secretary of Defense,former President of the World Bank
* Charles Mathias, Jr. (1967, 1968, 1974, 1975, 1977, 1981, 1984-1993), formerU.S. Senator
* Ken Mehlman (2005), former Chairman of the Republican National Committee
* Cord Meyer (1957), CIA official
* George J. Mitchell, former U.S. Senator
* Walter F. Mondale (1974, 1981), former Vice President of the United States,1977 - 1981
* A. S. Mike Monroney (1966), former U.S. Senator
* Paul H. Nitze (1955, 1957, 1958, 1963, 1966)
* Lauris Norstad (1967), former NATO Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
* Sam Nunn (1996, 1997[4]), former US Senator
* William Odom (1993), former National Security Agency Director
* Dan Quayle (1990, 1991), former US Vice President, 1989 - 1993
* George Pataki (2006), former Governor of New York
* Henry M. Paulson, Jr. (2008), current United States Secretary of the Treasury
* Claiborne Pell (1992), former US Senator
* Richard Perle (1983, 1985, 2003, 2006, 2008), assistant Secretary of Defense,1981 - 1987
* Rick Perry (2007), current Governor of Texas
* William J. Perry (1996), former United States Secretary of Defense
* Peter George Peterson (1978), former United States Secretary of Commerce
* Colin L. Powell (1997), former United States Secretary of State
* Larry Pressler (1993), former US Senator
* Lewis Thompson Preston, former President of the World Bank
* Joel Pritchard (1975), former US Congressman
* Marc Racicot (2002), former Chairman, Republican National Committee
* Ralph E. Reed, Jr. (2004), former first executive director of the ChristianCoalition
* William K. Reilly (1989), former Environmental Protection Agency Administrator
* Henry Reuss (1966, 1971), former US Congressman
* Walter P. Reuther (1966), former U.S. labour leader
* Condoleezza Rice (2008), former United States Secretary of State
* Bill Richardson (1999, 2000), current Governor of New Mexico
* Donald W. Riegle, Jr. (1971), former US Senator
* Alice Rivlin (1984)
* Charles W. Robinson (1975), former Under Secretary of State for EconomicAffairs
* David Rockefeller, original U.S. founding member, life member, and memberof the Steering Committee (1954-
* David Rockefeller, Jr. (1989)
* Jay Rockefeller (1971), current US Senator
* Nelson A. Rockefeller (1957, 1974), former US Vice President, 1974 - 1977,former Governor of New York, 1959 - 1973
* Bernard W. Rogers, former NATO Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
* Dennis Ross (2004, 2006, 2008)
* Eugene V. Rostow (1967, 1968)
* Walt Whitman Rostow, former National Security Advisor (United States)
* Donald Rumsfeld (1975, 2002), Secretary of Defense, 2001 - 2006
* Dean Rusk (1955, 1957, 1966), former United States Secretary of State
* Mark Sanford (2008), current Governor of South Carolina, also attendedthe Renaissance Weekend
* Hugh Scott (1961, 1966), former US Senator
* Brent Scowcroft (1985, 1988, 1994), former National Security Advisor (UnitedStates)
* Kathleen Sebelius (2007, 2008), current Governor of Kansas
* George P. Shultz (2008), former United States Secretary of State, formerUnited States Secretary of the Treasury
* Kristen Silverberg (2007), Bureau of International Organization Affairs,part of the State Department
* William E. Simon (1982), former United States Secretary of the Treasury
* Walter Bedell Smith, former CIA Director
* Nancy Soderberg (1995)
* Helmut Sonnenfeldt (1974), former U.S. State Department Counselor, formermember, National Security Council
* John Sparkman (1955, 1966), former US Senator
* James Steinberg (1994, 2000), former Deputy National Security Advisor
* Adlai Stevenson III (1971), former US Senator
* Robert Schwarz Strauss (1982, 1989, 1990, 1992), former Chairman of theDemocratic National Committee
* Lawrence Summers (1998, 2002, 2008), former United States Secretary ofthe Treasury
* John H. Sununu (1990), former Governor of New Hampshire
* Shirley Temple (1982), former United States Ambassador, former child actress
* Laura D'Andrea Tyson (1999)
* Cyrus Vance (1971), former United States Secretary of State
* John M. Vorys (1957, 1966), former US Congressman
* Mark Warner (2005), former Governor of Virginia
* Vin Weber (2007, 2008), former US Congressman
* John C. Whitehead (1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1989-1997), former United StatesDeputy Secretary of State
* Christine Todd Whitman (1998), former Governor of New Jersey
* L. Douglas Wilder (1991), former Governor of Virginia, current Mayor ofRichmond, Virginia
* Alexander Wiley (1957, 1966), former US Senator
* Ross Wilson (ambassador) (2007), current United States Ambassador to Turkey
* Paul Wolfowitz (1990, 1994-1998, 2008), former President of the World Bank
* George David Woods (1966), former President of the World Bank
* Philip D. Zelikow (2007), executive director of the 9/11 Commission andCounselor of the United States Department of State
* Robert Zoellick (1991, 2003, 2006, 2008), former Deputy Secretary of Stateand current President of the World Bank
* Lester B. Pearson (1964, 1966, 1968), former Prime Minister of Canada from1963 to 1968
* Pierre Trudeau (1971***, 1983, 1985), former Prime Minister of Canada from1968 to 1979, 1980 to 1984
* Jean Chrétien (1982, 1996), Canadian Prime Minister, 1993 - 2003
* W. Edmund Clark, President and CEO, Toronto-Dominion Bank
* Paul Martin (1996), Canadian Prime Minister, 2003 - 2006
* Stephen Harper (2003), Canadian Prime Minister, 2006 - Present
* Bernard Lord (2001), former Premier of New Brunswick
* Robert L. Stanfield (1968), former Premier of Nova Scotia
* Jason Kenney (2007), Canadian Member of Parliament
* Preston Manning (1998), former leader and founder of the Reform Party ofCanada
* Lloyd Axworthy (1996), former Minister of Foreign Affairs (Canada)
* Kevin G. Lynch (2004), Canadian civil servant
* Frank McKenna (1994, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008), former Canadian Ambassadorto the United States, former Premier of New Brunswick, current Deputy Chairmanof Toronto-Dominion Bank
* Michael Wilson (politician) (1991), current Canadian Ambassador to theUnited States, former Minister of Finance (Canada), former Minister ofInternational Trade (Canada)
* Marc Lalonde (1977), former Minister of Finance (Canada)
* Jacques Parizeau (1968), former Premier of Quebec
* Robert Bourassa (1971), former Premier of Quebec
* Jean Lesage (1966), former Premier of Quebec
* Mike Harris (1996), former Premier of Ontario
* David Peterson (1990), former Premier of Ontario
* Ralph Klein (1995), former Premier of Alberta
* Peter Lougheed (1973), former Premier of Alberta
* Gerald Regan (1977), former Premier of Nova Scotia
* Paul Joseph James Martin (1957***, 1966-1968), former Canadian Senator,former Leader of the Government in the Senate (Canada), former Minister ofNational Health and Welfare (Canada), former Secretary of State for ExternalAffairs (Canada), father of former Prime Minister of Canada,Paul Martin
* Jeanne Sauvé (1974, 1986, 1989), former Governor General of Canada
* Donald S. Macdonald (1971, 1973, 1979-1986, 1988, 1993), former Ministerof Finance (Canada), former Minister of National Defence (Canada)
* Allan MacEachen (1983), former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada and Secretaryof State for External Affairs
* Heather Reisman (2006, 2007, 2008), Canadian businesswoman
* Andre Desmarais, Power Corporation of Canada
SOURCES for the following EDITS MARKED *** by YEAR of the Bilderberg guestlists: 1954 - George W. Ball Papers, Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library atPrinceton University, as transcribed and placed online by www.bilderberg.org1957 - Source: http://www.bilderberg.org/bildhist.htm 1971 - The WashingtonObserver Newsletter, 15 May 1971 edition, Number 199, see headline "Controller'sConfab". Available here in uploaded documents. 1978 - George W. Ball Papers,Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library at Princeton University, as transcribedand placed online by www.bilderberg.org 1981 - George W. Ball Papers, SeeleyG. Mudd Manuscript Library at Princeton University, as transcribed and placedonline by www.bilderberg.org 1985 - George W. Ball Papers, Seeley G. MuddManuscript Library at Princeton University, as transcribed and placed onlineby www.bilderberg.org
United Kingdom
* Antony Acland (1988), former British Ambassador to the United States
* Paddy Ashdown (1989), former leader of the UK Liberal Democrats
* Ed Balls (2001-2003), Economic Secretary to the Treasury 2006 - 2007
* John Baring, 7th Baron Ashburton (1980, 1984, 1986), former Chairman ofBritish Petroleum
* Frederic Bennett (1963, 1964, 1966-1968, 1971, 1973-1975, 1977-1980, 1984)
* Tony Blair (1993),[6] former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom [10]
* Rodric Braithwaite (1993)
* George Brown, Baron George-Brown (1966, 1978)
* Gordon Brown (1991), current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
* James Callaghan (1963, 1966), former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
* Peter Carrington, 6th Baron Carrington (1978, 1983, 1984, 1987, 1989-1998),former Secretary-General of NATO
* Kenneth Clarke (1993, 1998,[11] 2006[12] & 2007[13]), former Chancellorof the Exchequer
* Clement Davies (1954, 1955, 1957), former leader of the Liberal Party (UK)
* Richard Dearlove (2007), former head of MI6
* Edmund Dell (1978)
* Alec Douglas-Home (1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1986), former Prime Ministerof the United Kingdom
* Rodney Elton, 2nd Baron Elton (1977)
* Charles Forte, Baron Forte (1977)
* Lawrence Freedman (1991), Professor, Oxford University
* Hugh Gaitskell (1954, 1955, 1958), former leader of the Labour Party (UK)
* Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 7th Marquess of Salisbury (1997)
* Philip Gould, Baron Gould of Brookwood (2003)
* Jo Grimond (1958, 1966), former leader of the Liberal Party (UK)
* William Hague (1998), former leader of the Conservative Party (UK), currentShadow Foreign Secretary
* David Hannay, Baron Hannay of Chiswick (1995, 1998)
* Roy Hattersley (1985)
* Denis Healey, former Secretary of State for Defence 1963-1970, formerChancellor of the Exchequer 1974-1979 (founding member of Bilderberg)
* Edward Heath (1963, 1966, 1967), former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
* Michael Heseltine (1984), former Secretary of State for Defence
* Quintin Hogg, Baron Hailsham of St Marylebone (1967)
* John Horam (1975)
* Douglas Hurd (1980, 1981), former British Foreign Secretary
* Roy Jenkins, former President of the European Commission
* Keith Joseph (1977)
* John Keegan (1988), British military historian
* John Kerr, Baron Kerr of Kinlochard (2004, 2008), member of the House ofLords, Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell
* Norman Lamont (1995), former Chancellor of the Exchequer
* Nigel Lawson (1982, 1990), former Chancellor of the Exchequer
* Harold Lever, Baron Lever of Manchester (1977, 1985), former Chancellorof the Duchy of Lancaster
* John Major, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
* Reginald Maudling (1955, 1957, 1966, 1967, 1971, 1973, 1978), former Chancellorof the Exchequer
* John Monks (1996) , former General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress
* Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma (1965, 1966)
* Pauline Neville-Jones, Baroness Neville-Jones (2004)
* John Nott (1977), former Secretary of State for Defence
* David Ormsby-Gore, 5th Baron Harlech (1958, 1966), former British Ambassadorto the United States
* George Osborne (2006)[14] (2008) Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer2004-Present; member of the opposition 2001-Present
* David Owen (1973, 1982, 1993), former British Foreign Secretary
* Cecil Parkinson (1989), former Shadow chancellor of the Exchequer
* Enoch Powell (1968)
* Christopher Price (UK politician), former Labour Party (UK) Member ofParliament, former member of the European Parliament
* Giles Radice, Baron Radice (1995)
* William Rees-Mogg (1993)
* Sir Malcolm Rifkind (1986, 1996), former British Foreign Secretary
* Geoffrey Rippon (1974)
* William Rodgers, Baron Rodgers of Quarry Bank (1974)
* Eric Roll (1964, 1966, 1967, 1973-1975, 1977-1999) (Bilderberg SteeringCommittee),[15] Department of Economic Affairs, 1964, later Bilderberg GroupChairman
* John Sainsbury, Baron Sainsbury of Preston Candover (1982, 1983, 1984,1986)
* Sir Patrick Sheehy Professor of International Relations (1985, 1986, 1993)
* John Smith (UK politician) (1986, 1989, 1991), former leader of the BritishLabour Party
* David Steel (1986), former leader of the Liberal Party (UK)
* Michael Stewart, Baron Stewart of Fulham (1964, 1966)
* Norman Tebbit (1985)
* Margaret Thatcher (1975),[16] former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
* George Thomson, Baron Thomson of Monifieth (1971)
* Jeremy Thorpe, former leader of the Liberal Party (UK)
* William Waldegrave, Baron Waldegrave of North Hill (1987, 1988, 1990, 1995)
* George Weidenfeld (1992)
* Gareth Williams, Baron Williams of Mostyn (2002, 2003)
* Harold Wilson (1966), former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
* David Young, Baron Young of Graffham (1985, 1986)
* Kenneth Younger (1966)
* John Bruton (1998), former Prime Minister of Ireland
* Garret FitzGerald (1975, 1977, 1984, 1985, 1987), former Prime Ministerof Ireland
* Paul Gallagher (2008), Attorney General of Ireland
* Michael McDowell (1992, 2007), founding member of the Progressive Democratsof Ireland
* Egon Bahr (1968, 1971, 1982, 1987), German Minister, creator of the Ostpolitik
* Rainer Barzel (1966), former German opposition leader
* Kurt Biedenkopf (1992), former Prime Minister of Saxony
* Max Brauer (1954, 1955, 1958, 1963, 1964, 1966), former Mayor of Hamburg
* Birgit Breuel (1973, 1979, 1980, 1991, 1992, 1994), chairwoman ofTreuhandanstalt
* Andreas von Bülow (1978), former Minister of Research of Germany
* Karl Carstens (1971), former President of Germany
* Klaus von Dohnanyi (1975, 1977), former Mayor of Hamburg
* Ursula Engelen-Kefer (1998), former chairwoman of the German Confederationof Trade Unions
* Björn Engholm (1991), former Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein
* Ludwig Erhard (1966), former Chancellor of Germany
* Fritz Erler (1955, 1957, 1958, 1963, 1964, 1966), Socialist Member ofParliament
* Joschka Fischer (2008), former Minister of Foreign Affairs (Germany)
* Herbert Giersch (1975), Director, Institut fur Weltwirtschaft an derUniversitat Kiel
* Helmut Haussmann (1979, 1980, 1990, 1996), former Minister of Economicsof Germany
* Wolfgang Ischinger (1998, 2002, 2008), former German Ambassador to Washington
* Helmut Kohl (1980, 1982, 1988), former Chancellor of Germany
* Walter Leisler Kiep (1974, 1975, 1977, 1980), former Treasurer of the ChristianDemocratic Union (Germany)
* Kurt Georg Kiesinger (1955, 1957, 1966), former Chancellor of Germany
* Hans Klein (1986), Member of German Bundestag
* Otto Graf Lambsdorff (1980, 1983, 1984), former Minister of Economics ofGermany
* Karl Lamers (1995), Member of the German Bundestag
* Angela Merkel (2005), current Chancellor of Germany
* Alois Mertes (1983, 1985)
* Siegmar Mosdorf (2001), Secretary of State for Economics in Germany
* Alfred Müller-Armack (1966), Secretary of State for Economics in Germany
* Volker Perthes (2008), Director, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik
* Friedbert Pflüger (2005, 2006), Member of the German Bundestag
* Ruprecht Polenz (2002), Member of the German Bundestag
* Volker Rühe (1983, 1991-1994), former Defense Minister of Germany
* Rudolf Scharping, former Defense Minister of Germany
* Wolfgang Schäuble (2003), current Minister of Internal Affairs ofGermany
* Walter Scheel (1981-84, 1986), former President of Germany
* Karl Schiller (1966), former Finance Minister of Germany
* Otto Schily (2003-2006), former Minister of Internal Affairs of Germany
* Carlo Schmid (1955, 1958, 1963, 1964, 1966), former Vice President of theFederal Parliament
* Helmut Schmidt (1966, 1967, 1973, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1983, 1986), formerChancellor of Germany
* Gerhard Schröder (CDU) (1971, 1974), former Minister of Foreign Affairs(Germany), former Minister of Defence (Germany)
* Gerhard Stoltenberg (1966, 1968), former Minister of Germany and PrimeMinister of Schleswig-Holstein
* Franz Josef Strauß (1963, 1966), former Minister of Germany and PrimeMinister of Bavaria
* Lothar Späth (1993), former Prime Minister of Baden-Wurttemberg
* Erwin Teufel (1991), former Prime Minister of Baden-Wurttemberg
* Henning Voscherau (1996), former Mayor of Hamburg
* Richard von Weizsäcker (1978), former President of Germany
* Guido Westerwelle (2007), leader of the Free Democratic Party of Germany
* Hans-Jürgen Wischnewski (1971, 1973, 1974, 1978), former Secretaryof State in the Chancellor's Office of Germany
* Matthias Wissmann (1998, 2004, 2005), former Minister of Research of Germany
* Otto von Habsburg, Archduke and Crown Prince of Austria
* Alfred Gusenbauer (2002, 2006), former Chancellor of Austria
* Wolfgang Schussel (1984), former Chancellor of Austria
* Franz Vranitzky (1975, 1979, 1986-1991, 1993, 1995-1999), former AustrianChancellor
* Bruno Kreisky (1979), former Austrian Chancellor
* Thomas Klestil (1988), former President of Austria
* Martin Bartenstein (2006), Austrian Minister for Economy and Labour
* Josef Krainer (1989), former Governor of Styria
* Flavio Cotti (1994-1997), former President of the Swiss Confederation
* Pascal Couchepin (2001, 2002, 2004, 2005), current President of the SwissConfederation
* Jean-Pascal Delamuraz (1995), former President of the Swiss Confederation
* Max Petitpierre (1963, 1966), former President of the Swiss Confederation
* Jacob Kellenberger (1993), former Swiss State Secretary of Foreign Affairs
* Sigmund Widmer (1975), former Mayor of Zürich
* Denis de Rougemont (1954, 1955, 1966)
* Valéry Giscard d'Estaing (1968, 2003), former President of the FrenchRepublic
* Lionel Jospin (1996), former Prime Minister of France
* Georges Pompidou (1966), former President of the French Republic
* Dominique de Villepin (2003), former Prime Minister of France
* Laurent Fabius (1994), former Prime Minister of France
* Michel Rocard (1986), former Prime Minister of France
* Pierre Bérégovoy (1992), former Prime Minister of France
* Edouard Balladur (1987), former Prime Minister of France
* Raymond Barre (1983), former Prime Minister of France
* Edgar Faure (1974), former Prime Minister of France
* René Pleven (1963, 1966), former Prime Minister of France
* Pierre Mendes-France (1968), former Prime Minister of France
* Antoine Pinay (1954, 1955, 1963, 1964, 1966), former Prime Minister ofFrance
* Jean-Bernard Raimond (1994), former French Foreign Minister
* Jean Francois-Poncet (1982, 1985, 1988), former French Foreign Minister
* Michel Barnier (2007), former French Foreign Minister
* Hubert Védrine (1987, 1992, 2008), former French Foreign Minister
* Bernard Kouchner (2005), current Minister of Foreign Affairs (France)
* Manuel Valls (2008), French Member of Parliament
* Jean-Pierre Jouyet (2008), French Minister of European Affairs
* Jean-Pierre Chevenement (1984, 1990), former Minister of Defense (France)
* Jacques Attali (1975), French economist and scholar and former presidentialadviser of France's socialist government
* Gaston Defferre (1964, 1966), former Mayor of Marseille
* Maurice Herzog (1974), former Mayor of Chamonix
* Philippe Seguin (1990), former Mayor of Epinal
* Jean-Pierre Cot (1977), French politician, former Mayor of Coise
* Olivier Guichard (1966, 1977), French politician, former French Ministerof Justice
* Guy Mollet (1954, 1955, 1957, 1963, 1966), former Socialist Prime Ministerof France
* Maurice Faure (1955, 1963, 1966)
* Jacques Rueff (1958, 1966)
* Paul Van Zeeland (1955-1958, 1966), former Prime Minister of Belgium
* Theo Lefevre (1967), former Prime Minister of Belgium
* Leo Tindemans (1980), former Prime Minister of Belgium
* Wilfried Martens (1989-1991, 1993), former Prime Minister of Belgium
* Jean-Luc Dehaene (2004), former Prime Minister of Belgium
* Philippe Maystadt (1996), former Belgian Minister of Finance
* Etienne Davignon
* Jan-Peter Balkenende (2008), current Prime Minister of the Netherlands,2002 - present
* Ruud Lubbers (1983, 1991, 1992, 1994), former Prime Minister of theNetherlands, 1982 - 1994
* Wim Kok (1993, 2003), former Prime Minister of the Netherlands, 1994 -2002
* Barend Biesheuvel (1968), former Prime Minister of the Netherlands, 1971- 1973
* Jelle Zijlstra (1966, 1975), former Prime Minister of the Netherlands,1966 - 1967
* Laurens-Jan Brinkhorst (1974, 1981), former Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs
* Max van der Stoel (1980), former Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1973- 1977, 1981 - 1982
* Jozias van Aartsen (2005), former Dutch Minister of Agriculture, 1994 -1998, former Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1998 - 2002
* Maxime Verhagen (2006, 2008), current Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs,2007 - present
* Frank Heemskerk (2007), Dutch Minister of Foreign Trade
* Frans Timmermans (2008), Dutch Minister of European Affairs
* Klaas de Vries (2003), Dutch Member of Parliament
* Ivo Samkalden (1963, 1966), former Mayor of Amsterdam
* Harold Goddijn (2008), CEO of TomTom
* Carlo Azeglio Ciampi (1987), former President of the Italian Republic,former Governor of the Banca d'Italia
* Francesco Cossiga (1977), former President of the Italian Republic
* Amintore Fanfani (1955, 1956, 1966), former Italian Prime Minister
* Alcide de Gasperi (1954), former Italian Prime Minister
* Claudio Martelli, former Italian Minister of Justice
* Gianni De Michelis (1991), former Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs
* Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa (1986, 1998, 1999, 2008), former Italian Ministerof Economy and Finance
* Romano Prodi (Steering Committee Member of Bilderberg in the 1980s), formerItalian Prime Minister and former President of the European Commission
* Virginio Rognoni (1982, 1991), former Italian Minister of Defense
* Mariano Rumor (1966), former Italian Prime Minister
* Domenico Siniscalco (1998), former Italian Minister of Economy and Finance
* Giulio Tremonti (2000), current Italian Minister of Economy and Finance
* Walter Veltroni (1996), former Mayor of Rome
* Giorgio La Malfa (1974, 1975), former Member of Parliament
* Guido Colonna di Paliano (1974), former Italian politician and EuropeanCommissioner
* Esperanza Aguirre Gil de Biedma (1999, 2000), president of Madrid
* Joaquin Almunia (1998, 2008), European Commissioner for Economic &Financial Affairs
* Enrique Barón (1988), former President of European Parliament
* Jaime de Carvajal y Urquijo (1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1989,1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998), CEO, Ford Spain, EricssonSpain and Banco Urquijo.
* Juan Luis Cebrián (1988, 1985, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1993, 2001, 2002,2003, 2004, 2005), former director of newspaper El País, CEO, GrupoPrisa
* Guillermo de la Dehesa (1989, 1993), CEO, Banco Pastor
* Carlos Ferret Salat (1993), banker
* Manuel Fraga Iribarne (1977), politician, former Secretary General, AlianzaPopular
* Felipe Gonzalez (1989), former Prime Minister of Spain (1982-1996)
* Loyola de Palacio (2005), former European Commissioner for Transport
* Jesús de Polanco (1989), CEO, media group PRISA
* Jordi Pujol (1991), former president of the autonomous community of Catalonia
* Rodrigo Rato (1992, 1994), former Second Vice President and Minister ofEconomy and Finance, and former Managing Director of the International MonetaryFund
* Eduardo Serra Rexach (2004), former Minister of Defense
* Matías Rodríguez Inciarte (1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001-2008),Deputy CEO, Grupo Santander
* Miguel Boyer Salvador (1989), former Finance Minister of Spain
* Miguel Sebastián Gascón (2005), former Chief Economic Adviserto the Prime Minister and Minister of Industry (2008-...)
* Narcís Serra (1990, 1991, 1992), former Minister of Defense, formerVice President of Spain.
* Javier Solana (1985, 1998, 2000), Secretary-General of the Council of theEU, former Secretary-General of NATO
* Pedro Solbes Mira (1999), Second Vice President and Minister of Economyand Finance
* Federico Trillo-Figueroa Martínez-Conde (1995), former Ministerof Defense and former president of National Parliament of Spain
* Juan Antonio Yañez-Barnuevo (1983, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990,1996), Spanish Permanent Representatives to the United Nations
* Emilio de Ybarra y Churruca (1988, 1989), former CEO, BBVA
* Juan Carlos I de Borbón y Borbón (1989), King of Spain
* Queen Sofía de Grecia (1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1995, 1996, 2000,2003-2005), Queen of Spain, wife of Juan Carlos I, King of Spain
* Francisco Pinto Balsemão (1981, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1989,1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995-2008) ,[17] former Prime Minister of Portugal,1981 - 1983 and CEO of Impresa media group
* António Guterres (1990, 2005), former Prime Minister of Portugal,currently the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
* Pedro Santana Lopes (2004), former Prime Minister of Portugal
* José Sócrates (2004), current Prime Minister of Portugal
* Jorge Sampaio (1989, 1999), former President of Portugal
* Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues (2003), former Leader of the Socialist Party
* António Costa (2008), current Mayor of Lisbon
* Rui Rio (2008), current Mayor of Porto
* Jose Pedro Aguiar-Branco (2006),[17] Member of Parliament (PSD)
* Augusto Santos Silva (2006),[17] Minister for Parliamentary Affairs
* Rui Machete (1989), former Deputy Prime Minister of Portugal
* Joaquim do Amaral (1999), Member of Parliament
* Manuel Sarmento Rodrigues (1966)
* Kostas Karamanlis (1998), current Prime Minister of Greece
* Constantine Mitsotakis (1993), former Prime Minister of Greece
* Georgios Alogoskoufis (2008), former Minister for Economy and Finance (Greece)
* Dora Bakoyannis (2003), current Minister for Foreign Affairs (Greece),former Mayor of Athens
* Anna Diamantopoulou (2008), Member of Parliament in Greece and former EUCommissioner
* George Andreas Papandreou (1998), former Minister for Foreign Affairs (Greece),President of the Socialist International
* Gerasimos Arsenis (1994), former Minister of Defense of Greece
* Stefanos Manos (1986, 1993, 2001), Greek politician
* Andreas Andrianopoulos (1988), former Mayor of Piraeus
* Süleyman Demirel (1975), former Prime Minister of Turkey
* Bülent Ecevit (1975), former Prime Minister of Turkey
* Adnan Menderes (1956), former Prime Minister of Turkey
* Mesut Yilmaz (1990), former Prime Minister of Turkey
* Selim Sarper (1966), former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey
* Ismail Cem (1989, 1998), former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey
* Hikmet Çetin (1995, 2007), former Minister of Foreign Affairs andformer leader of the Republican People's Party (CHP)
* Emre Gönensay (1992, 1996, 2007), former Minister of Foreign Affairsof Turkey
* Ali Babacan (2003, 2004, 2007, 2008), current Minister of Foreign Affairsof Turkey
* Fredrik Reinfeldt (2006), Prime Minister of Sweden, 2006 - present
* Carl Bildt[4] (1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2006-2008), former PrimeMinister of Sweden and current Minister for Foreign Affairs
* Olof Palme (1962, 1966, 1973, 1975, 1984), former Prime Minister of Sweden
* Percy Barnevik (1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001),Businessman
* Mona Sahlin (1996), Chairman of the Swedish Social Democratic Party, (Invitedby Percy Barnevik)
* Thorbjörn Fälldin (1978), former Prime Minister of Sweden
* Tage Erlander (1962, 1966), former Prime Minister of Sweden
* Leif Pagrotsky (2001), former Swedish Minister for Education, Researchand Culture [1];
* Anders Borg (2007), current Minister for Finance of Sweden
* Herbert Tingsten (1954, 1955, 1966), former Chief Editor, Dagens Nyheter
* Martin Waldenström (1955), Industrialist
* Björn Lundvall (1968, 1975, 1977-1980) (LM Ericsson)
* Anna Lindh (2003), former Minister for Foreign Affairs (Sweden)
* Göran Persson (2001), former Prime Minister of Sweden
* Gunnar Sträng (1973), former Minister for Finance of Sweden
* Krister Wickman (1973, 1974, 1975, 1977), former Minister for Foreign Affairs(Sweden)
* Hans Blix (1989), former Minister for Foreign Affairs (Sweden)
* Maud Olofsson (2008), Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden
* Gro Harlem Brundtland (1982, 1983), former Prime Minister of Norway
* Kåre Willoch (1966, 1968, 1982, 1987), former Prime Minister of Norway
* Trygve Bratteli (1977), former Prime Minister of Norway
* Jens Stoltenberg, (2002), current Prime Minister of Norway
* Siv Jensen (2006), Chairman Fremskrittspartiet
* Johann Olav Koss (2006)
* Halvard Lange (1964), former Minister of Foreign Affairs (Norway)
* Ole Myrvoll (1974), former Minister of Finance (Norway), former Mayor ofBergen
* Svein Gjedrem (2003), Chairman of Norges Bank 1999 - present
* Dagfinn Varvik (1975), former Chairman, Centre Party (Norway)
* Anders Fogh Rasmussen (2003), current Prime Minister of Denmark
* Mogens Lykketoft (1998), former leader of the Social Democrats of Denmark
* Tøger Seidenfaden (1994, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999), editor-in-chiefof Danish newspaper "Politiken"
* Ritt Bjerregaard (1991, 1995), former Danish Secretary of Education, EUCommissioner and currently Mayor of Copenhagen
* Anders Eldrup (2001-2007, 2008), Former permanent secretary to the Ministryof Finance, current CEO, Danish Oil and Gas Corporation (DONG) [citationneeded]
* Flemming Rose (2008), cultural editor (Originator of the Muhammed cartooncontroversy), Jyllands-Posten
* Jaakko Iloniemi (1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990-1997)
* Ilkka Suominen (1988)
* Aatos Erkko (1991)
* Jarl Köhler (1992-1994)
* Ulf L. Sundqvist (1992)
* Johannes Koroma (1993)
* Jorma Ollila (1994, 1997-2008), former CEO of Nokia
* Krister Ahlström (1994), former CEO of Ahlstrom
* Georg Ehrnrooth (1994)
* Sirkka Hämäläinen (1994)
* Jaakko Ihamuotila (1994)
* Max Jakobson (1975, 1994)
* Gerhard M. H. Wendt (1994)
* Jukka Harmaja (1995)
* Björn Mattsson (1995)
* Pertti Voutilainen (1995)
* Janne Virkkunen (1998, 2001)
* Olli-Pekka Heinonen (2001)
* Christoffer Taxell (2002)
* Teija H. Tiilikainen (2002-2007)
* Olli Kivinen (2003)
* Björn Whalroos (2003)
* Paula Lehtomäki (2004)
* Erkki Liikanen (1999, 2005)
* Matti Vanhala (1999)
* Pentti Vartia (1999)
* Mikael Pentikäinen (2005)
* Eero Heinäluoma (2006)
* Sixten Korkman (2006)
* Atte Jääskeläinen (2007)
* Kalevi Sorsa (1990), former Prime Minister of Finland
* Esko Aho (1994), former Prime Minister of Finland
* Paavo Lipponen (1998, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004), former Prime Minister ofFinland
* Matti Vanhanen, current Prime Minister of Finland
* Martti Ahtisaari (1994, 1995, 1996), former President of Finland
* Sauli Niinistö (1997)[4], former Minister of Finance (Finland), Speakerof Parliament
* Jyrki Katainen (2007), current Minister of Finance (Finland)
* Davíð Oddsson (1987, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1997, 1999), Prime Ministerof Iceland (1991 - 2004), chairman of the board of the Central Bank of Icelandsince 2005.
* Geir Hallgrímsson (1973, 1975, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982,1984-1988, 1990), Prime Minister of Iceland (1974 - 1978).
* Björn Bjarnason (1977, 1978, 1982-1985, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1993,1995), assistant editor of Morgunblaðið (1984 - 1991), Minister ofEducation (1995 - 2002), Minister for Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs(2003-2009).
