S.T.O.P. This isthe technique that pros like Mark Jenkins use when getting lost inthe wilderness without aGPS oraphone available. Itstands for stop, think, observe, and plan. Avoiding injury, getting clean water, and finding away back tocivilization are all priorities that could take longer than expected.
That’s why today, atBright Side, we’ve compiled afew practical tips that could come inhandy incase you’re lost out inthe wilderness.
1. Wrap aplastic bag around branches toharvest water.
Finding asource offresh water todrink isapriority when lost inthe wilderness. The time humans can survive without water depends onthe conditions. For reference, anathlete exercising hard inhot weather can dehydrate, overheat, and die over aperiod ofafew hours. Fortunately, using condensation toobtain fresh water isfairly easy. Bywrapping aZiploc (orany other plastic bag) around aleafy branch that isexposed tothe sun, you can have anunlimited supply offresh water.
2. Wrap your body with bubble wrap and/or leaves tokeep warm.
This may seem like animpractical tip, but packing bubble paper isextremely important when camping incold weather. Since bubble wrap keeps alayer ofair asabuffer, itacts asagreat insulator. It’s even used toinsulate windows during the winter. Ifyou forgot todothat, you can always use dry leaves asasubstitute. Research has shown that dry apple tree leaves, for example, improve thermal insulation.
3. Collect morning dew with ankle grass-bracelets.
This technique iscommonly used byAustralian aboriginal people who would walk long distances without carrying water. They would form aball ofdried grass oreven wrap itaround their ankles while walking before sunrise tocollect dew water.
4. Sleep inanelevated bed toavoid hypothermia.
Once you’ve managed tofind water, and since it’s always smart toavoid walking inthe darkness toprevent accidents, you’ll want tofind shelter ifyou have tospend the night inthe wilderness. Ifyou can’t find acave orany other way toprotect yourself from rain, you have tomake sure toinsulate your body from the cold ground bysleeping elevated, inorder toavoid hypothermia.
5. Rub your hands with pine needles toreduce mosquito bites.
Although nonatural remedy against mosquitoes works aseffectively asDDT, you can use natural remedies toavoid these potentially dangerous insects. Pine oil, for example, can act asadeterrent tomosquitos and certain types ofticks due toits smell. Burning leaves such ascitronella, could also repel insects.
6. Play dead when encountering big animals like grizzly bears.
When running into abear, the best thing todoisslowly back-step yourself out ofthe situation, since most ofthe times the bear isactually more afraid ofyou than you are ofit. Onthe other hand, during ablack bear attack, fighting back isagood idea, but agrizzly bear ismuch larger and more powerful, sothe best chance ofsurvival istocurl upinaball and play dead.
7. Cross where the water isdeep and slow, instead ofwhere it’s shallower and moving faster.
Crossing ariver might seem easy, but you actually have todoitcarefully. The safest places tocross are often straight sections between river bends. The swifter the current, the shallower itneeds tobetosafely cross. You can always throw astick intosee how swift the currentis, but incase you have doubts, remember that it’s better tocross deep, slow water, than swift and shallow water. Ifyou docross, always face upstream, with the water flowing toward you, and lean forward slightly, keeping your feet shoulder-width apart. Bending your knees tolower your center ofgravity and having athird point ofcontact can ensure your safety ifyou’re crossing alone.
8. Carve ice into alens-like sphere tocreate fire.
Aclear ice block, that isabout 5cm thick, can beturned into alens tocreate afire using the same technique that you’d use with amagnifying glass. The trick istocreate aconvex lens (thinner around the edges and thicker inthe middle). Then smooth the surface with your hands totune upthe efficiency ofthe ice lens.
9. Collect wet leaves toburn them and create smoke signals.
Once you’ve found water, shelter, and fire, your priority should betoreduce the time you’ll spend inthe wilderness. Using asmoke signal could save your life. Once you’ve started afire, you’ll want tocreate asmuch smoke aspossible. This can bedone byusing wet leaves. Then, use awet blanket orbig leaves tosection the smoke column into 3puffs. Ifanairplane oraboat sees your smoke signal, they won’t confuse itfor awildfire. The 3-puff smoke column isaNative American and aBoy Scout emergency code.
10. Use ash asdisinfectant towash your hands.
Hygiene might seem like the least ofyour concerns when you’re lost inthe wilderness. However, itmight happen that you need disinfect your hands, toheal yourself when performing minor operations. Ash, for along time, has been neglected asanalternative tosoap. When lost inthe wilderness, ashes from campfires can beused since, according tothis study, they are asefficient assoap.
Bonus: Ignore survival myths like drinking pee ormoss only growing North.
Drinking pee orusing moss asaguide when lost are afew myths made popular bymovies. Unfortunately, both are wrong. Despite the fact that pee ismore orless sterile ifyour kidneys are healthy, the whole point ofurinating isfor the your body tofilter excess salts and minerals from the blood. Drinking itagain, could make your kidneys have towork harder and make you thirstier due toits sodium content. Asfor the moss growing North myth, moss istuned for survival. Itgrows wherever it’s damp and not sunny. Insome places inthe Northern Hemisphere, this happens tobeNorth, but itdoesn’t have tobethat way. Inthe Southern Hemisphere, moss grows tothe South.
Tips may vary depending onthe climate ofyour destination. Doyou have any tips that could behelpful for our readers? What other survival myths doyou think should bedebunked?