* Anatoly Chubais (1998), Russian politician
* Grigory Alexeyevich Yavlinsky (2004), Russian politician
* Ivan Miklo (2005), former Deputy Prime Minister of Slovakia
* Marián antavý (2008) - hockey star from HC Oranges
Czech Republic
* Karel Schwarzenberg (2008), Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs
* Jirí Pehe (2001), Director, New York University in Prague; formeradvisor to President Václav Havel
* Michael antovský (1999), Chairman of the Committee on ForeignAffairs, Defense and Security, Czech Senate, presently Czech Ambassador inIsrael
* Karel Kovanda (1998), Head of Mission of the Czech Republic to NATO andthe WEU, presently Deputy Director General responsible for CFSP, MultilateralRelations and North America, East Asia, Australia, New Zealand, EEA, EFTA
* Joseph Retinger (1954-1960), founder of Bilderberg Group
* Hanna Suchocka (1998), first woman Prime Minister of Poland
* Andrzej Olechowski (1994-1999, 2003), former leader of Civic Platform
* Aleksander Kwasniewski (2008), former President of Poland
* János Martonyi (2008), former Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs,Professor of International Trade Law, Partner, Baker & McKenzie
* Gyorgy Suranyi (1996, 1997, 1999), former President, Hungarian NationalBank
* Natan Sharansky (2005)
* Seyyed Mohammad Khatami (2006)
* Ahmed Chalabi (2006)
New Zealand
* Thomas Clifton Webb (1955)
* Mike Moore (2000)
EU Commissioners
European Union Commissioners who have attended include:
* Joaquin Almunia (1998, 2008), European Commissioner for Economic &Financial Affairs
* José Manuel Barroso (1994, 2003), current President of the EuropeanCommission
* Ritt Bjerregaard (1991, 1995), Lord Mayor of Copenhagen and former EuropeanCommissioner for Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection[10]
* Frederik Bolkestein (1996, 2003),[18] former European Commissioner
* Emma Bonino (1998)
* Leon Brittan (1992, 1998)
* Hans van den Broek (1986, 1988, 1991, 1995),[10] former European Commissioner
* David Byrne (politician) (2005), former European Commissioner
* Henning Christophersen (1979, 1982, 1983)
* Étienne Davignon (1974, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986,1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994-2008), Bilderberg conference chairmanin 2005
* Jacques Delors (1992), former President of the European Commission
* Franz Fischler (2001), former European Commissioner
* Walter Hallstein (1955, 1958, 1966), former President of the EuropeanCommission
* Neelie Kroes (2005 - 2008), present Commissioner for Competition
* Pascal Lamy (2003)[18]
* Erkki Liikanen (1999, 2005)
* Franco Maria Malfatti (1964, 1966, 1974), former President of the EuropeanCommission
* Peter Mandelson (1999[19])
* Sicco Mansholt (1963, 1964, 1966), former President of the European Commission
* Robert Marjolin (1966), former European Commissioner
* Charlie McCreevy (2008), European Commissioner
* Karel Van Miert (1993), former European Commissioner
* Mario Monti (1983-1994, 1996, 1999, 2003[18]) ,former and/or present memberof the Bilderberg Steering Committee[10]
* Francois-Xavier Ortoli (1977), former President of the European Commission
* Filippo Pandolfi (1989)
* Lord Patten of Barnes (2007)
* Andris Piebalgs (2006), European Commissioner for Energy
* Romano Prodi, Steering Committee Member of Bilderberg in the 1980s
* Olli Rehn (2007), European Commissioner for Enlargement
* Jean Rey (1966), former President of the European Commission
* Jacques Santer (1991), former President of the European Commission
* Henri Simonet (1971, 1975, 1977, 1979, 1980, 1982), former Vice Chairmanof the European Commission
* Javier Solana (1985, 1998, 2000), High Representative for the Common Foreignand Security Policy (CFSP) and the Secretary-General of both the Councilof the European Union (EU) and the Western European Union (WEU)
* Pedro Solbes (1999)
* Gaston Thorn, former President of the European Commission
* Günter Verheugen (1995)
* António Vitorino (1996)
UN, WTO, NATO and other International Organizations
* Josette Sheeran (2007), Executive Director of United Nations World FoodProgramme
* Kurt Waldheim, former United Nations Secretary-General
* Kemal Dervis (2002), current United Nations Development Program (UNDP)Administrator
* Ad Melkert (1996), current UNDP Associate Administrator
* Thorvald Stoltenberg (1973, 1982, 1994, 1995), former United Nations HighCommissioner for Refugees
* Muhammad Zafrulla Khan (1955, 1966), Pakistani politician, diplomat andinternational jurist
* Knut Vollebæk (2008), OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
* Eric Wyndham White (1964, 1966), former Director-General of the World TradeOrganization
* Arthur Dunkel (1991), former Director-General of the World Trade Organization
* Mike Moore (2000), former Director-General of the World Trade Organization
* Renato Ruggiero (1986, 1987, 1990-1996), former Director-General of theWorld Trade Organization
* Jaap de Hoop Scheffer (2003, 2008), current Secretary General of NATO
* George Robertson, Baron Robertson of Port Ellen (1998), former SecretaryGeneral of NATO[10]
* Willy Claes (1994, 1995, 2003), former Secretary General of NATO
* Manfred Wörner (1982, 1985, 1990-1993), former Secretary General ofNATO
* Joseph Luns (1964, 1966-1968, 1971, 1973-1975, 1977, 1978-1984), formerSecretary General of NATO
* Manlio Brosio (1965-1967), former Secretary General of NATO
* Dirk Stikker (1964, 1966), former Secretary General of NATO
* Paul-Henri Spaak (1963, 1966), former Secretary General of NATO
* Hastings Ismay, 1st Baron Ismay (1955), former Secretary General of NATO
* Terence Airey (1955, 1966), Military Governor of Trieste
* Colin Gubbins (1955, 1957, 1958, 1963, 1964, 1966), head of the BritishSOE[20]
* Hans Speidel (1964, 1966), former World War II and Cold War general
Financial institutions
* Hermann Josef Abs (1958, 1966), former Chairman of Deutsche Bank
* Josef Ackermann (2005, 2008), CEO of Deutsche Bank
* Wilfrid S. Baumgartner (1963-1968, 1971, 1974, 1975), former Governor,Banque de France
* Ben S. Bernanke (2008), current Chairman of the Federal Reserve
* Michel Camdessus, former IMF Managing Director
* Guido Carli (1958, 1965, 1966, 1975, 1977, 1987), former Governor of theBanca d'Italia
* Tim Collins (financier) (2003, 2008), founder, Chief Executive Officerof Ripplewood Holdings LLC
* E. Gerald Corrigan (1994), former President of the Federal Reserve Bankof New York, current Goldman Sachs Managing Director
* Mario Draghi (1994, 1995, 2004, 2008), current Governor of the Banca d'Italia
* Wim Duisenberg (1977, 1978-1983, 1986), former President of the EuropeanCentral Bank
* Otmar Emminger (1966), former President of the Deutsche Bundesbank
* Timothy F. Geithner (2004, 2008), current President of the Federal ReserveBank of New York
* Dermot Gleeson (1995, 2008), Chairman of Allied Irish Banks
* Alan Greenspan (2002), former Chairman of the Federal Reserve
* Alfred Herrhausen (1978-1985, 1987, 1988), German banker, former Chairmanof Deutsche Bank
* André Action Diakité Jackson (2002), Chairman of JFPI Corporation
* Kenneth Jacobs (2007, 2008), Deputy Chairman, Lazard Frères &Co. LLC
* Per Jacobsson (1957), former IMF Managing Director
* James A. Johnson (businessman) (1998, 2008), Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC
* Mervyn A. King (2003), current Governor of the Bank Of England
* Cyril Kleinwort (1966, 1971), former Chairman, Kleinwort Benson
* Hilmar Kopper (1991, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1998-2003, 2005), former CEO ofDeutsche Bank
* Alexandre Lamfalussy (1983, 1986, 1988, 1992), former General Manager ofthe Bank for International Settlements
* Thomas S. Lamont (1957), former Vice Chairman, Morgan Guaranty Trust
* Jacques de Larosière (1982), former Governor of the Banque de France
* Rene Larre (1974), former Director, Bank for International Settlements
* William J McDonough (1997)[4], former President, Federal Reserve Bank ofNew York
* Tom McKillop (2008), Chairman, The Royal Bank of Scotland Group
* Karl Otto Pöhl (1982, 1991), former President of the Deutsche Bundesbank
* Jürgen Ponto (1975), German banker, former Chairman of Dresdner Bank
* John Francis Prideaux (1974), former Chairman, National Westminster Bank
* Louis Rasminsky (1968), former Governor of the Bank of Canada
* Rodrigo Rato (1992, 1994), former IMF Managing Director
* Gordon Richardson (1966, 1975),[21] former Governor of the Bank of England
* David Rockefeller, CEO of Chase Manhattan Bank
* Robert Roosa (1966), former Partner, Brown Brothers Harriman
* Emma Rothschild (1995)
* Sir Evelyn de Rothschild (1983, 1998)
* Guy de Rothschild (1974)
* Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild
* Lynn Forester de Rothschild (1998)
* Rudolf Scholten (1992, 1999-2001, 2003-2008), CEO of OesterreichischeKontrollbank
* Pierre-Paul Schweitzer (1964, 1966), former IMF Managing Director
* George Soros (1990, 1994, 1996, 2000, 2002)
* Dominique Strauss-Kahn (2000), Managing Director of the International MonetaryFund (IMF) and member of the social-democrat Socialist Party of France
* Gerald Thompson (1974), former Chairman, Kleinwort Benson
* Jean-Claude Trichet (1995, 1999, 2008), current President of the EuropeanCentral Bank
* Anthony Tuke (1974), former President, Barclays Bank
* Alfons Verplaetse (1990), former Governor of the National Bank of Belgium
* Paul Volcker (1982, 1983, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1992, 1997)[4], former Chairmanof the Federal Reserve
* Marcus Wallenberg (1996, 1997), current Chairman of Skandinaviska EnskildaBanken, former CEO of Investor AB
* Jacob Wallenberg (1998, 2008), current Chairman of Investor AB, formerChairman of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken
* Siegmund Warburg (1966, 1977), founder of S. G. Warburg & Co.
* Eric Warburg (1957), founder of Warburg Pincus
* James Wolfensohn (1985, 1987, 1988, 1989-1999, 2004, 2008), former Presidentof the World Bank Group
* Walter Wriston (1964, 1966), former Chairman, Citibank
Major corporations
* Giovanni Agnelli (1958, 1963, 1964, 1966-1968, 1973-1975, 1977, 1978, 1979,1981, 1984, 1985, 1987-1998, 2000), former CEO of Fiat
* Otto Wolff von Amerongen (1955, 1957, 1958, 1963, 1964, 1966-1968, 1971,1973-1975, 1977-1980, 1982-2001), CEO of Otto Wolff Group (today: Part ofThyssenKrupp)
* Dwayne Andreas (1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1987-1996), Chairman and CEO ofArcher Daniels Midland
* Percy Barnevik (1992-1996, 1997,[4] 2001), former CEO of ASEA
* Anders Björgerd (1973, 1982), former deputy CEO of Sydkraft AB
* Lloyd Blankfein (2007), CEO of Goldman Sachs
* Ian Bremmer (2007), President of Eurasia Group
* Lord Browne of Madingley (1995, 1997,[4] 2004), Chief Executive BP
* Gerhard Cromme (2000), former CEO and Chairman of ThyssenKrupp
* Paul Desmarais (1982)
* Paul Desmarais, Jr. (2006, 2008), Chairman and co-CEO of Power Corporationof Canada
* John Elkann (2008), vice chairman of Fiat and the Agnelli Group investmentcompany IFIL
* Louis V. Gerstner (1994, 1997), former Chairman of IBM, current Chairmanof The Carlyle Group
* Maurice R. Greenberg (1989-1991), former Chairman and CEO of AmericanInternational Group
* H. J. Heinz II (1954)[9], CEO of H. J. Heinz Company
* Paul Hermelin (2007), CEO of Capgemini
* Daniel Janssen (1971, 1973-1975, 1977, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1983, 1984, 1985,1995), former Chairman of the Executive Committee, Solvay (company), formervice president of the board, Union Chimique Belge, member of the EuropeanRound Table of Industrialists, member of Trilateral Commission executivecommittee
* James Kimsey (2006), co-founder, CEO, and first chairman of America Online(AOL)
* Andrew Knight (1978, 1980-1985, 1987-1996), Director of News Corporation,1991-present, CEO of News International, 1900-1994, CEO and Editor-in-ChiefThe Daily Telegraph Group, Editor of The Economist, 1974-1984
* Klaus Kleinfeld (2008), CEO of Siemens AG
* Rahmi Koç (1994), Turkish business tycoon
* Idar Kreutzer (2007), CEO of Storebrand
* Craig Mundie (2008), chief research and strategy officer at Microsoft
* Egil Myklebust (1997, 2006, 2008), Chairman of the Board of SAS Group
* Stavros Niarchos (1967, 1968), Greek shipping tycoon
* Harald Norvik (2006), former CEO of Statoil
* Jorma Ollila (1997,[4] 2005, 2008), Chairman of Royal Dutch Shell and NokiaCorporation
* Eivind Reiten (2000), former CEO of Norsk Hydro
* Eric E. Schmidt (2007, 2008), Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Google
* Jürgen E. Schrempp (1994-1996, 1997,[4] 1998, 1999, 2001-2005, 2006,2007), former CEO of DaimlerChrysler
* Ekkehard Schulz (2002, 2005, 2006), CEO of ThyssenKrupp
* Peter Sutherland (1989-1996, 1997,[4] 2005), former Chairman of BP
* Sidney Taurel (2007), Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Eli Lilly
* Martin Taylor (1993-1996, 1997),[4] former CEO, Barclays
* Peter A. Thiel (2007, 2008), Co-Founder, PayPal
* Daniel Vasella (1998, 1999, 2005, 2008), Chairman and CEO of Novartis
* Jürgen Weber (2004), Chairman of Lufthansa Airline
* Klaus Zumwinkel (2002-2006), former CEO of Deutsche Post AG
University, institute and other academic
* Heather Munroe-Blum (1997), Principal and Vice-Chancellor, McGill University,Montreal, Canada
* Marie-Josée Kravis (1998, 1999, 2008), Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
* C. Fred Bergsten (1971, 1974, 1984, 1997)[4], President, Peterson Institute
* Walter Isaacson (2004), President, Aspen Institute
* Bruce MacLaury (1977), former President, Brookings Institution
* Victor Halberstadt (1975, 1977, 1978-1999, 2008), Professor of Economics,Leiden University, Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings,Netherlands
* Klaus Schwab (1995-1997), founder of the World Economic Forum
* Laurence Parisot (2007), Head of French MEDEF
* Marshall McLuhan, Canadian Professor of English literature, literary critic,and communications theorist
* Michael Boskin (1991), Professor of Economics and Senior Fellow at theHoover Institution
* William Kristol (1995), co-founder of the Project for the New AmericanCentury (PNAC), member of the American Enterprise Institute, the ManhattanInstitute and the Ethics and Public Policy Center
* Graham Allison (1970, 1971, 1974, 2007), Harvard political scientist andleading analyst of U.S. national security and defense policy with a specialinterest in nuclear weapons and terrorism
* Eberhard Sandschneider (2004), political scientist, Director of the ResearchInstitute of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für auswärtige Politik,expert on China
* Fouad Ajami (2006, 2008), Director, Middle East Studies Program, The PaulH. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University
* Barnett Rubin (2008), Director of Studies and Senior Fellow, Center forInternational Cooperation, New York University
* Chester A. Crocker (2008), James R. Schlesinger Professor of StrategicStudies
* Martha Farah (2008), Director, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience; WalterH. Annenberg Professor in the Natural Sciences, University of Pennsylvania
* Roger Martin (2008), Dean, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
* Jeffrey Sachs (1990), Professor, Harvard University
* John Polanyi (1991), Professor of Chemistry, University of Toronto
* Gerald L. Curtis (1990), Professor of Political Science, Columbia University
* Aurelio Peccei (1963, 1964, 1966-1968), founder of the Club of Rome
* Lester Thurow (1977), Professor of Economics, Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, Sloan School, former Dean, MIT Sloan School of Management
* Paul Samuelson (1966, 1970), American Economist, Professor of Economics,Massachusetts Institute of Technology
* Andrew W. Cordier (1966, 1970), former President of Columbia University
* Theodore M. Hesburgh (1975), former President, University of Notre Dame
* Paul McCracken (1975), University of Michigan
* Marshall Shulman (1964, 1966)
* Kingman Brewster, Jr. (1966), former President, Yale University
* Stanley Hoffmann (1967)
* Ralf Dahrendorf (1974, 1975, 1977)
* Michael Barone (pundit) (2007), journalist
* Frederick S. Beebe (1967), former Chairman, Washington Post
* John G. Bernander (2002), former head of the Norwegian national broadcasterNRK
* Lord Black of Crossharbour (1981, 1983, 1985-1996, 1997) [4],TelegraphChairman
* Oscar Bronner (2005-2007, 2008), Editor of the Austrian newspaper Der Standard
* William F. Buckley, Jr. (1975, 1996), founder of National Review and formerhost of Firing Line
* Hubert Burda (1997, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2005-2007), Owner and CEO of HubertBurda Media
* Phillip Crawley (2006), Globe and Mail Publisher
* Mathias Döpfner (2005-2007), CEO of Axel Springer AG, editing amongstothers Die Welt and Bild
* Hedley Donovan (1966)
* Esther Dyson (2007), commentator on emerging digital technology
* Osborn Elliott (1971), former Editor in Chief, Newsweek
* Paul Finney (1977), former Managing Editor, Business Week
* Donald E. Graham (1999, 2008), Chairman of the Board of The WashingtonPost Company
* Katharine Graham, former Publisher and Chairman of The Washington PostCompany
* Henry Grunwald (1974), former Managing Editor, Time (magazine)
* Josef Joffe (1993, 2006), Publisher of Die Zeit
* Rupert Murdoch (1982, 1988)
* Christine Ockrent (1984, 2007, 2008), former first anchor of the 8pm newson the Antenne 2 French TV channel
* Anthony O'Reilly (1983), Irish media tycoon
* Norman Podhoretz (1996), Editor, Commentary
* George Stephanopoulos (1996, 1997[4]), ABC News's Chief WashingtonCorrespondent, host of ABC's This Week, senior political adviser to the 1992U.S. presidential campaign of Bill Clinton and former communications directorfor Clinton.
* Arthur Hays Sulzberger (1956, 1957, 1966)
* Cyrus L. Sulzberger (1966, 1975)
* Arthur Taylor (1977), former President, CBS
* Ben J. Wattenberg (1982)
* Mortimer Zuckerman (1994), publisher/owner of the New York Daily News,current Editor-in-Chief of U.S. News & World Report
* Alexandre Adler (2003), French conservative journalist
* Paul Gigot (1996, 2008), Editor of the Editorial Page of The Wall StreetJournal 2003- present
* Martin Wolf (1999-2001, 2003-2006), Financial Times columnist
* Juan Luis Cebrián (1983, 1985, 1987-1990, 1993, 2008), Ex-directorof El País Spanish daily newspaper and CEO of PRISA Group
* Will Hutton (1997)[6]
* Peter Jennings (1995)
* George Will (1978, 1981)
* Charlie Rose (2002, 2008)
* Fareed Zakaria (2002, 2005)
* Andrea Mitchell (2002)
* Lesley Stahl (1989, 1997)
* Thomas L. Friedman (1995, 2003)
* Bill D. Moyers (1967, 1968, 1971, 1973)
* Jim Hoagland (1993, 1998, 1999, 2002)
* Joseph Kraft (1967)
* James Reston (1966)
* Max Frankel (1966)
* Tom Wicker (1968)
* Vendeline A. H. von Bredow (2006-2008), Business Correspondent for TheEconomist
* Adrian Wooldridge (2004-2008), Foreign Correspondent for The Economist
* Guest at the 2003 Bilderberg Meeting included Carlos M. Collazo;
* Guests at the 2004 Bilderberg Meeting included Melinda Gates, and MarioDraghi;
* Guests at the 2005 Bilderberg Meeting included Vernon Jordan and Mark Warnerand may also have included, according to the Financial Times of 2 May, NatanSharansky and Bernard Kouchner;
* Guests at the 2006 Bilderberg Meeting included Vernon Jordan, George Pataki,Richard Perle, Dennis Ross, and prominent Canadians Paul Desmarais, FrankMcKenna, Heather Reisman and Globe and Mail publisher Phillip Crawley. Otherinternational guests included Mahmood Sariolghalam (Iran National University),Siv Jensen, leader of Norwegian political party Fremskrittspartiet, JohannOlav Koss, and chairman of Scandinavian Airlines, Egil Myklebust;
You may find some of the information in my blogs of some interest, especiallythe "New World Moral Order" map published in Philadelphia in early 1942 andsome information accompanying it. Chicago Tribune articles on the RhodesScholars from the mid-20th also strikes home for all interested in identifyingthe globalist organizations undermining liberty.
18th Century Liberal
21st Century Reactionary
Subject: PEPIS#104 CBS News scrutinises Obama cabinet/Bilderberg links
1. New York We Are Change voxpopping about Bilderberg in Times Square.
2. CBS News scrutinises Obama cabinet's Bilderberg links
3. My post about preventing violence and Agents Provocateurs at the forthcomingG20 summit demo
1. New York We Are Change voxpopping about Bilderberg in Times Square.
New York We Are Change voxpopping about Bilderberg in Times Square.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSIcOdmCvuk
This video was premiered on our new live video showhttp://www.mogulus.com/wearechangelive its rebroadcasting right now
Tune in every Sunday 3pm Eastern US time to get the latest CHANGE news fromRobert Wanik and Luke Rudkowski live.
WeAreChange hits the streets to talk to people in Time Square about the currentstates of America.
keep spreading this video - people need to see it and realize how dumbeddown society is and how to educate people.! Rate it, Email it, Favorite it,Message it, and Share it.
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WeAreChange would like to acknowledge that we do not support or endorseSpotlight' magazine.The views described by the people being interviewed representthemselves and not the wearechange organization
part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnLmWHKK4TY
2. CBS News scrutinises Obama cabinet's Bilderberg links
Politico: Many Of The President's Nominees Are Part Of A Secret EliteInternational Group Known As Bilderbergers
'It turns out that Sebelius - like top administration economists TimothyGeithner, Larry Summers and Paul Volcker, as well as leading Obama diplomatsRichard Holbrooke and Dennis Ross - is a Bilderberger. That is, she is someonewho has participated in the annual invitation- only conference held by anelite international organization known as the Bilderberg group. The group,which takes its name from the Dutch hotel where it held its first meetingin 1954, exists solely to bring together between 100 and 150 titans of politics,finance, military, industry, academia and media from North America and WesternEurope once a year to discuss world affairs. It doesn't issue policy statementsor resolutions, nor does it hold any events other than an annual meeting.'
Conspiracy Theorists Scrutinize Obama Ties Politico: Many Of The President'sNominees Are Part Of A Secret Elite International Group Known As BilderbergersWASHINGTON March 15, 2009 (The Politico) This story was written by KennethP. Vogel.http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/03/15/politics/politico/main48665...
The highest levels of the Obama administration are infested with membersof a shadowy, elitist cabal intent on installing a one-world government thatsubverts the will of the American people.
It sounds crazy, but that's what a group of very persistent conspiracy theoristsinsists, and they point to President Obama's nominee for Health and HumanServices Secretary, Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, as the latest piece ofevidence supporting their claims.
It turns out that Sebelius - like top administration economists Timothy Geithner,Larry Summers and Paul Volcker, as well as leading Obama diplomats RichardHolbrooke and Dennis Ross - is a Bilderberger. That is, she is someone whohas participated in the annual invitation- only conference held by an eliteinternational organization known as the Bilderberg group.
The group, which takes its name from the Dutch hotel where it held its firstmeeting in 1954, exists solely to bring together between 100 and 150 titansof politics, finance, military, industry, academia and media from North Americaand Western Europe once a year to discuss world affairs. It doesn't issuepolicy statements or resolutions, nor does it hold any events other thanan annual meeting.
Past participants have included Margaret Thatcher, who attended the 1975meeting at Turkey's Golden Dolphin Hotel, former media mogul Conrad Black,who has been to more than a dozen conferences, and Bill Clinton, Tony Blair,Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, KingJuan Carlos of Spain and top officials of BP, IBM, Barclays and the Bankof England.
It is precisely that exclusive roster of globally influential figures thathas captured the interest of an international network of conspiracists, whofor decades have viewed the Bilderberg conference as a deviouscorporate-globalist scheme.
The fulminating is aggravated by Obama's preference for surrounding himselfwith well-credentialed, well-connected, and well-traveled elites. His personnelchoices have touched a populist, even paranoid nerve among those who areconvinced powerful elites and secret societies are moving the planet towarda new world order.
Their worldview, characterized by a deep and angry suspicion of the rulingclass rather than any prevailing partisan or ideological affiliation, iswidely articulated on overnight AM radio shows and a collection of Internetwebsites.
The video sharing website YouTube alone is home to thousands ofBilderberg-related videos.
"I don't laugh at the people who claim that they understand the connections,but I've never really spent much time tracing that through," said Rep. RonPaul (R-Texas), a former presidential candidate whose libertarian sensibilitieshave made him a darling of the Bilderberg conspiracists.
"The one thing that concerns me is that the people who surround Obama orBush generally come from the same philosophic viewpoint and they have theirorganizations - they have the Trilateral Commission, the CFR [Council onForeign Relations] and the Bilderbergers, and they've been around a longtime. And my biggest concern is what they preach: Keynesian economics andinterventionism and world planning," he said.
While it's easy to dismiss the Bilder-busters as cranks, these voices havea way of making themselves heard on the margins of the debate in ways thatcan prove to be a real, if minor, distraction to Obama's political team.Bill Clinton had trouble shaking rumors that he was behind a shady criminalsyndicate operating out of the Mena airport. George W. Bush was sometimesportrayed as the puppet of clandestine Middle Eastern oil interests.
Obama's selection of numerous Bilderbergers for key posts "certainly wouldverify their suspicions," said Paul, referring to fears of the group's influence.
"And I don't think it's just Obama. Whether t's the Republicans or the Democrats- Goldman Sachs generally has somebody in treasury. And the big banks generallyhave somebody in the Federal Reserve. And they're international people, too.And they're probably working very hard this weekend, with the G20. And theyget involved in the IMF. But that is their stated goal. They do believe ina powerful centralized government and we believe in the opposite."
One popular website, "Prison Planet," greeted Sebelius' nomination with theheadline "Obama Picks Bilderberger for Health Secretary."
It's obvious why Bilderberg is a frequent target of conspiracy theorists,who've credited it with anointing aspiring presidents, selecting their runningmates, creating the European Union and instigating the war in Iraq and thebombing of Serbia, among other coups.
Bilderberg meetings are closed to the press, participants are asked not topublicly discuss the proceedings and the attendee list is only occasionallyreleased. As a result, the group has come to be viewed as a more publicity-shycousin to the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations- other influential international think tanks that are staples of fringegroup conversation.
Unlike Bilderberg, though, those organizations have opened their proceedingsto public scrutiny, maintain websites and have long listed their members.
The Bilderberg group, in a rare press release last year, laid out a benignif vague mission: creating "a better understanding of the complex forcesand major trends affecting Western nations."
"Bilderberg is a small, flexible, informal and off-the-record internationalforum in which different viewpoints can be expressed and mutual understandingenhanced," read the press release, which noted that a list of participantswould be available by phone request between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM on the secondand third days of the conference.
The Bilderberg conspiracists first pounced on the Obama connection duringthe 2008 campaign, when news leaked in May that the candidate, who at thetime was closing in on the Democratic presidential nomination, had initiallytapped former Fannie Mae chairman Jim Johnson, a top Bilderberger, to helphim select a running mate.
IRS filings show that Johnson as recently as 2006 was the treasurer of anon-profit group called American Friends of Bilderberg. The group has raisedhundreds of thousands of dollars over the years to pay for meetings--including$125,000 in total contributions from Bilderberg stalwarts Henry Kissingerand David Rockefeller in 2005 and 2006 plus $25,000 in 2005 from the WashingtonPost, whose chairman Don Graham has attended in the past.
Johnson did not return a message inquiring about his role at Bilderberg.
"The news further puts to rest any delusions that Bilderberg is a mere talkingshop where no decisions are made," reported Prison Planet. "It also ridiculesonce again any notion that an Obama presidency would bring `change' to thestatus quo of America being ruled by an unelected corporate andmilitary-industrial complex elite."
One month later, in June, Johnson was joined at the 2008 Bilderberg meetingby Geithner, Holbrooke, Summers and Ross, as well as Obama's first choicefor HHS secretary, Tom Daschle, and Sebelius, who at the time was includedon some short lists of prospective Obama running mates and who also attendedthe 2007 meeting in Istanbul, Turkey.
According to the Bilderberg press release, the meeting was designed to "dealmainly with a nuclear free world, cyber terrorism, Africa, Russia, finance,protectionism, US-EU relations, Afghanistan and Pakistan, Islam and Iran."Approximately two-thirds of the 140 expected attendees came from Europe,according to the release, and the rest from North America.
Had the meeting been held outsie the United States, that might have beenthe end of the Obama angle. But the conference, which took place from June5 through 8, was held at a heavily guarded hotel in Chantilly, Va. in suburbanWashington-coincidentally overlapping with an Obama campaign event in thearea.
While Obama's schedule indicated he was to fly home to Chicago for theweekend-and journalists were herded on a campaign plane under the impressionthey were headed there along with Obama-the future president slipped awayfor a private meetings and never actually boarded the flight. As it turnedout, Obama secretly met that evening with Hillary Rodham Clinton in Washington,D.C., but not before raising alarms among the Bilder-busters, who were convincedsomething was rotten in Chantilly.
Prison Planet connected the dots and concluded Obama and Clinton met at theBilderberg meeting, declaring that "the complete failure of the mainstreammedia to report on the fact, once again betrays the super- secretive natureand influential reputation that the 54-year-old organization still maintains."
"It is now seems increasingly likely that the secret meetings with Bilderbergthis weekend will herald the decision to name Hillary Clinton as Obama'sVP candidate," predicted a sister site, Infowars.net.
Even the snarky D.C.-based Wonkette blog weighed in, half-seriously positingthat "really, it sounds like" Obama and Clinton rendezvoused "at that creepyBilderberg Group meeting, which is happening now, and which is so secretthat nobody will admit they're going, even though everybody who is anybodygoes to Bilderberg."
Curiously, though, the episode wasn't the first time a Bilderberg meetingintersected with vice presidential selection machinations.
In 2004, both Time magazine and the New York Times noted that then- Sen.John Edwards (D-N.C) had impressed Bilderbergers at that year's conferencein Stresa, Italy-roughly one month prior to his selection as Sen. John Kerry's(D-Mass.) running mate-- when Edwards debated Republican Ralph Reed. Then,as in 2008, Jim Johnson led the vice presidential vetting.
Time reported that then-Sen. Jon Corzine (D-N.J.) and Holbrooke attendedand called Kerry "with rave reviews" about Edwards' debate skills.
In its tick-tock of the vice-presidential selection process, the New YorkTimes also noted the Bilderberg effect.
"His performance at Bilderberg was important," a friend of Kerry told theTimes. "He reported back directly to Kerry. There were other reports on hisperformance. Whether they reported directly or indirectly, I have no doubtthe word got back to Mr. Kerry about how well he did."
An attendee of the 2004 meeting dismissed the notion that Edwards' Bilderbergperformance helped land him on the Democratic ticket.
"It wasn't because of his performance at the meeting - he was at the meetingbecause he was going to get picked" said the attendee, who did not want tobe identified breaching Bilderberg's off-the-record rule. "He was there asa surrogate for Kerry" and to boost his foreign policy bona fides, said theattendee.
Either way, the attendee contended, the Bilderberg conspiracy theories don'tmake sense on their face, if only because the wide array of ideologiesrepresented would make it difficult to reach consensus.
"There were so many different people there with so many different viewpointsthat it belied the opportunity to really conspire, because obviously a Kissingerand a [prominent neoconservative Richard] Perle are going to come down ina very different place than say a Holbrooke or a Johnson," the attendee said.
Besides, the attendee observed, it's almost impossible to name aBilderberger-free Cabinet.
"You'd be hard pressed to find an administration that hasn't reahed intothose ranks into the last 20, 30, 40 years."
By Kenneth P. Vogel
and AOL
Have you ever heard of the Bilderberg group?
No 71%
Yes 29%
Total Votes: 215,349
Does it sound suspicious to you at all?
Yes 69%
No 31%
Total Votes: 201,293
Conspiracists Push 'Bilderberger' Theory
(March 15) - Another conspiracy theory surrounding President Barack Obamais making the rounds, according to Politico.com.
The latest one contends that many top officials in Obama's administrationare involved in a clandestine global cabal bent on creating a one-worldgovernment that supersedes the United States.
For decades, conspiracy theorists have viewed the Bilderberg group, aninternational organization made up of political, financial, academic andmilitary heavyweights that comes together annually to discuss world affairs,as similar to the Trilateral Commission or the Council on Foreign Relations-- two groups comprised of influential movers and shakers who, some say,control world events from behind the scenes.
And now, some in the Obama administration who have taken part in Bilderbergconferences in the past are gaining attention for their alleged involvementin a secret bid for worldwide domination.........
3. My post about preventing violence and Agents Provocateurs at the forthcomingG20 summit demo in London hidden by anonymous UK Indymedia editor 'FreeThePeeps'
G20 Flashpoint? Will demo be deliberately turned into a violent event?
Will G20 demo be deliberately turned into a violent event facilitating aright-wing clampdown on Civil Liberties in Britain? Will the G20 demonstrationend up alienating hard-working activsts from the great bulk of the publicwhose support they need if their actions are to have any wider resonance?
Inspector Chris Dreyfus - Provocateur?
Will G20 demo be deliberately turned into a violent event?http://groups.yahoo.com/group/diggers350/message/2180
Apologies if this comes across as patronising but it is so important to haveat critique of this big up-and-coming event.
Please be aware that this event is likely to be riddled with Police,Mafia/Organised Crime and Intelligence services' Agents Provocateurs. Theway they work is to infiltrate and influence genuine activist groups andthey are almost entirely unaccountable.
Those lawless fanatics who want World War Three to get going as soon as possibleare probably already looking closely at this event to make it as violentas possible, for innocent people to be hurt and to use that in the pressas an excuse for yet further clampdowns on hard won Civil Liberties in Britain.
My own personal feeling is that unless all organisers make it absolutelyclear that there will be no toleration of ANY violence, or risk of violence,against the person as well as serious stewarding and report-back measuresin place to prevent agents provocateurs inflitrating the event then I wouldnot take an active part. Organisers should consider showing they are notbeing influenced and manipulated by outside forces, by showing theirorganisational committment to proactive non-violence.
Please remember that the 7/7 London Bombings (that many believe to be a 'falseflag' attack facilitated by the Israeli Defence Force) also took place atthe time of a big international conference.
BT 4.1, 7/7 London Bombings - investigative terror documentary
Israeli Connections to the London Tube Bombs.
see also
George Galloway exposes Police Agent Provocateur
Agent provocateur - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
PEPIS#103 - Intelligence cabal book - The Pinay Cercle
See also the rare texts on witchcraft, satanism and black magic by RAF WWII war cabinet officer and author Dennis Wheatley below. Published on the web here for the first time.
1. New Pinay Cercle exposee - published web-first
Cercle researcher resurfaces after 15 years to finish and publish book
David Teacher's ROGUE AGENTS: The Cercle Pinay complex 1951 - 1991 - November8, 2008
"Formed in the Fifties... One of the most influential, secretive, and, itgoes without saying, exclusive political clubs in the West... One membercontacted by this newspaper said he could not talk about it "even off, offthe record". Another simply put the phone down... The source of its fundingis a mystery..."
- June 29, 1997, The Independent, 'Aitken dropped by the Right's secret club',one of the very few mainstream reports on Le Cercle.
Back in 1988 and 1989 Lobster Magazine published two major articles on asecretive group of French origin called the Pinay Cercle. These articleswere written by David Teacher, a translator at the European Union. In 1991Lobster Magazine announced that David would soon finish up a book on theCercle, to be published in both French and English. Unfortunately the booknever appeared (for reasons that have only become clear now), and Robin Ramsay,the editor of Lobster, lost contact with the author.
Fast forward to 2008: David Teacher, living in Geneva as an internationaladministrator, discovers the ISGP website and the Cercle article on it. Asa result he has decided to update and finish his original manuscript andallow it to be published here. The book gives great insight into the PaneuropeanRight (what ISGP has been calling the Vatican- Pauneuropa network), and isa perfect addition to the information on this site. I suggest you downloadit, print it, read it, and spread it around.
Download now: ROGUE AGENTS: The Cercle Pinay complex 1951 - 1991, in PDFformat. (right-click to save to harddisk) [December 6, 2008, final versionof book]
The purpose of the Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions (PEHI)is to put together the entire spectrum of highly influential but low-profileorganizations which appear to shape the world from behind the scenes. It'sa grass-roots effort carried out by a person with absolutely zero "inside"sources. Although information will continue to be gathered on such organizationsas Le Cercle, the 1001 Club, and the Pilgrims Society, in the future focuswill shift to more loose networks and other, related topics. http://www.isgp.eu/
Robert Graves
Witches have made headlines recently both in Germany and England. Mob violenceis reported from Franconia, a Catholic province with a somewhat backwardpeasant population, against half-crazed old women accused of bewitching theirneighbours. Farmer Sepp's best cow dies mysteriously, lice infest his house,his well dries up, his wife miscarries. Who is to blame? Old Mitzi, of course,who lives at the end of the land and once mumbled something nasty when FarmerSepp accused her of stealing his apples. Nobody likes Old Mitzi, and thecat is doubtless a demonic familiar.
Julius Streicher, Nazi editor of Der Sturmer and Gauleiter of Franconia,exploited these old-fashioned witch-hunting instincts when he blamed theJews for all Germany's ills. Now that the Jews have all gone, peasants venttheir spite on witches again.
The sudden spread of organized witch groups in modem Britain follows naturallyfrom Dr. Margaret Murray's anthropological studies, Witchcraft in Western.Europe and The God of the Witches, published a generation ago. She surprisedher readers by -presenting witches as members of an ancient British fertilitycult - akin to those of Greece, Italy and Germany - whom the Christianspersecuted for their stubborn traditionalism and who, despite all witnessto the contrary, were harmless enough.
Until then, the popular view of witches had been the semi-comic Victorianone of the old crones in steeple hats riding through the moonlit air on brooms.Witch-hunts were ascribed to mass-hysteria, like the frequent reports offlying saucers a few years ago; and lawyers could smile at our famous legalauthority, Blackstone of The Commentaries, who wrote: 'To deny the possibility,nay, the actual existence of witchcraft, is to contradict the revealed worldof God.' Blackstone had in mind I Samuel xxviii, 7-25, when the Witch ofEndor raised up Samuel's ghost for Saul. But he can have placed little reliancein the confessions of supposed witches, extorted under the Witchcraft Actof 1541 by inquisitors armed with the official handbook, Malleus Maleficarum,or Hammer of Witches. Witch trials had been a public scandal at the time,although Elizabeth's inquisitors did not use the rack, hot tongs, tooth-drawing,or other crude Continental methods which violated English Common Law.
The witch's alleged crimes - of blasting crops, producing abortions in womenand impotence in men, causing murrain among cattle, raising gales to wreckships, killing by use of wax images or direct means - were all subsidiaryto a greater sin of a pact with the Devil. Confession of this sin was readilyobtained by anticipation of modern brain-washing techniques.
The word witch derives from the Anglo-Saxon wicca, 'a magician who weakensthe power of evil'; and it was held that these 'powers of evil' could beidentified and weakened only by a priest. A witch was taking too much onhimself by his spells. Before the Norman Conquest, however, a proved witchhad merely to do penance, though in some cases for as much as seven years;it was not until 1562 that he could be condemned to death. Many thousandsof witches were then hanged: most charges being prompted by fear, malice,revenge, hope of gain, or sheer fanaticism - just as, in war¬time, spiesare seen everywhere. King James I intervened personally at the trial of theNorth Berwick witches, who confessed that they had attempted to wreck hisship by throwing a christened cat into the sea. This offended his commonsense, and he shouted out that they lied. But Agnes Sampson, a leader ofthe coven answered quietly that she did not wish him to think her a liar.Drawing James aside, she repeated word for word the conversation which hadpassed between him and his Danish queen in bed on their wedding night. Suchmanifest proof of second sight tilled him with fear: and the witches wereaccordingly hanged.
Witch-hunting in England was largely the sport of Puritans. They took toheart the Mosaic command in Exodus xxii, 18: 'Thou shalt not suffer a witchto live !' Though a distinction had been hitherto made between 'white witches',who did cures or told fortunes in the name of the Virgin or the Saints, andthe 'black witches', who followed their own dark devices, a witch's colourmade no odds to the Puritans. After the Reformation their madness slowlycooled, but it was not until George II's reign that the various WitchcraftActs were replaced by one making the crime punishable only if used for monetaryfraud. In 1950, this was superseded by the 'Fraudulent Mediums Act', whena confession of witchcraft became no more dangerous than that of atheism.Three or four covens seem somehow to have survived in England when Dr. Murray'ssympathetic reassessment of organized witchcraft made a revival possible.It was helped by Britain's rapid de- Christianization, which did not implya moral decline, but rather a criticism of church-going as inadequate tospiritual needs and out-of- step with history and science. Some of the youngergeneration took to ideal Communism or Nuclear Disarmament. But the witchcult, presented by Dr. Murray as a more ancient form of worship thanChristianity, attracted the daredevils.
Its revival allowed full play to the stronger human emotions. Witches metsecretly in wooded country, not in cold Gothic cathedrals or red- brick chapels.Women took as important a part in the dancing, singing, and feasting as men.
Each 'coven' consisted of six pairs, either husbands and wives, or engagedcouples, and an officiating priestess. All went naked. Tests of fortitudeunder flagellation and horrific danger, the raising of spirits, cauldronstirrings, incense burning, love feasts, round- dances performed back toback, served one main purpose: that of reaching an ecstatic state in whichthe magnetic force of the whole coven was focused on some unanimously chosenobject. Strange phenomena were then experienced - among them, it was said,visions of past and future. To concentrate this force, the rites were formedin a magic circle cut on turf.
I am not a witch myself and have never assisted at any Sabbath. Althoughmost English witches of my acquaintance are honest idealists, the craft attractshysterical or perverted characters and, there being no longer a Grand Masteror Chief Devil to discipline them, schisms and dissolutions are frequentin covens.
The main architect of this revival was an elderly Scottish anthropologist,now dead, Dr. Gerald Gardner, curator of a Witchcraft Museum in the Isleof Man, and author of Witchcraft Today, a popular apology for his fellow-witches.
Dr. Gardner was first initiated into a Hertfordshire coven whose traditionshad, it seems, been reinterpreted by a group of theosophists before beingaligned with his own views of what young witches need in the way of fun andgames. A female deity whom Dr. Gardner identified with the ancient EuropeanMoon-goddess, was preferred to Dr. Murray's Homed God.
Witchcraft Today, with a foreword by Dr. Murray, excited immediate attention.Sensational attacks made on Dr. Gardner by the British Press as 'a devilworshipper who puts around the dangerous idea that witchcraft is not evil'seems to have been based on Montague Summers' highly coloured accounts ofdiabolism and blood sacrifice in his Witchcraft and Black Magic. Dr. Gardnerwho believes in neither the devil nor in blood sacrifice received hundredsof fan-letters and applications for admittance to witch covens.
Apparently the equal division of the sexes in modem covens is Dr. Gardner'scontribution to the craft; for Dr. Murray shows that although every medievalcoven had its Maiden as assistant to the Chief, men were in the majority.
That witches existed in Britain from early times is undeniable. Members ofa surviving Somersetshire coven still carry small blue tattoos in woad prickedbelow a particular finger joint, which stands for a letter in the pre-ChristianCeltic alphabet. They call themselves 'Druids', worship a neolithic Britishgod, and meet at cross-quarter-days - Candlemas, May Eve, Lammas, and Hallowe'en- in a Druidic stone circle. Nevertheless, I suspect that their traditionsare based on reforms made by some late eighteenth century antiquarian ofthe Edward Davies school.
Druids are chosen, after puberty, for certain natural powers of intuitionand diagnosis, second sight, and thought control. Their membership, thoughtending to run in local families, includes professional men and women fromLondon and Bristol. Their practices are very different from the spell casting,love-philtres, poisonings and blackmail of ancient Franconian, or indeedpresent-day Majorcan, witches! There is a village carpenter, living not manymiles from my home in Majorca, whose wife, hearing that he was in love withthe baker's daughter, once put a spell on him. He could no longer cross thedoorstep into the street without fainting; not for 13 years. Then his wifedied, he followed her coffin across the threshold and is now happily marriedto the baker's daughter.
Dr. Murray, Miss Christina Hole, Mr. Mervyn Peake, the late Charles Williams,and other investigators seem to have ignored one important fact about themedieval witch cult: that it was brought to Europe by the Saracens, and graftedon a pagan Celtic stock. The Saracens had seized Spain in 711 A.D. (and werenot expelled until 1492), controlled southern France by 889, and soon addedto it Savoy, Piedmont, and part of Switzerland. Their witch groups, likethe dervishes, were devoted to ecstatic dancing, miraculous cures, and thepursuit of wisdom personified as a Divine Woman, from whom comes The Queenof Elphame, beloved by Thomas the Rhymer and other Scottish witch-men.
The God of the witches is held by Dr. Murray to be a lineal descendant ofa paleolithic Goat or Stag-god who later became the Gaulish Cernunnus, andShakespeare's Herne the Hunter. Yet the lighted candle which every GrandMaster, disguised as a black he-goat, wore between his horns on the greatWitches' Sabbath - whether in England or in France - points in a very differentdirection.
Idries Shah Sayed, the Sufi historian, has shown that a candle set betweentwo horns emblemised the ninth-century Aniza school of mystics, founded byAbu-el-Ataahia. Abu came from the powerful Arabian Aniza (Goat) tribe, towhich our contemporaries, Ibn Saud's sons and the Ruler of Kuwait both belong.The candle therefore meant 'illumination from the head of Aniza'.
'Robin', the generic name for a Chief or Grand Master, represents the PersianRah-bin ('he who sees the road'). A Berber off-shoot of the Aniza schoolwas known as 'the Two-Horned', and in Spain lived under the protection ofthe Aragonese Kings, who intermarried alike with the Prophet's royal descendantsat Granada and with the English monarchy. It is evidently this particularcult that reached the British Isles.
An illustration on the cover of Sadducismus Trium¬phantus, a 1681 chap-book, shows Robin Goodfellow, horns on his head and candle in hand, caperingamong a coven of witches who number 13 like the Berber groups. A Two-Horneddevotee wore his ritual knife, the ad-dbamne ('athame' to present-day witches)unsheathed and, as a reminder of his mortality, danced in a kafan, orwinding-sheet (which is the most probable derivation of coven), at a meetingknown as az zabat, 'the Powerful Occasion'. Hence the 'Witches Sabbath',or 'Esbar'. Two beautiful young French witches told De" Lancre, an examinerat La Bourd, that their Sabbath was a paradise of inexpressible joy, a preludeto still greater glory, and far better than the Mass. The Two Horneq didindeed consider ecstasy no more than a prelude to divine wisdom. Some ofthem rode sticks, or brooms, like hobby-horses; cantering 'widder-shins',against the course of the sun, as around the Kaaba at Mecca; which explainswhy English witches were accused of causing storms, mildew, and blight bythis means. Modern witches are careful to dance in the sun-wise direction.
It is not known at what period the Two-Horned cult entered Britain. The climatewas favourable in 1208, when the Pope laid England under an Interdict forten years, and King John sent an embassy to Morocco with secret promisesthat he would turn Moslem. And again, 100 years later, when the entire Orderof Knights Templars was accused of witchcraft and suppressed at the Pope'sorders.
The original school of Aniza achieved a state of ecstasy by beating drumsand cymbals, or rhythmic clapping in ever-increasing tempo: but hallucinogenicdrugs seem to have been preferred at a later period, lest the noise of Two-Hornedrevels might come to the ears of Church officers.
The earliest accounts of broomstick rides say nothing of levitation; laterones suggest that an English witch, when initiated, was blindfolded, smearedwith toxic flying ointment, and set astride a broom. The ointment containedfox-glove (digitalis) to accelerate the pulse, aconite to numb feet and hands,and belladonna, cowbane, or hemlock to confuse the senses. Other witchesfanned the novice's face and, after a while, she could no longer feel herfeet on the ground.
The cry went up :
Horse and hattock,
Horse and go,
Horse and pellatis
Ho, Ho!
and she believed the Chief who told her she was flying across land and sea.
Loathing of the crucifix is attributed alike to Templars and witches, thecrucifix being a graven image of the kind which Moses (supported by Jesushimself, and by Mahomed) forbade to be worshipped. Both witches and Templarswere, in fact, Christians, though heretical ones. Robin Hood ballads, sungat May Games around a pagan Maypole, suggest that the Two-Horned cult hadbeen active in the reign of Edward 11, who enlisted Robin and his merry menas Royal archers. Robin and Maid Marian belonged to a coven of thirteen.
But the Two-Horned did not dance naked; nor did any medieval British witches.The modern cult has borrowed its nudism either from the Far East or fromGermany - where souvenir shops in the Harz mountains have long been sellingfigurines of naked young Brocken Hexen astride brooms.
There is no need to worry about modern witches. In fact, they have a greatmany worries of their own: such as that of finding 'seclusion for their rites- difficult these days, except in private houses or at nudist camps. Alsocharges of obscenity and diabolism, still levelled at them by newspapers.The diabolic Black Masses described by Montague Summers are not witchcraft,but intellectual atheism: a revolt from within the Catholic Church againstit* prime mysteries.
In 1954, Dr. Gardner wrote gloomily about the future of witchcraft: 'I thinkwe must say goodbye to the witch. The cult is doomed, I am afraid, partlybecause of modern conditions, housing shortage, the smallness of modern families,and chiefly by 'education. The modern child is not interested. He knows witchesare all bunk.'
Yet the craft seems healthy enough now, and growing fast, though torn byschisms and Dr. Gardner's death. It now only needs some gifted mystic tocome forward, reunite, and decently reclothe it, and restore its originalhunger for wisdom. Fun and games are insufficient. The very latest developmentis that certain reputable psychotherapists are considering the possibilityof curing their more socially inhibited patients by a discipline based onmodern witchcraft, after enlisting coven-leaders in their service. Butpsychological science, even if supported by a prolonged study of primitivemagic, is insufficient. Like fun and games.
The Dennis Wheatley Library of the Occult Volume 21
Selected by Dennis Wheatley
ISBN 0 7221 9038 7
Pub. Sphere Books 1974
Dennis Wheatley
The Sabbath - at which thirteen persons met by night to worship the Devilwith obscene rites - was in Europe the direct outcome of the spread ofChristianity. The New religion sought to enforce fasting, chastity and agenerally puritanical existence. Many people were used to looking forwardto such Roman festivals as the Saturnalia, when slaves were for a day theequal of their masters, and feasting ended in a general orgy. In consequencethe Old religion went underground. It must, too, be remembered that in theDark Ages there were no buses to take people from lonely villages into thetowns; no newspapers, football pools or television. So the Devil was on agood wicket for tempting country folk into occasional nights of wild indulgence.
Today Sabbaths - like those recently reported from Birmingham - usually takeplace in houses. But one cannot altogether ignore the persistent rumoursof moonlight gatherings for Satan worship in Cornwall, Derbyshire and NorthernScotland; and there is very good reason to believe that a Sabbath was heldon the site of an old pagan temple in the Cotswolds as recently as last April.
Aleister Crowley, so I was told by a well-known Member of Parliament whoknew him intimately, held a Sabbath, of sorts, when he was up at Cambridge.He was a brilliant scholar, and planned to produce a Greek play; but owingto its immorality the Master of John's forbade him to do so.
To be avenged he made a wax image of the Master, then induced some of hisfellow students to accompany him on a propitious night to a field. Havingperformed certain rites, Crowley called on the Devil and was about to plungea needle into the liver of the wax figure. But his companions panicked. Hisarm was jerked and, instead, the figure's ankle was pierced. Next day theMaster fell down some steps and broke his ankle.
Covens always numbered thirteen - a parody of The Last' Supper. They metin lonely dells, or sometimes in a high place if upon it there was an ancientmonolith. There had to be a pond near-by: if there were not the members ofthe Coven dug a hole and urinated into it. Sabbaths were held at full-moon,and on St. Walpurga's Eve (April 30th), St. John's Eve (June 23rd) and Allhallowe'en (October 31st). On those dates Grand Sabbaths were also held,by thirteen Covens uniting at such places as the Brocken mountain in Germanyand on Salisbury Plain.
The badge of office of the Chief of each Coven was a string worn below theleft knee. This emblem of occult power goes back to prehistoric times, andit is probable that the Most Noble Order of the Garter originated from it.
The chronicle tells us that while King Edward III was dancing with his mistress,the Countess of Salisbury, her garter fell off; and, to her great confusion,snatching it up, he proclaimed the founding of the Order. Her confusion wouldhave been great if it was a witch's garter; and it is conceivable that shewas the Queen Witch of England. If so, by seizing her insignia he took herpower to himself. It may well have been a clever political move to mergeinto his person as King the Chieftainship of the followers of the Old religion,of whom in those days there were still great numbers.
It is at least curious that he should have limited the Order to the Sovereign,the Prince of Wales and 24 Knights - two Covens; and that the Sovereign'smantle is embroidered with 168 garters which., with the garter he wears,makes 169 - i.e. 13 x 13 signifying lordship over that number of Covens.
The attempted suppression of the Old religion did not start till much later,and had its origin in the growing Puritanism which led to the Reformation.There then began the horrible witch-hunts in which old women, often guiltyonly of ugliness or practising White Magic, were ducked in ponds to see ifthey would float, stripped and searched for a third teat from which theywere believed to feed their familiars - a cat, owl or toad - and stuck withpins, to find the spot rendered painless by the touch of the Devil's fingerwhen he had accepted them as his own.
When preparing for a Sabbath, witches smeared their bodies with an unguent.Some unguents had stupefying qualities which caused them to dream that theyhad ridden naked through the night on a broomstick and that the Devil hadhad sexual intercourse with them.
The cult of the Voodoo goddess Erzulie is of a similar nature. Today, inthe West Indies, every Thursday night thousands of negroes light candlesto her, put clean sheets on their beds and - as she is violently jealous- turn their unfortunate wives out of the house; then give themselves upto dream embraces with this female counterpart of Satan.
The use of unguents by those who actually attended the Sabbaths is paralleledby modern worshippers in Satanic Temples inhaling the smoke from burningcertain herbs. This has the effect of overcoming the scruples of the moretimid, who might otherwise be revolted by the acts they are called on toperform, and stimulating the more hardened to a frenzy of abandonment.Aphrodisiacs are, of course, taken by all to increase sexual potency.
A Sabbath must have been a truly hellish spectacle. Head masks of goats,bats, cats and other animals were worn to conceal the identity of theparticipants. In a great cauldron a hell-broth bubbled - 'eye of newt andtoe of frog, wool of bat and tongue of dog', etc. A band struck up but eachmember of it played a different tune, resulting in cacophony. Grabbing upfood and drink, the company gorged themselves to a surfeit. Naked but fortheir masks, they danced in a circle back to back. The Chief of the Covenpresented his posterior and the others kissed it in homage. He, or she, then'blessed' evil amulets, among which there was some times a dead man's hand- a talisman that was said to enable a robber to enter any house withoutbeing heard. Finally, in a wild orgy they vied with one another in sexualexcess and every form of perversion.
The equivalents of Sabbaths are held by the Mau Mau to initiate recruits.Among other horrors the initiate, male or female, is made to perform mostbestial acts with a goat and one of the Devil's names is 'The Goat of Mendes'.
In Haiti, too, such abominations still take place. There, the most terriblerite ever conceived is performed - the taking of a man's soul. The selectedvictim is bewitched and to all appearances dies. After he has been buriedhis body is dug up and re-animated. He does not know who he is; his memoryhas been completely obliterated. He has become a Zombie. The wizard who hasstricken him puts him to work in the fields. There he labours automaticallyand tirelessly, day after day, until he really dies from natural causes.
Zora Huston, a coloured American journalist of repute, carried out an exhaustiveinvestigation into this subject. In her book, Voodoo Gods, she publishesa photograph of a Zombie.
Dennis Wheatley
Witches' Sabbaths, in various forms, are still held by people of every raceand religion, but the Black Mass is exclusively a perversion of Christianity.It is a religious ceremony as distinct from a Satanic 'beanfeast'.
Each Holy Mass is dedicated to a definite 'intention'; so are Black Masses.It will be recalled that King Albert I of Belgium died in most mysteriouscirc*mstances ~ He was an exceptionally good man, so his premature end wasa tragedy for all Europe. Soon after the publication of my book The Hauntingof Toby Jugg I received a letter from a woman who stated that she had beenpresent at a Black Mass held in Brighton the day before King Albert died,and that it had been held with the intention of bringing about his death.Her account was highly circ*mstantial and showed her to have a thorough knowledgeof the Black Art.
Incidentally, it was at Brighton that Aleister Crowley was cremated in 1947,and the Black Magic rites that his disciples performed at his funeral ledto an inquiry by the Town Council. .
The mummery indulged in during the celebration of a Black Mass might seemrather childish, were it not so horrible and carried out with intense seriousnessby those who participate. It is a complete travesty of the Christian ritualand the supreme act in the worship of the Devil.
The celebrant and his assistant - who is always a woman - wear their vestmentsback to front, and hitched up so as to expose their sexual parts. The altaris furnished with a broken crucifix standing upside down, and black candlesin which brimstone has been mixed with the tallow. The ceremony opens bythe congregation reciting the Lord's Prayer backwards.
Of this particular blasphemy I was an unconscious wit¬ness three yearsago in a cellar Night Club in Nice. The compere of the cabaret was ahaggard-looking man of about sixty, with a shock of white hair. After a huskyrendering of some questionable songs, he began to intone. My French is limitedalmost to reading a restaurant menu, so I asked the friends who had broughtme there what he was saying 'The Paternoster backwards,' they replied, shruggingit off as a memory feat in ill taste. But my own belief is that it was asubtle form of 'invitation' - an indication to anyone present who was interestedin Black Magic that the blasphemer could put them in touch with a SatanicCircle. A more usual means of recruiting for the Devil is through Spiritualism.I cannot believe that any good ever comes of trying to get in touch withloved ones who have died, although one cannot blame broken-hearted peoplewho attempt to do so; but others attend seances only in search of excitement.At many seances the Black fraternity have what might be termed 'talent scouts'.They are on the lookout for widows 'of a certain age', for wealthy gentlemenin the fifties who have developed a prostate, and for young women who showsigns of being neurotic.
They tell such people that the medium's 'act' is kindergarten stuff, andthat they can show them something really thrilling. The older ones of bothsexes who accept such invitations soon find their desires satisfied - atthe price of having been photographed by hidden cameras and later blackmailed- the younger, drugged, dragooned and terrified, become the unpaid prostitutesof the Satanic Temples from which hideous bondage they rarely manage to escape.
At a Black Mass the whole ritual is recited backwards, then Communion wafersare defiled. These wafers are stolen from churches, and during the past twentyyears the Press has reported numerous cases of such thefts. Next the sacrificeis offered up, its throat cut, the blood caught in a chalice and drunk inplace of Communion wine. Finally the celebrant has intercourse with his assistanton the altar and the congregation, made frenzied by incense containing drugs,throw themselves upon one another in a general orgy.
To be of maximum effectiveness the Black Mass should be celebrated by anunfrocked priest, and the sacrifice be an unweaned babe. Madame de Montespan,the beautiful mistress of Louis XIV, ordered many Black Masses with the'intention' of retaining the King's waning love; and, it is said, both gaveherself to the infamous Abbe Guibourg, who celebrated them for her, and boughtunwanted babies for sacrifice. The case of the warrior-sorcerer Gilles deRais - upon whom the Blue Beard story was founded - permits of no doubt.After his execution the remains of 14 murdered children were found in thedungeons of his castle.
In our modern world it is not easy to buy infants, or kidnap them withoutrisk of detection; so the usual sacrifice is a cat. Aleister Crowley, soa disciple of his told me, always used cats at his Abbaye de Theleme in Sicily.There was, too, the severed paw of a white kitten left on the altar of theChurch of St. John the Baptist at Yarcombe, Somerset, in 1948. The churchhad been broken into and desecrated In various ways, making it evident thata Black Mass had been celebrated there.
The parallel Pagan rituals of the Carthaginians, the Aztecs and the Druids,all called for human sacrifice, but not necessarily of a child. And thereremains unsolved the murder of Charles Walton at Meon Hill, Warwickshire,in 1945, to which no explanation could be found - other than that it wasa ritual killing.
Dennis Wheatley
'They draw pentacles on the floor, sir, and late at night the men dress upin silk smocks with the signs of the Zodiac on them. The ladies come downwearing masks and red, highheeled shoes. I've seen black candles, too.
'I hadn't an idea what it was all about. Just thought they were playing charades,or something, until I read your book To the Devil- a Daughter. Of course,I tumbled to it then. There can be no doubt about it, my employers areSatanists.'
The above is from a letter written to me by a chauffeur. He was employedby wealthy people who lived in a big house in the Eastern Counties. He wenton to say that these parties sometimes numbered as many as twenty people,some of whom came down from London in big cars and drove off in them againbefore dawn.
This man wrote to me three times. He gave his address, signed his name andoffered to meet me in his nearest town. In view of that, and the fact thathis letters showed no signs of hysteria, I see no reason to suppose thathe was not telling the truth.
Such gatherings to practise the Black Art undoubtedly take place. There are,of course, phony imitations, organized only for the purpose of lechery followedby blackmail, but genuine Satan worship is still as prevalent today as -shall we say - the dope traffic.
Magic is a science. It cannot just be picked up. One would have to have aquite exceptional brain to make, unaided, any practical use of Eliphas Levi'sDoctrine and Ritual of Transcendental Magic, or the famous Malleus Maleficarum,or even of Aleister Crowley's Magick in Theory and Practice; let alone ofthe rare but great classics such as Le Clavicule de Salomon and Grimoireof Pope Honorius. Without a sound understanding of the esoteric doctrineit would be futile - if not actually dangerous - to call up evil forces,or to rely for protection on a pentacle the Cabalistic signs of which hadbeen chosen by guesswork.
It follows that the sorcerer or witch must be taught his or her business,just as the priests of any other religion are taught theirs. Therefore, secretsocieties to hand down the Devil's mysteries, and to spread his cult as widelyas possible among the ignorant, have always existed.
Their most successful operations have been to infiltrate themselves intothe leadership of movements for reform. Many saintly men have led revoltsagainst the abuses of the 'Church, but their words have been misinterpretedand their work worse than undone by the disciples of evil a generation later.
An example is cited in the first volume of Sir Winston Churchill's book,A History of the English-Speaking Peoples. The Albigenses, [Cathars? ed.]a people who in the thirteenth century inhabited a large part of south-westernFrance, were led to believe that 'life on this earth in the flesh was thework of Satan', which meant that 'they were freed from the menaces of thenext'. Like a prairie fire immorality and disorder spread through the wholeregion. The King of France launched a 'home Crusade'; they were massacredby the thousand, until none was left.
Then there were the Knights Templar, an Order of Chivalry founded for therescue of the Holy Sepulchre. Their main base was Malta. In their decadence,perverted by evil successors to their early Grand Masters, initiates hadto spit three times on the Cross and swear allegiance to the Devil in theform of a bearded idol named Baphomet.
Their headquarters in Paris was a palace-fortress called the Temple. KingPhilippe IV had their Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, and many of his Knightsarrested there, and brought to trial for heresy. They were burnt at the stake.But the Order swore to be avenged upon the Monarchy of France.
Five hundred years later it was. From the tower of the Temple Louis XVI wastaken to the guillotine. And that the Temple had been chosen for his prisonwas not chance. The French Revolution was directed by the Masonic Lodge ofthe Grand Orient, which had inherited the championship of evil.
It should be clearly understood that Masonry in the British Commonwealthhas no connection whatever with the Grand Orient. Continental Masonry isaltogether different. Its inner circles are the successors of those of theGerman Illuminati and the Rosicrucians -:- two other great secret societieswhose leaders started them with good intent, but which later fell into evilhands. Even its rank and file members are avowed atheists.
In the past two hundred years the Grand Orient has brought about many revolutionsand in 1902-4, with the French War Minister, General André, in itstoils, it succeeded in so weakening the High Command of the Army that Francewould have proved incapable of resisting invasion.
It is the Grand Orient, more than all other factors together, which has reducedFrance, once the most powerful nation in Europe, to her present pitifulcondition. But now its activities are being surpassed by those of its fellowrevolutionaries and atheists - the Communists. Their founder, Karl Marx,advocated the destruction of the middle classes by every means includingviolence, and their efforts are world wide.
The dual principle of Good and Evil, which is the basis of every religion,must continue in perpetual conflict until the end of time. On the Right handwe have warmth, light, growth and order; on the Left hand darkness, cold,decay and chaos.
Do the authorities know of any Satanic societies operating in our midst today?I can only tell you that when discussing this matter in 1938 with one ofmy oldest friends - a man who has spent most of his life in MI5 - he askedme:
'Does "The Shadow" convey anything to you?'
'No,' I replied.
He made a wry grimace and said: 'Believe me, Dennis, I would rather be upagainst a combination of the most dangerous German and Russian agents I haveever known, than up against "The Brothers of the Shadow".'
Dennis Wheatley
There is a 'gap in the curtain' through which some people can see. Of thatI have incontestable proof.
In the 1920s I used occasionally to visit a seer named Dewhirst. He predictedto me the circ*mstances in which I should meet my wife' and even describedthe way she did her hair.
In 1932 I went to see him again. Immediately I entered his room he exclaimed:'You've written a book!'
That was pretty staggering as I had not seen him for two years and I hadonly just sent the manuscript of my first novel to an agent. But he wenton:
'You are on your right road at last. Someone whose name begins with H willsell millions of your books. They will be read in every country under thesun.' Then he named the seven weeks ahead, on which I would have good newsabout my book.
On that date I learned that Walter Hutchinson had taken The Forbidden Territoryfor publication..
He used no cards or crystal. Only lesser soothsayers require such aids fortuning in to the occult. And I have never 'known anyone else with such powersof supernormal vision.
Fortune-telling of this kind is not evil. But it becomes so, when crueltyto animals and/or Satanic rituals are employed. The Ancients examined theentrails of still living birds and beasts; and necromancy entails raisingthe dead as that dark tale in the Bible tells us the Witch of Endor did forSaul. .
Whole life forecasts are obtained by casting horoscopes. That means relatingthe day and hour of birth to the position of the Heavenly bodies. It is along and complicated process, as the Sun, Moon and Planets are all creditedwith contributing to a person's character and influencing his acts.
Each, too, has a number, and every person has a number arrived at by acombination of. his birth date and the numerological value of the lettersforming his name. The ancient belief is that from these lucky and unluckydays and periods can be foretold.
This possibility cannot be ruled out. There is good reason to believe thatplants thrive better when planted under a waxing Moon. It is possible thateach Heavenly body emits something in the nature of what we now term 'cosmicrays', to which the human mind is sensitive. If so, they are governed byNatural Laws not yet fathomed by science - and we regard predictions of thiskind as supernatural only because we have no explanation for them.
Palmistry is definitely a science, although not yet accepted as such. I learnedto read hands while serving as a subaltern on the Western Front. With practiceanyone can tell character, talents and health. tendencies from the shapeof the hands, their resilience, the nails and the lines on the palms. But,when it comes to predicting the future, the latter must be regarded as ameans of tuning in.
Disappointment and warped judgment are the price that nearly everyone payswho seeks guidance by having his fortune told - however innocent the means.Because, even apart from fraud, the tendency is always to interpret predictionsin the sense one would like them to mean. The most famous oracle of ancienttimes was at Delphi. In a cellar priestesses threw themselves into a tranceby inhaling the smoke of burning herbs, then answered questions put to themthrough a crack in the ceiling. Their utterances usually contained the germof truth, but were so cryptic that numerous Greek generals were led by theminto doing the wrong thing.
The extraordinary prophecies of Nostradamus, in the sixteenth century, wereso obscure that few people understood them when made; yet many of them havesince been fulfilled. Among other things, he predicted that in the year 2000Paris would finally be destroyed by fire sent down from a flock of giantman-made birds coming from the Far :East. That must have sounded sheer nonsense400 years ago. But, were I likely to live that long, you would not find medrinking a champagne co*cktail in the Ritz bar there round the year 2000.,
Perhaps, though, by then the Russians will be occupying Paris, and theatom-belching missiles have been despatched from an Australia which has becomethe home base of the British people? It is so easy to put a wrong constructionon prophecies. The stars may foretell that on Wednesday 'Something is comingyour way'. It may be an old boot at your head.
And predictions can lead you into trouble. When Dewhirst foretold big moneyfrom my book for me, I might have gone on a spending spree. But it was notuntil a year later that I received more than an advance of £30, so Iwould have landed myself in a nasty mess.
The following shows how futile it is to make plans based on information receivedby occult means. Hitler employed the best astrologers and soothsayers thatcould be found in the Nazi empire, and never made a move without consultingthem. Churchill, on the other hand, had no dealings with such people. AllWar Cabinet decisions were based upon reasoned assessments submitted by ourChiefs of Staff. Yet the British - for a year, alone - held the whole mightof Germany at bay.
A few more words on Magic. No saying is less true than that 'The Devil looksafter his own'. I have never yet met anyone who practised Black, or evenGrey, Magic who was not hard up.
Finally: should you ever have reason to believe that you or yours have comeinto the orbit of malignant occult forces, do not hesitate to consult yourparson or priest. They will not laugh. And should you ever be confrontedwith an evil manifestation, have no fear. Pray for help. It will immediatelybe given to you. Make the Sign of the Cross and 'thou shalt not be afraidfor the terror by night'.
I've been trawling around for something reasonably authoritative on thissubject for a while - here is a first on the web tonight for these two DennisWheatley essays.
The Dennis Wheatley Library of the Occult Volume 21
Selected by Dennis Wheatley
ISBN 0 7221 9038 7
Pub. Sphere Books 1974
Dennis Wheatley
The Devil is just round the corner, and he is watching you. Don't you believethat? There are a lot of people who do, and some of them, even in this country,still participate in abominable rites for the purpose of courting his favour.
If you do not believe that the Devil is interested in you, then you do notbelieve in God, without Whose knowledge, so the Bible tells us, not a sparrowfalls. You cannot believe in one and not the other. In the beginning Lucifer,to give the Devil his personal name, was an Archangel. His pride and ambitioncaused him to become the leader of the first revolution. God gave St. Michaelcommand of the loyal angels. There was a tremendous battle and Michael'sangels drove Lucifer and his angels out of Heaven down to Earth. That iswhy the Devil is known as 'The Lord of This World'.
That, too, is why, when our Lord Jesus Christ was on earth, the Devil wasable to take Him up into a High Place and offer Him dominion over the faircities and fruitful plains. To deny that the Temptation occurred is to denya fundamental tenet of the Christian religion. In the Middle Ages it wasnot uncommon for people to report that the Devil had appeared to them. Inthose days everyone's mind was dominated by religion. Most people attendedtwo services on Sundays, fasted on Fridays and were present at family prayersmorning and evening. They had no holidays other than Saints' days and goingon a pilgrimage;. they went regularly to confession and, for even the smallestsin, had to perform a penance. For them Heaven and Hell were vivid realitiesand, as life was cheap, they might find themselves pitchforked into one orthe other with little warning. So it is not surprising that the more imaginativesometimes 'saw things'. We may, therefore, put down most of these reported'visions' as the product of an empty stomach upon an empty brain. But notall.
Not, that is, if we can believe the late Aleister Crowley, who once assuredme that it is perfectly possible to raise - he did not say the Devil, butthat was what he meant.
Of course, it is not suggested that the mighty Lucifer ..... who is secondonly in power to the Lord God Himself appears to people in person. But eachof us has a Guardian Angel, and it is his opposite number, a creature ofthe Devil's charged with our undoing, who, in exceptional circ*mstances,may become visible to human eyes. The form in which such evil entitiesmaterialise is naturally that expected of them. Hence the fire-breathinghorrors with horns, cloven hoofs and spiked tail which appeared to peoplein the Middle Ages, and that in Crowley's case it was that of Pan - the coldlyevil Greek horned-god whom he had deliberately conjured up.
Why, you may ask, are people rarely troubled by such supernatural visitorsin these days? The answer is that life is infinitely more complex, and themodem mind occupied by such things as politics, sport, the cinema, travel,broadcasts, the constant change in the fashions of clothes, and so on tothe exclusion of religion. They are no longer interested in either saintsor demons.
But do not suppose that, for that reason, the Devil no longer exists. Aspart of the original Creation he is immortal. Being no fool he has adaptedhimself to modem conditions and gone underground. It is with good reasonthat one of his names is 'Lord of Misrule'. God's wish, clearly manifestedin the teachings of Jesus Christ, is that we should avoid all cause for quarrelsand so lead peaceful orderly lives. The Devil's province is to make us dothe opposite. By luring individuals into sin he can break up families; byfostering trade disputes he can cause conditions which. ultimately lead topoverty and crime; by arousing the passions of nations he can cause war.
From the beginning of time he has made tools of the greedy, the discontentedand the ambitious, stimulating them by the temptation of power to sabotagepeace, prosperity and good stable government. Can anyone maintain that hehas been idle during the past half century?
These subtle and ubiquitous activities apart, the Devil still plays an activerole in the lives of quite a number of people. It is a fact that any dayin a bus or a train YOU may be sitting opposite to a man or woman who hasmade a pact with Satan, or been sold to him. In the introduction to StoryIV 'A Life for a Life' I have already mentioned the case of the Essex womanwho was' sold as a child to the Devil; and as 'Lord of this World' the Devildoes not, of course, confine his attention to Christian people. As an examplethere is the case of the young Australian aboriginal, Lyn Wulumu, which wasrecently featured in the Press.
His mother-in-law wanted him out of the way so she 'sung him the song ofthe dreamtime snake'. When this is done by a votary of Satan a dream-snakecoils itself round the body of the victim and gradually crushes him untilhe can no longer breathe. Lyn Wulumu, unquestionably a dying man, was flowndown by the Methodist Mission to Darwin Hospital. Four doctors could findnothing whatever wrong with him physically, but they put him in an iron lung;his life was saved and it is now reported that he has regained the will tolive.
My books with occult backgrounds have brought me many hundreds of lettersfrom all parts of the world upon similar subjects. Scores of them are, ofcourse, from people with bees in their bonnets; but with some knowledge ofsuch matters it is not difficult to sort the wheat from he chaff, and manyare from doctors, magistrates and clergymen vouching for their personal knowledgeof happenings impossible to explain except as the result of witchcraft.
The fact is that, although unrealized by most Europeans, in every great city,in the jungles of Africa, the villages of Asia, the plantations of the WestIndies, and even in some remote hamlets of our own countryside. Satanismis still practised.
The dual principle of Good and Evil, which is the basis of every religion,must continue in perpetual conflict until the end of time. On the Right handwe have light, warmth, growth and order; on the Left hand, darkness, cold,decay and chaos.
Each of us, having within us a part of the eternal Spirit, is able at willto communicate with the Higher Powers and draw down from them additionalpower to ourselves. The Saints did so by prayer to God, which enabled themto perform their miracles. The Devil may be found even quicker to answer.
As a young officer in the 1914-18 war, while convalescing, I, played a lotof vingt-et-un. After one ten-hour session, having become bored from drawingfew cards worth betting upon, on the bank passing to me, I called on theDevil to give me luck. I drew two aces, doubled the table, drew another ace,split three times and finished with two naturals and a five and under. Everyonepaid me sixteen times his original stake.
That shook the other chaps at the table; but it shook me infinitely more,as, sooner or later, that sort of 'luck' has to be paid for. I have neverprayed to the Devil since. Neither have I ever attended any form of magicalceremony or a séance. It is obviously such a fascinating game thateven the strongest-willed person could easily get drawn further and furtherinto it until - well, there are several very real dangers. The least is thatone might find oneself being blackmailed for taking part in obscene practices.The worst, failure to pull out in time, with the realization that one hadimperilled one's immortal soul. There is also the risk of slipping up insome ritual, with consequent failure to keep under control the forces onehas called up. The result of that used to be called demonic possession. Itis now classed as lunacy. One of Crowley's occult 'operations' misfired;so that he was found next morning a gibbering idiot, and had to spend sixmonths in an asylum.
By prayer, fasting, and mortification of the flesh, the Saints called downpower in order that they might perform miracles to the glorification of God,and heal the sick. This, the use of Supernatural Power for good or unselfishends, is WHITE MAGIC.
The use of Supernatural Power for wicked or selfish ends is BLACK MAGIC.Such magic is of the Devil and can be obtained only by such sexual depravityand bestial rites as are described in the official reports of the initiationceremonies of the Mau Mau.
Yet it is not only in Africa that such abominations are practised. A fewyears ago women were giving themselves up to hideous eroticism with a greatcarved ebony figure, during Satanic orgies held in a secret temple in Bayswater,London, W.2.
Dennis Wheatley
Perhaps the most interesting man I met while collecting data for my novelswith occult backgrounds was Mr. Rollo Ahmed. He was an advanced practitionerof Yoga and made good use of it. Although a native of the West Indies henever wore an overcoat and used to go about London in the winter in a thincotton suit. One night, when it was well below freezing, he arrived to dinewith me. He had no gloves but his hands were as warm as toast.
Rollo Ahmed was deeply versed in magical lore and possessed the gift ofexplaining it with great lucidity. From him I learnt much of the theory ofthe Black Art. Briefly it may be defined as a system of short cuts to obtainingPower.
Anyone can say prayers, or think evil. God will give new strength and fortitudein answer to prayer. The Devil will give strength and resolution actuallyto perform the evil deed contemplated. However, the human brain resemblesa radio set. It needs tuning in to get the best results.
In very early times ways were discovered of 'tuning in' more rapidly. Theholy used fasting and mortification of the flesh; the unholy gross indulgenceand sexual depravity. Hence the wild orgies which are a main feature of everySatanic gathering - both ancient and modern. It was also found that contactcould be more swiftly achieved by the use of certain material aids. For example,the Clairvoyant does not actually see things in the crystal. It is a deviceto induce self- hypnotism and turn the mind inward so that it can pick upoccult vibrations. To achieve this state practitioners of the Black Art consumepotions composed of the vilest secretions of the human body. The Mau Maudo this; so, too, do the depraved followers of the Devil's cult who stilllive in our midst. Such acts may be compared to the ringing of a bell whichsummons a supernatural Power.
SUPERNATURAL is simply a word to express that which lies beyond ourcomprehension, and MAGIC the procuring of a result normally regarded asimpossible by the accepted 'LAWS' of cause and effect. In the MATERIAL spherethe MAGIC of yesterday becomes the SCIENCE of today; but there remain innumerableNATURAL LAWS which are not yet generally understood. That applies particularlyto the ability of certain humans to call upon forces of a SPIRITUAL nature;and since all spiritual power emanates from either God or the Devil thosewho employ them become priests and priestesses of either Good or Evil.
The good 'priest' uses supernatural power for unselfish ends; and the mostcommon forms of his activities are 'paintaking' and faith healing. A recentinquiry by the British Medical Association has revealed that this type ofWhite Magic is widely practised all over Britain. The investigators admitthat warts can be charmed away, and can offer no explanation for that. Concerningmore important cures, brought about by prolonged prayer, their report states:
'In the Committee's opinion it is probably better to acknowledge that thecures are at present inexplicable on scientific grounds.' In this connectionI had first-hand knowledge of an extraordinary happening while staying withmy sister-in-law in South Africa. Her old negro cook, Maria, complained ofacute pains in the breast and displayed to her an ugly tumour. Maria wasat once taken down to the hospital. After examining her, the doctor put herin the waiting-room then, just outside its door, told my sister-in-law thatthe tumour was an advanced cancer and that it must be cut out without delay.An hour later he telephoned to ask where Maria was. She had disappeared.Ten days later she returned with not a trace of the tumour. When asked foran explanation she said: 'I hears what that white doctor says to you, Missis,'bout cuttin' me up. I's scared, so I slips off back to ma Kraal. The blackdoctor, he throws the bones for me and I's well again now.'
Another supernatural potential of the human mind which has now been recognizedby the medical profession is Hypnotism. Yet no doctor can explain how itis possible for a subject to be made so iron rigid that his neck can be placedon one chair-back, his feet on another, and the hypnotist be able to kneelon the subject's stomach without his body even bending. .
The French psychologist, Pierre Janet, has even succeeded in hypnotisinga patient at a distance of over a mile, at a time known only to theexperimenters. That brings us to Mental Telepathy, of which countless peoplehave had personal experience. Such happenings used to be put down to coincidence;but a few years ago Dr. Soal, by infinitely patient and prolonged tests,proved the case for telepathy conclusively. And Water Divining - a commonand valuable practice - what explanation can science give for that?
Turning to more sensational manifestations of the supernatural, many peoplehave been saved from death by warnings of an occult nature. One of the mostintriguing is that which was vouched for by the late Lord Dufferin and Ava.
While staying in a house in Ireland, one night before getting into bed helooked out of the window. Below him in the bright moonlight he saw a mancarrying a coffin. The man looked up; his face was striking and most unpleasant.Next morning no one in the house could offer any explanation of thisextraordinary occurrence. Years later, Lord Dufferin was in Paris. He wasabout to enter an already crowded hotel lift. Suddenly he recognized theface of the lift attendant as that of the ghoul with the coffin. Startled,he stepped back. The man slammed the lift gates and up went the lift. Atthe third floor the cable broke. It crashed to the basem*nt and everyonein it, including the lift man, was killed.
Many people will swear to having seen a ghost; but proof of the actualmaterialization of a spirit is very difficult to obtain. Personally, I amprepared to take the word of that great seeker after Truth, Harry Price.He carried out countless tests of reported psychic phenomena and ruthlesslyexposed scores of fake mediums; but he told me once that there could be nopossible explanation, other than a supernatural one, for the appearancesof Rosalie.
Every conceivable check to prevent fraud was taken. Yet on using his luminousplaque he saw this little naked girl standing in front of him; and havingfelt her all over would have sworn - but for the low temperature of her flesh- to her being a living child.
It was Harry Price who told me of a strange haunting in Sussex. One bedroomin this old house was so badly haunted that even the most sceptical visitorswoke in it to find themselves being strangled; and any food left in asemi-basem*nt room became putrid within a few hours. An exorcist was calledin. The exorcism was carried out just before dawn in the bedroom. A ball,seemingly composed of black smoke and about the size of a football, appeared,rolled downstairs, out through the window of the semi-basem*nt room and acrossthe lawn to disappear in a small lake. The lake was later dredged and noless than three skeletons were brought up from it.
The Reverend Montague Summers told me of an exorcism he had performed inIreland. He was called to a farmer's wife who, it was said, was possessedby an evil spirit. He arrived in the evening. On the table in the livingroom the remains of a cold leg of mutton had already been placed for supper;the woman was in the same room. At the sight of a priest she became so violentthat she had to be held down. As he sprinkled the Holy Water on her and commandedthe demon to come forth, a small cloud of black smoke issued from herfoam-flecked mouth. It went straight into the cold mutton, and within a fewminutes everyone present saw that the meat was alive with maggots.
Few men had more knowledge of the Occult than Montague Summers, and his booksupon Witchcraft and Were wolves are classics. But he was, to say the leastof it, a curious character. Rumour has it that he was not, in fact, a priest.
My wife and I went to stay at his house for a weekend. On the ceiling ofour bedroom we found a score of enormous spiders. When I mentioned this,he replied only, 'I like spiders'; and in his garden my wife came upon thebiggest toad she has ever seen. He tried to sell me a rare book. When I refusedto buy it, I have never seen such malefic anger come into the eyes of anyman. We made an excuse to leave on Sunday morning. .
With his long silver locks and, normally, benign expression, he looked likea Restoration Bishop. Years later I used his physical appearance for CanonCopely-Syle in To the Devil - a Daughter. For that I had a precedent, asin Mr. Somerset Maugham's early book The Magician the sorcerer, Hado, bearsa striking resemblance to Aleister Crowley. Mentioning books reminds me ofA. E. W. Mason's Prisoner in the Opal. In it, he rightly associates the presenceof the most powerful evil entities with intense cold. Dante's lowest circlein Hell was formed of ice.
I do not regard myself as psychic but I have once felt that terrifying chill.I was building a shack by moonlight in an old walled garden behind the Sommebattlefield. It came upon me without rhyme or reason. I knew that somethingincredibly evil was watching me from behind - and it had suddenly becomevery cold. After a minute that seemed an eternity I panicked and fled inabject terror.
All this adds up to the fact that one cannot laugh off the Supernatural,and that like everything else in the Universe it is governed by definitelaws. To utilise those laws for personal ends is to practise the Black Art.And it is still practised in England today. One of the doctors who gave evidencebefore the B.M.A. Committee of Inquiry into faith healing stated that Blackas well as White Magic is still widely practised in Devonshire; and thatamong his patients he had had one definite death caused by Witchcraft. Thatis something to give pause for thought to those readers who will this summerbe motoring through Devon's lovely lanes.
Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are notdiscussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and politicalpower they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the WesternWorld. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon withtheir fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought.Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my consideredopinion - Tony
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups"PEPIS" group. Please feel free to forward it to anyone who might be interestedparticularly your political representatives, journalists and spiritualleaders/dudes.
To post to this group, send email to pepis@googlegroups.com
Please forward to journalists and anti-war activists
VIDEO: 7/7 Bus Bomb Survivor Daniel Obachike - The Peter Power Terror
Drill Inquest - 60 min - Nov 10, 2008
Please also take a look at www.bilderberg.org latest stories on the
front page and check out and register on the Bilderberg or UK 9/11
Truth fora.
BILDERBERG WEBSITE and www.bilderberg.org
VIDEO: 7/7 Survivor Daniel Obachike - The Peter Power Terror Drill
Tony Gosling | 12.11.2008 17:12 | SOCPA | Analysis | Indymedia |
Terror War | World
With Daniel Obachike - Tavistock Square Bus Survivor & Eye Witness
Many who've heard or read my story ask me to explain more about The
Peter Power/Visor Consultants 'Terror Drill' I witnessed that day.
The 4th Bomb - a book by Daniel Obachike
VIDEO: Daniel Obachike - The Peter Power Terror Drill Inquest - 60 min
- Nov 10, 2008
Many see the terror drills so called 'coincidence' and particularly
the occult location of Tavistock square as proof of the NWO/secret
government's hand.
The event's aim is to create a clearer understanding of it and
hopefully halt some of the stranger theories that have arisen, using
diagrams, maps, photo/video footage and by answering any questions.
7/7 Survivor Daniel Obachike's book and related blogs/websites here:
closely related
Thorough investigative documentary into 2004 lapses in the security
contract awarding process for the London Underground by Montreal
Montreal - The Next Terror Target - 60 min - Mar 27, 2008
see also
http://www.londonbombs.org.uk/ (public)
http://www.londonbombings.org.uk/ (police)
Tony Gosling
- Homepage: http://www.londonbombs.org.uk
Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are notdiscussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and politicalpower they wield?
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are powermad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on thenuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can saveour souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony
Aug 29, 10:19 pm
Putin brands Georgian crisis a US-led conspiracy
Missing mum 'on the run from corrupt system'
BBC 7/7 Documentary delayed 'until mid 2009'
Tony Gosling - Bilderberg.org
I have been contacted today by the producer of the BBC2 Conspiracy
Files 7/7 London Bombings programme due to be broadcast in about four
weeks' time.
BBC lawyers have, it seems, advised that the entire subject of 7/7 is
'sub-judice' under the terms of the Contempt of Court Act. The 7/7
related Kingston trial rolling on and on seems to be the ostensible
This is, of course, nonsense and there is no guarantee the programme
can EVER be broadcast under this legal advice.
The Contempt of Court Act, in fact, doesn't say that nothing can be
broadcast. Simply that it must be balanced and this documentary cannot
be balanced only because the police and government departments have
refused to co-operate. Neither is this indefinite length Kingston
court case within the scope of the act.
I am absolutely disgusted with this feeble legal advice from dodgy
lawyers, and the travesty of justice it represents. In a way I feel
vindicated in participating in the programme since there is clearly a
powerful dark force efort to stop the facts of 7/7 being made known to
the public.
Please help publicise this diabolical decision by encouraging people
to send emails to their friends to watch any or all of the five
documentaries already made on the internet about the likely innocence
of the 4 so-called bombers and officialdom's (particularly Scotland
Yard's) complicity in the 7/7 attacks. I've listed them here in my
personal rough order of credibility.
1. Montreal - The Next Terror Target - 60mins (2008)
Producers: Montreal 9/11 Truth - http://www.mtl911truth.org
2. Ludicrous Diversion - 28mins (2006)
Producers: anonymous - ludicrousdivers...@hotmail.com
3. 7/7 The Ripple Effect - 57mins (2007)
Producer: Muad-Dib - http://www.planetquo.com
4. Mind The Gap - 41mins (2006)
Producer: Adrian Connock - http://www.officialconfusion.com
5. BT London Bombings, version 4.1 - 31mins (2005)
Producer: anonymous
Any films I've missed please let me know.
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates
the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
Tony Gosling
Jul 24, 5:06 pm
1. How low UK TV has sunk - Dennis Potter lectures the BBC
2. Secret Bilderberg Agenda to Microchip Americans Leaked
3. Spiritual Warfare - Christian activists' Kingdom toolkit
4. False Flag Fever - Martin Summers on the possibly terminal wave of'self-harming' evil running through Western Intelligence Services
1. How low UK TV has sunk - Dennis Potter lectures the BBC
Potter's disenchantment with modern television ran deep. Fifteen years
on this is the first time this speech has been available to watch on
the web - what a shame because it's one of the best speeches ever made
at the Edinburgh Television Festival. Probably the best there will
ever be judging by this year's appalingly anodyne choice for a
2. Secret Bilderberg Agenda to Microchip Americans Leaked
Thursday July 24, 2008
Secret Bilderberg Agenda
to Microchip Americans Leaked microchip you in name of fighting terrorism
By Paul Joseph Watson
Sources from inside the 2008 Bilderberg meeting have leaked the
details of what elitists were discussing in Chantilly Virginia last
week and the talking points were ominous - a plan to microchip
Americans under the pretext of fighting terrorist groups which will be
identified as blonde haired, blue eyed westerners.
Veteran Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker relies on sources who regularly
attend Bilderberg as aides and assistants but who are not Bilderberg
members themselves. The information they provided this year is bone-
chilling for those who have tracked the development of the plan to
make the general public consider implanted microchips as a convenience
as routine as credit cards.
"Under the heading of resisting terrorism there were points made about
how the terrorist organizations are recruiting people who do not look
like terrorists - blonde, blue eyed boys - they're searching hard for
those types to become the new mad bombers," said Tucker.
As we have documented, the blue eyed blonde haired Al-Qaeda line is a
familiar talking point that has been pushed on Fox News and within
other Neo-Con circles in an attempt to turn the anti-terror apparatus
around to target dissidents, protesters and the American people in
Ominously, Tucker's source also told him that Bilderberg were
discussing the microchipping of humans on a mass scale, which would be
introduced under the pretext of fighting terrorism whereby the "good
guys" would be allowed to travel freely from airports so long as their
microchip could be scanned and the information stored in a database.
Tucker said the idea was also sold on the basis that it would help
hospital staff treat a patient in an emergency situation because a
scan of the chip would provide instantaneous access to health
Tucker underscored that Bilderberg were talking about subdermally
implanted chips and not merely RFID chips contained in clothing. The
discussion took place in a main conference hall and was part of the
agenda, not an off-hand remark in the hotel bar.
Such a bizarre concept may seem unbelievable to some, but over the
last ten years there have been dozens of examples of people accepting
implanted chips for a variety of different reasons.
In 2004, Mexico's attorney general and 160 of his office staff were
implanted with tracker chips to control access to to secure areas of
their headquarters.
The Baja Beach Club in Barcelona and other nightclubs around the world
are already offering implantable chips to customers who want to pay
for drinks with the wave of a hand and also get access to VIP areas of
the club lounge.
Bilderberg skeptical of attack on Iran
Tucker's source told him that Secretary of Defense Robert Gates did
attend Bilderberg despite him not appearing on the official list.
Tucker said that his sources told him Gates was in attendance to
present his case for war with Iran, but that the majority of
Bilderberg members were against an attack at this time.
"The Europeans were generally opposed to an invasion of Iran - Gates
made the regular war propaganda drill about how Iran is a nuclear
threat to everybody," said Tucker, adding that European Bilderbergers
made snide comments about where such nuclear weapons actually were
being kept and at one point joking that they were possibly "in Saddam
Hussein's tomb".
Despite Bilderberg opposition, Tucker said that the administration was
still considering an attack before Bush leaves office in January.
"At least 90 per cent of the Europeans oppose a war, probably closer
to 100 per cent," said Tucker, adding, "most of the Americans were
passive and deferential to the Secretary of Defense and Condoleezza
Rice's pitch in so far as Iran is concerned".
Tucker said that most Americans present at the meeting were opposed to
attacking Iran but dare not be as visible and loud in their opposition
as the Europeans.
Energy and oil prices
"One of the Bilderberg boys raised this question - should we put a lid
on the rise in oil prices, are we reaching the point of diminishing
returns," said Tucker, adding that Bilderberg noted how Americans were
trading in their SUV's in record numbers for small and more fuel
efficient cars and using more public transport to combat high gas
Tucker's source said that Bilderberg were predicting $5 for a gallon
of gas by the end of this summer and oil over $150 dollars a barrel,
but that this was a ceiling and oil prices would probably begin to
decline thereafter because they thought the acceleration had happened
too quickly.
As we previously reported, Bilderberg called for oil prices to soar in
2005 when oil was a mere $40 a barrel.
During the conference in Germany, Henry Kissinger told his fellow
attendees that the elite had resolved to ensure that oil prices would
double over the course of the next 12-24 months, which is exactly what
During their 2006 meeting in Ottawa Canada, Bilderberg agreed to push
for $105 a barrel before the end of 2008. With that target having been
smashed months ago, the acceleration towards $150 is outstripping even
Bilderberg's goal, which is why the elitists expressed a desire to
cool prices at least in the short term.
Just two days after he left Bilderberg, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke,
George W. Bush and others expressed support for a strong dollar and
Bernanke hinted that interest rates could rise, which immediately
caused oil prices to drop in line with Bilderberg's consensus.
3. Spiritual Warfare - Christian activists' Kingdom toolkit
Spiritual Warfare - Christian activists' Kingdom toolkit
July 2008 - Tony Gosling
The physical battle for land and the world's resources, World War III
is already raging. But a more important covert spiritual battle is
being fought for the hearts and minds of Western people to get them to
support undefined foreign wars. The fact that a World War has begun is
being kept from the Western public and much of the military too.* This
is the first World War in which Britain and its allies, the US and
Israel, has been the illegal originator, the aggressor. The so-called
'War On Terror' is supposed to have been founded on retribution for
the attacks of September 11th 2001. Like Orwell's vision in 1984 it is
due to go on indefinitely until everyone who opposes with force
government corruption and privatised military forces is either killed
or incarcerated by witting or unwitting agents of the New World Order,
an invisible occult world government acting behind the scenes.
Like the 7th July 2005 'terror' attacks on London no properly
conducted enquiry has taken place into 9/11. In this climate of
official lies God fearing Christians, Muslims and Jews are standing
together across the world to expose the official lies and spin and to
fearlessly stand up for the truth. We have reached a situation where
none of the government's official security systems can be relied upon.
Police, Military Intelligence, Home office, Ministers and cabinet are
all made up of such weak-minded people that large parts of these
institutions can no longer be trusted by the people whose taxes pay
for them.
Two evil, totalitarian, criminal regimes are Britain's closes allies:
The USA and Israel are both hell bent on regional and global
domination their strategy is as much unending death as they can get
away with, ie still turn in a good profit. If occultic, ultimately a
satanic network I suggest.
New World Order (NWO) Modus Operandi, an invisible world government
Dennis Wheatley, writing under the shadow of the Nazi Blitz of London
in 1941, identified a New World Order which George Bush Senior and
Junior, and Both Tony Blair and Gordon Brown appear to have
'rediscovered'. It is an expression originating with the Adolf Hitler
and The Nazi party.
Spoken by Wheatley's protagonist Monseigneur le Duc de Richleau,
Knight of the Most Exalted Order of the Golden Fleece. The Duc is
addressing his friends Simon Aron, Marie Lou, Rex Van Ryn and Richard
Eaton who he's just helped rescue from a Nazi-Voodoo priest who has
been remote viewing Britain's vital Atlantic convoy routes:
"Whether or not Hitler and Mussolini themselves are great masters of
Black Magic, nobody can possibly contest that it is through such
ambitious and unscrupulous men, German, Italian and Japanese, that the
Powers of Darkness are working and in recent years have acquired such
a terrifying increase of strength upon our earth.
"The New World Order which they wish to bring about is but another
name for Hell. If through them Evil prevailed, every man and woman of
every race and colour would finally be enslaved, from the cradle to
the grave. They would be brought up to worship might instead of right
and would be taught to condone, or even praise, murder, torture and
the suppression of all liberty as 'necessary' to the welfare of 'the
"Incontestable proof of that has already been given us by the way in
which the young Nazi-educated Germans have behaved in Poland,
Czechoslovakia, Norway, Holland, Belgium and France. They butchered
old men, women and children who did not even seek to oppose them. That
was part of the Plan, and they obeyed the order to commit these
murders in cold blood without a single recorded instance of any
protest against them by officers or men. Seven years of the
Totalitarian poison has been enough for the Evil to grip five million
German youths and with it their hearts have gone cold and stony. If
they triumph, within seventy years such words as justice, toleration,
freedom and compassion will have ceased to have a place in the
vocabularies of the races of mankind.
"In the New World Order all family life will be at an end, except for
the conquerors, and only the worst elements, spiritually, will be
allowed to procreate fresh generations to populate a world divided
into masters and slaves. The right to homes and children of their own
would be reserved to the Overlords; the rest would be herded into
barracks and reduced to the level of robots without the right to read
or speak or even think for themselves. There could be no revolt,
because every officer, priest, deputy, editor, magistrate, writer and
other leader of free thought and action in the conquered countries
would already have been executed by the firing-squads; and leaderless
herds cannot prevail against tanks, tear-gas, bombs and machine-guns.
"And unless men are free how can they progress upon the great
spiritual journey which all must make?
"This war is not for territory or gain or glory, but that Armageddon
which was prophesied of old. That is why all the Children of Light.
wherever they may be, captive or free, must hold on to their spiritual
integrity as never before and must stick at nothing, physically, in
the fight, lest the whole world fall under the domination of these
puppets who are animated by the Powers of Darkness."
As he ceased speaking they knew that although it would be many days
before their burns, weals and wounds were healed there had come into
their hearts a little glow of warmth. The Battle was still far from
being over, but they had done the thing which they had set out to do.
Their Victory was an episode no more-in the Titanic struggle that was
in progress, but the flame which animated their spirits was burning an
the brighter for it, and they were returning to fight on for the
England that they loved.
It seemed that the Duke guessed their thoughts, for he spoke again.
"As long as Britain stands the Powers of Darkness cannot prevail. On
Earth the Anglo-Saxon race is the last Guardian of the Light, and I
have an unshakable conviction that, come what may, our island will
prove the Bulwark of the World." **
But the concept of the destruction of democracy and the rights of
ordinary people world domination, has been developing for centuries.
The western capitalist world has taken people's rights away gradually
over the last 2000 years. With the arrival of the Romans money was
introduced and after the Norman invasion in 1066, beginning with the
Doomsday Book and leading on the the English Civil war the land has
been slowly stolen from under our feet. These were the first and two
most important instruments of privatisation. The overall plan being to
take away all private property rights for most people but to allow the
obedient NWO servants access to land and money. The NWO through their
previous incarnations the Knights Templar created enclosure acts which
removed the poor from the land, forcing them to work in the industrial
revolution factories and created the first mass urbanisation in the
world. The towns and cities in Britain, characterised by William
Blakes' Dark Satanic Mills, became little more than 'people farms'
where pre-Victorian workers were treated like slaves.
Freemasonry - common cause with witchcraft
An invisible government that controls North America and Europe would
be a force to be reckoned with and it is in these countries that
freemasonry is strongest. All God-fearing people need to understand
just how dangerous a 'society with secrets' in their own words could
be in the world today. When he came to power Adolf Hitler outlawed
Germany's Masonic lodges. This move was not because he was against
these occult practices, quite the contrary since through Theosophy and
the Thule Society he had been involved himself. Hitler understood that
it represented a powerful clandestine network that was a counter to
his own supremacy. And so it is today, a counterbalance to democracy.
That invisible government does exist and is centred around ex US
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and his private military company
Kissinger Associates. Is Kissinger Associates the Western World's
global protection racket? The public, secretive face of this Western
Totalitarian and financial network is called Bilderberg and it is
organised by at least one trusted freemasonic servant of the elite in
North America and Western Europe. Andrew Palmer. Bilderberg was
created by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands and the first meeting in
1954 took place in his own Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek in
Holland. In the run up to World War II Bernhard had willingly taken
the SS life-long vow of allegiance to Adolf Hitler required by those
who wanted to join the SS.
Freemasons actively recruit members from various walks of life, but
these professions such as the police, judiciary, media, solicitors,
senior civil servants, big business all have either or both of two
things in common: money and power. They represent a spiritual gangster
network and their religious philosophy of Deism is not compatible with
the Gospels, Torah or the Koran. Deism means simply 'God minus the
Bible'. In the lodge a form of 'mysticism' is taught, all masons have
to believe in a supreme being and an afterlife to join. God is
mentioned many times in the lodge but the underlying teachings of
Jesus Christ - or of Moses and Mohammed are brushed over. A mason's
loyalty is not to his community or to Jesus etc. but to his fellow
masons and to his lodge. Family, wife and children, take a back seat
in the heart of the mason who progresses up through 'degrees' as a
form of promotion in 'the craft'. Oaths of loyalty to the organisation
sworn and to the 'master' make freemasonry a religious cult, though
they officially deny this. Ultimately in the world of the freemason
mysticism can be interpreted to 'profane' outsiders as 'any rubbish
that sounds good', and whatever the Grand Master of World freemasonry
says, goes. In other words he 'is god'.
It's interesting that the freemasons' own nickname for their cult is
'the craft' this is also traditionally used by witches to
euphemistically refer to witchcraft. If only the similarity ended
there unfortunately it doesn't. Freemasonry not only mimics the
organisational structure of witchcraft as revealed by ex-witches it,
along with the mafia and oriental triads also uses the same initiation
ceremony. Initiation is a characteristic feature of cults and these
usually involve one form or another of ritual death.
Masonic lodges tend to meet formally only every three months or so and
begin with only the highest degree masons present. As the lodge
business progresses the lodge is 'opened' to masons of lower and lower
degrees until all members of the lodge are present after which the
lodge is closed and all members retire for toasts and a meal, often
singing of songs too. What is known as the 'festive board'.
Organisational structure of druids, black and white magic, wicca and
other occultists
The witchcraft coven is traditionally made up of thirteen members,
mimicking the number of Christ's apostles, Indeed mimicry of Christian
teaching is what characterises many occult practices including the use
of consecrated ground for rituals. Witchcraft can be broadly divided
into two. In white witchcraft only the good of self and others can be
pursued, a fine moral code, but it is unclear whether or not black
magicians, who are allowed to use magic to persue selfish ends, are
clandestine members of white witchcraft covens. It certainly seems
that black magic is at the core of witchcraft and white magic a more
socially acceptable 'outer portico' from which black witches can be
Most who have had experience of Witchcraft then emerged as Christians
agree on some basic facts about the organisational structure of these
occult organisations.
Firstly there is the 'neophyte' phase. Where someone new to 'the
craft' is invited by an individual to join at 'arm's length'. Only one
proper witch will be known to the neophyte and various tests will be
performed on the neophyte by the witch with the witch reporting back
to his or her coven who then discuss the suitability or otherwise of
the neophyte to be initiated further.
This neophyte status in witchcraft is identical to that of the
'presbytery' degree in 'Illuminated' masonry, and much like the first
three degrees of Freemasonry (craft, fellowcraft and master mason)
where one can appear to progress in a limited fashion up the masonic
ladder but can, in reality, never get to become a full mason. What
these masons do not realise is that they are excluded from the central
business of the craft until they have reached the third degree or
Wicca is supposed to be the modern manifestation of Teutonic and Anglo-
Saxon magic. Nevertheless with modern druidic, wicca and similar
orders the history and real traditions have been sanitised and
remanufactured during the 20th Century to make them less distasteful
to impressionable modern people disillusioned with mainstream
White witchcraft or the 'right-hand path' is the practice of magic for
positive loving ends and author Dennis Wheatley was broadly
sympathetic to white magic's aims as one can see in his novel 'Strange
Conflict'. But many believe white magic to be an outer portico, a
recruiting ground for black magicians. White magicians eventually
learn that all the really powerful 'spells' will only work for a black
magician indicating, as the Bible explains, that the power of all
magic is demonic, white magic being used by demonic forces simply to
seduce human souls.
Meetings of satan's earthly disciples - esbats, sabbats and grand
Many followers of the devil are mentally ill, they are in denial and
believe their god is still called lucifer. Get active. The Christian
has a duty to shine the light of love on satanic ceremonies. Pagan
rites are loosely based on the four ancient Egyptian mystery-religion
quarter days, that is the summer and winter solstices and spring and
autumn equinoxes. Dates which sometimes vary from year to year are
June 21st and December 22nd for the solstices and March 21st and
September 23rd for the equinoxes.
The satanic esbat is the weekly ritual gathering whereas satanic
sabbats take place at midnight on every full moon. In addition grand
sabbats take place four times a year on nights following February 2nd
(Candlemas), April 30th (Walpurgisnacht), August 1st (Lammas) and
October 31st (Halloween).
The witches sabbath occurs only once in seven years and the other
meetings are merely 'covens'. At the sabbaths the black mass is
performed which is a reversal and perversion of the catholic mass. The
black mass is performed between 11pm and midnight with the subsequent
drugged, drunken and debauched revellings continuing until dawn
The culmination of the black mass is the murderous 'sacrifice' of a
young child. Children, both dead and living, who are being secretly
brought up in the 'left-hand path' spectators at these ritualistic
The answer in truth and faith from our Lord Jesus Christ
As has been foretold in Holy Scripture Jesus Christ, Yeshuah, the
Messiah's Church, his living body, will be the most steadfast entity
to stand against the violence and schemes of that old dragon the devil
called satan who will send false prophets and mean-spirited
illusionists to blind the people. This is already happening through
carefully crafted TV documentaries aimed at undermining faith. Those
for instance which assume Darwin's theory of Evolution has been proven
beyond any doubt.
Spiritually enslaved world - persuading us to give up our right to
The present world system, led mostly by English speaking Western NATO
nations, is occupied by a clandestine web of secularists, atheists and
occultists. People in political power who are ostensibly Christians or
Jews are essential to deflect criticism by the church and they often
hold high rank whilst secretly holding both Old and New Testament in
The two main bonds of slavery which the occultists have over the years
used to enslave us are land and money. Once land was stolen from under
out feet using the lie of 'agricultural improvement' or enclosure all
evicted people became dependent on money for food and shelter, ie. to
survive. People have somehow been convinced that there is 'not enough
land to go round' when the earth is a free gift to mankind and
Britain's population of 60 million have about 60 million acres in
total on which to live, roughly an acre each. Once the right to
somewhere to live had been stripped from us the subsequent
manipulation of the money system by private goldsmiths and bankers for
private profit, including the modern manifestations of the world bank
IMF etc. has led most of the world's population to a situation of
economic slavery. Money has become not a convenient means of exchange
but a means of control and ownership by which the world's resources
are slowly being stolen from ordinary people, and individuals in
general, and owned by faceless corporations run by accountants which,
whilst classed in company law as having the rights of a person, are
immune in law for suffering resulting from corporate decisions.
The climate of revolution
All this has led to a climate whereby the possibility exists for
emancipation under Jesus Christ as king. Fakers are occupying many of
the key positions in the various churches. They follow the trends in
the Guardian Society pages rather than the example of Jesus. Allowing
enormous changes in the Church such as hom*osexual vicars and women
priests etc, is not the way Christ taught us. When Christ picked his
disciples he chose only men. We should follow his example rather than
give in to worldly calls for 'equality'.
The Christian revolution
With all meetings beginning with a meal at which communion is taken,
The Friends of God
1. Eat the lamb - communion whenever taking wine or bread with a
shared meal "... who taketh away the sins of the world"
2. Eat the word - read and listen to Gods word spoken throughout the
3. Be ready to go - Address your own sinful behaviour at the deepest
heart-felt level and let Christ help you deal with your sin
4. Blood Covering - Cover homes and deeds in prayer, if it is God's
Elements of the Kingdom Christian Order of Service
Readings: Acts, Matthew, O.T., N.T., Apocrypha, Revelation
Special readings - selected from approved post NT. Christian
writers such as John Bunyan, Shakespeare, C.S. Lewis, Alfred Thompson
Eade (Four Panorama Bible Studies) and Charles Kingsley
Testimony - from Christians in the community that feel the need to
Hymns - chosen from a list of favourites found in a specific
edition of hymns
The apostles' creed (possibly modified) other creeds of other
Ephesians 6:11-20
The Lord's Prayer
Gospel songs - with choreography if available and rounds
Prayer for those trapped by secrecy, and against the swearing of
Sabbath Friday sunset to Saturday sunset
Use names of Yahweh and Yeshuah
Sermon on the mount is central - witness
Pause to say grace at mealtimes
Time for quiet prayer in busy public spaces
Spoken prayer optional and only for groups of two up
Share money including joint bank accounts
Touch in prayer and heal one another
Dust off your Bible and discern the pseudephigrapha
Have a laugh but don't go too far
Don't satirise the innocent
Test the spirit of strangers
Less sex and violence on TV
Compassion for all those in strife
Fast in secret unless someone asks
Wash one another's feet
* Staff Sergeant Jimmy Massey, ex- USMC Iraq, interviewed November
2007 on Venezuelan TV.
** Closing paragraphs of STRANGE CONFLICT by Dennis Wheatley First
published by Hutchinson, 1941 From Chapter XXII - THE GREAT GOD PAN
4. False Flag Fever - Martin Summers on the possibly terminal wave of 'self-harming' evil running through Western Intelligence Services
Tony Gosling - Sun08Jun08
followed by this year's participant list
see also
Bush 'plans Iran air strike by August'
Imminent unilateral attack of the United States and Israel against
Iran over its nuclear program.
World War III - Kissingers Final Chantilly Gambit
Tony Gosling - Sun08Jun08
BRISTOL, UK. Quickly, before they leave, surround the Westfields
Marriott. Arrest and question them all. Make it clear that justice
will be done, that the people and authorities of Europe and North
America have decided they will not get their World War.
Henry Kissinger feels more confident in DC than if this meeting had
taken place in Europe. It's impossible now to pretend that Bilderberg
is anything more or less than an expansion of the US sphere of
influence agreed by Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt at Yalta. As boss
of Kissinger Associates he is he brains behind the largest and most
brazen protection racket the world has ever seen. And he has form. The
man who ordered the assassination of democratically elected President
Allende of Chile in 1975, leading to one of the most terrible chapters
in the post Nazi annals of human rights abuses. Then there is his
bloody coups in Indonesia, the Turkish invasion of Cyprus, his friends
in Saudi Arabia. Wherever mass slaughter and civilisation on the run
so Kissinger is there being treated as royalty.
But world respect for the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) has sunk to an
all time low. Quite apart from their close association through AIPAC
and other Israeli far right lobby groups with the apartheid and
genocide now taking place in Palestine. They have ignored the post-
Hitler UN Charter since 1967 with a promise that they must police the
occupied territories to protect their homeland. Instead they have
expanded settlements into these lands and are now looking further
afield. They use the same chilling justification for breaking
international law as Adolf Hitler did in 1938 and 1939 when he annexed
Austria and Czechoslovakia.
The Mossad have their orders. They know that just one more carefully
placed bomb will be enough to ignite the wider Middle East war that
they so desire. With a few planted clues, and mentally degenerate
patsies, made to look like an Al Quaeeda attack, on the UK or in
Ireland they may yet get their way. Such an psycopathic attack, they
know, will serve as a false flag provocation which, through the
compliant British print and broadcast media, will create a window of
opportunity in the minds of the Western public and political classes
for the expansion of Israel that they so desire and the wider war to
justify the continued US presence in the Middle East.
These European invaders, with a twisted view of a Torah so many of
them never read, want to break the back of the Arab spirit. They will
fail and all that can proceed from this diseased and racist vision is
death and destruction. Which fits in with a higher agenda, create
chaos so we can step in as the saviours to provide the order.
Mossad are powerful in Britain because of a massive clandestine
network of Royal Arch freemasonry. A secret society within a secret
society with dark temples in which can be found two giant phalluses,
plush red carpets covered with the Zionist originated Star of David
and the flags of the twelve tribes of Israel. This extremist religious
cult network provides the establishment cover within the police and
armed forces for small cells of the IDF Engineer corps. These cells
are highly trained in the use of electronics, video and computer
equipment, detonators and explosives and their favourite cover is as
art students in colleges and Universities across Britain. They have
their orders.
In the next few hours Bilderberg participants including the European
Royals will be departing Chantilly having agreed to where and when the
final false flag attack will take place. Realistically the chanceof
surrounding and arresting these war criminals is miniscule. If they
are not arrested then the Skull and Bones (please watch the excellent
YouTube interview with Professor Antony Sutton on the subject) poison
president George W. Bush and his hellish entourage will set off over
the next week or so to take their deathly orders to the European
Headquarters of the beguiled leaders and the agents of psychopathic
It is doubtful whether the wider Middle East conflagration, intended
to be the spark to ignite a much wider and open World War III, can be
avoided. More importantly can Britains forces maintain a neutral
stance and come out with peaceful, outspoken and strong leadership
against the IDF and US Military expansionism.
The Bible does provide some guiding thoughts on the subject and is
rather better than Nostradamus, so please see my Bilderberg websites
printable guide to Revelation available by clicking on the picture of
the four horsem*n on the front page of www.bilderberg.org
Only if the British forces can rid themselves of Royal Arch and
Zionist agents does Britain stand a hope of avoiding being dragged
into this wider war. That will mean sacking Field Marshal The Duke of
Kent, Field Marshall the Duke of Edinburgh and all their chivalric
order Zionist sympathisers in the Garter, Knights of Malta etc. who
desire economic renewal through a crash and a drastic reductionin
the worlds population.
If we can purge such Quislings from our midst then we may be able,
with Gods help, to avoid the disaster, which some so desire, where
with every tick of the clock enough blood to fill a river is pouring
from the torn arteries of innocent civilians and the flower of North
America and Europes youth in the Middle East.
"Chantilly, Virginia, USA"
5-8 June 2008
Honorary Chairman
BEL "Davignon, Etienne" "Vice Chairman, Suez-Tractebel"
DEU Ackermann, Josef Chairman of the Management Board andthe Group
Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG
CAN Adams, John Associate Deputy Minister of National Defenceand
Chief of the Communications Security Establishment Canada
USA Ajami, Fouad Director, Middle East Studies Program,The Paul H.
Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins
USA Alexander, Keith B. Director, National SecurityAgency
INT Almunia, Joaquín Commissioner, EuropeanCommission
GRC Alogoskoufis, George Minister of Economy and Finance
USA Altman, Roger C. Chairman, Evercore Partners Inc.
TUR Babacan, Ali Minister of Foreign Affairs
NLD Balkenende, Jan Peter Prime Minister
PRT Balsemão, Francisco Pinto Chairman and CEO,IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.;
Former Prime Minister
FRA Baverez, Nicolas Partner, Gibson, Dunn & CrutcherLLP
ITA Bernabè, Franco CEO, Telecom Italia Spa
USA Bernanke, Ben S. Chairman, Board of Governors, FederalReserve
SWE Bildt, Carl Minister of Foreign Affairs
FIN Blåfield, Antti Senior Editorial Writer, HelsinginSanomat
DNK Bosse, Stine CEO, TrygVesta
CAN Brodie, Ian Chief of Staff, Prime MinistersOffice
AUT Bronner, Oscar Publisher and Editor, Der Standard
FRA Castries, Henri de Chairman of the Management Boardand CEO,
ESP Cebrián, Juan Luis CEO, PRISA
CAN Clark, Edmund President and CEO, TD Bank FinancialGroup
GBR Clarke, Kenneth Member of Parliament
NOR Clemet, Kristin Managing Director, Civita
USA Collins, Timothy C. Senior Managing Director and CEO,
Ripplewood Holdings, LLC
FRA Collomb, Bertrand Honorary Chairman, Lafarge
PRT Costa, António Mayor of Lisbon
USA Crocker, Chester A. James R. Schlesinger Professor of Strategic
USA Daschle, Thomas A. Former US Senator and Senate MajorityLeader
CAN Desmarais, Jr., Paul Chairman and co-CEO, PowerCorporation of
GRC Diamantopoulou, Anna Member of Parliament
USA Donilon, Thomas E. Partner, OMelveny &Myers
ITA Draghi, Mario Governor, Banca dItalia
AUT Ederer, Brigitte CEO, Siemens AG Österreich
CAN Edwards, N. Murray Vice Chairman, Candian NaturalResources
DNK Eldrup, Anders President, DONG A/S
ITA Elkann, John Vice Chairman, Fiat S.p.A.
USA Farah, Martha J. Director, Center for CognitiveNeuroscience;
Walter H. Annenberg Professor in the Natural Sciences, University of
USA Feldstein, Martin S. President and CEO, National Bureauof
Economic Research
DEU Fischer, Joschka Former Minister of Foreign Affairs
USA Ford, Jr., Harold E. Vice Chairman, Merill Lynch &Co., Inc.
CHE Forstmoser, Peter Professor for Civil, Corporationand Capital
Markets Law, University of Zürich
IRL Gallagher, Paul Attorney General
USA Geithner, Timothy F. President and CEO, Federal ReserveBank
of New York
USA Gigot, Paul Editorial Page Editor, The Wall StreetJournal
IRL Gleeson, Dermot Chairman, AIB Group
NLD Goddijn, Harold CEO, TomTom
TUR Gögüs, Zeynep Journalist; Founder,EurActiv.com.tr
USA Graham, Donald E. Chairman and CEO, The WashingtonPost
NLD Halberstadt, Victor Professor of Economics, LeidenUniversity;
Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings
USA Holbrooke, Richard C. Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC
FIN Honkapohja, Seppo Member of the Board, Bank ofFinland
INT Hoop Scheffer, Jaap G. de Secretary General, NATO
USA Hubbard, Allan B. Chairman, E & A Industries,Inc.
BEL Huyghebaert, Jan Chairman of the Board of Directors,KBC Group
DEU Ischinger, Wolfgang Former Ambassador to the UK and US
USA Jacobs, Kenneth Deputy Chairman, Head of Lazard U.S.,Lazard
Frères & Co. LLC
USA Johnson, James A. Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC(Obamas man
tasked with selecting his running mate)
SWE Johnstone, Tom President and CEO, AB SKF
USA Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. Senior Managing Director, LazardFrères
& Co. LLC
FRA Jouyet, Jean-Pierre Minister of European Affairs
GBR Kerr, John Member, House of Lords; Deputy Chairman,Royal
Dutch Shell plc.
USA Kissinger, Henry A. Chairman, Kissinger Associates,Inc.
DEU Klaeden, Eckart von Foreign Policy Spokesman,CDU/CSU
USA Kleinfeld, Klaus President and COO, Alcoa
TUR Koç, Mustafa Chairman, Koç HoldingA.S.
FRA Kodmani, Bassma Director, Arab Reform Initiative
USA Kravis, Henry R. Founding Partner, Kohlberg KravisRoberts &
USA Kravis, Marie-Josée Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute,Inc.
INT Kroes, Neelie Commissioner, European Commission
POL Kwasniewski, Aleksander Former President
AUT Leitner, Wolfgang CEO, Andritz AG
ESP León Gross, Bernardino Secretary General, Officeof the Prime
INT Mandelson, Peter Commissioner, European Commission
FRA Margerie, Christophe de CEO, Total
CAN Martin, Roger Dean, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management,
University of Toronto
HUN Martonyi, János Professor of International TradeLaw; Partner,
Baker & McKenzie; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs
USA Mathews, Jessica T. President, Carnegie Endowmentfor
International Peace
INT McCreevy, Charlie Commissioner, European Commission
USA McDonough, William J. Vice Chairman and Special Advisorto the
Chairman, Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
CAN McKenna, Frank Deputy Chair, TD Bank Financial Group
GBR McKillop, Tom Chairman, The Royal Bank of ScotlandGroup
FRA Montbrial, Thierry de President, French Institute for
International Relations
ITA Monti, Mario President, Universita Commerciale LuigiBocconi
USA Mundie, Craig J. Chief Research and Strategy Officer,
Microsoft Corporation
NOR Myklebust, Egil Former Chairman of the Board of DirectorsSAS,
Norsk Hydro ASA
DEU Nass, Matthias Deputy Editor, Die Zeit
NLD Netherlands, H.M. the Queen of the
FRA Ockrent, Christine CEO, French television and radioworld
FIN Ollila, Jorma Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc
SWE Olofsson, Maud Minister of Enterprise and Energy; DeputyPrime
NLD Orange, H.R.H. the Prince of
GBR Osborne, George Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer
TUR Öztrak, Faik Member of Parliament
ITA Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso Former Minister of Finance; President
of Notre Europe
GRC Papahelas, Alexis Journalist, Kathimerini
GRC Papalexopoulos, Dimitris CEO, Titan Cement Co. S.A.
USA Paulson, Jr., Henry M. Secretary of the Treasury
USA Pearl, Frank H. Chairman and CEO, Perseus, LLC
USA Perle, Richard N. Resident Fellow, American Enterprise
Institute for Public Policy Research
FRA Pérol, François Deputy General Secretary incharge of Economic
DEU Perthes, Volker Director, Stiftung Wissenschaft undPolitik
BEL Philippe, H.R.H. Prince
CAN Prichard, J. Robert S. President and CEO, TorstarCorporation
CAN Reisman, Heather M. Chair and CEO, Indigo Books &Music Inc.
USA Rice, Condoleezza Secretary of State
PRT Rio, Rui Mayor of Porto
USA Rockefeller, David Former Chairman, Chase ManhattanBank
ESP Rodriguez Inciarte, Matias Executive Vice Chairman,Grupo
USA Rose, Charlie Producer, Rose Communications
DNK Rose, Flemming Editor, Jyllands Posten
USA Ross, Dennis B. Counselor and Ziegler DistinguishedFellow, The
Washington Institute for Near East Policy
USA Rubin, Barnett R. Director of Studies and Senior Fellow,Center
for International Cooperation, New York University
TUR Sahenk, Ferit Chairman, Dogus Holding A.S.
USA Sanford, Mark Governor of South Carolina
USA Schmidt, Eric Chairman of the Executive Committee andCEO,
AUT Scholten, Rudolf Member of the Board of ExecutiveDirectors,
Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG
DNK Schur, Fritz H. Fritz Schur Gruppen
CZE Schwarzenberg, Karel Minister of Foreign Affairs
USA Sebelius, Kathleen Governor of Kansas
USA Shultz, George P. Thomas W. and Susan B. Ford Distinguished
Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
ESP Spain, H.M. the Queen of
CHE Spillmann, Markus Editor-in-Chief and Head ManagingBoard, Neue
Zürcher Zeitung AG
USA Summers, Lawrence H. Charles W. Eliot Professor, Harvard
GBR Taylor, J. Martin Chairman, Syngenta InternationalAG
USA Thiel, Peter A. President, Clarium Capital Management,LLC
NLD Timmermans, Frans Minister of European Affairs
RUS Trenin, Dmitri V. Deputy Director and Senior Associate,
Carnegie Moscow Center
INT Trichet, Jean-Claude President, European CentralBank
USA Vakil, Sanam Assistant Professor of Middle East Studies,The
Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins
FRA Valls, Manuel Member of Parliament
GRC Varvitsiotis, Thomas Co-Founder and President, V +O
CHE Vasella, Daniel L. Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG
FIN Väyrynen, Raimo Director, The Finnish Instituteof
International Affairs
FRA Védrine, Hubert Hubert Védrine Conseil
NOR Vollebaek, Knut High Commissioner on National Minorities,OSCE
SWE Wallenberg, Jacob Chairman, Investor AB
USA Weber, J. Vin CEO, Clark & Weinstock
USA Wolfensohn, James D. Chairman, Wolfensohn & Company,LLC
USA Wolfowitz, Paul Visiting Scholar, American Enterprise
Institute for Public Policy Research
INT Zoellick, Robert B. President, The World Bank Group
GBR Bredow, Vendeline von Business Correspondent, TheEconomist
GBR Wooldridge, Adrian D. Foreign Correspondent, TheEconomist
AUT Austria
BEL Belgium
CHE Switzerland
CAN Canada
CZE Czech Republic
DEU Germany
DNK Denmark
ESP Spain
FRA France
FIN Finland
GBR Great Britain
GRC Greece
HUN Hungary
INT International
IRL Ireland
ITA Italy
NOR Norway
NLD Netherlands
PRT Portugal
POL Poland
RUS Russia
SWE Sweden
TUR Turkey
USA United States of America
Bilderberg 2008 photos
Nuclear free world (Iran?), cyber terrorism (US websites posing as 'Al
Quaeeda'?), Africa, Russia (with Russians invited or just the Moscow
Carnegie Endowment again?), finance (monetary reform?), protectionism,
US-EU relations (How is Yalta US sphere of influence coming along?),
Afghanistan (surrounding the Russians) and Pakistan (surrounding the
Russians again), Islam and.... yes Iran.
no participant list as yet
please expedite
Press Release Source: American Friends of Bilderberg
Thursday June 5, 8:10 pm ET
CHANTILLY, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The 56th Bilderberg Meeting will be
held in Chantilly, Virginia, USA 5 8 June 2008. The Conference willdeal mainly with a nuclear free world, cyber terrorism, Africa, Russia, finance,protectionism, US-EU relations, Afghanistan and Pakistan, Islam and Iran.Approximately 140 participants will attend, of whom about two-thirds comefrom Europe and the balance from North America. About one-third is fromgovernment and politics, and two- thirds are from finance, industry, labor,education and communications. (plus the royal families of Europe but we don'tmention them) The meeting is private in order to encourage frank and opendiscussion.
Bilderberg takes its name from the hotel in Holland, where the first meetingtook place in May 1954. That pioneering meeting grew out of the concern expressedby leading citizens on both sides of the Atlantic that Western Europe andNorth America were not working together as closely as they should on commonproblems of critical importance. It was felt that regular, off-the-recorddiscussions would help create a better understanding of the complex forcesand major trends affecting Western nations in the difficult post-war period.The Cold War has now ended. But in practically all respects, there are more,not fewer, common problems - from trade to jobs, from monetary policy toinvestment, from ecological challenges to the task of promoting internationalsecurity. It is hard to think of any major issue in either Europe or NorthAmerica whose unilateral solution would not have repercussions for the other.Thus the concept of a European-American forum has not been overtaken by time.The dialoguebetween these two regions is still - even increasingly- critical.
What is unique about Bilderberg as a forum, is the broad cross-section ofleading citizens that are assembled for nearly three days of informal andoff-the-record discussion about topics of current concern especially in thefields of foreign affairs and the international economy; the strong feelingamong participants that in view of the differing attitudes and experiencesof the Western nations, there remains a clear need to further develop anunderstanding in which these concerns can be accommodated; the privacy ofthe meetings, which has no purpose other than to allow participants to speaktheir minds openly and freely. In short, Bilderberg is a small, flexible,informal and off-the-record international forum in which different viewpointscan be expressed and mutual understanding enhanced.
Bilderberg's only activity is its annual Conference. At the meetings, noresolutions are proposed, no votes taken, and no policy statements issued.Since 1954, fifty-five conferences have been held. The names of the participantsare made available to the press. Participants are chosen for their experience,their knowledge, and their standing; all participants attend Bilderberg ina private and not an official capacity.
There will be no press conference. A list of participants is available byphone request at 703-818-3647 between 9am-5pm EDT June 6-7, 2008.
American Friends of Bilderberg
Steven Lee, 703-818-3647
1 & 2 - Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende visits Washington DC
3. Iranians Arrest CIA Explosive/Chemical Terror Network
Hi all,
Some real hard evidence about Bilderberg 2008 this time.
Looks like the Athens meeting may not have been one 'maverick' editor buta false trail 'pandering' to our searches on the forum. Thanks to all atprisonplanet.com for drawing this to everyones' attention.
Most important thing is though, as Marek Tysis ponts out, that never beforehas the Dutch Embassy announced the Bilderberg conference ahead of the event.This exceptional move may indicate that there are people in the Dutch government,maybe even including the Dutch PM himself, who are not happy about the secrecyupon which Rockefeller, Kissinger and the other Bilderberg chiefs insist?
I have personally experienced the distaste with which some of the politicianstreat Bilderberg Conferences seeing them as 'oppressive' and 'stifling'.They will oftern take any excuse to get out of the conference venue for abreath of fresh air, a drink in an ordinary bar and chat to journalists whoare hanging out at bars near the entrance.
These are the people Bilderberg most needs to 'buy the Bilderberg line'.
After all these people have a gigantic plan for global economic meltdownor recovery - and who wants to be associated with that if it all kicks off?Like being in on the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 withoutalerting the military powers in Austria- Hungary that could prevent it.
It's being discussed on the forum here (not Archduke Franz Ferdinand) Bilderberg2008: Washington June 5-8? After apparent fake meeting in Greece?
1. Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende visits Washington DC
May 16, 2008
Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende together with Minister of Foreign AffairsMaxime Verhagen will visit Washington, D.C. Thursday, June 5 to Sunday, June8. On Thursday, June 5, they will be received by President Bush at the WhiteHouse. Topics to be discussed include the international political situationincluding developments in Afghanistan and the economic cooperation betweenthe United States and the Netherlands. Subsequently, the Prime Minister willparticipate in the annual Bilderberg conference, which this year will beheld in Chantilly, VA.
Communication editors: Further details on the visit of Prime Minister Balkenendeand Minister Verhagen will be announced soon.
2. Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende visits Washington DC
Press release | 16-05-2008
Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende, together with Minister of Foreign AffairsMaxime Verhagen, will visit Washington, D.C. Thursday, June 5 to Sunday,June 8.
On Thursday, June 5, they will be received by President Bush at the WhiteHouse. Topics to be discussed include the international political situationincluding developments in Afghanistan and the economic cooperation betweenthe United States and the Netherlands. Subsequently, the Prime Minister willparticipate in the annual Bilderberg conference, which this year will beheld in Chantilly, VA., USA.
3. Iran Busts CIA-Backed Terror Group
Iranians Arrest CIA Explosive/Chemical Terror Network
Iran Busts CIA-Backed Terror Group
Announcement follows Neo-Con General's urge for Bush administration to supportterrorist bombings in Iran
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Monday, May 19, 2008
The Iranian Intelligence Ministry busted a CIA-backed terror group that wasplanning to bomb scientific, educational, and religious centers, and carryout assassinations, according to a report in the Tehran Times. The arrestscome weeks after Ret. Gen. Thomas McInerney urged the U.S. to carry out terrorbombings in Iran.
"The Intelligence Ministry on Saturday released details of the detectionand dismantling of a terrorist network affiliated to the United States,"reports the newspaper.
"The United States Central Intelligence Agency comprehensively supportedthe terrorist group by arming it, training its members, and sponsoring itsinhumane activities in Iran, the Intelligence Ministry stated."
The attack on a religious center in Shiraz last month which killed thirteenpeople and wounded 190 was blamed on the same group and according to thereport, "it also had plans to carry out similar attacks on the TehranInternational Book Fair, the Russian Consulate in Gilan Province, oil pipelinesin southern Iran, and other targets."...................
1. Johann Hari: The loathsome smearing of Israel's critics
2. Listen to drunk Ex UK Home Secretary John Reid MP who wants me to "stophankering" the Bilderbergers
3. Illuminati in a nutshell
4. My printable Revelation timeline and guide
5. War & black magic Special featuring author and WWII hero Dennis Wheatley
13May08 - Tony Gosling
Well the old tricksters did it this year. They evaded all our efforts totrack them down to a precise date and venue. There has been a lot of Bilderbergsearching activity on the forum ( ) including examinationof bilderbergers' schedules, checking of hotels but no 100% definite answer.
Whilst I had been displaying this at the top of the Bilderberg.org frontpage as a possible venue and date for a week or so Bilderberg researcherssuch as Marek Tysis, Jim Tucker and myselfsimply did not have enoughhard facts to pin them down beforehand.
The trouble is that this year particularly all the key Bilderberg peoplehave been keeping very quiet about their future plans. In past years theyhave been relatively open about where they were planning to be and it's thenquite a simple matter to identify gaps in the schedules of, say the bossof the European Central Bank and the Queen of the Netherlands, that coincide.
Marek Tysis believed, rightly as it transpired, that it would be in Vouliagmeni,Greece in one of the first two weekends of May. What they were talking aboutwe may never know. Let's hopeat least SOMEBODY who realises that thesepeople are where war and money meets and far too close to the Nazis (throughPrince Bernhard and the occult connections particularly) has got some leaks.
What are they planning for us this year then? We might guess that Henry Kissingerhas had problems with his War on Terror because nobody is believing it isanything other than a US, Israeli and British grab for empire. A continuationof Hitler's diseased dream of an occult empire to rival the extent of theold British Empire and Commonwealth and all the psychological pressure isnow being piled on Gordon Brown who is not playing ball with the Bilderbergers'fascistic 'consensus'.
There is not a lot of doubt in my mind that the immense power that Bilderbergwields is ultimately satanic. One could pick a random homeless tramp on thestreets of London to preside over such a conference you would get more commonsense in his little finger than all the Bilderberg Steering committee havein their collective greedy bodies.
Maybe that is what is needed. A jubilee of renewal to remove these despotsand their freemasonic underlings from the committees that select candidatesfor the political parties.
What seemed a real political hope in the UK, the Liberal Democrat Party hassomehow got itself a City of London stooge, Nick Clegg, in charge now sohas made itself unelectable just a the time when it could have swept to powerbecause of voter hatred of both Labour and Tory parties.
Israel too is 'celebrating' 60 years of existence and as such 60 years ofterrorism, horror and hatred of the arabs. The Jewish people don't want itbut what can they do with a fanatical far right Zionist government there.Jews are in exactly the same bind as the rest of us.Democracy has beenstealthily and deliberately undermined in Israel just as in the US andBritainand Europe by Secret Societies operating within the 'cover'of freemasonry.
The Beijing Olympics looming appears something like the Berlin Olympics of1936. A derisory show of male and female machismo with a few who will bethis year's Jesse Owens?
So Bilderberg may have been successful in stopping scrutiny of themselvesthis year, no participant list, nothing whatsoever has emerged. And thatbodes extremely ill for the coming Summer and Autumn. Whatever bloodcurdlingwarstarting event, whether or not connected with the Beijing Olympics, andwhether or not leading to a global crash which will make a few people veryvery rich, you can be sure they will be in the know. Which means that Bilderbergis culpable, there's a lot of bucks riding on this. That is why they doeverything they can, with their limitless supply of money, to keep thesemeetings out of the public eye.
What we need of course is a united front such as that which has formed inSouth America, probably because they have been the subject of so much eviland illegal US interference. A united front based on a media free of racistZionist moles and on an understanding of the true facts behind 9/11 whichkicked off all this 'War on Resistance Fighters' madness. It really is asif the war is against the plucky partisans and leaders of the French Resistanceto Nazi occupation.
So it doesn't take a lot of imagination, once you've joined the Nazi dots,to see where Henry Kissinger and Bilderberg are coming from. His presentcompany, Kissinger Associates, is the biggest protection racket on the planetand the UN eats out of its hands, that means the UN Charter and the GenevaConventions have been torn to pieces by these people, paving the way formass slaughter and maybe a little more power. Kissinger gets kudos from hisimpunity and Rockefeller, Rothschild and his financial backers and otherunderground friends are egged on to further madness by our gullibility. Thentheir is their love of Eugenics, what more proof do we need? How much morecan we forget?
They want a more subtly spun global version of what Hitler had in the early1940s and they are not going to get it because the human spirit will nothave it. But they are so greedy and determined, indeed psychopathic in theirgoal,that they would rather pull our whole beautiful God-given worlddown around our heads than allow us to be the free people we were made tobe. The real solutions to the problem of wage slavery, poverty, are so simpleas to be almost obvious. Land reform and money reform, putting land backinto the hands of those who need it as a ree gift to mankind. Taking thepower to issue money out of private corporate hands
Anyway, that'll do for now and here are a few more articles and youtube clipsto get you up to speed...
1. Johann Hari: The loathsome smearing of Israel's critics
In the US and Britain, there is a campaign to smear anybody who tries todescribe the plight of the Palestinian people. It is an attempt to intimidateand silence and to a large degree, it works. There is nobody theseself-appointed spokesmen for Israel will not attack as anti-Jewish: liberalJews, rabbis, even Holocaust survivors.
My own case isn't especially important, but it illustrates how the widerprocess of intimidation works. I have worked undercover at both the FinsburyPark mosque and among neo-Nazi Holocaust deniers to expose the Jew-hatredthere; when I went on the Islam Channel to challenge the anti-Semitism ofIslamists, I received a rash of death threats calling me "a Jew-lover", "aZionist-hom*o pig" and more.
Ah, but wait. I have also reported from Gaza and the West Bank. Last week,I wrote an article that described how untreated sewage was being pumped fromillegal Israeli settlements on to Palestinian land, contaminating theirreservoirs. This isn't controversial. It has been documented by Friends ofthe Earth, and I have seen it with my own eyes.
The response? There was little attempt to dispute the facts I offered. Instead,some of the most high profile "pro-Israel" writers and media monitoring groups including Honest Reporting and Camera said I an anti-Jewishbigot akin to Joseph Goebbels and Mahmoud Ahmadinejadh, while Melanie Phillipseven linked the stabbing of two Jewish people in North London to articleslike mine. Vast numbers of e-mails came flooding in calling for me to besacked..........
2. Listen to drunk Ex UK Home Secretary John Reid MP who wants me to "stop hankering" the Bilderbergers
3. Anthony Sutton on Google Video
Eerie and timely You can save it as an mp4 to your hard drive here if youwish http://www.keepvid.com
WALL STREET AND THE RISE OF HITLER: Stan Monteith interviews Anthony Sutton- 39 min - Jun 3, 2006
Unexplored Facets of Naziism Since the early 1920s unsubstantiated reportshave circulated to the effect that not only German industrialists, but alsoWall Street financiers, had some role possibly a substantial role in the rise of Hitler and Naziism. This book presents previouslyunpublished evidence, a great deal from files of the Nuremburg MilitaryTribunals, to support this hypothesis. However, the full impact andsuggestiveness of the evidence cannot be found from reading this volume alone.Two previous books in this series, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution1and Wall Street and FDR,2 described the roles of the same firms, and oftenthe same individuals and their fellow directors, hard at work manipulatingand assisting the Bolshevik revolution in Russia in 1917, backing FranklinD. Roosevelt for President in the United States in 1933, as well as aidingthe rise of Hitler in pre-war Germany. in brief, this book is part of a moreextensive study of the rise of modern socialism and the corporate socialists.This politically active Wall Street group is more or less the same elitistcircle known generally among Conservatives as the "Liberal Establishment,"by liberals (for instance G. William Domhoff) as "the ruling class,"3 andby conspiratorial theorists Gary Allen4 and Dan Smoot5 as the "Insiders."But whatever we call this self-perpetuating elitist group, it is apparentlyfundamentally significant in the determination of world affairs, at a levelfar behind and above that of the elected politicians. The influence and workof this same group in the rise of Hitler and Nazi Germany is the topic ofthis book. This is an area of historical research almost totally unexploredby the academic world. It is an historical minefield for the unwary and thecareless not aware of the intricacies of research procedures. The Sovietshave long accused Wall Street bankers of backing international fascism, buttheir own record of historical accuracy hardly lends their accusations muchcredence in the West, and they do not of course criticize support of theirown brand of fascism. This author falls into a different camp. Previouslyaccused of being overly critical of Sovietism and domestic socialism, whileignoring Wall Street and the rise of Hitler, this book hopefully will redressan assumed and quite inaccurate philosophical imbalance and emphasize thereal point at issue: Whatever you call the collectivist system Sovietsocialism, New Deal socialism, corporate socialism, or National socialism it is the average citizen, the guy in the street, that ultimatelyloses out to the boys running the operation at the top. Each system in itsown way is a system of plunder, an organizational device to get everyoneliving (or attempting to live) at the expense of everyone else, while theelitist leaders, the rulers and the politicians, scalp the cream off thetop... read the whole book herehttp://www.reformed-theology.org/html/books/wall_street/index.html
full length version with worse picture and sound quality
3. Illuminati in a nutshell
Satan (The Illuminati still call him Lucifer) is the brightest and mostintelligent of the heavenly host and because he is pure spirit he isindetructible. But he is only supported by one (the demonic) third of thespirit world.
In challenging an Illuminati agenda of lies it makes sense to spirituallytune in to the two-thirds majority (angels) and honour God (Yahweh) and hisonly son (Yeshuah or Jesus).
Rituals written by Adam Weishaupt in the Grand Orient lodges of freemasonry,Bavaria, Germany. Formally inaugurated in 1776.
(1) Abolition of ALL ordered national governments
(2) Abolition of inheritance
(3) Abolition of private property
(4) Abolition of patriotism
(5) Abolition of the family as the cell from which all civilisations havestemmed.
(6) Abolitions of all religions so that the Luciferian ideology of a totalitarianelite may be imposed on mankind.
To use monetary and sex bribery to obtain control of people already occupyingpositions in high places in ALL governments and other fields of human endevour.Once fallen they were to be held in bondage by application of political andother forms of blackmail and threats of financial ruin, public exposure,and physical harm.
Illuminati on the faculties of colleges and universities were to recommendstudents belonging to well-bred families for special training ininternationalism. They were to be at first persuaded and then convinced thatmen of special ability and brains had the RIGHT to rule those less gifted.Three special Illuminati schools are located at Gordonstoun in Scotland;Salem in Germany; and Anavryta in Greece.
Blackmailed Illuminati puppets and Illuminati educated students were to beused as agents and placed behind the scenes of ALL governments as 'experts'and 'specialists' so they could advise the top executives to adopt policieswhich would bring about the ultimate destruction of the religions they werreelected or appointed to serve.
The Illuminati were to obtain control of the press and all other agencieswhich distribute information to the public. News was to be slanted so thatthe public would get behind Illuminati puppets and come to believe in a OneWorld Government as the only solution to the world's problems.
0. Preparation
1. Novice
2. Minerval
3. Illuminatus Minor
4. Illuminatus Major (Scotch Novice)
5. Illuminatus Dirigens (Scotch Knight)
6. Presbyter (Priest)
7. Principatus Illuminatus (Prince)
8. Magus (Master)
9. Rex (Man-God)
The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment: let it neverappear in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name,and another occupation. None is fitter than the three lower degrees of FreeMasonry; the public is accustomed to it, expect little from it, and thereforetakes little notice of it.
"Next to this, the form of a learned or literary society is best suited toour purpose, and had Free Masonry not existed, this cover would have beenemployed; and it may be much more than a cover, it may be a powerful enginein our hands. By establishing reading societies, and subscriptionlibraries we may turn the public mind which way we will.
In like manner we must try to obtain an influence in all offices whichhave any effect, either in forming, or in managing, or even in directingthe mind of man.
4. My printable Revelation timeline and guide
Tribulation events foreseen by the apostle John in Revelation. Quoting extramaterial from Timothy R. Phillips in the End Times Bible, World Publishing.
Whether or not you believe apostle and gospel author John's roller-coasterRevelation is God-inspired you can be sure of one thing: fanatical ChristianRight, war-hungry leaders & other fakers are looking at it closely, sothat they can compare their own plans and reinterpret the shocking eventsof Revelation. They plan to use the media to spin themselves as the goodguys. See un-Biblical, racist 'Zionism' for example.
Four events that signal the beginning of the end of the world
In the first century, the apostle John's day, the noise of galloping horses'hooves hitting the ground inspired fear. It was the ominous sound of an enemy'sapproach. So when John described four horsem*n who would begin the processof unleashing judgement (tribulation) on the earth, the familiar but awfulsound of approaching horses would have been ringing in his readers' ears.In Revelation 6, John describes them. The first rides a dazzling white horse;the second, a fiery red horse; the third, a black horse; and the fourth,a deathly pale horse. Each one has a mission related to the Passover lamb's(Jesus') breaking of the first four seals of judgement up in heaven.
During the Tribulation two pairs of opposing human figures are set to featureprominently in world affairs. The antichrist (eg. Revelation 11:7 and 13:3)and false prophet (Revelation 16:13; 19:19-20; 20:10), satan's politicaland spiritual world puppets. Opposing them will be the two witnesses of God(Revelation 11:3).
Many will cry out against God - they do not or will not understand that theanguish of the tribulation is necessary to forever banish sin and evil fromthe world
5. War & black magic special:
05May08 - In World War the devil 'has surpassed himself' - Dennis Wheatley
From Gateway to Hell, Hutchinson, 1970
Chapter 7 - The Barbecue
......As the journalist drove them through the streets of the city, Richardasked him: 'While doing your job. have you ever come across any evidencethat there are Satanist gatherings in Santiago?'
The Scottish-educated Chilean laughed. 'Good gracious. no, Mr Eaton. As inevery city there are a few old crones who are credited with practisingwitchcraft, but I've never heard of their getting together to hold a Sabbat.What with their radios, motor-cycles and self-service stores, most of thepeople who live in Santiago are much too modern-minded to believe in thatsort of thing.'
'That applies to most other countries now,' Richard replied.
But the fact remains that Satanism is still practised in them.'
'If you say so, Señor. I will take your word for it. But any educatedperson would now look on believing in the Devil as nonsense.'
'Of course they would if they think of the Devil as people did in the MiddleAges: a terrifying apparition with horns, hooves and a spiked tail. But thatwas only a form his emissaries took as suitable to the beliefs of the period.Now that people have so many things, other than religion. to occupy theirminds, they naturally give little thought to the powers of good and evil.That is because they are not tuned in to such influences. But it does notmean that the Devil no longer exists.'
To Richard's surprise McTavish replied. 'If not by nation-ality, by heredityand education I'm a down-to-earth Scot. I can accept that the Devil is stillstooging round tempting people with this an' that in exchange for their immortalsouls.'
'May I ask if you are a Christian?'
'Aye, I'm certainly that.'
'Then, if you believe in God, you cannot logically disbelieve in the Devi1,because he was part of the original Creation. What is more, when Luciferwas cast out of Heaven. God gave him this world as his province. That ismade abundantly clear in the New Testament, in the passage where Satan tookJesus Christ up into a high place, showed him all the cities and the fertilevalleys and said, "All this will I give to Thee if Thou wilt bow down tome." He couldn't have offered something that wasn't his to give.'
'I suppose that is so.'
'It certainly is. And it's a great mistake to imagine that the Devil wentout of business with the coming of the scientific age. He simply wentunderground, and adapted his methods to modem conditions. 'One of his namesis "Lord of Misrule", and his object is to destroy all law and order amongmankind. What could do that more effectively than the creation of wars, inwhich countless thousands of people legally murder one another, and therefollows widespread. arson, pillage, rape and anarchy? In the present century,the Devil has brought about two world wars and a score of minor ones, bybemusing the minds of statesmen, and about the best interests of their peoples;so it seems to me that he has surpassed himself.'
'Am I right, Señor, in thinking you have formed the idea that theseparties given by Glasshill are some form of Sabbat'?'
Suddenly it struck Richard that, should that prove the case, it would bejust as well to keep McTavish in ignorance of the fact. Although Don Caesarhad banned any account of what they found out being published, McTavish might,if the story had the making of a juicy scandal, sell it to a friend forpubli-cation in another paper. After a moment, he replied, 'It's just possible;but I doubt it. Otherwise, surely you or one of your colleagues would havepicked up some rumour about Satanic rites being practised inSantiago.'............
09Apr08 - Dennis Wheatley - New World Order is 'another name for hell'
Have you ever wondered what the origin of the phrase 'New World Order' is?
Earliest source I can find is from 1941. THis is the first time this quotationhas ever been posted on the web. I just checked. Seems pretty clear to me,by New World Order' Wheatley means the central objective of Nazi politicalcontrol. Which by no means died in 1944.
Thankfully, though these C21 Nazi control freaks are convinced their diabolicalplan is possible, they can and will never achieve it. They may rather burnthe world to the ground trying, and failing.
Closing paragraphs of
STRANGE CONFLICT by Dennis Wheatley
First published by Hutchinson, 1941
Spoken by Wheatley's protagonist Monseigneur le Duc de Richleau, Knight ofthe Most Exalted Order of the Golden Fleece. The Duc is addressing his friendsSimon Aron, Marie Lou, Rex Van Ryn and Richard Eaton who he's just helpedrescue from a Nazi-Voodoo priest who has been remote viewing Britain's vitalAtlantic convoy routes:
"Whether or not Hitler and Mussolini themselves are great masters ofBlack Magic, nobody can possibly contest that it is through such ambitiousand unscrupulous men, German, Italian and Japanese, that the Powers of Darknessare working and in recent years have acquired such a terrifying increaseof strength upon our earth.
"The New World Order which they wish to bring about is but another name forHell. If through them Evil prevailed, every man and woman of every race andcolour would finally be enslaved, from the cradle to the grave. They wouldbe brought up to worship might instead of right and would be taught to condone,or even praise, murder, torture and the suppression of all liberty as 'necessary'to the welfare of 'the State'.
"Incontestable proof of that has already been given us by the way in whichthe young Nazi-educated Germans have behaved in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Norway,Holland, Belgium and France. They butchered old men, women and children whodid not even seek to oppose them. That was part of the Plan, and they obeyedthe order to commit these murders in cold blood without a single recordedinstance of any protest against them by officers or men. Seven years of theTotalitarian poison has been enough for the Evil to grip five million Germanyouths and with it their hearts have gone cold and stony. If they triumph,within seventy years such words as justice, toleration, freedom and compassionwill have ceased to have a place in the vocabularies of the races of mankind.
"In the New World Order all family life will be at an end, except for theconquerors, and only the worst elements, spiritually, will be allowed toprocreate fresh generations to populate a world divided into masters andslaves. The right to homes and children of their own would be reserved tothe Overlords; the rest would be herded into barracks and reduced to thelevel of robots without the right to read or speak or even think for themselves.There could be no revolt, because every officer, priest, deputy, editor,magistrate, writer and other leader of free thought and action in the conqueredcountries would already have been executed by the firing-squads; and leaderlessherds cannot prevail against tanks, tear-gas, bombs and machine-guns.
"And unless men are free how can they progress upon the great spiritual journeywhich all must make?
"This war is not for territory or gain or glory, but that Armageddon whichwas prophesied of old. That is why all the Children of Light. wherever theymay be, captive or free, must hold on to their spiritual integrity as neverbefore and must stick at nothing, physically, in the fight, lest the wholeworld fall under the domination of these puppets who are animated by thePowers of Darkness."
As he ceased speaking they knew that although it would be many days beforetheir burns, weals and wounds were healed there had come into their heartsa little glow of warmth. The Battle was still far from being over, but theyhad done the thing which they had set out to do. Their Victory was anepisode¬ no more-in the Titanic struggle that was in progress, but theflame which animated their spirits was burning an the brighter for it, andthey were returning to fight on for the England that they loved.
It seemed that the Duke guessed their thoughts, for he spoke again. "As longas Britain stands the Powers of Darkness cannot prevail. On Earth the Anglo-Saxonrace is the last Guardian of the Light, and I have an unshakable convictionthat, come what may, our island will prove the Bulwark of the World."
Let's hope he is as right about 21st Century Britain as he was about 1940sBritain eh!?
Nazi black magic and the anti-christ order
Extracted from:
The Nazis
By George Bruce
Hamlyn 1974
ISBN 0-600-36556-5
Nazi black magic and the anti-christ order
Heinrich Himmler, whose arrest as a traitor Hitler had ordered on 28 April1945 for negotiating with the Allies, was captured by a British patrol on23 May. A few hours later he killed himself with cyanide, and, dying asReichsführer-S.S., set his final seal upon the destruction of the world'smost sinister order, which the Third Reich's military defeat had alreadyinflicted.
Hitler had sown seeds of the deepest hatred between Nazis and Communistsin his teaching and in the cruelty and mass murder he had launched in Russia.Now it was the turn of the Soviets. Nazism reached its end in a Berlin turnedinto a battleground of unparalleled violence, fire and brutality as the Sovietforces dealt blows of destruc-tion and revenge. It was as if the Satanicessence of Nazism shone through the flames and the ruins.
From 20 November 1945 to 1 October 1946 the Nuremberg International Tribunaltried 24 members of the Nazi hierarchy as war criminals, accusing them ofcrimes 'against Peace, War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity...' Von Papen,Schacht ,and Hans Fritsche were acquitted. Twelve were sentenced to death,Bormann in his absence. Goering poisoned himself shortly before he was dueto be executed. Ribbentrop, Streicher, Keitel, Kaltenbrunner, Frank, Frick,Jodl, Rosenberg, Sauckel and Seyss-Inquart were hanged. Von Schirach andSpeer were sentenced to 20 years, von Neurath to 15 and Admiral Doenitz to10 years. Lesser lights, such as obscure S.S. murderers, were tried beforethe various Allied Military Tribunals.
Many Nazis thus paid with their lives for the misery and death they unleashedupon the world in seeking to clamp their creed of hatred and domination uponits peoples.
Can the mystery of the evil of Nazism be explained? Was there a Satanic nucleusat the heart of it? One inter-pretation of its nature that should be mentionedis the link between Nazism and the alleged attachment to black magic andoccultism of Hitler and his inner circle, in-cluding Goering, Himmler, Goebbels,Ley and, in the early days, Dietrich Eckart and Professor Karl Haushofer.Hitler, according to what may seem to many people a far-fetched belief, wasthe medium through whom contact was made with supernatural powers of evil.Hermann Rauschning, who observed Hitler with a cold and analytical eye, declaresthat he was a medium, 'possessed by forces outside himself - almost demoniacalforces'. Rudolf Olden, political editor of the Berliner Tageblatt in thedays of Nazism's rise to power, remarked how the overwhelming, almost superhumanNiagara of words that poured forth during Hitler's speeches sometimes reacheda climax during which he literally 'spoke in tongues' and seemed possessed.André François-Poncet, French Ambassador to Berlin, also referredto this apparent demoniacal possession.
Hitler's mediumistic powers supposedly provided the link with Satanic forceswhich spoke through him and led to the black magic and occult practices inthe inner circle of Nazi leaders.
Rauschning also reports in Hitler Speaks a warning given to Hitler by apercipient woman in his circle, one of the few who dared to speak forthrightlyto him. 'My Fuhrer, do not touch black magic,' she said. 'As yet both whiteand black magic are open to you. But once you have embarked upon black magicit will dominate your destiny. It will hold you captive. Don't choose thequick and easy successes. 'There lies before you the power over a realm ofpure spirits. Do not allow yourself to be led away from your true path byearth-bound spirits which will rob you of creative power.'
Apparently Hitler disregarded the warning and was dominated by the evil forces,who, bribing him with early successes, forced him along the path of theirown choosing towards an inferno which destroyed him, split Germany andimpoverished Europe and Britain for two decades.
To believe this theory one must suspend rational judge-ment, but are therenot in any case fields of human experi-ence which it cannot explain? Anddoes not this theory of Hitler being dominated by evil supernatural forcesthrow light for the first time on the reason for Auschwitz, Treb-linka, thedeaths of six million Jews, the plan to murder 33 million of the Slav populationof Russia, the readiness to sacrifice three or four million of Germany'syoung man-hood in war and, finally, the long-term aim, reported by Fabianvon Schlabendorff, for the total and permanent destruction of Christianitythroughout the world?
In Ernst Röhm's expressive phrase, the Nazis were out to lift the worldoff its hinges, to destroy the power both of the proletariat and the middleclasses and to found a new order of society to accord with the commands ofthe demonic voices which spoke through Hitler. 'I will tell you a secret,'he told Rauschning. 'I am founding an Order... In my Ordensburgen there willstand as a statue for wor-ship the figure of the magnificent, self-ordainingGod--Man...' Hitler at this point checked himself with the remark that therewere matters of which even he must not permit himself to speak.
Until more research has been devoted to the issue of Hitler's link withsupernatural forces the subject must remain a closed book. Perhaps we shouldcontent ourselves with the words of General von dem Bach-Zelewski, at theNuremberg International Tribunal: 'You will never know the whole truth.'
Magic and the fate of nations - The Black Art Today
Cover of Dennis Wheatley's study of Black Magic and the occult - The Deviland All His Works - written and published in the final years of his life
Extracted from:
The Devil and All His Works
Dennis Wheatley
Hutchinson 1971
ISBN 0-09-107770-2
' It has been said that, as a young man, Winston Churchill was a member ofthe Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt. In view of his tirelessly inquiring mind,it would not be very surprising if that were so.'
'Hitler once confided to Rauschnig that he was founding a secret order atthe second stage of which a man-god would be worshipped throughout the world'
Magic and the fate of nations
The French and Russian revolutions were among the greatest upheavalsin modern history. During them many million people lost their lives, andscores of millions more had loved ones killed or were reduced to beggary.One of Satan's titles is Lord of Misrule. No circ*mstances could have betterserved his purpose.
It has been said that, as a young man, Winston Churchill was a member ofthe Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt. In view of his tirelessly inquiring mind,it would not be very surprising if that were so. But one is reminded of thesaying 'A man who at the age of twenty is not a Communist has no heart; ifhe is still a Communist at the age of thirty, he has no head.'
Of one thing I feel positive. During the war Churchill had no truck withoccultism of any kind. For three years it was my good fortune, as a memberof the Joint Planning Staff of the War. Cabinet and therefore one of Churchill'sstaff officers, to work in the fortress basem*nt under Whitehall, from whichthe war was directed.
I state this as evidence to my readers that I am no woolly-minded mystic,but have my feet very firmly planted on the ground. Unlike the majority ofthe other Planners, doubtless owing to the fact I was already a very wellknown author, I was' privileged to count among my friends General Lord Ismay,Major Sir Desmond Morton and Commander 'Tommy' Thompson, R.N., who wererespectively the Prime Min-ister's Chief Staff Officer, his Personal Assistant,and his personal Aide-de-Camp; so were all constantly with him. All threelunched and dined with me, and I with them, on many occasions. (cannot believethat I would not have picked up at least a rumour of it from one of them,had our great war leader owed anything to the Power of Darkness.
There is evidence that Hitler expressed great interest in Satanic ceremonies,and an American correspondent writes to me that Hitler once confided to Rauschnigthat he was founding a secret order at the second stage of which a man-godwould be worshipped throughout the world - and presumably Hitler intendedto be that man.
Himmler was obsessed by a belief in occult power. He listened greedily toevery potential magic-maker that his sycophants could produce for him; andHitler frequently consulted astrologers whom he kept as permanent membersof his entourage. Not once, but on half a dozen occasions, he escapedassassination when by all the laws of chance he should have been killed.But, in view of the work he was doing, it paid the Power of Darkness wellto keep him alive until it was no longer possible for him to do further harm.We recall, too, his last desperate efforts to destroy the German people withhimself. That he survived as long as he did could surely be termed the 'luckof the Devil'.
The Black Art Today
In every age there have been secret societies, and the greater part of themhave been brotherhoods concerned, to a greater or lesser degree, with magic.In the ,Western World, until the middle of the eighteenth century, theirmembers dared not admit to belonging to them for fear of being accused ofheresy. With the coming of the Age of Reason the power of the Church declined;so such societies were more freely talked of and written about; but, rightup to very recent times, few people would freely confess that on certainnights they attended a sabbath, for to the ordinary person that still suggestedevil doings and sexual promiscuity.
During the past decade, human behaviour has entered a new phase. It is termedthe permissive society. The restraining powers of the Churches, parentalauthority and public opinion have all been overthrown by the younger generation.The majority of young people believe that they have the right to do whatthey like with their lives, irrespective of others, and comparatively fewof them follow a religion.
Basically, of course, their instincts do not differ from those of theirpredecessors. Because a man chooses to grow his hair long, that does notindicate that he is effeminate or lacks courage, and it does not follow that,because a girl exposes all but a small portion of her body to the publicgaze, she is necessarily immoral. But this young generation has been broughtup in a new and terrible era, in which some maniac may bring an abrupt endto everything by launching nuclear war. In consequence young people lacka feeling of security and feel the urge to drown fear in excitement and excess.It is this, and the desperate seeking for some mental crutch to lean on,that has brought about this great upsurge in the practice of magic.
For many decades it had become so dormant that in 1951 Parliament repealedthe ancient Act that made witchcraft a crime. This enabled its practitionersto come out into the open. One such was the late Dr Gerald B. Gardner, wholived in the Isle of Man and opened there the museum that, he claimed, wasthe only one in the world devoted to magic and witchcraft. He was responsiblefor the formation of many covens in Britain and initiated rites which arestill followed by a considerable percentage of covens today, although theyare repudiated by others who adhere to rites handed down from the Druids,and others again who regard their rites as more orthodox. "-
In Britain, the number of covens has now increased to several hundred, andin an article in the New York Times dated October 31st 1969, the Hampshirewitch Miss Sybil Leek, who emigrated to the United States, is reported assaying that she knows of 400 covens there.
At sabbaths all indications of class are eliminated by the fact that thosepresent wear uniform black robes or strip themselves naked. The latter customis much more usual and is claimed to have the advantage because garmentsform, to some extent, a barrier that lessens the free flow of spiritualemanations from the body. With the object of raising a cone of power theparticipants perform the follow- my-leader dance with increasing frenzy untilone of them becomes possessed, falls and, like a medium, speaks with thevoice of the possessing spirit. The procedure is therefore essentially thesame as that which takes place at a Voodoo ceremony.
The great majority of modern witches stoutly maintain that they practiseonly white magic, but the fact remains that anyone attending a sabbath layshimself open to Satanic influences, and in certain cases the evil resultingis incontestable.
The Wall Street Journal, of all papers, devoted to the subject an impressivelylong article, which opened with a column on the front page of the issue datedOctober 23rd 1969. It quotes Mr Anton Szandor LaVey - who acted as technicaladviser in the film Rosemary's Baby - as saying with a grin, 'I am very mucha devil's advocate.' He added that sex played a big part in the weekly night-timeservices he held, and that the 'Church' he had founded three years beforehad grown to a membership of 7,000.
In California there was the appalling case in which, apparently, membersof a coven brutally murdered the eight-months-pregnant Sharon Tate and anumber of other people.
That it was a Satanic killing I had no doubt from the first account of it,because, although they were not hung, two of the victims were found withthe traditional sign - the end of a rope tied round the neck.
In Britain, too, the black art is gaining votaries by the thousand. Thebiography, published in 1969, of Mr Alex Sanders, a Manchester man now livingin London, states that, as a youth, he one day came upon his grandmotherin her kitchen standing naked in a pentacle. She disclosed to him that shewas the last of a long line of hereditary witches. Then, in due course, sheinitiated him, both into her secrets and sexually. He now claims to be theKing Witch of England.
Personally I do not believe that there are many more genuine sorcerers practisingtoday than there have been in the past. By that I mean initiates of the genuineRosicrucians or adepts possessing the secrets of the Cabala who, by a perverteduse of them, can call to their aid the Powers of Darkness. The majority ofthese covens, I am convinced, are run by unscrupulous individuals who, tosatisfy their lusts, impose on the credulity of young people and induce themto participate in rituals ending in orgies, by promising the girls rich husbands,the men other women they desire, or success in other ventures on which theyhave set their hearts.
I believe, too, that in certain cases covens are operated for purposes ofblackmail. In these, a 'talent scout' picks up a likely victim at an ordinaryspiritualistic seance and says to him, 'This is only nursery stuff. I'lltake you to a place next week where you can see the real thing.' After attendinga few meetings of the coven, the victim is photographed from behind a curtain,bending over a lovely nude girl. He is then told to pay up - or else.
Assuming that I am right, and that such genuine black magicians as thereare concern themselves very little with romps, but a great deal with bringingabout disruption through causing conditions that lead to widespread labourunrest and (wherever possible) wars, this does not mean that the covens runby frauds are harmless. Far from it. One does not have to know the secretrituals to attract the interest of the Powers of Darkness.
By prayer to any source of good in which one believes, one can receive comfortand fortitude; by participating in Satanic rites, however sham, one can makeoneself a focus for evil. The spilling of blood by the sacrifice of animals,the spilling of sem*n in lust without affection, and the practice of perversionsare like ringing a bell for the Devil. All these thousands of young peoplewho have become initiates of covens are liable to become pawns of the Powerof Darkness in its eternal war with the Power of Light. If this continueson an ever-increasing scale, the inevitable result will be a return to thebrutal lawlessness, poverty and insecurity of the Dark Ages.
It is the duty of every responsible person who values a life of order, stabilityand decency to do his utmost to prevent this from happening. But how arewe to set about it?
3. Interview with an Ex-Vampire
4. This is World War III, there are no rules, the rules went out the
window September the 11th.
5. My own appearances Audio and Television.
1. Radio - Bilderberg founder running Nazis to the USA
Nazis fleeing to Argentina
Monday 21 January 2008
Listen to this programme in full
Mike Thomson investigates claims that senior officials from the Swiss
police allowed Germans to travel to Argentina without the correct
paperwork during the Second World War. View a picture gallery of
images related to this edition.
It is well known that many senior Nazis escaped to Argentina after the
The mystery has been how they managed to get there given that no
German was allowed to leave the country without an Allied approved
pass. The investigative history series, Document, returns with a
possible answer.
Records from the time reveal that in 1948 a representative of the
Dutch airline KLM asked Swiss police to ease travel restrictions for
Germans travelling to Argentina without the proper paperwork.
In the years that followed many wealthy Germans each spent the
equivalent of an average man's wages on luxury KLM flights to the
Argentine capital Buenos Aires.
It's suggested that this was all part of an elaborate covert plan to
help former Nazis flee from justice.
Sixty years on Dutch MPs are calling on KLM to open it's books and
allow an independent enquiry. Mike Thomson travels to the Netherlands
to investigate.
Dear Timuçin, Tony and others,
I don't give up easily.
I keep good hope to give what you expect.
But not a word upon the ways.
Following agenda will give us important information:
week april 7->13 nothing will happen
week April 14 -> 20 nothing will happen
week April 21 -> 27 possible and open
week April 28 -> May 4 nothing will happen in principle
week May 5 -> 11 possible and open
week May 12 -> 18 not possible
week May 19 -> 25 not possible
week May 26 -> June 1 possible
So we may keep the weeks April 21st to 27th, April 28th to May 4th,
May 5th to 11th and May 26th to June 1st open
I will not reveal the tricks I am using to get this sensitive
information. Check on the councelled hotel site of last year
( hotel.de) that you have now to subsribe. The IMF site and World bank
site are giving new info about their general directors WEEK BY WEEK.
And the NATO site is giving the Info after the event occured.
(Check it if you want).That is meaning that I have to keep my methods
SECRET FOR EVER.(not the revealed ones, of course)
Have a good evening
Marek Tysis
3. Interview with an Ex-Vampire
Brilliant hour long interview.
If you believe in the supernatural this might just blow your socks
Bill Schnoebelen - Interview with an ExVampire: A True Story - Part 1
1 hr 0 min 38 sec - 16 Jun 2006
Vampires are REAL!
Forbidden Knowledge, Occult Rituals, Secret Priesthoods, Spells,
Luciferian Initiation, Illuminism, Ceremonial Magick, Vampirism.
This was his world : Adept, Occultist, Satanic Priest, Black Magician,
Lured into the occult with the quest for knowledge, this nine hour
video chronicles the life of an adept in service to the darkest powers
of planet earth until saved from a horrible fate.
Discover the preparation, initiation and the "bringing over" of the
initiate into the world of true vampirism.
The other-worldly initiation by a being of immense power that claimed
him for its own.
The reality of vampires and werewolves and the positions they hold in
the dark world of the occult.
The secret priesthood that helped him survive.
The lust and hunger of the true vampire and how it destroys its
And much, more more!
Containing secret, first-hand information that has never before been
revealed to the public.
4. This is World War III, there are no rules, the rules went out the
window September the 11th.
Ex US Staff Sargeant Jimmy Massey
Shocking confessions of a US Marine. "Why are we killing so many
Cowboys From Hell is a new book by Jimmy Massey
New book tells it how it is
About (600 active members that speak worldwide, 2000 members in
reserve waiting for the revolution many within the US military, only
question is when are we going to take it to the White House, have
members within the NSA Maryland)
US Marines officer who questioned violations of the Geneva conventions
only to narrowly escape jail. Now wants to tell the world what he
witnessed in Iraq. This from Venezuelan TV
part 1
No 1 mercenary outfit is Blackwater - compound in North Carolina -
private security firms - do combat operations which are outside Geneva
conventions and international law. They get about 4 times the pay of
army soldiers. Not professional soldiers.
part 2 - We Are Surrounding Them
This is an extension from the first gulf war - the number of deaths is
part 3
We will stay in iraq until we bleed iraqis of all of their oil and
then we will move to iran, syria and whoever else we think has oil or
natural resources we can rape. Including Venezuela. This is World War
III, there are no rules, the rules went out the window September the
11th. My 12 year of briefings in US Marine corps tells me the US has a
quest for global domination... marines are gangsters for capitalism.
The media within the US has blinded the American people. blames Bill
O'Reily Fox News, Mr O'Reilly needs to grow a Hitler moustache.
Supposedly Irish but I think he's more fascist. Mr O'Reilly has
betrayed his people of Ireland.
5. My own appearances Audio and Television
War on Terror and Revelation - Tony Gosling
London Bombings Enquiry Debate on Press TV
PEPIS#94 - Bilderberg 1954 to 1984 participant lists
PEPIS#94 - Bilderberg 1954 to 1984 participant lists
1. Assassination motive - Benazir Bhutto was outing CIA/ISI terrorist
operations and naming names within the Pakistani state security, ISI,
she believed Bin Laden was murdered. She is an awful reminder of the
reality behind the Western Intelligence's rhetoric of bringing
democracy to the world
2. Western Press ignore US Military's U-turn on last weeks Hormuz war
3. Bilderberg 1954 to 1984 participant rosters
29-31 May 1954
in alphabetical order
His Royal Highness, The Prince of The Netherlands.
Coleman, John S.
van Zeeland, Paul.
Retinger, J. H.
Ball, George W. U.S.A.
Bingham, George Barry U.S.A.
Newspaper publisher
Chief of Mission to France, Economic Cooperation Administration,
Gaitskell, The Rt. Hon. H. T. N. U.K.
Member of Parliament, Former Chancellor of the Exchequer
de Gasperi, Alcide Italy.
Member of Parliament, former Prime Minister
Hirschfeld, H. M. Netherlands.
Economic Adviser to the Netherlands' Government
Former High Commision of the Nethelrands' Government in Indonesia.
Director of Companies.
Mollet, Guy France.
Member of Parliament. Former Deputy Prime Minister.
Secretary General of the Socialist Party
Nitze, Paul H. U.S.A.
President, Foreign Service Educational Foundation.
Director, Policy Planning Staff, Dept. of State, 1950-1953.
de la Vallee Poussin, Etienne Belgium.
Rockefeller, David U.S.A.
Banker. Senior Vice-President, The Chase National Bank.
Zellerbach, J. D. U.S.A.
Industrialist. Member of U.S. Delegation, General Assembly of United
Nations, 1953.
Chief, ECA Special Mission to Italy, 1948-1950.
Andre, Robert France.
President of the "Syndicat de Petrole".
Assheton, The Rt. Hon. Ralph U.K.
Member of Parliament, former Parliamentary Secretary to Ministry of
Former Financial Secretary to the Treasury.
De Beaumont, G. France.
Member of Parliament
Bonvoisin, Pierre Belgium.
Banker, President of the "Banque de la Societe Generale de Belgique".
Boothy, Sir Robert U.K.
Member of Parliament.
Brauer, Max Germany.
Former Mayor and President of the Land of Hamburg
Cafiero, Raffaele Italy.
Cisler, Walker L. U.S.A.
Public Utility Executive. President, The Detroit Edison Co.
Consultant to Atomic Energy Commission and Mutual Security Agency.
Cowles, Gardner U.S.A.
Davies, The Rt. Hon. Clement U.K. Member of Parliament. Former
Chairman of Parliamentary Liberal Party.
Drapier, Jean Belgium.
duch*et, R. France.
Member of Parliament, former Minister.
Secretary General, Independents and Peasants Party.
Faure, M. France.
Member of Parliament.
Ferguson, John H. U.S.A.
Lawyer. Vice-President and Executive Director, Cttee. for a National
Trade Policy.
Deputy Director, Policy Planning Staff, Dept. of State, 1951-1953
Foster, John U.K.
Member of Parliament.
Parliamentary Undersecretary of State for Commonwealth Relations.
Franks, The Rt. Hon. Sir Oliver U.K.
Former Ambassador in Washington. Chairman Lloyd's Bank.
Geyer, Gerhard P. Th. Germany.
Industrialist. Director General "Esso".
Gubbins, Sir Colin U.K.
Major General retd. Formerly in charge of SOE.
Healey, Denis U.K.
Member of Parliament,
Former Secretary of the International Cttee. of the Labour Party.
Heinz, H. J. U.S.A.
President, H.J. Heinz Co.
Hoegh, Leif Norway.
Jackson, C. D. U.S.A.
Publisher. Formerly Special Assistant to President Eisenhower
Jay, Nelson Dean U.S.A.
Banker. Director, J. P. Morgan & Co. Inc. New York
Kanellopoulos, P. Greece.
Member of Parliament. Minister of National Defense.
Koningsberger, V.J. Netherlands.
Professor State University Utrecht.
Kraft, Ole Bjorn Denmark.
Member of Parliament. Former Foreign Minister.
Leverkuehn, P. M. A. Germany.
Member of Parliament. Lawyer
Malagodi, Giovanni F. Italy.
Member of Parliament.
Moe, Finn Norway.
Member of Parliament.
Chairman, Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Cttee. Vice-President, Council
of Europe
Montgomery, Hyde H. U.K.
Member of Parliament
Motz, Roger Belgium.
Senator. Chairman of the Liberal International.
Former Chairman of the Liberal Party.
Mueller, Rudolf Germany.
McGhee, George C. U.S.A.
Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern & South African Affairs,
U.S. Ambassador and Chief, AMerican Mission for Aid to Turkey,
Nebolsine, George U.S.A.
Consultant to Department of State and Ecnomic Cooperation
Administration, 1948.
Trustee U.S. Council of International Chamber of Commerce
Oosterhuis, H. Netherlands.
Member of Parliament. President of the Netherlands Federation of Trade
Parker, Cola G. U.S.A.
Member of Commission on Foreign Economic Policy (Rendall Commission).
Perkins, George W. U.S.A.
Industrialist. Assistant Secr. of State for European Affairs,
Pilkington, Sir Harry U.K.
President, Federation of British Industries.
Pinay, Antoine France.
Member of Parliament. Former Prime Minister.
Pipinelis, P. Greece.
Former Foreign Minister. Former Ambassador to U.S.S.R.
Pirelli, Alberto Italy.
Industrialist. Minister of State.
Quaroni, P. Italy.
Ambassador to France. Former Ambassador to the U.S.S.R.
Rosenberg, Ludwig Germany.
Chief of Department of Foreign Affairs of the Trade Unions.
Rossi, Paolo Italy.
Member of Parliament.
de Rougemont, Denis Switzerland.
Author. Director European Cultural Center
Rijkens, Paul Netherlands.
Industrialist. Chairman of Unilever N.V.
Schneider, Ernst Georg Germany.
Industrialist. President, Chamber of Commerce of Dusseldorf
Spang, Joseph P., Jr. U.S.A.
Industrialist. President, The Gillette Co.
Steenberghe, M. P. L. Netherlands.
Former Minister of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands.
Director of Companies.
Teitgen, P. H. France
Vice-President of the Council of Ministers.
Terkelsen, Terkel M. Denmark.
Chief Editor, Berlingske Tidende.
Tingsten, Herbert L. G. Sweden.
Chief Editor, Dagens Nyheter.
Troeger, H. Germany.
Minister of Finance of Hesse
Valletta, Vittorio Italy.
Industrialist. President of FIAT
Voisin, Andre France.
President, "La Federation"
Waldenstrom, M. Sweden.
van Walsem, H. F. Netherlands.
Industrialist. Member of the Board of Philips Industries Eindhoven.
Willems, Jean Belgium.
"Fondation Universitaire"
Williamson, Thomas U.K.
General Secretary, National Union of General and Municipal Workers.
In an advisory capacity:
Vlekke, B. H. M. Netherlands.
Secretary General of the Netherlands' Society of International
Director: Veenstra, W.
Secretaries: Focke, E. G.
Overweg, G. E.
Pomian, J.
All meetings will be held at Hotel "De Bilderberg".
Telephone: Oosterbeek 2887.
Accomodation has been reserved at Hotel "De Bilderberg" as well as at
two other hotels in the area vicinity viz. Hotel "Wolfheeze" and Hotel
"'s Koonings Jaght".
Participants will have breakfast in the hotel where they are staying.
Lunches and dinners will be served at Hotel "De Bilderberg".
Hotel accomodation, meals as well as transport by car from the point
of arrival in Holland to the Conference and back, will be provided.
Any extras will, however, be charged to the participants of the
At "De Bilderberg" secretaries will be made available to the
participants on request to the Secretariat.
Saturday, 29th May 10 h. - 13 h.
15 h. - 18 h.
Sunday, 30th May 11 h. - 13 h.
15 h. - 18 h.
Monday, 31st May 10 h. - 13 h.
14.30 h. - 18 h.
For reasons of convenience only the English and French
languages will be used. The conference room will be equipped for
simultaneous interpretation into English and French.
(including accomodation and currency exchange)
A small travel bureau with all exchange facilities will be established
at Hotel "De Bilderberg." This bureau will be in charge of Miss M.
Source: George W. Ball Papers, Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library at
Princeton University
(St. Simons Island Conference, USA; 15-17 February 1957)
H.R.H. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, Chairman.
J.H. Retinger, Polish Charge d'Affaires in Russia, 1941
Joseph E. Johnson, President, Carnegie Endowment for International
Hon. F.D.L. Astor, Editor, The Observer, U.K.
G.W. Ball, Attorney, Cleary, Gottlieb, Friendly and Ball, U.S.
Fritz Berg, Chairman, Federation of German Industries, Germany
M. Nuri Birgi, Secretary-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Turkey
Eugene R. Black, President, International Bank for Reconstruction and
Robert R. Bowie, Asst. Secretary of State for Policy Planning, U.S.
McGeorge Bundy, Dean Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University
Hakon Christianson, Chairman, East Asiatic Company, Denmark
Walker Cisler, President, Atomic Industrial Forum, U.S.
Pierre Commin, Secretary, French Socialist Party
B.D. Cooke, Director, Dominion Insurance Company, U.S.
Arthur H. Dean, Law partner of John Foster Dulles, formerly of
Sullivan and Cromwell, U.S.
Jean de la Garde, French Ambassador to Mexico
Thomas E. Dewey, Attorney, former Governor of New York, U.S.
Sir William Eddlitt, Air Chief Marshal, Royal Institute, U.K.
Fritz Erler, Socialist M.P., Germany
John Ferguson, Attorney, Cleary, Gottlieb, Friendly and Ball, U.S.
Lincoln Gordon, Professor, Consultant to Nato's "Three Wise Men"
Sir Colin Gubbins, Industrialist, U.K.; Lawrence R. Hafstead,
Technical Adviser, Atomic Energy Commission
Jens Christian Hauge, Socialist M.P., Norway
Brooks Hays, House Foreign Affairs Committee
Denis Healey, Labour M.P. (now Minister of Defence), U.K.
Arnold D.P. Heeney, Ambassador to U.S.A., Canada
Michael A. Heilperin, Economist, U.S.
Henry J. Heinz, President, H.J. Heinz & Company, U.S.
Leif Hoegh, Banker, Norway
Paul G. Hoffman, Former Director, E.C.A., U.N. Delegate, U.S.
C.D. Jackson, President, Time Inc., Former Special Assistant to the
President, U.S.
Wm. H. Jackson, Former Special Assistant to the President U.S.
Per Jacobson, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund, Sweden
Georg Kurt Kiesinger, Director of Special Studies, Rockefeller
Pieter Liefnick, Director, International Monetary Fund, Netherlands
Imbriani Longo, Director-General, Banco Nazionale del lavoro, Italy
Paul Martin, Minister Health and Welfare, Canada
David J. Mcdonald, President United Steelworkers
Geo. C. McGhee, Director, Middle East Institute
Ralph E. McGill, Editor, Atlanta Constitution
Alex W. Menne, President, Association of German Chemical Industries,
Rudolf Mueller, Lawyer, Germany
Robert Murphy, Deputy-Under-Secretary of State, U.S.
Frank C. Nash, Attorney, Former Assistant Secretary of Defense, U.S.
Geo. Nebolsine, Attorney, Coudert Bros, U.S.
Paul H. Nitze, Former Director, Policy Planning, State Department,
Morehead Patterson, Deputy Commissioner of Disarmament, U.S.
Don K. Price, Vice-President, Russian Institute, Columbia University
David Rockefeller, Chairman of the Board, Chase National Bank
J.H. Van Joijen, Ambassador to U.S., Netherlands
Dean Rusk, President, Rockefeller Foundation
Paul Rykans, Industrialist, Netherlands
J.L.S. Steele, Chairman, British International Chamber of Commerce,
Terkel M. Terkelson, Editor, Denmark
John M. Vorys, Member, Foreign Affairs Committee
Fraser B. Wilde, Comm. on Economic Development
Otto Wolff von Amerongen, Partner, Otto Wolff, Germany
W.T. Wren, Chairman, Allied Iron Founders, U.D.
Paul van Zeeland, Financier, former Prime Minister of Belgium
Source: http://www.bilderberg.org/bildhist.htm
(Buxton Conference, England, 13-15 September 1958)
The Chairman was H.R.H. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands.
J.H. Retinger (Hon. Secretary)
Jo. E. Johnson (Hon. Secretary in the U.S.)
Herman J. Abs, Germany
Dean Acheson, United States
Giovanni Agnelli, Italy
G.W. Ball, U.S.
Walworth Barbour, U.S.
Wilfred Baumgartner, France
Sir Edward Beddington-Behrens, U.K.
Berthold Beitz, Germany
Fritz Berg, Germany
Muharrem Nuri Birgi, Turkey
P.A. Blaisse, Netherlands
James C. Boden, Germany
Erik Boheman, Sweden
Max Brauer, Germany
Randolph W. Burgess, U.S.
Lewis Camu, Belgium
Guido Carli, Italy
Clifford P. Case, U.S.
Victor Cavendish-Bentick, U.K.
Sir Ralph Cochrane, U.K.
Erich Dethleffsen, Germany
Fritz Erler, Germany
John Ferguson, U.S.
H.T.N. Gaitskell, U.K.
Walter L. Gordon, Canada
Joseph Grimond, U.K.
Sir Colin Gubbins, U.K.
Walther Hallstein (Chairman, European Common Market Commission)
Joseph C. Harsch, U.S.
Gabriel Hauge, U.S.
Denis Healey, U.K.
Michael A. Heilperin, U.S.
H. J. Heinz II, U.S.
Leif Hoegh, Norway
C.D. Jackson, U.S.
Viscount Kilmuir, U.K.
E.N. van Kleffens
Viscount Knollys, U.K.
Ole B. Kraft, Denmark
Thorkil Kristensen, Denmark
Giovanni F. Malagodi, Italy
John J. McCloy, U.S.
Geo. C. McGhee, U.S.
Philip E. Mosely, U.S.
Roger Motz, Belgium
Rudolf Mueller, Germany
Alfred C. Neal, U.S.
Geo. Nebolsine, U.S.
Paul H. Nitze, U.S.
David Ormsby-Gore, U.K.
P.F.S. Otten, Netherlands
P.N. Pipinelis, Greece, Alberto Pirelli, Italy
Pietro Quaroni, Italy
Sir Alfred Roberts, U.K.
David Rockefeller, U.S.
Michael Ross, U.S.
Jacques Rueff
Paul Rykans, Netherlands
Carlo Schmidt, Germany
C.V.R. Schuyler
J.L.S. Steele, U.K.
Terkel M. Terkelson, Denmark
Henry Tiarks, U.K.
Every A. Vermeer, Netherlands
Marc Wallenberg, Sweden
Otto Von Amerongen, Germany
Paul van Zeeland, Belgium
J.D. Zellerbach, U.S.
Source: http://www.bilderberg.org/bildhist.htm
(Williamsburg Conference, USA; 20-22 March 1964)
H.R.H. the Prince of the Netherlands, Chairman.
Ernst H. van der Beugel, Honorary Secretary General for Europe.
Joseph E. Johnson, president, Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace, Honorary Secretary General for the United States.
Paul Rykens, Honorary Treasurer.
Arnold T. Lamping, former ambassador, Deputy Secretary General for
Acheson, Dean, former Secretary of State, United States.
Agnelli, Giovanni, vice-chairman of the board and managing director,
Fiat Co., Italy.
Ball, George W., Under Secretary of State, United States.
Baumel, Jacques, Senator, Secretary General, "Union pour la Nouvelle
République," France.
Baumgartner, Wilfred S., former Minister of Finance, France.
Beer, Henrik, secretary, General League of Red Cross Societies,
Bennett, Frederic, Member of Parliament, Germany.
Brauer, Max, former burgomaster of Hamburg, Member of Parliament,
Buchan, the Honourable Alastair, director, Institute for Strategic
Studies, United Kingdom.
Bundy, McGeorge, Special Assistant to the President for National
Security Affairs, United States.
Cabot, Louis W., president, Cabot Corp., United States.
Cisler, Walker L., industrialist, United States.
Collado, Emilio G., vice president, Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey),
United States.
Dean, Arthur H., international lawyer and diplomat, United States.
Defferre, Gaston, Department of National Assembly, mayor of Marseille,
Duncan, James S., company director, Canada.
Dundee, Lord, Minster of State for Foreign Affairs, United Kingdom.
Erier, Fritz, Member of Parliament, floor leader Social-Democratic
Party, Germany.
Ford, Gerald R., Congressman, United States.
Fulbright, J. William, Senator, United States.
Gallois, Pierre, general, specialist in nuclear problems, France.
Griffin, Anthony G.S., banker, Canada.
Gubbins, Sir Colin, industrialist, United Kingdom.
Haekkerup, Per. Minister of Foreign Affairs, Denmark.
Hague, Gabriel, president Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co., United
Healey, Denis, member of Parliament, Labour Party spokesman on
defense, United Kingdom.
Heeney, Arnold D. P., former Ambassador to the United States,
chairman, International Joint Commission on Water Resources, Canada.
Heinz II, Henry J., chairman of the board, Heinz Co., United States.
Herter, Christian A., former Secretary of State, Special
Representative for Trade Negotiations, United States.
Hoegh, Leif, shipowner, Norway.
Holifield, Chet, Congressman, United States.
Jackson, Charles D., senior vice president, Time, Inc., United States.
Jackson, Henry M., Senator, United States.
Javits, Jacob K., Senator, United States.
Jellicoe, Lord, First Lord of the Admiralty, United Kingdom.
Kerchove d'Ousseighem, Nicolas W. de, assistant "Ecole des Sciences
politiques et sociales," Belgium.
Kissinger, Henry A., professor, associate, Harvard University Center
for International Affairs, United States.
Kieffens, Eelco N. van, chief representative in the United Kingdom of
the European Coal and Steel Community, International.
Kundtzon, Harald, general manager, "Den Danske Landmandsbank,"
Kohnstamm, Max, vice president, Action Committee for a United States
of Europe, International.
Koster, Herman J. de, president, Federation of Netherlands Industries,
Kraft, Ole B., former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Member of
Parliament, Denmark.
Krapf, Hans, Chief of the Political Division, Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, Germany.
Kuhlmann-Stumm, Knut Freiherr von, Member of Parliament, floor leader
of the Free Democratic Party, Germany.
La Malene, Christian de, Member of Parliament, Member of European
Parliament, France.
La Malfa, Ugo, Member of Parliament, Italy.
Lamontagne, Maurice, President of the Queen's Privy Council for
Canada, Canada.
Lange, Halvard, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway.
Lennep, Jonkheer Emilie van, Chairman Monetary Committee EEC,
Chairman, Working Party 3 OECD, International.
Lindsay, Franklin A., president of Itek, United States.
Lipkowski, Jean de, diplomat, Member of Parliament, Member of European
Parliament, France.
Litchfield, Lawrence, Jr., chairman of the board, Aluminum Co. of
America, United States.
Lolli, Ettore, deputy general, manager "Banca Nazionale del Lavoro,"
Luns, Joseph M.A.H., Minister of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands.
Majonica, Ernst, Member of Parliament, Germany.
Maifatti, Franco M., Under Secretary Ministry of Industry and
Commerce, Italy.
Mansholt, Sicco L., vice president EEC, International.
McCloy John J., lawyer and diplomat, United States.
McGhee, George C., Ambassador to the Federal Republic, United States.
Meynen, Johannes, managing director, AKU, Netherlands.
Murphy, Robert D., president, Corning Glass International, United
Nebolsine, George, international lawyer, United States.
Nykopp, Johan, former Ambassador, president of Tampella, Finland.
Pearson, Lester B., Prime Minister, Canada.
Peccel, Aurelio, managing director, Ital-consult, Italy.
Pinay, Antoine, former Prime Minister, France.
Rockefeller, David, president, Chaise Manhattan Bank, United States.
Roll, Sir Eric, Economic Minister at the British Embassy to the United
States, head of the United Kingdom Treasury and Supply Delegation,
United Kingdom.
Scaglia, Giovanni Battista, member of Parliament, vice chairman,
Christian Democratic Party, Italy.
Schmid, Carlo, Vice President, Federal Parliament, Germany.
Schweitzer, Pierre-Paul, managing director, International Monetary
Fund, International.
Shulman, Marshall, research associate, Russian Research Center,
Harvard University, professor of international politics, Fletcher
School of Law and Diplomacy, United States.
Smith, H. Page, Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic (NATO),
Snoy et d'Oppuers, Baron, managing director "Compagnie d'Outremer pour
l'Industrie et la Finance", Belgium.
Speidel, Hans, special adviser on defense matters, Germany.
Stewart, Michael, Member of Parliament, United Kingdom.
Stikker, Dirk U., Secretary General of NATO, International.
Stone, Shepard, director, International Affairs Program, Ford
Foundation, United States.
Terkelsen, Terkel, chief editor, Denmark.
Umbricht, Victor H., former head of Swiss Treasury and diplomat,
president, CIBA Corp., New York, Switzerland.
Vittorelli, Paolo, Senator, Italy.
Wallenberg, Marcus, chairman, Federation of Swedish Industries,
Westrick, Ludger, Secretary of State, Office Federal Chancellor,
Winters, Robert H., industrialist, Canada.
Wolff von Amerongen, Otto, senior partner Otto Wolff Koln, Germany.
Wriston, Walter B., executive vice president, First National City
Bank, United States.
Wyndham White, Eric, executive secretary, GATT, International.
Source: http://www.libertypost.org/cgi-bin/readart.cgi?ArtNum=33585&Disp=30
Saltsjöbaden Conference, Sweden
11-13 May 1973
H.R.H. The Prince of the Netherlands
Honorary Secretary General For Europe:
Ernst H. van der Beugel
Honorary Secretary General for the United States:
Joseph E. Johnson
Honorary Treasurer:
C. Frits Karsten
Agnelli, Giovanni Italy
Anderson, Robert O. United States
Ball, George W. United States
Baumgartner, Wilfrid S. France
Bennett, Sir Frederic United Kingdom
Beyazit, Selahattin Turkey
Birgi, M. Nuri Turkey
Bjol, Erling Denmark
Bjorgerd, Anders Sweden
Boiteux, Marcel France
Breuel, Birgit Germany
Brzezinski, Zbigniew United States
Bundy, William P. United States
Cittadini Cesi, Il Marchese Italy
Collado, Emilio G. United States
Dean, Arthur H. United States
Drake, Sir Eric United Kingdom
Ducci, Roberto Italy
Girotti, Raffaele Italy
Granier de Lilliac, Rene France
Greenhill, Sir Denis United Kingdom
Griffin, Anthony G. S. Canada
Haagerup, Niels J. Denmark
Hallgrimsson, Geir Iceland
Healey, Denis United Kingdom
Heinz II, Henry J. United States
Hoegh, Leif Norway
Houthuys, Jozef Belgium
Janssen, Daniel E. Belgium
Kersten, Otto International
Kohnstamm, Max International
Lapham Jr., Lewis H. United States
Lehto, Sakari Finland
Lennep, Jonkheer Emile van International
Levy, Walter J. United States
Lied, Finn Norway
Lombardini, Siro Italy
Luns, Joseph M. A. H. International
Lougheed, Peter Canada
Macdonald, Donald S. Canada
Maudling, Reginald United Kingdom
Merlini, Cesare Italy
Mettler, Erich Switzerland
Moyers, Bill D. United States
Newhouse, John United States
Owen, David United Kingdom
Palme, Olof Sweden
Perkins, James A. United States
Philips, Frits J. Netherlands
Ritchie, Albert E. Canada
Roll, Sir Eric United Kingdom
Rothschild, Baron Edmond de France
Rozemond, Samuel Netherlands
Schmidt, Helmut Germany
Seydoux de Clausonne, Roger France
Simon, John M. United Kindom
Smith, Gerard C. United States
Snoy et d'Oppuers, Baron Belgium
Sommer, Theo Germany
Spaak, Fernand International
Stehlin, Paul France
Stille, Ugo Italy
Stoltenberg, Thorvald Norway
Stone, Shepard United States
Strang, Gunnar Sweden
Taverne, Richard United Kingdom
Terkelsen, Terkel M. Denmark
Tidemand, Otto G. Norway
Udink, Berend J. Netherlands
Umbricht, Victor H. Switzerland
Wagner, Gerrit A. Netherlands
Wallenberg, Marcus Sweden
Wickman, Krister Sweden
Wilson, Carroll L. United States
Wischnewski, Hans-Jurgen Germany
Wolff von Amerongen, Otto Germany
Svensson, Nils Sweden
Lindgren, Hugo Sweden
Vernede, Edwin Netherlands
Getchell Jr., Charles W. United States
Source: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/bilderbergfile/conten...
21-23 April 1978
Lord Home of the Hirsel, K. T.
Ernst H. van der Beugel
William P. Bundy
C. Frits Karsten
Agnelli, Giovanni Italy
Andersen, K. B. Denmark
Andreatta, Nino Italy
Angermeyer, Joachim Fed. Rep. of Germany
Ball, George W. United States
Bartley, Robert L. United States
Batenburg, Andre The Netherlands
Bell, George B. Canada
Bennett, Sir Frederic United Kingdom
Bennett, Jack United States
Bertram, Christoph United Kingdom
Beyazit, Selahattin Turkey
Brekke, Tor Norway
Brzezinski, Zbigniew United States
Bulow, Andreas von Fed. Rep. of Germany
Carrington, Lord United Kingdom
Cary, Frank T. United States
Cittadini Cesi, Il Marchese Italy
Close, Robert-Charles Belgium
Collado, Emilio G. United States
Conable, Barber B., Jr. United States
Constancio, Vitor M. R. Portgual
Contogeorgis, George Greece
Davidson, Ralph P. United States
Davignon, Vicomte International
Dell, Edmund United Kingdom
Diebold, William, Jr. United States
Ducci, Roberto Italy
Duisenberg, William F. The Netherlands
Eekelen, Willem F. van The Netherlands
Esambert, Bernard France
Falldin, Thorbjorn Sweden
Finlay, Murray H. United States
Furgler, Kurt Switzerland
Gasteyger, Curt Switzerland
Geddes, Sir Reay United Kingdom
George-Brown, Lord United Kingdom
Greenfield, Meg United States
Griffin, Anthony G. S. Canada
Haggerty, Patrick E. United States
Haig, Alexander, Jr. International
Halberstadt, Victor The Netherlands
Hallgrimsson, Geir Iceland
Hansen, Rolf Norway
Harvey-Jones, John H. United Kingdom
Hauge, Gabriel United States
Heinz, Henry J., II United States
Heinz, H. John, III United States
Herrhausen, Alfred Fed. Rep. of Germany
Houthuys, Jef Belgium
Igler, Hans Austria
Johnson, Joseph E. United States
Karber, Phillip A. United States
Kersten, Otto International
Kissinger, Henry A. United States
Knight, Andrew United Kingdom
Lambert, Baron Belgium
Lennep, Jhr. Emile von International
Lord, Winston United States
Lundvall, Bjorn Sweden
Luns, Joseph M. A. H. International
Montbrial, Thierry de France
Newhouse, John United States
Norlund, Niels Denmark
Nussbaumer, Adolf Austria
Ostry, Sylvia Canada
Ottone, Piero Italy
Peterson, Peter G. United States
Pitti-Ferrandi, Robert France
Rockefeller, David United States
Lord Roll of Ipsden United Kingdom
Rose, Francois de France
Rovira, Don Juan Jose Spain
Savona, Paolo Italy
Silvestri, Stefano Italy
Snoy et d'Oppuers, Baron Belgium
Solomon, Anthony M. United States
Sommer, Theo Fed. Rep. of Germany
Sonnenfeldt, Helmut United States
Sorensen, Svend O. Denmark
Stinson, George A. United States
Tatu, Michel United States
Thorn, Gaston Luxembourg
Tidemand, Otto Grieg Norway
Tiivola, Mika Finland
Treichl, Heinrich Austria
Umbricht, Victor Switzerland
Wallenberg, Marcus Sweden
Weizsacker, Richard von Fed. Rep. of Germany
Wharton, Clifton R., Jr. United States
Whitman, Marina v. N. United States
Will, George United States
WIlliams, Lynn R. United States
Wischnewski, Hans-Jurgen Fed. Rep. of Germany
Wolff van Amerongen, Otto Fed. Rep. of Germany
Zaimis, Andreas F. Greece
Zysman, John United States
Bjarnson, Bjorn Iceland
Zimmer-Lehmann, Georg Austria
Cordt, Herbert Austria
Getchell, Charles United States
Heine-Geldern, Thomas Austria
Muller, Charles W. United States
WInthrop, Grant F. United States
Source: George W. Ball Papers, Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library at
Princeton University
27-29 April 1979
Lord Home of the Hirsel, K. T.
Ernst H. van der Beugel
William P. Bundy
Agnelli, Giovanni Italy
Androsch, Hannes Austria
Apfalter, Herlbert Austria
Avon, The Earl of United Kingdom
Ball, George W. U.S.A.
Barattieri, Vittorio Italy
Bennett, Sir Frederic United Kingdom
Bertram, Christoph International
Beullac, Christian France
Beyazit, Selahattin Turkey
Breuel, Birgit Fed. Rep. of Germany
Broesigke, Tassilo Austria
Brown, L. Dean U.S.A.
Carras, Costa Greece
Chafee, John H. U.S.A.
Christophersen, Henning Denmark
Cittadini Cesi, Il Marchese Italy
Constancio, Vitor M. R. Portugal
Dallinger, Alfred Austria
Duisenberg, Willem F. Netherlands
Eliot, Theodore L., Jr. U.S.A.
Esambert, Bernard France
Finney, Paul B. U.S.A.
Fischer, Heinz Austria
Foltz, William J. U.S.A.
Fredericks, Wayne J. U.S.A.
Gerber, Fritz Switzerland
Getz Wold, Knut Norway
Halberstadt, Victor Netherlands
Hartman, Arthur A. U.S.A.
Haussmann, Helmut Fed. Rep. of Germany
Heinz, Henry J., II U.S.A.
Herrhausen, Alfred Fed. Rep. of Germany
Igler, Hans Austria
Janssen, Daniel E. Belgium
Jordan, Vernon E., Jr. U.S.A.
Kind, Christian Switzerland
Kohnstamm, Max International
Kreisky, Bruno Austria
Lambert, Baron Belgium
Lanc, Erwin Austria
Leibenfrost, Franz J. Austria
Lennep, Jhr. Emile van International
Levy, Walter J. U.S.A.
Lewis, Bernard United Kingdom
Lewis, Flora U.S.A.
Lundvall, D. Bjorn H. Sweden
Luns, Joseph M.A.H. International
Macdonald, Donald S. Canada
Macmillan, Maurice United Kingdom
McGiffert, David E. U.S.A.
Monod, M. Jerome France
Montbrial, Thierry de France
Nelissen, Roelof J. Netherlands
Neufeld, Edward P. Canada
Newsom, David D. U.S.A.
Norlund, Niels Denmark
Pahr, Willibald Austria
Pitti-Ferrandi, Robert France
Portisch, Hugo Austria
Prinzhorn, Thomas Austria
Rastoul, Jacques Canada
Rockefeller, David U.S.A.
Rohwedder, Detlev Fed. Rep. of Germany
Roll of Ipsden, Lord United Kingdom
Romero-Maura, Joaquin Spain
Roosa, Robert V. U.S.A.
Savory, Roger M. Canada
Seilliere, Ernest A. France
Shackleton, Lord United Kingdom
Sheinkman, Jacob U.S.A.
Silvestri, Stefano Italy
Simonet, Henry F. Belgium
Sommer, Theo Fed. Rep. of Germany
Steel, Sir David United Kingdom
Steen, Reiulf Norway
Steiner, Ludwig Austria
Taus, Josef Austria
Taylor, Arthur R. U.S.A.
Thorn, Gaston Luxembourg
Tidemand, Otto G. Norway
Treichl, Heinrich Austria
Tufarelli, Nicola Ital
Ullsten, Ola Sweden
Umbricht, Victor H. Switzerland
Vranitzky, Franz Austria
Wallenberg, Marcus Sweden
Williams, Franklin H. U.S.A.
Williams, Joseph H. U.S.A.
Wohlin, Lars Sweden
Wolff von Amerongen, Otto Fed. Rep. of Germany
Ypersele de Strihou, Jacques van Belgium
Schoser, Franz Fed. Rep. of Germany
Schwarzenberg, Erbprinz Karl Austria
Zimmer-Lehmann, George Austria
Cordt, Herbert Austria
Getchell, Charles U.S.A.
Heine-Geldern, Thomas Austria
Source: George W. Ball Papers, Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library at
Princeton University
18-20 April 1980
Lord Home of the Hirsel, K. T.
Ernst H. van der Beugel
William P. Bundy
C. Frits Karsten
Aeppli, Oswald Switzerland
Andersen, K. B. Denmark
Ball, George W. U.S.A.
Baring, John F. H. U.K.
Bartholomew, Reginald U.S.A.
Barzini, Luigi Italy
Bennett, Sir Frederic U.K.
Bennett, Jack F. U.S.A.
Benvenuto, Giorgio Italy
Bertram, Christoph International
Beyazit, Selahattin Turkey
Birgi, M. Nuri Turkey
Breuel, Birgit Fed. Rep. of Germany
Brunner, Guido Fed. Rep. of Germany
Bundy, McGeorge U.S.A.
Camunas Solis, Ignacio Spain
Carras, Costa Greece
Chevrillon, Olivier France
Cittadini Cesi, Il Marchese Italy
Collado, Emilio G. U.S.A.
Corterier, Peter Fed. Rep. of Germany
Davignon, Vicomte International
Donahue, Thomas R. U.S.A.
Donovan, Hedley U.S.A.
Duisenberg, Willem F. Netherlands
Duncan, William B. U.K.
Eliot, Theodore L., Jr. U.S.A.
Esambert, Bernard France
Ferro, Luigi Italy
Finley, Murray H. U.S.A.
Finney, Paul B. U.S.A.
Gisling, Jean-Claude Switzerland
Grierson, Ronald H. U.K.
Griffin, Anthony G.S. Canada
Grosser, Alfred France
Grunewald, Herbert Fed. Rep. of Germany
Halberstadt, Victor Netherlands
Hallgrimsson, Geir Iceland
Haussmann, Helmut Fed. Rep. of Germany
Healey, Denis U.K.
Heinz, Henry J., II U.S.A.
Herrhausen, Alfred A. Fed. Rep. of Germany
Hoven, H.F. van den Netherlands
Huonker, Gunter Fed. Rep. of Germany
Hurd, Douglas U.K.
Igler, Hans Austria
Janssen, Daniel E. Belgium
Johnson, Joseph E. U.S.A.
Jordan, Vernon E., Jr. U.S.A.
Kaske, Karlheinz Fed. Rep. of Germany
Kohl, Helmut Fed. Rep. of Germany
Kiep, Walther L. Fed. Rep. of Germany
Kissinger, Henry A. U.S.A.
Kohnstamm, Max International
Knight, Andrew U.K.
Kraft, Joseph U.S.A.
Lambert, Baron Belgium
Lambsdorff, Graf Otto Fed. Rep. of Germany
Legault, Albert Canada
Lennep, Jhr. Emile van International
Levy, Walter J. U.S.A.
Lord, Winston U.S.A.
Lundvall, Bjorn Sweden
Luns, Joseph M.A.H. International
Lutolf, Franz Switzerland
MacDonald, Donald S. Canada
Maconald, H. Ian Canada
MacLaury, Bruce K. U.S.A.
Maxwell, Judith U.K.
Medeiros Ferreira, Jose Portugal
Montbrial, Thierry de France
Norlund, Niels Denmark
Parayre, Jean-Paul France
Perkins, James A. U.S.A.
Pitti-Ferrandi, Robert France
Prinz, Gerhard Fed. Rep. of Germany
Prodi, Romano Italy
Rockefeller, David U.S.A.
Roll of Ipsden, Lord U.K.
Schmidt, Gerhard Fed. Rep. of Germany
Schmidt, Helmut Fed. Rep. of Germany
Schwarzenberg, Furst Karl J. Austria
Seilliere, Antoine France
Silvestri, Stefano Italy
Simonet, Henri F. Belgium
Snoy et d'Oppuers, Baron Belgium
Sommer, Theo Fed. Rep. of Germany
Sonnenfeldt, Helmut U.S.A.
Spethmann, Dieter Fed. Rep. of Germany
Spinelli, Barbara Italy
Stoel, Max van der Netherlands
Stone, Shepard U.S.A.
Terkelsen, Terkel Denmark
Thomas, Franklin U.S.A.
Thorn, Gaston Luxembourg
Tidemand, Otto G. Norway
Tindemans, Leo Belgium
Treichl, Heinrich Austria
Treverton, Gregory F. International
Tuzo, Sir Harry U.K.
Umbricht, Victor H. Switzerland
Vlachos, Helen Greece
Wallenberg, Marcus Sweden
Waris, Klaus Finland
Wechmar, Baron R. von Fed. Rep. of Germany
Werring, Niels, Jr. Norway
Williams, Joseph H. U.S.A.
Wohlin, Lars M. Sweden
Wolff von Amerongen, Otto Fed. Rep. of Germany
Getchell, Charles U.S.A.
Boge, Ulf Fed. Rep. of Germany
Schoser, Franz Fed. Rep. of Germany
Zimmer-Lehmann, Georg Austria
Budishin, Hans-Jorg Fed. Rep. of Germany
Dreihann-Holenia, N. Austria
Hoogendoorn, Anne Netherlands
Source: George W. Ball Papers, Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library at
Princeton University
15-17 May 1981
Walter Scheel*
Victor Halberstadt*
Paul B. Finney*
Willem F. Duisenberg*
Aeppli, Oswald Switzerland
Agnelli, Giovanni** Italy
Andersen, Tage Denmark
Androsch, Hannes Austria
Ball, George W.** U.S.A.
Balsemao, Francisco P. Portugal
Bennett, Jack F.* U.S.A.
Bertram, Christoph* International
Beugel, Ernst H. van der** Netherlands
Beyazit, Selahattin* Turkey
Bjol, Erling Denmark
Black, Conrad M. Canada
Brinkhorst, Laurens J. Netherlands
Bundy, William P.** U.S.A.
Camunas Solis, Ignacio Spain
Carras, Costa* Greece
Eliot, Theodore L., Jr.* U.S.A.
Finley, Murray H.* U.S.A.
Fisher, Gordon N. Canada
Flesch, Colette Luxembourg
Ford, Robert A. D. Canada
Frydenlund, Knut Norway
Furer, Arthur Switzerland
Furgler, Kurt Switzerland
Gerber, Fritz Switzerland
Gustafsson, Sten Sweden
Hallgrimsson, Geir* Ireland
Healey, Denis W. United Kingdom
Heinz, Henry J., II** U.S.A.
Herrhausen, Alfred* Fed. Rep. of Germany
Horn, Tankmar Finland
Houthuys, Josef Belgium
Hurd, Douglas R. United Kingdom
Hysing-Dahl, Per Norway
Igler, Hans* Austria
Inan, Kamran Turkey
Iselin, F. Emmanuel Switzerland
Janssen, Daniel E.* Belgium
Jordan, Vernon E., Jr.* U.S.A.
Julien, Claude France
Kaske, Karlheinz Fed. Rep. of Germany
Kirkpatrick, Jeane U.S.A.
Kissinger, Henry A.* U.S.A.
Knight, Andrew* United Kingdom
Kohmstamm, Max** Intenational
Lambert, Baron* Belgium
Lambrias, P. Geece
Lennep, Jhr. Emile van International
Leonhard, Wolfgang Fed. Rep. of Germany
Levesque, Jacques Canada
Lewis, Flora U.S.A.
Liesen, Klaus Fed. Rep. of Germany
Liotard-Vogt, Pierre Switzerland
Luns, Joseph M.A.H. International
Lutolf, Franz J.* Switzerland
MacDonald, Donald S.* Canada
MacLaury, Bruce K.* U.S.A.
Mahoney, David J. U.S.A.
Mathias, Charles McC., Jr. U.S.A.
McColough, C. Peter U.S.A.
Mertes, Alois Fed. Rep. of Germany
Mills, John L. United Kingdom
Mondale, Walter F. U.S.A.
Montbrial, Thierry de* France
Moursund, Tor Norway
Muller, Paul H. Switzerland
Netherlands, Prince Claus of the Netherlands
Niquille, P. F. Switzerland
Norlund, Niels* Denmark
Oswald, Heinrich Switzerland
Pipes, Richard U.S.A.
Prodi, Romano* Italy
Rockefeller, David** U.S.A.
Rogers, Bernard W. International
Roll of Ipsden, Lord** United Kingdom
Seidel, Hans Austria
Seilliere, Antoine* France
Silvestri, Stefano* Italy
Soames, Lord United Kingdom
Sommer, Theo* Fed. Rep. of Germany
Stein, Herbert U.S.A.
Taylor, Arthur R.* U.S.A.
Thorn, Gaston International
Toon, Malcolm U.S.A.
Umbricht, victor H.** Switzerland
Vatne, Hans Norway
Verdonnet, Jean-Francois Switzerland
Wallenberg, Marcus* Sweden
Wechmar, Baron R. von International
Werring, Niels, Jr.* Norway
Will, George F. U.S.A.
Wohlin, Lars Sweden
Yankelovich, Daniel U.S.A.
Z'Graggen, Andreas Switzerland
Getchell, Charles* U.S.A.
Winthrop, Grant F. U.S.A.
O'Connor, Patrick U.S.A.
Schwarzenberg, Prince Karl J. Austria
Gomes, Jose Luis Portugal
Hartmann, Hanno Fed. Rep. of Germany
Hoogendoorn, Anne Netherlands
McKechnie, Malcolm J. Canada
Muller, Charles U.S.A.
Reuter, Etienne Luxembourg
Roe, Raymond T. U.S.A.
Stoecker, F. Fed. Rep. of Germany
* Member of the Steering Committee
** Member of the Advisory Group
Source: George W. Ball Papers, Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library at
Princeton University
14-16 May 1982
Walter Scheel*
Former President of the Federal Republic of Germany
Victor Halberstadt*
Professor of Public Finance, Leyden University
Theodore L. Eliot, Jr.*
Dean, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University
Willem F. Duisenberg*
President, De Nederlandsche Bank N.V.
DEN Tage Andersen Managing Director and Chief Executive, Den Danske
USA Dwayne O. Andreas Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Archer
Daniels Midland Co.
AUS Hannes Androsch* Chairman of the Managing Board of Directors,
FRG Egon Bahr Member of Parliament; Author Working Paper, Session II
USA George W. Ball** Senior Managing Director, Lehman Brothers Kuhn
Loeb Inc.
GRE Maria Becket Former Advisor to Ministers of Coordination and
Foreign Affairs
USA Jack F. Bennett* Director and Senior Vice President, Exxon
FR Georges Berthoin European Chairman, The Trilateral Commission
INT Christoph Bertram* Director, The International Institute for
Strategic Studies; Author Working Paper
Session II
NETH Ernst H. van der Beugel** Professor of International Relations,
Leyden University; Director of Companies
TUR Selahattin Beyazit* Director of Companies
ICE Bjorn Bjarnason Political Journalist, Morgunbladid
NOR Gro Harlem Brundtland Member of Parliament, Former Prime Minister
AUS Erhard Busek Deputy Mayor of Vienna; Former Secretary General
GRE Costa Carras* Member of the Board, Union of Greek Shipowners
SPA Jaime Carvajal Urquijo Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Banco
FIN C. Fredrik K. Castren President and Chief Executive Officer, Kyml
Kymmene Oy
CAN Jean Chretien Minister of Justice and Attorney General
DEN Henning Christophersen Member of Parliament, Chairman of the
Foreign Affairs Committee
NETH Wisse Dekker President, Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken
CAN Paul Desmarais Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Power
Corporation of Canada
CAN William A. Dimma President, A.E. LePage Ltd. and Board Chairman,
Polysar Ltd.
USA Hermann F. Eilts University Professor of International Relations,
Research Professor of History and
Political Science, Boston University; Author Working Paper Session III
USA Murray H. Finley* President, Amalgamated Clothing and Textile
Workers Union
USA Paul B. Finney* Editorial Director, Thomson Magazines
FR Jean Francois-Poncet Former Minister of Foreign Affairs
NOR Knut Frydenlund Member of Parliament; Former Minister of Foreign
USA Evan G. Galbraith U.S. Ambassador to France
USA Charles Getchell* Lawyer and Trustee
USA Meg Greenfield Editorial Page Editor, The Washington Post
SWE Sten Gustafsson* Managing Director, SAB-SCANIA AB
ICE Geir Hallgrimsson* Member of Parliament, Former Prime Minister
SWI Fritz Halm Chairman of the Board of Directors, SIG Swiss
Industrial Company; Chairman,
Swiss Employers Union
USA Robert A. Hanson President and Chief Operating Officer, Deere &
USA Henry J. Heinz II** Chairman of the Board, H.J. Heinz Company;
President, American Friends of
Bilderberg, Inc.
FRG Alfred Herrhausen* Managing Director, Deutsche Bank AG
DEN Erik Hoffmeyer Chairman of the Board of Governors, Denmarks
USA Karen E. House Washington Correspondent, The Wall Street Journal
UK Robin Ibbs Executive Director, Imperial Chemical Industries; Former
Head, Central Policy
Review Staff, Cabinet Office
AUS Hans Igler* Partner, Schoeller & Co. Bankaktiengesellschaft
CAN H.N.R. Jackman Chairman of the Board, The Empire Life Insurance
USA Vernon E. Jordan, Jr.* Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld
(Attorneys-at-Law); Former President,
National Urban League
UK Elie Kedourie Professor of Politics, University of London; Author
Working Paper Session III
USA Henry A. Kissinger* Former Secretary of State; Professor, Center
for Strategic and International Studies,
Georgetown University
UK Andrew Knight* Editor, The Economist
FRG Helmut Kohl Chairman, CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group
INT Max Kohnstamm** Former President, European University Institute at
FR Philippe Lagayette Directeur de Cabinet, Ministry of Economic
Affairs and Finance; Author Working
Paper Session IV
BEL Baron Lambert* Chairman, Groupe Bruxelles Lambert S.A.
FRG Otto L. Graf Lambsdorff Minister of Economics
INT Jacques de Larosiere Managing Director, I.M.F.
UK Nigel Lawson Member of Parliament, Secretary of State for Energy
INT Emile van Lennep Secretary General, O.E.C.D.
GRE G.P. Livanos Membaer of the Board, Union of Greek Shipowners
USA Winston Lord* President, Council on Foreign Relations
INT Joseph M.A.H. Luns Secretary General, N.A.T.O.
SWI Franz Lutolf* General Manager and Member of the Executive Board,
Swiss Bank Corporation
CAN Donald S. MacDonald Senior Partner, McCarthy & McCarthy
USA Bruce K. MacLaury* President, The Brookings Institution
USA David J. Mahoney Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive
Officer, Norton Simon Inc.
FR Jacques Maisonrouge Chairman of the Board, I.B.M. World Trade
POR Rogerio Martins Chairman, "Simapre" Investment Company; Former
Secretary of State of Industry
NETH Hans A.F.M.O. van Mierlo Minister of Defense
FR Thierry de Montbrial* Director, French Institute of International
Relations; Professor of Economics, Ecole
NOR Tor Moursund Managing Director and Chief Executive, Christianla
Bank og Kreditkasse
NOR Einar Fr. Nagell-Erichsen Managing Director, Aftenposten/
NETH Prince Claus of the Netherlands
CAN James R. Nininger President, The Conference Board of Canada
DEN Niels Norlund* Editor-in-Chief, Berlingske Tidende
IT Piero Ostellino Columnist, Corriere della Sera
INT Sylvia Ostry Head, Department of Economics and Statistics,
O.E.C.D.; Author Working Paper
Sesion IV
UK David Owen Joint Leader of the Social Democratic Party, Member of
Parliament, Former
Foreign Secretary
TUR Haluk Ozgul Ambassador of Turkey in Norway
USA Robert L. Pfaltzgraff, Jr. Professor, Fletcher School of Law and
Diplomacy; Author Working Paper Session
USA Richard Pipes Senior Staff Member, National Security Council
(Baird Professor of History,
Harvard University, on leave)
FRG Karl Otto Pohl President, Deutsche Bundesbank
IT Romano Prodi* Professor of Industrial Economics, University of
USA James Roche Senior Deputy Director, Policy Planning Staff,
Department of State
USA David Rockefeller** Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank International
Advisory Committee
INT Bernard W. Rogers Supreme Allied Commander Europe
IT Virginio Rognoni Minister of Internal Affairs
UK Lord Roll of Ipsden** Chairman, S. G. Warburg & Co. Ltd.
USA Robert V. Roosa Senior Partner, Brown Brothers Harriman & Company
UK Sir John Sainsbury* Chairman, J. Sainsbury PLC
FR E. Antoine Seilliere Director General, Compagnie Generale
d'Industrie et de Participations
IT Stefano Silvestri* Deputy Director, Institute of International
USA William E. Simon Chairman, Crescent Diversified Ltd.; Former
Secretary of the Treasury; Author
Working Paper Session IV
BEL Henri F. Simonet Member of Parliament; Author Working Paper
Session I
NOR Anders C. Sjaastad Minister of Defense
NOR Hermod Skanland Deputy Governor of the Bank of Norway
UK Lord Soames
FRG Theo Sommer* Publisher, Die Zeit
NETH Andre S. Spoor Editor-in-Chief, NRC Handelsblad
NOR Thorvald Stoltenberg Member of the International Secretariat of
the Federation of Trade Unions
USA Robert S. Strauss Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld
(Attorneys-at-Law); Former U.S.
Special Trade Representative for Trade Negotiations
NOR Svenn Stray Minister of Foreign Affairs
SWE Bjorn Svedberg President, Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson
NOR Otto Grieg Tidemand Shipowner; Former Minister of Defense
TUR Metin Toker Columnist, Milliyet Newspaper
SWI Victor H. Umbricht** Mediator, East African Community; Member of
the Board of Ciba-Geigy Ltd.
POR Alexandre de Azeredo Vaz Pinto President, The Institute of Foreign
Investment; Former Minister of Commerce
USA Paul A. Volcker Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve
USA Ben J. Wattenberg Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute;
Author Working Paper Session I
NOR Niels Werring, Jr.* Senior Partner, Wilh. Wilhelmsen
USA Joseph H. Williams* Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive
Officer, The Williams Companies
NOR Kaare Willoch Prime Minister
SWE Lars Wohlin Governor, Swedish Federal Bank
FRG Otto Wolff von Amerongen Chairman of the Board of Management, Otto
Wolff A.G.
FRG Manfred Worner Member of Parliament, CDU/CSU; Author Working Paper
Session I
CAN Bernard C. Thillaye Director, Strategic Policy Planning,
Department of National Defense
AUS Georg Zimmer-Lehmann General Manager of Creditanstalt-Bankverein
IT Carlos Aritario Personal Advsor to Minister Rognoni
CAN Jacques Demers Special Advisor, Officer of the Minister of Justice
and Attorney General of Canada
FRG Hanno Hartmann Assistant to Mr. Walter Scheel
NETH Anne Hoogendoorn Executive Secretary, Bilderberg Meetings
FRG R.K. Lochner Accompanying Mr. Helmut Kohl as interpreter
USA Charles Muller Assistant Secretary, American Friends of
Bilderberag; President, Murden & Co.
FRG Guido Peruzzo Assistant to the Minister of Economics
INT Gianni Ravasio Assistant to Mr. Gaston Thorn
FRG Rudiger von Rosen Head, President's Office, Deutsche Bundesbank
FRG Folkmar Stoecker Assistant to Mr. Walter Scheel
FRG Horst Teltschik Head, Office of Mr. Helmut Kohl
USA Charles Getchell
USA Grant F. Winthrop
* Member of the Steering Committee
** Member of the Advisory Group
Source: George W. Ball Papers, Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library at
Princeton University
13-15 May 1983
Walter Scheel*
Former President of the Federal Republic of Germany
Victor Halberstadt*
Professor of Public Finance, Leyden University
Theodore L. Eliot, Jr.*
Dean, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University
Willem F. Duisenberg*
President, De Nederlandsche Bank N.V.
IT Umberto Agnelli Chairman, FIAT Auto S.p.A.; Vice-Chairman and
Managing Director IFI (Istituto
Finanziaro Industriale)
DEN Tage Andersen Managing Director and Chif Executive, Den Danske
USA Dwayne O. Andreas Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Archer-
Daniels-Midland Company
AUS Hannes Androsch* Chairman of the Management Board, Creditanstalt-
USA Hans H. Angermueller Vice Chairman, Citibank, N.A.
USA George W. Ball** Former Undersecretary of State
POR Francisco Pinto Balsemao Prime Minister ad Interim
FR Raymond Barre Former Prime Minister; Member of the National
IT Piero Bassetti President, Bassetti S.p.A.; Chairman of Chamber of
USA Jack F. Bennett* Senior Vice President & Director, EXXON
INT Georges Berthoin European Chairman, The Trilateral Commission
NETH Ernst H. van der Beugel** Professor of International Relations,
Leyden Uniersity; Director of Companies
TUR Selahattin Beyazit* Director of Companies
USA Seweryn Bialer Director, Research Institute on International
Change, Columbia University
TUR M. Nuri Birgi Former Ambassador to NATO
CAN Lise Bissonette Editor-in-Chief, Le Devoir
ICE Bjorn Bjarnason Political Journalist, Morgunbladid
NOR Halvdan Bjorum Chairman of the Board, A/S Elektrisk Bureau
CAN Conrad M. Black Chairman, Argus Corporation, Ltd.
NOR Gro Harlem Brundtland Parliamentary Leader, Labour Party
USA William P. Bundy** Editor-in-Chief, Foreign Affairs
GRE Costa Carras* Member of the Board, Union of Greek Shipowners
UK Lord Carrington Former Foreign Minister; Leader Conservative Party,
House of Lords
SPA Jaime Carvajal y Urquijo Chairman of the Board of Directors, Banco
FIN Fredrik Castren President and Chief Executive Officer, Kymi
Kymmene Oy; Chairman of the
Confederation of Finnish Industries
SPA Juan Luis Cebrian Editor-in-Chif, El Pais
DEN Henning Christophersen Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of
INT A. W. Clausen President, The World Bank
USA Kenneth W. Dam Deputy Secretary of State
INT Vicomte Etienne Davignon Vice President, Commission of the
European Communities
USA James Dobbins Deputy Assistant Secretary of State
USA Thomas R. Donahue Secretary-Treasurer, AFL-CIO
USA Elizabeth Drew Journalist
SWE Kjell-Olof Feldt Minister of Finance
SWE Anders Ferm Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Sweden to the United
USA Murray H. Finley* President, Amalgamated Clothing & Textile
Workers Union
USA Charles Getchell* Partner, Gray & Wendell (Attorneys-at-Law)
POR Bernardino Gomes Vice Chairman, Foundation for International
FR Alain Gomez Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Thomson Group
CAN Anthony G.S. Griffins** Director of Companies
USA Henry Anatole Grunwald Editor-in-Chief, TIME, Inc.
SWE Sten Gustafsson* Managing Director, SAAB-SCANIA AB
USA Arthur A. Hartman U.S. Ambassador to the U.S.S.R.
SWI Hans Heckmann General Manager, Union Bank of Switzerland
USA Henry J. Heinz II** Chairman, H.J. Heinz Company; President,
American Friends of Bildererg, Inc.
FRG Alfred Herrhausen* Managing Director, Deutsche Bank A.G.
USA Stanley Hoffmann Chairman, Center for European Studies, Harvard
USA Robert Hormats Vice President, Goldman Sachs & Company
BEL Jozef Houthuys President, Confederation of the Christian Unions
AUS Peter Jankowitsch Deputy Secretary General for Foreign Affairs
BEL Daniel E. Janssen* Chairman, Federation of elgian Enterprises;
Chairman Executive Committee,
U.C.B., S.A.
USA Vernon E. Jordan, Jr.* Partner, Akin, Gump, Srauss, Hauer & Feld;
Former President, National Urban
USA David Kearns Chairman, Xerox Corporation
USA Henry A. Kissinger* Former Secretary of State
UK Andrew Knight* Editor, The Economist
BEL Baron Lambert* Chairman, Groupe Bruxelles Lambert, S.A.
FRG Otto L. Graf Lambsdorff Minister of Economic Affairs
INT Alexandre Lamfalussy Assistant General Manager, Bank for
Interational Settlements
CAN Gilles Lamontagne Minister of Defense
INT Emile van Lennep Secretary-General, OECD
BEL Andre Leysen Chairman of the Board, AGFA-GEVAERT Group
USA Winston Lord* President, The Council on Foreign Relations, Inc.
NETH Ruud F.M. Lubbers Prime Minister
INT Joseph M.A.H. Luns Secretary-General, NATO
SWI Franz Lutolf* General Manager and Memer of the Executive Board,
Swiss Bank Corporation
CAN Donald S. Macdonald* Senior Partner, McCarthy & McCarthy
CAN Allan J. MacEachen Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State
for External Affaris
USA Bruce K. MacLaury President, The Brookings Institution
USA David Mahoney Chairman of the Board, Norton Simon Inc.
FR Jacques Maisonrouge Chairman of the Board, I.B.M. World Trade
POR Rogerio Martins Chairman, Simopre; Former Secretary of State for
CAN Leighton W. McCarthy President, McCarthy Securities Ltd.
USA R. Daniel McMichael Administrative Agent, Scaife Family Charitable
FRG Alois Mertes Minister of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
FR Thierry de Montbrial* Director, French Institute of International
Relations; Professor of Economics, Ecole
IT Mario Monti* Professor of Monetary Theory and Policy, University of
Bocconi, Milan; President,
CAN William D. Mulholland Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Bank
of Montreal
DEN Niels Norlund Editor-in-Chief, Berlingske Tidende
SWE Clas-Erik Odhner Economist at the Swedish Trade Union
NETH Coen J. Oort* Member of the Board, Algemene Bank Nederland N.V.
IRE Anthony J.F. O'Reilly President and Chief Executive Officer, H.J.
Heinz Company
GRE John D. Paleocrassas Member of Parliament; Former Minister of
Coordination; Secretary-General of
NEA Democratic Party
USA Richard Perle Assistant Secretary of Defense for International
Security Policy
CAN Alfred Powis Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Noranda Mines
SWI Raymond Probst Secretary of State, Federal Department of Foreign
CAN Jacques Rastoul Executive Director, Canadian Institute of
International Affairs
USA John P. Roche Professor, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy,
Tufts University
USA David Rockefeller** Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank International
Advisory Committee
INT Bernard W. Rogers Supreme Allied Commander Europe
UK Lord Roll of Ipsden** Chairman, S.G. Warburg & Co. Ltd.
UK Evelyn de Rothschild Chairman, N.M. Rothschild & Sons Ltd.
FRG Volker Ruhe Deputy Leader, Parliamentary Party CDU/CSU; Spokesman
on Foreign and
Security Policy
UK Sir John Sainsbury* Chairman, J. Sainsbury PLC
NETH Willem E. Scherpenhuijsen Rom Chairman of the Board of Managing
Directors, Nederlandsche Middenstandsbank
FRG Helmut Schmidt Former Chancellor of the Federal Republic of
FR Antoine Seilliere* Director-General, Compagnie Generale d'Industrie
et de Participations
NOR Anders C. Sjaastad Minister of Defense
FRG Theo Sommer* Publisher, Die Zeit
AUS Josef Taus Managing Partner, Constantia Industrieverwaltungsges.
CAN C.G.E. Theriault Vice-Chief of the Defnse Staff
CAN Pierre Elliott Trudeau Prime Minister
TUR Ilter Turkmen Minister of Foreign Affairs
USA Paul A. Volcker Chairman, Board of Governors, The Federal Reserve
NOR Niels Werring, Jr.* Senior Partner, Wilh. Wilhelmsen
SWE Hans Werthen Chairman, Ericsson and Electrolux Group
FRG Otto Wolff von Amerongen** Chairman of the Board of Management,
Otto Wolff A.G.; Chairman, German
Federation of Chambers of Industry and Commerce
SPA Juan A. Yanez-Barnuevo Director, Department of International
Affairs at the Office of the Prime Minister
IT Paolo Zannoni* Director, Department Political Analysis, FIAT S.p.A.
CAN Tom Axworthy Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister
CAN Joseph Caron Secretariat of Privy Council Office (Foreign and
Defense Policy)
FRG Hennecke Graf von Bassowitz Assistant to Mr. Scheel
FRG Hans-Henning Blomeyer Head, Office of Mr. Mertes
FRG Ulf Boge Head, Office of Mr. Scheel
INT Michael Dallas Head, Office of General Rogers
CAN Robert Fowler Assistant Secretary to the Cainet (Foreign and
Defense Policy)
POR Jose P. Luiz Gomes Diplomatic Advisor to Prime Minister ad interim
SWE Kai Hammerich Senior Vice President, SAAB SCANIA AB
FRG Thomas Hertz Head, Office of Graf Lambsdorff
NETH Anne Hoogendoorn Executive Secretary, Bilderberg Meetings
TUR Baki Ilkin Personal Assistant to Mr. Turkmen
CAN Ted Johnson Executive Assistant to the Prime Minister
CAN Kenzie MacKinnon Executive Assistant to the Secretary of State for
External Affairs
CAN Jim Mitchell Department of External Affairs (Policy Analysis)
USA Charles W. Muller President, Murden & Co.
CAN Michael Phillips Senior Departmental Assistant to the Secretary of
State for External Affairs
FRG Reinhardt Sturmer Assistant to Mr. Schmidt
CAN Bernard C. Thillaye Director, Strategic Policy Planning,
Department of National Defense
USA Grant F. Winthrop Joint Raporteur, Bilderberg Meetings
AUS Georg Zimmer-Lehmann Managing Director, Creditanstalt-Bankverein
* Member of the Steering Committee
** Member of the Advisory Group
Source: George W. Ball Papers, Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library at
Princeton University
11-13 May 1984
Walter Scheel*
Former President of the Federal Republic of Germany
Victor Halberstadt*
Professor of Public Finance, Leyden University
Theodore L. Eliot, Jr.*
Dean, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University
Conrad J. Oort*
Member of the Board, Algemene Bank Nederland N.V.
NOR Henrik Aasarod President, Norwegian Seamen's Union
USA Kenneth L. Adelman Director, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament
Agency, Department of State
ITA Giovanni Agnelli** President, FIAT S.p.A.
TUR Yildirim Akturk Former Under Secretary of State, Planning
USA Dwayne O. Andreas Chairman of the Board, Archer-Daniels Midland
Co., Inc.
AUS Hannes Androsch* Chairman of the Managing Board, Creditanstalt-
Bankverein; Former
Vice-Chancellor and Minister of Finance
USA Hans H. Angermueller Vice Chairman of the Board, Citicorp
USA George W. Ball** Former Under Secretary of State
POR Francisco Pinto Balsemao Former Prime Minister; Director "Jornal
UK John F.H. Baring Chairman, Baring Brothers & Co. Ltd.
NETH H.M. Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands
USA Jack F. Bennett* Diector and Senior Vice President, Exxon
USA C. Fred Bergsten Director, Institute for International Economics;
Former Assistant Secretary for
International Affairs, Department of the Treasury
FRG Christoph Bertram Political Editor, "Die Zeit"; Former Director,
International Institute for Strategic
Studies, London
NETH Ernst H. van der Beugel Professor of International Relations,
Leyden University; Director of Companies
TUR Selahattin Beyazit* Director of Companies
ICE Bjorn Bjarnason Political Editor, "Morgunbladid"
USA Nicholas Brady Chairman, Dillon, Read & Co., Inc.; Former U.S.
Senator (New Jersey)
CAN Albert A. Breton Professor of Economics, Institute for Policy
Analysis, University of Toronto
USA William P. Bundy** Editor, "Foreign Affairs"
USA Richard R. Burt Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs
USA Louis W. Cabot Chairman of the Board, The Cabot Corporation
GRE Angelos Canellopoulos Vice President, "Titan" Cement Co., S.A.;
Member of the Board, Union of Greek
GRE Costa Carras* Member of the Board, Union of Greek Shipowners
UK Lord Carrington Secretary-General-designate NATO
SPA Jaime Carvajal Urquijo Chairman, Banco Hispano Industrial
FRA Jean-Pierre Chevenement Member of the National Assembly; President
of CERES; Former Minister of
NETH H.R.H. Prince Claus of the Netherlands
CAN W. Harriet Critchley Associate Professor, Faculty of Social
Sciences, Department of Political Science,
University of Calgary
INT Vicomte Etienne Davignon Vice President, Commission of the
European Communities
NETH Wisse Dekker President, Philips' Gloeilampenfabrieken N.V.
CAN L.A. Delvoie Chairman, Task Force Work Group, Prime Minister's
Task Force on East-West
Relations and International Security
CAN David A. Dodge Assistant Deputy Minister, Strategic Planning,
Department of Employment and
UK James Eberle Director, The Royal Institute of International Affairs
DEN Uffe Ellemann-Jensen Minister of Foreign Affiairs
USA Thomas O. Enders U.S. Ambassador to Spain
IRE Garret Fitzgerald Prime Minister
LUX Colette Flesch Minister of Foreign Affairs
USA Murray H. Finley* President, Amalgamated Clothing and Textile
Workers Union AFL-CIO
NETH Max Geldens Director, McKinsey & Company Inc.
USA Charles Getchell* Partner, Gray & Wendell (Attorneys-at-Law);
Rapporteur, Bilderberg Meetings
SWE Sten Gustafsson* Chairman of the Board, Saab-Scania AB
ICE Geir Hallgrimsson* Minister of Foreign Affairs
CAN Charles H. Hantho President and Chief Executive officer, C-I-L
NOR H.R.H. Crown Prince Harald of Norway
UK Denis W. Healey Member of Parliament
USA Henry J. Heinz II** Chairman of the Board, H.J. Heinz Company,
FRG Alfred Herrhausen* Managing Director, Deutsche Bank A.G.
UK Michael Heseltine Secretary of State for Defence
AUS Gerald Hinteregger Secretary-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
USA John J. Horan Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Merck & Co.,
FIN Jaakko Iloniemi Member of the Management Board of the Union Bank
of Finland; Former
Ambassador of Finland to the U.S.
BEL Daniel E. Janssen* Chairman of the Executive Committee, U.C.B.,
SWI Robert A. Jeker President of the Executive Board, Credit Suisse
SWE Lennart Johansson President and Group Executive, AB SKF; Vice
Chairman of the Federation of
Swedish Industries
USA Vernon E. Jordan* Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld
(Attorneys-at-Law); Former President,
National Urban League
FRG Karlheinz Kaske President and Chief Executive Officer, Siemens
GRE Louka T. Katseli Scientific Director, Centre of Planning and
Economic Research
USA David T. Kearns President and Chief Executive Officer, Xerox
USA Henry A. Kissinger* Former Secretary of State; Professor, Center
for Strategic and International Studies,
Georgetown University
UK Andrew Knight* Editor, "The Economist"
INT Max Kohnstamm** Former President, European University Institute,
NOR Kare Kristiansen Minister of Petroleum and Energy
BEL Baron Lambert* Chairman, Groupe Bruxelles Lambert S.A.
FRG Otto Graf Lambsdorff Minister of Economic Affairs
INT Emile van Lennep Secretary-General, O.E.C.D.
USA Flora Lewis Foreign Affairs Columnist, The New York Times, Paris
BEL Andre Leysen Chairman, Federation of Belgian Enterprises;
Chairman, Agfa-Gevaert Group
SWE Assar Lindbeck Professor of International Economics, University of
USA Winston Lord* President, The Council on Foreign Relations, Inc.
NETH Aarnout A. Loudon President Board of Management, AKZO NV
INT Joseph M.A.H. Luns Secretary-General, NATO
SWI Franz Lutolf* General Manager and Member of the Executive Board,
Swiss Bank Corporation
CAN Donald S. Macdonald* Senior Partner, McCarthy & McCarthy;
Chairman, Royal Commission on the
Economic Union and Development Prospects for Canada
USA Bruce K. MacLaury* President, The Brookings Institution
USA David J. Mahoney David Mahoney Ventures
SPA Miguel Angel Martinez Member of Parliament and Vice President,
Foreign Affairs Committee
USA Charles McC. Mathias, Jr. United States Senator (Maryland)
FRA Thierry de Montbrial* Director, French Institute of International
Relations; Professor of Economics, Ecole
ITA Mario Monti* Professor of Monetary Theory and Policy, University
of Bocconi, Milan; President,
SWE Curt Nicolin Chairman of the Swedish Employers' Confederation
DEN Niels Norlund* Editor-in-Chief, "Berlingske Tidende"
FRA Christine Ockrent Editor-in-Chief, "Antenne II"
SWE Clas-Erick Odhner Head of the Research Section of the Swedish
Trade Union Confederation
INT Robert O'Neill Director, International Institute for Strategic
SWE Olof Palme Prime Minister
POR Andre Goncalves Pereira Professor of International Law, University
of Lisbon; Former Minister of Foreign
USA William B. Quandt Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution
UK John M. Raisman Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Shell U.K.
USA Alice M. Rivlin Director Economi